# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Module to share code to get to WebKit directories. use strict; use warnings; use Config; use FindBin; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Spec; use POSIX; use VCSUtils; BEGIN { use Exporter (); our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 1.00; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&chdirWebKit &baseProductDir &productDir &XcodeOptions &XcodeOptionString &XcodeOptionStringNoConfig &passedConfiguration &setConfiguration &safariPath &checkFrameworks ¤tSVNRevision); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); @EXPORT_OK = (); } our @EXPORT_OK; my $architecture; my $baseProductDir; my @baseProductDirOption; my $configuration; my $configurationForVisualStudio; my $configurationProductDir; my $sourceDir; my $currentSVNRevision; my $osXVersion; my $isQt; my $isSymbian; my %qtFeatureDefaults; my $isGtk; my $isWx; my @wxArgs; my $isChromium; my $isInspectorFrontend; # Variables for Win32 support my $vcBuildPath; my $windowsTmpPath; my $windowsSourceDir; # Defined in VCSUtils. sub exitStatus($); sub determineSourceDir { return if $sourceDir; $sourceDir = $FindBin::Bin; $sourceDir =~ s|/+$||; # Remove trailing '/' as we would die later # walks up path checking each directory to see if it is the main WebKit project dir, # defined by containing JavaScriptCore, WebCore, and WebKit until ((-d "$sourceDir/JavaScriptCore" && -d "$sourceDir/WebCore" && -d "$sourceDir/WebKit") || (-d "$sourceDir/Internal" && -d "$sourceDir/OpenSource")) { if ($sourceDir !~ s|/[^/]+$||) { die "Could not find top level webkit directory above source directory using FindBin.\n"; } } $sourceDir = "$sourceDir/OpenSource" if -d "$sourceDir/OpenSource"; } sub currentPerlPath() { my $thisPerl = $^X; if ($^O ne 'VMS') { $thisPerl .= $Config{_exe} unless $thisPerl =~ m/$Config{_exe}$/i; } return $thisPerl; } # used for scripts which are stored in a non-standard location sub setSourceDir($) { ($sourceDir) = @_; } sub determineBaseProductDir { return if defined $baseProductDir; determineSourceDir(); if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { # Silently remove ~/Library/Preferences/xcodebuild.plist which can # cause build failure. The presence of # ~/Library/Preferences/xcodebuild.plist can prevent xcodebuild from # respecting global settings such as a custom build products directory # (). my $personalPlistFile = $ENV{HOME} . "/Library/Preferences/xcodebuild.plist"; if (-e $personalPlistFile) { unlink($personalPlistFile) || die "Could not delete $personalPlistFile: $!"; } open PRODUCT, "defaults read com.apple.Xcode PBXApplicationwideBuildSettings 2> " . File::Spec->devnull() . " |" or die; $baseProductDir = join '', ; close PRODUCT; $baseProductDir = $1 if $baseProductDir =~ /SYMROOT\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\";/s; undef $baseProductDir unless $baseProductDir =~ /^\//; if (!defined($baseProductDir)) { open PRODUCT, "defaults read com.apple.Xcode PBXProductDirectory 2> " . File::Spec->devnull() . " |" or die; $baseProductDir = ; close PRODUCT; if ($baseProductDir) { chomp $baseProductDir; undef $baseProductDir unless $baseProductDir =~ /^\//; } } } elsif (isSymbian()) { # Shadow builds are not supported on Symbian $baseProductDir = $sourceDir; } if (!defined($baseProductDir)) { # Port-spesific checks failed, use default $baseProductDir = $ENV{"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR"} || "$sourceDir/WebKitBuild"; } if (isGit() && isGitBranchBuild()) { my $branch = gitBranch(); $baseProductDir = "$baseProductDir/$branch"; } if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { $baseProductDir =~ s|^\Q$(SRCROOT)/..\E$|$sourceDir|; $baseProductDir =~ s|^\Q$(SRCROOT)/../|$sourceDir/|; $baseProductDir =~ s|^~/|$ENV{HOME}/|; die "Can't handle Xcode product directory with a ~ in it.\n" if $baseProductDir =~ /~/; die "Can't handle Xcode product directory with a variable in it.