/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageCache.h" #include namespace WebCore { static void setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(Page* page) { for (Frame* frame = page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) frame->setNeedsReapplyStyles(); } #if USE(SAFARI_THEME) bool Settings::gShouldPaintNativeControls = false; #endif Settings::Settings(Page* page) : m_page(page) #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT , m_layoutAlgorithm(kLayoutFitColumnToScreen) #endif , m_editableLinkBehavior(EditableLinkDefaultBehavior) , m_textDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior(TextDirectionSubmenuAutomaticallyIncluded) , m_minimumFontSize(0) , m_minimumLogicalFontSize(0) , m_defaultFontSize(0) , m_defaultFixedFontSize(0) #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT , m_useWideViewport(false) #endif #ifdef ANDROID_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS , m_supportMultipleWindows(true) #endif #ifdef ANDROID_BLOCK_NETWORK_IMAGE , m_blockNetworkImage(false) #endif , m_isJavaEnabled(false) , m_loadsImagesAutomatically(false) , m_privateBrowsingEnabled(false) , m_arePluginsEnabled(false) , m_databasesEnabled(false) , m_localStorageEnabled(false) , m_isJavaScriptEnabled(false) , m_javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(false) , m_shouldPrintBackgrounds(false) , m_textAreasAreResizable(false) #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) , m_usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode(false) #endif , m_needsAdobeFrameReloadingQuirk(false) , m_needsKeyboardEventDisambiguationQuirks(false) , m_isDOMPasteAllowed(false) , m_shrinksStandaloneImagesToFit(true) , m_usesPageCache(false) , m_showsURLsInToolTips(false) , m_forceFTPDirectoryListings(false) , m_developerExtrasEnabled(false) , m_authorAndUserStylesEnabled(true) , m_needsSiteSpecificQuirks(false) , m_fontRenderingMode(0) , m_webArchiveDebugModeEnabled(false) , m_inApplicationChromeMode(false) , m_offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled(false) , m_rangeMutationDisabledForOldAppleMail(false) , m_shouldPaintCustomScrollbars(false) , m_zoomsTextOnly(false) , m_enforceCSSMIMETypeInStrictMode(true) , m_maximumDecodedImageSize(std::numeric_limits::max()) , m_needsIChatMemoryCacheCallsQuirk(false) { // A Frame may not have been created yet, so we initialize the AtomicString // hash before trying to use it. AtomicString::init(); #ifdef ANDROID_META_SUPPORT resetMetadataSettings(); #endif } void Settings::setStandardFontFamily(const AtomicString& standardFontFamily) { if (standardFontFamily == m_standardFontFamily) return; m_standardFontFamily = standardFontFamily; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setFixedFontFamily(const AtomicString& fixedFontFamily) { if (m_fixedFontFamily == fixedFontFamily) return; m_fixedFontFamily = fixedFontFamily; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setSerifFontFamily(const AtomicString& serifFontFamily) { if (m_serifFontFamily == serifFontFamily) return; m_serifFontFamily = serifFontFamily; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setSansSerifFontFamily(const AtomicString& sansSerifFontFamily) { if (m_sansSerifFontFamily == sansSerifFontFamily) return; m_sansSerifFontFamily = sansSerifFontFamily; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setCursiveFontFamily(const AtomicString& cursiveFontFamily) { if (m_cursiveFontFamily == cursiveFontFamily) return; m_cursiveFontFamily = cursiveFontFamily; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setFantasyFontFamily(const AtomicString& fantasyFontFamily) { if (m_fantasyFontFamily == fantasyFontFamily) return; m_fantasyFontFamily = fantasyFontFamily; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setMinimumFontSize(int minimumFontSize) { if (m_minimumFontSize == minimumFontSize) return; m_minimumFontSize = minimumFontSize; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setMinimumLogicalFontSize(int minimumLogicalFontSize) { if (m_minimumLogicalFontSize == minimumLogicalFontSize) return; m_minimumLogicalFontSize = minimumLogicalFontSize; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setDefaultFontSize(int defaultFontSize) { if (m_defaultFontSize == defaultFontSize) return; m_defaultFontSize = defaultFontSize; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setDefaultFixedFontSize(int defaultFontSize) { if (m_defaultFixedFontSize == defaultFontSize) return; m_defaultFixedFontSize = defaultFontSize; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } #ifdef ANDROID_BLOCK_NETWORK_IMAGE void Settings::setBlockNetworkImage(bool blockNetworkImage) { m_blockNetworkImage = blockNetworkImage; } #endif void Settings::setLoadsImagesAutomatically(bool loadsImagesAutomatically) { m_loadsImagesAutomatically = loadsImagesAutomatically; } void Settings::setJavaScriptEnabled(bool isJavaScriptEnabled) { m_isJavaScriptEnabled = isJavaScriptEnabled; } void Settings::setJavaEnabled(bool isJavaEnabled) { m_isJavaEnabled = isJavaEnabled; } void Settings::setPluginsEnabled(bool arePluginsEnabled) { m_arePluginsEnabled = arePluginsEnabled; } #ifdef ANDROID_PLUGINS void Settings::setPluginsPath(const String& pluginsPath) { m_pluginsPath = pluginsPath; } #endif void Settings::setDatabasesEnabled(bool databasesEnabled) { m_databasesEnabled = databasesEnabled; } void Settings::setLocalStorageEnabled(bool localStorageEnabled) { m_localStorageEnabled = localStorageEnabled; } void Settings::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled(bool privateBrowsingEnabled) { m_privateBrowsingEnabled = privateBrowsingEnabled; } void Settings::setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(bool javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically) { m_javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically; } void Settings::setDefaultTextEncodingName(const String& defaultTextEncodingName) { m_defaultTextEncodingName = defaultTextEncodingName; } void Settings::setUserStyleSheetLocation(const KURL& userStyleSheetLocation) { if (m_userStyleSheetLocation == userStyleSheetLocation) return; m_userStyleSheetLocation = userStyleSheetLocation; m_page->userStyleSheetLocationChanged(); setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setShouldPrintBackgrounds(bool shouldPrintBackgrounds) { m_shouldPrintBackgrounds = shouldPrintBackgrounds; } void Settings::setTextAreasAreResizable(bool textAreasAreResizable) { if (m_textAreasAreResizable == textAreasAreResizable) return; m_textAreasAreResizable = textAreasAreResizable; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setEditableLinkBehavior(EditableLinkBehavior editableLinkBehavior) { m_editableLinkBehavior = editableLinkBehavior; } void Settings::setTextDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior(TextDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior behavior) { m_textDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior = behavior; } #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) void Settings::setUsesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode(bool usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode) { m_usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode = usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode; } #endif // FIXME: This quirk is needed because of Radar 4674537 and 5211271. We need to phase it out once Adobe // can fix the bug from their end. void Settings::setNeedsAdobeFrameReloadingQuirk(bool shouldNotReloadIFramesForUnchangedSRC) { m_needsAdobeFrameReloadingQuirk = shouldNotReloadIFramesForUnchangedSRC; } // This is a quirk we are pro-actively applying to old applications. It changes keyboard event dispatching, // making keyIdentifier available on keypress events, making charCode available on keydown/keyup events, // and getting keypress dispatched in more cases. void Settings::setNeedsKeyboardEventDisambiguationQuirks(bool needsQuirks) { m_needsKeyboardEventDisambiguationQuirks = needsQuirks; } void Settings::setDOMPasteAllowed(bool DOMPasteAllowed) { m_isDOMPasteAllowed = DOMPasteAllowed; } void Settings::setUsesPageCache(bool usesPageCache) { if (m_usesPageCache == usesPageCache) return; m_usesPageCache = usesPageCache; if (!m_usesPageCache) { HistoryItemVector& historyItems = m_page->backForwardList()->entries(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < historyItems.size(); i++) pageCache()->remove(historyItems[i].get()); pageCache()->releaseAutoreleasedPagesNow(); } } void Settings::setShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit(bool shrinksStandaloneImagesToFit) { m_shrinksStandaloneImagesToFit = shrinksStandaloneImagesToFit; } void Settings::setShowsURLsInToolTips(bool showsURLsInToolTips) { m_showsURLsInToolTips = showsURLsInToolTips; } void Settings::setFTPDirectoryTemplatePath(const String& path) { m_ftpDirectoryTemplatePath = path; } void Settings::setForceFTPDirectoryListings(bool force) { m_forceFTPDirectoryListings = force; } void Settings::setDeveloperExtrasEnabled(bool