/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "ScrollbarThemeGtk.h" #include "PlatformMouseEvent.h" #include "RenderThemeGtk.h" #include "ScrollView.h" #include "Scrollbar.h" #include "gtkdrawing.h" #include namespace WebCore { static HashSet* gScrollbars; static void gtkStyleSetCallback(GtkWidget*, GtkStyle*, ScrollbarThemeGtk*); ScrollbarTheme* ScrollbarTheme::nativeTheme() { static ScrollbarThemeGtk theme; return &theme; } ScrollbarThemeGtk::ScrollbarThemeGtk() { updateThemeProperties(); g_signal_connect(static_cast(RenderTheme::defaultTheme().get())->gtkScrollbar(), "style-set", G_CALLBACK(gtkStyleSetCallback), this); } ScrollbarThemeGtk::~ScrollbarThemeGtk() { } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::registerScrollbar(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { if (!gScrollbars) gScrollbars = new HashSet; gScrollbars->add(scrollbar); } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::unregisterScrollbar(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { gScrollbars->remove(scrollbar); if (gScrollbars->isEmpty()) { delete gScrollbars; gScrollbars = 0; } } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::updateThemeProperties() { MozGtkScrollbarMetrics metrics; moz_gtk_get_scrollbar_metrics(&metrics); m_thumbFatness = metrics.slider_width; m_troughBorderWidth = metrics.trough_border; m_stepperSize = metrics.stepper_size; m_stepperSpacing = metrics.stepper_spacing; m_minThumbLength = metrics.min_slider_size; m_troughUnderSteppers = metrics.trough_under_steppers; m_hasForwardButtonStartPart = metrics.has_secondary_forward_stepper; m_hasBackButtonEndPart = metrics.has_secondary_backward_stepper; if (!gScrollbars) return; // Update the thickness of every interior frame scrollbar widget. The // platform-independent scrollbar them code isn't yet smart enough to get // this information when it paints. HashSet::iterator end = gScrollbars->end(); for (HashSet::iterator it = gScrollbars->begin(); it != end; ++it) { Scrollbar* scrollbar = (*it); // Top-level scrollbar i.e. scrollbars who have a parent ScrollView // with no parent are native, and thus do not need to be resized. if (!scrollbar->parent() || !scrollbar->parent()->parent()) return; int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize()); if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) scrollbar->setFrameRect(IntRect(0, scrollbar->parent()->height() - thickness, scrollbar->width(), thickness)); else scrollbar->setFrameRect(IntRect(scrollbar->parent()->width() - thickness, 0, thickness, scrollbar->height())); } } static void gtkStyleSetCallback(GtkWidget* widget, GtkStyle* previous, ScrollbarThemeGtk* scrollbarTheme) { scrollbarTheme->updateThemeProperties(); } bool ScrollbarThemeGtk::hasThumb(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { // This method is just called as a paint-time optimization to see if // painting the thumb can be skipped. We don't have to be exact here. return thumbLength(scrollbar) > 0; } IntRect ScrollbarThemeGtk::backButtonRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool) { if (part == BackButtonEndPart && !m_hasBackButtonEndPart) return IntRect(); int x = scrollbar->x() + m_troughBorderWidth; int y = scrollbar->y() + m_troughBorderWidth; IntSize size = buttonSize(scrollbar); if (part == BackButtonStartPart) return IntRect(x, y, size.width(), size.height()); // BackButtonEndPart (alternate button) if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + scrollbar->width() - m_troughBorderWidth - (2 * size.width()), y, size.width(), size.height()); // VerticalScrollbar alternate button return IntRect(x, scrollbar->y() + scrollbar->height() - m_troughBorderWidth - (2 * size.height()), size.width(), size.height()); } IntRect ScrollbarThemeGtk::forwardButtonRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool) { if (part == ForwardButtonStartPart && !m_hasForwardButtonStartPart) return IntRect(); IntSize size = buttonSize(scrollbar); if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) { int y = scrollbar->y() + m_troughBorderWidth; if (part == ForwardButtonEndPart) return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + scrollbar->width() - size.width() - m_troughBorderWidth, y, size.width(), size.height()); // ForwardButtonStartPart (alternate button) return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + m_troughBorderWidth + size.width(), y, size.width(), size.height()); } // VerticalScrollbar int x = scrollbar->x() + m_troughBorderWidth; if (part == ForwardButtonEndPart) return IntRect(x, scrollbar->y() + scrollbar->height() - size.height() - m_troughBorderWidth, size.width(), size.height()); // ForwardButtonStartPart (alternate button) return