\n" if $baseProductDir =~ /\$/; @baseProductDirOption = ("SYMROOT=$baseProductDir", "OBJROOT=$baseProductDir"); } if (isCygwin()) { my $dosBuildPath = `cygpath --windows \"$baseProductDir\"`; chomp $dosBuildPath; $ENV{"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR"} = $dosBuildPath; } if (isAppleWinWebKit()) { my $unixBuildPath = `cygpath --unix \"$baseProductDir\"`; chomp $unixBuildPath; $baseProductDir = $unixBuildPath; } } sub setBaseProductDir($) { ($baseProductDir) = @_; } sub determineConfiguration { return if defined $configuration; determineBaseProductDir(); if (open CONFIGURATION, "$baseProductDir/Configuration") { $configuration = ; close CONFIGURATION; } if ($configuration) { chomp $configuration; # compatibility for people who have old Configuration files $configuration = "Release" if $configuration eq "Deployment"; $configuration = "Debug" if $configuration eq "Development"; } else { $configuration = "Release"; } } sub determineArchitecture { return if defined $architecture; # make sure $architecture is defined for non-apple-mac builds $architecture = ""; return unless isAppleMacWebKit(); determineBaseProductDir(); if (open ARCHITECTURE, "$baseProductDir/Architecture") { $architecture = ; close ARCHITECTURE; } if ($architecture) { chomp $architecture; } else { if (isTiger() or isLeopard()) { $architecture = `arch`; } else { my $supports64Bit = `sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`; chomp $supports64Bit; $architecture = $supports64Bit ? 'x86_64' : `arch`; } chomp $architecture; } } sub jscPath($) { my ($productDir) = @_; my $jscName = "jsc"; $jscName .= "_debug" if (isCygwin() && ($configuration eq "Debug")); return "$productDir/$jscName"; } sub argumentsForConfiguration() { determineConfiguration(); determineArchitecture(); my @args = (); push(@args, '--debug') if $configuration eq "Debug"; push(@args, '--release') if $configuration eq "Release"; push(@args, '--32-bit') if $architecture ne "x86_64"; push(@args, '--qt') if isQt(); push(@args, '--symbian') if isSymbian(); push(@args, '--gtk') if isGtk(); push(@args, '--wx') if isWx(); push(@args, '--chromium') if isChromium(); push(@args, '--inspector-frontend') if isInspectorFrontend(); return @args; } sub determineConfigurationForVisualStudio { return if defined $configurationForVisualStudio; determineConfiguration(); $configurationForVisualStudio = $configuration; return unless $configuration eq "Debug"; setupCygwinEnv(); chomp(my $dir = `cygpath -ua '$ENV{WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR}'`); $configurationForVisualStudio = "Debug_Internal" if -f "$dir/bin/CoreFoundation_debug.dll"; } sub determineConfigurationProductDir { return if defined $configurationProductDir; determineBaseProductDir(); determineConfiguration(); if (isAppleWinWebKit() && !isWx()) { $configurationProductDir = "$baseProductDir/bin"; } else { # [Gtk] We don't have Release/Debug configurations in straight # autotool builds (non build-webkit). In this case and if # WEBKITOUTPUTDIR exist, use that as our configuration dir. This will # allows us to run run-webkit-tests without using build-webkit. if ($ENV{"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR"} && isGtk()) { $configurationProductDir = "$baseProductDir"; } else { $configurationProductDir = "$baseProductDir/$configuration"; } } } sub setConfigurationProductDir($) { ($configurationProductDir) = @_; } sub determineCurrentSVNRevision { return if defined $currentSVNRevision; determineSourceDir(); $currentSVNRevision = svnRevisionForDirectory($sourceDir); return $currentSVNRevision; } sub chdirWebKit { determineSourceDir(); chdir $sourceDir or die; } sub baseProductDir { determineBaseProductDir(); return $baseProductDir; } sub sourceDir { determineSourceDir(); return $sourceDir; } sub productDir { determineConfigurationProductDir(); return $configurationProductDir; } sub jscProductDir { my $productDir = productDir(); $productDir .= "/JavaScriptCore" if isQt(); $productDir .= "/$configuration" if (isQt() && isWindows()); $productDir .= "/Programs" if isGtk(); return $productDir; } sub configuration() { determineConfiguration(); return $configuration; } sub configurationForVisualStudio() { determineConfigurationForVisualStudio(); return $configurationForVisualStudio; } sub currentSVNRevision { determineCurrentSVNRevision(); return $currentSVNRevision; } sub XcodeOptions { determineBaseProductDir(); determineConfiguration(); determineArchitecture(); return (@baseProductDirOption, "-configuration", $configuration, "ARCHS=$architecture"); } sub XcodeOptionString { return join " ", XcodeOptions(); } sub XcodeOptionStringNoConfig { return join " ", @baseProductDirOption; } sub XcodeCoverageSupportOptions() { my @coverageSupportOptions = (); push @coverageSupportOptions, "GCC_GENERATE_TEST_COVERAGE_FILES=YES"; push @coverageSupportOptions, "GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=YES"; push @coverageSupportOptions, "EXTRA_LINK= \$(EXTRA_LINK) -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs"; push @coverageSupportOptions, "OTHER_CFLAGS= \$(OTHER_CFLAGS) -DCOVERAGE -MD"; push @coverageSupportOptions, "OTHER_LDFLAGS=\$(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs -framework AppKit"; return @coverageSupportOptions; } my $passedConfiguration; my $searchedForPassedConfiguration; sub determinePassedConfiguration { return if $searchedForPassedConfiguration; $searchedForPassedConfiguration = 1; my $isWinCairo = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--cairo-win32"); for my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) { my $opt = $ARGV[$i]; if ($opt =~ /^--debug$/i || $opt =~ /^--devel/i) { splice(@ARGV, $i, 1); $passedConfiguration = "Debug"; $passedConfiguration .