#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the Chromium name nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Classes for failures that occur during tests.""" import os import test_expectations def determine_result_type(failure_list): """Takes a set of test_failures and returns which result type best fits the list of failures. "Best fits" means we use the worst type of failure. Returns: one of the test_expectations result types - PASS, TEXT, CRASH, etc.""" if not failure_list or len(failure_list) == 0: return test_expectations.PASS failure_types = [type(f) for f in failure_list] if FailureCrash in failure_types: return test_expectations.CRASH elif FailureTimeout in failure_types: return test_expectations.TIMEOUT elif (FailureMissingResult in failure_types or FailureMissingImage in failure_types or FailureMissingImageHash in failure_types): return test_expectations.MISSING else: is_text_failure = FailureTextMismatch in failure_types is_image_failure = (FailureImageHashIncorrect in failure_types or FailureImageHashMismatch in failure_types) if is_text_failure and is_image_failure: return test_expectations.IMAGE_PLUS_TEXT elif is_text_failure: return test_expectations.TEXT elif is_image_failure: return test_expectations.IMAGE else: raise ValueError("unclassifiable set of failures: " + str(failure_types)) class TestFailure(object): """Abstract base class that defines the failure interface.""" @staticmethod def message(): """Returns a string describing the failure in more detail.""" raise NotImplemented def result_html_output(self, filename): """Returns an HTML string to be included on the results.html page.""" raise NotImplemented def should_kill_test_shell(self): """Returns True if we should kill the test shell before the next test.""" return False def relative_output_filename(self, filename, modifier): """Returns a relative filename inside the output dir that contains modifier. For example, if filename is fast\dom\foo.html and modifier is "-expected.txt", the return value is fast\dom\foo-expected.txt Args: filename: relative filename to test file modifier: a string to replace the extension of filename with Return: The relative windows path to the output filename """ return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + modifier class FailureWithType(TestFailure): """Base class that produces standard HTML output based on the test type. Subclasses may commonly choose to override the ResultHtmlOutput, but still use the standard OutputLinks. """ def __init__(self, test_type): TestFailure.__init__(self) # TODO(ojan): This class no longer needs to know the test_type. self._test_type = test_type # Filename suffixes used by ResultHtmlOutput. OUT_FILENAMES = [] def output_links(self, filename, out_names): """Returns a string holding all applicable output file links. Args: filename: the test filename, used to construct the result file names out_names: list of filename suffixes for the files. If three or more suffixes are in the list, they should be [actual, expected, diff, wdiff]. Two suffixes should be [actual, expected], and a single item is the [actual] filename suffix. If out_names is empty, returns the empty string. """ links = [''] uris = [self.relative_output_filename(filename, fn) for fn in out_names] if len(uris) > 1: links.append("expected" % uris[1]) if len(uris) > 0: links.append("actual" % uris[0]) if len(uris) > 2: links.append("diff" % uris[2]) if len(uris) > 3: links.append("wdiff" % uris[3]) return ' '.join(links) def result_html_output(self, filename): return self.message() + self.output_links(filename, self.OUT_FILENAMES) class FailureTimeout(TestFailure): """Test timed out. We also want to restart the test shell if this happens.""" @staticmethod def message(): return "Test timed out" def result_html_output(self, filename): return "%s" % self.message() def should_kill_test_shell(self): return True class FailureCrash(TestFailure): """Test shell crashed.""" @staticmethod def message(): return "Test shell crashed" def result_html_output(self, filename): # TODO(tc): create a link to the minidump file stack = self.relative_output_filename(filename, "-stack.txt") return "%s stack" % (self.message(), stack) def should_kill_test_shell(self): return True class FailureMissingResult(FailureWithType): """Expected result was missing.""" OUT_FILENAMES = ["-actual.txt"] @staticmethod def message(): return "No expected results found" def result_html_output(self, filename): return ("%s" % self.message() + self.output_links(filename, self.OUT_FILENAMES)) class FailureTextMismatch(FailureWithType): """Text diff output failed.""" # Filename suffixes used by ResultHtmlOutput. OUT_FILENAMES = ["-actual.txt", "-expected.txt", "-diff.txt"] OUT_FILENAMES_WDIFF = ["-actual.txt", "-expected.txt", "-diff.txt", "-wdiff.html"] def __init__(self, test_type, has_wdiff): FailureWithType.__init__(self, test_type) if has_wdiff: self.OUT_FILENAMES = self.OUT_FILENAMES_WDIFF @staticmethod def message(): return "Text diff mismatch" class FailureMissingImageHash(FailureWithType): """Actual result hash was missing.""" # Chrome doesn't know to display a .checksum file as text, so don't bother # putting in a link to the actual result. OUT_FILENAMES = [] @staticmethod def message(): return "No expected image hash found" def result_html_output(self, filename): return "%s" % self.message() class FailureMissingImage(FailureWithType): """Actual result image was missing.""" OUT_FILENAMES = ["-actual.png"] @staticmethod def message(): return "No expected image found" def result_html_output(self, filename): return ("%s" % self.message() + self.output_links(filename, self.OUT_FILENAMES)) class FailureImageHashMismatch(FailureWithType): """Image hashes didn't match.""" OUT_FILENAMES = ["-actual.png", "-expected.png", "-diff.png"] @staticmethod def message(): # We call this a simple image mismatch to avoid confusion, since # we link to the PNGs rather than the checksums. return "Image mismatch" class FailureFuzzyFailure(FailureWithType): """Image hashes didn't match.""" OUT_FILENAMES = ["-actual.png", "-expected.png"] @staticmethod def message(): return "Fuzzy image match also failed" class FailureImageHashIncorrect(FailureWithType): """Actual result hash is incorrect.""" # Chrome doesn't know to display a .checksum file as text, so don't bother # putting in a link to the actual result. OUT_FILENAMES = [] @staticmethod def message(): return "Images match, expected image hash incorrect. " def result_html_output(self, filename): return "%s" % self.message()