/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Simon Hausmann * (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski (1Stein@gmx.de) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "RenderEmbeddedObject.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FontSelector.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoaderClient.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HTMLEmbedElement.h" #include "HTMLIFrameElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLObjectElement.h" #include "HTMLParamElement.h" #include "LocalizedStrings.h" #include "MIMETypeRegistry.h" #include "MouseEvent.h" #include "Page.h" #include "Path.h" #include "PluginViewBase.h" #include "RenderTheme.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "RenderWidgetProtector.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Text.h" #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) #include "HTMLVideoElement.h" #endif namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; static const float replacementTextRoundedRectHeight = 18; static const float replacementTextRoundedRectLeftRightTextMargin = 6; static const float replacementTextRoundedRectOpacity = 0.20f; static const float replacementTextPressedRoundedRectOpacity = 0.65f; static const float replacementTextRoundedRectRadius = 5; static const float replacementTextTextOpacity = 0.55f; static const float replacementTextPressedTextOpacity = 0.65f; static const Color& replacementTextRoundedRectPressedColor() { static const Color lightGray(205, 205, 205); return lightGray; } RenderEmbeddedObject::RenderEmbeddedObject(Element* element) : RenderPart(element) , m_hasFallbackContent(false) , m_showsMissingPluginIndicator(false) , m_missingPluginIndicatorIsPressed(false) , m_mouseDownWasInMissingPluginIndicator(false) { view()->frameView()->setIsVisuallyNonEmpty(); } RenderEmbeddedObject::~RenderEmbeddedObject() { if (frameView()) frameView()->removeWidgetToUpdate(this); } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) bool RenderEmbeddedObject::requiresLayer() const { if (RenderPart::requiresLayer()) return true; return allowsAcceleratedCompositing(); } bool RenderEmbeddedObject::allowsAcceleratedCompositing() const { return widget() && widget()->isPluginViewBase() && static_cast(widget())->platformLayer(); } #endif static bool isURLAllowed(Document* doc, const String& url) { if (doc->frame()->page()->frameCount() >= Page::maxNumberOfFrames) return false; // We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that. // But we don't allow more than one. KURL completeURL = doc->completeURL(url); bool foundSelfReference = false; for (Frame* frame = doc->frame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->parent()) { if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(frame->loader()->url(), completeURL)) { if (foundSelfReference) return false; foundSelfReference = true; } } return true; } typedef HashMap ClassIdToTypeMap; static ClassIdToTypeMap* createClassIdToTypeMap() { ClassIdToTypeMap* map = new ClassIdToTypeMap; map->add("clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000", "application/x-shockwave-flash"); map->add("clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA", "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"); map->add("clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B", "video/quicktime"); map->add("clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000", "application/x-director"); map->add("clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6", "application/x-mplayer2"); map->add("clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95", "application/x-mplayer2"); return map; } static String serviceTypeForClassId(const String& classId) { // Return early if classId is empty (since we won't do anything below). // Furthermore, if classId is null, calling get() below will crash. if (classId.isEmpty()) return String(); static ClassIdToTypeMap* map = createClassIdToTypeMap(); return map->get(classId); } static void mapDataParamToSrc(Vector* paramNames, Vector* paramValues) { // Some plugins don't understand the "data" attribute of the OBJECT tag (i.e. Real and WMP // require "src" attribute). int srcIndex = -1, dataIndex = -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paramNames->size(); ++i) { if (equalIgnoringCase((*paramNames)[i], "src")) srcIndex = i; else if (equalIgnoringCase((*paramNames)[i], "data")) dataIndex = i; } if (srcIndex == -1 && dataIndex != -1) { paramNames->append("src"); paramValues->append((*paramValues)[dataIndex]); } } void RenderEmbeddedObject::updateWidget(bool onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) { if (!m_replacementText.isNull() || !node()) // Check the node in case destroy() has been called. return; String url; String serviceType; Vector paramNames; Vector paramValues; Frame* frame = frameView()->frame(); // The calls to SubframeLoader::requestObject within this function can result in a plug-in being initialized. // This can run cause arbitrary JavaScript to run and may result in this RenderObject being detached from // the render tree and destroyed, causing a crash like . By extending our lifetime // artifically to ensure that we remain alive for the duration of plug-in initialization. RenderWidgetProtector protector(this); if (node()->hasTagName(objectTag)) { HTMLObjectElement* objectElement = static_cast(node()); objectElement->setNeedWidgetUpdate(false); if (!objectElement->isFinishedParsingChildren()) return; // Check for a child EMBED tag. HTMLEmbedElement* embed = 0; for (Node* child = objectElement->firstChild(); child; ) { if (child->hasTagName(embedTag)) { embed = static_cast(child); break; } if (child->hasTagName(objectTag)) child = child->nextSibling(); // Don't descend into nested OBJECT tags else child = child->traverseNextNode(objectElement); // Otherwise descend (EMBEDs may be inside COMMENT tags) } // Use the attributes from the EMBED tag instead of the OBJECT tag including WIDTH and HEIGHT. HTMLElement* embedOrObject; if (embed) { embedOrObject = embed; url = embed->url(); serviceType = embed->serviceType(); } else embedOrObject = objectElement; // If there was no URL or type defined in EMBED, try the OBJECT tag. if (url.isEmpty()) url = objectElement->url(); if (serviceType.isEmpty()) serviceType = objectElement->serviceType(); HashSet uniqueParamNames; // Scan the PARAM children. // Get the URL and type from the params if we don't already have them. // Get the attributes from the params if there is no EMBED tag. Node* child = objectElement->firstChild(); while (child && (url.isEmpty() || serviceType.isEmpty() || !embed)) { if (child->hasTagName(paramTag)) { HTMLParamElement* p = static_cast(child); String name = p->name(); if (url.isEmpty() && (equalIgnoringCase(name, "src") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "movie") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "code") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "url"))) url = p->value(); if (serviceType.isEmpty() && equalIgnoringCase(name, "type")) { serviceType = p->value(); int pos = serviceType.find(";"); if (pos != -1) serviceType = serviceType.left(pos); } if (!embed && !name.isEmpty()) { uniqueParamNames.add(name.impl()); paramNames.append(p->name()); paramValues.append(p->value()); } } child = child->nextSibling(); } // When OBJECT is used for an applet via Sun's Java plugin, the CODEBASE attribute in the tag // points to the Java plugin itself (an ActiveX component) while the actual applet CODEBASE is // in a PARAM tag. See . This means // we have to explicitly suppress the tag's CODEBASE attribute if there is none in a PARAM, // else our Java plugin will misinterpret it. [4004531] String codebase; if (!embed && MIMETypeRegistry::isJavaAppletMIMEType(serviceType)) { codebase = "codebase"; uniqueParamNames.add(codebase.impl()); // pretend we found it in a PARAM already } // Turn the attributes of either the EMBED tag or OBJECT tag into arrays, but don't override PARAM values. NamedNodeMap* attributes = embedOrObject->attributes(); if (attributes) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) { Attribute* it = attributes->attributeItem(i); const AtomicString& name = it->name().localName(); if (embed || !uniqueParamNames.contains(name.impl())) { paramNames.append(name.string()); paramValues.append(it->value().string()); } } } mapDataParamToSrc(¶mNames, ¶mValues); // If we still don't have a type, try to map from a specific CLASSID to a type. if (serviceType.isEmpty()) serviceType = serviceTypeForClassId(objectElement->classId()); if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url)) return; // Find out if we support fallback content. m_hasFallbackContent = false; for (Node* child = objectElement->firstChild(); child && !m_hasFallbackContent; child = child->nextSibling()) { if ((!child->isTextNode() && !child->hasTagName(embedTag) && !child->hasTagName(paramTag)) // Discount