# Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2010 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # WebKit's Python module for interacting with Bugzilla import os.path import re import StringIO from datetime import datetime # used in timestamp() from webkitpy.common.system.deprecated_logging import error, log from webkitpy.common.config import committers from webkitpy.common.net.credentials import Credentials from webkitpy.common.system.ospath import relpath from webkitpy.common.system.user import User from webkitpy.thirdparty.autoinstalled.mechanize import Browser from webkitpy.thirdparty.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer def parse_bug_id(message): if not message: return None match = re.search("http\://webkit\.org/b/(?P\d+)", message) if match: return int(match.group('bug_id')) match = re.search( Bugzilla.bug_server_regex + "show_bug\.cgi\?id=(?P\d+)", message) if match: return int(match.group('bug_id')) return None def timestamp(): return datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") class Attachment(object): rollout_preamble = "ROLLOUT of r" def __init__(self, attachment_dictionary, bug): self._attachment_dictionary = attachment_dictionary self._bug = bug self._reviewer = None self._committer = None def _bugzilla(self): return self._bug._bugzilla def id(self): return int(self._attachment_dictionary.get("id")) def attacher_is_committer(self): return self._bugzilla.committers.committer_by_email( patch.attacher_email()) def attacher_email(self): return self._attachment_dictionary.get("attacher_email") def bug(self): return self._bug def bug_id(self): return int(self._attachment_dictionary.get("bug_id")) def is_patch(self): return not not self._attachment_dictionary.get("is_patch") def is_obsolete(self): return not not self._attachment_dictionary.get("is_obsolete") def is_rollout(self): return self.name().startswith(self.rollout_preamble) def name(self): return self._attachment_dictionary.get("name") def attach_date(self): return self._attachment_dictionary.get("attach_date") def review(self): return self._attachment_dictionary.get("review") def commit_queue(self): return self._attachment_dictionary.get("commit-queue") def in_rietveld(self): return self._attachment_dictionary.get("in-rietveld") def url(self): # FIXME: This should just return # self._bugzilla().attachment_url_for_id(self.id()). scm_unittest.py # depends on the current behavior. return self._attachment_dictionary.get("url") def contents(self): # FIXME: We shouldn't be grabbing at _bugzilla. return self._bug._bugzilla.fetch_attachment_contents(self.id()) def _validate_flag_value(self, flag): email = self._attachment_dictionary.get("%s_email" % flag) if not email: return None committer = getattr(self._bugzilla().committers, "%s_by_email" % flag)(email) if committer: return committer log("Warning, attachment %s on bug %s has invalid %s (%s)" % ( self._attachment_dictionary['id'], self._attachment_dictionary['bug_id'], flag, email)) def reviewer(self): if not self._reviewer: self._reviewer = self._validate_flag_value("reviewer") return self._reviewer def committer(self): if not self._committer: self._committer = self._validate_flag_value("committer") return self._committer class Bug(object): # FIXME: This class is kinda a hack for now. It exists so we have one # place to hold bug logic, even if much of the code deals with # dictionaries still. def __init__(self, bug_dictionary, bugzilla): self.bug_dictionary = bug_dictionary self._bugzilla = bugzilla def id(self): return self.bug_dictionary["id"] def title(self): return self.bug_dictionary["title"] def assigned_to_email(self): return self.bug_dictionary["assigned_to_email"] # FIXME: This information should be stored in some sort of webkit_config.py instead of here. unassigned_emails = frozenset([ "webkit-unassigned@lists.webkit.org", "webkit-qt-unassigned@trolltech.com", ]) def is_unassigned(self): return self.assigned_to_email() in self.unassigned_emails # Rarely do we actually want obsolete attachments def attachments(self, include_obsolete=False): attachments = self.bug_dictionary["attachments"] if not include_obsolete: attachments = filter(lambda attachment: not attachment["is_obsolete"], attachments) return [Attachment(attachment, self) for attachment in attachments] def