/* * Copyright 2005 Frerich Raabe <raabe@kde.org> * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@webkit.org> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "XPathFunctions.h" #if ENABLE(XPATH) #include "Document.h" #include "Element.h" #include "NamedAttrMap.h" #include "XMLNames.h" #include "XPathUtil.h" #include "XPathValue.h" #include <wtf/MathExtras.h> namespace WebCore { namespace XPath { static inline bool isWhitespace(UChar c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t'; } #define DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(Class) static Function* create##Class() { return new Class; } class Interval { public: static const int Inf = -1; Interval(); Interval(int value); Interval(int min, int max); bool contains(int value) const; private: int m_min; int m_max; }; struct FunctionRec { typedef Function *(*FactoryFn)(); FactoryFn factoryFn; Interval args; }; static HashMap<String, FunctionRec>* functionMap; class FunLast : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunPosition : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunCount : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunId : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunLocalName : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunNamespaceURI : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunName : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunString : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunConcat : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunStartsWith : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunContains : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunSubstringBefore : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunSubstringAfter : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunSubstring : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunStringLength : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunNormalizeSpace : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunTranslate : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunBoolean : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunNot : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunTrue : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunFalse : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunLang : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunNumber : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunSum : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunFloor : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunCeiling : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; }; class FunRound : public Function { virtual Value evaluate() const; public: static double round(double); }; DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunLast) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunPosition) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunCount) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunId) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunLocalName) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunNamespaceURI) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunName) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunString) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunConcat) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunStartsWith) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunContains) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunSubstringBefore) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunSubstringAfter) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunSubstring) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunStringLength) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunNormalizeSpace) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunTranslate) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunBoolean) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunNot) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunTrue) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunFalse) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunLang) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunNumber) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunSum) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunFloor) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunCeiling) DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR(FunRound) #undef DEFINE_FUNCTION_CREATOR inline Interval::Interval() : m_min(Inf), m_max(Inf) { } inline Interval::Interval(int value) : m_min(value), m_max(value) { } inline Interval::Interval(int min, int max) : m_min(min), m_max(max) { } inline bool Interval::contains(int value) const { if (m_min == Inf && m_max == Inf) return true; if (m_min == Inf) return value <= m_max; if (m_max == Inf) return value >= m_min; return value >= m_min && value <= m_max; } void Function::setArguments(const Vector<Expression*>& args) { Vector<Expression*>::const_iterator end = args.end(); for (Vector<Expression*>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != end; it++) addSubExpression(*it); } Value FunLast::evaluate() const { return Expression::evaluationContext().size; } Value FunPosition::evaluate() const { return Expression::evaluationContext().position; } Value FunId::evaluate() const { Value a = arg(0)->evaluate(); Vector<UChar> idList; // A whitespace-separated list of IDs if (a.isNodeSet()) { const NodeSet& nodes = a.toNodeSet(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { String str = stringValue(nodes[i]); idList.append(str.characters(), str.length()); idList.append(' '); } } else { String str = a.toString(); idList.append(str.characters(), str.length()); } Document* contextDocument = evaluationContext().node->document(); NodeSet result; HashSet<Node*> resultSet; size_t startPos = 0; size_t length = idList.size(); while (true) { while (startPos < length && isWhitespace(idList[startPos])) ++startPos; if (startPos == length) break; size_t endPos = startPos; while (endPos < length && !isWhitespace(idList[endPos])) ++endPos; // If there are several nodes with the same id, id() should return the first one. // In WebKit, getElementById behaves so, too, although its behavior in this case is formally undefined. Node* node = contextDocument->getElementById(String(&idList[startPos], endPos - startPos)); if (node && resultSet.add(node).second) result.append(node); startPos = endPos; } result.markSorted(false); return Value(result, Value::adopt); } Value FunLocalName::evaluate() const { Node* node = 0; if (argCount() > 0) { Value a = arg(0)->evaluate(); if (!a.isNodeSet()) return ""; node = a.toNodeSet().firstNode(); if (!node) return ""; } if (!node) node = evaluationContext().node.get(); return node->localName().string(); } Value FunNamespaceURI::evaluate() const { Node* node = 0; if (argCount() > 0) { Value a = arg(0)->evaluate(); if (!a.isNodeSet()) return ""; node = a.toNodeSet().firstNode(); if (!node) return ""; } if (!node) node = evaluationContext().node.get(); return node->namespaceURI().string(); } Value FunName::evaluate() const { Node* node = 0; if (argCount() > 0) { Value a = arg(0)->evaluate(); if (!a.isNodeSet()) return ""; node = a.toNodeSet().firstNode(); if (!node) return ""; } if (!node) node = evaluationContext().node.get(); const AtomicString& prefix = node->prefix(); return prefix.isEmpty() ? node->localName().string() : prefix + ":" + node->localName(); } Value FunCount::evaluate() const { Value a = arg(0)->evaluate(); if (!a.isNodeSet()) return 0.0; return double(a.toNodeSet().size()); } Value FunString::evaluate() const { if (!argCount()) return Value(Expression::evaluationContext().node.get()).toString(); return arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); } Value FunConcat::evaluate() const { Vector<UChar, 1024> result; unsigned count = argCount(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { String str(arg(i)->evaluate().toString()); result.append(str.characters(), str.length()); } return String(result.data(), result.size()); } Value FunStartsWith::evaluate() const { String s1 = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); String s2 = arg(1)->evaluate().toString(); if (s2.isEmpty()) return true; return s1.startsWith(s2); } Value FunContains::evaluate() const { String s1 = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); String s2 = arg(1)->evaluate().toString(); if (s2.isEmpty()) return true; return s1.contains(s2) != 0; } Value FunSubstringBefore::evaluate() const { String s1 = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); String s2 = arg(1)->evaluate().toString(); if (s2.isEmpty()) return ""; int i = s1.find(s2); if (i == -1) return ""; return s1.left(i); } Value FunSubstringAfter::evaluate() const { String s1 = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); String s2 = arg(1)->evaluate().toString(); int i = s1.find(s2); if (i == -1) return ""; return s1.substring(i + s2.length()); } Value FunSubstring::evaluate() const { String s = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); long pos = static_cast<long>(FunRound::round(arg(1)->evaluate().toNumber())); bool haveLength = argCount() == 3; long len = -1; if (haveLength) { double doubleLen = arg(2)->evaluate().toNumber(); if (isnan(doubleLen)) return ""; len = static_cast<long>(FunRound::round(doubleLen)); } if (pos > long(s.length())) return ""; if (haveLength && pos < 1) { len -= 1 - pos; pos = 1; if (len < 1) return ""; } return s.substring(pos - 1, len); } Value FunStringLength::evaluate() const { if (!argCount()) return Value(Expression::evaluationContext().node.get()).toString().length(); return arg(0)->evaluate().toString().length(); } Value