= "_Cairo" if ($isWinCairo && isCygwin()); return; } if ($opt =~ /^--release$/i || $opt =~ /^--deploy/i) { splice(@ARGV, $i, 1); $passedConfiguration = "Release"; $passedConfiguration .= "_Cairo" if ($isWinCairo && isCygwin()); return; } if ($opt =~ /^--profil(e|ing)$/i) { splice(@ARGV, $i, 1); $passedConfiguration = "Profiling"; $passedConfiguration .= "_Cairo" if ($isWinCairo && isCygwin()); return; } } $passedConfiguration = undef; } sub passedConfiguration { determinePassedConfiguration(); return $passedConfiguration; } sub setConfiguration { setArchitecture(); if (my $config = shift @_) { $configuration = $config; return; } determinePassedConfiguration(); $configuration = $passedConfiguration if $passedConfiguration; } my $passedArchitecture; my $searchedForPassedArchitecture; sub determinePassedArchitecture { return if $searchedForPassedArchitecture; $searchedForPassedArchitecture = 1; for my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) { my $opt = $ARGV[$i]; if ($opt =~ /^--32-bit$/i) { splice(@ARGV, $i, 1); if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { $passedArchitecture = `arch`; chomp $passedArchitecture; } return; } } $passedArchitecture = undef; } sub passedArchitecture { determinePassedArchitecture(); return $passedArchitecture; } sub architecture() { determineArchitecture(); return $architecture; } sub setArchitecture { if (my $arch = shift @_) { $architecture = $arch; return; } determinePassedArchitecture(); $architecture = $passedArchitecture if $passedArchitecture; } sub safariPathFromSafariBundle { my ($safariBundle) = @_; return "$safariBundle/Contents/MacOS/Safari" if isAppleMacWebKit(); return $safariBundle if isAppleWinWebKit(); } sub installedSafariPath { my $safariBundle; if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { $safariBundle = "/Applications/Safari.app"; } elsif (isAppleWinWebKit()) { $safariBundle = `"$configurationProductDir/FindSafari.exe"`; $safariBundle =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; $safariBundle = `cygpath -u '$safariBundle'`; $safariBundle =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; $safariBundle .= "Safari.exe"; } return safariPathFromSafariBundle($safariBundle); } # Locate Safari. sub safariPath { # Use WEBKIT_SAFARI environment variable if present. my $safariBundle = $ENV{WEBKIT_SAFARI}; if (!$safariBundle) { determineConfigurationProductDir(); # Use Safari.app in product directory if present (good for Safari development team). if (isAppleMacWebKit() && -d "$configurationProductDir/Safari.app") { $safariBundle = "$configurationProductDir/Safari.app"; } elsif (isAppleWinWebKit()) { my $path = "$configurationProductDir/Safari.exe"; my $debugPath = "$configurationProductDir/Safari_debug.exe"; if (configurationForVisualStudio() =~ /Debug/ && -x $debugPath) { $safariBundle = $debugPath; } elsif (-x $path) { $safariBundle = $path; } } if (!$safariBundle) { return installedSafariPath(); } } my $safariPath = safariPathFromSafariBundle($safariBundle); die "Can't find executable at $safariPath.\n" if isAppleMacWebKit() && !-x $safariPath; return $safariPath; } sub builtDylibPathForName { my $libraryName = shift; determineConfigurationProductDir(); if (isChromium()) { return "$configurationProductDir/$libraryName"; } if (isQt()) { $libraryName = "QtWebKit"; if (isDarwin() and -d "$configurationProductDir/lib/$libraryName.framework") { return "$configurationProductDir/lib/$libraryName.framework/$libraryName"; } elsif (isWindows()) { my $mkspec = `qmake -query QMAKE_MKSPECS`; $mkspec =~ s/[\n|\r]$//g; my $qtMajorVersion = retrieveQMakespecVar("$mkspec/qconfig.pri", "QT_MAJOR_VERSION"); if (not $qtMajorVersion) { $qtMajorVersion = ""; } return "$configurationProductDir/lib/$libraryName$qtMajorVersion.dll"; } else { return "$configurationProductDir/lib/lib$libraryName.so"; } } if (isWx()) { return "$configurationProductDir/libwxwebkit.dylib"; } if (isGtk()) { return "$configurationProductDir/$libraryName/../.libs/libwebkit-1.0.so"; } if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { return "$configurationProductDir/$libraryName.framework/Versions/A/$libraryName"; } if (isAppleWinWebKit()) { if ($libraryName eq "JavaScriptCore") { return "$baseProductDir/lib/$libraryName.lib"; } else { return "$baseProductDir/$libraryName.intermediate/$configuration/$libraryName.intermediate/$libraryName.lib"; } } die "Unsupported platform, can't determine built library locations."; } # Check to see that all the frameworks are built. sub checkFrameworks # FIXME: This is a poor name since only the Mac calls built WebCore a Framework. { return if isCygwin(); my @frameworks = ("JavaScriptCore", "WebCore"); push(@frameworks, "WebKit") if isAppleMacWebKit(); # FIXME: This seems wrong, all ports should have a WebKit these days. for my $framework (@frameworks) { my $path = builtDylibPathForName($framework); die "Can't find built framework at \"$path\".\n" unless -e $path; } } sub isInspectorFrontend() { determineIsInspectorFrontend(); return $isInspectorFrontend; } sub determineIsInspectorFrontend() { return if defined($isInspectorFrontend); $isInspectorFrontend = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--inspector-frontend"); } sub isQt() { determineIsQt(); return $isQt; } sub isSymbian() { determineIsSymbian(); return $isSymbian; } sub qtFeatureDefaults() { determineQtFeatureDefaults(); return %qtFeatureDefaults; } sub determineQtFeatureDefaults() { return if %qtFeatureDefaults; my $originalCwd = getcwd(); chdir File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "WebCore"); my $defaults = `qmake CONFIG+=compute_defaults 2>&1`; chdir $originalCwd; while ($defaults =~ m/(\S*?)=(.*?)( |$)/gi) { $qtFeatureDefaults{$1}=$2; } } sub checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV { my $argToCheck = shift; foreach my $opt (@ARGV) { if ($opt =~ /^$argToCheck$/i ) { @ARGV = grep(!/^$argToCheck$/i, @ARGV); return 1; } } return 0; } sub determineIsQt() { return if defined($isQt); # Allow override in case QTDIR is not set. if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--qt")) { $isQt = 1; return; } # The presence of QTDIR only means Qt if --gtk is not on the command-line if (isGtk() || isWx()) { $isQt = 0; return; } $isQt = defined($ENV{'QTDIR'}); } sub determineIsSymbian() { return if defined($isSymbian); if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--symbian")) { $isSymbian = 1; return; } $isSymbian = defined($ENV{'EPOCROOT'}); } sub isGtk() { determineIsGtk(); return $isGtk; } sub determineIsGtk() { return if defined($isGtk); $isGtk = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--gtk"); } sub isWx() { determineIsWx(); return $isWx; } sub determineIsWx() { return if defined($isWx); $isWx = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--wx"); } sub getWxArgs() { if (!@wxArgs) { @wxArgs = (""); my $rawWxArgs = ""; foreach my $opt (@ARGV) { if ($opt =~ /^--wx-args/i ) { @ARGV = grep(!/^--wx-args/i, @ARGV); $rawWxArgs = $opt; $rawWxArgs =~ s/--wx-args=//i; } } @wxArgs = split(/,/, $rawWxArgs); } return @wxArgs; } # Determine if this is debian, ubuntu, linspire, or something similar. sub isDebianBased() { return -e "/etc/debian_version"; } sub isFedoraBased() { return -e "/etc/fedora-release"; } sub isChromium() { determineIsChromium(); return $isChromium; } sub determineIsChromium() { return if defined($isChromium); $isChromium = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--chromium"); } sub isCygwin() { return ($^O eq "cygwin") || 0; } sub isDarwin() { return ($^O eq "darwin") || 0; } sub isWindows() { return ($^O eq "MSWin32") || 0; } sub isMsys() { return ($^O eq "msys") || 0; } sub isLinux() { return ($^O eq "linux") || 0; } sub isAppleWebKit() { return !(isQt() or isGtk() or isWx() or isChromium()); } sub isAppleMacWebKit() { return isAppleWebKit() && isDarwin(); } sub isAppleWinWebKit() { return isAppleWebKit() && isCygwin(); } sub isPerianInstalled() { if (!isAppleWebKit()) { return 0; } if (-d "/Library/QuickTime/Perian.component") { return 1; } if (-d "$ENV{HOME}/Library/QuickTime/Perian.component") { return 1; } return 0; } sub determineOSXVersion() { return if $osXVersion; if (!isDarwin()) { $osXVersion = -1; return; } my $version = `sw_vers -productVersion`; my @splitVersion = split(/\./, $version); @splitVersion >= 2 or die "Invalid version $version"; $osXVersion = { "major" => $splitVersion[0], "minor" => $splitVersion[1], "subminor" => (defined($splitVersion[2]) ? $splitVersion[2] : 0), }; } sub osXVersion() { determineOSXVersion(); return $osXVersion; } sub isTiger() { return isDarwin() && osXVersion()->{"minor"} == 4; } sub isLeopard() { return isDarwin() && osXVersion()->{"minor"} == 5; } sub isSnowLeopard() { return isDarwin() && osXVersion()->{"minor"} == 6; } sub isWindowsNT() { return $ENV{'OS'} eq 'Windows_NT'; } sub