/* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "GlyphBuffer.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HarfbuzzSkia.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "PlatformContextSkia.h" #include "SimpleFontData.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkPaint.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" #include "SkUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace WebCore { bool Font::canReturnFallbackFontsForComplexText() { return false; } static bool isCanvasMultiLayered(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkCanvas::LayerIter layerIterator(canvas, false); layerIterator.next(); return !layerIterator.done(); } static void adjustTextRenderMode(SkPaint* paint, bool isCanvasMultiLayered) { // Our layers only have a single alpha channel. This means that subpixel // rendered text cannot be compositied correctly when the layer is // collapsed. Therefore, subpixel text is disabled when we are drawing // onto a layer. if (isCanvasMultiLayered) paint->setLCDRenderText(false); } void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const { SkASSERT(sizeof(GlyphBufferGlyph) == sizeof(uint16_t)); // compile-time assert const GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from); SkScalar x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x()); SkScalar y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y()); // FIXME: text rendering speed: // Android has code in their WebCore fork to special case when the // GlyphBuffer has no advances other than the defaults. In that case the // text drawing can proceed faster. However, it's unclear when those // patches may be upstreamed to WebKit so we always use the slower path // here. const GlyphBufferAdvance* adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from); SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs); SkPoint* pos = storage.get(); for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) { pos[i].set(x, y); x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width()); y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height()); } SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->canvas(); int textMode = gc->platformContext()->getTextDrawingMode(); bool haveMultipleLayers = isCanvasMultiLayered(canvas); // We draw text up to two times (once for fill, once for stroke). if (textMode & cTextFill) { SkPaint paint; gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForFilling(&paint); font->platformData().setupPaint(&paint); adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, haveMultipleLayers); paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); paint.setColor(gc->fillColor().rgb()); canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint); } if ((textMode & cTextStroke) && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() != NoStroke && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeThickness() > 0) { SkPaint paint; gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForStroking(&paint, 0, 0); font->platformData().setupPaint(&paint); adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, haveMultipleLayers); paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); paint.setColor(gc->strokeColor().rgb()); if (textMode & cTextFill) { // If we also filled, we don't want to draw shadows twice. // See comment in FontChromiumWin.cpp::paintSkiaText() for more details. paint.setLooper(0)->safeUnref(); } canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint); } } // Harfbuzz uses 26.6 fixed point values for pixel offsets. However, we don't // handle subpixel positioning so this function is used to truncate Harfbuzz // values to a number of pixels. static int truncateFixedPointToInteger(HB_Fixed value) { return value >> 6; } // TextRunWalker walks a TextRun and presents each script run in sequence. A // TextRun is a sequence of code-points with the same embedding level (i.e. they // are all left-to-right or right-to-left). A script run is a subsequence where // all the characters have the same script (e.g. Arabic, Thai etc). Shaping is // only ever done with script runs since the shapers only know how to deal with // a single script. // // After creating it, the script runs are either iterated backwards or forwards. // It defaults to backwards for RTL and forwards