/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef GraphicsLayer_h #define GraphicsLayer_h #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #include "Animation.h" #include "Color.h" #include "FloatPoint.h" #include "FloatPoint3D.h" #include "FloatSize.h" #include "GraphicsLayerClient.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "TransformationMatrix.h" #include "TransformOperations.h" #include #include #if USE(TEXTURE_MAPPER) #include "texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h" #endif #if PLATFORM(MAC) #ifdef __OBJC__ @class WebLayer; @class CALayer; typedef CALayer PlatformLayer; typedef CALayer* NativeLayer; #else typedef void* PlatformLayer; typedef void* NativeLayer; #endif #elif PLATFORM(WIN) namespace WebCore { class WKCACFLayer; typedef WKCACFLayer PlatformLayer; typedef void* NativeLayer; } #elif PLATFORM(QT) #if USE(TEXTURE_MAPPER) namespace WebCore { class TextureMapperPlatformLayer; typedef TextureMapperPlatformLayer PlatformLayer; typedef TextureMapperPlatformLayer* NativeLayer; }; #else QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QGraphicsObject; QT_END_NAMESPACE namespace WebCore { typedef QGraphicsObject PlatformLayer; typedef QGraphicsObject* NativeLayer; } #endif #elif PLATFORM(CHROMIUM) namespace WebCore { class LayerChromium; typedef LayerChromium PlatformLayer; typedef void* NativeLayer; } #elif PLATFORM(ANDROID) namespace WebCore { class LayerAndroid; typedef LayerAndroid PlatformLayer; typedef void* NativeLayer; } #else typedef void* PlatformLayer; typedef void* NativeLayer; #endif enum LayerTreeAsTextBehaviorFlags { LayerTreeAsTextBehaviorNormal = 0, LayerTreeAsTextDebug = 1 << 0, // Dump extra debugging info like layer addresses. }; typedef unsigned LayerTreeAsTextBehavior; namespace WebCore { class FloatPoint3D; class GraphicsContext; class Image; class TextStream; class TimingFunction; // Base class for animation values (also used for transitions). Here to // represent values for properties being animated via the GraphicsLayer, // without pulling in style-related data from outside of the platform directory. class AnimationValue : public Noncopyable { public: AnimationValue(float keyTime, PassRefPtr timingFunction = 0) : m_keyTime(keyTime) { if (timingFunction) m_timingFunction = timingFunction; } virtual ~AnimationValue() { } float keyTime() const { return m_keyTime; } const TimingFunction* timingFunction() const { return m_timingFunction.get(); } private: float m_keyTime; RefPtr m_timingFunction; }; // Used to store one float value of an animation. class FloatAnimationValue : public AnimationValue { public: FloatAnimationValue(float keyTime, float value, PassRefPtr timingFunction = 0) : AnimationValue(keyTime, timingFunction) , m_value(value) { } float value() const { return m_value; } private: float m_value; }; // Used to store one transform value in a keyframe list. class TransformAnimationValue : public AnimationValue { public: TransformAnimationValue(float keyTime, const TransformOperations* value = 0, PassRefPtr timingFunction = 0) : AnimationValue(keyTime, timingFunction) { if (value) m_value = adoptPtr(new TransformOperations(*value)); } const TransformOperations* value() const { return m_value.get(); } private: OwnPtr m_value; }; // Used to store a series of values in a keyframe list. Values will all be of the same type, // which can be inferred from the property. class KeyframeValueList : public Noncopyable { public: KeyframeValueList(AnimatedPropertyID property) : m_property(property) { } ~KeyframeValueList() { deleteAllValues(m_values); } AnimatedPropertyID property() const { return m_property; } size_t size() const { return m_values.size(); } const AnimationValue* at(size_t i) const { return m_values.at(i); } // Insert, sorted by keyTime. Takes ownership of the pointer. void insert(const AnimationValue*); protected: Vector m_values; AnimatedPropertyID m_property; }; // GraphicsLayer is an abstraction for a rendering surface with backing store, // which may have associated transformation and animations. class GraphicsLayer { public: static PassOwnPtr create(GraphicsLayerClient*); virtual ~GraphicsLayer(); GraphicsLayerClient* client() const { return m_client; } // Layer name. Only used to identify layers in debug output const String& name() const { return m_name; } virtual void setName(const String& name) { m_name = name; } // For hosting this GraphicsLayer in a native layer hierarchy. virtual NativeLayer nativeLayer() const { return 0; } GraphicsLayer* parent() const { return m_parent; }; void setParent(GraphicsLayer* layer) { m_parent = layer; } // Internal use only. // Returns true if the layer has the given layer as an ancestor (excluding self). bool hasAncestor(GraphicsLayer*) const; const Vector& children() const { return