relativeScriptsDir() { my $scriptDir = File::Spec->catpath("", File::Spec->abs2rel(dirname($0), getcwd()), ""); if ($scriptDir eq "") { $scriptDir = "."; } return $scriptDir; } sub launcherPath() { my $relativeScriptsPath = relativeScriptsDir(); if (isGtk() || isQt() || isWx()) { return "$relativeScriptsPath/run-launcher"; } elsif (isAppleWebKit()) { return "$relativeScriptsPath/run-safari"; } } sub launcherName() { if (isGtk()) { return "GtkLauncher"; } elsif (isQt()) { return "QtLauncher"; } elsif (isWx()) { return "wxBrowser"; } elsif (isAppleWebKit()) { return "Safari"; } } sub checkRequiredSystemConfig { if (isDarwin()) { chomp(my $productVersion = `sw_vers -productVersion`); if ($productVersion lt "10.4") { print "*************************************************************\n"; print "Mac OS X Version 10.4.0 or later is required to build WebKit.\n"; print "You have " . $productVersion . ", thus the build will most likely fail.\n"; print "*************************************************************\n"; } my $xcodeVersion = `xcodebuild -version`; if ($xcodeVersion !~ /DevToolsCore-(\d+)/ || $1 < 747) { print "*************************************************************\n"; print "Xcode Version 2.3 or later is required to build WebKit.\n"; print "You have an earlier version of Xcode, thus the build will\n"; print "most likely fail. The latest Xcode is available from the web:\n"; print "http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode\n"; print "*************************************************************\n"; } } elsif (isGtk() or isQt() or isWx()) { my @cmds = qw(flex bison gperf); my @missing = (); foreach my $cmd (@cmds) { if (not `$cmd --version`) { push @missing, $cmd; } } if (@missing) { my $list = join ", ", @missing; die "ERROR: $list missing but required to build WebKit.\n"; } } # Win32 and other platforms may want to check for minimum config } sub determineWindowsSourceDir() { return if $windowsSourceDir; my $sourceDir = sourceDir(); chomp($windowsSourceDir = `cygpath -w '$sourceDir'`); } sub windowsSourceDir() { determineWindowsSourceDir(); return $windowsSourceDir; } sub windowsLibrariesDir() { return windowsSourceDir() . "\\WebKitLibraries\\win"; } sub windowsOutputDir() { return windowsSourceDir() . "\\WebKitBuild"; } sub setupAppleWinEnv() { return unless isAppleWinWebKit(); if (isWindowsNT()) { my $restartNeeded = 0; my %variablesToSet = (); # Setting the environment variable 'CYGWIN' to 'tty' makes cygwin enable extra support (i.e., termios) # for UNIX-like ttys in the Windows console $variablesToSet{CYGWIN} = "tty" unless $ENV{CYGWIN}; # Those environment variables must be set to be able to build inside Visual Studio. $variablesToSet{WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR} = windowsLibrariesDir() unless $ENV{WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR}; $variablesToSet{WEBKITOUTPUTDIR} = windowsOutputDir() unless $ENV{WEBKITOUTPUTDIR}; foreach my $variable (keys %variablesToSet) { print "Setting the Environment Variable '" . $variable . "' to '" . $variablesToSet{$variable} . "'\n\n"; system qw(regtool -s set), '\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment\\' . $variable, $variablesToSet{$variable}; $restartNeeded ||= $variable eq "WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR" || $variable eq "WEBKITOUTPUTDIR"; } if ($restartNeeded) { print "Please restart your computer before attempting to build inside Visual Studio.\n\n"; } } else { if (!$ENV{'WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR'}) { print "Warning: You must set the 'WebKitLibrariesDir' environment variable\n"; print " to be able build WebKit from within Visual Studio.\n"; print " Make sure that 'WebKitLibrariesDir' points to the\n"; print " 'WebKitLibraries/win' directory, not the 'WebKitLibraries/' directory.\n\n"; } if (!$ENV{'WEBKITOUTPUTDIR'}) { print "Warning: You must set the 'WebKitOutputDir' environment variable\n"; print " to be able build WebKit from within Visual Studio.\n\n"; } } } sub setupCygwinEnv() { return if !isCygwin(); return if $vcBuildPath; my $vsInstallDir; my $programFilesPath = $ENV{'PROGRAMFILES'} || "C:\\Program Files"; if ($ENV{'VSINSTALLDIR'}) { $vsInstallDir = $ENV{'VSINSTALLDIR'}; } else { $vsInstallDir = "$programFilesPath/Microsoft Visual Studio 8"; } $vsInstallDir = `cygpath "$vsInstallDir"`; chomp $vsInstallDir; $vcBuildPath = "$vsInstallDir/Common7/IDE/devenv.com"; if (-e $vcBuildPath) { # Visual Studio is installed; we can use pdevenv to build. $vcBuildPath = File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), qw(WebKitTools Scripts pdevenv)); } else { # Visual Studio not found, try VC++ Express $vcBuildPath = "$vsInstallDir/Common7/IDE/VCExpress.exe"; if (! -e $vcBuildPath) { print "*************************************************************\n"; print "Cannot find '$vcBuildPath'\n"; print "Please execute the file 'vcvars32.bat' from\n"; print "'$programFilesPath\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\VC\\bin\\'\n"; print "to setup the necessary environment variables.