/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "ApplicationCacheHost.h" #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size #include "Archive.h" #include "ArchiveFactory.h" #endif #include "CString.h" #include "Cache.h" #include "CachedPage.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "DOMImplementation.h" #include "DOMWindow.h" #include "DocLoader.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EditorClient.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "FormState.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoadRequest.h" #include "FrameLoaderClient.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HTMLAppletElement.h" #include "HTMLFormElement.h" #include "HTMLFrameElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLObjectElement.h" #include "HTTPParsers.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "IconDatabase.h" #include "IconLoader.h" #include "InspectorController.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MIMETypeRegistry.h" #include "MainResourceLoader.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageCache.h" #include "PageGroup.h" #include "PlaceholderDocument.h" #include "PluginData.h" #include "PluginDocument.h" #include "ProgressTracker.h" #include "RenderPart.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "RenderWidget.h" #include "ResourceHandle.h" #include "ResourceRequest.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "ScriptSourceCode.h" #include "ScriptString.h" #include "ScriptValue.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include "SegmentedString.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SharedWorkerRepository.h" #include "TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "WindowFeatures.h" #include "XMLHttpRequest.h" #include "XMLTokenizer.h" #include "XSSAuditor.h" #include #include #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGDocument.h" #include "SVGLocatable.h" #include "SVGNames.h" #include "SVGPreserveAspectRatio.h" #include "SVGSVGElement.h" #include "SVGViewElement.h" #include "SVGViewSpec.h" #endif #ifdef ANDROID_INSTRUMENT #include "TimeCounter.h" #include "RenderArena.h" #endif #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) #include "WebCoreFrameBridge.h" #endif namespace WebCore { #if ENABLE(SVG) using namespace SVGNames; #endif using namespace HTMLNames; struct ScheduledRedirection { enum Type { redirection, locationChange, historyNavigation, formSubmission }; const Type type; const double delay; const String url; const String referrer; const FrameLoadRequest frameRequest; const RefPtr event; const RefPtr formState; const int historySteps; const bool lockHistory; const bool lockBackForwardList; const bool wasUserGesture; const bool wasRefresh; const bool wasDuringLoad; ScheduledRedirection(double delay, const String& url, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, bool wasUserGesture, bool refresh) : type(redirection) , delay(delay) , url(url) , historySteps(0) , lockHistory(lockHistory) , lockBackForwardList(lockBackForwardList) , wasUserGesture(wasUserGesture) , wasRefresh(refresh) , wasDuringLoad(false) { ASSERT(!url.isEmpty()); } ScheduledRedirection(const String& url, const String& referrer, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, bool wasUserGesture, bool refresh, bool duringLoad) : type(locationChange) , delay(0) , url(url) , referrer(referrer) , historySteps(0) , lockHistory(lockHistory) , lockBackForwardList(lockBackForwardList) , wasUserGesture(wasUserGesture) , wasRefresh(refresh) , wasDuringLoad(duringLoad) { ASSERT(!url.isEmpty()); } explicit ScheduledRedirection(int historyNavigationSteps) : type(historyNavigation) , delay(0) , historySteps(historyNavigationSteps) , lockHistory(false) , lockBackForwardList(false) , wasUserGesture(false) , wasRefresh(false) , wasDuringLoad(false) { } ScheduledRedirection(const FrameLoadRequest& frameRequest, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, PassRefPtr event, PassRefPtr formState, bool duringLoad) : type(formSubmission) , delay(0) , frameRequest(frameRequest) , event(event) , formState(formState) , historySteps(0) , lockHistory(lockHistory) , lockBackForwardList(lockBackForwardList) , wasUserGesture(false) , wasRefresh(false) , wasDuringLoad(duringLoad) { ASSERT(!frameRequest.isEmpty()); ASSERT(this->formState); } }; #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) static const char defaultAcceptHeader[] = "application/xml,application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml,application/xhtml+xml;profile='http://www.wapforum.org/xhtml',text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"; #else static const char defaultAcceptHeader[] = "application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"; #endif static double storedTimeOfLastCompletedLoad; static FrameLoader::LocalLoadPolicy localLoadPolicy = FrameLoader::AllowLocalLoadsForLocalOnly; bool isBackForwardLoadType(FrameLoadType type) { switch (type) { case FrameLoadTypeStandard: case FrameLoadTypeReload: case FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin: case FrameLoadTypeSame: case FrameLoadTypeRedirectWithLockedBackForwardList: case FrameLoadTypeReplace: return false; case FrameLoadTypeBack: case FrameLoadTypeBackWMLDeckNotAccessible: case FrameLoadTypeForward: case FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward: return true; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } static int numRequests(Document* document) { if (!document) return 0; return document->docLoader()->requestCount(); } static inline bool canReferToParentFrameEncoding(const Frame* frame, const Frame* parentFrame) { return parentFrame && parentFrame->document()->securityOrigin()->canAccess(frame->document()->securityOrigin()); } FrameLoader::FrameLoader(Frame* frame, FrameLoaderClient* client) : m_frame(frame) , m_client(client) , m_state(FrameStateCommittedPage) , m_loadType(FrameLoadTypeStandard) , m_policyLoadType(FrameLoadTypeStandard) , m_delegateIsHandlingProvisionalLoadError(false) , m_delegateIsDecidingNavigationPolicy(false) , m_delegateIsHandlingUnimplementablePolicy(false) , m_firstLayoutDone(false) , m_quickRedirectComing(false) , m_sentRedirectNotification(false) , m_inStopAllLoaders(false) , m_isExecutingJavaScriptFormAction(false) , m_isRunningScript(false) , m_didCallImplicitClose(false) , m_wasUnloadEventEmitted(false) , m_unloadEventBeingDispatched(false) , m_isComplete(false) , m_isLoadingMainResource(false) , m_cancellingWithLoadInProgress(false) , m_needsClear(false) , m_receivedData(false) , m_encodingWasChosenByUser(false) , m_containsPlugIns(false) , m_redirectionTimer(this, &FrameLoader::redirectionTimerFired) , m_checkCompletedTimer(this, &FrameLoader::checkCompletedTimerFired) , m_checkLoadCompleteTimer(this, &FrameLoader::checkLoadCompleteTimerFired) , m_opener(0) , m_openedByDOM(false) , m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument(false) , m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument(false) , m_committedFirstRealDocumentLoad(false) , m_didPerformFirstNavigation(false) , m_loadingFromCachedPage(false) #ifndef NDEBUG , m_didDispatchDidCommitLoad(false) #endif { } FrameLoader::~FrameLoader() { setOpener(0); HashSet::iterator end = m_openedFrames.end(); for (HashSet::iterator it = m_openedFrames.begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->loader()->m_opener = 0; m_client->frameLoaderDestroyed(); } void FrameLoader::init() { // this somewhat odd set of steps is needed to give the frame an initial empty document m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument = false; m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument = true; setPolicyDocumentLoader(m_client->createDocumentLoader(ResourceRequest(KURL("")), SubstituteData()).get()); setProvisionalDocumentLoader(m_policyDocumentLoader.get()); setState(FrameStateProvisional); m_provisionalDocumentLoader->setResponse(ResourceResponse(KURL(), "text/html", 0, String(), String())); m_provisionalDocumentLoader->finishedLoading(); begin(KURL(), false); end(); m_frame->document()->cancelParsing(); m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument = false; m_didCallImplicitClose = true; } void FrameLoader::setDefersLoading(bool defers) { if (m_documentLoader) m_documentLoader->setDefersLoading(defers); if (m_provisionalDocumentLoader) m_provisionalDocumentLoader->setDefersLoading(defers); if (m_policyDocumentLoader) m_policyDocumentLoader->setDefersLoading(defers); } Frame* FrameLoader::createWindow(FrameLoader* frameLoaderForFrameLookup, const FrameLoadRequest& request, const WindowFeatures& features, bool& created) { ASSERT(!features.dialog || request.frameName().isEmpty()); if (!request.frameName().isEmpty() && request.frameName() != "_blank") { Frame* frame = frameLoaderForFrameLookup->frame()->tree()->find(request.frameName()); if (frame && shouldAllowNavigation(frame)) { if (!request.resourceRequest().url().isEmpty()) frame->loader()->loadFrameRequest(request, false, false, 0, 0); if (Page* page = frame->page()) page->chrome()->focus(); created = false; return frame; } } // FIXME: Setting the referrer should be the caller's responsibility. FrameLoadRequest requestWithReferrer = request; requestWithReferrer.resourceRequest().setHTTPReferrer(m_outgoingReferrer); addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(requestWithReferrer.resourceRequest(), outgoingOrigin()); Page* oldPage = m_frame->page(); if (!oldPage) return 0; Page* page = oldPage->chrome()->createWindow(m_frame, requestWithReferrer, features); if (!page) return 0; Frame* frame = page->mainFrame(); if (request.frameName() != "_blank") frame->tree()->setName(request.frameName()); page->chrome()->setToolbarsVisible(features.toolBarVisible || features.locationBarVisible); page->chrome()->setStatusbarVisible(features.statusBarVisible); page->chrome()->setScrollbarsVisible(features.scrollbarsVisible); page->chrome()->setMenubarVisible(features.menuBarVisible); page->chrome()->setResizable(features.resizable); // 'x' and 'y' specify the location of the window, while 'width' and 'height' // specify the size of the page. We can only resize the window, so // adjust for the difference between the window size and the page size. FloatRect windowRect = page->chrome()->windowRect(); FloatSize pageSize = page->chrome()->pageRect().size(); if (features.xSet) windowRect.setX(features.x); if (features.ySet) windowRect.setY(features.y); if (features.widthSet) windowRect.setWidth(features.width + (windowRect.width() - pageSize.width())); if (features.heightSet) windowRect.setHeight(features.height + (windowRect.height() - pageSize.height())); page->chrome()->setWindowRect(windowRect); page->chrome()->show(); created = true; return frame; } bool FrameLoader::canHandleRequest(const ResourceRequest& request) { return m_client->canHandleRequest(request); } void FrameLoader::changeLocation(const KURL& url, const String& referrer, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, bool userGesture, bool refresh) { RefPtr protect(m_frame); ResourceRequest request(url, referrer, refresh ? ReloadIgnoringCacheData : UseProtocolCachePolicy); if (executeIfJavaScriptURL(request.url(), userGesture)) return; urlSelected(request, "_self", 0, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, userGesture); } void FrameLoader::urlSelected(const ResourceRequest& request, const String& passedTarget, PassRefPtr triggeringEvent, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, bool userGesture) { if (executeIfJavaScriptURL(request.url(), userGesture, false)) return; String target = passedTarget; if (target.isEmpty()) target = m_frame->document()->baseTarget(); FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(request, target); if (frameRequest.resourceRequest().httpReferrer().isEmpty()) frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPReferrer(m_outgoingReferrer); addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(frameRequest.resourceRequest(), outgoingOrigin()); loadFrameRequest(frameRequest, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, triggeringEvent, 0); } bool FrameLoader::requestFrame(HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName) { // Support for KURL scriptURL; KURL url; if (protocolIsJavaScript(urlString)) { scriptURL = completeURL(urlString); // completeURL() encodes the URL. url = blankURL(); } else url = completeURL(urlString); Frame* frame = ownerElement->contentFrame(); if (frame) frame->loader()->scheduleLocationChange(url.string(), m_outgoingReferrer, true, true, isProcessingUserGesture()); else frame = loadSubframe(ownerElement, url, frameName, m_outgoingReferrer); if (!frame) return false; if (!scriptURL.isEmpty()) frame->loader()->executeIfJavaScriptURL(scriptURL); return true; } Frame* FrameLoader::loadSubframe(HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, const KURL& url, const String& name, const String& referrer) { bool allowsScrolling = true; int marginWidth = -1; int marginHeight = -1; if (ownerElement->hasTagName(frameTag) || ownerElement->hasTagName(iframeTag)) { HTMLFrameElementBase* o = static_cast(ownerElement); allowsScrolling = o->scrollingMode() != ScrollbarAlwaysOff; marginWidth = o->getMarginWidth(); marginHeight = o->getMarginHeight(); } if (!canLoad(url, referrer)) { FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, url.string()); return 0; } bool hideReferrer = shouldHideReferrer(url, referrer); RefPtr frame = m_client->createFrame(url, name, ownerElement, hideReferrer ? String() : referrer, allowsScrolling, marginWidth, marginHeight); if (!frame) { checkCallImplicitClose(); return 0; } frame->loader()->m_isComplete = false; RenderObject* renderer = ownerElement->renderer(); FrameView* view = frame->view(); if (renderer && renderer->isWidget() && view) toRenderWidget(renderer)->setWidget(view); checkCallImplicitClose(); // In these cases, the synchronous load would have finished // before we could connect the signals, so make sure to send the // completed() signal for the child by hand // FIXME: In this case the Frame will have finished loading before // it's being added to the child list. It would be a good idea to // create the child first, then invoke the loader separately. if (url.isEmpty() || url == blankURL()) { frame->loader()->completed(); frame->loader()->checkCompleted(); } return frame.get(); } void FrameLoader::submitForm(const char* action, const String& url, PassRefPtr formData, const String& target, const String& contentType, const String& boundary, bool lockHistory, PassRefPtr event, PassRefPtr formState) { ASSERT(action); ASSERT(strcmp(action, "GET") == 0 || strcmp(action, "POST") == 0); ASSERT(formData); ASSERT(formState); ASSERT(formState->sourceFrame() == m_frame); if (!m_frame->page()) return; KURL u = completeURL(url.isNull() ? "" : url); if (u.isEmpty()) return; if (protocolIsJavaScript(u)) { m_isExecutingJavaScriptFormAction = true; executeIfJavaScriptURL(u, false, false); m_isExecutingJavaScriptFormAction = false; return; } FrameLoadRequest frameRequest; String targetOrBaseTarget = target.isEmpty() ? m_frame->document()->baseTarget() : target; Frame* targetFrame = findFrameForNavigation(targetOrBaseTarget); if (!targetFrame) { targetFrame = m_frame; frameRequest.setFrameName(targetOrBaseTarget); } if (!targetFrame->page()) return; // FIXME: We'd like to remove this altogether and fix the multiple form submission issue another way. // We do not want to submit more than one form from the same page, nor do we want to submit a single // form more than once. This flag prevents these from happening; not sure how other browsers prevent this. // The flag is reset in each time we start handle a new mouse or key down event, and // also in setView since this part may get reused for a page from the back/forward cache. // The form multi-submit logic here is only needed when we are submitting a form that affects this frame. // FIXME: Frame targeting is only one of the ways the submission could end up doing something other // than replacing this frame's content, so this check is flawed. On the other hand, the check is hardly // needed any more now that we reset m_submittedFormURL on each mouse or key down event. if (m_frame->tree()->isDescendantOf(targetFrame)) { if (m_submittedFormURL == u) return; m_submittedFormURL = u; } formData->generateFiles(m_frame->page()->chrome()->client()); if (!m_outgoingReferrer.isEmpty()) frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPReferrer(m_outgoingReferrer); if (strcmp(action, "GET") == 0) u.setQuery(formData->flattenToString()); else { frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPMethod("POST"); frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPBody(formData); // construct