otherwise (which matches the // presentation order), however you can set it with |setBackwardsIteration|. // // Once you have setup the object, call |nextScriptRun| to get the first script // run. This will return false when the iteration is complete. At any time you // can call |reset| to start over again. class TextRunWalker { public: TextRunWalker(const TextRun& run, unsigned startingX, const Font* font) : m_font(font) , m_startingX(startingX) , m_offsetX(m_startingX) , m_run(getTextRun(run)) , m_iterateBackwards(m_run.rtl()) , m_wordSpacingAdjustment(0) , m_padding(0) , m_padError(0) { // Do not use |run| inside this constructor. Use |m_run| instead. memset(&m_item, 0, sizeof(m_item)); // We cannot know, ahead of time, how many glyphs a given script run // will produce. We take a guess that script runs will not produce more // than twice as many glyphs as there are code points plus a bit of // padding and fallback if we find that we are wrong. createGlyphArrays((m_run.length() + 2) * 2); m_item.log_clusters = new unsigned short[m_run.length()]; m_item.face = 0; m_item.font = allocHarfbuzzFont(); m_item.item.bidiLevel = m_run.rtl(); int length = m_run.length(); m_item.stringLength = length; if (!m_item.item.bidiLevel) m_item.string = m_run.characters(); else { // Assume mirrored character is in the same Unicode multilingual plane as the original one. UChar* string = new UChar[length]; mirrorCharacters(string, m_run.characters(), length); m_item.string = string; } reset(); } ~TextRunWalker() { fastFree(m_item.font); deleteGlyphArrays(); delete[] m_item.log_clusters; if (m_item.item.bidiLevel) delete[] m_item.string; } // setWordSpacingAdjustment sets a delta (in pixels) which is applied at // each word break in the TextRun. void setWordSpacingAdjustment(int wordSpacingAdjustment) { m_wordSpacingAdjustment = wordSpacingAdjustment; } // setLetterSpacingAdjustment sets an additional number of pixels that is // added to the advance after each output cluster. This matches the behaviour // of WidthIterator::advance. // // (NOTE: currently does nothing because I don't know how to get the // cluster information from Harfbuzz.) void setLetterSpacingAdjustment(int letterSpacingAdjustment) { m_letterSpacing = letterSpacingAdjustment; } bool isWordBreak(unsigned i, bool isRTL) { if (!isRTL) return i && isCodepointSpace(m_item.string[i]) && !isCodepointSpace(m_item.string[i - 1]); return i != m_item.stringLength - 1 && isCodepointSpace(m_item.string[i]) && !isCodepointSpace(m_item.string[i + 1]); } // setPadding sets a number of pixels to be distributed across the TextRun. // WebKit uses this to justify text. void setPadding(int padding) { m_padding = padding; if (!m_padding) return; // If we have padding to distribute, then we try to give an equal // amount to each space. The last space gets the smaller amount, if // any. unsigned numWordBreaks = 0; bool isRTL = m_iterateBackwards; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_item.stringLength; i++) { if (isWordBreak(i, isRTL)) numWordBreaks++; } if (numWordBreaks) m_padPerWordBreak = m_padding / numWordBreaks; else m_padPerWordBreak = 0; } void reset() { if (m_iterateBackwards) m_indexOfNextScriptRun = m_run.length() - 1; else m_indexOfNextScriptRun = 0; m_offsetX = m_startingX; } // Set the x offset for the next script run. This affects the values in // |xPositions| void setXOffsetToZero() { m_offsetX = 0; } bool rtl() const { return m_run.rtl(); } void setBackwardsIteration(bool isBackwards) { m_iterateBackwards = isBackwards; reset(); } // Advance to the next script run, returning false when the end of the // TextRun has been reached. bool nextScriptRun() { if (m_iterateBackwards) { // In right-to-left mode we need to render the shaped glyph backwards and // also render the script runs themselves backwards. So given a TextRun: // AAAAAAACTTTTTTT (A = Arabic, C = Common, T = Thai) // we render: // TTTTTTCAAAAAAA // (and the glyphs in each A, C and T section are backwards too) if (!hb_utf16_script_run_prev(&m_numCodePoints, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun)) return false; } else { if (!hb_utf16_script_run_next(&m_numCodePoints, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun)) return false; // It is actually wrong to consider script runs at all in this code. // Other