\n"; print "*************************************************************\n"; die; } } my $qtSDKPath = "$programFilesPath/QuickTime SDK"; if (0 && ! -e $qtSDKPath) { print "*************************************************************\n"; print "Cannot find '$qtSDKPath'\n"; print "Please download the QuickTime SDK for Windows from\n"; print "http://developer.apple.com/quicktime/download/\n"; print "*************************************************************\n"; die; } chomp($ENV{'WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR'} = `cygpath -wa "$sourceDir/WebKitLibraries/win"`) unless $ENV{'WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR'}; $windowsTmpPath = `cygpath -w /tmp`; chomp $windowsTmpPath; print "Building results into: ", baseProductDir(), "\n"; print "WEBKITOUTPUTDIR is set to: ", $ENV{"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR"}, "\n"; print "WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR is set to: ", $ENV{"WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR"}, "\n"; } sub copyInspectorFrontendFiles { my $productDir = productDir(); my $sourceInspectorPath = sourceDir() . "/WebCore/inspector/front-end/"; my $inspectorResourcesDirPath = $ENV{"WEBKITINSPECTORRESOURCESDIR"}; if (!defined($inspectorResourcesDirPath)) { $inspectorResourcesDirPath = ""; } if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { $inspectorResourcesDirPath = $productDir . "/WebCore.framework/Resources/inspector"; } elsif (isAppleWinWebKit()) { $inspectorResourcesDirPath = $productDir . "/WebKit.resources/inspector"; } elsif (isQt() || isGtk()) { my $prefix = $ENV{"WebKitInstallationPrefix"}; $inspectorResourcesDirPath = (defined($prefix) ? $prefix : "/usr/share") . "/webkit-1.0/webinspector"; } if (! -d $inspectorResourcesDirPath) { print "*************************************************************\n"; print "Cannot find '$inspectorResourcesDirPath'.\n" if (defined($inspectorResourcesDirPath)); print "Make sure that you have built WebKit first.\n" if (! -d $productDir || defined($inspectorResourcesDirPath)); print "Optionally, set the environment variable 'WebKitInspectorResourcesDir'\n"; print "to point to the directory that contains the WebKit Inspector front-end\n"; print "files for the built WebCore framework.\n"; print "*************************************************************\n"; die; } return system "rsync", "-aut", "--exclude=/.DS_Store", "--exclude=.svn/", !isQt() ? "--exclude=/WebKit.qrc" : "", $sourceInspectorPath, $inspectorResourcesDirPath; } sub buildXCodeProject($$@) { my ($project, $clean, @extraOptions) = @_; if ($clean) { push(@extraOptions, "-alltargets"); push(@extraOptions, "clean"); } return system "xcodebuild", "-project", "$project.xcodeproj", @extraOptions; } sub buildVisualStudioProject { my ($project, $clean) = @_; setupCygwinEnv(); my $config = configurationForVisualStudio(); chomp(my $winProjectPath = `cygpath -w "$project"`); my $action = "/build"; if ($clean) { $action = "/clean"; } my @command = ($vcBuildPath, $winProjectPath, $action, $config); print join(" ", @command), "\n"; return system @command; } sub downloadWafIfNeeded { # get / update waf if needed my $waf = "$sourceDir/WebKitTools/wx/waf"; my $wafURL = 'http://wxwebkit.wxcommunity.com/downloads/deps/waf'; if (!-f $waf) { my $result = system "curl -o $waf $wafURL"; chmod 0755, $waf; } } sub buildWafProject { my ($project, $shouldClean, @options) = @_; # set the PYTHONPATH for waf my $pythonPath = $ENV{'PYTHONPATH'}; if (!defined($pythonPath)) { $pythonPath = ''; } my $sourceDir = sourceDir(); my $newPythonPath = "$sourceDir/WebKitTools/wx/build:$pythonPath"; if (isCygwin()) { $newPythonPath = `cygpath --mixed --path $newPythonPath`; } $ENV{'PYTHONPATH'} = $newPythonPath; print "Building $project\n"; my $wafCommand = "$sourceDir/WebKitTools/wx/waf"; if ($ENV{'WXWEBKIT_WAF'}) { $wafCommand = $ENV{'WXWEBKIT_WAF'}; } if (isCygwin()) { $wafCommand = `cygpath --windows "$wafCommand"`; chomp($wafCommand); } if ($shouldClean) { return system $wafCommand, "clean", "distclean"; } return system $wafCommand, 'configure', 'build', 'install', @options; } sub retrieveQMakespecVar { my $mkspec = $_[0]; my $varname = $_[1]; my $varvalue = undef; #print "retrieveMakespecVar " . $mkspec . ", " . $varname . "\n"; local *SPEC; open SPEC, "<$mkspec" or return $varvalue; while () { if ($_ =~ /\s*include\((.