/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Font.h" #include "AffineTransform.h" #include "FloatConversion.h" #include "GlyphBuffer.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "SimpleFontData.h" #include "UniscribeController.h" #include "WebCoreTextRenderer.h" #include #include #include namespace WebCore { const int syntheticObliqueAngle = 14; static inline CGFloat toCGFloat(FIXED f) { return f.value + f.fract / CGFloat(65536.0); } static CGPathRef createPathForGlyph(HDC hdc, Glyph glyph) { CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable(); static const MAT2 identity = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; GLYPHMETRICS glyphMetrics; // GGO_NATIVE matches the outline perfectly when Windows font smoothing is off. // GGO_NATIVE | GGO_UNHINTED does not match perfectly either when Windows font smoothing is on or off. DWORD outlineLength = GetGlyphOutline(hdc, glyph, GGO_GLYPH_INDEX | GGO_NATIVE, &glyphMetrics, 0, 0, &identity); ASSERT(outlineLength >= 0); if (outlineLength < 0) return path; Vector outline(outlineLength); GetGlyphOutline(hdc, glyph, GGO_GLYPH_INDEX | GGO_NATIVE, &glyphMetrics, outlineLength, outline.data(), &identity); unsigned offset = 0; while (offset < outlineLength) { LPTTPOLYGONHEADER subpath = reinterpret_cast(outline.data() + offset); ASSERT(subpath->dwType == TT_POLYGON_TYPE); if (subpath->dwType != TT_POLYGON_TYPE) return path; CGPathMoveToPoint(path, 0, toCGFloat(subpath->pfxStart.x), toCGFloat(subpath->pfxStart.y)); unsigned subpathOffset = sizeof(*subpath); while (subpathOffset < subpath->cb) { LPTTPOLYCURVE segment = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(subpath) + subpathOffset); switch (segment->wType) { case TT_PRIM_LINE: for (unsigned i = 0; i < segment->cpfx; i++) CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, 0, toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].x), toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].y)); break; case TT_PRIM_QSPLINE: for (unsigned i = 0; i < segment->cpfx; i++) { CGFloat x = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].x); CGFloat y = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].y); CGFloat cpx; CGFloat cpy; if (i == segment->cpfx - 2) { cpx = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 1].x); cpy = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 1].y); i++; } else { cpx = (toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].x) + toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 1].x)) / 2; cpy = (toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].y) + toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 1].y)) / 2; } CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, 0, x, y, cpx, cpy); } break; case TT_PRIM_CSPLINE: for (unsigned i = 0; i < segment->cpfx; i += 3) { CGFloat cp1x = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].x); CGFloat cp1y = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i].y); CGFloat cp2x = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 1].x); CGFloat cp2y = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 1].y); CGFloat x = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 2].x); CGFloat y = toCGFloat(segment->apfx[i + 2].y); CGPathAddCurveToPoint(path, 0, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y); } break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return path; } subpathOffset += sizeof(*segment) + (segment->cpfx - 1) * sizeof(segment->apfx[0]); } CGPathCloseSubpath(path); offset += subpath->cb; } return path; } static void drawGDIGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) { Color fillColor = graphicsContext->fillColor(); bool drawIntoBitmap = false; int drawingMode = graphicsContext->textDrawingMode(); if (drawingMode == cTextFill) { if (!fillColor.alpha()) return; drawIntoBitmap = fillColor.alpha() != 255 || graphicsContext->inTransparencyLayer(); if (!drawIntoBitmap) { FloatSize offset; float blur; Color color; graphicsContext->getShadow(offset, blur, color); drawIntoBitmap = offset.width() || offset.height() || blur; } } // We have to convert CG's two-dimensional floating point advances to just horizontal integer advances. Vector gdiAdvances; int totalWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) { gdiAdvances.append(lroundf(glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i))); totalWidth += gdiAdvances[i]; } HDC hdc = 0; OwnPtr bitmap; IntRect textRect; if (!drawIntoBitmap) hdc = graphicsContext->getWindowsContext(textRect, true, false); if (!hdc) { drawIntoBitmap = true; // We put slop into this rect, since glyphs can overflow the ascent/descent bounds and the left/right edges. // FIXME: Can get glyphs' optical bounds (even from CG) to get this right. int lineGap = font->lineGap(); textRect = IntRect(point.x() - (font->ascent() + font->descent()) / 2, point.y() - font->ascent() - lineGap, totalWidth + font->ascent() + font->descent(), font->lineSpacing()); bitmap.set(graphicsContext->createWindowsBitmap(textRect.size())); memset(bitmap->buffer(), 255, bitmap->bufferLength()); hdc = bitmap->hdc(); XFORM xform; xform.eM11 = 1.0f; xform.eM12 = 0.0f; xform.eM21 = 0.0f; xform.eM22 = 1.0f; xform.eDx = -textRect.x(); xform.eDy = -textRect.y(); SetWorldTransform(hdc, &xform); } SelectObject(hdc, font->platformData().hfont()); // Set the correct color. if (drawIntoBitmap) SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0)); else SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(fillColor.red(), fillColor.green(), fillColor.blue())); SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE); // Uniscribe gives us offsets to help refine the positioning of combining glyphs. FloatSize translation = glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from); if (translation.width() || translation.height()) { XFORM xform; xform.eM11 = 1.0; xform.eM12 = 0; xform.eM21 = 0; xform.eM22 = 1.0; xform.eDx = translation.width(); xform.eDy = translation.height(); ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, &xform, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY); } if (drawingMode == cTextFill) { XFORM xform; xform.eM11 = 1.0; xform.eM12 = 0; xform.eM21 = font->platformData().syntheticOblique() ? -tanf(syntheticObliqueAngle * piFloat / 180.0f) : 0; xform.eM22 = 1.0; xform.eDx = point.x(); xform.eDy = point.y(); ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, &xform, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY); ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, 0, reinterpret_cast(glyphBuffer.glyphs(from)), numGlyphs, gdiAdvances.data()); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { xform.eM21 = 0; xform.eDx = font->syntheticBoldOffset(); xform.eDy = 0; ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, &xform, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY); ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, 0, reinterpret_cast(glyphBuffer.glyphs(from)), numGlyphs, gdiAdvances.data()); } } else { XFORM xform; GetWorldTransform(hdc, &xform); AffineTransform hdcTransform(xform.eM11, xform.eM21, xform.eM12, xform.eM22, xform.eDx, xform.eDy); CGAffineTransform initialGlyphTransform = hdcTransform.isInvertible() ? hdcTransform.inverse() : CGAffineTransformIdentity; if (font->platformData().syntheticOblique()) initialGlyphTransform = CGAffineTransformConcat(initialGlyphTransform, CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, tanf(syntheticObliqueAngle * piFloat / 180.0f), 1, 0, 0)); initialGlyphTransform.tx = 0; initialGlyphTransform.ty = 0; CGContextRef cgContext = graphicsContext->platformContext(); CGContextSaveGState(cgContext); BOOL fontSmoothingEnabled = false; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING, 0, &fontSmoothingEnabled, 0); CGContextSetShouldAntialias(cgContext, fontSmoothingEnabled); CGContextScaleCTM(cgContext, 1.0, -1.0); CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, point.x() + glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from).width(), -(point.y() + glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from).height())); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) { RetainPtr glyphPath(AdoptCF, createPathForGlyph(hdc, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i))); CGContextSaveGState(cgContext); CGContextConcatCTM(cgContext, initialGlyphTransform); if (drawingMode & cTextFill) { CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get()); CGContextFillPath(cgContext); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0); CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get()); CGContextFillPath(cgContext); CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, -font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0); } } if (drawingMode & cTextStroke) { CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get()); CGContextStrokePath(cgContext); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0); CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get()); CGContextStrokePath(cgContext); CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, -font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0); } } CGContextRestoreGState(cgContext); CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, gdiAdvances[i], 0); } CGContextRestoreGState(cgContext); } if (drawIntoBitmap) { UInt8* buffer = bitmap->buffer(); unsigned bufferLength = bitmap->bufferLength(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < bufferLength; i += 4) { // Use green, which is always in the middle. UInt8 alpha = (255 - buffer[i + 1]) * fillColor.alpha() / 255; buffer[i] = fillColor.blue(); buffer[i + 1] = fillColor.green(); buffer[i + 2] = fillColor.red(); buffer[i + 3] = alpha; } graphicsContext->drawWindowsBitmap(bitmap.get(), textRect.topLeft()); } else graphicsContext->releaseWindowsContext(hdc, textRect, true, false); } void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const { CGContextRef cgContext = graphicsContext->platformContext(); bool shouldUseFontSmoothing = WebCoreShouldUseFontSmoothing(); switch(fontDescription().fontSmoothing()) { case Antialiased: { graphicsContext->setShouldAntialias(true); shouldUseFontSmoothing = false; break; } case SubpixelAntialiased: { graphicsContext->setShouldAntialias(true); shouldUseFontSmoothing = true; break; } case NoSmoothing: { graphicsContext->setShouldAntialias(false); shouldUseFontSmoothing = false; break; } case AutoSmoothing: { // For the AutoSmooth case, don't do anything! Keep the default settings. break; } default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } if (font->platformData().useGDI() && !shouldUseFontSmoothing) { drawGDIGlyphs(graphicsContext, font, glyphBuffer, from, numGlyphs, point); return; } uint32_t oldFontSmoothingStyle = wkSetFontSmoothingStyle(cgContext, shouldUseFontSmoothing); const FontPlatformData& platformData = font->platformData(); CGContextSetFont(cgContext, platformData.cgFont()); CGAffineTransform matrix = CGAffineTransformIdentity; matrix.b = -matrix.b; matrix.d = -matrix.d; if (platformData.syntheticOblique()) { static float skew = -tanf(syntheticObliqueAngle * piFloat / 180.0f); matrix = CGAffineTransformConcat(matrix, CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, skew, 1, 0, 0)); } CGContextSetTextMatrix(cgContext, matrix); // Uniscribe gives us offsets to help refine the positioning of combining glyphs. FloatSize translation = glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from); CGContextSetFontSize(cgContext, platformData.size()); wkSetCGContextFontRenderingStyle(cgContext, font->isSystemFont(), false, font->platformData().useGDI()); FloatSize shadowOffset; float shadowBlur; Color shadowColor; graphicsContext->getShadow(shadowOffset, shadowBlur, shadowColor); bool hasSimpleShadow = graphicsContext->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && shadowColor.isValid() && !shadowBlur; if (hasSimpleShadow) { // Paint simple shadows ourselves instead of relying on CG shadows, to avoid losing subpixel antialiasing. graphicsContext->clearShadow(); Color fillColor = graphicsContext->fillColor(); Color shadowFillColor(shadowColor.red(), shadowColor.green(), shadowColor.blue(), shadowColor.alpha() * fillColor.alpha() / 255); graphicsContext->setFillColor(shadowFillColor, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + shadowOffset.width(), point.y() + translation.height() + shadowOffset.height()); CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + shadowOffset.width() + font->syntheticBoldOffset(), point.y() + translation.height() + shadowOffset.height()); CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs); } graphicsContext->setFillColor(fillColor, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); } CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width(), point.y() + translation.height()); CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + font->syntheticBoldOffset(), point.y() + translation.height()); CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs); } if (hasSimpleShadow) graphicsContext->setShadow(shadowOffset, shadowBlur, shadowColor, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); wkRestoreFontSmoothingStyle(cgContext, oldFontSmoothingStyle); } }