some user headers if necessary if (contentType.isNull() || contentType == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPContentType(contentType); else // contentType must be "multipart/form-data" frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPContentType(contentType + "; boundary=" + boundary); } frameRequest.resourceRequest().setURL(u); addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(frameRequest.resourceRequest(), outgoingOrigin()); targetFrame->loader()->scheduleFormSubmission(frameRequest, lockHistory, event, formState); } void FrameLoader::stopLoading(bool sendUnload, DatabasePolicy databasePolicy) { if (m_frame->document() && m_frame->document()->tokenizer()) m_frame->document()->tokenizer()->stopParsing(); if (sendUnload) { if (m_frame->document()) { if (m_didCallImplicitClose && !m_wasUnloadEventEmitted) { Node* currentFocusedNode = m_frame->document()->focusedNode(); if (currentFocusedNode) currentFocusedNode->aboutToUnload(); m_unloadEventBeingDispatched = true; if (m_frame->domWindow()) m_frame->domWindow()->dispatchUnloadEvent(); m_unloadEventBeingDispatched = false; if (m_frame->document()) m_frame->document()->updateStyleIfNeeded(); m_wasUnloadEventEmitted = true; } } // Dispatching the unload event could have made m_frame->document() null. if (m_frame->document() && !m_frame->document()->inPageCache()) m_frame->document()->removeAllEventListeners(); } m_isComplete = true; // to avoid calling completed() in finishedParsing() (David) m_isLoadingMainResource = false; m_didCallImplicitClose = true; // don't want that one either if (m_frame->document() && m_frame->document()->parsing()) { finishedParsing(); m_frame->document()->setParsing(false); } m_workingURL = KURL(); if (Document* doc = m_frame->document()) { if (DocLoader* docLoader = doc->docLoader()) cache()->loader()->cancelRequests(docLoader); #if ENABLE(DATABASE) if (databasePolicy == DatabasePolicyStop) doc->stopDatabases(); #endif } // tell all subframes to stop as well for (Frame* child = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) child->loader()->stopLoading(sendUnload); cancelRedirection(); } void FrameLoader::stop() { // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10854 // The frame's last ref may be removed and it will be deleted by checkCompleted(). RefPtr protector(m_frame); if (m_frame->document()->tokenizer()) m_frame->document()->tokenizer()->stopParsing(); m_frame->document()->finishParsing(); if (m_iconLoader) m_iconLoader->stopLoading(); } bool FrameLoader::closeURL() { saveDocumentState(); stopLoading(true); m_frame->editor()->clearUndoRedoOperations(); return true; } void FrameLoader::cancelRedirection(bool cancelWithLoadInProgress) { m_cancellingWithLoadInProgress = cancelWithLoadInProgress; stopRedirectionTimer(); m_scheduledRedirection.clear(); } KURL FrameLoader::iconURL() { // If this isn't a top level frame, return nothing if (m_frame->tree() && m_frame->tree()->parent()) return KURL(); // If we have an iconURL from a Link element, return that if (!m_frame->document()->iconURL().isEmpty()) return KURL(m_frame->document()->iconURL()); // Don't return a favicon iconURL unless we're http or https if (!m_URL.protocolInHTTPFamily()) return KURL(); KURL url; url.setProtocol(m_URL.protocol()); url.setHost(m_URL.host()); if (int port = m_URL.port()) url.setPort(port); url.setPath("/favicon.ico"); return url; } bool FrameLoader::didOpenURL(const KURL& url) { if (m_scheduledRedirection && m_scheduledRedirection->wasDuringLoad) { // A redirect was scheduled before the document was created. // This can happen when one frame changes another frame's location. return false; } cancelRedirection(); m_frame->editor()->clearLastEditCommand(); closeURL(); m_isComplete = false; m_isLoadingMainResource = true; m_didCallImplicitClose = false; // If we are still in the process of initializing an empty document then // its frame is not in a consistent state for rendering, so avoid setJSStatusBarText // since it may cause clients to attempt to render the frame. if (!m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument) { m_frame->setJSStatusBarText(String()); m_frame->setJSDefaultStatusBarText(String()); } m_URL = url; if (m_URL.protocolInHTTPFamily() && !m_URL.host().isEmpty() && m_URL.path().isEmpty()) m_URL.setPath("/"); m_workingURL = m_URL; started(); return true; } void FrameLoader::didExplicitOpen() { m_isComplete = false; m_didCallImplicitClose = false; // Calling document.open counts as committing the first real document load. m_committedFirstRealDocumentLoad = true; // Prevent window.open(url) -- eg window.open("about:blank") -- from blowing away results // from a subsequent window.document.open / window.document.write call. // Cancelling redirection here works for all cases because document.open // implicitly precedes document.write. cancelRedirection(); if (m_frame->document()->url() != blankURL()) m_URL = m_frame->document()->url(); } bool FrameLoader::executeIfJavaScriptURL(const KURL& url, bool userGesture, bool replaceDocument) { if (!protocolIsJavaScript(url)) return false; if (m_frame->page() && !m_frame->page()->javaScriptURLsAreAllowed()) return true; const int javascriptSchemeLength = sizeof("javascript:") - 1; String script = decodeURLEscapeSequences(url.string().substring(javascriptSchemeLength)); ScriptValue result = executeScript(script, userGesture); String scriptResult; if (!result.getString(scriptResult)) return true; SecurityOrigin* currentSecurityOrigin = m_frame->document()->securityOrigin(); // FIXME: We should always replace the document, but doing so // synchronously can cause crashes: // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16782 if (replaceDocument) { stopAllLoaders(); begin(m_URL, true, currentSecurityOrigin); write(scriptResult); end(); } return true; } ScriptValue FrameLoader::executeScript(const String& script, bool forceUserGesture) { return executeScript(ScriptSourceCode(script, forceUserGesture ? KURL() : m_URL)); } ScriptValue FrameLoader::executeScript(const ScriptSourceCode& sourceCode) { if (!m_frame->script()->isEnabled() || m_frame->script()->isPaused()) return ScriptValue(); bool wasRunningScript = m_isRunningScript; m_isRunningScript = true; ScriptValue result = m_frame->script()->evaluate(sourceCode); if (!wasRunningScript) { m_isRunningScript = false; Document::updateStyleForAllDocuments(); } return result; } void FrameLoader::cancelAndClear() { cancelRedirection(); if (!m_isComplete) closeURL(); clear(false); m_frame->script()->updatePlatformScriptObjects(); } void FrameLoader::clear(bool clearWindowProperties, bool clearScriptObjects) { m_frame->editor()->clear(); if (!m_needsClear) return; m_needsClear = false; if (!m_frame->document()->inPageCache()) { m_frame->document()->cancelParsing(); m_frame->document()->stopActiveDOMObjects(); if (m_frame->document()->attached()) { m_frame->document()->willRemove(); m_frame->document()->detach(); m_frame->document()->removeFocusedNodeOfSubtree(m_frame->document()); } } // Do this after detaching the document so that the unload event works. if (clearWindowProperties) { m_frame->clearDOMWindow(); m_frame->script()->clearWindowShell(); } m_frame->selection()->clear(); m_frame->eventHandler()->clear(); if (m_frame->view()) m_frame->view()->clear(); m_frame->setSelectionGranularity(CharacterGranularity); // Do not drop the document before the ScriptController and view are cleared // as some destructors might still try to access the document. m_frame->setDocument(0); m_decoder = 0; m_containsPlugIns = false; if (clearScriptObjects) m_frame->script()->clearScriptObjects(); m_redirectionTimer.stop(); m_scheduledRedirection.clear(); m_checkCompletedTimer.stop(); m_checkLoadCompleteTimer.stop(); m_receivedData = false; m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument = false; if (!m_encodingWasChosenByUser) m_encoding = String(); } void FrameLoader::receivedFirstData() { begin(m_workingURL, false); dispatchDidCommitLoad(); dispatchWindowObjectAvailable(); if (m_documentLoader) { String ptitle = m_documentLoader->title(); // If we have a title let the WebView know about it. if (!ptitle.isNull()) m_client->dispatchDidReceiveTitle(ptitle); } m_workingURL = KURL(); double delay; String url; if (!m_documentLoader) return; if (!parseHTTPRefresh(m_documentLoader->response().httpHeaderField("Refresh"), false, delay, url)) return; if (url.isEmpty()) url = m_URL.string(); else url = m_frame->document()->completeURL(url).string(); scheduleHTTPRedirection(delay, url); } const String& FrameLoader::responseMIMEType() const { return m_responseMIMEType; } void FrameLoader::setResponseMIMEType(const String& type) { m_responseMIMEType = type; } void FrameLoader::begin() { begin(KURL()); } void FrameLoader::begin(const KURL& url, bool dispatch, SecurityOrigin* origin) { // We need to take a reference to the security origin because |clear| // might destroy the document that owns it. RefPtr forcedSecurityOrigin = origin; RefPtr document; // Create a new document before clearing the frame, because it may need to inherit an aliased security context. if (!m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument && m_client->shouldUsePluginDocument(m_responseMIMEType)) document = PluginDocument::create(m_frame); else if (!m_client->hasHTMLView()) document = PlaceholderDocument::create(m_frame); else document = DOMImplementation::createDocument(m_responseMIMEType, m_frame, m_frame->inViewSourceMode()); bool resetScripting = !