+)\)/) { # open the included mkspec my $oldcwd = getcwd(); (my $volume, my $directories, my $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($mkspec); my $newcwd = "$volume$directories"; chdir $newcwd if $newcwd; $varvalue = retrieveQMakespecVar($1, $varname); chdir $oldcwd; } elsif ($_ =~ /$varname\s*=\s*([^\s]+)/) { $varvalue = $1; last; } } close SPEC; return $varvalue; } sub qtMakeCommand($) { my ($qmakebin) = @_; chomp(my $mkspec = `$qmakebin -query QMAKE_MKSPECS`); $mkspec .= "/default"; my $compiler = retrieveQMakespecVar("$mkspec/qmake.conf", "QMAKE_CC"); #print "default spec: " . $mkspec . "\n"; #print "compiler found: " . $compiler . "\n"; if ($compiler eq "cl") { return "nmake"; } return "make"; } sub autotoolsFlag($$) { my ($flag, $feature) = @_; my $prefix = $flag ? "--enable" : "--disable"; return $prefix . '-' . $feature; } sub buildAutotoolsProject($@) { my ($clean, @buildParams) = @_; my $make = 'make'; my $dir = productDir(); my $config = passedConfiguration() || configuration(); my $prefix = $ENV{"WebKitInstallationPrefix"}; my @buildArgs = (); my $makeArgs = $ENV{"WebKitMakeArguments"} || ""; for my $i (0 .. $#buildParams) { my $opt = $buildParams[$i]; if ($opt =~ /^--makeargs=(.*)/i ) { $makeArgs = $makeArgs . " " . $1; } else { push @buildArgs, $opt; } } push @buildArgs, "--prefix=" . $prefix if defined($prefix); # check if configuration is Debug if ($config =~ m/debug/i) { push @buildArgs, "--enable-debug"; } else { push @buildArgs, "--disable-debug"; } # Use rm to clean the build directory since distclean may miss files if ($clean && -d $dir) { system "rm", "-rf", "$dir"; } if (! -d $dir) { system "mkdir", "-p", "$dir"; if (! -d $dir) { die "Failed to create build directory " . $dir; } } chdir $dir or die "Failed to cd into " . $dir . "\n"; my $result; if ($clean) { #$result = system $make, "distclean"; return 0; } print "Calling configure in " . $dir . "\n\n"; print "Installation directory: $prefix\n" if(defined($prefix)); # Make the path relative since it will appear in all -I compiler flags. # Long argument lists cause bizarre slowdowns in libtool. my $relSourceDir = File::Spec->abs2rel($sourceDir); $relSourceDir = "." if !$relSourceDir; $result = system "$relSourceDir/autogen.sh", @buildArgs; if ($result ne 0) { die "Failed to setup build environment using 'autotools'!\n"; } $result = system "$make $makeArgs"; if ($result ne 0) { die "\nFailed to build WebKit using '$make'!\n"; } chdir ".." or die; return $result; } sub buildQMakeProject($@) { my ($clean, @buildParams) = @_; my @buildArgs = ("-r"); my $qmakebin = "qmake"; # Allow override of the qmake binary from $PATH my $makeargs = ""; for my $i (0 .. $#buildParams) { my $opt = $buildParams[$i]; if ($opt =~ /^--qmake=(.*)/i ) { $qmakebin = $1; } elsif ($opt =~ /^--qmakearg=(.*)/i ) { push @buildArgs, $1; } elsif ($opt =~ /^--makeargs=(.*)/i ) { $makeargs = $1; } else { push @buildArgs, $opt; } } my $make = qtMakeCommand($qmakebin); my $config = configuration(); my $prefix = $ENV{"WebKitInstallationPrefix"}; my $dir = File::Spec->canonpath(baseProductDir()); $dir = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $config) unless isSymbian(); File::Path::mkpath($dir); chdir $dir or die "Failed to cd into " . $dir . "\n"; print "Generating derived sources\n\n"; my @dsQmakeArgs = @buildArgs; push @dsQmakeArgs, "-r"; push @dsQmakeArgs, sourceDir() . "/DerivedSources.pro"; push @dsQmakeArgs, "-o Makefile.DerivedSources"; print "Calling '$qmakebin @dsQmakeArgs' in " . $dir . "\n\n"; my $result = system "$qmakebin @dsQmakeArgs"; if ($result ne 0) { die "Failed while running $qmakebin to generate derived sources!\n"; } my $dsMakefile = "Makefile.DerivedSources"; # Iterate over different source directories manually to workaround a problem with qmake+extraTargets+s60 for my $subdir ("JavaScriptCore", "WebCore", "WebKit/qt/Api") { print "Calling '$make $makeargs -f $dsMakefile generated_files' in " . $dir . "/$subdir\n\n"; if ($make eq "nmake") { my $subdirWindows = $subdir; $subdirWindows =~ s:/:\\:g; $result = system "pushd $subdirWindows && $make $makeargs -f $dsMakefile generated_files && popd"; } else { $result = system "$make $makeargs -C $subdir -f $dsMakefile generated_files"; } if ($result ne 0) { die "Failed to generate ${subdir}'s derived sources!