WebKit code (e.g. Mac) segments complex text just by finding // the longest span of text covered by a single font. // But we currently need to call hb_utf16_script_run_next anyway to fill // in the harfbuzz data structures to e.g. pick the correct script's shaper. // So we allow that to run first, then do a second pass over the range it // found and take the largest subregion that stays within a single font. const FontData* glyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_item.string[m_item.item.pos], false, false).fontData; int endOfRun; for (endOfRun = 1; endOfRun < m_item.item.length; ++endOfRun) { const FontData* nextGlyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_item.string[m_item.item.pos + endOfRun], false, false).fontData; if (nextGlyphData != glyphData) break; } m_item.item.length = endOfRun; m_indexOfNextScriptRun = m_item.item.pos + endOfRun; } setupFontForScriptRun(); shapeGlyphs(); setGlyphXPositions(rtl()); return true; } const uint16_t* glyphs() const { return m_glyphs16; } // Return the length of the array returned by |glyphs| const unsigned length() const { return m_item.num_glyphs; } // Return the x offset for each of the glyphs. Note that this is translated // by the current x offset and that the x offset is updated for each script // run. const SkScalar* xPositions() const { return m_xPositions; } // Get the advances (widths) for each glyph. const HB_Fixed* advances() const { return m_item.advances; } // Return the width (in px) of the current script run. const unsigned width() const { return m_pixelWidth; } // Return the cluster log for the current script run. For example: // script run: f i a n c é (fi gets ligatured) // log clutrs: 0 0 1 2 3 4 // So, for each input code point, the log tells you which output glyph was // generated for it. const unsigned short* logClusters() const { return m_item.log_clusters; } // return the number of code points in the current script run const unsigned numCodePoints() const { return m_numCodePoints; } const FontPlatformData* fontPlatformDataForScriptRun() { return reinterpret_cast(m_item.font->userData); } float widthOfFullRun() { float widthSum = 0; while (nextScriptRun()) widthSum += width(); return widthSum; } private: const TextRun& getTextRun(const TextRun& originalRun) { // Normalize the text run in two ways: // 1) Convert the |originalRun| to NFC normalized form if combining diacritical marks // (U+0300..) are used in the run. This conversion is necessary since most OpenType // fonts (e.g., Arial) don't have substitution rules for the diacritical marks in // their GSUB tables. // // Note that we don't use the icu::Normalizer::isNormalized(UNORM_NFC) API here since // the API returns FALSE (= not normalized) for complex runs that don't require NFC // normalization (e.g., Arabic text). Unless the run contains the diacritical marks, // Harfbuzz will do the same thing for us using the GSUB table. // 2) Convert spacing characters into plain spaces, as some fonts will provide glyphs // for characters like '\n' otherwise. for (unsigned i = 0; i < originalRun.length(); ++i) { UChar ch = originalRun[i]; UBlockCode block = ::ublock_getCode(ch); if (block == UBLOCK_COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS || (Font::treatAsSpace(ch) && ch != ' ')) { return getNormalizedTextRun(originalRun); } } return originalRun; } const TextRun& getNormalizedTextRun(const TextRun& originalRun) { icu::UnicodeString normalizedString; UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR; icu::Normalizer::normalize(icu::UnicodeString(originalRun.characters(), originalRun.length()), UNORM_NFC, 0 /* no options */, normalizedString, error); if (U_FAILURE(error)) return originalRun; m_normalizedBuffer.set(new UChar[normalizedString.length() + 1]); normalizedString.extract(m_normalizedBuffer.get(), normalizedString.length() + 1, error); ASSERT(U_SUCCESS(error)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < normalizedString.length(); ++i) { if (Font::treatAsSpace(m_normalizedBuffer[i])) m_normalizedBuffer[i] = ' '; } m_normalizedRun.set(new TextRun(originalRun)); m_normalizedRun->setText(m_normalizedBuffer.get(), normalizedString.length()); return *m_normalizedRun; } void setupFontForScriptRun() { const FontData* fontData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_item.string[m_item.item.pos], false, false).fontData; const