#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the Chromium name nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Rebaselining tool that automatically produces baselines for all platforms. The script does the following for each platform specified: 1. Compile a list of tests that need rebaselining. 2. Download test result archive from buildbot for the platform. 3. Extract baselines from the archive file for all identified files. 4. Add new baselines to SVN repository. 5. For each test that has been rebaselined, remove this platform option from the test in test_expectation.txt. If no other platforms remain after removal, delete the rebaselined test from the file. At the end, the script generates a html that compares old and new baselines. """ import logging import optparse import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import urllib import webbrowser import zipfile from layout_package import path_utils from layout_package import test_expectations from test_types import image_diff from test_types import text_diff # Repository type constants. REPO_SVN, REPO_UNKNOWN = range(2) BASELINE_SUFFIXES = ['.txt', '.png', '.checksum'] REBASELINE_PLATFORM_ORDER = ['mac', 'win', 'win-xp', 'win-vista', 'linux'] ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME_DICT = {'win': 'webkit-rel', 'win-vista': 'webkit-dbg-vista', 'win-xp': 'webkit-rel', 'mac': 'webkit-rel-mac5', 'linux': 'webkit-rel-linux', 'win-canary': 'webkit-rel-webkit-org', 'win-vista-canary': 'webkit-dbg-vista', 'win-xp-canary': 'webkit-rel-webkit-org', 'mac-canary': 'webkit-rel-mac-webkit-org', 'linux-canary': 'webkit-rel-linux-webkit-org'} def run_shell_with_return_code(command, print_output=False): """Executes a command and returns the output and process return code. Args: command: program and arguments. print_output: if true, print the command results to standard output. Returns: command output, return code """ # Use a shell for subcommands on Windows to get a PATH search. use_shell = sys.platform.startswith('win') p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=use_shell) if print_output: output_array = [] while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if not line: break if print_output: print line.strip('\n') output_array.append(line) output = ''.join(output_array) else: output = p.stdout.read() p.wait() p.stdout.close() return output, p.returncode def run_shell(command, print_output=False): """Executes a command and returns the output. Args: command: program and arguments. print_output: if true, print the command results to standard output. Returns: command output """ output, return_code = run_shell_with_return_code(command, print_output) return output def log_dashed_string(text, platform, logging_level=logging.INFO): """Log text message with dashes on both sides.""" msg = text if platform: msg += ': ' + platform if len(msg) < 78: dashes = '-' * ((78 - len(msg)) / 2) msg = '%s %s %s' % (dashes, msg, dashes) if logging_level == logging.ERROR: logging.error(msg) elif logging_level == logging.WARNING: logging.warn(msg) else: logging.info(msg) def setup_html_directory(html_directory): """Setup the directory to store html results. All html related files are stored in the "rebaseline_html" subdirectory. Args: html_directory: parent directory that stores the rebaselining results. If None, a temp directory is created. Returns: the directory that stores the html related rebaselining results. """ if not html_directory: html_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() elif not os.path.exists(html_directory): os.mkdir(html_directory) html_directory = os.path.join(html_directory, 'rebaseline_html') logging.info('Html directory: "%s"', html_directory) if os.path.exists(html_directory): shutil.rmtree(html_directory, True) logging.info('Deleted file at html directory: "%s"', html_directory) if not os.path.exists(html_directory): os.mkdir(html_directory) return html_directory def get_result_file_fullpath(html_directory, baseline_filename, platform, result_type): """Get full path of the baseline result file. Args: html_directory: directory that stores the html related files. baseline_filename: name of the baseline file. platform: win, linux or mac result_type: type of the baseline result: '.txt', '.png'. Returns: Full path of the baseline file for rebaselining result comparison. """ base, ext = os.path.splitext(baseline_filename) result_filename = '%s-%s-%s%s' % (base, platform, result_type, ext) fullpath = os.path.join(html_directory, result_filename) logging.debug(' Result file full path: "%s".', fullpath) return fullpath class Rebaseliner(object): """Class to produce new baselines for a given platform.""" REVISION_REGEX = r'' def __init__(self, platform, options): self._file_dir = path_utils.path_from_base('webkit', 'tools', 'layout_tests') self._platform = platform self._options = options self._rebaselining_tests = [] self._rebaselined_tests = [] # Create tests and expectations helper which is used to: # -. compile list of tests that need rebaselining. # -. update the tests in test_expectations file after rebaseline # is done. self._test_expectations = \ test_expectations.TestExpectations(None, self._file_dir, platform, False, False) self._repo_type = self._get_repo_type() def run(self, backup): """Run rebaseline process.""" log_dashed_string('Compiling rebaselining tests', self._platform) if not self._compile_rebaselining_tests(): return True log_dashed_string('Downloading archive', self._platform) archive_file = self._download_buildbot_archive() logging.info('') if not archive_file: logging.error('No archive found.') return False log_dashed_string('Extracting and adding new baselines', self._platform) if not self._extract_and_add_new_baselines(archive_file): return False log_dashed_string('Updating rebaselined tests in file', self._platform) self._update_rebaselined_tests_in_file(backup) logging.info('') if len(self._rebaselining_tests) != len(self._rebaselined_tests): logging.warning('NOT ALL TESTS THAT NEED REBASELINING HAVE BEEN ' 'REBASELINED.') logging.warning(' Total tests needing rebaselining: %d', len(self._rebaselining_tests)) logging.warning(' Total tests rebaselined: %d', len(self._rebaselined_tests)) return False logging.warning('All tests needing rebaselining were successfully ' 'rebaselined.') return True def get_rebaselining_tests(self): return self._rebaselining_tests def _get_repo_type(self): """Get the repository type that client is using.""" output, return_code = run_shell_with_return_code(['svn', 'info'], False) if return_code == 0: return REPO_SVN return REPO_UNKNOWN def _compile_rebaselining_tests(self): """Compile list of tests that need rebaselining for the platform. Returns: List of tests that need rebaselining or None if there is no such test. """ self._rebaselining_tests = \ self._test_expectations.get_rebaselining_failures() if not self._rebaselining_tests: logging.warn('No tests found that need rebaselining.') return None logging.info('Total number of tests needing rebaselining ' 'for "%s": "%d"', self._platform, len(self._rebaselining_tests)) test_no = 1 for test in self._rebaselining_tests: logging.info(' %d: %s', test_no, test) test_no += 1 return self._rebaselining_tests def _get_latest_revision(self, url): """Get the latest layout test revision number from buildbot. Args: url: Url to retrieve layout test revision numbers. Returns: latest revision or None on failure. """ logging.debug('Url to retrieve revision: "%s"', url) f = urllib.urlopen(url) content = f.read() f.close() revisions = re.findall(self.REVISION_REGEX, content) if not revisions: logging.error('Failed to find revision, content: "%s"', content) return None revisions.sort(key=int) logging.info('Latest revision: "%s"', revisions[len(revisions) - 1]) return revisions[len(revisions) - 1] def _get_archive_dir_name(self, platform, webkit_canary): """Get name of the layout test archive directory. Returns: Directory name or None on failure """ if webkit_canary: platform += '-canary' if platform in ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME_DICT: return ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME_DICT[platform] else: logging.error('Cannot find platform key %s in archive ' 'directory name dictionary', platform) return None def _get_archive_url(self): """Generate the url to download latest layout test archive. Returns: Url to download archive or None on failure """ dir_name = self._get_archive_dir_name(self._platform, self._options.webkit_canary) if not dir_name: return None logging.debug('Buildbot platform dir name: "%s"', dir_name) url_base = '%s/%s/' % (self._options.archive_url, dir_name) latest_revision = self._get_latest_revision(url_base) if latest_revision is None or latest_revision <= 0: return None archive_url = ('%s%s/layout-test-results.zip' % (url_base, latest_revision)) logging.info('Archive url: "%s"', archive_url) return archive_url def _download_buildbot_archive(self): """Download layout test archive file from buildbot. Returns: True if download succeeded or False otherwise. """ url = self._get_archive_url() if url is None: return None fn = urllib.urlretrieve(url)[0] logging.info('Archive downloaded and saved to file: "%s"', fn) return fn def _extract_and_add_new_baselines(self, archive_file): """Extract new baselines from archive and add them to SVN repository. Args: archive_file: full path to the archive file. Returns: List of tests that have been rebaselined or None on failure. """ zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_file, 'r') zip_namelist = zip_file.namelist() logging.debug('zip file namelist:') for name in zip_namelist: logging.debug(' ' + name) platform = path_utils.platform_name(self._platform) logging.debug('Platform dir: "%s"', platform) test_no = 1 self._rebaselined_tests = [] for test in self._rebaselining_tests: logging.info('Test %d: %s', test_no, test) found = False svn_error = False test_basename = os.path.splitext(test)[0] for suffix in BASELINE_SUFFIXES: archive_test_name = ('layout-test-results/%s-actual%s' % (test_basename, suffix)) logging.debug(' Archive test file name: "%s"', archive_test_name) if not archive_test_name in zip_namelist: logging.info(' %s file not in archive.', suffix) continue found = True logging.info(' %s file found in archive.', suffix) # Extract new baseline from archive and save it to a temp file. data = zip_file.read(archive_test_name) temp_fd, temp_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix) f = os.fdopen(temp_fd, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() expected_filename = '%s-expected%s' % (test_basename, suffix) expected_fullpath = os.path.join( path_utils.chromium_baseline_path(platform), expected_filename) expected_fullpath = os.path.normpath(expected_fullpath) logging.debug(' Expected file full path: "%s"', expected_fullpath) # TODO(victorw): for now, the rebaselining tool checks whether # or not THIS baseline is duplicate and should be skipped. # We could improve the tool to check all baselines in upper # and lower # levels and remove all duplicated baselines. if self._is_dup_baseline(temp_name, expected_fullpath, test, suffix, self._platform): os.remove(temp_name) self._delete_baseline(expected_fullpath) continue # Create the new baseline directory if it doesn't already # exist. path_utils.maybe_make_directory( os.path.dirname(expected_fullpath)) shutil.move(temp_name, expected_fullpath) if not self._svn_add(expected_fullpath): svn_error = True elif suffix != '.checksum': self._create_html_baseline_files(expected_fullpath) if not found: logging.warn(' No new baselines found in archive.') else: if svn_error: logging.warn(' Failed to add baselines to SVN.') else: logging.info(' Rebaseline succeeded.') self._rebaselined_tests.append(test) test_no += 1 zip_file.close() os.remove(archive_file) return self._rebaselined_tests def _is_dup_baseline(self, new_baseline, baseline_path, test, suffix, platform): """Check whether a baseline is duplicate and can fallback to same baseline for another platform. For example, if a test has same baseline on linux and windows, then we only store windows baseline and linux baseline will fallback to the windows version. Args: expected_filename: baseline expectation file name. test: test name. suffix: file suffix of the expected results, including dot; e.g. '.txt' or '.png'. platform: baseline platform 'mac', 'win' or 'linux'. Returns: True if the baseline is unnecessary. False otherwise. """ test_filepath = os.path.join(path_utils.layout_tests_dir(), test) all_baselines = path_utils.expected_baselines(test_filepath, suffix, platform, True) for (fallback_dir, fallback_file) in all_baselines: if fallback_dir and fallback_file: fallback_fullpath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(fallback_dir, fallback_file)) if fallback_fullpath.lower() != baseline_path.lower(): if not self._diff_baselines(new_baseline, fallback_fullpath): logging.info(' Found same baseline at %s', fallback_fullpath) return True else: return False return False def _diff_baselines(self, file1, file2): """Check whether two baselines are different. Args: file1, file2: full paths of the baselines to compare. Returns: True if two files are different or have