/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebChromeClient.h" #include "WebElementPropertyBag.h" #include "WebFrame.h" #include "WebHistory.h" #include "WebMutableURLRequest.h" #include "WebSecurityOrigin.h" #include "WebView.h" #pragma warning(push, 0) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(pop) #include using namespace WebCore; // When you call GetOpenFileName, if the size of the buffer is too small, // MSDN says that the first two bytes of the buffer contain the required size for the file selection, in bytes or characters // So we can assume the required size can't be more than the maximum value for a short. static const size_t maxFilePathsListSize = USHRT_MAX; WebChromeClient::WebChromeClient(WebView* webView) : m_webView(webView) { } void WebChromeClient::chromeDestroyed() { delete this; } void WebChromeClient::setWindowRect(const FloatRect& r) { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { RECT rect = IntRect(r); uiDelegate->setFrame(m_webView, &rect); uiDelegate->Release(); } } FloatRect WebChromeClient::windowRect() { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { RECT rect; HRESULT retval = uiDelegate->webViewFrame(m_webView, &rect); uiDelegate->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(retval)) return rect; } return FloatRect(); } FloatRect WebChromeClient::pageRect() { RECT rect; m_webView->frameRect(&rect); return rect; } float WebChromeClient::scaleFactor() { // Windows doesn't support UI scaling. return 1.0; } void WebChromeClient::focus() { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->webViewFocus(m_webView); uiDelegate->Release(); } // Normally this would happen on a timer, but JS might need to know this earlier, so we'll update here. m_webView->updateActiveState(); } void WebChromeClient::unfocus() { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->webViewUnfocus(m_webView); uiDelegate->Release(); } // Normally this would happen on a timer, but JS might need to know this earlier, so we'll update here. m_webView->updateActiveState(); } bool WebChromeClient::canTakeFocus(FocusDirection direction) { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; BOOL bForward = (direction == FocusDirectionForward) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL result = FALSE; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->canTakeFocus(m_webView, bForward, &result); uiDelegate->Release(); } return !!result; } void WebChromeClient::takeFocus(FocusDirection direction) { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; BOOL bForward = (direction == FocusDirectionForward) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->takeFocus(m_webView, bForward); uiDelegate->Release(); } } Page* WebChromeClient::createWindow(Frame*, const FrameLoadRequest& frameLoadRequest, const WindowFeatures& features) { if (features.dialog) { COMPtr delegate = uiDelegate3(); if (!delegate) return 0; COMPtr request(AdoptCOM, WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(frameLoadRequest.resourceRequest())); COMPtr dialog; if (FAILED(delegate->createModalDialog(m_webView, request.get(), &dialog))) return 0; return core(dialog.get()); } Page* page = 0; IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; IWebMutableURLRequest* request = WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(frameLoadRequest.resourceRequest()); if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { IWebView* webView = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(uiDelegate->createWebViewWithRequest(m_webView, request, &webView))) { page = core(webView); webView->Release(); } uiDelegate->Release(); } request->Release(); return page; } void WebChromeClient::show() { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->webViewShow(m_webView); uiDelegate->Release(); } } bool WebChromeClient::canRunModal() { BOOL result = FALSE; if (COMPtr delegate = uiDelegate3()) delegate->canRunModal(m_webView, &result); return result; } void WebChromeClient::runModal() { if (COMPtr delegate = uiDelegate3()) delegate->runModal(m_webView); } void WebChromeClient::setToolbarsVisible(bool visible) { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->setToolbarsVisible(m_webView, visible); uiDelegate->Release(); } } bool WebChromeClient::toolbarsVisible() { BOOL result = false; IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->webViewAreToolbarsVisible(m_webView, &result); uiDelegate->Release(); } return result != false; } void WebChromeClient::setStatusbarVisible(bool visible) { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->setStatusBarVisible(m_webView, visible); uiDelegate->Release(); } } bool WebChromeClient::statusbarVisible() { BOOL result = false; IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->webViewIsStatusBarVisible(m_webView, &result); uiDelegate->Release(); } return result != false; } void WebChromeClient::setScrollbarsVisible(bool b) { WebFrame* webFrame = m_webView->topLevelFrame(); if (webFrame) webFrame->setAllowsScrolling(b); } bool WebChromeClient::scrollbarsVisible() { WebFrame* webFrame = m_webView->topLevelFrame(); BOOL b = false; if (webFrame) webFrame->allowsScrolling(&b); return !!b; } void WebChromeClient::setMenubarVisible(bool visible) { COMPtr delegate = uiDelegate3(); if (!delegate) return; delegate->setMenuBarVisible(m_webView, visible); } bool WebChromeClient::menubarVisible() { COMPtr delegate = uiDelegate3(); if (!delegate) return true; BOOL result = true; delegate->isMenuBarVisible(m_webView, &result); return result; } void WebChromeClient::setResizable(bool resizable) { IWebUIDelegate* uiDelegate = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->setResizable(m_webView, resizable); uiDelegate->Release(); } } void WebChromeClient::addMessageToConsole(const String& message, unsigned line, const String& url) { COMPtr uiDelegate; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { COMPtr uiPrivate; if (SUCCEEDED(uiDelegate->QueryInterface(IID_IWebUIDelegatePrivate, (void**)&uiPrivate))) uiPrivate->webViewAddMessageToConsole(m_webView, BString(message), line, BString(url), true); } } bool WebChromeClient::canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel() { IWebUIDelegate* ui; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&ui)) && ui) { ui->Release(); return true; } return false; } bool WebChromeClient::runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(const String& message, Frame* frame) { BOOL result = TRUE; IWebUIDelegate* ui; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&ui)) && ui) { WebFrame* webFrame = kit(frame); ui->runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage(m_webView, BString(message), webFrame, &result); ui->Release(); } return !!result; } void WebChromeClient::closeWindowSoon() { // We need to remove the parent WebView from WebViewSets here, before it actually // closes, to make sure that JavaScript code that executes before it closes // can't find it. Otherwise, window.open will select a closed WebView instead of // opening a new one . // We also need to stop the load to prevent further parsing or JavaScript execution // after the window has torn down . // FIXME: This code assumes that the UI delegate will respond to a webViewClose // message by actually closing the WebView. Safari guarantees this behavior, but other apps might not. // This approach is an inherent limitation of not making a close execute immediately // after a call to window.close. m_webView->setGroupName(0); m_webView->stopLoading(0); m_webView->closeWindowSoon(); } void WebChromeClient::runJavaScriptAlert(Frame*, const String& message) { COMPtr ui; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&ui))) ui->runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage(m_webView, BString(message)); } bool WebChromeClient::runJavaScriptConfirm(Frame*, const String& message) { BOOL result = FALSE; COMPtr ui; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&ui))) ui->runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage(m_webView, BString(message), &result); return !!result; } bool WebChromeClient::runJavaScriptPrompt(Frame*, const String& message, const String& defaultValue, String& result) { COMPtr ui; if (FAILED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&ui))) return false; TimerBase::fireTimersInNestedEventLoop(); BSTR resultBSTR = 0; if (FAILED(ui->runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt(m_webView, BString(message), BString(defaultValue), &resultBSTR))) return false; if (resultBSTR) { result = String(resultBSTR, SysStringLen(resultBSTR)); SysFreeString(resultBSTR); return true; } return false; } void WebChromeClient::setStatusbarText(const String& statusText) { COMPtr uiDelegate; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { uiDelegate->setStatusText(m_webView, BString(statusText)); } } bool WebChromeClient::shouldInterruptJavaScript() { COMPtr uiDelegate; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { COMPtr uiPrivate; if (SUCCEEDED(uiDelegate->QueryInterface(IID_IWebUIDelegatePrivate, (void**)&uiPrivate))) { BOOL result; if (SUCCEEDED(uiPrivate->webViewShouldInterruptJavaScript(m_webView, &result))) return !!result; } } return false; } bool WebChromeClient::tabsToLinks() const { BOOL enabled = FALSE; IWebPreferences* preferences; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->preferences(&preferences))) preferences->tabsToLinks(&enabled); return !!enabled; } IntRect WebChromeClient::windowResizerRect() const { IntRect intRect; IWebUIDelegate* ui; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&ui)) && ui) { IWebUIDelegatePrivate* uiPrivate; if (SUCCEEDED(ui->QueryInterface(IID_IWebUIDelegatePrivate, (void**)&uiPrivate))) { RECT r; if (SUCCEEDED(uiPrivate->webViewResizerRect(m_webView, &r))) intRect = IntRect(r.left, r.top, r.right-r.left, r.bottom-r.top); uiPrivate->Release(); } ui->Release(); } return intRect; } void WebChromeClient::repaint(const IntRect& windowRect, bool contentChanged, bool immediate, bool repaintContentOnly) { ASSERT(core(m_webView->topLevelFrame())); m_webView->repaint(windowRect, contentChanged, immediate, repaintContentOnly); } void WebChromeClient::scroll(const IntSize& delta, const IntRect& scrollViewRect, const IntRect& clipRect) { ASSERT(core(m_webView->topLevelFrame())); m_webView->scrollBackingStore(core(m_webView->topLevelFrame())->view(), delta.width(), delta.height(), scrollViewRect, clipRect); } IntRect WebChromeClient::windowToScreen(const IntRect& rect) const { HWND viewWindow; if (FAILED(m_webView->viewWindow(reinterpret_cast(&viewWindow)))) return rect; // Find the top left corner of the Widget's containing window in screen coords, // and adjust the result rect's position by this amount. POINT topLeft = {0, 0}; IntRect result = rect; ::ClientToScreen(viewWindow, &topLeft); result.move(topLeft.x, topLeft.y); return result; } IntPoint WebChromeClient::screenToWindow(const IntPoint& point) const { POINT result = point; HWND viewWindow; if (FAILED(m_webView->viewWindow(reinterpret_cast(&viewWindow)))) return point; ::ScreenToClient(viewWindow, &result); return result; } PlatformWidget WebChromeClient::platformWindow() const { HWND viewWindow; if (FAILED(m_webView->viewWindow(reinterpret_cast(&viewWindow)))) return 0; return viewWindow; } void WebChromeClient::contentsSizeChanged(Frame*, const IntSize&) const { notImplemented(); } void WebChromeClient::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& result, unsigned modifierFlags) { COMPtr uiDelegate; if (FAILED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) return; COMPtr element; element.adoptRef(WebElementPropertyBag::createInstance(result)); uiDelegate->mouseDidMoveOverElement(m_webView, element.get(), modifierFlags); } void WebChromeClient::setToolTip(const String& toolTip) { m_webView->setToolTip(toolTip); } void WebChromeClient::print(Frame* frame) { COMPtr uiDelegate; COMPtr uiDelegate2; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) if (SUCCEEDED(uiDelegate->QueryInterface(IID_IWebUIDelegate2, (void**)&uiDelegate2))) uiDelegate2->printFrame(m_webView, kit(frame)); } #if ENABLE(DATABASE) void WebChromeClient::exceededDatabaseQuota(Frame* frame, const String& databaseIdentifier) { COMPtr origin(AdoptCOM, WebSecurityOrigin::createInstance(frame->document()->securityOrigin())); COMPtr uiDelegate; if (SUCCEEDED(m_webView->uiDelegate(&uiDelegate))) { COMPtr uiDelegatePrivate3(Query, uiDelegate); if (uiDelegatePrivate3) uiDelegatePrivate3->exceededDatabaseQuota(m_webView, kit(frame), origin.get(), BString(databaseIdentifier)); else { // FIXME: remove this workaround once shipping Safari has the necessary delegate implemented. TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE safariHandle = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("Safari.exe")); if (!safariHandle) return; GetModuleFileName(safariHandle, path, ARRAYSIZE(path)); DWORD handle; DWORD versionSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(path, &handle); if (!versionSize) return; Vector data(versionSize); if (!GetFileVersionInfo(path, 0, versionSize, data.data())) return; LPCTSTR productVersion; UINT productVersionLength; if (!VerQueryValue(data.data(), TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\ProductVersion"), (void**)&productVersion, &productVersionLength)) return; if (_tcsncmp(TEXT("3.1"), productVersion, productVersionLength) > 0) { const unsigned long long defaultQuota = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5 megabytes should hopefully be enough to test storage support. origin->setQuota(defaultQuota); } } } } #endif void WebChromeClient::populateVisitedLinks() { WebHistory* history = WebHistory::sharedHistory(); if (!history) return; history->addVisitedLinksToPageGroup(m_webView->page()->group()); } bool WebChromeClient::paintCustomScrollbar(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatRect& rect, ScrollbarControlSize size, ScrollbarControlState state, ScrollbarPart pressedPart, bool vertical, float value, float proportion, ScrollbarControlPartMask parts) { if (context->paintingDisabled()) return false; COMPtr delegate = uiDelegate4(); if (!delegate) return false; WebScrollbarControlPartMask webParts = WebNoScrollPart; if (parts & BackButtonStartPart) // FIXME: Hyatt, what about BackButtonEndPart? webParts |= WebBackButtonPart; if (parts & BackTrackPart) webParts |= WebBackTrackPart; if (parts & ThumbPart) webParts |= WebThumbPart; if (parts & ForwardTrackPart) webParts |= WebForwardTrackPart; if (parts & ForwardButtonStartPart) // FIXME: Hyatt, what about ForwardButtonEndPart? webParts |= WebForwardButtonPart; WebScrollbarControlPart webPressedPart = WebNoScrollPart; switch (pressedPart) { case BackButtonStartPart: // FIXME: Hyatt, what about BackButtonEndPart? webPressedPart = WebBackButtonPart; break; case BackTrackPart: webPressedPart = WebBackTrackPart; break; case ThumbPart: webPressedPart = WebThumbPart; break; case ForwardTrackPart: webPressedPart = WebForwardTrackPart; break; case ForwardButtonStartPart: // FIXME: Hyatt, what about ForwardButtonEndPart? webPressedPart = WebForwardButtonPart; break; default: break; } WebScrollBarControlSize webSize; switch (size) { case SmallScrollbar: webSize = WebSmallScrollbar; break; case RegularScrollbar: default: webSize = WebRegularScrollbar; } WebScrollbarControlState webState = 0; if (state & ActiveScrollbarState) webState |= WebActiveScrollbarState; if (state & EnabledScrollbarState) webState |= WebEnabledScrollbarState; if (state & PressedScrollbarState) webState |= WebPressedScrollbarState; RECT webRect = enclosingIntRect(rect); HDC hDC = context->getWindowsContext(webRect); HRESULT hr = delegate->paintCustomScrollbar(m_webView, hDC, webRect, webSize, webState, webPressedPart, vertical, value, proportion, webParts); context->releaseWindowsContext(hDC, webRect); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } bool WebChromeClient::paintCustomScrollCorner(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatRect& rect) { if (context->paintingDisabled()) return false; COMPtr delegate = uiDelegate4(); if (!delegate) return false; RECT webRect = enclosingIntRect(rect); HDC hDC = context->getWindowsContext(webRect); HRESULT hr = delegate->paintCustomScrollCorner(m_webView, hDC, webRect); context->releaseWindowsContext(hDC, webRect); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } void WebChromeClient::runOpenPanel(Frame*, PassRefPtr prpFileChooser) { RefPtr fileChooser = prpFileChooser; HWND viewWindow; if (FAILED(m_webView->viewWindow(reinterpret_cast(&viewWindow)))) return; bool multiFile = fileChooser->allowsMultipleFiles(); Vector fileBuf(multiFile ? maxFilePathsListSize : MAX_PATH); OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); // Need to zero out the first char of fileBuf so GetOpenFileName doesn't think it's an initialization string fileBuf[0] = '\0'; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = viewWindow; String allFiles = allFilesText(); allFiles.append(TEXT("\0*.*\0\0"), 6); ofn.lpstrFilter = allFiles.charactersWithNullTermination(); ofn.lpstrFile = fileBuf.data(); ofn.nMaxFile = fileBuf.size(); String dialogTitle = uploadFileText(); ofn.lpstrTitle = dialogTitle.charactersWithNullTermination(); ofn.Flags = OFN_ENABLESIZING | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER; if (multiFile) ofn.Flags = ofn.Flags | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { TCHAR* files = fileBuf.data(); Vector fileList; String file(files); if (multiFile) { while (!file.isEmpty()) { // When using the OFN_EXPLORER flag, the file list is null delimited. // When you create a String from a ptr to this list, it will use strlen to look for the null character. // Then we find the next file path string by using the length of the string we just created. TCHAR* nextFilePtr = files + file.length() + 1; String nextFile(nextFilePtr); // If multiple files are selected, there will be a directory name first, which we don't want to add to the vector. // We know a single file was selected if there is only one filename in the list. // In that case, we don't want to skip adding the first (and only) name. if (files != fileBuf.data() || nextFile.isEmpty()) fileList.append(file); files = nextFilePtr; file = nextFile; } } else fileList.append(file); ASSERT(fileList.size()); fileChooser->chooseFiles(fileList); } // FIXME: Show some sort of error if too many files are selected and the buffer is too small. For now, this will fail silently. } COMPtr WebChromeClient::uiDelegate() { COMPtr delegate; m_webView->uiDelegate(&delegate); return delegate; } COMPtr WebChromeClient::uiDelegate2() { return COMPtr(Query, uiDelegate()); } COMPtr WebChromeClient::uiDelegate3() { return COMPtr(Query, uiDelegate()); } COMPtr WebChromeClient::uiDelegate4() { return COMPtr(Query, uiDelegate()); }