FunNormalizeSpace::evaluate() const { if (!argCount()) { String s = Value(Expression::evaluationContext().node.get()).toString(); return s.simplifyWhiteSpace(); } String s = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); return s.simplifyWhiteSpace(); } Value FunTranslate::evaluate() const { String s1 = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); String s2 = arg(1)->evaluate().toString(); String s3 = arg(2)->evaluate().toString(); String newString; // FIXME: Building a String a character at a time is quite slow. for (unsigned i1 = 0; i1 < s1.length(); ++i1) { UChar ch = s1[i1]; int i2 = s2.find(ch); if (i2 == -1) newString += String(&ch, 1); else if ((unsigned)i2 < s3.length()) { UChar c2 = s3[i2]; newString += String(&c2, 1); } } return newString; } Value FunBoolean::evaluate() const { return arg(0)->evaluate().toBoolean(); } Value FunNot::evaluate() const { return !arg(0)->evaluate().toBoolean(); } Value FunTrue::evaluate() const { return true; } Value FunLang::evaluate() const { String lang = arg(0)->evaluate().toString(); RefPtr<Node> langNode = 0; Node* node = evaluationContext().node.get(); while (node) { NamedAttrMap* attrs = node->attributes(); if (attrs) langNode = attrs->getNamedItemNS(XMLNames::xmlNamespaceURI, "lang"); if (langNode) break; node = node->parentNode(); } if (!langNode) return false; String langNodeValue = langNode->nodeValue(); while (true) { if (equalIgnoringCase(langNodeValue, lang)) return true; // Remove suffixes one by one. int index = langNodeValue.reverseFind('-'); if (index == -1) break; langNodeValue = langNodeValue.left(index); } return false; } Value FunFalse::evaluate() const { return false; } Value FunNumber::evaluate() const { if (!argCount()) return Value(Expression::evaluationContext().node.get()).toNumber(); return arg(0)->evaluate().toNumber(); } Value FunSum::evaluate() const { Value a = arg(0)->evaluate(); if (!a.isNodeSet()) return 0.0; double sum = 0.0; const NodeSet& nodes = a.toNodeSet(); // To be really compliant, we should sort the node-set, as floating point addition is not associative. // However, this is unlikely to ever become a practical issue, and sorting is slow. for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) sum += Value(stringValue(nodes[i])).toNumber(); return sum; } Value FunFloor::evaluate() const { return floor(arg(0)->evaluate().toNumber()); } Value FunCeiling::evaluate() const { return ceil(arg(0)->evaluate().toNumber()); } double FunRound::round(double val) { if (!isnan(val) && !isinf(val)) { if (signbit(val) && val >= -0.5) val *= 0; // negative zero else val = floor(val + 0.5); } return val; } Value FunRound::evaluate() const { return round(arg(0)->evaluate().toNumber()); } static void createFunctionMap() { struct FunctionMapping { const char *name; FunctionRec function; }; static const FunctionMapping functions[] = { { "boolean", { &createFunBoolean, 1 } }, { "ceiling", { &createFunCeiling, 1 } }, { "concat", { &createFunConcat, Interval(2, Interval::Inf) } }, { "contains", { &createFunContains, 2 } }, { "count", { &createFunCount, 1 } }, { "false", { &createFunFalse, 0 } }, { "floor", { &createFunFloor, 1 } }, { "id", { &createFunId, 1 } }, { "lang", { &createFunLang, 1 } }, { "last", { &createFunLast, 0 } }, { "local-name", { &createFunLocalName, Interval(0, 1) } }, { "name", { &createFunName, Interval(0, 1) } }, { "namespace-uri", { &createFunNamespaceURI, Interval(0, 1) } }, { "normalize-space", { &createFunNormalizeSpace, Interval(0, 1) } }, { "not", { &createFunNot, 1 } }, { "number", { &createFunNumber, Interval(0, 1) } }, { "position", { &createFunPosition, 0 } }, { "round", { &createFunRound, 1 } }, { "starts-with", { &createFunStartsWith, 2 } }, { "string", { &createFunString, Interval(0, 1) } }, { "string-length", { &createFunStringLength, Interval(0, 1) } }, { "substring", { &createFunSubstring, Interval(2, 3) } }, { "substring-after", { &createFunSubstringAfter, 2 } }, { "substring-before", { &createFunSubstringBefore, 2 } }, { "sum", { &createFunSum, 1 } }, { "translate", { &createFunTranslate, 3 } }, { "true", { &createFunTrue, 0 } }, }; const unsigned int numFunctions = sizeof(functions) / sizeof(functions[0]); functionMap = new HashMap<String, FunctionRec>; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numFunctions; ++i) functionMap->set(functions[i].name, functions[i].function); } Function* createFunction(const String& name, const Vector<Expression*>& args) { if (!functionMap) createFunctionMap(); HashMap<String, FunctionRec>::iterator functionMapIter = functionMap->find(name); FunctionRec* functionRec = 0; if (functionMapIter == functionMap->end() || !(functionRec = &functionMapIter->second)->args.contains(args.size())) return 0; Function* function = functionRec->factoryFn(); function->setArguments(args); function->setName(name); return function; } } } #endif // ENABLE(XPATH)