(m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument && m_frame->document()->securityOrigin()->isSecureTransitionTo(url)); clear(resetScripting, resetScripting); if (resetScripting) m_frame->script()->updatePlatformScriptObjects(); m_needsClear = true; m_isComplete = false; m_didCallImplicitClose = false; m_isLoadingMainResource = true; m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument = m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument; KURL ref(url); ref.setUser(String()); ref.setPass(String()); ref.removeFragmentIdentifier(); m_outgoingReferrer = ref.string(); m_URL = url; m_frame->setDocument(document); document->setURL(m_URL); if (m_decoder) document->setDecoder(m_decoder.get()); if (forcedSecurityOrigin) document->setSecurityOrigin(forcedSecurityOrigin.get()); m_frame->domWindow()->setURL(document->url()); m_frame->domWindow()->setSecurityOrigin(document->securityOrigin()); if (dispatch) dispatchWindowObjectAvailable(); updateFirstPartyForCookies(); Settings* settings = document->settings(); document->docLoader()->setAutoLoadImages(settings && settings->loadsImagesAutomatically()); #ifdef ANDROID_BLOCK_NETWORK_IMAGE document->docLoader()->setBlockNetworkImage(settings && settings->blockNetworkImage()); #endif if (m_documentLoader) { String dnsPrefetchControl = m_documentLoader->response().httpHeaderField("X-DNS-Prefetch-Control"); if (!dnsPrefetchControl.isEmpty()) document->parseDNSPrefetchControlHeader(dnsPrefetchControl); } #if FRAME_LOADS_USER_STYLESHEET KURL userStyleSheet = settings ? settings->userStyleSheetLocation() : KURL(); if (!userStyleSheet.isEmpty()) m_frame->setUserStyleSheetLocation(userStyleSheet); #endif restoreDocumentState(); document->implicitOpen(); if (m_frame->view() && m_client->hasHTMLView()) m_frame->view()->setContentsSize(IntSize()); } void FrameLoader::write(const char* str, int len, bool flush) { if (len == 0 && !flush) return; if (len == -1) len = strlen(str); Tokenizer* tokenizer = m_frame->document()->tokenizer(); if (tokenizer && tokenizer->wantsRawData()) { if (len > 0) tokenizer->writeRawData(str, len); return; } if (!m_decoder) { if (Settings* settings = m_frame->settings()) { m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create(m_responseMIMEType, settings->defaultTextEncodingName(), settings->usesEncodingDetector()); Frame* parentFrame = m_frame->tree()->parent(); // Set the hint encoding to the parent frame encoding only if // the parent and the current frames share the security origin. // We impose this condition because somebody can make a child frame // containing a carefully crafted html/javascript in one encoding // that can be mistaken for hintEncoding (or related encoding) by // an auto detector. When interpreted in the latter, it could be // an attack vector. // FIXME: This might be too cautious for non-7bit-encodings and // we may consider relaxing this later after testing. if (canReferToParentFrameEncoding(m_frame, parentFrame)) m_decoder->setHintEncoding(parentFrame->document()->decoder()); } else m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create(m_responseMIMEType, String()); Frame* parentFrame = m_frame->tree()->parent(); if (m_encoding.isEmpty()) { if (canReferToParentFrameEncoding(m_frame, parentFrame)) m_decoder->setEncoding(parentFrame->document()->inputEncoding(), TextResourceDecoder::EncodingFromParentFrame); } else { m_decoder->setEncoding(m_encoding, m_encodingWasChosenByUser ? TextResourceDecoder::UserChosenEncoding : TextResourceDecoder::EncodingFromHTTPHeader); } m_frame->document()->setDecoder(m_decoder.get()); } String decoded = m_decoder->decode(str, len); if (flush) decoded += m_decoder->flush(); if (decoded.isEmpty()) return; if (!m_receivedData) { m_receivedData = true; if (m_decoder->encoding().usesVisualOrdering()) m_frame->document()->setVisuallyOrdered(); m_frame->document()->recalcStyle(Node::Force); } if (tokenizer) { ASSERT(!tokenizer->wantsRawData()); tokenizer->write(decoded, true); } } void FrameLoader::write(const String& str) { if (str.isNull()) return; if (!m_receivedData) { m_receivedData = true; m_frame->document()->setParseMode(Document::Strict); } if (Tokenizer* tokenizer = m_frame->document()->tokenizer()) tokenizer->write(str, true); } void FrameLoader::end() { m_isLoadingMainResource = false; endIfNotLoadingMainResource(); } void FrameLoader::endIfNotLoadingMainResource() { if (m_isLoadingMainResource || !m_frame->page() || !m_frame->document()) return; // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10854 // The frame's last ref may be removed and it can be deleted by checkCompleted(), // so we'll add a protective refcount RefPtr protector(m_frame); // make sure nothing's left in there write(0, 0, true); m_frame->document()->finishParsing(); } void FrameLoader::iconLoadDecisionAvailable() { if (!m_mayLoadIconLater) return; LOG(IconDatabase, "FrameLoader %p was told a load decision is available for its icon", this); startIconLoader(); m_mayLoadIconLater = false; } void FrameLoader::startIconLoader() { // FIXME: We kick off the icon loader when the frame is done receiving its main resource. // But we should instead do it when we're done parsing the head element. if (!isLoadingMainFrame()) return; if (!iconDatabase() || !iconDatabase()->isEnabled()) return; KURL url(iconURL()); String urlString(url.string()); if (urlString.isEmpty()) return; // If we're not reloading and the icon database doesn't say to load now then bail before we actually start the load if (loadType() != FrameLoadTypeReload && loadType() != FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin) { IconLoadDecision decision = iconDatabase()->loadDecisionForIconURL(urlString, m_documentLoader.get()); if (decision == IconLoadNo) { LOG(IconDatabase, "FrameLoader::startIconLoader() - Told not to load this icon, committing iconURL %s to database for pageURL mapping", urlString.ascii().data()); commitIconURLToIconDatabase(url); // We were told not to load this icon - that means this icon is already known by the database // If the icon data hasn't been read in from disk yet, kick off the read of the icon from the database to make sure someone // has done it. This is after registering for the notification so the WebView can call the appropriate delegate method. // Otherwise if the icon data *is* available, notify the delegate if (!iconDatabase()->iconDataKnownForIconURL(urlString)) { LOG(IconDatabase, "Told not to load icon %s but icon data is not yet available - registering for notification and requesting load from disk", urlString.ascii().data()); m_client->registerForIconNotification(); iconDatabase()->iconForPageURL(m_URL.string(), IntSize(0, 0)); iconDatabase()->iconForPageURL(originalRequestURL().string(), IntSize(0, 0)); } else m_client->dispatchDidReceiveIcon(); return; } if (decision == IconLoadUnknown) { // In this case, we may end up loading the icon later, but we still want to commit the icon url mapping to the database // just in case we don't end up loading later - if we commit the mapping a second time after the load, that's no big deal // We also tell the client to register for the notification