/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebLocalizableStrings.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace WebCore; String WebCore::searchableIndexIntroduction() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: ", "text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index'")); } String WebCore::submitButtonDefaultLabel() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Submit", "default label for Submit buttons in forms on web pages")); } String WebCore::inputElementAltText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING_KEY("Submit", "Submit (input element)", "alt text for elements with no alt, title, or value")); } String WebCore::resetButtonDefaultLabel() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Reset", "default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages")); } String WebCore::fileButtonChooseFileLabel() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Choose File", "title for file button used in HTML forms")); } String WebCore::fileButtonNoFileSelectedLabel() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("no file selected", "text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagOpenLinkInNewWindow() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Open Link in New Window", "Open in New Window context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagDownloadLinkToDisk() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Download Linked File", "Download Linked File context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagCopyLinkToClipboard() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Copy Link", "Copy Link context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagOpenImageInNewWindow() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Open Image in New Window", "Open Image in New Window context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagDownloadImageToDisk() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Download Image", "Download Image context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagCopyImageToClipboard() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Copy Image", "Copy Image context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagOpenFrameInNewWindow() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Open Frame in New Window", "Open Frame in New Window context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagCopy() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Copy", "Copy context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagGoBack() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Back", "Back context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagGoForward() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Forward", "Forward context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagStop() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Stop", "Stop context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagReload() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Reload", "Reload context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagCut() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Cut", "Cut context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagPaste() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Paste", "Paste context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagNoGuessesFound() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("No Guesses Found", "No Guesses Found context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagIgnoreSpelling() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Ignore Spelling", "Ignore Spelling context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagLearnSpelling() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Learn Spelling", "Learn Spelling context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagSearchWeb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Search with Google", "Search in Google context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagLookUpInDictionary() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Look Up in Dictionary", "Look Up in Dictionary context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagOpenLink() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Open Link", "Open Link context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagIgnoreGrammar() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Ignore Grammar", "Ignore Grammar context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagSpellingMenu() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Spelling and Grammar", "Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagCheckSpelling() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Check Document Now", "Check spelling context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagCheckSpellingWhileTyping() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Check Spelling While Typing", "Check spelling while typing context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagCheckGrammarWithSpelling() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Check Grammar With Spelling", "Check grammar with spelling context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagFontMenu() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Font", "Font context sub-menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagBold() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Bold", "Bold context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagItalic() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Italic", "Italic context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagUnderline() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Underline", "Underline context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagOutline() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Outline", "Outline context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagWritingDirectionMenu() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Paragraph Direction", "Paragraph direction context sub-menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagTextDirectionMenu() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Selection Direction", "Selection direction context sub-menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagDefaultDirection() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Default", "Default writing direction context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagLeftToRight() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Left to Right", "Left to Right context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagRightToLeft() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Right to Left", "Right to Left context menu item")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagShowSpellingPanel(bool show) { return String(show ? LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Show Spelling and Grammar", "menu item title") : LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Hide Spelling and Grammar", "menu item title")); } String WebCore::contextMenuItemTagInspectElement() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Inspect