/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebKitDLL.h" #include "WebDownload.h" #include "CString.h" #include "DefaultDownloadDelegate.h" #include "MarshallingHelpers.h" #include "WebError.h" #include "WebKit.h" #include "WebKitLogging.h" #include "WebMutableURLRequest.h" #include "WebURLAuthenticationChallenge.h" #include "WebURLCredential.h" #include "WebURLResponse.h" #include #include #include #pragma warning(push, 0) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(pop) using namespace WebCore; // CFURLDownload Callbacks ---------------------------------------------------------------- static void didStartCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, const void *clientInfo); static CFURLRequestRef willSendRequestCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFURLRequestRef request, CFURLResponseRef redirectionResponse, const void *clientInfo); static void didReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFURLAuthChallengeRef challenge, const void *clientInfo); static void didReceiveResponseCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFURLResponseRef response, const void *clientInfo); static void willResumeWithResponseCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFURLResponseRef response, UInt64 startingByte, const void *clientInfo); static void didReceiveDataCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFIndex length, const void *clientInfo); static Boolean shouldDecodeDataOfMIMETypeCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFStringRef encodingType, const void *clientInfo); static void decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectNameCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFStringRef objectName, const void *clientInfo); static void didCreateDestinationCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFURLRef path, const void *clientInfo); static void didFinishCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, const void *clientInfo); static void didFailCallback(CFURLDownloadRef download, CFErrorRef error, const void *clientInfo); // Download Bundle file utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------- static const String BundleExtension(".download"); static UInt32 BundleMagicNumber = 0xDECAF4EA; static CFDataRef extractResumeDataFromBundle(const String& bundlePath); static HRESULT appendResumeDataToBundle(CFDataRef resumeData, const String& bundlePath); // WebDownload ---------------------------------------------------------------- WebDownload::WebDownload() : m_refCount(0) { gClassCount++; gClassNameCount.add("WebDownload"); } void WebDownload::init(ResourceHandle* handle, const ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse& response, IWebDownloadDelegate* delegate) { m_delegate = delegate ? delegate : DefaultDownloadDelegate::sharedInstance(); CFURLConnectionRef connection = handle->connection(); if (!connection) { LOG_ERROR("WebDownload::WebDownload(ResourceHandle*,...) called with an inactive ResourceHandle"); return; } CFURLDownloadClient client = {0, this, 0, 0, 0, didStartCallback, willSendRequestCallback, didReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCallback, didReceiveResponseCallback, willResumeWithResponseCallback, didReceiveDataCallback, shouldDecodeDataOfMIMETypeCallback, decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectNameCallback, didCreateDestinationCallback, didFinishCallback, didFailCallback}; m_request.adoptRef(WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(request)); m_download.adoptCF(CFURLDownloadCreateAndStartWithLoadingConnection(0, connection, request.cfURLRequest(), response.cfURLResponse(), &client)); // It is possible for CFURLDownloadCreateAndStartWithLoadingConnection() to fail if the passed in CFURLConnection is not in a "downloadable state" // However, we should never hit that case if (!m_download) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); LOG_ERROR("WebDownload - Failed to create WebDownload from existing connection (%s)", request.url().string().utf8().data()); } else LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Created WebDownload %p from existing connection (%s)", this, request.url().string().utf8().data()); // The CFURLDownload either starts successfully and retains the CFURLConnection, // or it fails to creating and we have a now-useless connection with a dangling ref. // Either way, we need to release the connection to balance out ref counts handle->releaseConnectionForDownload(); CFRelease(connection); } void WebDownload::init(const KURL& url, IWebDownloadDelegate* delegate) { m_delegate = delegate ? delegate : DefaultDownloadDelegate::sharedInstance(); LOG_ERROR("Delegate is %p", m_delegate.get()); ResourceRequest request(url); CFURLRequestRef cfRequest = request.cfURLRequest(); CFURLDownloadClient client = {0, this, 0, 0, 