/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Scrollbar.h" #include "AccessibilityScrollbar.h" #include "AXObjectCache.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "PlatformMouseEvent.h" #include "ScrollbarClient.h" #include "ScrollbarTheme.h" #include using namespace std; #if (PLATFORM(CHROMIUM) && (OS(LINUX) || OS(FREEBSD))) || PLATFORM(GTK) // The position of the scrollbar thumb affects the appearance of the steppers, so // when the thumb moves, we have to invalidate them for painting. #define THUMB_POSITION_AFFECTS_BUTTONS #endif namespace WebCore { #if !PLATFORM(EFL) PassRefPtr Scrollbar::createNativeScrollbar(ScrollbarClient* client, ScrollbarOrientation orientation, ScrollbarControlSize size) { return adoptRef(new Scrollbar(client, orientation, size)); } #endif int Scrollbar::maxOverlapBetweenPages() { static int maxOverlapBetweenPages = ScrollbarTheme::nativeTheme()->maxOverlapBetweenPages(); return maxOverlapBetweenPages; } Scrollbar::Scrollbar(ScrollbarClient* client, ScrollbarOrientation orientation, ScrollbarControlSize controlSize, ScrollbarTheme* theme) : m_client(client) , m_orientation(orientation) , m_controlSize(controlSize) , m_theme(theme) , m_visibleSize(0) , m_totalSize(0) , m_currentPos(0) , m_dragOrigin(0) , m_lineStep(0) , m_pageStep(0) , m_pixelStep(1) , m_hoveredPart(NoPart) , m_pressedPart(NoPart) , m_pressedPos(0) , m_enabled(true) , m_scrollTimer(this, &Scrollbar::autoscrollTimerFired) , m_overlapsResizer(false) , m_suppressInvalidation(false) { if (!m_theme) m_theme = ScrollbarTheme::nativeTheme(); m_theme->registerScrollbar(this); // FIXME: This is ugly and would not be necessary if we fix cross-platform code to actually query for // scrollbar thickness and use it when sizing scrollbars (rather than leaving one dimension of the scrollbar // alone when sizing). int thickness = m_theme->scrollbarThickness(controlSize); Widget::setFrameRect(IntRect(0, 0, thickness, thickness)); } Scrollbar::~Scrollbar() { stopTimerIfNeeded(); m_theme->unregisterScrollbar(this); } bool Scrollbar::setValue(int v, ScrollSource source) { v = max(min(v, m_totalSize - m_visibleSize), 0); if (value() == v) return false; // Our value stayed the same. setCurrentPos(v, source); return true; } void Scrollbar::setProportion(int visibleSize, int totalSize) { if (visibleSize == m_visibleSize && totalSize == m_totalSize) return; m_visibleSize = visibleSize; m_totalSize = totalSize; updateThumbProportion(); } void Scrollbar::setSteps(int lineStep, int pageStep, int pixelsPerStep) { m_lineStep = lineStep; m_pageStep = pageStep; m_pixelStep = 1.0f / pixelsPerStep; } bool Scrollbar::scroll(ScrollDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity, float multiplier) { #if HAVE(ACCESSIBILITY) if (AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled()) { if (parent() && parent()->isFrameView()) { Document* document = static_cast(parent())->frame()->document(); AXObjectCache* cache = document->axObjectCache(); AccessibilityScrollbar* axObject = static_cast(cache->getOrCreate(ScrollBarRole)); axObject->setScrollbar(this); cache->postNotification(axObject, document, AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true); } } #endif // Ignore perpendicular scrolls. if ((m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) ? (direction == ScrollUp || direction == ScrollDown) : (direction == ScrollLeft || direction == ScrollRight)) return false; float step = 0; switch (granularity) { case ScrollByLine: step = m_lineStep; break; case ScrollByPage: step = m_pageStep; break; case ScrollByDocument: step = m_totalSize; break; case ScrollByPixel: step = m_pixelStep; break; } if (direction == ScrollUp || direction == ScrollLeft) multiplier = -multiplier; if (client()) return client()->scroll(m_orientation, granularity, step, multiplier); return setCurrentPos(max(min(m_currentPos + (step * multiplier), static_cast(m_totalSize - m_visibleSize)), 0.0f), NotFromScrollAnimator); } void Scrollbar::updateThumb() { #ifdef THUMB_POSITION_AFFECTS_BUTTONS invalidate(); #else theme()->invalidateParts(this, ForwardTrackPart | BackTrackPart | ThumbPart); #endif } void Scrollbar::updateThumbPosition() { updateThumb(); } void Scrollbar::updateThumbProportion() { updateThumb(); } void Scrollbar::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& damageRect) { if (context->updatingControlTints() && theme()->supportsControlTints()) { invalidate(); return; } if (context->paintingDisabled() || !frameRect().intersects(damageRect)) return; if (!theme()->paint(this, context, damageRect)) Widget::paint(context, damageRect); } void Scrollbar::autoscrollTimerFired(Timer*) { autoscrollPressedPart(theme()->autoscrollTimerDelay()); } static bool thumbUnderMouse(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { int thumbPos = scrollbar->theme()->trackPosition(scrollbar) + scrollbar->theme()->thumbPosition(scrollbar); int thumbLength = scrollbar->theme()->thumbLength(scrollbar); return scrollbar->pressedPos() >= thumbPos && scrollbar->pressedPos() < thumbPos + thumbLength; } void Scrollbar::autoscrollPressedPart(double delay) { // Don't do anything for the thumb or if nothing was pressed. if (m_pressedPart == ThumbPart || m_pressedPart == NoPart) return; // Handle the track. if ((m_pressedPart == BackTrackPart || m_pressedPart == ForwardTrackPart) && thumbUnderMouse(this)) { theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_pressedPart); setHoveredPart(ThumbPart); return; } // Handle the arrows and track. if (scroll(pressedPartScrollDirection(), pressedPartScrollGranularity())) startTimerIfNeeded(delay); } void Scrollbar::startTimerIfNeeded(double delay) { // Don't do anything for the thumb. if (m_pressedPart == ThumbPart) return; // Handle the track. We halt track scrolling once the thumb is level // with us. if ((m_pressedPart == BackTrackPart || m_pressedPart == ForwardTrackPart) && thumbUnderMouse(this)) { theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_pressedPart); setHoveredPart(ThumbPart); return; } // We can't scroll if we've hit the beginning or end. ScrollDirection dir = pressedPartScrollDirection(); if (dir == ScrollUp || dir == ScrollLeft) { if (m_currentPos == 0) return; } else { if (m_currentPos == maximum()) return; } m_scrollTimer.startOneShot(delay); } void Scrollbar::stopTimerIfNeeded() { if (m_scrollTimer.isActive()) m_scrollTimer.stop(); } ScrollDirection Scrollbar::pressedPartScrollDirection() { if (m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) { if (m_pressedPart == BackButtonStartPart || m_pressedPart == BackButtonEndPart || m_pressedPart == BackTrackPart) return ScrollLeft; return ScrollRight; } else { if (m_pressedPart == BackButtonStartPart || m_pressedPart == BackButtonEndPart || m_pressedPart == BackTrackPart) return ScrollUp; return ScrollDown; } } ScrollGranularity Scrollbar::pressedPartScrollGranularity() { if (m_pressedPart == BackButtonStartPart || m_pressedPart == BackButtonEndPart || m_pressedPart == ForwardButtonStartPart || m_pressedPart == ForwardButtonEndPart) return ScrollByLine; return ScrollByPage; } void Scrollbar::moveThumb(int pos) { // Drag the thumb. int thumbPos = theme()->thumbPosition(this); int thumbLen = theme()->thumbLength(this); int trackLen = theme()->trackLength(this); int maxPos = trackLen - thumbLen; int delta = pos - m_pressedPos; if (delta > 0) delta = min(maxPos - thumbPos, delta); else if (delta < 0) delta = max(-thumbPos, delta); if (delta) setCurrentPos(static_cast(thumbPos + delta) * maximum() / (trackLen - thumbLen), NotFromScrollAnimator); } bool Scrollbar::setCurrentPos(float pos, ScrollSource source) { if ((source != FromScrollAnimator) && client()) client()->setScrollPositionAndStopAnimation(m_orientation, pos); if (pos == m_currentPos) return false; int oldValue = value(); int oldThumbPos = theme()->thumbPosition(this); m_currentPos = pos; updateThumbPosition(); if (m_pressedPart == ThumbPart) setPressedPos(m_pressedPos + theme()->thumbPosition(this) - oldThumbPos); if (value() != oldValue && client()) client()->valueChanged(this); return true; } void Scrollbar::setHoveredPart(ScrollbarPart part) { if (part == m_hoveredPart) return; if ((m_hoveredPart == NoPart || part == NoPart) && theme()->invalidateOnMouseEnterExit()) invalidate(); // Just invalidate the whole scrollbar, since the buttons at either end change anyway. else if (m_pressedPart == NoPart) { // When there's a pressed part, we don't draw a hovered state, so there's no reason to invalidate. theme()->invalidatePart(this, part); theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_hoveredPart); } m_hoveredPart = part; } void Scrollbar::setPressedPart(ScrollbarPart part) { if (m_pressedPart != NoPart) theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_pressedPart); m_pressedPart = part; if (m_pressedPart != NoPart) theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_pressedPart); else if (m_hoveredPart != NoPart) // When we no longer have a pressed part, we can start drawing a hovered state on the hovered part. theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_hoveredPart); } bool Scrollbar::mouseMoved(const PlatformMouseEvent& evt) { if (m_pressedPart == ThumbPart) { if (theme()->shouldSnapBackToDragOrigin(this, evt)) setCurrentPos(m_dragOrigin, NotFromScrollAnimator); else { moveThumb(m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar ? convertFromContainingWindow(evt.pos()).x() : convertFromContainingWindow(evt.pos()).y()); } return true; } if (m_pressedPart != NoPart) m_pressedPos = (orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar ? convertFromContainingWindow(evt.pos()).x() : convertFromContainingWindow(evt.pos()).y()); ScrollbarPart part = theme()->hitTest(this, evt); if (part != m_hoveredPart) { if (m_pressedPart != NoPart) { if (part == m_pressedPart) { // The mouse is moving back over the pressed part. We // need to start up the timer action again. startTimerIfNeeded(theme()->autoscrollTimerDelay()); theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_pressedPart); } else if (m_hoveredPart == m_pressedPart) { // The mouse is leaving the pressed part. Kill our timer // if needed. stopTimerIfNeeded(); theme()->invalidatePart(this, m_pressedPart); } } setHoveredPart(part); } return true; } bool Scrollbar::mouseExited() { setHoveredPart(NoPart); return true; } bool Scrollbar::mouseUp() { setPressedPart(NoPart); m_pressedPos = 0; stopTimerIfNeeded(); if (parent() && parent()->isFrameView()) static_cast(parent())->frame()->eventHandler()->setMousePressed(false); return true; } bool Scrollbar::mouseDown(const PlatformMouseEvent& evt) { // Early exit for right click if (evt.button() == RightButton) return true; // FIXME: Handled as context menu by Qt right now. Should just avoid even calling this method on a right click though. setPressedPart(theme()->hitTest(this, evt)); int pressedPos = (orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar ? convertFromContainingWindow(evt.pos()).x() : convertFromContainingWindow(evt.pos()).y()); if ((m_pressedPart == BackTrackPart || m_pressedPart == ForwardTrackPart) && theme()->shouldCenterOnThumb(this, evt)) { setHoveredPart(ThumbPart); setPressedPart(ThumbPart); m_dragOrigin = m_currentPos; int thumbLen = theme()->thumbLength(this); int desiredPos = pressedPos; // Set the pressed position to the middle of the thumb so that when we do the move, the delta // will be from the current pixel position of the thumb to the new desired position for the thumb. m_pressedPos = theme()->trackPosition(this) + theme()->thumbPosition(this) + thumbLen / 2; moveThumb(desiredPos); return true; } else if (m_pressedPart == ThumbPart) m_dragOrigin = m_currentPos; m_pressedPos = pressedPos; autoscrollPressedPart(theme()->initialAutoscrollTimerDelay()); return true; } void Scrollbar::setFrameRect(const IntRect& rect) { // Get our window resizer rect and see if we overlap. Adjust to avoid the overlap // if necessary. IntRect adjustedRect(rect); bool overlapsResizer = false; ScrollView* view = parent(); if (view && !rect.isEmpty() && !view->windowResizerRect().isEmpty()) { IntRect resizerRect = view->convertFromContainingWindow(view->windowResizerRect()); if (rect.intersects(resizerRect)) { if (orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) { int overlap = rect.right() - resizerRect.x(); if (overlap > 0 && resizerRect.right() >= rect.right()) { adjustedRect.setWidth(rect.width() - overlap); overlapsResizer = true; } } else { int overlap = rect.bottom() - resizerRect.y(); if (overlap > 0 && resizerRect.bottom() >= rect.bottom()) { adjustedRect.setHeight(rect.height() - overlap); overlapsResizer = true; } } } } if (overlapsResizer != m_overlapsResizer) { m_overlapsResizer = overlapsResizer; if (view) view->adjustScrollbarsAvoidingResizerCount(m_overlapsResizer ? 1 : -1); } Widget::setFrameRect(adjustedRect); } void Scrollbar::setParent(ScrollView* parentView) { if (!parentView && m_overlapsResizer && parent()) parent()->adjustScrollbarsAvoidingResizerCount(-1); Widget::setParent(parentView); } void Scrollbar::setEnabled(bool e) { if (m_enabled == e) return; m_enabled = e; invalidate(); } bool Scrollbar::isWindowActive() const { return m_client && m_client->isActive(); } void Scrollbar::invalidateRect(const IntRect& rect) { if (suppressInvalidation()) return; if (m_client) m_client->invalidateScrollbarRect(this, rect); } IntRect Scrollbar::convertToContainingView(const IntRect& localRect) const { if (m_client) return m_client->convertFromScrollbarToContainingView(this, localRect); return Widget::convertToContainingView(localRect); } IntRect Scrollbar::convertFromContainingView(const IntRect& parentRect) const { if (m_client) return m_client->convertFromContainingViewToScrollbar(this, parentRect); return Widget::convertFromContainingView(parentRect); } IntPoint Scrollbar::convertToContainingView(const IntPoint& localPoint) const { if (m_client) return m_client->convertFromScrollbarToContainingView(this, localPoint); return Widget::convertToContainingView(localPoint); } IntPoint Scrollbar::convertFromContainingView(const IntPoint& parentPoint) const { if (m_client) return m_client->convertFromContainingViewToScrollbar(this, parentPoint); return Widget::convertFromContainingView(parentPoint); } }