different extensions. False otherwise. """ ext1 = os.path.splitext(file1)[1].upper() ext2 = os.path.splitext(file2)[1].upper() if ext1 != ext2: logging.warn('Files to compare have different ext. ' 'File1: %s; File2: %s', file1, file2) return True if ext1 == '.PNG': return image_diff.ImageDiff(self._platform, '').diff_files(file1, file2) else: return text_diff.TestTextDiff(self._platform, '').diff_files(file1, file2) def _delete_baseline(self, filename): """Remove the file from repository and delete it from disk. Args: filename: full path of the file to delete. """ if not filename or not os.path.isfile(filename): return if self._repo_type == REPO_SVN: parent_dir, basename = os.path.split(filename) original_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(parent_dir) run_shell(['svn', 'delete', '--force', basename], False) os.chdir(original_dir) else: os.remove(filename) def _update_rebaselined_tests_in_file(self, backup): """Update the rebaselined tests in test expectations file. Args: backup: if True, backup the original test expectations file. Returns: no """ if self._rebaselined_tests: self._test_expectations.remove_platform_from_file( self._rebaselined_tests, self._platform, backup) else: logging.info('No test was rebaselined so nothing to remove.') def _svn_add(self, filename): """Add the file to SVN repository. Args: filename: full path of the file to add. Returns: True if the file already exists in SVN or is sucessfully added to SVN. False otherwise. """ if not filename: return False parent_dir, basename = os.path.split(filename) if self._repo_type != REPO_SVN or parent_dir == filename: logging.info("No svn checkout found, skip svn add.") return True original_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(parent_dir) status_output = run_shell(['svn', 'status', basename], False) os.chdir(original_dir) output = status_output.upper() if output.startswith('A') or output.startswith('M'): logging.info(' File already added to SVN: "%s"', filename) return True if output.find('IS NOT A WORKING COPY') >= 0: logging.info(' File is not a working copy, add its parent: "%s"', parent_dir) return self._svn_add(parent_dir) os.chdir(parent_dir) add_output = run_shell(['svn', 'add', basename], True) os.chdir(original_dir) output = add_output.upper().rstrip() if output.startswith('A') and output.find(basename.upper()) >= 0: logging.info(' Added new file: "%s"', filename) self._svn_prop_set(filename) return True if (not status_output) and (add_output.upper().find( 'ALREADY UNDER VERSION CONTROL') >= 0): logging.info(' File already under SVN and has no change: "%s"', filename) return True logging.warn(' Failed to add file to SVN: "%s"', filename) logging.warn(' Svn status output: "%s"', status_output) logging.warn(' Svn add output: "%s"', add_output) return False def _svn_prop_set(self, filename): """Set the baseline property Args: filename: full path of the file to add. Returns: True if the file already exists in SVN or is sucessfully added to SVN. False otherwise. """ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].upper() if ext != '.TXT' and ext != '.PNG' and ext != '.CHECKSUM': return parent_dir, basename = os.path.split(filename) original_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(parent_dir) if ext == '.PNG': cmd = ['svn', 'pset', 'svn:mime-type', 'image/png', basename] else: cmd = ['svn', 'pset', 'svn:eol-style', 'LF', basename] logging.debug(' Set svn prop: %s', ' '.join(cmd)) run_shell(cmd, False) os.chdir(original_dir) def _create_html_baseline_files(self, baseline_fullpath): """Create baseline files (old, new and diff) in html directory. The files are used to compare the rebaselining results. Args: baseline_fullpath: full path of the expected baseline file. """ if not baseline_fullpath or not os.path.exists(baseline_fullpath): return # Copy the new baseline to html directory for result comparison. baseline_filename = os.path.basename(baseline_fullpath) new_file = get_result_file_fullpath(self._options.html_directory, baseline_filename, self._platform, 'new') shutil.copyfile(baseline_fullpath, new_file) logging.info(' Html: copied new baseline file from "%s" to "%s".', baseline_fullpath, new_file) # Get the old baseline from SVN and save to the html directory. output = run_shell(['svn', 'cat', '-r', 'BASE', baseline_fullpath]) if (not output) or (output.upper().rstrip().endswith( 'NO SUCH FILE OR