FontPlatformData& platformData = fontData->fontDataForCharacter(' ')->platformData(); m_item.face = platformData.harfbuzzFace(); void* opaquePlatformData = const_cast(&platformData); m_item.font->userData = opaquePlatformData; } HB_FontRec* allocHarfbuzzFont() { HB_FontRec* font = reinterpret_cast(fastMalloc(sizeof(HB_FontRec))); memset(font, 0, sizeof(HB_FontRec)); font->klass = &harfbuzzSkiaClass; font->userData = 0; // The values which harfbuzzSkiaClass returns are already scaled to // pixel units, so we just set all these to one to disable further // scaling. font->x_ppem = 1; font->y_ppem = 1; font->x_scale = 1; font->y_scale = 1; return font; } void deleteGlyphArrays() { delete[] m_item.glyphs; delete[] m_item.attributes; delete[] m_item.advances; delete[] m_item.offsets; delete[] m_glyphs16; delete[] m_xPositions; } void createGlyphArrays(int size) { m_item.glyphs = new HB_Glyph[size]; memset(m_item.glyphs, 0, size * sizeof(HB_Glyph)); m_item.attributes = new HB_GlyphAttributes[size]; memset(m_item.attributes, 0, size * sizeof(HB_GlyphAttributes)); m_item.advances = new HB_Fixed[size]; memset(m_item.advances, 0, size * sizeof(HB_Fixed)); m_item.offsets = new HB_FixedPoint[size]; memset(m_item.offsets, 0, size * sizeof(HB_FixedPoint)); m_glyphs16 = new uint16_t[size]; m_xPositions = new SkScalar[size]; m_item.num_glyphs = size; } void shapeGlyphs() { for (;;) { if (HB_ShapeItem(&m_item)) break; // We overflowed our arrays. Resize and retry. // HB_ShapeItem fills in m_item.num_glyphs with the needed size. deleteGlyphArrays(); createGlyphArrays(m_item.num_glyphs); } } void setGlyphXPositions(bool isRTL) { double position = 0; // logClustersIndex indexes logClusters for the first (or last when // RTL) codepoint of the current glyph. Each time we advance a glyph, // we skip over all the codepoints that contributed to the current // glyph. unsigned logClustersIndex = isRTL ? m_item.num_glyphs - 1 : 0; for (int iter = 0; iter < m_item.num_glyphs; ++iter) { // Glyphs are stored in logical order, but for layout purposes we // always go left to right. int i = isRTL ? m_item.num_glyphs - iter - 1 : iter; m_glyphs16[i] = m_item.glyphs[i]; double offsetX = truncateFixedPointToInteger(m_item.offsets[i].x); m_xPositions[i] = m_offsetX + position + offsetX; double advance = truncateFixedPointToInteger(m_item.advances[i]); unsigned glyphIndex = m_item.item.pos + logClustersIndex; if (isWordBreak(glyphIndex, isRTL)) { advance += m_wordSpacingAdjustment; if (m_padding > 0) { unsigned toPad = roundf(m_padPerWordBreak + m_padError); m_padError += m_padPerWordBreak - toPad; if (m_padding < toPad) toPad = m_padding; m_padding -= toPad; advance += toPad; } } // We would like to add m_letterSpacing after each cluster, but I // don't know where the cluster information is. This is typically // fine for Roman languages, but breaks more complex languages // terribly. // advance += m_letterSpacing; if (isRTL) { while (logClustersIndex > 0 && logClusters()[logClustersIndex] == i) logClustersIndex--; } else { while (logClustersIndex < m_item.num_glyphs && logClusters()[logClustersIndex] == i) logClustersIndex++; } position += advance; } m_pixelWidth = position; m_offsetX += m_pixelWidth; } static bool isCodepointSpace(HB_UChar16 c) { // This matches the logic in RenderBlock::findNextLineBreak return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; } void mirrorCharacters(UChar* destination, const UChar* source, int length) const { int position = 0; bool error = false; // Iterate characters in source and mirror character if needed. while (position < length) { UChar32 character; int nextPosition = position; U16_NEXT(source, nextPosition, length, character); character = u_charMirror(character); U16_APPEND(destination, position, length, character, error); ASSERT(!error); position = nextPosition; } } const Font* const m_font; HB_ShaperItem m_item; uint16_t* m_glyphs16; // A vector of 16-bit glyph ids. SkScalar* m_xPositions; // A vector of x positions for each glyph. ssize_t m_indexOfNextScriptRun; // Indexes the script run in |m_run|. const unsigned m_startingX; // Offset in pixels of the first script run. unsigned m_offsetX; // Offset in pixels to the start of the next script run. unsigned m_pixelWidth; // Width (in px) of the current script run. unsigned m_numCodePoints; // Code points in current script run. OwnPtr m_normalizedRun; OwnArrayPtr m_normalizedBuffer; // A buffer for normalized run. const TextRun& m_run; bool m_iterateBackwards; int m_wordSpacingAdjustment; // delta adjustment (pixels) for each word break. float m_padding; // pixels to be distributed over the line at word breaks. float m_padPerWordBreak; // pixels to be added to each word break. float m_padError; // |m_padPerWordBreak| might have a fractional component. // Since we only add a whole number of padding pixels at // each word break we accumulate error. This is the // number of pixels that we are behind so far. unsigned m_letterSpacing; // pixels to be added after each glyph. }; static void setupForTextPainting(SkPaint* paint, SkColor color) { paint->setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); paint->setColor(color); } void Font::drawComplexText(GraphicsContext* gc, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const { if (!run.length()) return; SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->canvas(); int textMode = gc->platformContext()->getTextDrawingMode(); bool fill = textMode & cTextFill; bool stroke = (textMode & cTextStroke) && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() != NoStroke && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeThickness() > 0; if (!fill && !stroke) return; SkPaint strokePaint, fillPaint; if (fill) { gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForFilling(&fillPaint); setupForTextPainting(&fillPaint, gc->fillColor().rgb()); } if (stroke) { gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForStroking(&strokePaint, 0, 0); setupForTextPainting(&strokePaint, gc->strokeColor().rgb()); } TextRunWalker walker(run, point.x(), this); bool haveMultipleLayers = isCanvasMultiLayered(canvas); walker.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); walker.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); walker.setPadding(run.padding()); while (walker.nextScriptRun()) { if (fill) { walker.fontPlatformDataForScriptRun()->setupPaint(&fillPaint); adjustTextRenderMode(&fillPaint, haveMultipleLayers); canvas->drawPosTextH(walker.glyphs(), walker.length() << 1, walker.xPositions(), point.y(), fillPaint); } if (stroke) { walker.fontPlatformDataForScriptRun()->setupPaint(&strokePaint); adjustTextRenderMode(&strokePaint, haveMultipleLayers); canvas->drawPosTextH(walker.glyphs(), walker.length() << 1, walker.xPositions(), point.y(), strokePaint); } } } float Font::floatWidthForComplexText(const TextRun& run, HashSet* /* fallbackFonts */, GlyphOverflow* /* glyphOverflow */) const { TextRunWalker walker(run, 0, this); walker.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); walker.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); return walker.widthOfFullRun(); } static int glyphIndexForXPositionInScriptRun(const TextRunWalker& walker, int x) { const HB_Fixed* advances = walker.advances(); int glyphIndex; if (walker.rtl()) { for (glyphIndex = walker.length() - 1; glyphIndex >= 0; --glyphIndex) { if (x < truncateFixedPointToInteger(advances[glyphIndex])) break; x -= truncateFixedPointToInteger(advances[glyphIndex]); } } else { for (glyphIndex = 0; glyphIndex < walker.length(); ++glyphIndex) { if (x < truncateFixedPointToInteger(advances[glyphIndex])) break; x -= truncateFixedPointToInteger(advances[glyphIndex]); } } return glyphIndex; } // Return the code point index for the given |x| offset into the text run. int Font::offsetForPositionForComplexText(const TextRun& run, float xFloat, bool includePartialGlyphs) const { // FIXME: This truncation is not a problem for HTML, but only affects SVG, which passes floating-point numbers // to Font::offsetForPosition(). Bug http://webkit.org/b/40673 tracks fixing this problem. int x = static_cast(xFloat); // (Mac code ignores includePartialGlyphs, and they don't know what it's // supposed to do, so we just ignore it as well.) TextRunWalker walker(run, 0, this); walker.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); walker.