patches(self, include_obsolete=False): return [patch for patch in self.attachments(include_obsolete) if patch.is_patch()] def unreviewed_patches(self): return [patch for patch in self.patches() if patch.review() == "?"] def reviewed_patches(self, include_invalid=False): patches = [patch for patch in self.patches() if patch.review() == "+"] if include_invalid: return patches # Checking reviewer() ensures that it was both reviewed and has a valid # reviewer. return filter(lambda patch: patch.reviewer(), patches) def commit_queued_patches(self, include_invalid=False): patches = [patch for patch in self.patches() if patch.commit_queue() == "+"] if include_invalid: return patches # Checking committer() ensures that it was both commit-queue+'d and has # a valid committer. return filter(lambda patch: patch.committer(), patches) def in_rietveld_queue_patches(self): return [patch for patch in self.patches() if patch.in_rietveld() == None] # A container for all of the logic for making and parsing buzilla queries. class BugzillaQueries(object): def __init__(self, bugzilla): self._bugzilla = bugzilla # Note: _load_query and _fetch_bug are the only two methods which access # self._bugzilla. def _load_query(self, query): self._bugzilla.authenticate() full_url = "%s%s" % (self._bugzilla.bug_server_url, query) return self._bugzilla.browser.open(full_url) def _fetch_bug(self, bug_id): return self._bugzilla.fetch_bug(bug_id) def _fetch_bug_ids_advanced_query(self, query): soup = BeautifulSoup(self._load_query(query)) # The contents of the inside the cells in the first column happen # to be the bug id. return [int(bug_link_cell.find("a").string) for bug_link_cell in soup('td', "first-child")] def _parse_attachment_ids_request_query(self, page): digits = re.compile("\d+") attachment_href = re.compile("attachment.cgi\?id=\d+&action=review") attachment_links = SoupStrainer("a", href=attachment_href) return [int(digits.search(tag["href"]).group(0)) for tag in BeautifulSoup(page, parseOnlyThese=attachment_links)] def _fetch_attachment_ids_request_query(self, query): return self._parse_attachment_ids_request_query(self._load_query(query)) def _parse_quips(self, page): soup = BeautifulSoup(page, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) quips = soup.find(text=re.compile(r"Existing quips:")).findNext("ul").findAll("li") return [unicode(quip_entry.string) for quip_entry in quips] def fetch_quips(self): return self._parse_quips(self._load_query("/quips.cgi?action=show")) # List of all r+'d bugs. def fetch_bug_ids_from_pending_commit_list(self): needs_commit_query_url = "buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=review%2B" return self._fetch_bug_ids_advanced_query(needs_commit_query_url) def fetch_patches_from_pending_commit_list(self): return sum([self._fetch_bug(bug_id).reviewed_patches() for bug_id in self.fetch_bug_ids_from_pending_commit_list()], []) def fetch_bug_ids_from_commit_queue(self): commit_queue_url = "buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=commit-queue%2B&order=Last+Changed" return self._fetch_bug_ids_advanced_query(commit_queue_url) def fetch_patches_from_commit_queue(self): # This function will only return patches which have valid committers # set. It won't reject patches with invalid committers/reviewers. return sum([self._fetch_bug(bug_id).commit_queued_patches() for bug_id in self.fetch_bug_ids_from_commit_queue()], []) def fetch_first_patch_from_rietveld_queue(self): # rietveld-queue processes all patches that don't have in-rietveld set. query_url = "buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&type0-0-0=notsubstring&value0-0-0=in-rietveld&field0-1-0=attachments.ispatch&type0-1-0=equals&value0-1-0=1&order=Last+Changed&field0-2-0=attachments.isobsolete&type0-2-0=equals&value0-2-0=0" bugs = self._fetch_bug_ids_advanced_query(query_url) if not len(bugs): return None patches = self._fetch_bug(bugs[0]).in_rietveld_queue_patches() return patches[0] if len(patches) else None def _fetch_bug_ids_from_review_queue(self): review_queue_url = "buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=review?" return self._fetch_bug_ids_advanced_query(review_queue_url) def fetch_patches_from_review_queue(self, limit=None): # [:None] returns the whole array. return sum([self._fetch_bug(bug_id).unreviewed_patches() for