/* * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "FontUtilsChromiumWin.h" #include #include "PlatformString.h" #include "StringHash.h" #include "UniscribeHelper.h" #include #include #include namespace WebCore { namespace { bool isFontPresent(const UChar* fontName) { HFONT hfont = CreateFont(12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fontName); if (!hfont) return false; HDC dc = GetDC(0); HGDIOBJ oldFont = static_cast(SelectObject(dc, hfont)); WCHAR actualFontName[LF_FACESIZE]; GetTextFace(dc, LF_FACESIZE, actualFontName); actualFontName[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = 0; SelectObject(dc, oldFont); DeleteObject(hfont); ReleaseDC(0, dc); // We don't have to worry about East Asian fonts with locale-dependent // names here for now. return !wcscmp(fontName, actualFontName); } // A simple mapping from UScriptCode to family name. This is a sparse array, // which works well since the range of UScriptCode values is small. typedef const UChar* ScriptToFontMap[USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT]; void initializeScriptFontMap(ScriptToFontMap& scriptFontMap) { struct FontMap { UScriptCode script; const UChar* family; }; static const FontMap fontMap[] = { {USCRIPT_LATIN, L"times new roman"}, {USCRIPT_GREEK, L"times new roman"}, {USCRIPT_CYRILLIC, L"times new roman"}, // FIXME: Consider trying new Vista fonts before XP fonts for CJK. // Some Vista users do want to use Vista cleartype CJK fonts. If we // did, the results of tests with CJK characters would have to be // regenerated for Vista. {USCRIPT_SIMPLIFIED_HAN, L"simsun"}, {USCRIPT_TRADITIONAL_HAN, L"pmingliu"}, {USCRIPT_HIRAGANA, L"ms pgothic"}, {USCRIPT_KATAKANA, L"ms pgothic"}, {USCRIPT_KATAKANA_OR_HIRAGANA, L"ms pgothic"}, {USCRIPT_HANGUL, L"gulim"}, {USCRIPT_THAI, L"tahoma"}, {USCRIPT_HEBREW, L"david"}, {USCRIPT_ARABIC, L"tahoma"}, {USCRIPT_DEVANAGARI, L"mangal"}, {USCRIPT_BENGALI, L"vrinda"}, {USCRIPT_GURMUKHI, L"raavi"}, {USCRIPT_GUJARATI, L"shruti"}, {USCRIPT_TAMIL, L"latha"}, {USCRIPT_TELUGU, L"gautami"}, {USCRIPT_KANNADA, L"tunga"}, {USCRIPT_GEORGIAN, L"sylfaen"}, {USCRIPT_ARMENIAN, L"sylfaen"}, {USCRIPT_THAANA, L"mv boli"}, {USCRIPT_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL, L"euphemia"}, {USCRIPT_CHEROKEE, L"plantagenet cherokee"}, {USCRIPT_MONGOLIAN, L"mongolian balti"}, // For USCRIPT_COMMON, we map blocks to scripts when // that makes sense. }; struct ScriptToFontFamilies { UScriptCode script; const UChar** families; }; // Kartika on Vista or earlier lacks the support for Chillu // letters added to Unicode 5.1. // Try AnjaliOldLipi (a very widely used Malaylalam font with the full // Unicode 5.x support) before falling back to Kartika. static const UChar* malayalamFonts[] = {L"AnjaliOldLipi", L"Lohit Malayalam", L"Kartika", L"Rachana", 0}; // Try Khmer OS before Vista fonts because 'Khmer OS' goes along better // with Latin and looks better/larger for the same size. static const UChar* khmerFonts[] = {L"Khmer OS", L"MoolBoran", L"DaunPenh", L"Code2000", 0}; // For the following 6 scripts, two or fonts are listed. The fonts in // the 1st slot are not available on Windows XP. To support these // scripts on XP, listed in the rest of slots are widely used // fonts. static const UChar* ethiopicFonts[] = {L"Nyala", L"Abyssinica SIL", L"Ethiopia Jiret", L"Visual Geez Unicode", L"GF Zemen Unicode", 0}; static const UChar* oriyaFonts[] = {L"Kalinga", L"ori1Uni", L"Lohit Oriya", 0}; static const UChar* laoFonts[] = {L"DokChampa", L"Saysettha OT", L"Phetsarath OT", L"Code2000", 0}; static