/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Alexey Proskuryakov * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Julien Chaffraix * Copyright (C) 2008 David Levin * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "XMLHttpRequest.h" #include "Blob.h" #include "Cache.h" #include "CString.h" #include "CrossOriginAccessControl.h" #include "DOMImplementation.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventException.h" #include "EventListener.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "HTTPParsers.h" #include "InspectorTimelineAgent.h" #include "ResourceError.h" #include "ResourceRequest.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "ThreadableLoader.h" #include "XMLHttpRequestException.h" #include "XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent.h" #include "XMLHttpRequestUpload.h" #include "markup.h" #include #include #if USE(JSC) #include "JSDOMBinding.h" #include "JSDOMWindow.h" #include #endif namespace WebCore { #ifndef NDEBUG static WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter xmlHttpRequestCounter("XMLHttpRequest"); #endif struct XMLHttpRequestStaticData : Noncopyable { XMLHttpRequestStaticData(); String m_proxyHeaderPrefix; String m_secHeaderPrefix; HashSet m_forbiddenRequestHeaders; }; XMLHttpRequestStaticData::XMLHttpRequestStaticData() : m_proxyHeaderPrefix("proxy-") , m_secHeaderPrefix("sec-") { m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("accept-charset"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("accept-encoding"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("access-control-request-headers"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("access-control-request-method"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("connection"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("content-length"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("content-transfer-encoding"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("cookie"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("cookie2"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("date"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("expect"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("host"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("keep-alive"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("origin"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("referer"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("te"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("trailer"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("transfer-encoding"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("upgrade"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("user-agent"); m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.add("via"); } // Determines if a string is a valid token, as defined by // "token" in section 2.2 of RFC 2616. static bool isValidToken(const String& name) { unsigned length = name.length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) { UChar c = name[i]; if (c >= 127 || c <= 32) return false; if (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '@' || c == ',' || c == ';' || c == ':' || c == '\\' || c == '\"' || c == '/' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '?' || c == '=' || c == '{' || c == '}') return false; } return true; } static bool isValidHeaderValue(const String& name) { // FIXME: This should really match name against // field-value in section 4.2 of RFC 2616. return !name.contains('\r') && !name.contains('\n'); } static bool isSetCookieHeader(const AtomicString& name) { return equalIgnoringCase(name, "set-cookie") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "set-cookie2"); } static const XMLHttpRequestStaticData* staticData = 0; static const XMLHttpRequestStaticData* createXMLHttpRequestStaticData() { staticData = new XMLHttpRequestStaticData; return staticData; } static const XMLHttpRequestStaticData* initializeXMLHttpRequestStaticData() { // Uses dummy to avoid warnings about an unused variable. AtomicallyInitializedStatic(const XMLHttpRequestStaticData*, dummy = createXMLHttpRequestStaticData()); return dummy; } XMLHttpRequest::XMLHttpRequest(ScriptExecutionContext* context) : ActiveDOMObject(context, this) , m_async(true) , m_includeCredentials(false) , m_state(UNSENT) , m_responseText("") , m_createdDocument(false) , m_error(false) , m_uploadEventsAllowed(true) , m_uploadComplete(false) , m_sameOriginRequest(true) , m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest(false) , m_receivedLength(0) , m_lastSendLineNumber(0) , m_exceptionCode(0) { initializeXMLHttpRequestStaticData(); #ifndef