IntRect(x, scrollbar->y() + m_troughBorderWidth + size.height(), size.width(), size.height()); } IntRect ScrollbarThemeGtk::trackRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, bool) { // The padding along the thumb movement axis (from outside to in) // is the size of trough border plus the size of the stepper (button) // plus the size of stepper spacing (the space between the stepper and // the place where the thumb stops). There is often no stepper spacing. int movementAxisPadding = m_troughBorderWidth + m_stepperSize + m_stepperSpacing; // The fatness of the scrollbar on the non-movement axis. int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize()); int alternateButtonOffset = 0; int alternateButtonWidth = 0; if (m_hasForwardButtonStartPart) { alternateButtonOffset += m_stepperSize; alternateButtonWidth += m_stepperSize; } if (m_hasBackButtonEndPart) alternateButtonWidth += m_stepperSize; if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) { // Once the scrollbar becomes smaller than the natural size of the // two buttons, the track disappears. if (scrollbar->width() < 2 * thickness) return IntRect(); return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + movementAxisPadding + alternateButtonOffset, scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width() - (2 * movementAxisPadding) - alternateButtonWidth, thickness); } if (scrollbar->height() < 2 * thickness) return IntRect(); return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + movementAxisPadding + alternateButtonOffset, thickness, scrollbar->height() - (2 * movementAxisPadding) - alternateButtonWidth); } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::paintTrackBackground(GraphicsContext* context, Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& rect) { GtkWidgetState state; state.focused = FALSE; state.isDefault = FALSE; state.canDefault = FALSE; state.disabled = FALSE; state.active = FALSE; state.inHover = FALSE; // Paint the track background. If the trough-under-steppers property is true, this // should be the full size of the scrollbar, but if is false, it should only be the // track rect. IntRect fullScrollbarRect = rect; if (m_troughUnderSteppers) fullScrollbarRect = IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width(), scrollbar->height()); GtkThemeWidgetType type = scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar ? MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_VERTICAL : MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HORIZONTAL; static_cast(RenderTheme::defaultTheme().get())->paintMozillaGtkWidget(type, context, fullScrollbarRect, &state, 0); } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::paintScrollbarBackground(GraphicsContext* context, Scrollbar* scrollbar) { // This is unused by the moz_gtk_scrollecd_window_paint. GtkWidgetState state; IntRect fullScrollbarRect = IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width(), scrollbar->height()); static_cast(RenderTheme::defaultTheme().get())->paintMozillaGtkWidget(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW, context, fullScrollbarRect, &state, 0); } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::paintThumb(GraphicsContext* context, Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& rect) { GtkWidgetState state; state.focused = FALSE; state.isDefault = FALSE; state.canDefault = FALSE; state.disabled = FALSE; state.active = scrollbar->pressedPart() == ThumbPart; state.inHover = scrollbar->hoveredPart() == ThumbPart; state.maxpos = scrollbar->maximum(); state.curpos = scrollbar->currentPos(); GtkThemeWidgetType type = scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar ? MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_VERTICAL : MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_HORIZONTAL; static_cast(RenderTheme::defaultTheme().get())->paintMozillaGtkWidget(type, context, rect, &state, 0); } IntRect ScrollbarThemeGtk::thumbRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& unconstrainedTrackRect) { IntRect trackRect = constrainTrackRectToTrackPieces(scrollbar, unconstrainedTrackRect); int thumbPos = thumbPosition(scrollbar); if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) return IntRect(trackRect.x() + thumbPos, trackRect.y() + (trackRect.height() - m_thumbFatness) / 2, thumbLength(scrollbar), m_thumbFatness); // VerticalScrollbar return IntRect(trackRect.x() + (trackRect.width() - m_thumbFatness) / 2, trackRect.y() + thumbPos, m_thumbFatness, thumbLength(scrollbar)); } bool ScrollbarThemeGtk::paint(Scrollbar* scrollbar, GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const IntRect& damageRect) { // Create the ScrollbarControlPartMask based on