bug_id in self._fetch_bug_ids_from_review_queue()[:limit]], []) # FIXME: Why do we have both fetch_patches_from_review_queue and # fetch_attachment_ids_from_review_queue?? # NOTE: This is also the only client of _fetch_attachment_ids_request_query def fetch_attachment_ids_from_review_queue(self): review_queue_url = "request.cgi?action=queue&type=review&group=type" return self._fetch_attachment_ids_request_query(review_queue_url) class CommitterValidator(object): def __init__(self, bugzilla): self._bugzilla = bugzilla # _view_source_url belongs in some sort of webkit_config.py module. def _view_source_url(self, local_path): return "http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/%s" % local_path def _checkout_root(self): # FIXME: This is a hack, we would have this from scm.checkout_root # if we had any way to get to an scm object here. components = __file__.split(os.sep) tools_index = components.index("WebKitTools") return os.sep.join(components[:tools_index]) def _committers_py_path(self): # extension can sometimes be .pyc, we always want .py (path, extension) = os.path.splitext(committers.__file__) # FIXME: When we're allowed to use python 2.6 we can use the real # os.path.relpath path = relpath(path, self._checkout_root()) return ".".join([path, "py"]) def _flag_permission_rejection_message(self, setter_email, flag_name): # Should come from some webkit_config.py contribution_guidlines = "http://webkit.org/coding/contributing.html" # This could be queried from the status_server. queue_administrator = "eseidel@chromium.org" # This could be queried from the tool. queue_name = "commit-queue" committers_list = self._committers_py_path() message = "%s does not have %s permissions according to %s." % ( setter_email, flag_name, self._view_source_url(committers_list)) message += "\n\n- If you do not have %s rights please read %s for instructions on how to use bugzilla flags." % ( flag_name, contribution_guidlines) message += "\n\n- If you have %s rights please correct the error in %s by adding yourself to the file (no review needed). " % ( flag_name, committers_list) message += "Due to bug 30084 the %s will require a restart after your change. " % queue_name message += "Please contact %s to request a %s restart. " % ( queue_administrator, queue_name) message += "After restart the %s will correctly respect your %s rights." % ( queue_name, flag_name) return message def _validate_setter_email(self, patch, result_key, rejection_function): committer = getattr(patch, result_key)() # If the flag is set, and we don't recognize the setter, reject the # flag! setter_email = patch._attachment_dictionary.get("%s_email" % result_key) if setter_email and not committer: rejection_function(patch.id(), self._flag_permission_rejection_message(setter_email, result_key)) return False return True def patches_after_rejecting_invalid_commiters_and_reviewers(self, patches): validated_patches = [] for patch in patches: if (self._validate_setter_email( patch, "reviewer", self.reject_patch_from_review_queue) and self._validate_setter_email( patch, "committer", self.reject_patch_from_commit_queue)): validated_patches.append(patch) return validated_patches def reject_patch_from_commit_queue(self, attachment_id, additional_comment_text=None): comment_text = "Rejecting patch %s from commit-queue." % attachment_id self._bugzilla.set_flag_on_attachment(attachment_id, "commit-queue", "-", comment_text, additional_comment_text) def reject_patch_from_review_queue(self, attachment_id, additional_comment_text=None): comment_text = "Rejecting patch %s from review queue." % attachment_id self._bugzilla.set_flag_on_attachment(attachment_id, 'review', '-', comment_text, additional_comment_text) class Bugzilla(object): def __init__(self, dryrun=False, committers=committers.CommitterList()): self.dryrun = dryrun self.authenticated = False self.queries = BugzillaQueries(self) self.committers = committers self.cached_quips = [] # FIXME: We should use some sort of Browser mock object when in dryrun # mode (to prevent any mistakes). self.browser = Browser() # Ignore bugs.webkit.org/robots.txt until we fix it to allow this # script. self.browser.set_handle_robots(False) # FIXME: Much of this should go into some sort of config module: bug_server_host = "bugs.webkit.org" bug_server_regex = "https?://%s/" % re.sub('\.', '\\.', bug_server_host) bug_server_url = "https://%s/" % bug_server_host def quips(self): # We only fetch and parse the list of quips once per instantiation # so that we do not burden bugs.webkit.org. if not self.cached_quips and not self.dryrun: self.cached_quips = self.queries.fetch_quips() return self.cached_quips def bug_url_for_bug_id(self, bug_id, xml=False): if not bug_id: return None content_type = "&ctype=xml" if xml else "" return "%sshow_bug.cgi?id=%s%s" % (self.bug_server_url, bug_id, content_type) def short_bug_url_for_bug_id(self, bug_id): if not bug_id: return None return "http://webkit.org/b/%s" % bug_id def attachment_url_for_id(self, attachment_id, action="view"): if not attachment_id: return None action_param = "" if action and action != "view": action_param = "&action=%s" % action return "%sattachment.cgi?id=%s%s" % (self.bug_server_url, attachment_id, action_param) def _parse_attachment_flag(self, element, flag_name, attachment, result_key): flag = element.find('flag', attrs={'name': flag_name}) if flag: attachment[flag_name] = flag['status'] if flag['status'] == '+': attachment[result_key] = flag['setter'] # Sadly show_bug.cgi?ctype=xml does not expose the flag modification date. def _string_contents(self, soup): # WebKit's bugzilla instance uses UTF-8. # BeautifulSoup always returns Unicode strings, however # the .string method returns a (unicode) NavigableString. # NavigableString can confuse other parts of the code, so we # convert from NavigableString to a real unicode() object using unicode(). return unicode(soup.string) # Example: 2010-01-20 14:31 PST # FIXME: Some bugzilla dates seem to have seconds in them? # Python does not support timezones out of the box. # Assume that bugzilla always uses PST (which is true for bugs.webkit.org) _bugzilla_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" @classmethod def _parse_date(cls, date_string): (date, time, time_zone) = date_string.split(" ") # Ignore the timezone because python doesn't understand timezones out of the box. date_string = "%s %s" % (date, time) return datetime.strptime(date_string, cls._bugzilla_date_format) def _date_contents(self, soup): return self._parse_date(self._string_contents(soup)) def _parse_attachment_element(self, element, bug_id): attachment = {} attachment['bug_id'] = bug_id attachment['is_obsolete'] = (element.has_key('isobsolete') and element['isobsolete'] == "1") attachment['is_patch'] = (element.has_key('ispatch') and element['ispatch'] == "1") attachment['id'] = int(element.find('attachid').string) # FIXME: No need to parse out the url here. attachment['url'] = self.attachment_url_for_id(attachment['id']) attachment["attach_date"] = self._date_contents(element.find("date")) attachment['name'] = self._string_contents(element.find('desc')) attachment['attacher_email'] = self._string_contents(element.find('attacher')) attachment['type'] = self._string_contents(element.find('type')) self._parse_attachment_flag( element, 'review', attachment, 'reviewer_email') self._parse_attachment_flag( element, 'in-rietveld', attachment, 'rietveld_uploader_email') self._parse_attachment_flag( element, 'commit-queue', attachment, 'committer_email') return attachment def _parse_bug_page(self, page): soup = BeautifulSoup(page) bug = {} bug["id"] = int(soup.find("bug_id").string) bug["title"] = self._string_contents(soup.find("short_desc")) bug["reporter_email"] = self._string_contents(soup.find("reporter")) bug["assigned_to_email"] = self._string_contents(soup.find("assigned_to")) bug["cc_emails"] = [self._string_contents(element) for element in soup.findAll('cc')] bug["attachments"] = [self._parse_attachment_element(element, bug["id"]) for element in soup.findAll('attachment')] return bug # Makes testing fetch_*_from_bug() possible until we have a better # BugzillaNetwork abstration. def _fetch_bug_page(self, bug_id): bug_url = self.bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id, xml=True) log("Fetching: %s" % bug_url) return self.browser.open(bug_url) def fetch_bug_dictionary(self, bug_id): try: return self._parse_bug_page(self._fetch_bug_page(bug_id)) except: self.authenticate() return self._parse_bug_page(self._fetch_bug_page(bug_id)) # FIXME: A BugzillaCache object should provide all these fetch_ methods. def