0, didStartCallback, willSendRequestCallback, didReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCallback, didReceiveResponseCallback, willResumeWithResponseCallback, didReceiveDataCallback, shouldDecodeDataOfMIMETypeCallback, decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectNameCallback, didCreateDestinationCallback, didFinishCallback, didFailCallback}; m_request.adoptRef(WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(request)); m_download.adoptCF(CFURLDownloadCreate(0, cfRequest, &client)); CFURLDownloadScheduleWithCurrentMessageQueue(m_download.get()); CFURLDownloadScheduleDownloadWithRunLoop(m_download.get(), ResourceHandle::loaderRunLoop(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Initialized download of url %s in WebDownload %p", url.string().utf8().data(), this); } WebDownload::~WebDownload() { LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Destroying download (%p)", this); cancel(); gClassCount--; gClassNameCount.remove("WebDownload"); } WebDownload* WebDownload::createInstance() { WebDownload* instance = new WebDownload(); instance->AddRef(); return instance; } WebDownload* WebDownload::createInstance(ResourceHandle* handle, const ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse& response, IWebDownloadDelegate* delegate) { WebDownload* instance = new WebDownload(); instance->AddRef(); instance->init(handle, request, response, delegate); return instance; } WebDownload* WebDownload::createInstance(const KURL& url, IWebDownloadDelegate* delegate) { WebDownload* instance = new WebDownload(); instance->AddRef(); instance->init(url, delegate); return instance; } // IUnknown ------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { *ppvObject = 0; if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) *ppvObject = static_cast(this); else if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IWebDownload)) *ppvObject = static_cast(this); else if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IWebURLAuthenticationChallengeSender)) *ppvObject = static_cast(this); else if (IsEqualGUID(riid, CLSID_WebDownload)) *ppvObject = static_cast(this); else return E_NOINTERFACE; AddRef(); return S_OK; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::AddRef(void) { return ++m_refCount; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::Release(void) { ULONG newRef = --m_refCount; if (!newRef) delete(this); return newRef; } // IWebDownload ------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::initWithRequest( /* [in] */ IWebURLRequest* request, /* [in] */ IWebDownloadDelegate* delegate) { COMPtr webRequest; if (!request || FAILED(request->QueryInterface(&webRequest))) { LOG(Download, "WebDownload - initWithRequest failed - not a WebMutableURLRequest"); return E_FAIL; } if (!delegate) return E_FAIL; m_delegate = delegate; LOG(Download, "Delegate is %p", m_delegate.get()); RetainPtr cfRequest = webRequest->resourceRequest().cfURLRequest(); CFURLDownloadClient client = {0, this, 0, 0, 0, didStartCallback, willSendRequestCallback, didReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCallback, didReceiveResponseCallback, willResumeWithResponseCallback, didReceiveDataCallback, shouldDecodeDataOfMIMETypeCallback, decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectNameCallback, didCreateDestinationCallback, didFinishCallback, didFailCallback}; m_request.adoptRef(WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(webRequest.get())); m_download.adoptCF(CFURLDownloadCreate(0, cfRequest.get(), &client)); // If for some reason the download failed to create, // we have particular cleanup to do if (!m_download) { m_request = 0; return E_FAIL; } CFURLDownloadScheduleWithCurrentMessageQueue(m_download.get()); CFURLDownloadScheduleDownloadWithRunLoop(m_download.get(), ResourceHandle::loaderRunLoop(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); LOG(Download, "WebDownload - initWithRequest complete, started download of url %s", webRequest->resourceRequest().url().string().utf8().data()); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::initToResumeWithBundle( /* [in] */ BSTR bundlePath, /* [in] */ IWebDownloadDelegate* delegate) { LOG(Download, "Attempting resume of download bundle %s", String(bundlePath, SysStringLen(bundlePath)).ascii().data()); RetainPtr resumeData(AdoptCF, extractResumeDataFromBundle(String(bundlePath, SysStringLen(bundlePath)))); if (!resumeData) return E_FAIL; if (!delegate) return E_FAIL; m_delegate = delegate; LOG(Download, "Delegate is %p", m_delegate.get()); CFURLDownloadClient client = {0, this, 0, 0, 0, didStartCallback, willSendRequestCallback, didReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCallback, didReceiveResponseCallback, willResumeWithResponseCallback, didReceiveDataCallback, shouldDecodeDataOfMIMETypeCallback, decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectNameCallback, didCreateDestinationCallback, didFinishCallback, didFailCallback}; RetainPtr