the damageRect ScrollbarControlPartMask scrollMask = NoPart; IntRect backButtonStartPaintRect; IntRect backButtonEndPaintRect; IntRect forwardButtonStartPaintRect; IntRect forwardButtonEndPaintRect; if (hasButtons(scrollbar)) { backButtonStartPaintRect = backButtonRect(scrollbar, BackButtonStartPart, true); if (damageRect.intersects(backButtonStartPaintRect)) scrollMask |= BackButtonStartPart; backButtonEndPaintRect = backButtonRect(scrollbar, BackButtonEndPart, true); if (damageRect.intersects(backButtonEndPaintRect)) scrollMask |= BackButtonEndPart; forwardButtonStartPaintRect = forwardButtonRect(scrollbar, ForwardButtonStartPart, true); if (damageRect.intersects(forwardButtonStartPaintRect)) scrollMask |= ForwardButtonStartPart; forwardButtonEndPaintRect = forwardButtonRect(scrollbar, ForwardButtonEndPart, true); if (damageRect.intersects(forwardButtonEndPaintRect)) scrollMask |= ForwardButtonEndPart; } IntRect trackPaintRect = trackRect(scrollbar, true); if (damageRect.intersects(trackPaintRect)) scrollMask |= TrackBGPart; if (m_troughUnderSteppers && (scrollMask & BackButtonStartPart || scrollMask & BackButtonEndPart || scrollMask & ForwardButtonStartPart || scrollMask & ForwardButtonEndPart)) scrollMask |= TrackBGPart; bool thumbPresent = hasThumb(scrollbar); IntRect currentThumbRect; if (thumbPresent) { IntRect track = trackRect(scrollbar, false); currentThumbRect = thumbRect(scrollbar, track); if (damageRect.intersects(currentThumbRect)) scrollMask |= ThumbPart; } paintScrollbarBackground(graphicsContext, scrollbar); if (scrollMask & TrackBGPart) paintTrackBackground(graphicsContext, scrollbar, trackPaintRect); // Paint the back and forward buttons. if (scrollMask & BackButtonStartPart) paintButton(graphicsContext, scrollbar, backButtonStartPaintRect, BackButtonStartPart); if (scrollMask & BackButtonEndPart) paintButton(graphicsContext, scrollbar, backButtonEndPaintRect, BackButtonEndPart); if (scrollMask & ForwardButtonStartPart) paintButton(graphicsContext, scrollbar, forwardButtonStartPaintRect, ForwardButtonStartPart); if (scrollMask & ForwardButtonEndPart) paintButton(graphicsContext, scrollbar, forwardButtonEndPaintRect, ForwardButtonEndPart); // Paint the thumb. if (scrollMask & ThumbPart) paintThumb(graphicsContext, scrollbar, currentThumbRect); return true; } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::paintButton(GraphicsContext* context, Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& rect, ScrollbarPart part) { int flags = 0; if (scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar) flags |= MOZ_GTK_STEPPER_VERTICAL; if (part == ForwardButtonEndPart) flags |= (MOZ_GTK_STEPPER_DOWN | MOZ_GTK_STEPPER_BOTTOM); if (part == ForwardButtonStartPart) flags |= MOZ_GTK_STEPPER_DOWN; GtkWidgetState state; state.focused = TRUE; state.isDefault = TRUE; state.canDefault = TRUE; if ((BackButtonStartPart == part && scrollbar->currentPos()) || (BackButtonEndPart == part && scrollbar->currentPos()) || (ForwardButtonEndPart == part && scrollbar->currentPos() != scrollbar->maximum()) || (ForwardButtonStartPart == part && scrollbar->currentPos() != scrollbar->maximum())) { state.disabled = FALSE; state.active = part == scrollbar->pressedPart(); state.inHover = part == scrollbar->hoveredPart(); } else { state.disabled = TRUE; state.active = FALSE; state.inHover = FALSE; } static_cast(RenderTheme::defaultTheme().get())->paintMozillaGtkWidget(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON, context, rect, &state, flags); } void ScrollbarThemeGtk::paintScrollCorner(ScrollView* view, GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& cornerRect) { // ScrollbarThemeComposite::paintScrollCorner incorrectly assumes that the // ScrollView is a FrameView (see FramelessScrollView), so we cannot let // that code run. For FrameView's this is correct since we don't do custom // scrollbar corner rendering, which ScrollbarThemeComposite supports. ScrollbarTheme::paintScrollCorner(view, context, cornerRect); } bool ScrollbarThemeGtk::shouldCenterOnThumb(Scrollbar*, const PlatformMouseEvent& event) { return (event.shiftKey() && event.button() == LeftButton) || (event.button() == MiddleButton); } int ScrollbarThemeGtk::scrollbarThickness(ScrollbarControlSize) { return m_thumbFatness + (m_troughBorderWidth * 2); } IntSize ScrollbarThemeGtk::buttonSize(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { if (scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar) return IntSize(m_thumbFatness, m_stepperSize); // HorizontalScrollbar return IntSize(m_stepperSize, m_thumbFatness); } int ScrollbarThemeGtk::minimumThumbLength(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { return m_minThumbLength; } }