that the icon is received now so it isn't missed in case the // icon is later read in from disk LOG(IconDatabase, "FrameLoader %p might load icon %s later", this, urlString.ascii().data()); m_mayLoadIconLater = true; m_client->registerForIconNotification(); commitIconURLToIconDatabase(url); return; } } // People who want to avoid loading images generally want to avoid loading all images. // Now that we've accounted for URL mapping, avoid starting the network load if images aren't set to display automatically. Settings* settings = m_frame->settings(); if (settings && !settings->loadsImagesAutomatically()) return; // This is either a reload or the icon database said "yes, load the icon", so kick off the load! if (!m_iconLoader) m_iconLoader.set(IconLoader::create(m_frame).release()); m_iconLoader->startLoading(); } void FrameLoader::setLocalLoadPolicy(LocalLoadPolicy policy) { localLoadPolicy = policy; } bool FrameLoader::restrictAccessToLocal() { return localLoadPolicy != FrameLoader::AllowLocalLoadsForAll; } bool FrameLoader::allowSubstituteDataAccessToLocal() { return localLoadPolicy != FrameLoader::AllowLocalLoadsForLocalOnly; } void FrameLoader::commitIconURLToIconDatabase(const KURL& icon) { ASSERT(iconDatabase()); LOG(IconDatabase, "Committing iconURL %s to database for pageURLs %s and %s", icon.string().ascii().data(), m_URL.string().ascii().data(), originalRequestURL().string().ascii().data()); iconDatabase()->setIconURLForPageURL(icon.string(), m_URL.string()); iconDatabase()->setIconURLForPageURL(icon.string(), originalRequestURL().string()); } void FrameLoader::restoreDocumentState() { Document* doc = m_frame->document(); HistoryItem* itemToRestore = 0; switch (loadType()) { case FrameLoadTypeReload: case FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin: case FrameLoadTypeSame: case FrameLoadTypeReplace: break; case FrameLoadTypeBack: case FrameLoadTypeBackWMLDeckNotAccessible: case FrameLoadTypeForward: case FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward: case FrameLoadTypeRedirectWithLockedBackForwardList: case FrameLoadTypeStandard: itemToRestore = m_currentHistoryItem.get(); } if (!itemToRestore) return; LOG(Loading, "WebCoreLoading %s: restoring form state from %p", m_frame->tree()->name().string().utf8().data(), itemToRestore); doc->setStateForNewFormElements(itemToRestore->documentState()); } void FrameLoader::gotoAnchor() { // If our URL has no ref, then we have no place we need to jump to. // OTOH If CSS target was set previously, we want to set it to 0, recalc // and possibly repaint because :target pseudo class may have been // set (see bug 11321). if (!m_URL.hasFragmentIdentifier() && !m_frame->document()->cssTarget()) return; String fragmentIdentifier = m_URL.fragmentIdentifier(); if (gotoAnchor(fragmentIdentifier)) return; // Try again after decoding the ref, based on the document's encoding. if (m_decoder) gotoAnchor(decodeURLEscapeSequences(fragmentIdentifier, m_decoder->encoding())); } void FrameLoader::finishedParsing() { if (m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument) return; // This can be called from the Frame's destructor, in which case we shouldn't protect ourselves // because doing so will cause us to re-enter the destructor when protector goes out of scope. // Null-checking the FrameView indicates whether or not we're in the destructor. RefPtr protector = m_frame->view() ? m_frame : 0; m_client->dispatchDidFinishDocumentLoad(); checkCompleted(); if (!m_frame->view()) return; // We are being destroyed by something checkCompleted called. // Check if the scrollbars are really needed for the content. // If not, remove them, relayout, and repaint. m_frame->view()->restoreScrollbar(); gotoAnchor(); } void FrameLoader::loadDone() { checkCompleted(); } void FrameLoader::checkCompleted() { if (m_frame->view()) m_frame->view()->checkStopDelayingDeferredRepaints(); // Any frame that hasn't completed yet? for (Frame* child = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) if (!child->loader()->m_isComplete) return; // Have we completed before? if (m_isComplete) return; // Are we still parsing? if (m_frame->document()->parsing()) return; // Still waiting for images/scripts? if (numRequests(m_frame->document())) return; // OK, completed. m_isComplete = true; RefPtr protect(m_frame); checkCallImplicitClose(); // if we didn't do it before // Do not start a redirection timer for subframes here. // That is deferred until the parent is completed. if (m_scheduledRedirection && !m_frame->tree()->parent()) startRedirectionTimer(); completed(); if (m_frame->page()) checkLoadComplete(); } void FrameLoader::checkCompletedTimerFired(Timer*) { checkCompleted(); } void FrameLoader::scheduleCheckCompleted() { if (!m_checkCompletedTimer.isActive()) m_checkCompletedTimer.startOneShot(0); } void FrameLoader::checkLoadCompleteTimerFired(Timer*) { if (!m_frame->page()) return; checkLoadComplete(); } void FrameLoader::scheduleCheckLoadComplete() { if (!m_checkLoadCompleteTimer.isActive()) m_checkLoadCompleteTimer.startOneShot(0); } void FrameLoader::checkCallImplicitClose() { if (m_didCallImplicitClose || m_frame->document()->parsing()) return; for (Frame* child = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) if (!child->loader()->m_isComplete) // still got a frame running -> too early return; m_didCallImplicitClose = true; m_wasUnloadEventEmitted = false; m_frame->document()->implicitClose(); } KURL FrameLoader::baseURL() const { ASSERT(m_frame->document()); return m_frame->document()->baseURL(); } KURL FrameLoader::completeURL(const String& url) { ASSERT(m_frame->document()); return m_frame->document()->completeURL(url); } void FrameLoader::scheduleHTTPRedirection(double delay, const String& url) { if (delay < 0 || delay > INT_MAX / 1000) return; if (!m_frame->page()) return; if (url.isEmpty()) return; // We want a new history item if the refresh timeout is > 1 second. if (!m_scheduledRedirection || delay <= m_scheduledRedirection->delay) scheduleRedirection(new ScheduledRedirection(delay, url, true, delay <= 1, false, false)); } static bool mustLockBackForwardList(Frame* targetFrame) { // Navigation of a subframe during loading of an ancestor frame does not create a new back/forward item. // The definition of "during load" is any time before all handlers for the load event have been run. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14957 for the original motivation for this. for (Frame* ancestor = targetFrame->tree()->parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->tree()->parent()) { Document* document = ancestor->document(); if (!ancestor->loader()->isComplete() || document && document->processingLoadEvent()) return true; } return false; } void FrameLoader::scheduleLocationChange(const String& url, const String& referrer, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, bool wasUserGesture) { if (!m_frame->page()) return; if (url.isEmpty()) return; lockBackForwardList = lockBackForwardList || mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame); // If the URL we're going to navigate to is the same as the current one, except for the // fragment part, we don't need to schedule the location change. KURL parsedURL(url); if (parsedURL.