/* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Rob Buis Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(SVG_ANIMATION) #include "SVGAnimationElement.h" #include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h" #include "CSSParser.h" #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventListener.h" #include "FloatConversion.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "MappedAttribute.h" #include "SVGElementInstance.h" #include "SVGNames.h" #include "SVGURIReference.h" #include "SVGUseElement.h" #include "XLinkNames.h" #include #include using namespace std; namespace WebCore { SVGAnimationElement::SVGAnimationElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* doc) : SVGSMILElement(tagName, doc) , SVGTests() , SVGExternalResourcesRequired() , m_externalResourcesRequired(this, SVGNames::externalResourcesRequiredAttr, false) , m_animationValid(false) { } SVGAnimationElement::~SVGAnimationElement() { } static void parseKeyTimes(const String& parse, Vector& result, bool verifyOrder) { result.clear(); Vector parseList; parse.split(';', parseList); for (unsigned n = 0; n < parseList.size(); ++n) { String timeString = parseList[n]; bool ok; float time = timeString.toFloat(&ok); if (!ok || time < 0 || time > 1.f) goto fail; if (verifyOrder) { if (!n) { if (time != 0) goto fail; } else if (time < result.last()) goto fail; } result.append(time); } return; fail: result.clear(); } static void parseKeySplines(const String& parse, Vector& result) { result.clear(); Vector parseList; parse.split(';', parseList); for (unsigned n = 0; n < parseList.size(); ++n) { Vector parseSpline; parseList[n].split(',', parseSpline); // The spec says the sepator is a space, all tests use commas. Weird. if (parseSpline.size() == 1) parseList[n].split(' ', parseSpline); if (parseSpline.size() != 4) goto fail; double curveValues[4]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { String parseNumber = parseSpline[i]; bool ok; curveValues[i] = parseNumber.toDouble(&ok); if (!ok || curveValues[i] < 0.0 || curveValues[i] > 1.0) goto fail; } result.append(UnitBezier(curveValues[0], curveValues[1], curveValues[2], curveValues[3])); } return; fail: result.clear(); } void SVGAnimationElement::parseMappedAttribute(MappedAttribute* attr) { if (attr->name() == SVGNames::valuesAttr) attr->value().string().split(';', m_values); else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::keyTimesAttr) parseKeyTimes(attr->value(), m_keyTimes, true); else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::keyPointsAttr && hasTagName(SVGNames::animateMotionTag)) { // This is specified to be an animateMotion attribute only but it is simpler to put it here // where the other timing calculatations are. parseKeyTimes(attr->value(), m_keyPoints, false); } else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::keySplinesAttr) parseKeySplines(attr->value(), m_keySplines); else { if (SVGTests::parseMappedAttribute(attr)) return; if (SVGExternalResourcesRequired::parseMappedAttribute(attr)) return; SVGSMILElement::parseMappedAttribute(attr); } } void SVGAnimationElement::attributeChanged(Attribute* attr, bool preserveDecls) { // Assumptions may not hold after an attribute change. m_animationValid = false; SVGSMILElement::attributeChanged(attr, preserveDecls); } float SVGAnimationElement::getStartTime() const { return narrowPrecisionToFloat(intervalBegin().value()); } float SVGAnimationElement::getCurrentTime() const { return narrowPrecisionToFloat(elapsed().value()); } float SVGAnimationElement::getSimpleDuration(ExceptionCode&) const { return narrowPrecisionToFloat(simpleDuration().value()); } void SVGAnimationElement::beginElement() { beginElementAt(0); } void SVGAnimationElement::beginElementAt(float offset) { addBeginTime(elapsed() + offset); } void SVGAnimationElement::endElement() { endElementAt(0); } void SVGAnimationElement::endElementAt(float