DIRECTORY')): logging.info(' No base file: "%s"', baseline_fullpath) return base_file = get_result_file_fullpath(self._options.html_directory, baseline_filename, self._platform, 'old') f = open(base_file, 'wb') f.write(output) f.close() logging.info(' Html: created old baseline file: "%s".', base_file) # Get the diff between old and new baselines and save to the html dir. if baseline_filename.upper().endswith('.TXT'): # If the user specified a custom diff command in their svn config # file, then it'll be used when we do svn diff, which we don't want # to happen since we want the unified diff. Using --diff-cmd=diff # doesn't always work, since they can have another diff executable # in their path that gives different line endings. So we use a # bogus temp directory as the config directory, which gets # around these problems. if sys.platform.startswith("win"): parent_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() else: parent_dir = sys.path[0] # tempdir is not secure. bogus_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "temp_svn_config") logging.debug(' Html: temp config dir: "%s".', bogus_dir) if not os.path.exists(bogus_dir): os.mkdir(bogus_dir) delete_bogus_dir = True else: delete_bogus_dir = False output = run_shell(["svn", "diff", "--config-dir", bogus_dir, baseline_fullpath]) if output: diff_file = get_result_file_fullpath( self._options.html_directory, baseline_filename, self._platform, 'diff') f = open(diff_file, 'wb') f.write(output) f.close() logging.info(' Html: created baseline diff file: "%s".', diff_file) if delete_bogus_dir: shutil.rmtree(bogus_dir, True) logging.debug(' Html: removed temp config dir: "%s".', bogus_dir) class HtmlGenerator(object): """Class to generate rebaselining result comparison html.""" HTML_REBASELINE = ('' '' '' 'Rebaselining Result Comparison (%(time)s)' '' '' '' '

Rebaselining Result Comparison (%(time)s)

' '%(body)s' '' '') HTML_NO_REBASELINING_TESTS = ( '

No tests found that need rebaselining.

') HTML_TABLE_TEST = ('' '%s

') HTML_TR_TEST = ('' '' '
%s' '' '') HTML_TEST_DETAIL = ('
' '' 'Baseline' 'Platform' 'Old' 'New' 'Difference' '' '%s' '
') HTML_TD_NOLINK = '%s' HTML_TD_LINK = '%(name)s' HTML_TD_LINK_IMG = ('' '') HTML_TR = '%s' def __init__(self, options, platforms, rebaselining_tests): self._html_directory = options.html_directory self._platforms = platforms self._rebaselining_tests = rebaselining_tests self._html_file = os.path.join(options.html_directory, 'rebaseline.html') def generate_html(self): """Generate html file for rebaselining result comparison.""" logging.info('Generating html file') html_body = '' if not self._rebaselining_tests: html_body += self.HTML_NO_REBASELINING_TESTS else: tests = list(self._rebaselining_tests) tests.sort() test_no = 1 for test in tests: logging.info('Test %d: %s', test_no, test) html_body += self._generate_html_for_one_test(test) html = self.HTML_REBASELINE % ({'time': time.asctime(), 'body': html_body}) logging.debug(html) f = open(self._html_file, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() logging.info('Baseline comparison html generated at "%s"', self._html_file) def show_html(self): """Launch the rebaselining html in brwoser.""" logging.info('Launching html: "%s"', self._html_file) html_uri = path_utils.filename_to_uri(self._html_file) webbrowser.open(html_uri, 1) logging.info('Html launched.') def _generate_baseline_links(self, test_basename, suffix, platform): """Generate links for baseline results (old, new and diff). Args: test_basename: base filename of the test suffix: baseline file suffixes: '.txt', '.png' platform: win, linux or mac Returns: html links for showing baseline results (old, new and diff) """ baseline_filename = '%s-expected%s' % (test_basename, suffix) logging.debug(' baseline filename: "%s"', baseline_filename) new_file = get_result_file_fullpath(self._html_directory, baseline_filename, platform, 'new') logging.info(' New baseline file: "%s"', new_file) if not os.path.exists(new_file): logging.info(' No new baseline file: "%s"', new_file) return '' old_file = get_result_file_fullpath(self._html_directory, baseline_filename, platform, 'old') logging.info(' Old baseline file: "%s"', old_file) if suffix == '.png': html_td_link = self.HTML_TD_LINK_IMG else: html_td_link = self.HTML_TD_LINK links = '' if os.path.exists(old_file): links += html_td_link % { 'uri': path_utils.filename_to_uri(old_file), 