NDEBUG xmlHttpRequestCounter.increment(); #endif } XMLHttpRequest::~XMLHttpRequest() { if (m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest) { cache()->loader()->nonCacheRequestComplete(m_url); m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest = false; } if (m_upload) m_upload->disconnectXMLHttpRequest(); #ifndef NDEBUG xmlHttpRequestCounter.decrement(); #endif } Document* XMLHttpRequest::document() const { ASSERT(scriptExecutionContext()->isDocument()); return static_cast(scriptExecutionContext()); } #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) bool XMLHttpRequest::usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode() const { if (scriptExecutionContext()->isWorkerContext()) return false; Settings* settings = document()->settings(); return settings && settings->usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode(); } #endif XMLHttpRequest::State XMLHttpRequest::readyState() const { return m_state; } const ScriptString& XMLHttpRequest::responseText() const { return m_responseText; } Document* XMLHttpRequest::responseXML() const { if (m_state != DONE) return 0; if (!m_createdDocument) { if ((m_response.isHTTP() && !responseIsXML()) || scriptExecutionContext()->isWorkerContext()) { // The W3C spec requires this. m_responseXML = 0; } else { m_responseXML = document()->implementation()->createDocument(0); m_responseXML->open(); m_responseXML->setURL(m_url); // FIXME: Set Last-Modified. m_responseXML->write(String(m_responseText)); m_responseXML->finishParsing(); m_responseXML->close(); if (!m_responseXML->wellFormed()) m_responseXML = 0; } m_createdDocument = true; } return m_responseXML.get(); } XMLHttpRequestUpload* XMLHttpRequest::upload() { if (!m_upload) m_upload = XMLHttpRequestUpload::create(this); return m_upload.get(); } void XMLHttpRequest::changeState(State newState) { if (m_state != newState) { m_state = newState; callReadyStateChangeListener(); } } void XMLHttpRequest::callReadyStateChangeListener() { if (!scriptExecutionContext()) return; #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) InspectorTimelineAgent* timelineAgent = InspectorTimelineAgent::retrieve(scriptExecutionContext()); bool callTimelineAgentOnReadyStateChange = timelineAgent && hasEventListeners(eventNames().readystatechangeEvent); if (callTimelineAgentOnReadyStateChange) timelineAgent->willChangeXHRReadyState(m_url.string(), m_state); #endif dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().readystatechangeEvent)); #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (callTimelineAgentOnReadyStateChange && (timelineAgent = InspectorTimelineAgent::retrieve(scriptExecutionContext()))) timelineAgent->didChangeXHRReadyState(); #endif if (m_state == DONE && !m_error) { #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) timelineAgent = InspectorTimelineAgent::retrieve(scriptExecutionContext()); bool callTimelineAgentOnLoad = timelineAgent && hasEventListeners(eventNames().loadEvent); if (callTimelineAgentOnLoad) timelineAgent->willLoadXHR(m_url.string()); #endif dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().loadEvent)); #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (callTimelineAgentOnLoad && (timelineAgent = InspectorTimelineAgent::retrieve(scriptExecutionContext()))) timelineAgent->didLoadXHR(); #endif } } void XMLHttpRequest::setWithCredentials(bool value, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (m_state != OPENED || m_loader) { ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return; } m_includeCredentials = value; } void XMLHttpRequest::open(const String& method, const KURL& url, bool async, ExceptionCode& ec) { internalAbort(); State previousState = m_state; m_state = UNSENT; m_error = false; m_uploadComplete = false; // clear stuff from possible previous load clearResponse(); clearRequest(); ASSERT(m_state == UNSENT); if (!isValidToken(method)) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return; } // Method names are case sensitive. But since Firefox uppercases method names it knows, we'll do the same. String methodUpper(method.upper()); if (methodUpper == "TRACE" || methodUpper == "TRACK" || methodUpper == "CONNECT") { ec = SECURITY_ERR; return; } m_url = url; if (methodUpper == "COPY" || methodUpper == "DELETE" || methodUpper == "GET" || methodUpper == "HEAD" || methodUpper == "INDEX" || methodUpper == "LOCK" || methodUpper == "M-POST" || methodUpper == "MKCOL" || methodUpper == "MOVE" || methodUpper == "OPTIONS" || methodUpper == "POST" || methodUpper == "PROPFIND" || methodUpper == "PROPPATCH" || methodUpper == "PUT" || methodUpper == "UNLOCK") m_method = methodUpper; else m_method = method; m_async = async; ASSERT(!m_loader); // Check previous state to avoid dispatching readyState event // when calling open several times in a row. if (previousState != OPENED) changeState(OPENED); else m_state = OPENED; } void XMLHttpRequest::open(const String& method, const KURL& url, bool async, const String& user, ExceptionCode& ec) { KURL urlWithCredentials(url); urlWithCredentials.setUser(user); open(method, urlWithCredentials, async, ec); } void XMLHttpRequest::open(const String& method, const KURL& url, bool async, const String& user, const String& password, ExceptionCode& ec) { KURL urlWithCredentials(url); urlWithCredentials.setUser(user); urlWithCredentials.setPass(password); open(method, urlWithCredentials, async, ec); } bool XMLHttpRequest::initSend(ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!scriptExecutionContext()) return false; if (m_state != OPENED || m_loader) { ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return false; } m_error = false; return true; } void XMLHttpRequest::send(ExceptionCode& ec) { send(String(), ec); } void XMLHttpRequest::send(Document* document, ExceptionCode& ec) { ASSERT(document); if (!initSend(ec)) return; if (m_method != "GET" && m_method != "HEAD" && m_url.protocolInHTTPFamily()) { String contentType = getRequestHeader("Content-Type"); if (contentType.isEmpty()) { #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) if (usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode()) setRequestHeaderInternal("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); else #endif // FIXME: this should include the charset used for encoding. setRequestHeaderInternal("Content-Type", "application/xml"); } // FIXME: According to XMLHttpRequest Level 2, this should use the Document.innerHTML algorithm // from the HTML5 specification to serialize the document. String body = createMarkup(document); // FIXME: this should use value of document.inputEncoding to determine the encoding to use. TextEncoding encoding = UTF8Encoding(); m_requestEntityBody = FormData::create(encoding.encode(body.characters(), body.length(), EntitiesForUnencodables)); if (m_upload) m_requestEntityBody->setAlwaysStream(true); } createRequest(ec); } void XMLHttpRequest::send(const String& body, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!initSend(ec)) return; if (!body.isNull() && m_method != "GET" && m_method != "HEAD" && m_url.protocolInHTTPFamily()) { String contentType = getRequestHeader("Content-Type"); if (contentType.isEmpty()) { #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) if (usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode()) setRequestHeaderInternal("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); else #endif setRequestHeaderInternal("Content-Type", "application/xml"); } m_requestEntityBody = FormData::create(UTF8Encoding().encode(body.characters(), body.length(), EntitiesForUnencodables)); if (m_upload) m_requestEntityBody->setAlwaysStream(true); } createRequest(ec); } void XMLHttpRequest::send(Blob* body, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!initSend(ec)) return; if (m_method != "GET" && m_method != "HEAD" && m_url.protocolInHTTPFamily()) { // FIXME: Should we set a Content-Type if one is not set. // FIXME: add support for uploading bundles. m_requestEntityBody = FormData::create(); m_requestEntityBody->appendFile(body->path(), false); } createRequest(ec); } void XMLHttpRequest::createRequest(ExceptionCode& ec) { // The presence of upload event listeners forces us to use preflighting because POSTing to an URL that does not // permit cross origin requests should look exactly like POSTing to an URL that does not respond at all. // Also, only async requests support upload progress events. bool forcePreflight = false; if (m_async) { dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().loadstartEvent)); if (m_requestEntityBody && m_upload) { forcePreflight = m_upload->hasEventListeners(); m_upload->dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().loadstartEvent)); } } m_sameOriginRequest = scriptExecutionContext()->securityOrigin()->canRequest(m_url); // We also remember whether upload events should be allowed for this request in case the upload listeners are // added after the request is started. m_uploadEventsAllowed = !isSimpleCrossOriginAccessRequest(m_method, m_requestHeaders); ResourceRequest request(m_url); request.setHTTPMethod(m_method); if (m_requestEntityBody) { ASSERT(m_method != "GET"); ASSERT(m_method != "HEAD"); request.setHTTPBody(m_requestEntityBody.release()); } if (m_requestHeaders.size() > 