offset) { addEndTime(elapsed() + offset); } SVGAnimationElement::AnimationMode SVGAnimationElement::animationMode() const { // http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-smil-animation-20010904/#AnimFuncValues if (hasTagName(SVGNames::setTag)) return ToAnimation; if (!animationPath().isEmpty()) return PathAnimation; if (hasAttribute(SVGNames::valuesAttr)) return ValuesAnimation; if (!toValue().isEmpty()) return fromValue().isEmpty() ? ToAnimation : FromToAnimation; if (!byValue().isEmpty()) return fromValue().isEmpty() ? ByAnimation : FromByAnimation; return NoAnimation; } SVGAnimationElement::CalcMode SVGAnimationElement::calcMode() const { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, discrete, ("discrete")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, linear, ("linear")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, paced, ("paced")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, spline, ("spline")); const AtomicString& value = getAttribute(SVGNames::calcModeAttr); if (value == discrete) return CalcModeDiscrete; if (value == linear) return CalcModeLinear; if (value == paced) return CalcModePaced; if (value == spline) return CalcModeSpline; return hasTagName(SVGNames::animateMotionTag) ? CalcModePaced : CalcModeLinear; } SVGAnimationElement::AttributeType SVGAnimationElement::attributeType() const { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, css, ("CSS")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, xml, ("XML")); const AtomicString& value = getAttribute(SVGNames::attributeTypeAttr); if (value == css) return AttributeTypeCSS; if (value == xml) return AttributeTypeXML; return AttributeTypeAuto; } String SVGAnimationElement::toValue() const { return getAttribute(SVGNames::toAttr); } String SVGAnimationElement::byValue() const { return getAttribute(SVGNames::byAttr); } String SVGAnimationElement::fromValue() const { return getAttribute(SVGNames::fromAttr); } bool SVGAnimationElement::isAdditive() const { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, sum, ("sum")); const AtomicString& value = getAttribute(SVGNames::additiveAttr); return value == sum || animationMode() == ByAnimation; } bool SVGAnimationElement::isAccumulated() const { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, sum, ("sum")); const AtomicString& value = getAttribute(SVGNames::accumulateAttr); return value == sum && animationMode() != ToAnimation; } bool SVGAnimationElement::hasValidTarget() const { return targetElement(); } bool SVGAnimationElement::attributeIsCSS(const String& attributeName) { // FIXME: We should have a map of all SVG properties and their attribute types so we // could validate animations better. The spec is very vague about this. unsigned id = cssPropertyID(attributeName); // SVG range if (id >= CSSPropertyClipPath && id <= CSSPropertyWritingMode) return true; // Regular CSS properties also in SVG return id == CSSPropertyColor || id == CSSPropertyDisplay || id == CSSPropertyOpacity || (id >= CSSPropertyFont && id <= CSSPropertyFontWeight) || id == CSSPropertyOverflow || id == CSSPropertyVisibility; } bool SVGAnimationElement::targetAttributeIsCSS() const { AttributeType type = attributeType(); if (type == AttributeTypeCSS) return true; if (type == AttributeTypeXML) return false; return attributeIsCSS(attributeName()); } void SVGAnimationElement::setTargetAttributeAnimatedValue(const String& value) { if (!hasValidTarget()) return; SVGElement* target = targetElement(); String attributeName = this->attributeName(); if (!target || attributeName.isEmpty() || value.isNull()) return; // We don't want the instance tree to get rebuild. Instances are updated in the loop below. if (target->isStyled()) static_cast(target)->setInstanceUpdatesBlocked(true); ExceptionCode ec; bool isCSS = targetAttributeIsCSS(); if (isCSS) { // FIXME: This should set the override style, not the inline style. // Sadly override styles are not yet implemented. target->style()->setProperty(attributeName, value, "", ec); } else { // FIXME: This should set the 'presentation' value, not the actual // attribute value. Whatever that means in practice. target->setAttribute(attributeName, value, ec); } if (target->isStyled()) static_cast(target)->setInstanceUpdatesBlocked(false); // If the target element is used in an instance tree, update that as well. HashSet instances = target->instancesForElement(); HashSet::iterator end = instances.end(); for (HashSet::iterator it = instances.