Element", "Inspect Element context menu item")); } String WebCore::searchMenuNoRecentSearchesText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("No recent searches", "Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed")); } String WebCore::searchMenuRecentSearchesText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Recent Searches", "label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title")); } String WebCore::searchMenuClearRecentSearchesText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Clear Recent Searches", "menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents")); } String WebCore::AXWebAreaText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("web area", "accessibility role description for web area")); } String WebCore::AXLinkText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("link", "accessibility role description for link")); } String WebCore::AXListMarkerText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("list marker", "accessibility role description for list marker")); } String WebCore::AXImageMapText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("image map", "accessibility role description for image map")); } String WebCore::AXHeadingText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("heading", "accessibility role description for headings")); } String WebCore::AXDefinitionListTermText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("term", "term word of a definition")); } String WebCore::AXDefinitionListDefinitionText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("definition", "definition phrase")); } String WebCore::AXButtonActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("press", "Verb stating the action that will occur when a button is pressed, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::AXRadioButtonActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("select", "Verb stating the action that will occur when a radio button is clicked, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::AXTextFieldActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("activate", "Verb stating the action that will occur when a text field is selected, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::AXCheckedCheckBoxActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("uncheck", "Verb stating the action that will occur when a checked checkbox is clicked, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::AXUncheckedCheckBoxActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("check", "Verb stating the action that will occur when an unchecked checkbox is clicked, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::AXLinkActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("jump", "Verb stating the action that will occur when a link is clicked, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::AXMenuListActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("open", "Verb stating the action that will occur when a select element is clicked, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::AXMenuListPopupActionVerb() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING_KEY("press", "press (select element)", "Verb stating the action that will occur when a select element's popup list is clicked, as used by accessibility")); } String WebCore::unknownFileSizeText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Unknown", "Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item")); } String WebCore::uploadFileText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Upload file", "(Windows) Form submit file upload dialog title")); } String WebCore::allFilesText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("All Files", "(Windows) Form submit file upload all files pop-up")); } String WebCore::missingPluginText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Missing Plug-in", "Label text to be used when a plugin is missing")); } String WebCore::crashedPluginText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Plug-in Failure", "Label text to be used if plugin host process has crashed")); } String WebCore::imageTitle(const String& filename, const IntSize& size) { static RetainPtr format(AdoptCF, UI_STRING("%@ %d\xC3\x97%d pixels", "window title for a standalone image (uses multiplication symbol, not x)")); RetainPtr filenameCF(AdoptCF, filename.createCFString()); RetainPtr result(AdoptCF, CFStringCreateWithFormat(0, 0, format.get(), filenameCF.get(), size.width(), size.height())); return result.get(); } String multipleFileUploadText(unsigned numberOfFiles) { static RetainPtr format(AdoptCF, UI_STRING("%d files", "Label to describe the number of files selected in a file upload control that allows multiple files")); RetainPtr result(AdoptCF, CFStringCreateWithFormat(0, 0, format.get(), numberOfFiles)); return result.get(); } #if ENABLE(VIDEO) String WebCore::mediaElementLoadingStateText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Loading...", "Media controller status message when the media is loading")); } String WebCore::mediaElementLiveBroadcastStateText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Live Broadcast", "Media controller status message when watching a live broadcast")); } String WebCore::localizedMediaControlElementString(const String& name) { if (name == "AudioElement") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("audio element controller", "accessibility role description for audio element controller")); if (name == "VideoElement") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("video element controller", "accessibility role description for video element controller")); if (name == "MuteButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("mute", "accessibility role description for mute button")); if (name == "UnMuteButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("unmute", "accessibility role description for turn mute off button")); if (name == "PlayButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("play", "accessibility role description for play button")); if (name == "PauseButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("pause", "accessibility role description for pause button")); if (name == "Slider") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("movie time", "accessibility role description for timeline slider")); if (name == "SliderThumb") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("timeline slider thumb", "accessibility role description for timeline thumb")); if (name == "RewindButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("back 30 seconds", "accessibility role description for seek back 30 seconds button")); if (name == "ReturnToRealtimeButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("return to realtime", "accessibility role description for return to real time button")); if (name == "CurrentTimeDisplay") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("elapsed time", "accessibility role description for elapsed time display")); if (name == "TimeRemainingDisplay") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("remaining time", "accessibility role description for time remaining display")); if (name == "StatusDisplay") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("status", "accessibility role description for movie status")); if (name == "FullscreenButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("fullscreen", "accessibility role description for enter fullscreen button")); if (name == "SeekForwardButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("fast forward", "accessibility role description for fast forward button")); if (name == "SeekBackButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("fast reverse", "accessibility role description for fast reverse button")); if (name == "ShowClosedCaptionsButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("show closed captions", "accessibility role description for show closed captions button")); if (name == "HideClosedCaptionsButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("hide closed captions", "accessibility role description for hide closed captions button")); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return String(); } String WebCore::localizedMediaControlElementHelpText(const String& name) { if (name == "AudioElement") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("audio element playback controls and status display", "accessibility role description for audio element controller")); if (name == "VideoElement") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("video element playback controls and status display", "accessibility role description for video element controller")); if (name == "MuteButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("mute audio tracks", "accessibility help text for mute button")); if (name == "UnMuteButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("unmute audio tracks", "accessibility help text for un mute button")); if (name == "PlayButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("begin playback", "accessibility help text for play button")); if (name == "PauseButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("pause playback", "accessibility help text for pause button")); if (name == "Slider") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("movie time scrubber", "accessibility help text for timeline slider")); if (name == "SliderThumb") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("movie time scrubber thumb", "accessibility help text for timeline slider thumb")); if (name == "RewindButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("seek movie back 30 seconds", "accessibility help text for jump back 30 seconds button")); if (name == "ReturnToRealtimeButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("return streaming movie to real time", "accessibility help text for return streaming movie to real time button")); if (name == "CurrentTimeDisplay") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("current movie time in seconds", "accessibility help text for elapsed time display")); if (name == "TimeRemainingDisplay") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("number of seconds of movie remaining", "accessibility help text for remaining time display")); if (name == "StatusDisplay") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("current movie status", "accessibility help text for movie status display")); if (name == "SeekBackButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("seek quickly back", "accessibility help text for fast rewind button")); if (name == "SeekForwardButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("seek quickly forward", "accessibility help text for fast forward button")); if (name == "FullscreenButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("Play movie in fullscreen mode", "accessibility help text for enter fullscreen button")); if (name == "ShowClosedCaptionsButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("start displaying closed captions", "accessibility help text for show closed captions button")); if (name == "HideClosedCaptionsButton") return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("stop displaying closed captions", "accessibility help text for hide closed captions button")); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return String(); } String WebCore::localizedMediaTimeDescription(float time) { if (!isfinite(time)) return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("indefinite time", "accessibility help text for an indefinite media controller time value")); int seconds = (int)fabsf(time); int days = seconds / (60 * 60 * 24); int hours = seconds / (60 * 60); int minutes = (seconds / 60) % 60; seconds %= 60; if (days) { static RetainPtr format(AdoptCF, UI_STRING("%1$d days %2$d hours %3$d minutes %4$d seconds", "accessibility help text for media controller time value >= 1 day")); RetainPtr result(AdoptCF, CFStringCreateWithFormat(0, 0, format.get(), days, hours, minutes, seconds)); return result.get(); } if (hours) { static RetainPtr format(AdoptCF, UI_STRING("%1$d hours %2$d minutes %3$d seconds", "accessibility help text for media controller time value >= 60 minutes")); RetainPtr result(AdoptCF, CFStringCreateWithFormat(0, 0, format.get(), hours, minutes, seconds)); return result.get(); } if (minutes) { static RetainPtr format(AdoptCF, UI_STRING("%1$d minutes %2$d seconds", "accessibility help text for media controller time value >= 60 seconds")); RetainPtr result(AdoptCF, CFStringCreateWithFormat(0, 0, format.get(), minutes, seconds)); return result.get(); } static RetainPtr format(AdoptCF, UI_STRING("%1$d seconds", "accessibility help text for media controller time value < 60 seconds")); RetainPtr result(AdoptCF, CFStringCreateWithFormat(0, 0, format.get(), seconds)); return result.get(); } #endif // ENABLE(VIDEO) String WebCore::validationMessageValueMissingText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("value missing", "Validation message for required form control elements that have no value")); } String WebCore::validationMessageTypeMismatchText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("type mismatch", "Validation message for input form controls with a value not matching type")); } String WebCore::validationMessagePatternMismatchText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("pattern mismatch", "Validation message for input form controls requiring a constrained value according to pattern")); } String WebCore::validationMessageTooLongText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("too long", "Validation message for form control elements with a value longer than maximum allowed length")); } String WebCore::validationMessageRangeUnderflowText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("range underflow", "Validation message for input form controls with value lower than allowed minimum")); } String WebCore::validationMessageRangeOverflowText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("range overflow", "Validation message for input form controls with value higher than allowed maximum")); } String WebCore::validationMessageStepMismatchText() { return String(LPCTSTR_UI_STRING("step mismatch", "Validation message for input form controls with value not respecting the step attribute")); }