fetch_bug(self, bug_id): return Bug(self.fetch_bug_dictionary(bug_id), self) def fetch_attachment_contents(self, attachment_id): attachment_url = self.attachment_url_for_id(attachment_id) # We need to authenticate to download patches from security bugs. self.authenticate() return self.browser.open(attachment_url).read() def _parse_bug_id_from_attachment_page(self, page): # The "Up" relation happens to point to the bug. up_link = BeautifulSoup(page).find('link', rel='Up') if not up_link: # This attachment does not exist (or you don't have permissions to # view it). return None match = re.search("show_bug.cgi\?id=(?P\d+)", up_link['href']) return int(match.group('bug_id')) def bug_id_for_attachment_id(self, attachment_id): self.authenticate() attachment_url = self.attachment_url_for_id(attachment_id, 'edit') log("Fetching: %s" % attachment_url) page = self.browser.open(attachment_url) return self._parse_bug_id_from_attachment_page(page) # FIXME: This should just return Attachment(id), which should be able to # lazily fetch needed data. def fetch_attachment(self, attachment_id): # We could grab all the attachment details off of the attachment edit # page but we already have working code to do so off of the bugs page, # so re-use that. bug_id = self.bug_id_for_attachment_id(attachment_id) if not bug_id: return None attachments = self.fetch_bug(bug_id).attachments(include_obsolete=True) for attachment in attachments: if attachment.id() == int(attachment_id): return attachment return None # This should never be hit. def authenticate(self): if self.authenticated: return if self.dryrun: log("Skipping log in for dry run...") self.authenticated = True return attempts = 0 while not self.authenticated: attempts += 1 (username, password) = Credentials( self.bug_server_host, git_prefix="bugzilla").read_credentials() log("Logging in as %s..." % username) self.browser.open(self.bug_server_url + "index.cgi?GoAheadAndLogIn=1") self.browser.select_form(name="login") self.browser['Bugzilla_login'] = username self.browser['Bugzilla_password'] = password response = self.browser.submit() match = re.search("(.+?)", response.read()) # If the resulting page has a title, and it contains the word # "invalid" assume it's the login failure page. if match and re.search("Invalid", match.group(1), re.IGNORECASE): errorMessage = "Bugzilla login failed: %s" % match.group(1) # raise an exception only if this was the last attempt if attempts < 5: log(errorMessage) else: raise Exception(errorMessage) else: self.authenticated = True self.username = username def _fill_attachment_form(self, description, patch_file_object, comment_text=None, mark_for_review=False, mark_for_commit_queue=False, mark_for_landing=False, bug_id=None): self.browser['description'] = description self.browser['ispatch'] = ("1",) self.browser['flag_type-1'] = ('?',) if mark_for_review else ('X',) if mark_for_landing: self.browser['flag_type-3'] = ('+',) elif mark_for_commit_queue: self.browser['flag_type-3'] = ('?',) else: self.browser['flag_type-3'] = ('X',) if bug_id: patch_name = "bug-%s-%s.patch" % (bug_id, timestamp()) else: patch_name ="%s.patch" % timestamp() self.browser.add_file(patch_file_object, "text/plain", patch_name, 'data') def add_patch_to_bug(self, bug_id, diff, description, comment_text=None, mark_for_review=False, mark_for_commit_queue=False, mark_for_landing=False): self.authenticate() log('Adding patch "%s" to %sshow_bug.cgi?id=%s' % (description, self.bug_server_url, bug_id)) if self.dryrun: log(comment_text) return self.browser.open("%sattachment.cgi?action=enter&bugid=%s" % ( self.bug_server_url, bug_id)) self.browser.select_form(name="entryform") # _fill_attachment_form expects a file-like object # Patch files are already binary, so no encoding needed. assert(isinstance(diff, str)) patch_file_object = StringIO.StringIO(diff) self._fill_attachment_form(description, patch_file_object, mark_for_review=mark_for_review, mark_for_commit_queue=mark_for_commit_queue, mark_for_landing=mark_for_landing, bug_id=bug_id) if comment_text: log(comment_text) self.browser['comment'] = comment_text self.browser.submit() def _check_create_bug_response(self, response_html): match = re.search("Bug (?P<bug_id>\d+) Submitted", response_html) if match: return match.group('bug_id') match = re.search( '