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = (*it)->shadowTreeElement(); ASSERT(shadowTreeElement); if (isCSS) shadowTreeElement->style()->setProperty(attributeName, value, "", ec); else shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(attributeName, value, ec); (*it)->correspondingUseElement()->setNeedsStyleRecalc(); } } void SVGAnimationElement::calculateKeyTimesForCalcModePaced() { ASSERT(calcMode() == CalcModePaced); ASSERT(animationMode() == ValuesAnimation); unsigned valuesCount = m_values.size(); ASSERT(valuesCount > 1); Vector keyTimesForPaced; float totalDistance = 0; keyTimesForPaced.append(0); for (unsigned n = 0; n < valuesCount - 1; ++n) { // Distance in any units float distance = calculateDistance(m_values[n], m_values[n + 1]); if (distance < 0) return; totalDistance += distance; keyTimesForPaced.append(distance); } if (!totalDistance) return; // Normalize. for (unsigned n = 1; n < keyTimesForPaced.size() - 1; ++n) keyTimesForPaced[n] = keyTimesForPaced[n - 1] + keyTimesForPaced[n] / totalDistance; keyTimesForPaced[keyTimesForPaced.size() - 1] = 1.f; // Use key times calculated based on pacing instead of the user provided ones. m_keyTimes.swap(keyTimesForPaced); } static inline double solveEpsilon(double duration) { return 1. / (200. * duration); } float SVGAnimationElement::calculatePercentForSpline(float percent, unsigned splineIndex) const { ASSERT(calcMode() == CalcModeSpline); ASSERT(splineIndex < m_keySplines.size()); UnitBezier bezier = m_keySplines[splineIndex]; SMILTime duration = simpleDuration(); if (!duration.isFinite()) duration = 100.0; return narrowPrecisionToFloat(bezier.solve(percent, solveEpsilon(duration.value()))); } float SVGAnimationElement::calculatePercentFromKeyPoints(float percent) const { ASSERT(!m_keyPoints.isEmpty()); ASSERT(calcMode() != CalcModePaced); unsigned keyTimesCount = m_keyTimes.size(); ASSERT(keyTimesCount > 1); ASSERT(m_keyPoints.size() == keyTimesCount); unsigned index; for (index = 1; index < keyTimesCount; ++index) { if (m_keyTimes[index] >= percent) break; } --index; float fromPercent = m_keyTimes[index]; float toPercent = m_keyTimes[index + 1]; float fromKeyPoint = m_keyPoints[index]; float toKeyPoint = m_keyPoints[index + 1]; if (calcMode() == CalcModeDiscrete) return percent == 1.0f ? toKeyPoint : fromKeyPoint; float keyPointPercent = percent == 1.0f ? 1.0f : (percent - fromPercent) / (toPercent - fromPercent); if (calcMode() == CalcModeSpline) { ASSERT(m_keySplines.size() == m_keyPoints.size() - 1); keyPointPercent = calculatePercentForSpline(keyPointPercent, index); } return (toKeyPoint - fromKeyPoint) * keyPointPercent + fromKeyPoint; } void SVGAnimationElement::currentValuesFromKeyPoints(float percent, float& effectivePercent, String& from, String& to) const { ASSERT(!m_keyPoints.isEmpty()); ASSERT(m_keyPoints.size() == m_keyTimes.size()); ASSERT(calcMode() != CalcModePaced); effectivePercent = calculatePercentFromKeyPoints(percent); unsigned index = effectivePercent == 1.0f ? m_values.size() - 2 : static_cast(effectivePercent * (m_values.size() - 1)); from = m_values[index]; to = m_values[index + 1]; } void SVGAnimationElement::currentValuesForValuesAnimation(float percent, float& effectivePercent, String& from, String& to) const { unsigned valuesCount = m_values.size(); ASSERT(m_animationValid); ASSERT(valuesCount > 1); CalcMode