/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "ResourceResponseBase.h" #include "ResourceResponse.h" using namespace std; namespace WebCore { static void parseCacheHeader(const String& header, Vector >& result); static void parseCacheControlDirectiveValues(const String& directives, Vector& result); auto_ptr ResourceResponseBase::adopt(auto_ptr data) { auto_ptr response(new ResourceResponse()); response->setUrl(data->m_url); response->setMimeType(data->m_mimeType); response->setExpectedContentLength(data->m_expectedContentLength); response->setTextEncodingName(data->m_textEncodingName); response->setSuggestedFilename(data->m_suggestedFilename); response->setHTTPStatusCode(data->m_httpStatusCode); response->setHTTPStatusText(data->m_httpStatusText); response->lazyInit(); response->m_httpHeaderFields.adopt(std::auto_ptr(data->m_httpHeaders.release())); response->setExpirationDate(data->m_expirationDate); response->setLastModifiedDate(data->m_lastModifiedDate); response->m_haveParsedCacheControl = data->m_haveParsedCacheControl; response->m_cacheControlContainsMustRevalidate = data->m_cacheControlContainsMustRevalidate; response->m_cacheControlContainsNoCache = data->m_cacheControlContainsNoCache; return response; } auto_ptr ResourceResponseBase::copyData() const { auto_ptr data(new CrossThreadResourceResponseData()); data->m_url = url().copy(); data->m_mimeType = mimeType().copy(); data->m_expectedContentLength = expectedContentLength(); data->m_textEncodingName = textEncodingName().copy(); data->m_suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename().copy(); data->m_httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode(); data->m_httpStatusText = httpStatusText().copy(); data->m_httpHeaders.adopt(httpHeaderFields().copyData()); data->m_expirationDate = expirationDate(); data->m_lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate(); data->m_haveParsedCacheControl = m_haveParsedCacheControl; data->m_cacheControlContainsMustRevalidate = m_cacheControlContainsMustRevalidate; data->m_cacheControlContainsNoCache = m_cacheControlContainsNoCache; return data; } bool ResourceResponseBase::isHTTP() const { lazyInit(); String protocol = m_url.protocol(); return equalIgnoringCase(protocol, "http") || equalIgnoringCase(protocol, "https"); } const KURL& ResourceResponseBase::url() const { lazyInit(); return m_url; } void ResourceResponseBase::setUrl(const KURL& url) { lazyInit(); m_isNull = false; m_url = url; } const String& ResourceResponseBase::mimeType() const { lazyInit(); return m_mimeType; } void ResourceResponseBase::setMimeType(const String& mimeType) { lazyInit(); m_isNull = false; m_mimeType = mimeType; } long long ResourceResponseBase::expectedContentLength() const { lazyInit(); return m_expectedContentLength; } void ResourceResponseBase::setExpectedContentLength(long long expectedContentLength) { lazyInit(); m_isNull = false; m_expectedContentLength = expectedContentLength; } const String& ResourceResponseBase::textEncodingName() const { lazyInit(); return m_textEncodingName; } void ResourceResponseBase::setTextEncodingName(const String& encodingName) { lazyInit(); m_isNull = false; m_textEncodingName = encodingName; } // FIXME should compute this on the fly const String& ResourceResponseBase::suggestedFilename() const { lazyInit(); return m_suggestedFilename; } void ResourceResponseBase::setSuggestedFilename(const String& suggestedName) { lazyInit(); m_isNull = false; m_suggestedFilename = suggestedName; } int ResourceResponseBase::httpStatusCode() const { lazyInit(); return m_httpStatusCode; } void ResourceResponseBase::setHTTPStatusCode(int statusCode) { lazyInit(); m_httpStatusCode = statusCode; } const String& ResourceResponseBase::httpStatusText() const { lazyInit(); return m_httpStatusText; } void ResourceResponseBase::setHTTPStatusText(const String& statusText) { lazyInit(); m_httpStatusText = statusText; } String ResourceResponseBase::httpHeaderField(const AtomicString& name) const { lazyInit(); return m_httpHeaderFields.get(name); } void ResourceResponseBase::setHTTPHeaderField(const AtomicString& name, const String& value) { lazyInit(); if (equalIgnoringCase(name, "cache-control")) m_haveParsedCacheControl = false; m_httpHeaderFields.set(name, value); } const HTTPHeaderMap& ResourceResponseBase::httpHeaderFields() const { lazyInit(); return m_httpHeaderFields; } void ResourceResponseBase::parseCacheControlDirectives() const { ASSERT(!m_haveParsedCacheControl); lazyInit(); m_haveParsedCacheControl = true; m_cacheControlContainsMustRevalidate = false; m_cacheControlContainsNoCache = false; String cacheControlValue = httpHeaderField("cache-control"); if (cacheControlValue.isEmpty()) return; // FIXME: It would probably be much more efficient to parse this without creating all these data structures. Vector > directives; parseCacheHeader(cacheControlValue, directives); size_t directivesSize = directives.