\n"; } } push @buildArgs, "OUTPUT_DIR=" . baseProductDir() . "/$config"; push @buildArgs, sourceDir() . "/WebKit.pro"; if ($config =~ m/debug/i) { push @buildArgs, "CONFIG-=release"; push @buildArgs, "CONFIG+=debug"; } else { my $passedConfig = passedConfiguration() || ""; if (!isDarwin() || $passedConfig =~ m/release/i) { push @buildArgs, "CONFIG+=release"; push @buildArgs, "CONFIG-=debug"; } else { push @buildArgs, "CONFIG+=debug"; push @buildArgs, "CONFIG+=debug_and_release"; } } print "Calling '$qmakebin @buildArgs' in " . $dir . "\n\n"; print "Installation directory: $prefix\n" if(defined($prefix)); $result = system "$qmakebin @buildArgs"; if ($result ne 0) { die "Failed to setup build environment using $qmakebin!\n"; } if ($clean) { print "Calling '$make $makeargs distclean' in " . $dir . "\n\n"; $result = system "$make $makeargs distclean"; } elsif (isSymbian()) { print "\n\nWebKit is now configured for building, but you have to make\n"; print "a choice about the target yourself. To start the build run:\n\n"; print " make release-armv5|debug-winscw|etc.\n\n"; } else { print "Calling '$make $makeargs' in " . $dir . "\n\n"; $result = system "$make $makeargs"; } chdir ".." or die; return $result; } sub buildQMakeQtProject($$@) { my ($project, $clean, @buildArgs) = @_; return buildQMakeProject($clean, @buildArgs); } sub buildGtkProject($$@) { my ($project, $clean, @buildArgs) = @_; if ($project ne "WebKit") { die "The Gtk port builds JavaScriptCore, WebCore and WebKit in one shot! Only call it for 'WebKit'.\n"; } return buildAutotoolsProject($clean, @buildArgs); } sub buildChromiumMakefile($$$) { my ($dir, $target, $clean) = @_; chdir $dir; if ($clean) { return system qw(rm -rf out); } my $config = configuration(); my @command = ("make", "-j4", "BUILDTYPE=$config", $target); print join(" ", @command) . "\n"; return system @command; } sub buildChromiumVisualStudioProject($$) { my ($projectPath, $clean) = @_; my $config = configuration(); my $action = "/build"; $action = "/clean" if $clean; # Find Visual Studio installation. my $vsInstallDir; my $programFilesPath = $ENV{'PROGRAMFILES'} || "C:\\Program Files"; if ($ENV{'VSINSTALLDIR'}) { $vsInstallDir = $ENV{'VSINSTALLDIR'}; } else { $vsInstallDir = "$programFilesPath/Microsoft Visual Studio 8"; } $vsInstallDir = `cygpath "$vsInstallDir"` if isCygwin(); chomp $vsInstallDir; $vcBuildPath = "$vsInstallDir/Common7/IDE/devenv.com"; # Create command line and execute it. my @command = ($vcBuildPath, $projectPath, $action, $config); print "Building results into: ", baseProductDir(), "\n"; print join(" ", @command), "\n"; return system @command; } sub buildChromium($@) { my ($clean, @options) = @_; my $result = 1; if (isDarwin()) { # Mac build - builds the root xcode project. $result = buildXCodeProject("WebKit/chromium/WebKit", $clean, (@options)); } elsif (isCygwin() || isWindows()) { # Windows build - builds the root visual studio solution. $result = buildChromiumVisualStudioProject("WebKit/chromium/WebKit.sln", $clean); } elsif (isLinux()) { # Linux build - build using make. $ result = buildChromiumMakefile("WebKit/chromium/", "all", $clean); } else { print STDERR "This platform is not supported by chromium.\n"; } return $result; } sub appleApplicationSupportPath { open INSTALL_DIR, "; $path =~ s/[\r\n\x00].*//; close INSTALL_DIR; my $unixPath = `cygpath -u '$path'`; chomp $unixPath; return $unixPath; } sub setPathForRunningWebKitApp { my ($env) = @_; if (isAppleWinWebKit()) { $env->{PATH} = join(':', productDir(), dirname(installedSafariPath()), appleApplicationSupportPath(), $env->{PATH} || ""); } elsif (isQt()) { my $qtLibs = `qmake -query QT_INSTALL_LIBS`; $qtLibs =~ s/[\n|\r]$//g; $env->{PATH} = join(';', $qtLibs, productDir() . "/lib", $env->{PATH} || ""); } } sub runSafari { my ($debugger) = @_; if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { return system "$FindBin::Bin/gdb-safari", @ARGV if $debugger; my $productDir = productDir(); print "Starting Safari with DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH set to point to built WebKit in $productDir.\n"; $ENV{DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH} = $productDir; $ENV{WEBKIT_UNSET_DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH} = "YES"; if (!isTiger() && architecture()) { return system "arch", "-" . architecture(), safariPath(), @ARGV; } else { return system safariPath(), @ARGV; } } if (isAppleWinWebKit()) { my $script = "run-webkit-nightly.cmd"; my $result = system "cp", "$FindBin::Bin/$script", productDir(); return $result if $result; my $cwd = getcwd(); chdir productDir(); my $debuggerFlag = $debugger ? "/debugger" : ""; $result = system "cmd", "/c", "call $script $debuggerFlag"; chdir $cwd; return $result; } return 1; } 1;