const UChar* tibetanFonts[] = {L"Microsoft Himalaya", L"Jomolhari", L"Tibetan Machine Uni", 0}; static const UChar* sinhalaFonts[] = {L"Iskoola Pota", L"AksharUnicode", 0}; static const UChar* yiFonts[] = {L"Microsoft Yi Balti", L"Nuosu SIL", L"Code2000", 0}; // http://www.bethmardutho.org/support/meltho/download/index.php static const UChar* syriacFonts[] = {L"Estrangelo Edessa", L"Estrangelo Nisibin", L"Code2000", 0}; // No Myanmar/Burmese font is shipped with Windows, yet. Try a few // widely available/used ones that supports Unicode 5.1 or later. static const UChar* myanmarFonts[] = {L"Padauk", L"Parabaik", L"Myanmar3", L"Code2000", 0}; static const ScriptToFontFamilies scriptToFontFamilies[] = { {USCRIPT_MALAYALAM, malayalamFonts}, {USCRIPT_KHMER, khmerFonts}, {USCRIPT_ETHIOPIC, ethiopicFonts}, {USCRIPT_ORIYA, oriyaFonts}, {USCRIPT_LAO, laoFonts}, {USCRIPT_TIBETAN, tibetanFonts}, {USCRIPT_SINHALA, sinhalaFonts}, {USCRIPT_YI, yiFonts}, {USCRIPT_SYRIAC, syriacFonts}, {USCRIPT_MYANMAR, myanmarFonts}, }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(fontMap) / sizeof(fontMap[0]); ++i) scriptFontMap[fontMap[i].script] = fontMap[i].family; // FIXME: Instead of scanning the hard-coded list, we have to // use EnumFont* to 'inspect' fonts to pick up fonts covering scripts // when it's possible (e.g. using OS/2 table). If we do that, this // had better be pulled out of here. for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(scriptToFontFamilies) / sizeof(scriptToFontFamilies[0]); ++i) { UScriptCode script = scriptToFontFamilies[i].script; scriptFontMap[script] = 0; const UChar** familyPtr = scriptToFontFamilies[i].families; while (*familyPtr) { if (isFontPresent(*familyPtr)) { scriptFontMap[script] = *familyPtr; break; } ++familyPtr; } } // Initialize the locale-dependent mapping. // Since Chrome synchronizes the ICU default locale with its UI locale, // this ICU locale tells the current UI locale of Chrome. icu::Locale locale = icu::Locale::getDefault(); const UChar* localeFamily = 0; if (locale == icu::Locale::getJapanese()) localeFamily = scriptFontMap[USCRIPT_HIRAGANA]; else if (locale == icu::Locale::getKorean()) localeFamily = scriptFontMap[USCRIPT_HANGUL]; else if (locale == icu::Locale::getTraditionalChinese()) localeFamily = scriptFontMap[USCRIPT_TRADITIONAL_HAN]; else { // For other locales, use the simplified Chinese font for Han. localeFamily = scriptFontMap[USCRIPT_SIMPLIFIED_HAN]; } if (localeFamily) scriptFontMap[USCRIPT_HAN] = localeFamily; } // There are a lot of characters in USCRIPT_COMMON that can be covered // by fonts for scripts closely related to them. See // http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=[:Script=Common:] // FIXME: make this more efficient with a wider coverage UScriptCode getScriptBasedOnUnicodeBlock(int ucs4) { UBlockCode block = ublock_getCode(ucs4); switch (block) { case UBLOCK_CJK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION: return USCRIPT_HAN; case UBLOCK_HIRAGANA: case UBLOCK_KATAKANA: return USCRIPT_HIRAGANA; case UBLOCK_ARABIC: return USCRIPT_ARABIC; case UBLOCK_THAI: return USCRIPT_THAI; case UBLOCK_GREEK: return USCRIPT_GREEK; case UBLOCK_DEVANAGARI: // For Danda and Double Danda (U+0964, U+0965), use a Devanagari // font for now although they're used by other scripts as well. // Without a context, we can't do any better. return USCRIPT_DEVANAGARI; case UBLOCK_ARMENIAN: return USCRIPT_ARMENIAN; case UBLOCK_GEORGIAN: return USCRIPT_GEORGIAN; case UBLOCK_KANNADA: return USCRIPT_KANNADA; default: return USCRIPT_COMMON; } } UScriptCode