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(m_URL, parsedURL)) { changeLocation(completeURL(url), referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, wasUserGesture); return; } // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case. // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame. bool duringLoad = !m_committedFirstRealDocumentLoad; scheduleRedirection(new ScheduledRedirection(url, referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, wasUserGesture, false, duringLoad)); } void FrameLoader::scheduleFormSubmission(const FrameLoadRequest& frameRequest, bool lockHistory, PassRefPtr event, PassRefPtr formState) { ASSERT(m_frame->page()); ASSERT(!frameRequest.isEmpty()); // FIXME: Do we need special handling for form submissions where the URL is the same // as the current one except for the fragment part? See scheduleLocationChange above. // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case. // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame. bool duringLoad = !m_committedFirstRealDocumentLoad; scheduleRedirection(new ScheduledRedirection(frameRequest, lockHistory, mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame), event, formState, duringLoad)); } void FrameLoader::scheduleRefresh(bool wasUserGesture) { if (!m_frame->page()) return; if (m_URL.isEmpty()) return; scheduleRedirection(new ScheduledRedirection(m_URL.string(), m_outgoingReferrer, true, true, wasUserGesture, true, false)); } bool FrameLoader::isLocationChange(const ScheduledRedirection& redirection) { switch (redirection.type) { case ScheduledRedirection::redirection: return false; case ScheduledRedirection::historyNavigation: case ScheduledRedirection::locationChange: case ScheduledRedirection::formSubmission: return true; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } void FrameLoader::scheduleHistoryNavigation(int steps) { if (!m_frame->page()) return; // navigation will always be allowed in the 0 steps case, which is OK because that's supposed to force a reload. if (!canGoBackOrForward(steps)) { cancelRedirection(); return; } scheduleRedirection(new ScheduledRedirection(steps)); } void FrameLoader::goBackOrForward(int distance) { if (distance == 0) return; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return; BackForwardList* list = page->backForwardList(); if (!list) return; HistoryItem* item = list->itemAtIndex(distance); if (!item) { if (distance > 0) { int forwardListCount = list->forwardListCount(); if (forwardListCount > 0) item = list->itemAtIndex(forwardListCount); } else { int backListCount = list->backListCount(); if (backListCount > 0) item = list->itemAtIndex(-backListCount); } } ASSERT(item); // we should not reach this line with an empty back/forward list if (item) page->goToItem(item, FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward); } void FrameLoader::redirectionTimerFired(Timer*) { ASSERT(m_frame->page()); OwnPtr redirection(m_scheduledRedirection.release()); switch (redirection->type) { case ScheduledRedirection::redirection: case ScheduledRedirection::locationChange: changeLocation(KURL(redirection->url), redirection->referrer, redirection->lockHistory, redirection->lockBackForwardList, redirection->wasUserGesture, redirection->wasRefresh); return; case ScheduledRedirection::historyNavigation: if (redirection->historySteps == 0) { // Special case for go(0) from a frame -> reload only the frame urlSelected(m_URL, "", 0, redirection->lockHistory, redirection->lockBackForwardList, redirection->wasUserGesture); return; } // go(i!=0) from a frame navigates into the history of the frame only, // in both IE and NS (but not in Mozilla). We can't easily do that. goBackOrForward(redirection->historySteps); return; case ScheduledRedirection::formSubmission: // The submitForm function will find a target frame before using the redirection timer. // Now that the timer has fired, we need to repeat the security check which normally is done when // selecting a target, in case conditions have changed. Other code paths avoid this by targeting // without leaving a time window. If we fail the check just silently drop the form submission. if (!redirection->formState->sourceFrame()->loader()->shouldAllowNavigation(m_frame)) return; loadFrameRequest(redirection->frameRequest, redirection->lockHistory, redirection->lockBackForwardList, redirection->event, redirection->formState); return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } void FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame(const KURL& url, const String& referer, Frame* childFrame) { ASSERT(childFrame); HistoryItem* parentItem = currentHistoryItem(); FrameLoadType loadType = this->loadType(); FrameLoadType childLoadType = FrameLoadTypeRedirectWithLockedBackForwardList; KURL workingURL = url; // If we're moving in the back/forward list, we might want to replace the content // of this child frame with whatever was there at that point. if (parentItem && parentItem->children().size() && isBackForwardLoadType(loadType)) { HistoryItem* childItem = parentItem->childItemWithTarget(childFrame->tree()->name()); if (childItem) { // Use the original URL to ensure we get all the side-effects, such as // onLoad handlers, of any redirects that happened. An example of where // this is needed is Radar 3213556. workingURL = KURL(childItem->originalURLString()); childLoadType = loadType; childFrame->loader()->m_provisionalHistoryItem = childItem; } } #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size RefPtr subframeArchive = activeDocumentLoader()->popArchiveForSubframe(childFrame->tree()->name()); if (subframeArchive) childFrame->loader()->loadArchive(subframeArchive.release()); else #endif childFrame->loader()->loadURL(workingURL, referer, String(), false, childLoadType, 0, 0); } #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size void FrameLoader::loadArchive(PassRefPtr prpArchive) { RefPtr archive = prpArchive; ArchiveResource* mainResource = archive->mainResource(); ASSERT(mainResource); if (!mainResource) return; SubstituteData substituteData(mainResource->data(), mainResource->mimeType(), mainResource->textEncoding(), KURL()); ResourceRequest request(mainResource->url()); #if PLATFORM(MAC) request.applyWebArchiveHackForMail(); #endif RefPtr documentLoader = m_client->createDocumentLoader(request, substituteData); documentLoader->addAllArchiveResources(archive.get()); load(documentLoader.get()); } #endif String FrameLoader::encoding() const { if (m_encodingWasChosenByUser && !m_encoding.isEmpty()) return m_encoding; if (m_decoder && m_decoder->encoding().isValid()) return m_decoder->encoding().name(); Settings* settings = m_frame->settings(); return settings ? settings->defaultTextEncodingName() : String(); } bool FrameLoader::gotoAnchor(const String& name) { ASSERT(m_frame->document()); if (!m_frame->document()->haveStylesheetsLoaded()) { m_frame->document()->setGotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad(true); return false; } m_frame->document()->setGotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad(false); Element* anchorNode = m_frame->document()->findAnchor(name); #if ENABLE(SVG) if (m_frame->document()->isSVGDocument()) { if (name.startsWith("xpointer(")) { // We need to parse the xpointer reference here } else if (name.startsWith("svgView(")) { RefPtr svg = static_cast(m_frame->document())->rootElement(); if (!svg->currentView()->parseViewSpec(name)) return false; svg->setUseCurrentView(true); } else { if (anchorNode && anchorNode->hasTagName(SVGNames::viewTag)) { RefPtr viewElement = anchorNode->hasTagName(SVGNames::viewTag) ? static_cast(anchorNode) : 0; if (viewElement.get()) { RefPtr svg = static_cast(SVGLocatable::nearestViewportElement(viewElement.get())); svg->inheritViewAttributes(viewElement.get()); } } } // FIXME: need to decide which to focus on, and zoom to that one // FIXME: need to actually "highlight" the viewTarget(s) } #endif m_frame->document()->setCSSTarget(anchorNode); // Setting to null will clear the current target. // Implement the rule that "" and "top" both mean top of page as in other browsers. if (!anchorNode && !(name.isEmpty() || equalIgnoringCase(name, "top"))) return false; if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) #ifdef ANDROID_SCROLL_ON_GOTO_ANCHOR { // TODO(andreip): check with Grace if this is correct. android::WebFrame::getWebFrame(m_frame)->setUserInitiatedClick(true); #endif view->maintainScrollPositionAtAnchor(anchorNode ? static_cast(anchorNode) : m_frame->document()); #ifdef ANDROID_SCROLL_ON_GOTO_ANCHOR android::WebFrame::getWebFrame(m_frame)->setUserInitiatedClick(false); } #endif return true; } bool FrameLoader::requestObject(RenderPart* renderer, const String& url, const AtomicString& frameName, const String& mimeType, const Vector& paramNames, const Vector& paramValues) { if (url.isEmpty() && mimeType.isEmpty()) return false; if (!m_frame->script()->xssAuditor()->canLoadObject(url)) { // It is unsafe to honor the request for this object. return false; } KURL completedURL; if (!url.isEmpty()) completedURL = completeURL(url); bool useFallback; if (shouldUsePlugin(completedURL, mimeType, renderer->hasFallbackContent(), useFallback)) { Settings* settings = m_frame->settings(); if (!settings || !settings->arePluginsEnabled() || (!settings->isJavaEnabled() && MIMETypeRegistry::isJavaAppletMIMEType(mimeType))) return false; return