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); // If this is RTL text, the first glyph from the left is actually the last // code point. So we need to know how many code points there are total in // order to subtract. This is different from the length of the TextRun // because UTF-16 surrogate pairs are a single code point, but 32-bits long. // In LTR we leave this as 0 so that we get the correct value for // |basePosition|, below. unsigned totalCodePoints = 0; if (walker.rtl()) { ssize_t offset = 0; while (offset < run.length()) { utf16_to_code_point(run.characters(), run.length(), &offset); totalCodePoints++; } } unsigned basePosition = totalCodePoints; // For RTL: // code-point order: abcd efg hijkl // on screen: lkjih gfe dcba // ^ ^ // | | // basePosition--| | // totalCodePoints----| // Since basePosition is currently the total number of code-points, the // first thing we do is decrement it so that it's pointing to the start of // the current script-run. // // For LTR, basePosition is zero so it already points to the start of the // first script run. while (walker.nextScriptRun()) { if (walker.rtl()) basePosition -= walker.numCodePoints(); if (x >= 0 && x < walker.width()) { // The x value in question is within this script run. We consider // each glyph in presentation order and stop when we find the one // covering this position. const int glyphIndex = glyphIndexForXPositionInScriptRun(walker, x); // Now that we have a glyph index, we have to turn that into a // code-point index. Because of ligatures, several code-points may // have gone into a single glyph. We iterate over the clusters log // and find the first code-point which contributed to the glyph. // Some shapers (i.e. Khmer) will produce cluster logs which report // that /no/ code points contributed to certain glyphs. Because of // this, we take any code point which contributed to the glyph in // question, or any subsequent glyph. If we run off the end, then // we take the last code point. const unsigned short* log = walker.logClusters(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < walker.numCodePoints(); ++j) { if (log[j] >= glyphIndex) return basePosition + j; } return basePosition + walker.numCodePoints() - 1; } x -= walker.width(); if (!walker.rtl()) basePosition += walker.numCodePoints(); } return basePosition; } // Return the rectangle for selecting the given range of code-points in the TextRun. FloatRect Font::selectionRectForComplexText(const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int height, int from, int to) const { int fromX = -1, toX = -1, fromAdvance = -1, toAdvance = -1; TextRunWalker walker(run, 0, this); walker.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); walker.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); // Base will point to the x offset for the current script run. Note that, in // the LTR case, width will be 0. int base = walker.rtl() ? walker.widthOfFullRun() : 0; const int leftEdge = base; // We want to enumerate the script runs in code point order in the following // code. This call also resets |walker|. walker.setBackwardsIteration(false); while (walker.nextScriptRun() && (fromX == -1 || toX == -1)) { // TextRunWalker will helpfully accululate the x offsets for different // script runs for us. For this code, however, we always want the x offsets // to start from zero so we call this before each script run. walker.setXOffsetToZero(); if (walker.rtl()) base -= walker.width(); if (fromX == -1 && from < walker.numCodePoints()) { // |from| is within this script run. So we index the clusters log to // find which glyph this code-point contributed to and find its x // position. int glyph = walker.logClusters()[from]; fromX = base + walker.xPositions()[glyph]; fromAdvance = walker.advances()[glyph]; } else from -= walker.numCodePoints(); if (toX == -1 && to < walker.numCodePoints()) { int glyph = walker.logClusters()[to]; toX = base + walker.xPositions()[glyph]; toAdvance = walker.advances()[glyph]; } else to -= walker.numCodePoints(); if (!walker.rtl()) base += walker.width(); } // The position in question might be just after the text. const int rightEdge = base; if (fromX == -1 && !from) fromX = leftEdge; else if (walker.rtl()) fromX += truncateFixedPointToInteger(fromAdvance); if (toX == -1 && !to) toX = rightEdge; ASSERT(fromX != -1 && toX != -1); if (fromX < toX) return FloatRect(point.x() + fromX, point.y(), toX - fromX, height); return FloatRect(point.x() + toX, point.y(), fromX - toX, height); } } // namespace WebCore