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < directivesSize; ++i) { Vector directiveValues; if ((equalIgnoringCase(directives[i].first, "private") || equalIgnoringCase(directives[i].first, "no-cache")) && !directives[i].second.isEmpty()) parseCacheControlDirectiveValues(directives[i].second, directiveValues); else directiveValues.append(directives[i].first); for (size_t i = 0; i < directiveValues.size(); ++i) { if (equalIgnoringCase(directiveValues[i], "no-cache")) m_cacheControlContainsNoCache = true; else if (equalIgnoringCase(directiveValues[i], "must-revalidate")) m_cacheControlContainsMustRevalidate = true; } } } bool ResourceResponseBase::isAttachment() const { lazyInit(); String value = m_httpHeaderFields.get("Content-Disposition"); int loc = value.find(';'); if (loc != -1) value = value.left(loc); value = value.stripWhiteSpace(); return equalIgnoringCase(value, "attachment"); } void ResourceResponseBase::setExpirationDate(time_t expirationDate) { lazyInit(); m_expirationDate = expirationDate; } time_t ResourceResponseBase::expirationDate() const { lazyInit(); return m_expirationDate; } void ResourceResponseBase::setLastModifiedDate(time_t lastModifiedDate) { lazyInit(); m_lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate; } time_t ResourceResponseBase::lastModifiedDate() const { lazyInit(); return m_lastModifiedDate; } void ResourceResponseBase::lazyInit() const { const_cast(static_cast(this))->platformLazyInit(); } bool ResourceResponseBase::compare(const ResourceResponse& a, const ResourceResponse& b) { if (a.isNull() != b.isNull()) return false; if (a.url() != b.url()) return false; if (a.mimeType() != b.mimeType()) return false; if (a.expectedContentLength() != b.expectedContentLength()) return false; if (a.textEncodingName() != b.textEncodingName()) return false; if (a.suggestedFilename() != b.suggestedFilename()) return false; if (a.httpStatusCode() != b.httpStatusCode()) return false; if (a.httpStatusText() != b.httpStatusText()) return false; if (a.httpHeaderFields() != b.httpHeaderFields()) return false; if (a.expirationDate() != b.expirationDate()) return false; return ResourceResponse::platformCompare(a, b); } static bool isCacheHeaderSeparator(UChar c) { // See RFC 2616, Section 2.2 switch (c) { case '(': case ')': case '<': case '>': case '@': case ',': case ';': case ':': case '\\': case '"': case '/': case '[': case ']': case '?': case '=': case '{': case '}': case ' ': case '\t': return true; default: return false; } } static bool isControlCharacter(UChar c) { return c < ' ' || c == 127; } static inline String trimToNextSeparator(const String& str) { return str.substring(0, str.find(isCacheHeaderSeparator, 0)); } static void parseCacheHeader(const String& header, Vector >& result) { const String safeHeader = header.removeCharacters(isControlCharacter); unsigned max = safeHeader.length(); for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < max; /* pos incremented in loop */) { int nextCommaPosition = safeHeader.find(',', pos); int nextEqualSignPosition = safeHeader.find('=', pos); if (nextEqualSignPosition >= 0 && (nextEqualSignPosition < nextCommaPosition || nextCommaPosition < 0)) { // Get directive name, parse right hand side of equal sign, then add to map String directive = trimToNextSeparator(safeHeader.substring(pos, nextEqualSignPosition - pos).stripWhiteSpace()); pos += nextEqualSignPosition - pos + 1; String value = safeHeader.substring(pos, max - pos).stripWhiteSpace(); if (value[0] == '"') { // The value is a quoted string int nextDoubleQuotePosition = value.find('"', 1); if (nextDoubleQuotePosition >= 0) { // Store the value as a quoted string without quotes result.append(pair(directive, value.substring(1, nextDoubleQuotePosition - 1).stripWhiteSpace())); pos += (safeHeader.find('"', pos) - pos) + nextDoubleQuotePosition + 1; // Move past next comma, if there is one int nextCommaPosition2 = safeHeader.find(',', pos); if (nextCommaPosition2 >= 0) pos += nextCommaPosition2 - pos + 1; else return; // Parse error if there is anything left with no comma } else { // Parse error; just use the rest as the value result.append(pair(directive, trimToNextSeparator(value.substring(1, value.length() - 1).stripWhiteSpace()))); return; } } else { // The value is a token until the next comma int nextCommaPosition2 = value.find(',', 0); if (nextCommaPosition2 >= 0) { // The value is delimited by the next comma result.append(pair(directive, trimToNextSeparator(value.substring(0, nextCommaPosition2).stripWhiteSpace()))); pos += (safeHeader.find(',', pos) - pos) + 1; } else { // The rest is the value; no change to value needed result.append(pair(directive, trimToNextSeparator(value))); return; } } } else if (nextCommaPosition >= 0 && (nextCommaPosition < nextEqualSignPosition || nextEqualSignPosition < 0)) { // Add directive to map with empty string as value result.append(pair(trimToNextSeparator(safeHeader.substring(pos, nextCommaPosition - pos).stripWhiteSpace()), "")); pos += nextCommaPosition - pos + 1; } else { // Add last directive to map with empty string as value result.append(pair(trimToNextSeparator(safeHeader.substring(pos, max - pos).stripWhiteSpace()), "")); return; } } } static void parseCacheControlDirectiveValues(const String& directives, Vector& result) { directives.split(',', false, result); unsigned max = result.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < max; ++i) result[i] = result[i].stripWhiteSpace(); } }