pathURL(AdoptCF, MarshallingHelpers::PathStringToFileCFURLRef(String(bundlePath, SysStringLen(bundlePath)))); ASSERT(pathURL); m_download.adoptCF(CFURLDownloadCreateWithResumeData(0, resumeData.get(), pathURL.get(), &client)); if (!m_download) { LOG(Download, "Failed to create CFURLDownloadRef for resume"); return E_FAIL; } m_bundlePath = String(bundlePath, SysStringLen(bundlePath)); // Attempt to remove the ".download" extension from the bundle for the final file destination // Failing that, we clear m_destination and will ask the delegate later once the download starts if (m_bundlePath.endsWith(BundleExtension, false)) { m_destination = m_bundlePath.copy(); m_destination.truncate(m_destination.length() - BundleExtension.length()); } else m_destination = String(); CFURLDownloadScheduleWithCurrentMessageQueue(m_download.get()); CFURLDownloadScheduleDownloadWithRunLoop(m_download.get(), ResourceHandle::loaderRunLoop(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); LOG(Download, "WebDownload - initWithRequest complete, resumed download of bundle %s", String(bundlePath, SysStringLen(bundlePath)).ascii().data()); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::canResumeDownloadDecodedWithEncodingMIMEType( /* [in] */ BSTR, /* [out, retval] */ BOOL*) { notImplemented(); return E_FAIL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::start() { LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Starting download (%p)", this); if (!m_download) return E_FAIL; CFURLDownloadStart(m_download.get()); // FIXME: 4950477 - CFURLDownload neglects to make the didStart() client call upon starting the download. // This is a somewhat critical call, so we'll fake it for now! didStart(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::cancel() { LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Cancelling download (%p)", this); if (!m_download) return E_FAIL; CFURLDownloadCancel(m_download.get()); m_download = 0; return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::cancelForResume() { LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Cancelling download (%p), writing resume information to file if possible", this); ASSERT(m_download); if (!m_download) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; RetainPtr resumeData; if (m_destination.isEmpty()) { CFURLDownloadCancel(m_download.get()); goto exit; } CFURLDownloadSetDeletesUponFailure(m_download.get(), false); CFURLDownloadCancel(m_download.get()); resumeData = CFURLDownloadCopyResumeData(m_download.get()); if (!resumeData) { LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Unable to create resume data for download (%p)", this); goto exit; } appendResumeDataToBundle(resumeData.get(), m_bundlePath); exit: m_download = 0; return hr; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::deletesFileUponFailure( /* [out, retval] */ BOOL* result) { if (!m_download) return E_FAIL; *result = CFURLDownloadDeletesUponFailure(m_download.get()); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::bundlePathForTargetPath( /* [in] */ BSTR targetPath, /* [out, retval] */ BSTR* bundlePath) { if (!targetPath) return E_INVALIDARG; String bundle(targetPath, SysStringLen(targetPath)); if (bundle.isEmpty()) return E_INVALIDARG; if (bundle[bundle.length()-1] == '/') bundle.truncate(1); bundle += BundleExtension; *bundlePath = SysAllocStringLen(bundle.characters(), bundle.length()); if (!*bundlePath) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::request( /* [out, retval] */ IWebURLRequest** request) { if (request) { *request = m_request.get(); if (*request) (*request)->AddRef(); } return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::setDeletesFileUponFailure( /* [in] */ BOOL deletesFileUponFailure) { if (!m_download) return E_FAIL; CFURLDownloadSetDeletesUponFailure(m_download.get(), !!deletesFileUponFailure); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::setDestination( /* [in] */ BSTR path, /* [in] */ BOOL allowOverwrite) { if (!m_download) return E_FAIL; m_destination = String(path, SysStringLen(path)); m_bundlePath = m_destination + BundleExtension; CFURLRef pathURL = MarshallingHelpers::PathStringToFileCFURLRef(m_bundlePath); CFURLDownloadSetDestination(m_download.get(), pathURL, !!allowOverwrite); CFRelease(pathURL); LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Set destination to %s", m_bundlePath.ascii().data()); return S_OK; } // IWebURLAuthenticationChallengeSender ------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::cancelAuthenticationChallenge( /* [in] */ IWebURLAuthenticationChallenge*) { if (m_download) { CFURLDownloadCancel(m_download.get()); m_download = 0; } // FIXME: Do we need a URL or description for this error code? ResourceError error(String(WebURLErrorDomain), WebURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication, "", ""); COMPtr