0) request.addHTTPHeaderFields(m_requestHeaders); ThreadableLoaderOptions options; options.sendLoadCallbacks = true; options.sniffContent = false; options.forcePreflight = forcePreflight; options.allowCredentials = m_sameOriginRequest || m_includeCredentials; options.crossOriginRequestPolicy = UseAccessControl; m_exceptionCode = 0; m_error = false; if (m_async) { if (m_upload) request.setReportUploadProgress(true); // ThreadableLoader::create can return null here, for example if we're no longer attached to a page. // This is true while running onunload handlers. // FIXME: Maybe we need to be able to send XMLHttpRequests from onunload, . // FIXME: Maybe create() can return null for other reasons too? m_loader = ThreadableLoader::create(scriptExecutionContext(), this, request, options); if (m_loader) { // Neither this object nor the JavaScript wrapper should be deleted while // a request is in progress because we need to keep the listeners alive, // and they are referenced by the JavaScript wrapper. setPendingActivity(this); // For now we should only balance the nonCached request count for main-thread XHRs and not // Worker XHRs, as the Cache is not thread-safe. // This will become irrelevant after https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27165 is resolved. if (!scriptExecutionContext()->isWorkerContext()) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); ASSERT(!m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest); cache()->loader()->nonCacheRequestInFlight(m_url); m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest = true; } } } else ThreadableLoader::loadResourceSynchronously(scriptExecutionContext(), request, *this, options); if (!m_exceptionCode && m_error) m_exceptionCode = XMLHttpRequestException::NETWORK_ERR; ec = m_exceptionCode; } void XMLHttpRequest::abort() { // internalAbort() calls dropProtection(), which may release the last reference. RefPtr protect(this); bool sendFlag = m_loader; internalAbort(); m_responseText = ""; m_createdDocument = false; m_responseXML = 0; // Clear headers as required by the spec m_requestHeaders.clear(); if ((m_state <= OPENED && !sendFlag) || m_state == DONE) m_state = UNSENT; else { ASSERT(!m_loader); changeState(DONE); m_state = UNSENT; } dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().abortEvent)); if (!m_uploadComplete) { m_uploadComplete = true; if (m_upload && m_uploadEventsAllowed) m_upload->dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().abortEvent)); } } void XMLHttpRequest::internalAbort() { bool hadLoader = m_loader; m_error = true; // FIXME: when we add the support for multi-part XHR, we will have to think be careful with this initialization. m_receivedLength = 0; if (hadLoader) { m_loader->cancel(); m_loader = 0; } m_decoder = 0; if (hadLoader) dropProtection(); } void XMLHttpRequest::clearResponse() { m_response = ResourceResponse(); m_responseText = ""; m_createdDocument = false; m_responseXML = 0; } void XMLHttpRequest::clearRequest() { m_requestHeaders.clear(); m_requestEntityBody = 0; } void XMLHttpRequest::genericError() { clearResponse(); clearRequest(); m_error = true; changeState(DONE); } void XMLHttpRequest::networkError() { genericError(); dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().errorEvent)); if (!m_uploadComplete) { m_uploadComplete = true; if (m_upload && m_uploadEventsAllowed) m_upload->dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().errorEvent)); } internalAbort(); } void XMLHttpRequest::abortError() { genericError(); dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().abortEvent)); if (!m_uploadComplete) { m_uploadComplete = true; if (m_upload && m_uploadEventsAllowed) m_upload->dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().abortEvent)); } } void XMLHttpRequest::dropProtection() { #if USE(JSC) // The XHR object itself holds on to the responseText, and // thus has extra cost even independent of any // responseText or responseXML objects it has handed // out. But it is protected from GC while loading, so this // can't be recouped until the load is done, so only // report the extra cost at that point. JSC::JSGlobalData* globalData = scriptExecutionContext()->globalData(); if (hasCachedDOMObjectWrapper(globalData, this)) globalData->heap.reportExtraMemoryCost(m_responseText.size() * 2); #endif unsetPendingActivity(this); } void XMLHttpRequest::overrideMimeType(const String& override) { m_mimeTypeOverride = override; } static void reportUnsafeUsage(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& message) { if (!context) return; // FIXME: It's not good to report the bad usage without indicating what source line it