/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef AnimationBase_h #define AnimationBase_h #include "AtomicString.h" #include namespace WebCore { class Animation; class AnimationBase; class AnimationController; class CompositeAnimation; class Element; class Node; class RenderObject; class RenderStyle; class TimingFunction; class AnimationBase : public RefCounted { friend class CompositeAnimation; public: AnimationBase(const Animation* transition, RenderObject* renderer, CompositeAnimation* compAnim); virtual ~AnimationBase(); RenderObject* renderer() const { return m_object; } void clearRenderer() { m_object = 0; } double duration() const; // Animations and Transitions go through the states below. When entering the STARTED state // the animation is started. This may or may not require deferred response from the animator. // If so, we stay in this state until that response is received (and it returns the start time). // Otherwise, we use the current time as the start time and go immediately to AnimationStateLooping // or AnimationStateEnding. enum AnimState { AnimationStateNew, // animation just created, animation not running yet AnimationStateStartWaitTimer, // start timer running, waiting for fire AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable, // waiting for style setup so we can start animations AnimationStateStartWaitResponse, // animation started, waiting for response AnimationStateLooping, // response received, animation running, loop timer running, waiting for fire AnimationStateEnding, // received, animation running, end timer running, waiting for fire AnimationStatePausedWaitTimer, // in pause mode when animation started AnimationStatePausedWaitResponse, // animation paused when in STARTING state AnimationStatePausedRun, // animation paused when in LOOPING or ENDING state AnimationStateDone // end timer fired, animation finished and removed }; enum AnimStateInput { AnimationStateInputMakeNew, // reset back to new from any state AnimationStateInputStartAnimation, // animation requests a start AnimationStateInputRestartAnimation, // force a restart from any state AnimationStateInputStartTimerFired, // start timer fired AnimationStateInputStyleAvailable, // style is setup, ready to start animating AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet, // m_startTime was set AnimationStateInputLoopTimerFired, // loop timer fired AnimationStateInputEndTimerFired, // end timer fired AnimationStateInputPauseOverride, // pause an animation due to override AnimationStateInputResumeOverride, // resume an overridden animation AnimationStateInputPlayStateRunnning, // play state paused -> running AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused, // play state running -> paused AnimationStateInputEndAnimation // force an end from any state }; // Called when animation is in AnimationStateNew to start animation void updateStateMachine(AnimStateInput, double param); // Animation has actually started, at passed time void onAnimationStartResponse(double startTime) { updateStateMachine(AnimationBase::AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet, startTime); } // Called to change to or from paused state void updatePlayState(bool running); bool playStatePlaying() const; bool waitingToStart() const { return m_animState == AnimationStateNew || m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitTimer; } bool preActive() const { return m_animState == AnimationStateNew || m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitTimer || m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable || m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitResponse; } bool postActive() const { return m_animState == AnimationStateDone; } bool active() const { return !postActive() && !preActive(); } bool running() const { return !isNew() && !postActive(); } bool paused() const { return m_pauseTime >= 0; } bool isNew() const { return m_animState == AnimationStateNew; } bool waitingForStartTime() const { return m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitResponse; } bool waitingForStyleAvailable() const { return m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable; } // "animating" means that something is running that requires a timer to keep firing // (e.g. a software animation) void setAnimating(bool inAnimating = true) { m_isAnimating = inAnimating; } virtual double timeToNextService(); double progress(double scale, double offset, const TimingFunction*) const; virtual void animate(CompositeAnimation*, RenderObject*, const RenderStyle* /*currentStyle*/, RenderStyle* /*targetStyle*/, RefPtr& /*animatedStyle*/) = 0; virtual void getAnimatedStyle(RefPtr& /*animatedStyle*/) = 0; virtual bool shouldFireEvents() const { return false; } void fireAnimationEventsIfNeeded(); bool animationsMatch(const Animation*) const; void setAnimation(const Animation* anim) { m_animation = const_cast(anim); } // Return true if this animation is overridden. This will only be the case for // ImplicitAnimations and is used to determine whether or not we should force // set the start time. If an animation is overridden, it will probably not get // back the AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet input. virtual bool overridden() const { return false; } // Does this animation/transition involve the given property? virtual bool affectsProperty(int /*property*/) const { return false; } bool isAnimatingProperty(int property, bool isRunningNow) const { if (m_fallbackAnimating) return false; if (isRunningNow) return (!waitingToStart() && !postActive()) && affectsProperty(property); return !postActive() && affectsProperty(property); } bool isTransformFunctionListValid() const { return m_transformFunctionListValid; } void pauseAtTime(double t); double beginAnimationUpdateTime() const; double getElapsedTime() const; AnimationBase* next() const { return m_next; } void setNext(AnimationBase* animation) { m_next = animation; } void styleAvailable() { ASSERT(waitingForStyleAvailable()); updateStateMachine(AnimationBase::AnimationStateInputStyleAvailable, -1); } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) static bool animationOfPropertyIsAccelerated(int prop); #endif protected: virtual void overrideAnimations() { } virtual void resumeOverriddenAnimations() { } CompositeAnimation* compositeAnimation() { return m_compAnim; } // These are called when the corresponding timer fires so subclasses can do any extra work virtual void onAnimationStart(double /*elapsedTime*/) { } virtual void onAnimationIteration(double /*elapsedTime*/) { } virtual void onAnimationEnd(double /*elapsedTime*/) { } virtual bool startAnimation(double /*beginTime*/) { return false; } virtual void endAnimation(bool /*reset*/) { } void goIntoEndingOrLoopingState(); bool isFallbackAnimating() const { return m_fallbackAnimating; } static bool propertiesEqual(int prop, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b); static int getPropertyAtIndex(int, bool& isShorthand); static int getNumProperties(); // Return true if we need to start software animation timers static bool blendProperties(const AnimationBase* anim, int prop, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress); static void setNeedsStyleRecalc(Node*); void getTimeToNextEvent(double& time, bool& isLooping) const; AnimState m_animState; bool m_isAnimating; // transition/animation requires continual timer firing double m_startTime; double m_pauseTime; double m_requestedStartTime; RenderObject* m_object; RefPtr m_animation; CompositeAnimation* m_compAnim; bool m_fallbackAnimating; // true when animating an accelerated property but have to fall back to software bool m_transformFunctionListValid; double m_totalDuration, m_nextIterationDuration; AnimationBase* m_next; }; } // namespace WebCore #endif // AnimationBase_h