webError(AdoptCOM, WebError::createInstance(error)); m_delegate->didFailWithError(this, webError.get()); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::continueWithoutCredentialForAuthenticationChallenge( /* [in] */ IWebURLAuthenticationChallenge* challenge) { COMPtr webChallenge(Query, challenge); if (!webChallenge) return E_NOINTERFACE; if (m_download) CFURLDownloadUseCredential(m_download.get(), 0, webChallenge->authenticationChallenge().cfURLAuthChallengeRef()); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebDownload::useCredential( /* [in] */ IWebURLCredential* credential, /* [in] */ IWebURLAuthenticationChallenge* challenge) { COMPtr webChallenge(Query, challenge); if (!webChallenge) return E_NOINTERFACE; COMPtr webCredential(Query, credential); if (!webCredential) return E_NOINTERFACE; RetainPtr cfCredential(AdoptCF, createCF(webCredential->credential())); if (m_download) CFURLDownloadUseCredential(m_download.get(), cfCredential.get(), webChallenge->authenticationChallenge().cfURLAuthChallengeRef()); return S_OK; } // CFURLDownload Callbacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- void WebDownload::didStart() { #ifndef NDEBUG m_startTime = m_dataTime = currentTime(); m_received = 0; LOG(Download, "DOWNLOAD - Started %p at %.3f seconds", this, m_startTime); #endif if (FAILED(m_delegate->didBegin(this))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->didBegin failed"); } CFURLRequestRef WebDownload::willSendRequest(CFURLRequestRef request, CFURLResponseRef response) { COMPtr webRequest(AdoptCOM, WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(ResourceRequest(request))); COMPtr webResponse(AdoptCOM, WebURLResponse::createInstance(ResourceResponse(response))); COMPtr finalRequest; if (FAILED(m_delegate->willSendRequest(this, webRequest.get(), webResponse.get(), &finalRequest))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->willSendRequest failed"); if (!finalRequest) return 0; COMPtr finalWebRequest(AdoptCOM, WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(finalRequest.get())); m_request = finalWebRequest.get(); CFURLRequestRef result = finalWebRequest->resourceRequest().cfURLRequest(); CFRetain(result); return result; } void WebDownload::didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(CFURLAuthChallengeRef challenge) { COMPtr webChallenge(AdoptCOM, WebURLAuthenticationChallenge::createInstance(AuthenticationChallenge(challenge, 0), this)); if (SUCCEEDED(m_delegate->didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(this, webChallenge.get()))) return; cancelAuthenticationChallenge(webChallenge.get()); } void WebDownload::didReceiveResponse(CFURLResponseRef response) { COMPtr webResponse(AdoptCOM, WebURLResponse::createInstance(ResourceResponse(response))); if (FAILED(m_delegate->didReceiveResponse(this, webResponse.get()))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->didReceiveResponse failed"); } void WebDownload::willResumeWithResponse(CFURLResponseRef response, UInt64 fromByte) { COMPtr webResponse(AdoptCOM, WebURLResponse::createInstance(ResourceResponse(response))); if (FAILED(m_delegate->willResumeWithResponse(this, webResponse.get(), fromByte))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->willResumeWithResponse failed"); } void WebDownload::didReceiveData(CFIndex length) { #ifndef NDEBUG m_received += length; double current = currentTime(); if (current - m_dataTime > 2.0) LOG(Download, "DOWNLOAD - %p hanged for %.3f seconds - Received %i bytes for a total of %i", this, current - m_dataTime, length, m_received); m_dataTime = current; #endif if (FAILED(m_delegate->didReceiveDataOfLength(this, length))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->didReceiveData failed"); } bool WebDownload::shouldDecodeDataOfMIMEType(CFStringRef mimeType) { BOOL result; if (FAILED(m_delegate->shouldDecodeSourceDataOfMIMEType(this, BString(mimeType), &result))) { LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->shouldDecodeSourceDataOfMIMEType failed"); return false; } return !!result; } void WebDownload::decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectName(CFStringRef name) { if (FAILED(m_delegate->decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename(this, BString(name)))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectName failed"); } void WebDownload::didCreateDestination(CFURLRef destination) { // The concept of the ".download bundle" is internal to the WebDownload, so therefore // we try to mask the delegate from its existence as much as possible by telling it the final // destination was created, when in reality the bundle was created String createdDestination = MarshallingHelpers::FileCFURLRefToPathString(destination); // At this point in receiving CFURLDownload callbacks, we should definitely have the bundle path stored locally // and it should match with the file that CFURLDownload created