came from. // We should pass additional parameters so we can tell the console where the mistake occurred. context->addMessage(ConsoleDestination, JSMessageSource, LogMessageType, ErrorMessageLevel, message, 1, String()); } void XMLHttpRequest::setRequestHeader(const AtomicString& name, const String& value, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (m_state != OPENED || m_loader) { #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) if (usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode()) return; #endif ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return; } if (!isValidToken(name) || !isValidHeaderValue(value)) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return; } // A privileged script (e.g. a Dashboard widget) can set any headers. if (!scriptExecutionContext()->securityOrigin()->canLoadLocalResources() && !isSafeRequestHeader(name)) { reportUnsafeUsage(scriptExecutionContext(), "Refused to set unsafe header \"" + name + "\""); return; } setRequestHeaderInternal(name, value); } void XMLHttpRequest::setRequestHeaderInternal(const AtomicString& name, const String& value) { pair result = m_requestHeaders.add(name, value); if (!result.second) result.first->second += ", " + value; } bool XMLHttpRequest::isSafeRequestHeader(const String& name) const { return !staticData->m_forbiddenRequestHeaders.contains(name) && !name.startsWith(staticData->m_proxyHeaderPrefix, false) && !name.startsWith(staticData->m_secHeaderPrefix, false); } String XMLHttpRequest::getRequestHeader(const AtomicString& name) const { return m_requestHeaders.get(name); } String XMLHttpRequest::getAllResponseHeaders(ExceptionCode& ec) const { if (m_state < HEADERS_RECEIVED) { ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return ""; } Vector stringBuilder; HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator end = m_response.httpHeaderFields().end(); for (HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it = m_response.httpHeaderFields().begin(); it!= end; ++it) { // Hide Set-Cookie header fields from the XMLHttpRequest client for these reasons: // 1) If the client did have access to the fields, then it could read HTTP-only // cookies; those cookies are supposed to be hidden from scripts. // 2) There's no known harm in hiding Set-Cookie header fields entirely; we don't // know any widely used technique that requires access to them. // 3) Firefox has implemented this policy. if (isSetCookieHeader(it->first) && !scriptExecutionContext()->securityOrigin()->canLoadLocalResources()) continue; if (!m_sameOriginRequest && !isOnAccessControlResponseHeaderWhitelist(it->first)) continue; stringBuilder.append(it->first.characters(), it->first.length()); stringBuilder.append(':'); stringBuilder.append(' '); stringBuilder.append(it->second.characters(), it->second.length()); stringBuilder.append('\r'); stringBuilder.append('\n'); } return String::adopt(stringBuilder); } String XMLHttpRequest::getResponseHeader(const AtomicString& name, ExceptionCode& ec) const { if (m_state < HEADERS_RECEIVED) { ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return String(); } // See comment in getAllResponseHeaders above. if (isSetCookieHeader(name) && !scriptExecutionContext()->securityOrigin()->canLoadLocalResources()) { reportUnsafeUsage(scriptExecutionContext(), "Refused to get unsafe header \"" + name + "\""); return String(); } if (!m_sameOriginRequest && !isOnAccessControlResponseHeaderWhitelist(name)) { reportUnsafeUsage(scriptExecutionContext(), "Refused to get unsafe header \"" + name + "\""); return String(); } return m_response.httpHeaderField(name); } String XMLHttpRequest::responseMIMEType() const { String mimeType = extractMIMETypeFromMediaType(m_mimeTypeOverride); if (mimeType.isEmpty()) { if (m_response.isHTTP()) mimeType = extractMIMETypeFromMediaType(m_response.httpHeaderField("Content-Type")); else mimeType = m_response.mimeType(); } if (mimeType.isEmpty()) mimeType = "text/xml"; return mimeType; } bool XMLHttpRequest::responseIsXML() const { return DOMImplementation::isXMLMIMEType(responseMIMEType()); } int XMLHttpRequest::status(ExceptionCode& ec) const { if (m_response.httpStatusCode()) return m_response.httpStatusCode(); if (m_state == OPENED) { // Firefox only raises an exception in this state; we match it. // Note the case of local file requests, where we have no HTTP response code! Firefox never raises an exception for those, but we match HTTP case for consistency. ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; } return 0; } String XMLHttpRequest::statusText(ExceptionCode& ec) const { if (!m_response.httpStatusText().isNull()) return m_response.httpStatusText(); if (m_state == OPENED) { // See comments in status() above. ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; } return String(); } void XMLHttpRequest::didFail(const ResourceError& error) { if (m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest) { cache()->loader()->nonCacheRequestComplete(m_url); m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest = false; } // If we are already in an error state, for instance we called abort(), bail out early. if (m_error) return; if (error.isCancellation()) { m_exceptionCode = XMLHttpRequestException::ABORT_ERR; abortError(); return; } m_exceptionCode = XMLHttpRequestException::NETWORK_ERR; networkError(); } void XMLHttpRequest::didFailRedirectCheck() { networkError(); } void XMLHttpRequest::didFinishLoading(unsigned long identifier) { if (m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest) { cache()->loader()->nonCacheRequestComplete(m_url); m_didTellLoaderAboutRequest = false; } if (m_error) return; if (m_state < HEADERS_RECEIVED) changeState(HEADERS_RECEIVED); if (m_decoder) m_responseText += m_decoder->flush(); scriptExecutionContext()->resourceRetrievedByXMLHttpRequest(identifier, m_responseText); #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) scriptExecutionContext()->addMessage(InspectorControllerDestination, JSMessageSource, LogMessageType, LogMessageLevel, "XHR finished loading: \"" + m_url + "\".", m_lastSendLineNumber, m_lastSendURL); #endif bool hadLoader = m_loader; m_loader = 0; changeState(DONE); m_decoder = 0; if (hadLoader) dropProtection(); } void XMLHttpRequest::didSendData(unsigned long long bytesSent, unsigned long long totalBytesToBeSent) { if (!m_upload) return; if (m_uploadEventsAllowed) m_upload->dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().progressEvent, true, static_cast(bytesSent), static_cast(totalBytesToBeSent))); if (bytesSent == totalBytesToBeSent && !m_uploadComplete) { m_uploadComplete = true; if (m_uploadEventsAllowed) m_upload->dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().loadEvent)); } } void XMLHttpRequest::didReceiveResponse(const ResourceResponse& response) { m_response = response; m_responseEncoding = extractCharsetFromMediaType(m_mimeTypeOverride); if (m_responseEncoding.isEmpty()) m_responseEncoding = response.textEncodingName(); } void XMLHttpRequest::didReceiveAuthenticationCancellation(const ResourceResponse& failureResponse) { m_response = failureResponse; } void XMLHttpRequest::didReceiveData(const char* data, int len) { if (m_error) return; if (m_state < HEADERS_RECEIVED) changeState(HEADERS_RECEIVED); if (!m_decoder) { if (!m_responseEncoding.isEmpty()) m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create("text/plain", m_responseEncoding); // allow TextResourceDecoder to look inside the m_response if it's XML or HTML else if (responseIsXML()) { m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create("application/xml"); // Don't stop on encoding errors, unlike it is done for other kinds of XML resources. This matches the behavior of previous WebKit versions, Firefox and Opera. m_decoder->useLenientXMLDecoding(); } else if (responseMIMEType() == "text/html") m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create("text/html", "UTF-8"); else m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create("text/plain", "UTF-8"); } if (!len) return; if (len == -1) len = strlen(data); m_responseText += m_decoder->decode(data, len); if (!m_error) { long long expectedLength = m_response.expectedContentLength(); m_receivedLength += len; // FIXME: the spec requires that we dispatch the event according to the least // frequent method between every 350ms (+/-200ms) and for every byte received. dispatchEvent(XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::create(eventNames().progressEvent, expectedLength && m_receivedLength <= expectedLength, static_cast(m_receivedLength), static_cast(expectedLength))); if (m_state != LOADING) changeState(LOADING); else // Firefox calls readyStateChanged every time it receives data, 4449442 callReadyStateChangeListener(); } } bool XMLHttpRequest::canSuspend() const { return !m_loader; } void XMLHttpRequest::stop() { internalAbort(); } void XMLHttpRequest::contextDestroyed() { ASSERT(!m_loader); ActiveDOMObject::contextDestroyed(); } ScriptExecutionContext* XMLHttpRequest::scriptExecutionContext() const { return ActiveDOMObject::scriptExecutionContext(); } EventTargetData* XMLHttpRequest::eventTargetData() { return &m_eventTargetData; } EventTargetData* XMLHttpRequest::ensureEventTargetData() { return &m_eventTargetData; } } // namespace WebCore