/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef WebViewHost_h #define WebViewHost_h #include "MockSpellCheck.h" #include "TestNavigationController.h" #include "public/WebAccessibilityNotification.h" #include "public/WebCursorInfo.h" #include "public/WebFrameClient.h" #include "public/WebViewClient.h" #include #include #include #include class LayoutTestController; class TestShell; namespace WebKit { class WebFrame; class WebDeviceOrientationClient; class WebGeolocationServiceMock; class WebSpeechInputController; class WebSpeechInputListener; class WebURL; struct WebRect; struct WebURLError; struct WebWindowFeatures; } namespace skia { class PlatformCanvas; } class WebViewHost : public WebKit::WebViewClient, public WebKit::WebFrameClient, public NavigationHost { public: WebViewHost(TestShell* shell); ~WebViewHost(); void setWebWidget(WebKit::WebWidget* widget) { m_webWidget = widget; } WebKit::WebView* webView() const; WebKit::WebWidget* webWidget() const; void reset(); void setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(bool); void setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(bool); void waitForPolicyDelegate(); void setCustomPolicyDelegate(bool, bool); WebKit::WebFrame* topLoadingFrame() { return m_topLoadingFrame; } void setBlockRedirects(bool block) { m_blocksRedirects = block; } void setRequestReturnNull(bool returnNull) { m_requestReturnNull = returnNull; } void setEditCommand(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); void clearEditCommand(); void setPendingExtraData(TestShellExtraData*); void paintRect(const WebKit::WebRect&); void updatePaintRect(const WebKit::WebRect&); void paintInvalidatedRegion(); skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas(); void displayRepaintMask(); void loadURLForFrame(const WebKit::WebURL&, const WebKit::WebString& frameName); TestNavigationController* navigationController() { return m_navigationController.get(); } void addClearHeader(const WTF::String& header) { m_clearHeaders.add(header); } const HashSet& clearHeaders() const { return m_clearHeaders; } // NavigationHost virtual bool navigate(const TestNavigationEntry&, bool reload); // WebKit::WebViewClient virtual WebKit::WebView* createView(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebWindowFeatures&, const WebKit::WebString&); virtual WebKit::WebWidget* createPopupMenu(WebKit::WebPopupType); virtual WebKit::WebWidget* createPopupMenu(const WebKit::WebPopupMenuInfo&); virtual WebKit::WebStorageNamespace* createSessionStorageNamespace(unsigned quota); virtual void didAddMessageToConsole(const WebKit::WebConsoleMessage&, const WebKit::WebString& sourceName, unsigned sourceLine); virtual void didStartLoading(); virtual void didStopLoading(); virtual bool shouldBeginEditing(const WebKit::WebRange&); virtual bool shouldEndEditing(const WebKit::WebRange&); virtual bool shouldInsertNode(const WebKit::WebNode&, const WebKit::WebRange&, WebKit::WebEditingAction); virtual bool shouldInsertText(const WebKit::WebString&, const WebKit::WebRange&, WebKit::WebEditingAction); virtual bool shouldChangeSelectedRange(const WebKit::WebRange& from, const WebKit::WebRange& to, WebKit::WebTextAffinity, bool stillSelecting); virtual bool shouldDeleteRange(const WebKit::WebRange&); virtual bool shouldApplyStyle(const WebKit::WebString& style, const WebKit::WebRange&); virtual bool isSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(); virtual bool isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(); virtual void didBeginEditing(); virtual void didChangeSelection(bool isSelectionEmpty); virtual void didChangeContents(); virtual void didEndEditing(); virtual bool handleCurrentKeyboardEvent(); virtual void spellCheck(const WebKit::WebString&, int& offset, int& length); virtual WebKit::WebString autoCorrectWord(const WebKit::WebString&); virtual void runModalAlertDialog(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebString&); virtual bool runModalConfirmDialog(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebString&); virtual bool runModalPromptDialog(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebString& message, const WebKit::WebString& defaultValue, WebKit::WebString* actualValue); virtual bool runModalBeforeUnloadDialog(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebString&); virtual void showContextMenu(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebContextMenuData&); virtual void setStatusText(const WebKit::WebString&); virtual void startDragging(const WebKit::WebDragData&, WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask, const WebKit::WebImage&, const WebKit::WebPoint&); virtual void navigateBackForwardSoon(int offset); virtual int historyBackListCount(); virtual int historyForwardListCount(); virtual void focusAccessibilityObject(const WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject&); virtual void postAccessibilityNotification(const WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject&, WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotification); virtual WebKit::WebNotificationPresenter* notificationPresenter(); virtual WebKit::WebGeolocationService* geolocationService(); virtual WebKit::WebSpeechInputController* speechInputController(WebKit::WebSpeechInputListener*); virtual WebKit::WebDeviceOrientationClient* deviceOrientationClient(); // WebKit::WebWidgetClient virtual void didInvalidateRect(const WebKit::WebRect&); virtual void didScrollRect(int dx, int dy, const WebKit::WebRect&); virtual void didFocus(); virtual void didBlur(); virtual void didChangeCursor(const WebKit::WebCursorInfo&); virtual void closeWidgetSoon(); virtual void show(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy); virtual void runModal(); virtual WebKit::WebRect windowRect(); virtual void setWindowRect(const WebKit::WebRect&); virtual WebKit::WebRect rootWindowRect(); virtual WebKit::WebRect windowResizerRect(); virtual WebKit::WebScreenInfo screenInfo(); // WebKit::WebFrameClient virtual WebKit::WebPlugin* createPlugin(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebPluginParams&); virtual WebKit::WebWorker* createWorker(WebKit::WebFrame*, WebKit::WebWorkerClient*); virtual WebKit::WebMediaPlayer* createMediaPlayer(WebKit::WebFrame*, WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient*); virtual WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHost* createApplicationCacheHost(WebKit::WebFrame*, WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHostClient*); virtual bool allowPlugins(WebKit::WebFrame*, bool enabledPerSettings); virtual bool allowImages(WebKit::WebFrame*, bool enabledPerSettings); virtual void loadURLExternally(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLRequest&, WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy); virtual WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy decidePolicyForNavigation( WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLRequest&, WebKit::WebNavigationType, const WebKit::WebNode&, WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy, bool isRedirect); virtual bool canHandleRequest(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLRequest&); virtual WebKit::WebURLError cannotHandleRequestError(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLRequest&); virtual WebKit::WebURLError cancelledError(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLRequest&); virtual void unableToImplementPolicyWithError(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLError&); virtual void willPerformClientRedirect( WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURL& from, const WebKit::WebURL& to, double interval, double fireTime); virtual void didCancelClientRedirect(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didCreateDataSource(WebKit::WebFrame*, WebKit::WebDataSource*); virtual void didStartProvisionalLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didFailProvisionalLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLError&); virtual void didCommitProvisionalLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*, bool isNewNavigation); virtual void didClearWindowObject(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didReceiveTitle(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebString&); virtual void didFinishDocumentLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didHandleOnloadEvents(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didFailLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebURLError&); virtual void didFinishLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didNavigateWithinPage(WebKit::WebFrame*, bool isNewNavigation); virtual void didChangeLocationWithinPage(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void assignIdentifierToRequest(WebKit::WebFrame*, unsigned identifier, const WebKit::WebURLRequest&); virtual void willSendRequest(WebKit::WebFrame*, unsigned identifier, WebKit::WebURLRequest&, const WebKit::WebURLResponse&); virtual void didReceiveResponse(WebKit::WebFrame*, unsigned identifier, const WebKit::WebURLResponse&); virtual void didFinishResourceLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*, unsigned identifier); virtual void didFailResourceLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*, unsigned identifier, const WebKit::WebURLError&); virtual void didDisplayInsecureContent(WebKit::WebFrame*); virtual void didRunInsecureContent(WebKit::WebFrame*, const WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin&); virtual bool allowScript(WebKit::WebFrame*, bool enabledPerSettings); private: LayoutTestController* layoutTestController() const; // Called the title of the page changes. // Can be used to update the title of the window. void setPageTitle(const WebKit::WebString&); // Called when the URL of the page changes. // Extracts the URL and forwards on to SetAddressBarURL(). void updateAddressBar(WebKit::WebView*); // Called when the URL of the page changes. // Should be used to update the text of the URL bar. void setAddressBarURL(const WebKit::WebURL&); // In the Mac code, this is called to trigger the end of a test after the // page has finished loading. From here, we can generate the dump for the // test. void locationChangeDone(WebKit::WebFrame*); void updateForCommittedLoad(WebKit::WebFrame*, bool isNewNavigation); void updateURL(WebKit::WebFrame*); void updateSessionHistory(WebKit::WebFrame*); // Dumping a frame to the console. void printFrameDescription(WebKit::WebFrame*); bool hasWindow() const { return m_hasWindow; } void resetScrollRect(); void discardBackingStore(); // Causes navigation actions just printout the intended navigation instead // of taking you to the page. This is used for cases like mailto, where you // don't actually want to open the mail program. bool m_policyDelegateEnabled; // Toggles the behavior of the policy delegate. If true, then navigations // will be allowed. Otherwise, they will be ignored (dropped). bool m_policyDelegateIsPermissive; // If true, the policy delegate will signal layout test completion. bool m_policyDelegateShouldNotifyDone; // Non-owning pointer. The WebViewHost instance is owned by this TestShell instance. TestShell* m_shell; // This delegate works for the following widget. WebKit::WebWidget* m_webWidget; // This is non-0 IFF a load is in progress. WebKit::WebFrame* m_topLoadingFrame; // For tracking session history. See RenderView. int m_pageId; int m_lastPageIdUpdated; OwnPtr m_pendingExtraData; // Maps resource identifiers to a descriptive string. typedef HashMap ResourceMap; ResourceMap m_resourceIdentifierMap; void printResourceDescription(unsigned identifier); WebKit::WebCursorInfo m_currentCursor; bool m_hasWindow; WebKit::WebRect m_windowRect; // true if we want to enable smart insert/delete. bool m_smartInsertDeleteEnabled; // true if we want to enable selection of trailing whitespaces bool m_selectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled; // Set of headers to clear in willSendRequest. HashSet m_clearHeaders; // true if we should block any redirects bool m_blocksRedirects; // true if we should block (set an empty request for) any requests bool m_requestReturnNull; // Edit command associated to the current keyboard event. std::string m_editCommandName; std::string m_editCommandValue; // The mock spellchecker used in spellCheck(). MockSpellCheck m_spellcheck; // Painting. OwnPtr m_canvas; WebKit::WebRect m_paintRect; bool m_isPainting; // Geolocation OwnPtr m_geolocationServiceMock; OwnPtr m_navigationController; }; #endif // WebViewHost_h