/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef WebView_h #define WebView_h #include "WebDragOperation.h" #include "WebString.h" #include "WebVector.h" #include "WebWidget.h" namespace WebKit { class WebAccessibilityObject; class WebDevToolsAgent; class WebDevToolsAgentClient; class WebDragData; class WebFrame; class WebFrameClient; class WebGLES2Context; class WebNode; class WebSettings; class WebString; class WebViewClient; struct WebMediaPlayerAction; struct WebPoint; class WebView : public WebWidget { public: // Controls the time that user scripts injected into the document run. enum UserScriptInjectAt { UserScriptInjectAtDocumentStart, UserScriptInjectAtDocumentEnd }; // Controls which frames user content is injected into. enum UserContentInjectIn { UserContentInjectInAllFrames, UserContentInjectInTopFrameOnly }; // Initialization ------------------------------------------------------ // Creates a WebView that is NOT yet initialized. You will need to // call initializeMainFrame to finish the initialization. It is valid // to pass null WebViewClient and WebDevToolsAgentClient pointers. WEBKIT_API static WebView* create(WebViewClient*, WebDevToolsAgentClient*); // After creating a WebView, you should immediately call this method. // You can optionally modify the settings before calling this method. // The WebFrameClient will receive events for the main frame and any // child frames. It is valid to pass a null WebFrameClient pointer. virtual void initializeMainFrame(WebFrameClient*) = 0; // Options ------------------------------------------------------------- // The returned pointer is valid for the lifetime of the WebView. virtual WebSettings* settings() = 0; // Corresponds to the encoding of the main frame. Setting the page // encoding may cause the main frame to reload. virtual WebString pageEncoding() const = 0; virtual void setPageEncoding(const WebString&) = 0; // Makes the WebView transparent. This is useful if you want to have // some custom background rendered behind it. virtual bool isTransparent() const = 0; virtual void setIsTransparent(bool) = 0; // Controls whether pressing Tab key advances focus to links. virtual bool tabsToLinks() const = 0; virtual void setTabsToLinks(bool) = 0; // Method that controls whether pressing Tab key cycles through page // elements or inserts a '\t' char in the focused text area. virtual bool tabKeyCyclesThroughElements() const = 0; virtual void setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(bool) = 0; // Controls the WebView's active state, which may affect the rendering // of elements on the page (i.e., tinting of input elements). virtual bool isActive() const = 0; virtual void setIsActive(bool) = 0; // Closing ------------------------------------------------------------- // Runs beforeunload handlers for the current page, returning false if // any handler suppressed unloading. virtual bool dispatchBeforeUnloadEvent() = 0; // Runs unload handlers for the current page. virtual void dispatchUnloadEvent() = 0; // Frames -------------------------------------------------------------- virtual WebFrame* mainFrame() = 0; // Returns the frame identified by the given name. This method // supports pseudo-names like _self, _top, and _blank. It traverses // the entire frame tree containing this tree looking for a frame that // matches the given name. If the optional relativeToFrame parameter // is specified, then the search begins with the given frame and its // children. virtual WebFrame* findFrameByName( const WebString& name, WebFrame* relativeToFrame = 0) = 0; // Focus --------------------------------------------------------------- virtual WebFrame* focusedFrame() = 0; virtual void setFocusedFrame(WebFrame*) = 0; // Focus the first (last if reverse is true) focusable node. virtual void setInitialFocus(bool reverse) = 0; // Clears the focused node (and selection if a text field is focused) // to ensure that a text field on the page is not eating keystrokes we // send it. virtual void clearFocusedNode() = 0; // Zoom ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the current zoom level. 0 is "original size", and each increment // above or below represents zooming 20% larger or smaller to limits of 300% // and 50% of original size, respectively. virtual int zoomLevel() = 0; // Changes the zoom level to the specified level, clamping at the limits // noted above, and returns the current zoom level after applying the // change. // // If |textOnly| is set, only the text will be zoomed; otherwise the entire // page will be zoomed. You can only have either text zoom or full page zoom // at one time. Changing the mode while the page is zoomed will have odd // effects. virtual int setZoomLevel(bool textOnly, int zoomLevel) = 0; // Media --------------------------------------------------------------- // Performs the specified action on the node at the given location. virtual void performMediaPlayerAction( const WebMediaPlayerAction&, const WebPoint& location) = 0; // Data exchange ------------------------------------------------------- // Copy to the clipboard the image located at a particular point in the // WebView (if there is such an image) virtual void copyImageAt(const WebPoint&) = 0; // Notifies the WebView that a drag has terminated. virtual void dragSourceEndedAt( const WebPoint& clientPoint, const WebPoint& screenPoint, WebDragOperation operation) = 0; // Notifies the WebView that a drag