/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "BinaryPropertyList.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace WebCore { static const size_t headerSize = 8; static const size_t trailerSize = 32; static const UInt8 booleanTrueMarkerByte = 0x09; static const UInt8 oneByteIntegerMarkerByte = 0x10; static const UInt8 twoByteIntegerMarkerByte = 0x11; static const UInt8 fourByteIntegerMarkerByte = 0x12; static const UInt8 eightByteIntegerMarkerByte = 0x13; static const UInt8 asciiStringMarkerByte = 0x50; static const UInt8 asciiStringWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte = 0x5F; static const UInt8 unicodeStringMarkerByte = 0x60; static const UInt8 unicodeStringWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte = 0x6F; static const UInt8 arrayMarkerByte = 0xA0; static const UInt8 arrayWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte = 0xAF; static const UInt8 dictionaryMarkerByte = 0xD0; static const UInt8 dictionaryWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte = 0xDF; static const size_t maxLengthInMarkerByte = 0xE; class IntegerArray { public: IntegerArray() : m_integers(0), m_size(0) { } IntegerArray(const int* integers, size_t size) : m_integers(integers), m_size(size) { ASSERT(integers); ASSERT(size); } void markDeleted() { m_integers = 0; m_size = deletedValueSize(); } bool isDeletedValue() const { return m_size == deletedValueSize(); } const int* integers() const { ASSERT(!isDeletedValue()); return m_integers; } size_t size() const { ASSERT(!isDeletedValue()); return m_size; } private: static size_t deletedValueSize() { return numeric_limits::max(); } friend bool operator==(const IntegerArray&, const IntegerArray&); const int* m_integers; size_t m_size; }; inline bool operator==(const IntegerArray& a, const IntegerArray& b) { return a.m_integers == b.m_integers && a.m_size == b.m_size; } struct IntegerArrayHashTraits : WTF::GenericHashTraits { static const bool needsDestruction = false; static void constructDeletedValue(IntegerArray& slot) { slot.markDeleted(); } static bool isDeletedValue(const IntegerArray& array) { return array.isDeletedValue(); } }; struct IntegerArrayHash { static unsigned hash(const IntegerArray&); static bool equal(const IntegerArray&, const IntegerArray&); static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = true; }; unsigned IntegerArrayHash::hash(const IntegerArray& array) { return StringImpl::computeHash(reinterpret_cast(array.integers()), array.size() / (sizeof(int) / sizeof(UChar))); } bool IntegerArrayHash::equal(const IntegerArray& a, const IntegerArray& b) { if (a.isDeletedValue() || b.isDeletedValue()) return a.isDeletedValue() == b.isDeletedValue(); if (a.size() != b.size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) { if (a.integers()[i] != b.integers()[i]) return false; } return true; } typedef size_t ObjectReference; class BinaryPropertyListPlan : private BinaryPropertyListObjectStream { public: BinaryPropertyListPlan(BinaryPropertyListWriter&); ObjectReference booleanTrueObjectReference() const; ObjectReference integerObjectReference(int) const; ObjectReference stringObjectReference(const String&) const; ObjectReference integerArrayObjectReference(const int*, size_t) const; ObjectReference objectCount() const { return m_currentObjectReference; } ObjectReference byteCount() const { return m_byteCount; } ObjectReference objectReferenceCount() const { return m_objectReferenceCount; } private: virtual void writeBooleanTrue(); virtual void writeInteger(int); virtual void writeString(const String&); virtual void writeIntegerArray(const int*, size_t); virtual void writeUniqueString(const String&); virtual void writeUniqueString(const char*); virtual size_t writeArrayStart(); virtual void writeArrayEnd(size_t); virtual size_t writeDictionaryStart(); virtual void writeDictionaryEnd(size_t); void writeArrayObject(size_t); void writeDictionaryObject(size_t); void writeStringObject(const String&); void writeStringObject(const char*); static ObjectReference invalidObjectReference() { return numeric_limits::max(); } typedef HashMap IntegerArrayMap; ObjectReference m_booleanTrueObjectReference; ObjectReference m_integerZeroObjectReference; HashMap m_integers; HashMap m_strings; IntegerArrayMap m_integerArrays; ObjectReference m_currentObjectReference; size_t m_currentAggregateSize; size_t m_byteCount; size_t m_objectReferenceCount; }; BinaryPropertyListPlan::BinaryPropertyListPlan(BinaryPropertyListWriter& client) : m_booleanTrueObjectReference(invalidObjectReference()) , m_integerZeroObjectReference(invalidObjectReference()) , m_currentObjectReference(0) , m_currentAggregateSize(0) , m_byteCount(0) , m_objectReferenceCount(0) { client.writeObjects(*this); ASSERT(m_currentAggregateSize == 1); } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeBooleanTrue() { ++m_currentAggregateSize; if (m_booleanTrueObjectReference != invalidObjectReference()) return; m_booleanTrueObjectReference = m_currentObjectReference++; ++m_byteCount; } static inline int integerByteCount(size_t integer) { if (integer <= 0xFF) return 2; if (integer <= 0xFFFF) return 3; #ifdef __LP64__ if (integer <= 0xFFFFFFFFULL) return 5; return 9; #else return 5; #endif } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeInteger(int integer) { ASSERT(integer >= 0); ++m_currentAggregateSize; if (!integer) { if (m_integerZeroObjectReference != invalidObjectReference()) return; m_integerZeroObjectReference = m_currentObjectReference; } else { if (!m_integers.add(integer, m_currentObjectReference).second) return; } ++m_currentObjectReference; m_byteCount += integerByteCount(integer); } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeString(const String& string) { ++m_currentAggregateSize; if (!m_strings.add(string, m_currentObjectReference).second) return; ++m_currentObjectReference; writeStringObject(string); } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeIntegerArray(const int* integers, size_t size) { size_t savedAggregateSize = ++m_currentAggregateSize; ASSERT(size); pair addResult = m_integerArrays.add(IntegerArray(integers, size), 0); if (!addResult.second) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) writeInteger(integers[i]); addResult.first->second = m_currentObjectReference++; writeArrayObject(size); m_currentAggregateSize = savedAggregateSize; } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeUniqueString(const String& string) { ++m_currentAggregateSize; ++m_currentObjectReference; writeStringObject(string); } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeUniqueString(const char* string) { ++m_currentAggregateSize; ++m_currentObjectReference; writeStringObject(string); } size_t BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeArrayStart() { size_t savedAggregateSize = m_currentAggregateSize; m_currentAggregateSize = 0; return savedAggregateSize; } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeArrayEnd(size_t savedAggregateSize) { ++m_currentObjectReference; writeArrayObject(m_currentAggregateSize); m_currentAggregateSize = savedAggregateSize + 1; } size_t BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeDictionaryStart() { size_t savedAggregateSize = m_currentAggregateSize; m_currentAggregateSize = 0; return savedAggregateSize; } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeDictionaryEnd(size_t savedAggregateSize) { ++m_currentObjectReference; writeDictionaryObject(m_currentAggregateSize); m_currentAggregateSize = savedAggregateSize + 1; } static size_t markerPlusLengthByteCount(size_t length) { if (length <= maxLengthInMarkerByte) return 1; return 1 + integerByteCount(length); } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeStringObject(const String& string) { const UChar* characters = string.characters(); unsigned length = string.length(); m_byteCount += markerPlusLengthByteCount(length) + length; if (!charactersAreAllASCII(characters, length)) m_byteCount += length; } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeStringObject(const char* string) { unsigned length = strlen(string); m_byteCount += markerPlusLengthByteCount(length) + length; } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeArrayObject(size_t size) { ASSERT(size); m_byteCount += markerPlusLengthByteCount(size); m_objectReferenceCount += size; } void BinaryPropertyListPlan::writeDictionaryObject(size_t size) { ASSERT(size); ASSERT(!(size & 1)); m_byteCount += markerPlusLengthByteCount(size / 2); m_objectReferenceCount += size; } ObjectReference BinaryPropertyListPlan::booleanTrueObjectReference() const { ASSERT(m_booleanTrueObjectReference != invalidObjectReference()); return m_booleanTrueObjectReference; } ObjectReference BinaryPropertyListPlan::integerObjectReference(int integer) const { ASSERT(integer >= 0); if (!integer) { ASSERT(m_integerZeroObjectReference != invalidObjectReference()); return m_integerZeroObjectReference; } ASSERT(m_integers.contains(integer)); return m_integers.get(integer); } ObjectReference BinaryPropertyListPlan::stringObjectReference(const String& string) const { ASSERT(m_strings.contains(string)); return m_strings.get(string); } ObjectReference BinaryPropertyListPlan::integerArrayObjectReference(const int* integers, size_t size) const { ASSERT(m_integerArrays.contains(IntegerArray(integers, size))); return m_integerArrays.get(IntegerArray(integers, size)); } class BinaryPropertyListSerializer : private BinaryPropertyListObjectStream { public: BinaryPropertyListSerializer(BinaryPropertyListWriter&); private: virtual void writeBooleanTrue(); virtual void writeInteger(int); virtual void writeString(const String&); virtual