getScript(int ucs4) { UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UScriptCode script = uscript_getScript(ucs4, &err); // If script is invalid, common or inherited or there's an error, // infer a script based on the unicode block of a character. if (script <= USCRIPT_INHERITED || U_FAILURE(err)) script = getScriptBasedOnUnicodeBlock(ucs4); return script; } const int kUndefinedAscent = std::numeric_limits::min(); // Given an HFONT, return the ascent. If GetTextMetrics fails, // kUndefinedAscent is returned, instead. int getAscent(HFONT hfont) { HDC dc = GetDC(0); HGDIOBJ oldFont = SelectObject(dc, hfont); TEXTMETRIC tm; BOOL gotMetrics = GetTextMetrics(dc, &tm); SelectObject(dc, oldFont); ReleaseDC(0, dc); return gotMetrics ? tm.tmAscent : kUndefinedAscent; } struct FontData { FontData() : hfont(0) , ascent(kUndefinedAscent) , scriptCache(0) { } HFONT hfont; int ascent; mutable SCRIPT_CACHE scriptCache; }; // Again, using hash_map does not earn us much here. page_cycler_test intl2 // gave us a 'better' result with map than with hash_map even though they're // well-within 1-sigma of each other so that the difference is not significant. // On the other hand, some pages in intl2 seem to take longer to load with map // in the 1st pass. Need to experiment further. typedef HashMap FontDataCache; } // namespace // FIXME: this is font fallback code version 0.1 // - Cover all the scripts // - Get the default font for each script/generic family from the // preference instead of hardcoding in the source. // (at least, read values from the registry for IE font settings). // - Support generic families (from FontDescription) // - If the default font for a script is not available, // try some more fonts known to support it. Finally, we can // use EnumFontFamilies or similar APIs to come up with a list of // fonts supporting the script and cache the result. // - Consider using UnicodeSet (or UnicodeMap) converted from // GLYPHSET (BMP) or directly read from truetype cmap tables to // keep track of which character is supported by which font // - Update script_font_cache in response to WM_FONTCHANGE const UChar* getFontFamilyForScript(UScriptCode script, FontDescription::GenericFamilyType generic) { static ScriptToFontMap scriptFontMap; static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { initializeScriptFontMap(scriptFontMap); initialized = true; } if (script == USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE) return 0; ASSERT(script < USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT); return scriptFontMap[script]; } // FIXME: // - Handle 'Inherited', 'Common' and 'Unknown' // (see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr24/#Usage_Model ) // For 'Inherited' and 'Common', perhaps we need to // accept another parameter indicating the previous family // and just return it. // - All the characters (or characters up to the point a single // font can cover) need to be taken into account const UChar* getFallbackFamily(const UChar* characters, int length, FontDescription::GenericFamilyType generic, UChar32* charChecked, UScriptCode* scriptChecked) { ASSERT(characters && characters[0] && length > 0); UScriptCode script = USCRIPT_COMMON; // Sometimes characters common to script (e.g. space) is at // the beginning of a string so that we need to skip them // to get a font required to render the string. int i = 0; UChar32 ucs4 = 0; while (i < length && script == USCRIPT_COMMON) { U16_NEXT(characters, i, length, ucs4); script = getScript(ucs4); } // For the full-width ASCII characters (U+FF00 - U+FF5E), use the font for // Han (determined in a locale-dependent way above). Full-width ASCII // characters are rather widely used in Japanese and Chinese documents and // they're fully covered by Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts. if (0xFF00 < ucs4 && ucs4 < 0xFF5F) script = USCRIPT_HAN; if (script == USCRIPT_COMMON) script = getScriptBasedOnUnicodeBlock(ucs4); const UChar* family = getFontFamilyForScript(script, generic); // Another lame work-around to cover non-BMP characters. // If the font family for script is not found or the character is // not in BMP (> U+FFFF), we resort to the hard-coded list of // fallback fonts for now. if (!family || ucs4 > 0xFFFF) { int plane = ucs4 >> 16; switch (plane) { case 1: family = L"code2001"; break; case 2: // Use a Traditional Chinese ExtB font if in Traditional Chinese locale. // Otherwise, use a Simplified Chinese ExtB font. Windows Japanese // fonts do support a small subset of ExtB (that are included in JIS X 0213), // but its coverage is rather sparse. // Eventually, this should be controlled by lang/xml:lang. if (icu::Locale::getDefault() == icu::Locale::getTraditionalChinese()) family = L"pmingliu-extb"; else family = L"simsun-extb"; break; default: family = L"lucida sans unicode"; } } if (charChecked) *charChecked = ucs4; if (scriptChecked) *scriptChecked = script; return family; } // Be aware that this is not thread-safe. bool getDerivedFontData(const UChar* family, int style, LOGFONT* logfont, int* ascent, HFONT* hfont, SCRIPT_CACHE** scriptCache) { ASSERT(logfont); ASSERT(family); ASSERT(*family); // It does not matter that we leak font data when we exit. static FontDataCache fontDataCache; // FIXME: This comes up pretty high in the profile so that // we need to measure whether using SHA256 (after coercing all the // fields to char*) is faster than String::format. String fontKey = String::format("%1d:%d:%ls", style, logfont->lfHeight, family); FontDataCache::iterator iter = fontDataCache.find(fontKey); FontData* derived; if (iter == fontDataCache.end()) { ASSERT(wcslen(family) < LF_FACESIZE); wcscpy_s(logfont->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, family); // FIXME: CreateFontIndirect always comes up with // a font even if there's no font matching the name. Need to // check it against what we actually want (as is done in // FontCacheWin.cpp) pair entry = fontDataCache.add(fontKey, FontData()); derived = &entry.first->second; derived->hfont = CreateFontIndirect(logfont); // GetAscent may return kUndefinedAscent, but we still want to // cache it so that we won't have to call CreateFontIndirect once // more for HFONT next time. derived->ascent = getAscent(derived->hfont); } else { derived = &iter->second; // Last time, GetAscent failed so that only HFONT was // cached. Try once more assuming that TryPreloadFont // was called by a caller between calls. if (kUndefinedAscent == derived->ascent) derived->ascent = getAscent(derived->hfont); } *hfont = derived->hfont; *ascent = derived->ascent; *scriptCache = &(derived->scriptCache); return *ascent != kUndefinedAscent; } int getStyleFromLogfont(const LOGFONT* logfont) { // FIXME: consider defining UNDEFINED or INVALID for style and // returning it when logfont is 0 if (!logfont) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return FontStyleNormal; } return (logfont->lfItalic ? FontStyleItalic : FontStyleNormal) | (logfont->lfUnderline ? FontStyleUnderlined : FontStyleNormal) | (logfont->lfWeight >= 700 ? FontStyleBold : FontStyleNormal); } } // namespace WebCore