loadPlugin(renderer, completedURL, mimeType, paramNames, paramValues, useFallback); } ASSERT(renderer->node()->hasTagName(objectTag) || renderer->node()->hasTagName(embedTag)); HTMLPlugInElement* element = static_cast(renderer->node()); // FIXME: OK to always make a new frame? When does the old frame get removed? return loadSubframe(element, completedURL, frameName, m_outgoingReferrer); } bool FrameLoader::shouldUsePlugin(const KURL& url, const String& mimeType, bool hasFallback, bool& useFallback) { if (m_client->shouldUsePluginDocument(mimeType)) { useFallback = false; return true; } // Allow other plug-ins to win over QuickTime because if the user has installed a plug-in that // can handle TIFF (which QuickTime can also handle) they probably intended to override QT. if (m_frame->page() && (mimeType == "image/tiff" || mimeType == "image/tif" || mimeType == "image/x-tiff")) { const PluginData* pluginData = m_frame->page()->pluginData(); String pluginName = pluginData ? pluginData->pluginNameForMimeType(mimeType) : String(); if (!pluginName.isEmpty() && !pluginName.contains("QuickTime", false)) return true; } ObjectContentType objectType = m_client->objectContentType(url, mimeType); // If an object's content can't be handled and it has no fallback, let // it be handled as a plugin to show the broken plugin icon. useFallback = objectType == ObjectContentNone && hasFallback; return objectType == ObjectContentNone || objectType == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin || objectType == ObjectContentOtherPlugin; } static HTMLPlugInElement* toPlugInElement(Node* node) { if (!node) return 0; #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) ASSERT(node->hasTagName(objectTag) || node->hasTagName(embedTag) || node->hasTagName(videoTag) || node->hasTagName(audioTag) || node->hasTagName(appletTag)); #else ASSERT(node->hasTagName(objectTag) || node->hasTagName(embedTag) || node->hasTagName(appletTag)); #endif return static_cast(node); } bool FrameLoader::loadPlugin(RenderPart* renderer, const KURL& url, const String& mimeType, const Vector& paramNames, const Vector& paramValues, bool useFallback) { RefPtr widget; if (renderer && !useFallback) { HTMLPlugInElement* element = toPlugInElement(renderer->node()); if (!canLoad(url, String(), frame()->document())) { FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, url.string()); return false; } widget = m_client->createPlugin(IntSize(renderer->contentWidth(), renderer->contentHeight()), element, url, paramNames, paramValues, mimeType, m_frame->document()->isPluginDocument() && !m_containsPlugIns); if (widget) { renderer->setWidget(widget); m_containsPlugIns = true; } } return widget != 0; } void FrameLoader::parentCompleted() { if (m_scheduledRedirection && !m_redirectionTimer.isActive()) startRedirectionTimer(); } String FrameLoader::outgoingReferrer() const { return m_outgoingReferrer; } String FrameLoader::outgoingOrigin() const { return m_frame->document()->securityOrigin()->toString(); } Frame* FrameLoader::opener() { return m_opener; } void FrameLoader::setOpener(Frame* opener) { if (m_opener) m_opener->loader()->m_openedFrames.remove(m_frame); if (opener) opener->loader()->m_openedFrames.add(m_frame); m_opener = opener; if (m_frame->document()) { m_frame->document()->initSecurityContext(); m_frame->domWindow()->setSecurityOrigin(m_frame->document()->securityOrigin()); } } bool FrameLoader::openedByDOM() const { return m_openedByDOM; } void FrameLoader::setOpenedByDOM() { m_openedByDOM = true; } void FrameLoader::handleFallbackContent() { HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = m_frame->ownerElement(); if (!owner || !owner->hasTagName(objectTag)) return; static_cast(owner)->renderFallbackContent(); } void FrameLoader::provisionalLoadStarted() { #ifdef ANDROID_INSTRUMENT if (!m_frame->tree()->parent()) android::TimeCounter::reset(); #endif m_firstLayoutDone = false; cancelRedirection(true); m_client->provisionalLoadStarted(); } bool FrameLoader::isProcessingUserGesture() { Frame* frame = m_frame->tree()->top(); if (!frame->script()->isEnabled()) return true; // If JavaScript is disabled, a user gesture must have initiated the navigation. return frame->script()->processingUserGesture(); // FIXME: Use pageIsProcessingUserGesture. } void FrameLoader::resetMultipleFormSubmissionProtection() { m_submittedFormURL = KURL(); } void FrameLoader::setEncoding(const String& name, bool userChosen) { if (!m_workingURL.isEmpty()) receivedFirstData(); m_encoding = name; m_encodingWasChosenByUser = userChosen; } void FrameLoader::addData(const char* bytes, int length) { ASSERT(m_workingURL.isEmpty()); ASSERT(m_frame->document()); ASSERT(m_frame->document()->parsing()); write(bytes, length); } #if ENABLE(WML) static inline bool frameContainsWMLContent(Frame* frame) { Document* document = frame ? frame->document() : 0; if (!document) return false; return document->containsWMLContent() || document->isWMLDocument(); } #endif bool FrameLoader::canCachePageContainingThisFrame() { return m_documentLoader && m_documentLoader->mainDocumentError().isNull() && !m_frame->tree()->childCount() // FIXME: If we ever change this so that frames with plug-ins will be cached, // we need to make sure that we don't cache frames that have outstanding NPObjects // (objects created by the plug-in). Since there is no way to pause/resume a Netscape plug-in, // they would need to be destroyed and then recreated, and there is no way that we can recreate // the right NPObjects. See for more information. && !m_containsPlugIns && !m_URL.protocolIs("https") && (!m_frame->domWindow() || !m_frame->domWindow()->hasEventListener(eventNames().unloadEvent)) #if ENABLE(DATABASE) && !m_frame->document()->hasOpenDatabases() #endif #if ENABLE(SHARED_WORKERS) && !SharedWorkerRepository::hasSharedWorkers(m_frame->document()) #endif && !m_frame->document()->usingGeolocation() && m_currentHistoryItem && !m_quickRedirectComing && !m_documentLoader->isLoadingInAPISense() && !m_documentLoader->isStopping() && m_frame->document()->canSuspendActiveDOMObjects() #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) // FIXME: We should investigating caching frames that have an associated // application cache. tracks that work. && m_documentLoader->applicationCacheHost()->canCacheInPageCache() #endif #if ENABLE(WML) && !frameContainsWMLContent(m_frame) #endif && m_client->canCachePage() ; } bool FrameLoader::canCachePage() { #ifndef NDEBUG logCanCachePageDecision(); #endif // Cache the page, if possible. // Don't write to the cache if in the middle of a redirect, since we will want to // store the final page we end up on. // No point writing to the cache on a reload or loadSame, since we will just write // over it again when we leave that page. // FIXME: - We should work out the complexities of caching pages with frames as they // are the most interesting pages on the web, and often those that would benefit the most from caching! FrameLoadType loadType = this->loadType(); return !m_frame->tree()->parent() && canCachePageContainingThisFrame() && m_frame->page() && m_frame->page()->backForwardList()->enabled() && m_frame->page()->backForwardList()->capacity() > 0 && m_frame->page()->settings()->usesPageCache() && loadType != FrameLoadTypeReload && loadType != FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin && loadType != FrameLoadTypeSame ; } #ifndef NDEBUG static String& pageCacheLogPrefix(int indentLevel) { static int previousIndent = -1; DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, prefix, ()); if (indentLevel != previousIndent) { previousIndent = indentLevel; prefix.truncate(0); for (int i = 0; i < previousIndent; ++i) prefix += " "; } return prefix; } static void pageCacheLog(const String& prefix, const String& message) { LOG(PageCache, "%s%s", prefix.utf8().data(), message.utf8().data()); } #define PCLOG(...) pageCacheLog(pageCacheLogPrefix(indentLevel), String::format(__VA_ARGS__)) void FrameLoader::logCanCachePageDecision() { // Only bother logging for main frames that have actually loaded and have content. if (m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument) return; KURL currentURL = m_documentLoader ? m_documentLoader->url() : KURL(); if (currentURL.isEmpty()) return; int indentLevel = 0; PCLOG("--------\n Determining if page can be cached:"); bool cannotCache = !logCanCacheFrameDecision(1); FrameLoadType loadType = this->loadType(); do { if (m_frame->tree()->parent()) { PCLOG(" -Frame has a parent frame"); cannotCache = true; } if (!m_frame->page()) { PCLOG(" -There is no Page object"); cannotCache = true; break; } if (!m_frame->page()->backForwardList()->enabled()) { PCLOG(" -The back/forward list is disabled"); cannotCache = true; } if (!