TEMPLATE = app TARGET = MiniBrowser SOURCES += \ main.cpp \ BrowserView.cpp \ BrowserWindow.cpp \ HEADERS += \ BrowserView.h \ BrowserWindow.h \ CONFIG += uitools isEmpty(OUTPUT_DIR): OUTPUT_DIR = ../../.. include(../../../WebKit.pri) INCLUDEPATH += \ $$PWD/../../../WebKit2/ \ $$PWD/../../../WebKit2/UIProcess/API/cpp \ $$PWD/../../../WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C \ $$PWD/../../../WebKit2/UIProcess/API/qt \ $$OUTPUT_DIR/include DESTDIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/bin !CONFIG(standalone_package): CONFIG -= app_bundle QT += network macx:QT+=xml linux-* { # From Creator's src/rpath.pri: # Do the rpath by hand since it's not possible to use ORIGIN in QMAKE_RPATHDIR # this expands to $ORIGIN (after qmake and make), it does NOT read a qmake var. QMAKE_RPATHDIR = \$\$ORIGIN/../lib $$QMAKE_RPATHDIR MY_RPATH = $$join(QMAKE_RPATHDIR, ":") QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-z,origin \'-Wl,-rpath,$${MY_RPATH}\' QMAKE_RPATHDIR = } else { QMAKE_RPATHDIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib $$QMAKE_RPATHDIR } symbian { TARGET.UID3 = 0xA000E543 TARGET.CAPABILITY = ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices } contains(QT_CONFIG, opengl) { QT += opengl DEFINES += QT_CONFIGURED_WITH_OPENGL } # We have to copy the resource file to the build directory # to use the useragentlist.txt file of QtTestBrowser without # polluting the source tree. # The copier is defined in WebKit2/DerivedSources.pro. RESOURCES += \ $$OUTPUT_DIR/WebKitTools/MiniBrowser/qt/MiniBrowser.qrc