developerExtrasEnabled) { m_developerExtrasEnabled = developerExtrasEnabled; } #ifdef ANDROID_META_SUPPORT void Settings::resetMetadataSettings() { m_viewport_width = -1; m_viewport_height = -1; m_viewport_initial_scale = 0; m_viewport_minimum_scale = 0; m_viewport_maximum_scale = 0; m_viewport_user_scalable = true; m_format_detection_telephone = true; m_format_detection_address = true; m_format_detection_email = true; } void Settings::setMetadataSettings(const String& key, const String& value) { if (key == "width") { if (value == "device-width") { m_viewport_width = 0; } else { int width = value.toInt(); if (width >= 200 && width <= 10000) { if (width == 320) { // This is a hack to accommodate the pages designed for the // original iPhone. The new version, since 10/2007, is to // use device-width which works for both prtrait and // landscape modes. m_viewport_width = 0; } else { m_viewport_width = width; } } } } else if (key == "height") { if (value == "device-height") { m_viewport_height = 0; } else { int height = value.toInt(); if (height >= 200 && height <= 10000) { m_viewport_height = height; } } } else if (key == "initial-scale") { int scale = int(value.toFloat() * 100); if (scale >= 1 && scale <= 1000) { m_viewport_initial_scale = scale; } } else if (key == "minimum-scale") { int scale = int(value.toFloat() * 100); if (scale >= 1 && scale <= 1000) { m_viewport_minimum_scale = scale; } } else if (key == "maximum-scale") { int scale = int(value.toFloat() * 100); if (scale >= 1 && scale <= 1000) { m_viewport_maximum_scale = scale; } } else if (key == "user-scalable") { // even Apple doc says using "no", "0" is common in the real world, and // some sites, e.g. gomoviesapp.com, use "false". if (value == "no" || value == "0" || value == "false") { m_viewport_user_scalable = false; } } else if (key == "telephone") { if (value == "no") { m_format_detection_telephone = false; } } else if (key == "address") { if (value == "no") { m_format_detection_address = false; } } else if (key == "email") { if (value == "no") { m_format_detection_email = false; } } else if (key == "format-detection") { // even Apple doc says "format-detection" should be the name of the // tag. In the real world, e.g. amazon.com, use // "format-detection=no" in the "viewport" tag to disable all // format detection. if (value == "no") { m_format_detection_telephone = false; m_format_detection_address = false; m_format_detection_email = false; } } } #endif void Settings::setAuthorAndUserStylesEnabled(bool authorAndUserStylesEnabled) { if (m_authorAndUserStylesEnabled == authorAndUserStylesEnabled) return; m_authorAndUserStylesEnabled = authorAndUserStylesEnabled; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setFontRenderingMode(FontRenderingMode mode) { if (fontRenderingMode() == mode) return; m_fontRenderingMode = mode; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } FontRenderingMode Settings::fontRenderingMode() const { return static_cast(m_fontRenderingMode); } void Settings::setNeedsSiteSpecificQuirks(bool needsQuirks) { m_needsSiteSpecificQuirks = needsQuirks; } void Settings::setWebArchiveDebugModeEnabled(bool enabled) { m_webArchiveDebugModeEnabled = enabled; } void Settings::setLocalStorageDatabasePath(const String& path) { m_localStorageDatabasePath = path; } void Settings::disableRangeMutationForOldAppleMail(bool disable) { m_rangeMutationDisabledForOldAppleMail = disable; } void Settings::setApplicationChromeMode(bool mode) { m_inApplicationChromeMode = mode; } void Settings::setOfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled(bool enabled) { m_offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled = enabled; } void Settings::setShouldPaintCustomScrollbars(bool shouldPaintCustomScrollbars) { m_shouldPaintCustomScrollbars = shouldPaintCustomScrollbars; } void Settings::setZoomsTextOnly(bool zoomsTextOnly) { if (zoomsTextOnly == m_zoomsTextOnly) return; m_zoomsTextOnly = zoomsTextOnly; setNeedsReapplyStylesInAllFrames(m_page); } void Settings::setEnforceCSSMIMETypeInStrictMode(bool enforceCSSMIMETypeInStrictMode) { m_enforceCSSMIMETypeInStrictMode = enforceCSSMIMETypeInStrictMode; } #if USE(SAFARI_THEME) void Settings::setShouldPaintNativeControls(bool shouldPaintNativeControls) { gShouldPaintNativeControls = shouldPaintNativeControls; } #endif void Settings::setNeedsIChatMemoryCacheCallsQuirk(bool needsIChatMemoryCacheCallsQuirk) { m_needsIChatMemoryCacheCallsQuirk = needsIChatMemoryCacheCallsQuirk; } } // namespace WebCore