/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef WebGraphicsContext3DDefaultImpl_h #define WebGraphicsContext3DDefaultImpl_h #if ENABLE(3D_CANVAS) #include "WebGraphicsContext3D.h" #include #if OS(WINDOWS) #include #endif #include "GL/glew.h" #if OS(WINDOWS) #include "GL/wglew.h" #endif #if PLATFORM(CG) #include #else #define FLIP_FRAMEBUFFER_VERTICALLY #endif #if OS(LINUX) #include "GL/glxew.h" #endif namespace WebKit { // The default implementation of WebGL. In Chromium, using this class // requires the sandbox to be disabled, which is strongly discouraged. // It is provided for support of test_shell and any Chromium ports // where an in-renderer WebGL implementation would be helpful. class WebGraphicsContext3DDefaultImpl : public WebGraphicsContext3D { public: WebGraphicsContext3DDefaultImpl(); virtual ~WebGraphicsContext3DDefaultImpl(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // WebGraphicsContext3D methods virtual bool initialize(WebGraphicsContext3D::Attributes attributes, WebView*); virtual bool makeContextCurrent(); virtual int width(); virtual int height(); virtual int sizeInBytes(int type); virtual bool isGLES2Compliant(); virtual void reshape(int width, int height); virtual bool readBackFramebuffer(unsigned char* pixels, size_t bufferSize); virtual unsigned int getPlatformTextureId(); virtual void prepareTexture(); virtual void synthesizeGLError(unsigned long error); virtual void activeTexture(unsigned long texture); virtual void attachShader(WebGLId program, WebGLId shader); virtual void bindAttribLocation(WebGLId program, unsigned long index, const char* name); virtual void bindBuffer(unsigned long target, WebGLId buffer); virtual void bindFramebuffer(unsigned long target, WebGLId framebuffer); virtual void bindRenderbuffer(unsigned long target, WebGLId renderbuffer); virtual void bindTexture(unsigned long target, WebGLId texture); virtual void blendColor(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha); virtual void blendEquation(unsigned long mode); virtual void blendEquationSeparate(unsigned long modeRGB, unsigned long modeAlpha); virtual void blendFunc(unsigned long sfactor, unsigned long dfactor); virtual void blendFuncSeparate(unsigned long srcRGB, unsigned long dstRGB, unsigned long srcAlpha, unsigned long dstAlpha); virtual void bufferData(unsigned long target, int size, const void* data, unsigned long usage); virtual void bufferSubData(unsigned long target, long offset, int size, const void* data); virtual unsigned long checkFramebufferStatus(unsigned long target); virtual void clear(unsigned long mask); virtual void clearColor(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha); virtual void clearDepth(double depth); virtual void clearStencil(long s); virtual void colorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha); virtual void compileShader(WebGLId shader); virtual void copyTexImage2D(unsigned long target, long level, unsigned long internalformat, long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, long border); virtual void copyTexSubImage2D(unsigned long target, long level, long xoffset, long yoffset, long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height); virtual void cullFace(unsigned long mode); virtual void depthFunc(unsigned long func); virtual void depthMask(bool flag); virtual void depthRange(double zNear, double zFar); virtual void detachShader(WebGLId program, WebGLId shader); virtual void disable(unsigned long cap); virtual void disableVertexAttribArray(unsigned long index); virtual void drawArrays(unsigned long mode, long first, long count); virtual void drawElements(unsigned long mode, unsigned long count, unsigned long type, long offset); virtual void enable(unsigned long cap); virtual void enableVertexAttribArray(unsigned long index); virtual void finish(); virtual void flush(); virtual void framebufferRenderbuffer(unsigned long target, unsigned long attachment, unsigned long renderbuffertarget, WebGLId renderbuffer); virtual void framebufferTexture2D(unsigned long target, unsigned long attachment, unsigned long textarget, WebGLId texture, long level); virtual void frontFace(unsigned long mode); virtual void generateMipmap(unsigned long target); virtual bool getActiveAttrib(WebGLId program, unsigned long index, ActiveInfo&); virtual bool getActiveUniform(WebGLId program, unsigned long index, ActiveInfo&); virtual void getAttachedShaders(WebGLId program, int maxCount, int* count, unsigned int* shaders); virtual int getAttribLocation(WebGLId program, const char* name); virtual void getBooleanv(unsigned long pname, unsigned char* value); virtual void getBufferParameteriv(unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual Attributes getContextAttributes(); virtual unsigned long getError(); virtual void getFloatv(unsigned long pname, float* value); virtual void getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(unsigned long target, unsigned long attachment, unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual void getIntegerv(unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual void getProgramiv(WebGLId program, unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual WebString getProgramInfoLog(WebGLId program); virtual void getRenderbufferParameteriv(unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual void getShaderiv(WebGLId shader, unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual WebString getShaderInfoLog(WebGLId shader); // TBD // void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat (GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint* range, GLint* precision); virtual WebString getShaderSource(WebGLId shader); virtual WebString getString(unsigned long name); virtual void getTexParameterfv(unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, float* value); virtual void getTexParameteriv(unsigned long target, unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual void getUniformfv(WebGLId program, long location, float* value); virtual void getUniformiv(WebGLId program, long location, int* value); virtual long getUniformLocation(WebGLId program, const char* name); virtual void getVertexAttribfv(unsigned long index, unsigned long pname, float* value); virtual void getVertexAttribiv(unsigned long index, unsigned long pname, int* value); virtual long getVertexAttribOffset(unsigned long index, unsigned long pname); virtual void hint(unsigned long target, unsigned long mode); virtual bool isBuffer(WebGLId buffer); virtual bool isEnabled(unsigned long cap); virtual bool isFramebuffer(WebGLId framebuffer); virtual bool isProgram(WebGLId program); virtual bool isRenderbuffer(WebGLId renderbuffer); virtual bool isShader(WebGLId shader); virtual bool isTexture(WebGLId texture); virtual void lineWidth(double); virtual void linkProgram(WebGLId program); virtual void pixelStorei(unsigned long pname, long param); virtual void polygonOffset(double factor, double units); virtual void readPixels(long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, unsigned long format, unsigned long type, void* pixels); virtual void releaseShaderCompiler(); virtual void renderbufferStorage(unsigned long target, unsigned long internalformat, unsigned long width, unsigned long height); virtual void sampleCoverage(double value, bool invert); virtual void scissor(long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height); virtual void shaderSource(WebGLId shader, const char* string); virtual void stencilFunc(unsigned long func, long ref, unsigned long mask); virtual void stencilFuncSeparate(unsigned long face, unsigned long func, long ref, unsigned long mask); virtual void stencilMask(unsigned long mask); virtual void stencilMaskSeparate(unsigned long face, unsigned long mask); virtual void stencilOp(unsigned long fail, unsigned long zfail, unsigned long zpass); virtual void stencilOpSeparate(unsigned long face, unsigned long fail, unsigned long zfail, unsigned long zpass); virtual void texImage2D(unsigned target, unsigned level, unsigned internalformat, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned border, unsigned format, unsigned type, const void* pixels); virtual void texParameterf(unsigned target, unsigned pname, float param); virtual void texParameteri(unsigned target, unsigned pname, int param); virtual void texSubImage2D(unsigned target, unsigned level, unsigned xoffset, unsigned yoffset, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned format, unsigned type, const void* pixels); virtual void uniform1f(long location, float x); virtual void uniform1fv(long location, int count, float* v); virtual void uniform1i(long location, int x); virtual void uniform1iv(long location, int count, int* v); virtual void uniform2f(long location, float x, float y); virtual void uniform2fv(long location, int count, float* v); virtual void uniform2i(long location, int x, int y); virtual void uniform2iv(long location, int count, int* v); virtual void uniform3f(long location, float x, float y, float z); virtual void uniform3fv(long location, int count, float* v); virtual void uniform3i(long location, int x, int y, int z); virtual void uniform3iv(long location, int count, int* v); virtual void uniform4f(long location, float x, float y, float z, float w); virtual void uniform4fv(long location, int count, float* v); virtual void uniform4i(long location, int x, int y, int z, int w); virtual void uniform4iv(long location, int count, int* v); virtual void uniformMatrix2fv(long location, int count, bool transpose, const float* value); virtual void uniformMatrix3fv(long location, int count, bool transpose, const float* value); virtual void uniformMatrix4fv(long location, int count, bool transpose, const float* value); virtual void useProgram(WebGLId program); virtual void validateProgram(WebGLId program); virtual void vertexAttrib1f(unsigned long indx, float x); virtual void vertexAttrib1fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values); virtual void vertexAttrib2f(unsigned long indx, float x, float y); virtual void vertexAttrib2fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values); virtual void vertexAttrib3f(unsigned long indx, float x, float y, float z); virtual void