void writeIntegerArray(const int*, size_t); virtual void writeUniqueString(const String&); virtual void writeUniqueString(const char*); virtual size_t writeArrayStart(); virtual void writeArrayEnd(size_t); virtual size_t writeDictionaryStart(); virtual void writeDictionaryEnd(size_t); ObjectReference writeIntegerWithoutAddingAggregateObjectReference(int); void appendIntegerObject(int); void appendStringObject(const String&); void appendStringObject(const char*); void appendIntegerArrayObject(const int*, size_t); void appendByte(unsigned char); void appendByte(unsigned); void appendByte(unsigned long); void appendByte(int); void appendInteger(size_t); void appendObjectReference(ObjectReference); void addAggregateObjectReference(ObjectReference); void startObject(); const BinaryPropertyListPlan m_plan; const int m_objectReferenceSize; const size_t m_offsetTableStart; const int m_offsetSize; const size_t m_bufferSize; UInt8* const m_buffer; UInt8* m_currentByte; ObjectReference m_currentObjectReference; UInt8* m_currentAggregateBufferByte; }; inline void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendByte(unsigned char byte) { *m_currentByte++ = byte; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); } inline void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendByte(unsigned byte) { *m_currentByte++ = byte; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); } inline void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendByte(unsigned long byte) { *m_currentByte++ = byte; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); } inline void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendByte(int byte) { *m_currentByte++ = byte; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); } static int bytesNeeded(size_t count) { ASSERT(count); int bytesNeeded = 1; for (size_t mask = numeric_limits::max() << 8; count & mask; mask <<= 8) ++bytesNeeded; return bytesNeeded; } static inline void storeLength(UInt8* destination, size_t length) { #ifdef __LP64__ destination[0] = length >> 56; destination[1] = length >> 48; destination[2] = length >> 40; destination[3] = length >> 32; #else destination[0] = 0; destination[1] = 0; destination[2] = 0; destination[3] = 0; #endif destination[4] = length >> 24; destination[5] = length >> 16; destination[6] = length >> 8; destination[7] = length; } // Like memmove, but reverses the bytes. static void moveAndReverseBytes(UInt8* destination, const UInt8* source, size_t length) { ASSERT(length); memmove(destination, source, length); UInt8* start = destination; UInt8* end = destination + length; while (end - start > 1) std::swap(*start++, *--end); } // The serializer uses a single buffer for the property list. // The buffer contains: // // 8-byte header // object data // offset table // 32-byte trailer // // While serializing object, the offset table entry for each object is written just before // the object data for that object is written. Aggregates, arrays and dictionaries, are a // special case. The objects that go into an aggregate are written before the aggregate is. // As each object is written, the object reference is put in the aggregate buffer. Then, // when the aggregate is written, the aggregate buffer is copied into place in the object // data. Finally, the header and trailer are written. // // The aggregate buffer shares space with the object data, like this: // // 8-byte header // object data // >>> aggregate buffer <<< // offset table // 32-byte trailer // // To make it easy to build it incrementally, the buffer starts at the end of the object // data space, and grows backwards. We're guaranteed the aggregate buffer will never collide // with the object data pointer because we know that the object data is correctly sized // based on our plan, and all the data in the aggregate buffer will be used to create the // actual aggregate objects; in the worst case the aggregate buffer will already be in // exactly the right place, but backwards. BinaryPropertyListSerializer::BinaryPropertyListSerializer(BinaryPropertyListWriter& client) : m_plan(client) , m_objectReferenceSize(bytesNeeded(m_plan.objectCount())) , m_offsetTableStart(headerSize + m_plan.byteCount() + m_plan.objectReferenceCount() * m_objectReferenceSize) , m_offsetSize(bytesNeeded(m_offsetTableStart)) , m_bufferSize(m_offsetTableStart + m_plan.objectCount() * m_offsetSize + trailerSize) , m_buffer(client.buffer(m_bufferSize)) , m_currentObjectReference(0) { ASSERT(m_objectReferenceSize > 0); ASSERT(m_offsetSize > 0); #ifdef __LP64__ ASSERT(m_objectReferenceSize <= 8); ASSERT(m_offsetSize <= 8); #else ASSERT(m_objectReferenceSize <= 4); ASSERT(m_offsetSize <= 4); #endif if (!m_buffer) return; // Write objects and offset table. m_currentByte = m_buffer + headerSize; m_currentAggregateBufferByte = m_buffer + m_offsetTableStart; client.writeObjects(*this); ASSERT(m_currentObjectReference == m_plan.objectCount()); ASSERT(m_currentAggregateBufferByte == m_buffer + m_offsetTableStart); ASSERT(m_currentByte == m_buffer + m_offsetTableStart); // Write header. memcpy(m_buffer, "bplist00", headerSize); // Write trailer. UInt8* trailer = m_buffer + m_bufferSize - trailerSize; memset(trailer, 0, 6); trailer[6] = m_offsetSize; trailer[7] = m_objectReferenceSize; storeLength(trailer + 8, m_plan.objectCount()); storeLength(trailer + 16, m_plan.objectCount() - 1); storeLength(trailer + 24, m_offsetTableStart); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeBooleanTrue() { ObjectReference reference = m_plan.booleanTrueObjectReference(); if (m_currentObjectReference != reference) ASSERT(reference < m_currentObjectReference); else { startObject(); appendByte(booleanTrueMarkerByte); } addAggregateObjectReference(reference); } inline ObjectReference BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeIntegerWithoutAddingAggregateObjectReference(int integer) { ObjectReference reference = m_plan.integerObjectReference(integer); if (m_currentObjectReference != reference) ASSERT(reference < m_currentObjectReference); else appendIntegerObject(integer); return reference; } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeInteger(int integer) { addAggregateObjectReference(writeIntegerWithoutAddingAggregateObjectReference(integer)); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeString(const String& string) { ObjectReference reference = m_plan.stringObjectReference(string); if (m_currentObjectReference != reference) ASSERT(reference < m_currentObjectReference); else appendStringObject(string); addAggregateObjectReference(reference); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeIntegerArray(const int* integers, size_t size) { ObjectReference reference = m_plan.integerArrayObjectReference(integers, size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) writeIntegerWithoutAddingAggregateObjectReference(integers[i]); if (m_currentObjectReference != reference) ASSERT(reference < m_currentObjectReference); else appendIntegerArrayObject(integers, size); addAggregateObjectReference(reference); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeUniqueString(const char* string) { addAggregateObjectReference(m_currentObjectReference); appendStringObject(string); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeUniqueString(const String& string) { addAggregateObjectReference(m_currentObjectReference); appendStringObject(string); } size_t BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeArrayStart() { return m_currentAggregateBufferByte - m_buffer; } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeArrayEnd(size_t savedAggregateBufferOffset) { ObjectReference reference = m_currentObjectReference; startObject(); size_t aggregateBufferByteCount = savedAggregateBufferOffset - (m_currentAggregateBufferByte - m_buffer); ASSERT(aggregateBufferByteCount); ASSERT(!(aggregateBufferByteCount % m_objectReferenceSize)); size_t size = aggregateBufferByteCount / m_objectReferenceSize; if (size <= maxLengthInMarkerByte) appendByte(arrayMarkerByte | size); else { appendByte(arrayWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte); appendInteger(size); } m_currentAggregateBufferByte = m_buffer + savedAggregateBufferOffset; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); moveAndReverseBytes(m_currentByte, m_currentAggregateBufferByte - aggregateBufferByteCount, aggregateBufferByteCount); m_currentByte += aggregateBufferByteCount; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); if (m_currentObjectReference < m_plan.objectCount()) addAggregateObjectReference(reference); else ASSERT(m_currentObjectReference == m_plan.objectCount()); } size_t BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeDictionaryStart() { return m_currentAggregateBufferByte - m_buffer; } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::writeDictionaryEnd(size_t savedAggregateBufferOffset) { ObjectReference reference = m_currentObjectReference; startObject(); size_t aggregateBufferByteCount = savedAggregateBufferOffset - (m_currentAggregateBufferByte - m_buffer); ASSERT(aggregateBufferByteCount); ASSERT(!