m_children; } // Returns true if the child list changed. virtual bool setChildren(const Vector&); // Add child layers. If the child is already parented, it will be removed from its old parent. virtual void addChild(GraphicsLayer*); virtual void addChildAtIndex(GraphicsLayer*, int index); virtual void addChildAbove(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling); virtual void addChildBelow(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling); virtual bool replaceChild(GraphicsLayer* oldChild, GraphicsLayer* newChild); void removeAllChildren(); virtual void removeFromParent(); GraphicsLayer* maskLayer() const { return m_maskLayer; } virtual void setMaskLayer(GraphicsLayer* layer) { m_maskLayer = layer; } // The given layer will replicate this layer and its children; the replica renders behind this layer. virtual void setReplicatedByLayer(GraphicsLayer*); // Whether this layer is being replicated by another layer. bool isReplicated() const { return m_replicaLayer; } // The layer that replicates this layer (if any). GraphicsLayer* replicaLayer() const { return m_replicaLayer; } const FloatPoint& replicatedLayerPosition() const { return m_replicatedLayerPosition; } void setReplicatedLayerPosition(const FloatPoint& p) { m_replicatedLayerPosition = p; } // Offset is origin of the renderer minus origin of the graphics layer (so either zero or negative). IntSize offsetFromRenderer() const { return m_offsetFromRenderer; } void setOffsetFromRenderer(const IntSize& offset) { m_offsetFromRenderer = offset; } // The position of the layer (the location of its top-left corner in its parent) const FloatPoint& position() const { return m_position; } virtual void setPosition(const FloatPoint& p) { m_position = p; } // Anchor point: (0, 0) is top left, (1, 1) is bottom right. The anchor point // affects the origin of the transforms. const FloatPoint3D& anchorPoint() const { return m_anchorPoint; } virtual void setAnchorPoint(const FloatPoint3D& p) { m_anchorPoint = p; } // The bounds of the layer const FloatSize& size() const { return m_size; } virtual void setSize(const FloatSize& size) { m_size = size; } const TransformationMatrix& transform() const { return m_transform; } virtual void setTransform(const TransformationMatrix& t) { m_transform = t; } const TransformationMatrix& childrenTransform() const { return m_childrenTransform; } virtual void setChildrenTransform(const TransformationMatrix& t) { m_childrenTransform = t; } bool preserves3D() const { return m_preserves3D; } virtual void setPreserves3D(bool b) { m_preserves3D = b; } bool masksToBounds() const { return m_masksToBounds; } virtual void setMasksToBounds(bool b) { m_masksToBounds = b; } bool drawsContent() const { return m_drawsContent; } virtual void setDrawsContent(bool b) { m_drawsContent = b; } // The color used to paint the layer backgrounds const Color& backgroundColor() const { return m_backgroundColor; } virtual void setBackgroundColor(const Color&); virtual void clearBackgroundColor(); bool backgroundColorSet() const { return m_backgroundColorSet; } // opaque means that we know the layer contents have no alpha bool contentsOpaque() const { return m_contentsOpaque; } virtual void setContentsOpaque(bool b) { m_contentsOpaque = b; } bool backfaceVisibility() const { return m_backfaceVisibility; } virtual void setBackfaceVisibility(bool b) { m_backfaceVisibility = b; } float opacity() const { return m_opacity; } virtual void setOpacity(float opacity) { m_opacity = opacity; } // Some GraphicsLayers paint only the foreground or the background content GraphicsLayerPaintingPhase paintingPhase() const { return m_paintingPhase; } void setPaintingPhase(GraphicsLayerPaintingPhase phase) { m_paintingPhase = phase; } virtual void setNeedsDisplay() = 0; // mark the given rect (in layer coords) as needing dispay. Never goes deep. virtual void setNeedsDisplayInRect(const FloatRect&) = 0; virtual void setContentsNeedsDisplay() { }; // Set that the position/size of the contents (image or video). IntRect contentsRect() const { return m_contentsRect; } virtual void setContentsRect(const IntRect& r) { m_contentsRect = r; } // Transitions are identified by a special animation name that cannot clash with a keyframe identifier. static String animationNameForTransition(AnimatedPropertyID); // Return true if the animation is handled by the compositing system. If this returns // false, the animation will be run by AnimationController. // These methods handle both transitions and keyframe animations. virtual bool addAnimation(const KeyframeValueList&, const IntSize& /*boxSize*/, const Animation*, const String& /*animationName*/, double /*timeOffset*/) { return false; } virtual void pauseAnimation(const String& /*animationName*/, double /*timeOffset*/) { } virtual void removeAnimation(const