/* * Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_TAG "WebCore" #include "config.h" #include "ApplicationCacheStorage.h" #include "ChromeClientAndroid.h" #include "CString.h" #include "DatabaseTracker.h" #include "Document.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "Geolocation.h" #include "Page.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "WebCoreFrameBridge.h" #include "WebCoreViewBridge.h" #include "WebViewCore.h" #include "WindowFeatures.h" #include "Settings.h" namespace android { void ChromeClientAndroid::setWebFrame(android::WebFrame* webframe) { Release(m_webFrame); m_webFrame = webframe; Retain(m_webFrame); } void ChromeClientAndroid::chromeDestroyed() { Release(m_webFrame); delete this; } void ChromeClientAndroid::setWindowRect(const FloatRect&) { notImplemented(); } FloatRect ChromeClientAndroid::windowRect() { ASSERT(m_webFrame); if (!m_webFrame) return FloatRect(); FrameView* frameView = m_webFrame->page()->mainFrame()->view(); if (!frameView) return FloatRect(); const WebCoreViewBridge* bridge = frameView->platformWidget(); const IntRect& rect = bridge->getWindowBounds(); FloatRect fRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); return fRect; } FloatRect ChromeClientAndroid::pageRect() { notImplemented(); return FloatRect(); } float ChromeClientAndroid::scaleFactor() { /* Conceptually, we should return the density of the device's screen, except that we don't really model webkit's notion of drawing. Webkit expects the drawing context's matrix (plus scale-factor) to reflect the actually transformation to the pixels, and thus it uses scaleFactor to perform some pre-rounding in a few places (e.g. HTMLCanvasElement). ASSERT(m_webFrame); return m_webFrame->density(); However, in Android we capture the drawing into a displayList, and then replay that list at various scale factors (sometimes zoomed out, other times zoomed in for "normal" reading, yet other times at arbitrary zoom values based on the user's choice). In all of these cases, we do not re-record the displayList, hence it is usually harmful to perform any pre-rounding, since we just don't know the actual drawing resolution at record time. Given Android's device-independent drawing model, we always return 1.0 for this function, and we implement roundToDevicePixels() to be a no-op so that we don't introduce pre-rounding artifacts during record. */ return 1.0f; } void ChromeClientAndroid::focus() { ASSERT(m_webFrame); // Ask the application to focus this WebView. m_webFrame->requestFocus(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::unfocus() { notImplemented(); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::canTakeFocus(FocusDirection) { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientAndroid::takeFocus(FocusDirection) { notImplemented(); } Page* ChromeClientAndroid::createWindow(Frame* frame, const FrameLoadRequest&, const WindowFeatures& features) { ASSERT(frame); #ifdef ANDROID_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS if (frame->settings() && !(frame->settings()->supportMultipleWindows())) // If the client doesn't support multiple windows, just return the current page return frame->page(); #endif WTF::PassRefPtr screen = WebCore::Screen::create(frame); bool dialog = features.dialog || !features.resizable || (features.heightSet && features.height < screen.get()->height() && features.widthSet && features.width < screen.get()->width()) || (!features.menuBarVisible && !features.statusBarVisible && !features.toolBarVisible && !features.locationBarVisible && !features.scrollbarsVisible); // fullscreen definitely means no dialog if (features.fullscreen) dialog = false; WebCore::Frame* newFrame = m_webFrame->createWindow(dialog, frame->script()->processingUserGesture()); if (newFrame) { WebCore::Page* page = newFrame->page(); page->setGroupName(frame->page()->groupName()); return page; } return NULL; } void ChromeClientAndroid::show() { notImplemented(); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::canRunModal() { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientAndroid::runModal() { notImplemented(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::setToolbarsVisible(bool) { notImplemented(); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::toolbarsVisible() { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientAndroid::setStatusbarVisible(bool) { notImplemented(); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::statusbarVisible() { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientAndroid::setScrollbarsVisible(bool) { notImplemented(); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::scrollbarsVisible() { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientAndroid::setMenubarVisible(bool) { notImplemented(); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::menubarVisible() { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientAndroid::setResizable(bool) { notImplemented(); } // This