calcMode = this->calcMode(); if (!m_keyPoints.isEmpty() && calcMode != CalcModePaced) return currentValuesFromKeyPoints(percent, effectivePercent, from, to); unsigned keyTimesCount = m_keyTimes.size(); ASSERT(!keyTimesCount || valuesCount == keyTimesCount); ASSERT(!keyTimesCount || (keyTimesCount > 1 && m_keyTimes[0] == 0)); unsigned index; for (index = 1; index < keyTimesCount; ++index) { if (m_keyTimes[index] >= percent) break; } --index; if (calcMode == CalcModeDiscrete) { if (!keyTimesCount) index = percent == 1.0f ? valuesCount - 1 : static_cast(percent * valuesCount); from = m_values[index]; to = m_values[index]; effectivePercent = 0.0f; return; } float fromPercent; float toPercent; if (keyTimesCount) { fromPercent = m_keyTimes[index]; toPercent = m_keyTimes[index + 1]; } else { index = static_cast(percent * (valuesCount - 1)); fromPercent = static_cast(index) / (valuesCount - 1); toPercent = static_cast(index + 1) / (valuesCount - 1); } if (index == valuesCount - 1) --index; from = m_values[index]; to = m_values[index + 1]; ASSERT(toPercent > fromPercent); effectivePercent = percent == 1.0f ? 1.0f : (percent - fromPercent) / (toPercent - fromPercent); if (calcMode == CalcModeSpline) { ASSERT(m_keySplines.size() == m_values.size() - 1); effectivePercent = calculatePercentForSpline(effectivePercent, index); } } void SVGAnimationElement::startedActiveInterval() { m_animationValid = false; if (!hasValidTarget()) return; AnimationMode animationMode = this->animationMode(); if (animationMode == NoAnimation) return; if (animationMode == FromToAnimation) m_animationValid = calculateFromAndToValues(fromValue(), toValue()); else if (animationMode == ToAnimation) { // For to-animations the from value is the current accumulated value from lower priority animations. // The value is not static and is determined during the animation. m_animationValid = calculateFromAndToValues(String(), toValue()); } else if (animationMode == FromByAnimation) m_animationValid = calculateFromAndByValues(fromValue(), byValue()); else if (animationMode == ByAnimation) m_animationValid = calculateFromAndByValues(String(), byValue()); else if (animationMode == ValuesAnimation) { CalcMode calcMode = this->calcMode(); m_animationValid = m_values.size() > 1 && (calcMode == CalcModePaced || !hasAttribute(SVGNames::keyTimesAttr) || hasAttribute(SVGNames::keyPointsAttr) || (m_values.size() == m_keyTimes.size())) && (calcMode == CalcModeDiscrete || !m_keyTimes.size() || m_keyTimes.last() == 1.0) && (calcMode != CalcModeSpline || ((m_keySplines.size() && (m_keySplines.size() == m_values.size() - 1)) || m_keySplines.size() == m_keyPoints.size() - 1)) && (!hasAttribute(SVGNames::keyPointsAttr) || (m_keyTimes.size() > 1 && m_keyTimes.size() == m_keyPoints.size())); if (calcMode == CalcModePaced && m_animationValid) calculateKeyTimesForCalcModePaced(); } else if (animationMode == PathAnimation) m_animationValid = calcMode() == CalcModePaced || !hasAttribute(SVGNames::keyPointsAttr) || (m_keyTimes.size() > 1 && m_keyTimes.size() == m_keyPoints.size()); } void SVGAnimationElement::updateAnimation(float percent, unsigned repeat, SVGSMILElement* resultElement) { if (!m_animationValid) return; float effectivePercent; if (animationMode() == ValuesAnimation) { String from; String to; currentValuesForValuesAnimation(percent, effectivePercent, from, to); if (from != m_lastValuesAnimationFrom || to != m_lastValuesAnimationTo ) { m_animationValid = calculateFromAndToValues(from, to); if (!m_animationValid) return; m_lastValuesAnimationFrom = from; m_lastValuesAnimationTo = to; } } else if (!m_keyPoints.isEmpty() && calcMode() != CalcModePaced) effectivePercent = calculatePercentFromKeyPoints(percent); else effectivePercent = percent; calculateAnimatedValue(effectivePercent, repeat, resultElement); } void SVGAnimationElement::endedActiveInterval() { } } // vim:ts=4:noet #endif // ENABLE(SVG_ANIMATION)