/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (graham.dennis@gmail.com) * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef RenderStyleConstants_h #define RenderStyleConstants_h namespace WebCore { /* * WARNING: * -------- * * The order of the values in the enums have to agree with the order specified * in CSSValueKeywords.in, otherwise some optimizations in the parser will fail, * and produce invalid results. */ // The difference between two styles. The following values are used: // (1) StyleDifferenceEqual - The two styles are identical // (2) StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer - The layer needs its position and transform updated, but no repaint // (3) StyleDifferenceRepaint - The object just needs to be repainted. // (4) StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer - The layer and its descendant layers needs to be repainted. // (5) StyleDifferenceLayout - A layout is required. enum StyleDifference { StyleDifferenceEqual, #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer, #endif StyleDifferenceRepaint, StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer, StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly, StyleDifferenceLayout }; // When some style properties change, different amounts of work have to be done depending on // context (e.g. whether the property is changing on an element which has a compositing layer). // A simple StyleDifference does not provide enough information so we return a bit mask of // StyleDifferenceContextSensitiveProperties from RenderStyle::diff() too. enum StyleDifferenceContextSensitiveProperty { ContextSensitivePropertyNone = 0, ContextSensitivePropertyTransform = (1 << 0), ContextSensitivePropertyOpacity = (1 << 1) }; // Static pseudo styles. Dynamic ones are produced on the fly. enum PseudoId { // The order must be NOP ID, public IDs, and then internal IDs. NOPSEUDO, FIRST_LINE, FIRST_LETTER, BEFORE, AFTER, SELECTION, FIRST_LINE_INHERITED, SCROLLBAR, FILE_UPLOAD_BUTTON, INPUT_PLACEHOLDER, SLIDER_THUMB, SEARCH_CANCEL_BUTTON, SEARCH_DECORATION, SEARCH_RESULTS_DECORATION, SEARCH_RESULTS_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_PANEL, MEDIA_CONTROLS_PLAY_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_MUTE_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_TIMELINE, MEDIA_CONTROLS_TIMELINE_CONTAINER, MEDIA_CONTROLS_VOLUME_SLIDER, MEDIA_CONTROLS_VOLUME_SLIDER_CONTAINER, MEDIA_CONTROLS_VOLUME_SLIDER_MUTE_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_CURRENT_TIME_DISPLAY, MEDIA_CONTROLS_TIME_REMAINING_DISPLAY, MEDIA_CONTROLS_SEEK_BACK_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_SEEK_FORWARD_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_FULLSCREEN_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_REWIND_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_RETURN_TO_REALTIME_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_TOGGLE_CLOSED_CAPTIONS_BUTTON, MEDIA_CONTROLS_STATUS_DISPLAY, SCROLLBAR_THUMB, SCROLLBAR_BUTTON, SCROLLBAR_TRACK, SCROLLBAR_TRACK_PIECE, SCROLLBAR_CORNER, RESIZER, INPUT_LIST_BUTTON, INPUT_SPEECH_BUTTON, INNER_SPIN_BUTTON, OUTER_SPIN_BUTTON, VISITED_LINK, PROGRESS_BAR_VALUE, METER_HORIZONTAL_BAR, METER_HORIZONTAL_OPTIMUM, METER_HORIZONTAL_SUBOPTIMAL, METER_HORIZONTAL_EVEN_LESS_GOOD, METER_VERTICAL_BAR, METER_VERTICAL_OPTIMUM, METER_VERTICAL_SUBOPTIMAL, METER_VERTICAL_EVEN_LESS_GOOD, AFTER_LAST_INTERNAL_PSEUDOID, FULL_SCREEN, FULL_SCREEN_DOCUMENT, FIRST_PUBLIC_PSEUDOID = FIRST_LINE, FIRST_INTERNAL_PSEUDOID = FILE_UPLOAD_BUTTON, PUBLIC_PSEUDOID_MASK = ((1 << FIRST_INTERNAL_PSEUDOID) - 1) & ~((1 << FIRST_PUBLIC_PSEUDOID) - 1) }; // These have been defined in the order of their precedence for border-collapsing. Do // not change this order! enum EBorderStyle { BNONE, BHIDDEN, INSET, GROOVE, RIDGE, OUTSET, DOTTED, DASHED, SOLID, DOUBLE }; enum EBorderPrecedence { BOFF, BTABLE, BCOLGROUP, BCOL, BROWGROUP, BROW, BCELL }; enum EPosition { StaticPosition, RelativePosition, AbsolutePosition, FixedPosition }; enum EFloat { FNONE = 0, FLEFT, FRIGHT }; enum EMarginCollapse { MCOLLAPSE, MSEPARATE, MDISCARD }; // Box attributes. Not inherited. enum EBoxSizing { CONTENT_BOX, BORDER_BOX }; // Random visual rendering model attributes. Not inherited. enum EOverflow { OVISIBLE, OHIDDEN, OSCROLL, OAUTO, OOVERLAY, OMARQUEE }; enum EVerticalAlign { BASELINE, MIDDLE, SUB, SUPER, TEXT_TOP, TEXT_BOTTOM, TOP, BOTTOM, BASELINE_MIDDLE, LENGTH }; enum EClear { CNONE = 0, CLEFT = 1, CRIGHT = 2, CBOTH = 3 }; enum ETableLayout { TAUTO, TFIXED }; enum EUnicodeBidi { UBNormal, Embed, Override }; // CSS Text Layout Module Level 3: Vertical writing support enum EBlockFlowDirection { TopToBottomBlockFlow, RightToLeftBlockFlow, LeftToRightBlockFlow, BottomToTopBlockFlow }; enum EFillAttachment { ScrollBackgroundAttachment, LocalBackgroundAttachment, FixedBackgroundAttachment }; enum EFillBox { BorderFillBox, PaddingFillBox, ContentFillBox, TextFillBox }; enum EFillRepeat { RepeatFill, NoRepeatFill, RoundFill, SpaceFill }; enum EFillLayerType { BackgroundFillLayer, MaskFillLayer }; // CSS3 Background Values enum EFillSizeType { Contain, Cover, SizeLength, SizeNone }; // CSS3 Marquee Properties enum EMarqueeBehavior { MNONE, MSCROLL, MSLIDE, MALTERNATE }; enum EMarqueeDirection { MAUTO = 0, MLEFT = 1, MRIGHT = -1, MUP = 2, MDOWN = -2, MFORWARD = 3, MBACKWARD = -3 }; // CSS3 Flexible Box Properties enum EBoxAlignment { BSTRETCH, BSTART, BCENTER, BEND, BJUSTIFY, BBASELINE }; enum EBoxOrient { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL }; enum EBoxLines { SINGLE, MULTIPLE }; enum EBoxDirection { BNORMAL, BREVERSE }; enum ETextSecurity { TSNONE, TSDISC, TSCIRCLE, TSSQUARE }; // CSS3 User Modify Properties enum EUserModify { READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_WRITE_PLAINTEXT_ONLY }; // CSS3 User Drag Values enum EUserDrag { DRAG_AUTO, DRAG_NONE, DRAG_ELEMENT }; // CSS3 User Select Values enum EUserSelect { SELECT_NONE, SELECT_TEXT }; // Word Break Values. Matches WinIE, rather than CSS3 enum EWordBreak { NormalWordBreak, BreakAllWordBreak, BreakWordBreak }; enum EWordWrap { NormalWordWrap, BreakWordWrap }; enum ENBSPMode { NBNORMAL, SPACE }; enum EKHTMLLineBreak { LBNORMAL, AFTER_WHITE_SPACE }; enum EMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor { BCNORMAL, MATCH }; enum EResize { RESIZE_NONE, RESIZE_BOTH, RESIZE_HORIZONTAL, RESIZE_VERTICAL }; // The order of this enum must match the order of the list style types in CSSValueKeywords.in. enum EListStyleType { Disc, Circle, Square, DecimalListStyle, DecimalLeadingZero, ArabicIndic, BinaryListStyle, Bengali, Cambodian, Khmer, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, LowerHexadecimal, Lao, Malayalam, Mongolian, Myanmar, Octal, Oriya, Persian, Urdu, Telugu, Tibetan, Thai, UpperHexadecimal, LowerRoman, UpperRoman, LowerGreek, LowerAlpha, LowerLatin, UpperAlpha, UpperLatin, Afar, EthiopicHalehameAaEt, EthiopicHalehameAaEr, Amharic, EthiopicHalehameAmEt, AmharicAbegede, EthiopicAbegedeAmEt, CjkEarthlyBranch, CjkHeavenlyStem, Ethiopic, EthiopicHalehameGez, EthiopicAbegede, EthiopicAbegedeGez, HangulConsonant, Hangul, LowerNorwegian, Oromo, EthiopicHalehameOmEt, Sidama, EthiopicHalehameSidEt, Somali, EthiopicHalehameSoEt, Tigre, EthiopicHalehameTig, TigrinyaEr, EthiopicHalehameTiEr, TigrinyaErAbegede, EthiopicAbegedeTiEr, TigrinyaEt, EthiopicHalehameTiEt, TigrinyaEtAbegede, EthiopicAbegedeTiEt, UpperGreek, UpperNorwegian, Asterisks, Footnotes, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, CJKIdeographic, Hiragana, Katakana, HiraganaIroha, KatakanaIroha, NoneListStyle }; enum StyleContentType { CONTENT_NONE, CONTENT_OBJECT, CONTENT_TEXT, CONTENT_COUNTER }; enum EBorderFit { BorderFitBorder, BorderFitLines }; enum EAnimationFillMode { AnimationFillModeNone, AnimationFillModeForwards, AnimationFillModeBackwards, AnimationFillModeBoth }; enum EAnimPlayState { AnimPlayStatePlaying = 0x0, AnimPlayStatePaused = 0x1 }; enum EWhiteSpace { NORMAL, PRE, PRE_WRAP, PRE_LINE, NOWRAP, KHTML_NOWRAP }; enum ETextAlign { TAAUTO, LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, JUSTIFY, WEBKIT_LEFT, WEBKIT_RIGHT, WEBKIT_CENTER }; enum ETextTransform { CAPITALIZE, UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE, TTNONE }; enum ETextDecoration { TDNONE = 0x0 , UNDERLINE = 0x1, OVERLINE = 0x2, LINE_THROUGH= 0x4, BLINK = 0x8 }; enum EPageBreak { PBAUTO, PBALWAYS, PBAVOID }; enum EEmptyCell { SHOW, HIDE }; enum ECaptionSide { CAPTOP, CAPBOTTOM, CAPLEFT, CAPRIGHT }; enum EListStylePosition { OUTSIDE, INSIDE }; enum EVisibility { VISIBLE, HIDDEN, COLLAPSE }; enum ECursor { // The following must match the order in CSSValueKeywords.in. CURSOR_AUTO, CURSOR_CROSS, CURSOR_DEFAULT, CURSOR_POINTER, CURSOR_MOVE, CURSOR_VERTICAL_TEXT, CURSOR_CELL, CURSOR_CONTEXT_MENU, CURSOR_ALIAS, CURSOR_PROGRESS, CURSOR_NO_DROP, CURSOR_NOT_ALLOWED, CURSOR_WEBKIT_ZOOM_IN, CURSOR_WEBKIT_ZOOM_OUT, CURSOR_E_RESIZE, CURSOR_NE_RESIZE, CURSOR_NW_RESIZE, CURSOR_N_RESIZE, CURSOR_SE_RESIZE, CURSOR_SW_RESIZE, CURSOR_S_RESIZE, CURSOR_W_RESIZE, CURSOR_EW_RESIZE, CURSOR_NS_RESIZE, CURSOR_NESW_RESIZE, CURSOR_NWSE_RESIZE, CURSOR_COL_RESIZE, CURSOR_ROW_RESIZE, CURSOR_TEXT, CURSOR_WAIT, CURSOR_HELP, CURSOR_ALL_SCROLL, CURSOR_WEBKIT_GRAB, CURSOR_WEBKIT_GRABBING, // The following are handled as exceptions so don't need to match. CURSOR_COPY, CURSOR_NONE }; enum EDisplay { INLINE, BLOCK, LIST_ITEM, RUN_IN, COMPACT, INLINE_BLOCK, TABLE, INLINE_TABLE, TABLE_ROW_GROUP, TABLE_HEADER_GROUP, TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP, TABLE_ROW, TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP, TABLE_COLUMN, TABLE_CELL, TABLE_CAPTION, BOX, INLINE_BOX, #if ENABLE(WCSS) WAP_MARQUEE, #endif NONE }; enum EInsideLink { NotInsideLink, InsideUnvisitedLink, InsideVisitedLink }; enum EPointerEvents { PE_NONE, PE_AUTO, PE_STROKE, PE_FILL, PE_PAINTED, PE_VISIBLE, PE_VISIBLE_STROKE, PE_VISIBLE_FILL, PE_VISIBLE_PAINTED, PE_ALL }; enum ETransformStyle3D { TransformStyle3DFlat, TransformStyle3DPreserve3D }; enum EBackfaceVisibility { BackfaceVisibilityVisible, BackfaceVisibilityHidden }; enum ELineClampType { LineClampLineCount, LineClampPercentage }; enum Hyphens { HyphensNone, HyphensManual, HyphensAuto }; } // namespace WebCore #endif // RenderStyleConstants_h