ASSERT(createdDestination == m_bundlePath); // And we should also always have the final-destination stored ASSERT(!m_destination.isEmpty()); BString path(m_destination); if (FAILED(m_delegate->didCreateDestination(this, path))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->didCreateDestination failed"); } void WebDownload::didFinish() { #ifndef NDEBUG LOG(Download, "DOWNLOAD - Finished %p after %i bytes and %.3f seconds", this, m_received, currentTime() - m_startTime); #endif ASSERT(!m_bundlePath.isEmpty() && !m_destination.isEmpty()); LOG(Download, "WebDownload - Moving file from bundle %s to destination %s", m_bundlePath.ascii().data(), m_destination.ascii().data()); // We try to rename the bundle to the final file name. If that fails, we give the delegate one more chance to chose // the final file name, then we just leave it if (!MoveFileEx(m_bundlePath.charactersWithNullTermination(), m_destination.charactersWithNullTermination(), 0)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to move bundle %s to %s on completion\nError - %i", m_bundlePath.ascii().data(), m_destination.ascii().data(), GetLastError()); bool reportBundlePathAsFinalPath = true; BString destinationBSTR(m_destination.characters(), m_destination.length()); if (FAILED(m_delegate->decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename(this, destinationBSTR))) LOG_ERROR("delegate->decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename() failed"); // The call to m_delegate->decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename() should have changed our destination, so we'll try the move // one last time. if (!m_destination.isEmpty()) if (MoveFileEx(m_bundlePath.charactersWithNullTermination(), m_destination.charactersWithNullTermination(), 0)) reportBundlePathAsFinalPath = false; // We either need to tell the delegate our final filename is the bundle filename, or is the file name they just told us to use if (reportBundlePathAsFinalPath) { BString bundleBSTR(m_bundlePath); m_delegate->didCreateDestination(this, bundleBSTR); } else { BString finalDestinationBSTR = BString(m_destination); m_delegate->didCreateDestination(this, finalDestinationBSTR); } } // It's extremely likely the call to delegate->didFinish() will deref this, so lets not let that cause our destruction just yet COMPtr protect = this; if (FAILED(m_delegate->didFinish(this))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->didFinish failed"); m_download = 0; } void WebDownload::didFail(CFErrorRef error) { COMPtr webError(AdoptCOM, WebError::createInstance(ResourceError(error))); if (FAILED(m_delegate->didFailWithError(this, webError.get()))) LOG_ERROR("DownloadDelegate->didFailWithError failed"); } // CFURLDownload Callbacks ---------------------------------------------------------------- void didStartCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->didStart(); } CFURLRequestRef willSendRequestCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFURLRequestRef request, CFURLResponseRef redirectionResponse, const void *clientInfo) { return ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->willSendRequest(request, redirectionResponse); } void didReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFURLAuthChallengeRef challenge, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(challenge); } void didReceiveResponseCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFURLResponseRef response, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->didReceiveResponse(response); } void willResumeWithResponseCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFURLResponseRef response, UInt64 startingByte, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->willResumeWithResponse(response, startingByte); } void didReceiveDataCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFIndex length, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->didReceiveData(length); } Boolean shouldDecodeDataOfMIMETypeCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFStringRef encodingType, const void *clientInfo) { return ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->shouldDecodeDataOfMIMEType(encodingType); } void decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectNameCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFStringRef objectName, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->decideDestinationWithSuggestedObjectName(objectName); } void didCreateDestinationCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFURLRef path, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->didCreateDestination(path); } void didFinishCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->didFinish(); } void didFailCallback(CFURLDownloadRef, CFErrorRef error, const void *clientInfo) { ((WebDownload*)clientInfo)->didFail(error); } // Download Bundle file utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------- static