vertexAttrib3fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values); virtual void vertexAttrib4f(unsigned long indx, float x, float y, float z, float w); virtual void vertexAttrib4fv(unsigned long indx, const float* values); virtual void vertexAttribPointer(unsigned long indx, int size, int type, bool normalized, unsigned long stride, unsigned long offset); virtual void viewport(long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height); // Support for buffer creation and deletion virtual unsigned createBuffer(); virtual unsigned createFramebuffer(); virtual unsigned createProgram(); virtual unsigned createRenderbuffer(); virtual unsigned createShader(unsigned long); virtual unsigned createTexture(); virtual void deleteBuffer(unsigned); virtual void deleteFramebuffer(unsigned); virtual void deleteProgram(unsigned); virtual void deleteRenderbuffer(unsigned); virtual void deleteShader(unsigned); virtual void deleteTexture(unsigned); private: WebGraphicsContext3D::Attributes m_attributes; bool m_initialized; unsigned int m_texture; unsigned int m_fbo; unsigned int m_depthStencilBuffer; unsigned int m_cachedWidth, m_cachedHeight; // For multisampling unsigned int m_multisampleFBO; unsigned int m_multisampleDepthStencilBuffer; unsigned int m_multisampleColorBuffer; // For tracking which FBO is bound unsigned int m_boundFBO; #ifdef FLIP_FRAMEBUFFER_VERTICALLY unsigned char* m_scanline; void flipVertically(unsigned char* framebuffer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height); #endif // Take into account the user's requested context creation attributes, in // particular stencil and antialias, and determine which could or could // not be honored based on the capabilities of the OpenGL implementation. void validateAttributes(); // Note: we aren't currently using this information, but we will // need to in order to verify that all enabled vertex arrays have // a valid buffer bound -- to avoid crashes on certain cards. unsigned int m_boundArrayBuffer; class VertexAttribPointerState { public: VertexAttribPointerState(); bool enabled; unsigned long buffer; unsigned long indx; int size; int type; bool normalized; unsigned long stride; unsigned long offset; }; enum { NumTrackedPointerStates = 2 }; VertexAttribPointerState m_vertexAttribPointerState[NumTrackedPointerStates]; // Errors raised by synthesizeGLError(). ListHashSet m_syntheticErrors; static bool s_initializedGLEW; #if OS(WINDOWS) HWND m_canvasWindow; HDC m_canvasDC; HGLRC m_contextObj; #elif PLATFORM(CG) CGLPBufferObj m_pbuffer; CGLContextObj m_contextObj; unsigned char* m_renderOutput; #elif OS(LINUX) GLXContext m_contextObj; GLXPbuffer m_pbuffer; // In order to avoid problems caused by linking against libGL, we // dynamically look up all the symbols we need. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16800 class GLConnection { public: ~GLConnection(); static GLConnection* create(); GLXFBConfig* chooseFBConfig(int screen, const int *attrib_list, int *nelements) { return m_glXChooseFBConfig(m_display, screen, attrib_list, nelements); } GLXContext createNewContext(GLXFBConfig config, int renderType, GLXContext shareList, Bool direct) { return m_glXCreateNewContext(m_display, config, renderType, shareList, direct); } GLXPbuffer createPbuffer(GLXFBConfig config, const int *attribList) { return m_glXCreatePbuffer(m_display, config, attribList); } void destroyPbuffer(GLXPbuffer pbuf) { m_glXDestroyPbuffer(m_display, pbuf); } Bool makeCurrent(GLXDrawable drawable, GLXContext ctx) { return m_glXMakeCurrent(m_display, drawable, ctx); } void destroyContext(GLXContext ctx) { m_glXDestroyContext(m_display, ctx); } GLXContext getCurrentContext() { return m_glXGetCurrentContext(); } private: Display* m_display; void* m_libGL; PFNGLXCHOOSEFBCONFIGPROC m_glXChooseFBConfig; PFNGLXCREATENEWCONTEXTPROC m_glXCreateNewContext; PFNGLXCREATEPBUFFERPROC m_glXCreatePbuffer; PFNGLXDESTROYPBUFFERPROC m_glXDestroyPbuffer; typedef Bool (* PFNGLXMAKECURRENTPROC)(Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, GLXContext ctx); PFNGLXMAKECURRENTPROC m_glXMakeCurrent; typedef void (* PFNGLXDESTROYCONTEXTPROC)(Display* dpy, GLXContext ctx); PFNGLXDESTROYCONTEXTPROC m_glXDestroyContext; typedef GLXContext (* PFNGLXGETCURRENTCONTEXTPROC)(void); PFNGLXGETCURRENTCONTEXTPROC m_glXGetCurrentContext; GLConnection(Display* display, void* libGL, PFNGLXCHOOSEFBCONFIGPROC chooseFBConfig, PFNGLXCREATENEWCONTEXTPROC createNewContext, PFNGLXCREATEPBUFFERPROC createPbuffer, PFNGLXDESTROYPBUFFERPROC destroyPbuffer, PFNGLXMAKECURRENTPROC makeCurrent, PFNGLXDESTROYCONTEXTPROC destroyContext, PFNGLXGETCURRENTCONTEXTPROC getCurrentContext) : m_libGL(libGL) , m_display(display) , m_glXChooseFBConfig(chooseFBConfig) , m_glXCreateNewContext(createNewContext) , m_glXCreatePbuffer(createPbuffer) , m_glXDestroyPbuffer(destroyPbuffer) , m_glXMakeCurrent(makeCurrent) , m_glXDestroyContext(destroyContext) , m_glXGetCurrentContext(getCurrentContext) { } }; static GLConnection* s_gl; #else #error Must port WebGraphicsContext3DDefaultImpl to your platform #endif }; } // namespace WebKit #endif // ENABLE(3D_CANVAS) #endif