and || (child->isTextNode() && !static_cast(child)->containsOnlyWhitespace())) m_hasFallbackContent = true; } if (onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) { KURL completedURL; if (!url.isEmpty()) completedURL = frame->loader()->completeURL(url); if (frame->loader()->client()->objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType) == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin) return; } bool beforeLoadAllowedLoad = objectElement->dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(url); // beforeload events can modify the DOM, potentially causing // RenderWidget::destroy() to be called. Ensure we haven't been // destroyed before continuing. if (!node()) return; bool success = beforeLoadAllowedLoad && frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->requestObject(this, url, objectElement->getAttribute(nameAttr), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues); if (!success && m_hasFallbackContent) objectElement->renderFallbackContent(); } else if (node()->hasTagName(embedTag)) { HTMLEmbedElement* embedElement = static_cast(node()); embedElement->setNeedWidgetUpdate(false); url = embedElement->url(); serviceType = embedElement->serviceType(); if (url.isEmpty() && serviceType.isEmpty()) return; if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url)) return; // add all attributes set on the embed object NamedNodeMap* attributes = embedElement->attributes(); if (attributes) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) { Attribute* it = attributes->attributeItem(i); paramNames.append(it->name().localName().string()); paramValues.append(it->value().string()); } } if (onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) { KURL completedURL; if (!url.isEmpty()) completedURL = frame->loader()->completeURL(url); if (frame->loader()->client()->objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType) == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin) return; } if (embedElement->dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(url)) frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->requestObject(this, url, embedElement->getAttribute(nameAttr), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues); } #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) else if (node()->hasTagName(videoTag) || node()->hasTagName(audioTag)) { HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = static_cast(node()); KURL kurl; mediaElement->getPluginProxyParams(kurl, paramNames, paramValues); mediaElement->setNeedWidgetUpdate(false); frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->loadMediaPlayerProxyPlugin(node(), kurl, paramNames, paramValues); } #endif } void RenderEmbeddedObject::setShowsMissingPluginIndicator() { ASSERT(m_replacementText.isEmpty()); m_replacementText = missingPluginText(); m_showsMissingPluginIndicator = true; } void RenderEmbeddedObject::setShowsCrashedPluginIndicator() { ASSERT(m_replacementText.isEmpty()); m_replacementText = crashedPluginText(); } void RenderEmbeddedObject::setMissingPluginIndicatorIsPressed(bool pressed) { if (m_missingPluginIndicatorIsPressed == pressed) return; m_missingPluginIndicatorIsPressed = pressed; repaint(); } void RenderEmbeddedObject::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (!m_replacementText.isNull()) { RenderReplaced::paint(paintInfo, tx, ty); return; } RenderPart::paint(paintInfo, tx, ty); } void RenderEmbeddedObject::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (!m_replacementText) return; if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection) return; GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context; if (context->paintingDisabled()) return; FloatRect contentRect; Path path; FloatRect replacementTextRect; Font font; TextRun run(""); float textWidth; if (!getReplacementTextGeometry(tx, ty, contentRect, path, replacementTextRect, font, run, textWidth)) return; context->save(); context->clip(contentRect); context->beginPath(); context->addPath(path); context->setAlpha(m_missingPluginIndicatorIsPressed ? replacementTextPressedRoundedRectOpacity : replacementTextRoundedRectOpacity); context->setFillColor(m_missingPluginIndicatorIsPressed ? replacementTextRoundedRectPressedColor() : Color::white, style()->colorSpace()); context->fillPath(); float labelX = roundf(replacementTextRect.location().x() + (replacementTextRect.size().width() - textWidth) / 2); float labelY = roundf(replacementTextRect.location().y() + (replacementTextRect.size().height() - font.height()) / 2 + font.ascent()); context->setAlpha(m_missingPluginIndicatorIsPressed ? replacementTextPressedTextOpacity : replacementTextTextOpacity); context->setFillColor(Color::black, style()->colorSpace()); context->drawBidiText(font, run, FloatPoint(labelX, labelY)); context->restore(); } bool RenderEmbeddedObject::getReplacementTextGeometry(int tx, int ty, FloatRect& contentRect, Path& path, FloatRect& replacementTextRect, Font& font, TextRun& run, float& textWidth) { contentRect = contentBoxRect(); contentRect.move(tx, ty); FontDescription fontDescription; RenderTheme::defaultTheme()->systemFont(CSSValueWebkitSmallControl, fontDescription); fontDescription.setWeight(FontWeightBold); Settings* settings = document()->settings(); ASSERT(settings); if (!settings) return false; fontDescription.setRenderingMode(settings->fontRenderingMode()); fontDescription.setComputedSize(fontDescription.specifiedSize()); font = Font(fontDescription, 0, 0); font.update(0); run = TextRun(m_replacementText.characters(), m_replacementText.length()); run.disableRoundingHacks(); textWidth = font.floatWidth(run); replacementTextRect.setSize(FloatSize(textWidth + replacementTextRoundedRectLeftRightTextMargin * 2, replacementTextRoundedRectHeight)); float x = (contentRect.size().width() / 2 - replacementTextRect.size().width() / 2) + contentRect.location().x(); float y = (contentRect.size().height() / 2 - replacementTextRect.size().height() / 2) + contentRect.location().y(); replacementTextRect.setLocation(FloatPoint(x, y)); path = Path::createRoundedRectangle(replacementTextRect, FloatSize(replacementTextRoundedRectRadius, replacementTextRoundedRectRadius)); return true; } void RenderEmbeddedObject::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); calcWidth(); calcHeight(); RenderPart::layout(); m_overflow.clear(); addShadowOverflow(); if (!widget() && frameView()) frameView()->addWidgetToUpdate(this); setNeedsLayout(false); } void RenderEmbeddedObject::viewCleared() { // This is required for elements whose contents are rendered by WebCore (e.g. src="foo.html"). if (node() && widget() && widget()->isFrameView()) { FrameView* view = static_cast(widget()); int marginw = -1; int marginh = -1; if (node()->hasTagName(iframeTag)) { HTMLIFrameElement* frame = static_cast(node()); marginw = frame->getMarginWidth(); marginh = frame->getMarginHeight(); } if (marginw != -1) view->setMarginWidth(marginw); if (marginh != -1) view->setMarginHeight(marginh); } } bool RenderEmbeddedObject::isInMissingPluginIndicator(MouseEvent* event) { FloatRect contentRect; Path path; FloatRect replacementTextRect; Font font; TextRun run(""); float textWidth; if (!getReplacementTextGeometry(0, 0, contentRect, path, replacementTextRect, font, run, textWidth)) return false; return path.contains(absoluteToLocal(event->absoluteLocation(), false, true)); } void RenderEmbeddedObject::handleMissingPluginIndicatorEvent(Event* event) { if (Page* page = document()->page()) { if (!page->chrome()->client()->shouldMissingPluginMessageBeButton()) return; } if (!event->isMouseEvent()) return; MouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast(event); HTMLPlugInElement* element = static_cast(node()); if (event->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && static_cast(event)->button() == LeftButton) { m_mouseDownWasInMissingPluginIndicator = isInMissingPluginIndicator(mouseEvent); if (m_mouseDownWasInMissingPluginIndicator) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(element); element->setIsCapturingMouseEvents(true); } setMissingPluginIndicatorIsPressed(true); } event->setDefaultHandled(); } if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && static_cast(event)->button() == LeftButton) { if (m_missingPluginIndicatorIsPressed) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); element->setIsCapturingMouseEvents(false); } setMissingPluginIndicatorIsPressed(false); } if (m_mouseDownWasInMissingPluginIndicator && isInMissingPluginIndicator(mouseEvent)) { if (Page* page = document()->page()) page->chrome()->client()->missingPluginButtonClicked(element); } m_mouseDownWasInMissingPluginIndicator = false; event->setDefaultHandled(); } if (event->type() == eventNames().mousemoveEvent) { setMissingPluginIndicatorIsPressed(m_mouseDownWasInMissingPluginIndicator && isInMissingPluginIndicator(mouseEvent)); event->setDefaultHandled(); } } }