/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Alp Toker * Copyright (C) 2008 Nuanti Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2008 INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 ProFUSION embedded systems * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Samsung Electronics * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "EditorClientEfl.h" #include "EWebKit.h" #include "EditCommand.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h" #include "WindowsKeyboardCodes.h" #include "ewk_private.h" using namespace WebCore; namespace WebCore { void EditorClientEfl::willSetInputMethodState() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::setInputMethodState(bool active) { ewk_view_input_method_state_set(m_view, active); } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldDeleteRange(Range*) { notImplemented(); return true; } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldShowDeleteInterface(HTMLElement*) { return false; } bool EditorClientEfl::isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled() { notImplemented(); return false; } bool EditorClientEfl::isGrammarCheckingEnabled() { notImplemented(); return false; } int EditorClientEfl::spellCheckerDocumentTag() { notImplemented(); return 0; } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldBeginEditing(Range*) { notImplemented(); return true; } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldEndEditing(Range*) { notImplemented(); return true; } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldInsertText(const String&, Range*, EditorInsertAction) { notImplemented(); return true; } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldChangeSelectedRange(Range*, Range*, EAffinity, bool) { notImplemented(); return true; } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldApplyStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration*, Range*) { notImplemented(); return true; } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldMoveRangeAfterDelete(Range*, Range*) { notImplemented(); return true; } void EditorClientEfl::didBeginEditing() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::respondToChangedContents() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::respondToChangedSelection() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::didEndEditing() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::didWriteSelectionToPasteboard() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::didSetSelectionTypesForPasteboard() { notImplemented(); } bool EditorClientEfl::isEditable() { notImplemented(); return false; } void EditorClientEfl::registerCommandForUndo(WTF::PassRefPtr) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::registerCommandForRedo(WTF::PassRefPtr) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::clearUndoRedoOperations() { notImplemented(); } bool EditorClientEfl::canUndo() const { notImplemented(); return false; } bool EditorClientEfl::canRedo() const { notImplemented(); return false; } void EditorClientEfl::undo() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::redo() { notImplemented(); } bool EditorClientEfl::shouldInsertNode(Node*, Range*, EditorInsertAction) { notImplemented(); return true; } void EditorClientEfl::pageDestroyed() { delete this; } bool EditorClientEfl::smartInsertDeleteEnabled() { notImplemented(); return false; } bool EditorClientEfl::isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled() { notImplemented(); return false; } void EditorClientEfl::toggleContinuousSpellChecking() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::toggleGrammarChecking() { notImplemented(); } static const unsigned CtrlKey = 1 << 0; static const unsigned AltKey = 1 << 1; static const unsigned ShiftKey = 1 << 2; struct KeyDownEntry { unsigned virtualKey; unsigned modifiers; const char* name; }; struct KeyPressEntry { unsigned charCode; unsigned modifiers; const char* name; }; static const KeyDownEntry keyDownEntries[] = { { VK_LEFT, 0, "MoveLeft" }, { VK_LEFT, ShiftKey, "MoveLeftAndModifySelection" }, { VK_LEFT, CtrlKey, "MoveWordLeft" }, { VK_LEFT, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveWordLeftAndModifySelection" }, { VK_RIGHT, 0, "MoveRight" }, { VK_RIGHT, ShiftKey, "MoveRightAndModifySelection" }, { VK_RIGHT, CtrlKey, "MoveWordRight" }, { VK_RIGHT, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveWordRightAndModifySelection" }, { VK_UP, 0, "MoveUp" }, { VK_UP, ShiftKey, "MoveUpAndModifySelection" }, { VK_PRIOR, ShiftKey, "MovePageUpAndModifySelection" }, { VK_DOWN, 0, "MoveDown" }, { VK_DOWN, ShiftKey, "MoveDownAndModifySelection" }, { VK_NEXT, ShiftKey, "MovePageDownAndModifySelection" }, { VK_PRIOR, 0, "MovePageUp" }, { VK_NEXT, 0, "MovePageDown" }, { VK_HOME, 0, "MoveToBeginningOfLine" }, { VK_HOME, ShiftKey, "MoveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection" }, { VK_HOME, CtrlKey, "MoveToBeginningOfDocument" }, { VK_HOME, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection" }, { VK_END, 0, "MoveToEndOfLine" }, { VK_END, ShiftKey, "MoveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection" }, { VK_END, CtrlKey, "MoveToEndOfDocument" }, { VK_END, CtrlKey | ShiftKey, "MoveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection" }, { VK_BACK, 0, "DeleteBackward" }, { VK_BACK, ShiftKey, "DeleteBackward" }, { VK_DELETE, 0, "DeleteForward" }, { VK_BACK, CtrlKey, "DeleteWordBackward" }, { VK_DELETE, CtrlKey, "DeleteWordForward" }, { 'B', CtrlKey, "ToggleBold" }, { 'I', CtrlKey, "ToggleItalic" }, { VK_ESCAPE, 0, "Cancel" }, { VK_OEM_PERIOD, CtrlKey, "Cancel" }, { VK_TAB, 0, "InsertTab" }, { VK_TAB, ShiftKey, "InsertBacktab" }, { VK_RETURN, 0, "InsertNewline" }, { VK_RETURN, CtrlKey, "InsertNewline" }, { VK_RETURN, AltKey, "InsertNewline" }, { VK_RETURN, AltKey | ShiftKey, "InsertNewline" }, }; static const KeyPressEntry keyPressEntries[] = { { '\t', 0, "InsertTab" }, { '\t', ShiftKey, "InsertBacktab" }, { '\r', 0, "InsertNewline" }, { '\r', CtrlKey, "InsertNewline" }, { '\r', AltKey, "InsertNewline" }, { '\r', AltKey | ShiftKey, "InsertNewline" }, }; const char* EditorClientEfl::interpretKeyEvent(const KeyboardEvent* event) { ASSERT(event->type() == eventNames().keydownEvent || event->type() == eventNames().keypressEvent); static HashMap* keyDownCommandsMap = 0; static HashMap* keyPressCommandsMap = 0; if (!keyDownCommandsMap) { keyDownCommandsMap = new HashMap; keyPressCommandsMap = new HashMap; for (size_t i = 0; i < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(keyDownEntries); ++i) keyDownCommandsMap->set(keyDownEntries[i].modifiers << 16 | keyDownEntries[i].virtualKey, keyDownEntries[i].name); for (size_t i = 0; i < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(keyPressEntries); ++i) keyPressCommandsMap->set(keyPressEntries[i].modifiers << 16 | keyPressEntries[i].charCode, keyPressEntries[i].name); } unsigned modifiers = 0; if (event->shiftKey()) modifiers |= ShiftKey; if (event->altKey()) modifiers |= AltKey; if (event->ctrlKey()) modifiers |= CtrlKey; if (event->type() == eventNames().keydownEvent) { int mapKey = modifiers << 16 | event->keyCode(); return mapKey ? keyDownCommandsMap->get(mapKey) : 0; } int mapKey = modifiers << 16 | event->charCode(); return mapKey ? keyPressCommandsMap->get(mapKey) : 0; } bool EditorClientEfl::handleEditingKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent* event) { Node* node = event->target()->toNode(); ASSERT(node); Frame* frame = node->document()->frame(); ASSERT(frame); const PlatformKeyboardEvent* keyEvent = event->keyEvent(); if (!keyEvent) return false; bool caretBrowsing = frame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled(); if (caretBrowsing) { switch (keyEvent->windowsVirtualKeyCode()) { case VK_LEFT: frame->selection()->modify(keyEvent->shiftKey() ? SelectionController::AlterationExtend : SelectionController::AlterationMove, SelectionController::DirectionLeft, keyEvent->ctrlKey() ? WordGranularity : CharacterGranularity, true); return true; case VK_RIGHT: frame->selection()->modify(keyEvent->shiftKey() ? SelectionController::AlterationExtend : SelectionController::AlterationMove, SelectionController::DirectionRight, keyEvent->ctrlKey() ? WordGranularity : CharacterGranularity, true); return true; case VK_UP: frame->selection()->modify(keyEvent->shiftKey() ? SelectionController::AlterationExtend : SelectionController::AlterationMove, SelectionController::DirectionBackward, keyEvent->ctrlKey() ? ParagraphGranularity : LineGranularity, true); return true; case VK_DOWN: frame->selection()->modify(keyEvent->shiftKey() ? SelectionController::AlterationExtend : SelectionController::AlterationMove, SelectionController::DirectionForward, keyEvent->ctrlKey() ? ParagraphGranularity : LineGranularity, true); return true; } } Editor::Command command = frame->editor()->command(interpretKeyEvent(event)); if (keyEvent->type() == PlatformKeyboardEvent::RawKeyDown) { // WebKit doesn't have enough information about mode to decide how commands that just insert text if executed via Editor should be treated, // so we leave it upon WebCore to either handle them immediately (e.g. Tab that changes focus) or let a keypress event be generated // (e.g. Tab that inserts a Tab character, or Enter). return !command.isTextInsertion() && command.execute(event); } if (command.execute(event)) return true; // Don't insert null or control characters as they can result in unexpected behaviour if (event->charCode() < ' ') return false; // Don't insert anything if a modifier is pressed if (keyEvent->ctrlKey() || keyEvent->altKey()) return false; return frame->editor()->insertText(event->keyEvent()->text(), event); } void EditorClientEfl::handleKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent* event) { if (handleEditingKeyboardEvent(event)) event->setDefaultHandled(); } void EditorClientEfl::handleInputMethodKeydown(KeyboardEvent* event) { } EditorClientEfl::EditorClientEfl(Evas_Object *view) : m_view(view) { notImplemented(); } EditorClientEfl::~EditorClientEfl() { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::textFieldDidBeginEditing(Element*) { } void EditorClientEfl::textFieldDidEndEditing(Element*) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::textDidChangeInTextField(Element*) { notImplemented(); } bool EditorClientEfl::doTextFieldCommandFromEvent(Element*, KeyboardEvent*) { return false; } void EditorClientEfl::textWillBeDeletedInTextField(Element*) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::textDidChangeInTextArea(Element*) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::ignoreWordInSpellDocument(const String&) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::learnWord(const String&) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::checkSpellingOfString(const UChar*, int, int*, int*) { notImplemented(); } String EditorClientEfl::getAutoCorrectSuggestionForMisspelledWord(const String&) { notImplemented(); return String(); } void EditorClientEfl::checkGrammarOfString(const UChar*, int, Vector&, int*, int*) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::updateSpellingUIWithGrammarString(const String&, const GrammarDetail&) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::updateSpellingUIWithMisspelledWord(const String&) { notImplemented(); } void EditorClientEfl::showSpellingUI(bool) { notImplemented(); } bool EditorClientEfl::spellingUIIsShowing() { notImplemented(); return false; } void EditorClientEfl::getGuessesForWord(const String& word, const String& context, Vector& guesses) { notImplemented(); } }