function is called by the JavaScript bindings to print usually an error to // a message console. Pass the message to the java side so that the client can // handle it as it sees fit. void ChromeClientAndroid::addMessageToConsole(MessageSource, MessageType, MessageLevel, const String& message, unsigned int lineNumber, const String& sourceID) { android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_webFrame->page()->mainFrame()->view())->addMessageToConsole(message, lineNumber, sourceID); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel() { return true; } bool ChromeClientAndroid::runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(const String& message, Frame* frame) { String url = frame->document()->documentURI(); return android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(frame->view())->jsUnload(url, message); } void ChromeClientAndroid::closeWindowSoon() { ASSERT(m_webFrame); Page* page = m_webFrame->page(); Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); // This will prevent javascript cross-scripting during unload page->setGroupName(String()); // Stop loading but do not send the unload event mainFrame->loader()->stopLoading(UnloadEventPolicyNone); // Cancel all pending loaders mainFrame->loader()->stopAllLoaders(); // Remove all event listeners so that no javascript can execute as a result // of mouse/keyboard events. mainFrame->document()->removeAllEventListeners(); // Close the window. m_webFrame->closeWindow(android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(mainFrame->view())); } void ChromeClientAndroid::runJavaScriptAlert(Frame* frame, const String& message) { String url = frame->document()->documentURI(); android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(frame->view())->jsAlert(url, message); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::runJavaScriptConfirm(Frame* frame, const String& message) { String url = frame->document()->documentURI(); return android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(frame->view())->jsConfirm(url, message); } /* This function is called for the javascript method Window.prompt(). A dialog should be shown on * the screen with an input put box. First param is the text, the second is the default value for * the input box, third is return param. If the function returns true, the value set in the third parameter * is provided to javascript, else null is returned to the script. */ bool ChromeClientAndroid::runJavaScriptPrompt(Frame* frame, const String& message, const String& defaultValue, String& result) { String url = frame->document()->documentURI(); return android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(frame->view())->jsPrompt(url, message, defaultValue, result); } void ChromeClientAndroid::setStatusbarText(const String&) { notImplemented(); } // This is called by the JavaScript interpreter when a script has been running for a long // time. A dialog should be shown to the user asking them if they would like to cancel the // Javascript. If true is returned, the script is cancelled. // To make a device more responsive, we default to return true to disallow long running script. // This implies that some of scripts will not be completed. bool ChromeClientAndroid::shouldInterruptJavaScript() { FrameView* frameView = m_webFrame->page()->mainFrame()->view(); return android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(frameView)->jsInterrupt(); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::tabsToLinks() const { return false; } IntRect ChromeClientAndroid::windowResizerRect() const { return IntRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } // new to change 38068 (Nov 6, 2008) void ChromeClientAndroid::repaint(const IntRect& rect, bool contentChanged, bool immediate, bool repaintContentOnly) { notImplemented(); // was in ScrollViewAndroid::update() : needs to be something like: // android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(this)->contentInvalidate(rect); } // new to change 38068 (Nov 6, 2008) void ChromeClientAndroid::scroll(const IntSize& scrollDelta, const IntRect& rectToScroll, const IntRect& clipRect) { notImplemented(); } // new to change 38068 (Nov 6, 2008) IntPoint ChromeClientAndroid::screenToWindow(const IntPoint&) const { notImplemented(); return IntPoint(); } // new to change 38068 (Nov 6, 2008) IntRect ChromeClientAndroid::windowToScreen(const IntRect&) const { notImplemented(); return IntRect(); } PlatformPageClient ChromeClientAndroid::platformPageClient() const { Page* page = m_webFrame->page(); Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); FrameView* view = mainFrame->view(); PlatformWidget viewBridge = view->platformWidget(); return viewBridge; } void ChromeClientAndroid::contentsSizeChanged(Frame*, const IntSize&) const { notImplemented(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::scrollRectIntoView(const IntRect&, const ScrollView*) const { notImplemented(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::formStateDidChange(const Node*) { notImplemented(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::scrollbarsModeDidChange() const { notImplemented(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult&, unsigned int) {} void ChromeClientAndroid::setToolTip(const String&, TextDirection) {} void ChromeClientAndroid::print(Frame*) {} /* * This function is called on the main (webcore) thread by SQLTransaction::deliverQuotaIncreaseCallback. * The way that the callback mechanism is designed inside SQLTransaction means that there must be a new quota * (which may be equal to the old quota if the user did not allow more quota) when this function returns. As * we call into the browser thread to ask what to do with the quota, we block here and get woken up when the * browser calls the native WebViewCore::SetDatabaseQuota method with the new quota value. */ #if ENABLE(DATABASE) void ChromeClientAndroid::exceededDatabaseQuota(Frame* frame, const String& name) { SecurityOrigin* origin = frame->document()->securityOrigin(); // We want to wait on a new quota from the UI thread. Reset the m_newQuota variable to represent we haven't received a new quota. m_newQuota = -1; // This origin is being tracked and has exceeded it's quota. Call into // the Java side of things to inform the user. unsigned long long currentQuota = 0; if (WebCore::DatabaseTracker::tracker().hasEntryForOrigin(origin)) { currentQuota = WebCore::DatabaseTracker::tracker().quotaForOrigin(origin); } unsigned long long estimatedSize = WebCore::DatabaseTracker::tracker().detailsForNameAndOrigin(name, origin).expectedUsage(); android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(frame->view())->exceededDatabaseQuota(frame->document()->documentURI(), name, currentQuota, estimatedSize); // We've sent notification to the browser so now wait for it to come back. m_quotaThreadLock.lock(); while (m_newQuota == -1) { m_quotaThreadCondition.wait(m_quotaThreadLock); } m_quotaThreadLock.unlock(); // Update the DatabaseTracker with the new quota value (if the user declined // new quota, this may equal the old quota) DatabaseTracker::tracker().setQuota(origin, m_newQuota); } #endif #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) void ChromeClientAndroid::reachedMaxAppCacheSize(int64_t spaceNeeded) { // Set m_newQuota before calling into the Java side. If we do this after, // we could overwrite the result passed from the Java side and deadlock in the // wait call below. m_newQuota = -1; Page* page = m_webFrame->page(); Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); FrameView* view = mainFrame->view(); android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(view)->reachedMaxAppCacheSize(spaceNeeded); // We've sent notification to the browser so now wait for it to come back. m_quotaThreadLock.lock(); while (m_newQuota == -1) { m_quotaThreadCondition.wait(m_quotaThreadLock); } m_quotaThreadLock.unlock(); if (m_newQuota > 0) { WebCore::cacheStorage().setMaximumSize(m_newQuota); // Now the app cache will retry the saving the previously failed cache. } } #endif void ChromeClientAndroid::populateVisitedLinks() { Page* page = m_webFrame->page(); Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); FrameView* view = mainFrame->view(); android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(view)->populateVisitedLinks(&page->group()); } void ChromeClientAndroid::requestGeolocationPermissionForFrame(Frame* frame, Geolocation* geolocation) { ASSERT(geolocation); if (!m_geolocationPermissions) { m_geolocationPermissions = new GeolocationPermissions(android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(frame->view()), m_webFrame->page()->mainFrame()); } m_geolocationPermissions->queryPermissionState(frame); } void ChromeClientAndroid::provideGeolocationPermissions(const String &origin, bool allow, bool remember) { ASSERT(m_geolocationPermissions); m_geolocationPermissions->providePermissionState(origin, allow, remember); } void ChromeClientAndroid::storeGeolocationPermissions() { GeolocationPermissions::maybeStorePermanentPermissions(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::onMainFrameLoadStarted() { if (m_geolocationPermissions.get()) m_geolocationPermissions->resetTemporaryPermissionStates(); } void ChromeClientAndroid::runOpenPanel(Frame* frame, PassRefPtr chooser) { android::WebViewCore* core = android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore( frame->view()); core->openFileChooser(chooser); } bool ChromeClientAndroid::setCursor(PlatformCursorHandle) { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientAndroid::wakeUpMainThreadWithNewQuota(long newQuota) { MutexLocker locker(m_quotaThreadLock); m_newQuota = newQuota; m_quotaThreadCondition.signal(); } }