String& /*animationName*/) { } virtual void suspendAnimations(double time); virtual void resumeAnimations(); // Layer contents virtual void setContentsToImage(Image*) { } virtual void setContentsToMedia(PlatformLayer*) { } // video or plug-in virtual void setContentsBackgroundColor(const Color&) { } virtual void setContentsToCanvas(PlatformLayer*) { } virtual bool hasContentsLayer() const { return false; } // Callback from the underlying graphics system to draw layer contents. void paintGraphicsLayerContents(GraphicsContext&, const IntRect& clip); // Callback from the underlying graphics system when the layer has been displayed virtual void didDisplay(PlatformLayer*) { } virtual PlatformLayer* platformLayer() const { return 0; } void dumpLayer(TextStream&, int indent = 0, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior = LayerTreeAsTextBehaviorNormal) const; int repaintCount() const { return m_repaintCount; } int incrementRepaintCount() { return ++m_repaintCount; } enum CompositingCoordinatesOrientation { CompositingCoordinatesTopDown, CompositingCoordinatesBottomUp }; // Flippedness of the contents of this layer. Does not affect sublayer geometry. virtual void setContentsOrientation(CompositingCoordinatesOrientation orientation) { m_contentsOrientation = orientation; } CompositingCoordinatesOrientation contentsOrientation() const { return m_contentsOrientation; } bool showDebugBorders() { return m_client ? m_client->showDebugBorders() : false; } bool showRepaintCounter() { return m_client ? m_client->showRepaintCounter() : false; } void updateDebugIndicators(); virtual void setDebugBackgroundColor(const Color&) { } virtual void setDebugBorder(const Color&, float /*borderWidth*/) { } // z-position is the z-equivalent of position(). It's only used for debugging purposes. virtual float zPosition() const { return m_zPosition; } virtual void setZPosition(float); virtual void distributeOpacity(float); virtual float accumulatedOpacity() const; // Some compositing systems may do internal batching to synchronize compositing updates // with updates drawn into the window. These methods flush internal batched state on this layer // and descendant layers, and this layer only. virtual void syncCompositingState() { } virtual void syncCompositingStateForThisLayerOnly() { } // Return a string with a human readable form of the layer tree, If debug is true // pointers for the layers and timing data will be included in the returned string. String layerTreeAsText(LayerTreeAsTextBehavior = LayerTreeAsTextBehaviorNormal) const; bool usingTiledLayer() const { return m_usingTiledLayer; } protected: typedef Vector TransformOperationList; // Given a list of TransformAnimationValues, return an array of transform operations. // On return, if hasBigRotation is true, functions contain rotations of >= 180 degrees static void fetchTransformOperationList(const KeyframeValueList&, TransformOperationList&, bool& isValid, bool& hasBigRotation); virtual void setOpacityInternal(float) { } // The layer being replicated. GraphicsLayer* replicatedLayer() const { return m_replicatedLayer; } virtual void setReplicatedLayer(GraphicsLayer* layer) { m_replicatedLayer = layer; } GraphicsLayer(GraphicsLayerClient*); void dumpProperties(TextStream&, int indent, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior) const; GraphicsLayerClient* m_client; String m_name; // Offset from the owning renderer IntSize m_offsetFromRenderer; // Position is relative to the parent GraphicsLayer FloatPoint m_position; FloatPoint3D m_anchorPoint; FloatSize m_size; TransformationMatrix m_transform; TransformationMatrix m_childrenTransform; Color m_backgroundColor; float m_opacity; float m_zPosition; bool m_backgroundColorSet : 1; bool m_contentsOpaque : 1; bool m_preserves3D: 1; bool m_backfaceVisibility : 1; bool m_usingTiledLayer : 1; bool m_masksToBounds : 1; bool m_drawsContent : 1; GraphicsLayerPaintingPhase m_paintingPhase; CompositingCoordinatesOrientation m_contentsOrientation; // affects orientation of layer contents Vector m_children; GraphicsLayer* m_parent; GraphicsLayer* m_maskLayer; // Reference to mask layer. We don't own this. GraphicsLayer* m_replicaLayer; // A layer that replicates this layer. We only allow one, for now. // The replica is not parented; this is the primary reference to it. GraphicsLayer* m_replicatedLayer; // For a replica layer, a reference to the original layer. FloatPoint m_replicatedLayerPosition; // For a replica layer, the position of the replica. IntRect m_contentsRect; int m_repaintCount; }; } // namespace WebCore #ifndef NDEBUG // Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb. void showGraphicsLayerTree(const WebCore::GraphicsLayer* layer); #endif #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #endif // GraphicsLayer_h