(m_frame->page()->backForwardList()->capacity() > 0)) { PCLOG(" -The back/forward list has a 0 capacity"); cannotCache = true; } if (!m_frame->page()->settings()->usesPageCache()) { PCLOG(" -Page settings says b/f cache disabled"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeReload) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Reload"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Reload from origin"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeSame) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Same"); cannotCache = true; } } while (false); PCLOG(cannotCache ? " Page CANNOT be cached\n--------" : " Page CAN be cached\n--------"); } bool FrameLoader::logCanCacheFrameDecision(int indentLevel) { // Only bother logging for frames that have actually loaded and have content. if (m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument) return false; KURL currentURL = m_documentLoader ? m_documentLoader->url() : KURL(); if (currentURL.isEmpty()) return false; PCLOG("+---"); KURL newURL = m_provisionalDocumentLoader ? m_provisionalDocumentLoader->url() : KURL(); if (!newURL.isEmpty()) PCLOG(" Determining if frame can be cached navigating from (%s) to (%s):", currentURL.string().utf8().data(), newURL.string().utf8().data()); else PCLOG(" Determining if subframe with URL (%s) can be cached:", currentURL.string().utf8().data()); bool cannotCache = false; do { if (!m_documentLoader) { PCLOG(" -There is no DocumentLoader object"); cannotCache = true; break; } if (!m_documentLoader->mainDocumentError().isNull()) { PCLOG(" -Main document has an error"); cannotCache = true; } if (m_frame->tree()->childCount()) { PCLOG(" -Frame has child frames"); cannotCache = true; } if (m_containsPlugIns) { PCLOG(" -Frame contains plugins"); cannotCache = true; } if (m_URL.protocolIs("https")) { PCLOG(" -Frame is HTTPS"); cannotCache = true; } if (m_frame->domWindow() && m_frame->domWindow()->hasEventListener(eventNames().unloadEvent)) { PCLOG(" -Frame has an unload event listener"); cannotCache = true; } #if ENABLE(DATABASE) if (m_frame->document()->hasOpenDatabases()) { PCLOG(" -Frame has open database handles"); cannotCache = true; } #endif #if ENABLE(SHARED_WORKERS) if (SharedWorkerRepository::hasSharedWorkers(m_frame->document())) { PCLOG(" -Frame has associated SharedWorkers"); cannotCache = true; } #endif if (m_frame->document()->usingGeolocation()) { PCLOG(" -Frame uses Geolocation"); cannotCache = true; } if (!m_currentHistoryItem) { PCLOG(" -No current history item"); cannotCache = true; } if (m_quickRedirectComing) { PCLOG(" -Quick redirect is coming"); cannotCache = true; } if (m_documentLoader->isLoadingInAPISense()) { PCLOG(" -DocumentLoader is still loading in API sense"); cannotCache = true; } if (m_documentLoader->isStopping()) { PCLOG(" -DocumentLoader is in the middle of stopping"); cannotCache = true; } if (!m_frame->document()->canSuspendActiveDOMObjects()) { PCLOG(" -The document cannot suspect its active DOM Objects"); cannotCache = true; } #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) if (!m_documentLoader->applicationCacheHost()->canCacheInPageCache()) { PCLOG(" -The DocumentLoader uses an application cache"); cannotCache = true; } #endif if (!m_client->canCachePage()) { PCLOG(" -The client says this frame cannot be cached"); cannotCache = true; } } while (false); for (Frame* child = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) if (!child->loader()->logCanCacheFrameDecision(indentLevel + 1)) cannotCache = true; PCLOG(cannotCache ? " Frame CANNOT be cached" : " Frame CAN be cached"); PCLOG("+---"); return !cannotCache; } #endif void FrameLoader::updateFirstPartyForCookies() { if (m_frame->tree()->parent()) setFirstPartyForCookies(m_frame->tree()->parent()->document()->firstPartyForCookies()); else setFirstPartyForCookies(m_URL); } void FrameLoader::setFirstPartyForCookies(const KURL& url) { m_frame->document()->setFirstPartyForCookies(url); for (Frame* child = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) child->loader()->setFirstPartyForCookies(url); } class HashChangeEventTask : public ScriptExecutionContext::Task { public: static PassRefPtr create(PassRefPtr document) { return adoptRef(new HashChangeEventTask(document)); } virtual void performTask(ScriptExecutionContext* context) { ASSERT_UNUSED(context, context->isDocument()); m_document->dispatchWindowEvent(eventNames().hashchangeEvent, false, false); } private: HashChangeEventTask(PassRefPtr document) : m_document(document) { ASSERT(m_document); } RefPtr m_document; }; // This does the same kind of work that didOpenURL does, except it relies on the fact // that a higher level already checked that the URLs match and the scrolling is the right thing to do. void FrameLoader::scrollToAnchor(const KURL& url) { ASSERT(equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, m_URL)); if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, m_URL) && !equalIgnoringNullity(url.fragmentIdentifier(), m_URL.fragmentIdentifier())) { Document* currentDocument = frame()->document(); currentDocument->postTask(HashChangeEventTask::create(currentDocument)); } m_URL = url; updateHistoryForAnchorScroll(); // If we were in the autoscroll/panScroll mode we want to stop it before following the link to the anchor m_frame->eventHandler()->stopAutoscrollTimer(); started(); gotoAnchor(); // It's important to model this as a load that starts and immediately finishes. // Otherwise, the parent frame may think we never finished loading. m_isComplete = false; checkCompleted(); } bool FrameLoader::isComplete() const { return m_isComplete; } void FrameLoader::scheduleRedirection(ScheduledRedirection* redirection) { ASSERT(m_frame->page()); // If a redirect was scheduled during a load, then stop the current load. // Otherwise when the current load transitions from a provisional to a // committed state, pending redirects may be cancelled. if (redirection->wasDuringLoad) { if (m_provisionalDocumentLoader) m_provisionalDocumentLoader->stopLoading(); stopLoading(true); } stopRedirectionTimer(); m_scheduledRedirection.set(redirection); if (!m_isComplete && redirection->type != ScheduledRedirection::redirection) completed(); if (m_isComplete || redirection->type != ScheduledRedirection::redirection) startRedirectionTimer(); } void FrameLoader::startRedirectionTimer() { ASSERT(m_frame->page()); ASSERT(m_scheduledRedirection); m_redirectionTimer.stop(); m_redirectionTimer.startOneShot(m_scheduledRedirection->delay); switch (m_scheduledRedirection->type) { case ScheduledRedirection::locationChange: case ScheduledRedirection::redirection: clientRedirected(KURL(m_scheduledRedirection->url), m_scheduledRedirection->delay, currentTime() + m_redirectionTimer.nextFireInterval(), m_scheduledRedirection->lockBackForwardList); return; case ScheduledRedirection::formSubmission: // FIXME: It would make sense to report form submissions as client redirects too. // But we didn't do that in the past when form submission used a separate delay // mechanism, so doing it will be a behavior change. return; case ScheduledRedirection::historyNavigation: // Don't report history navigations. return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } void FrameLoader::stopRedirectionTimer() { if (!m_redirectionTimer.isActive()) return; m_redirectionTimer.stop(); if (m_scheduledRedirection) { switch (m_scheduledRedirection->type) { case ScheduledRedirection::locationChange: case ScheduledRedirection::redirection: clientRedirectCancelledOrFinished(m_cancellingWithLoadInProgress); return; case ScheduledRedirection::formSubmission: // FIXME: It would make sense to report form submissions as client redirects too. // But we didn't do that in the past when form submission used a separate delay // mechanism, so doing it will be a behavior change. return; case ScheduledRedirection::historyNavigation: // Don't report history navigations. return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void FrameLoader::completed() { RefPtr