/* * Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "pictureset" //#include #include "CachedPrefix.h" #include "android_graphics.h" #include "PictureSet.h" #include "SkBounder.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkPicture.h" #include "SkRect.h" #include "SkRegion.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include #define MAX_DRAW_TIME 100 #define MIN_SPLITTABLE 400 #if PICTURE_SET_DEBUG class MeasureStream : public SkWStream { public: MeasureStream() : mTotal(0) {} virtual bool write(const void* , size_t size) { mTotal += size; return true; } size_t mTotal; }; #endif namespace android { PictureSet::PictureSet() { mWidth = mHeight = 0; } PictureSet::~PictureSet() { clear(); } void PictureSet::add(const Pictures* temp) { Pictures pictureAndBounds = *temp; pictureAndBounds.mPicture->safeRef(); pictureAndBounds.mWroteElapsed = false; mPictures.append(pictureAndBounds); } void PictureSet::add(const SkRegion& area, SkPicture* picture, uint32_t elapsed, bool split, bool empty) { DBG_SET_LOGD("%p area={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d} pict=%p elapsed=%d split=%d", this, area.getBounds().fLeft, area.getBounds().fTop, area.getBounds().fRight, area.getBounds().fBottom, picture, elapsed, split); picture->safeRef(); /* if nothing is drawn beneath part of the new picture, mark it as a base */ SkRegion diff = SkRegion(area); Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); for (Pictures* working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) diff.op(working->mArea, SkRegion::kDifference_Op); Pictures pictureAndBounds = {area, picture, area.getBounds(), elapsed, split, false, diff.isEmpty() == false, empty}; mPictures.append(pictureAndBounds); } /* Pictures are discarded when they are fully drawn over. When a picture is partially drawn over, it is discarded if it is not a base, and its rectangular bounds is reduced if it is a base. */ bool PictureSet::build() { bool rebuild = false; DBG_SET_LOGD("%p", this); // walk pictures back to front, removing or trimming obscured ones SkRegion drawn; SkRegion inval; Pictures* first = mPictures.begin(); Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); Pictures* working; bool checkForNewBases = false; for (working = last; working != first; ) { --working; SkRegion& area = working->mArea; SkRegion visibleArea(area); visibleArea.op(drawn, SkRegion::kDifference_Op); #if PICTURE_SET_DEBUG const SkIRect& a = area.getBounds(); const SkIRect& d = drawn.getBounds(); const SkIRect& i = inval.getBounds(); const SkIRect& v = visibleArea.getBounds(); DBG_SET_LOGD("%p [%d] area={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d} drawn={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d}" " inval={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d} vis={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d}", this, working - first, a.fLeft, a.fTop, a.fRight, a.fBottom, d.fLeft, d.fTop, d.fRight, d.fBottom, i.fLeft, i.fTop, i.fRight, i.fBottom, v.fLeft, v.fTop, v.fRight, v.fBottom); #endif bool tossPicture = false; if (working->mBase == false) { if (area != visibleArea) { if (visibleArea.isEmpty() == false) { DBG_SET_LOGD("[%d] partially overdrawn", working - first); inval.op(visibleArea, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); } else DBG_SET_LOGD("[%d] fully hidden", working - first); area.setEmpty(); tossPicture = true; } } else { const SkIRect& visibleBounds = visibleArea.getBounds(); const SkIRect& areaBounds = area.getBounds(); if (visibleBounds != areaBounds) { DBG_SET_LOGD("[%d] base to be reduced", working - first); area.setRect(visibleBounds); checkForNewBases = tossPicture = true; } if (area.intersects(inval)) { DBG_SET_LOGD("[%d] base to be redrawn", working - first); tossPicture = true; } } if (tossPicture) { working->mPicture->safeUnref(); working->mPicture = NULL; // mark to redraw } if (working->mPicture == NULL) // may have been set to null elsewhere rebuild = true; drawn.op(area, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); } // collapse out empty regions Pictures* writer = first; for (working = first; working != last; working++) { if (working->mArea.isEmpty()) continue; *writer++ = *working; } #if PICTURE_SET_DEBUG if ((unsigned) (writer - first) != mPictures.size()) DBG_SET_LOGD("shrink=%d (was %d)", writer - first, mPictures.size()); #endif mPictures.shrink(writer - first); /* When a base is discarded because it was entirely drawn over, all remaining pictures are checked to see if one has become a base. */ if (checkForNewBases) { drawn.setEmpty(); Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); for (working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { SkRegion& area = working->mArea; if (drawn.contains(working->mArea) == false) { working->mBase = true; DBG_SET_LOGD("[%d] new base", working - mPictures.begin()); } drawn.op(working->mArea, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); } } validate(__FUNCTION__); return rebuild; } void PictureSet::checkDimensions(int width, int height, SkRegion* inval) { if (mWidth == width && mHeight == height) return; DBG_SET_LOGD("%p old:(w=%d,h=%d) new:(w=%d,h=%d)", this, mWidth, mHeight, width, height); if (mWidth == width && height > mHeight) { // only grew vertically SkIRect rect; rect.set(0, mHeight, width, height - mHeight); inval->op(rect, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); } else { clear(); // if both width/height changed, clear the old cache inval->setRect(0, 0, width, height); } mWidth = width; mHeight = height; } void PictureSet::clear() { DBG_SET_LOG(""); Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); for (Pictures* working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { working->mArea.setEmpty(); working->mPicture->safeUnref(); } mPictures.clear(); mWidth = mHeight = 0; } bool PictureSet::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) { validate(__FUNCTION__); Pictures* first = mPictures.begin(); Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); Pictures* working; SkRect bounds; if (canvas->getClipBounds(&bounds) == false) return false; SkIRect irect; bounds.roundOut(&irect); for (working = last; working != first; ) { --working; if (working->mArea.contains(irect)) { #if PICTURE_SET_DEBUG const SkIRect& b = working->mArea.getBounds(); DBG_SET_LOGD("contains working->mArea={%d,%d,%d,%d}" " irect={%d,%d,%d,%d}", b.fLeft, b.fTop, b.fRight, b.fBottom, irect.fLeft, irect.fTop, irect.fRight, irect.fBottom); #endif first = working; break; } } DBG_SET_LOGD("%p first=%d last=%d", this, first - mPictures.begin(), last - mPictures.begin()); uint32_t maxElapsed = 0; for (working = first; working != last; working++) { const SkRegion& area = working->mArea; if (area.quickReject(irect)) { #if PICTURE_SET_DEBUG const SkIRect& b = area.getBounds(); DBG_SET_LOGD("[%d] %p quickReject working->mArea={%d,%d,%d,%d}" " irect={%d,%d,%d,%d}", working - first, working, b.fLeft, b.fTop, b.fRight, b.fBottom, irect.fLeft, irect.fTop, irect.fRight, irect.fBottom); #endif working->mElapsed = 0; continue; } int saved = canvas->save(); SkRect pathBounds; if (area.isComplex()) { SkPath pathClip; area.getBoundaryPath(&pathClip); canvas->clipPath(pathClip); pathBounds = pathClip.getBounds(); } else { pathBounds.set(area.getBounds()); canvas->clipRect(pathBounds); } canvas->translate(pathBounds.fLeft, pathBounds.fTop); canvas->save(); uint32_t startTime = WTF::get_thread_msec(); canvas->drawPicture(*working->mPicture); size_t elapsed = working->mElapsed = WTF::get_thread_msec() - startTime; working->mWroteElapsed = true; if (maxElapsed < elapsed && (pathBounds.width() >= MIN_SPLITTABLE || pathBounds.height() >= MIN_SPLITTABLE)) maxElapsed = elapsed; canvas->restoreToCount(saved); #define DRAW_TEST_IMAGE 01 #if DRAW_TEST_IMAGE && PICTURE_SET_DEBUG SkColor color = 0x3f000000 | (0xffffff & (unsigned) working); canvas->drawColor(color); SkPaint paint; color ^= 0x00ffffff; paint.setColor(color); char location[256]; for (int x = area.getBounds().fLeft & ~0x3f; x < area.getBounds().fRight; x += 0x40) { for (int y = area.getBounds().fTop & ~0x3f; y < area.getBounds().fBottom; y += 0x40) { int len = snprintf(location, sizeof(location) - 1, "(%d,%d)", x, y); canvas->drawText(location, len, x, y, paint); } } #endif DBG_SET_LOGD("[%d] %p working->mArea={%d,%d,%d,%d} elapsed=%d base=%s", working - first, working, area.getBounds().fLeft, area.getBounds().fTop, area.getBounds().fRight, area.getBounds().fBottom, working->mElapsed, working->mBase ? "true" : "false"); } // dump(__FUNCTION__); return maxElapsed >= MAX_DRAW_TIME; } void PictureSet::dump(const char* label) const { #if PICTURE_SET_DUMP DBG_SET_LOGD("%p %s (%d) (w=%d,h=%d)", this, label, mPictures.size(), mWidth, mHeight); const Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); for (const Pictures* working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { const SkIRect& bounds = working->mArea.getBounds(); const SkIRect& unsplit = working->mUnsplit; MeasureStream measure; if (working->mPicture != NULL) working->mPicture->serialize(&measure); LOGD(" [%d]" " mArea.bounds={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d}" " mPicture=%p" " mUnsplit={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d}" " mElapsed=%d" " mSplit=%s" " mWroteElapsed=%s" " mBase=%s" " pict-size=%d", working - mPictures.begin(), bounds.fLeft, bounds.fTop, bounds.fRight, bounds.fBottom, working->mPicture, unsplit.fLeft, unsplit.fTop, unsplit.fRight, unsplit.fBottom, working->mElapsed, working->mSplit ? "true" : "false", working->mWroteElapsed ? "true" : "false", working->mBase ? "true" : "false", measure.mTotal); } #endif } class IsEmptyBounder : public SkBounder { virtual bool onIRect(const SkIRect& rect) { return false; } }; class IsEmptyCanvas : public SkCanvas { public: IsEmptyCanvas(SkBounder* bounder, SkPicture* picture) : mPicture(picture), mEmpty(true) { setBounder(bounder); } void notEmpty() { mEmpty = false; mPicture->abortPlayback(); } virtual void commonDrawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkMatrix& , const SkPaint& ) { if (bitmap.width() <= 1 || bitmap.height() <= 1) return; DBG_SET_LOGD("abort {%d,%d}", bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()); notEmpty(); } virtual void drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) { } virtual void drawPath(const SkPath& , const SkPaint& paint) { DBG_SET_LOG("abort"); notEmpty(); } virtual void drawPoints(PointMode , size_t , const SkPoint [], const SkPaint& paint) { } virtual void drawRect(const SkRect& , const SkPaint& paint) { // wait for visual content } virtual void drawSprite(const SkBitmap& , int , int , const SkPaint* paint = NULL) { DBG_SET_LOG("abort"); notEmpty(); } virtual void drawText(const void* , size_t byteLength, SkScalar , SkScalar , const SkPaint& paint) { DBG_SET_LOGD("abort %d", byteLength); notEmpty(); } virtual void drawPosText(const void* , size_t byteLength, const SkPoint [], const SkPaint& paint) { DBG_SET_LOGD("abort %d", byteLength); notEmpty(); } virtual void drawPosTextH(const void* , size_t byteLength, const SkScalar [], SkScalar , const SkPaint& paint) { DBG_SET_LOGD("abort %d", byteLength); notEmpty(); } virtual void drawTextOnPath(const void* , size_t byteLength, const SkPath& , const SkMatrix* , const SkPaint& paint) { DBG_SET_LOGD("abort %d", byteLength); notEmpty(); } virtual void drawPicture(SkPicture& picture) { SkCanvas::drawPicture(picture); } SkPicture* mPicture; bool mEmpty; }; bool PictureSet::emptyPicture(SkPicture* picture) const { IsEmptyBounder isEmptyBounder; IsEmptyCanvas checker(&isEmptyBounder, picture); SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, mWidth, mHeight); checker.setBitmapDevice(bitmap); checker.drawPicture(*picture); return checker.mEmpty; } bool PictureSet::isEmpty() const { const Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); for (const Pictures* working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { if (!working->mEmpty) return false; } return true; } bool PictureSet::reuseSubdivided(const SkRegion& inval) { validate(__FUNCTION__); if (inval.isComplex()) return false; Pictures* working, * last = mPictures.end(); const SkIRect& invalBounds = inval.getBounds(); bool steal = false; for (working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { if (working->mSplit && invalBounds == working->mUnsplit) { steal = true; continue; } if (steal == false) continue; SkRegion temp = SkRegion(inval); temp.op(working->mArea, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op); if (temp.isEmpty() || temp == working->mArea) continue; return false; } if (steal == false) return false; for (working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { if ((working->mSplit == false || invalBounds != working->mUnsplit) && inval.contains(working->mArea) == false) continue; working->mPicture->safeUnref(); working->mPicture = NULL; } return true; } void PictureSet::set(const PictureSet& src) { DBG_SET_LOGD("start %p src=%p", this, &src); clear(); mWidth = src.mWidth; mHeight = src.mHeight; const Pictures* last = src.mPictures.end(); for (const Pictures* working = src.mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) add(working); // dump(__FUNCTION__); validate(__FUNCTION__); DBG_SET_LOG("end"); } void PictureSet::setDrawTimes(const PictureSet& src) { validate(__FUNCTION__); if (mWidth != src.mWidth || mHeight != src.mHeight) return; Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); Pictures* working = mPictures.begin(); if (working == last) return; const Pictures* srcLast = src.mPictures.end(); const Pictures* srcWorking = src.mPictures.begin(); for (; srcWorking != srcLast; srcWorking++) { if (srcWorking->mWroteElapsed == false) continue; while ((srcWorking->mArea != working->mArea || srcWorking->mPicture != working->mPicture)) { if (++working == last) return; } DBG_SET_LOGD("%p [%d] [%d] {%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d} working->mElapsed=%d <- %d", this, working - mPictures.begin(), srcWorking - src.mPictures.begin(), working->mArea.getBounds().fLeft, working->mArea.getBounds().fTop, working->mArea.getBounds().fRight, working->mArea.getBounds().fBottom, working->mElapsed, srcWorking->mElapsed); working->mElapsed = srcWorking->mElapsed; } } void PictureSet::setPicture(size_t i, SkPicture* p) { mPictures[i].mPicture->safeUnref(); mPictures[i].mPicture = p; mPictures[i].mEmpty = emptyPicture(p); } void PictureSet::split(PictureSet* out) const { dump(__FUNCTION__); DBG_SET_LOGD("%p", this); SkIRect totalBounds; out->mWidth = mWidth; out->mHeight = mHeight; totalBounds.set(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight); SkRegion* total = new SkRegion(totalBounds); const Pictures* last = mPictures.end(); const Pictures* working; uint32_t balance = 0; int multiUnsplitFastPictures = 0; // > 1 has more than 1 for (working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { if (working->mElapsed >= MAX_DRAW_TIME || working->mSplit) continue; if (++multiUnsplitFastPictures > 1) break; } for (working = mPictures.begin(); working != last; working++) { uint32_t elapsed = working->mElapsed; if (elapsed < MAX_DRAW_TIME) { bool split = working->mSplit; DBG_SET_LOGD("elapsed=%d working=%p total->getBounds()=" "{%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d} split=%s", elapsed, working, total->getBounds().fLeft, total->getBounds().fTop, total->getBounds().fRight, total->getBounds().fBottom, split ? "true" : "false"); if (multiUnsplitFastPictures <= 1 || split) { total->op(working->mArea, SkRegion::kDifference_Op); out->add(working->mArea, working->mPicture, elapsed, split, working->mEmpty); } else if (balance < elapsed) balance = elapsed; continue; } total->op(working->mArea, SkRegion::kDifference_Op); const SkIRect& bounds = working->mArea.getBounds(); int width = bounds.width(); int height = bounds.height(); int across = 1; int down = 1; while (height >= MIN_SPLITTABLE || width >= MIN_SPLITTABLE) { if (height >= width) { height >>= 1; down <<= 1; } else { width >>= 1; across <<= 1 ; } if ((elapsed >>= 1) < MAX_DRAW_TIME) break; } width = bounds.width(); height = bounds.height(); int top = bounds.fTop; for (int indexY = 0; indexY < down; ) { int bottom = bounds.fTop + height * ++indexY / down; int left = bounds.fLeft; for (int indexX = 0; indexX < across; ) { int right = bounds.fLeft + width * ++indexX / across; SkIRect cBounds; cBounds.set(left, top, right, bottom); out->add(SkRegion(cBounds), (across | down) != 1 ? NULL : working->mPicture, elapsed, true, (across | down) != 1 ? false : working->mEmpty); left = right; } top = bottom; } } DBG_SET_LOGD("%p w=%d h=%d total->isEmpty()=%s multiUnsplitFastPictures=%d", this, mWidth, mHeight, total->isEmpty() ? "true" : "false", multiUnsplitFastPictures); if (!total->isEmpty() && multiUnsplitFastPictures > 1) out->add(*total, NULL, balance, false, false); delete total; validate(__FUNCTION__); out->dump("split-out"); } bool PictureSet::validate(const char* funct) const { bool valid = true; #if PICTURE_SET_VALIDATE SkRegion all; const Pictures* first = mPictures.begin(); for (const Pictures* working = mPictures.end(); working != first; ) { --working; const SkPicture* pict = working->mPicture; const SkRegion& area = working->mArea; const SkIRect& bounds = area.getBounds(); bool localValid = false; if (working->mUnsplit.isEmpty()) LOGD("%s working->mUnsplit.isEmpty()", funct); else if (working->mUnsplit.contains(bounds) == false) LOGD("%s working->mUnsplit.contains(bounds) == false", funct); else if (working->mElapsed >= 1000) LOGD("%s working->mElapsed >= 1000", funct); else if ((working->mSplit & 0xfe) != 0) LOGD("%s (working->mSplit & 0xfe) != 0", funct); else if ((working->mWroteElapsed & 0xfe) != 0) LOGD("%s (working->mWroteElapsed & 0xfe) != 0", funct); else if (pict != NULL) { int pictWidth = pict->width(); int pictHeight = pict->height(); if (pictWidth < bounds.width()) LOGD("%s pictWidth=%d < bounds.width()=%d", funct, pictWidth, bounds.width()); else if (pictHeight < bounds.height()) LOGD("%s pictHeight=%d < bounds.height()=%d", funct, pictHeight, bounds.height()); else if (working->mArea.isEmpty()) LOGD("%s working->mArea.isEmpty()", funct); else localValid = true; } else localValid = true; working->mArea.validate(); if (localValid == false) { if (all.contains(area) == true) LOGD("%s all.contains(area) == true", funct); else localValid = true; } valid &= localValid; all.op(area, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); } const SkIRect& allBounds = all.getBounds(); if (valid) { valid = false; if (allBounds.width() != mWidth) LOGD("%s allBounds.width()=%d != mWidth=%d", funct, allBounds.width(), mWidth); else if (allBounds.height() != mHeight) LOGD("%s allBounds.height()=%d != mHeight=%d", funct, allBounds.height(), mHeight); else valid = true; } while (valid == false) ; #endif return valid; } } /* namespace android */