CFDataRef extractResumeDataFromBundle(const String& bundlePath) { if (bundlePath.isEmpty()) { LOG_ERROR("Cannot create resume data from empty download bundle path"); return 0; } // Open a handle to the bundle file String nullifiedPath = bundlePath; FILE* bundle = 0; if (_wfopen_s(&bundle, nullifiedPath.charactersWithNullTermination(), TEXT("r+b")) || !bundle) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to open file %s to get resume data", bundlePath.ascii().data()); return 0; } CFDataRef result = 0; Vector footerBuffer; // Stat the file to get its size struct _stat64 fileStat; if (_fstat64(_fileno(bundle), &fileStat)) goto exit; // Check for the bundle magic number at the end of the file fpos_t footerMagicNumberPosition = fileStat.st_size - 4; ASSERT(footerMagicNumberPosition >= 0); if (footerMagicNumberPosition < 0) goto exit; if (fsetpos(bundle, &footerMagicNumberPosition)) goto exit; UInt32 footerMagicNumber = 0; if (fread(&footerMagicNumber, 4, 1, bundle) != 1) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read footer magic number from the bundle - errno(%i)", errno); goto exit; } if (footerMagicNumber != BundleMagicNumber) { LOG_ERROR("Footer's magic number does not match 0x%X - errno(%i)", BundleMagicNumber, errno); goto exit; } // Now we're *reasonably* sure this is a .download bundle we actually wrote. // Get the length of the resume data fpos_t footerLengthPosition = fileStat.st_size - 8; ASSERT(footerLengthPosition >= 0); if (footerLengthPosition < 0) goto exit; if (fsetpos(bundle, &footerLengthPosition)) goto exit; UInt32 footerLength = 0; if (fread(&footerLength, 4, 1, bundle) != 1) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read ResumeData length from the bundle - errno(%i)", errno); goto exit; } // Make sure theres enough bytes to read in for the resume data, and perform the read fpos_t footerStartPosition = fileStat.st_size - 8 - footerLength; ASSERT(footerStartPosition >= 0); if (footerStartPosition < 0) goto exit; if (fsetpos(bundle, &footerStartPosition)) goto exit; footerBuffer.resize(footerLength); if (fread(footerBuffer.data(), 1, footerLength, bundle) != footerLength) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read ResumeData from the bundle - errno(%i)", errno); goto exit; } // CFURLDownload will seek to the appropriate place in the file (before our footer) and start overwriting from there // However, say we were within a few hundred bytes of the end of a download when it was paused - // The additional footer extended the length of the file beyond its final length, and there will be junk data leftover // at the end. Therefore, now that we've retrieved the footer data, we need to truncate it. if (errno_t resizeError = _chsize_s(_fileno(bundle), footerStartPosition)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to truncate the resume footer off the end of the file - errno(%i)", resizeError); goto exit; } // Finally, make the resume data. Now, it is possible by some twist of fate the bundle magic number // was naturally at the end of the file and its not actually a valid bundle. That, or someone engineered // it that way to try to attack us. In that cause, this CFData will successfully create but when we // actually try to start the CFURLDownload using this bogus data, it will fail and we will handle that gracefully result = CFDataCreate(0, footerBuffer.data(), footerLength); exit: fclose(bundle); return result; } static HRESULT appendResumeDataToBundle(CFDataRef resumeData, const String& bundlePath) { if (!resumeData) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid resume data to write to bundle path"); return E_FAIL; } if (bundlePath.isEmpty()) { LOG_ERROR("Cannot write resume data to empty download bundle path"); return E_FAIL; } String nullifiedPath = bundlePath; FILE* bundle = 0; if (_wfopen_s(&bundle, nullifiedPath.charactersWithNullTermination(), TEXT("ab")) || !bundle) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to open file %s to append resume data", bundlePath.ascii().data()); return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; const UInt8* resumeBytes = CFDataGetBytePtr(resumeData); ASSERT(resumeBytes); if (!resumeBytes) goto exit; UInt32 resumeLength = CFDataGetLength(resumeData); ASSERT(resumeLength > 0); if (resumeLength < 1) goto exit; if (fwrite(resumeBytes, 1, resumeLength, bundle) != resumeLength) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to write resume data to the bundle - errno(%i)", errno); goto exit; } if (fwrite(&resumeLength, 4, 1, bundle) != 1) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to write footer length to the bundle - errno(%i)", errno); goto exit; } if (fwrite(&BundleMagicNumber, 4, 1, bundle) != 1) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to write footer magic number to the bundle - errno(%i)", errno); goto exit; } hr = S_OK; exit: fclose(bundle); return hr; }