is going on. virtual void dragSourceMovedTo( const WebPoint& clientPoint, const WebPoint& screenPoint, WebDragOperation operation) = 0; // Notfies the WebView that the system drag and drop operation has ended. virtual void dragSourceSystemDragEnded() = 0; // Callback methods when a drag-and-drop operation is trying to drop // something on the WebView. virtual WebDragOperation dragTargetDragEnter( const WebDragData&, int identity, const WebPoint& clientPoint, const WebPoint& screenPoint, WebDragOperationsMask operationsAllowed) = 0; virtual WebDragOperation dragTargetDragOver( const WebPoint& clientPoint, const WebPoint& screenPoint, WebDragOperationsMask operationsAllowed) = 0; virtual void dragTargetDragLeave() = 0; virtual void dragTargetDrop( const WebPoint& clientPoint, const WebPoint& screenPoint) = 0; virtual int dragIdentity() = 0; // Helper method for drag and drop target operations: override the // default drop effect with either a "copy" (accept true) or "none" // (accept false) effect. Return true on success. virtual bool setDropEffect(bool accept) = 0; // Support for resource loading initiated by plugins ------------------- // Returns next unused request identifier which is unique within the // parent Page. virtual unsigned long createUniqueIdentifierForRequest() = 0; // Developer tools ----------------------------------------------------- // Inspect a particular point in the WebView. (x = -1 || y = -1) is a // special case, meaning inspect the current page and not a specific // point. virtual void inspectElementAt(const WebPoint&) = 0; // Settings used by the inspector. virtual WebString inspectorSettings() const = 0; virtual void setInspectorSettings(const WebString&) = 0; virtual bool inspectorSetting(const WebString& key, WebString* value) const = 0; virtual void setInspectorSetting(const WebString& key, const WebString& value) = 0; // The embedder may optionally engage a WebDevToolsAgent. This may only // be set once per WebView. virtual WebDevToolsAgent* devToolsAgent() = 0; // Accessibility ------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the accessibility object for this view. virtual WebAccessibilityObject accessibilityObject() = 0; // AutoFill ----------------------------------------------------------- // DEPRECATED. virtual void applyAutoFillSuggestions( const WebNode&, const WebVector& names, const WebVector& labels, const WebVector& uniqueIDs, int separatorIndex) = 0; // Notifies the WebView that AutoFill suggestions are available for a node. // |uniqueIDs| is a vector of IDs that represent the unique ID of each // AutoFill profile in the suggestions popup. virtual void applyAutoFillSuggestions( const WebNode&, const WebVector& names, const WebVector& labels, const WebVector& icons, const WebVector& uniqueIDs, int separatorIndex) = 0; // Notifies the WebView that Autocomplete suggestions are available for a // node. // DEPRECATED: merging with applyAutoFillSuggestions. virtual void applyAutocompleteSuggestions( const WebNode&, const WebVector& suggestions, int defaultSuggestionIndex) = 0; // Hides any popup (suggestions, selects...) that might be showing. virtual void hidePopups() = 0; // Context menu -------------------------------------------------------- virtual void performCustomContextMenuAction(unsigned action) = 0; // Visited link state -------------------------------------------------- // Tells all WebView instances to update the visited link state for the // specified hash. WEBKIT_API static void updateVisitedLinkState(unsigned long long hash); // Tells all WebView instances to update the visited state for all // their links. WEBKIT_API static void resetVisitedLinkState(); // Custom colors ------------------------------------------------------- virtual void setScrollbarColors(unsigned inactiveColor, unsigned activeColor, unsigned trackColor) = 0; virtual void setSelectionColors(unsigned activeBackgroundColor, unsigned activeForegroundColor, unsigned inactiveBackgroundColor, unsigned inactiveForegroundColor) = 0; // User scripts -------------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: These two methods are DEPRECATED. Remove once Chromium has been rolled. virtual void addUserScript(const WebString& sourceCode, bool runAtStart) { addUserScript(sourceCode, WebVector(), runAtStart ? UserScriptInjectAtDocumentStart : UserScriptInjectAtDocumentEnd, UserContentInjectInAllFrames); } virtual void addUserStyleSheet(const WebString& sourceCode) { addUserStyleSheet(sourceCode, WebVector(), UserContentInjectInAllFrames); } WEBKIT_API static void addUserScript(const WebString& sourceCode, const WebVector& patterns, UserScriptInjectAt injectAt, UserContentInjectIn injectIn); WEBKIT_API static void addUserStyleSheet(const WebString& sourceCode, const WebVector& patterns, UserContentInjectIn injectIn); WEBKIT_API static void removeAllUserContent(); // Modal dialog support ------------------------------------------------ // Call these methods before and after running a nested, modal event loop // to suspend script callbacks and resource loads. WEBKIT_API static void willEnterModalLoop(); WEBKIT_API static void didExitModalLoop(); // GPU acceleration support -------------------------------------------- // Returns the GLES2Context associated with this WebView. One will be // created if it doesn't already exist. virtual WebGLES2Context* gles2Context() = 0; protected: ~WebView() {} }; } // namespace WebKit #endif