(aggregateBufferByteCount % (m_objectReferenceSize * 2))); size_t size = aggregateBufferByteCount / (m_objectReferenceSize * 2); if (size <= maxLengthInMarkerByte) appendByte(dictionaryMarkerByte | size); else { appendByte(dictionaryWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte); appendInteger(size); } m_currentAggregateBufferByte = m_buffer + savedAggregateBufferOffset; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); moveAndReverseBytes(m_currentByte, m_currentAggregateBufferByte - aggregateBufferByteCount, aggregateBufferByteCount); m_currentByte += aggregateBufferByteCount; ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); if (m_currentObjectReference != m_plan.objectCount()) addAggregateObjectReference(reference); else ASSERT(m_currentObjectReference == m_plan.objectCount()); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendIntegerObject(int integer) { startObject(); ASSERT(integer >= 0); appendInteger(integer); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendInteger(size_t integer) { if (integer <= 0xFF) { appendByte(oneByteIntegerMarkerByte); appendByte(integer); return; } if (integer <= 0xFFFF) { appendByte(twoByteIntegerMarkerByte); appendByte(integer >> 8); appendByte(integer); return; } #ifdef __LP64__ if (integer <= 0xFFFFFFFFULL) { #endif appendByte(fourByteIntegerMarkerByte); appendByte(integer >> 24); appendByte(integer >> 16); appendByte(integer >> 8); appendByte(integer); #ifdef __LP64__ return; } appendByte(eightByteIntegerMarkerByte); appendByte(integer >> 56); appendByte(integer >> 48); appendByte(integer >> 40); appendByte(integer >> 32); appendByte(integer >> 24); appendByte(integer >> 16); appendByte(integer >> 8); appendByte(integer); #endif } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendStringObject(const String& string) { startObject(); const UChar* characters = string.characters(); unsigned length = string.length(); if (charactersAreAllASCII(characters, length)) { if (length <= maxLengthInMarkerByte) appendByte(asciiStringMarkerByte | length); else { appendByte(asciiStringWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte); appendInteger(length); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) appendByte(characters[i]); } else { if (length <= maxLengthInMarkerByte) appendByte(unicodeStringMarkerByte | length); else { appendByte(unicodeStringWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte); appendInteger(length); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { appendByte(characters[i] >> 8); appendByte(characters[i]); } } } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendStringObject(const char* string) { startObject(); unsigned length = strlen(string); if (length <= maxLengthInMarkerByte) appendByte(asciiStringMarkerByte | length); else { appendByte(asciiStringWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte); appendInteger(length); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) appendByte(string[i]); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendIntegerArrayObject(const int* integers, size_t size) { startObject(); if (size <= maxLengthInMarkerByte) appendByte(arrayMarkerByte | size); else { appendByte(arrayWithSeparateLengthMarkerByte); appendInteger(size); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) appendObjectReference(m_plan.integerObjectReference(integers[i])); } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::appendObjectReference(ObjectReference reference) { switch (m_objectReferenceSize) { #ifdef __LP64__ case 8: appendByte(reference >> 56); case 7: appendByte(reference >> 48); case 6: appendByte(reference >> 40); case 5: appendByte(reference >> 32); #endif case 4: appendByte(reference >> 24); case 3: appendByte(reference >> 16); case 2: appendByte(reference >> 8); case 1: appendByte(reference); } } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::startObject() { ObjectReference reference = m_currentObjectReference++; size_t offset = m_currentByte - m_buffer; UInt8* offsetTableEntry = m_buffer + m_offsetTableStart + reference * m_offsetSize + m_offsetSize; switch (m_offsetSize) { #ifdef __LP64__ case 8: offsetTableEntry[-8] = offset >> 56; case 7: offsetTableEntry[-7] = offset >> 48; case 6: offsetTableEntry[-6] = offset >> 40; case 5: offsetTableEntry[-5] = offset >> 32; #endif case 4: offsetTableEntry[-4] = offset >> 24; case 3: offsetTableEntry[-3] = offset >> 16; case 2: offsetTableEntry[-2] = offset >> 8; case 1: offsetTableEntry[-1] = offset; } } void BinaryPropertyListSerializer::addAggregateObjectReference(ObjectReference reference) { switch (m_objectReferenceSize) { #ifdef __LP64__ case 8: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference >> 56; case 7: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference >> 48; case 6: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference >> 40; case 5: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference >> 32; #endif case 4: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference >> 24; case 3: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference >> 16; case 2: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference >> 8; case 1: *--m_currentAggregateBufferByte = reference; } ASSERT(m_currentByte <= m_currentAggregateBufferByte); } void BinaryPropertyListWriter::writePropertyList() { BinaryPropertyListSerializer(*this); } }