'name': baseline_filename} else: logging.info(' No old baseline file: "%s"', old_file) links += self.HTML_TD_NOLINK % '' links += html_td_link % {'uri': path_utils.filename_to_uri(new_file), 'name': baseline_filename} diff_file = get_result_file_fullpath(self._html_directory, baseline_filename, platform, 'diff') logging.info(' Baseline diff file: "%s"', diff_file) if os.path.exists(diff_file): links += html_td_link % {'uri': path_utils.filename_to_uri( diff_file), 'name': 'Diff'} else: logging.info(' No baseline diff file: "%s"', diff_file) links += self.HTML_TD_NOLINK % '' return links def _generate_html_for_one_test(self, test): """Generate html for one rebaselining test. Args: test: layout test name Returns: html that compares baseline results for the test. """ test_basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(test)[0]) logging.info(' basename: "%s"', test_basename) rows = [] for suffix in BASELINE_SUFFIXES: if suffix == '.checksum': continue logging.info(' Checking %s files', suffix) for platform in self._platforms: links = self._generate_baseline_links(test_basename, suffix, platform) if links: row = self.HTML_TD_NOLINK % self._get_baseline_result_type( suffix) row += self.HTML_TD_NOLINK % platform row += links logging.debug(' html row: %s', row) rows.append(self.HTML_TR % row) if rows: test_path = os.path.join(path_utils.layout_tests_dir(), test) html = self.HTML_TR_TEST % (path_utils.filename_to_uri(test_path), test) html += self.HTML_TEST_DETAIL % ' '.join(rows) logging.debug(' html for test: %s', html) return self.HTML_TABLE_TEST % html return '' def _get_baseline_result_type(self, suffix): """Name of the baseline result type.""" if suffix == '.png': return 'Pixel' elif suffix == '.txt': return 'Render Tree' else: return 'Other' def main(): """Main function to produce new baselines.""" option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() option_parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='include debug-level logging.') option_parser.add_option('-p', '--platforms', default='mac,win,win-xp,win-vista,linux', help=('Comma delimited list of platforms ' 'that need rebaselining.')) option_parser.add_option('-u', '--archive_url', default=('http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/' 'layout_test_results'), help=('Url to find the layout test result archive' ' file.')) option_parser.add_option('-w', '--webkit_canary', action='store_true', default=False, help=('If True, pull baselines from webkit.org ' 'canary bot.')) option_parser.add_option('-b', '--backup', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Whether or not to backup the original test' ' expectations file after rebaseline.')) option_parser.add_option('-d', '--html_directory', default='', help=('The directory that stores the results for' ' rebaselining comparison.')) options = option_parser.parse_args()[0] # Set up our logging format. log_level = logging.INFO if options.verbose: log_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format=('%(asctime)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)-3d ' '%(levelname)s %(message)s'), datefmt='%y%m%d %H:%M:%S') # Verify 'platforms' option is valid if not options.platforms: logging.error('Invalid "platforms" option. --platforms must be ' 'specified in order to rebaseline.') sys.exit(1) platforms = [p.strip().lower() for p in options.platforms.split(',')] for platform in platforms: if not platform in REBASELINE_PLATFORM_ORDER: logging.error('Invalid platform: "%s"' % (platform)) sys.exit(1) # Adjust the platform order so rebaseline tool is running at the order of # 'mac', 'win' and 'linux'. This is in same order with layout test baseline # search paths. It simplifies how the rebaseline tool detects duplicate # baselines. Check _IsDupBaseline method for details. rebaseline_platforms = [] for platform in REBASELINE_PLATFORM_ORDER: if platform in platforms: rebaseline_platforms.append(platform) options.html_directory = setup_html_directory(options.html_directory) rebaselining_tests = set() backup = options.backup for platform in rebaseline_platforms: rebaseliner = Rebaseliner(platform, options) logging.info('') log_dashed_string('Rebaseline started', platform) if rebaseliner.run(backup): # Only need to backup one original copy of test expectation file. backup = False log_dashed_string('Rebaseline done', platform) else: log_dashed_string('Rebaseline failed', platform, logging.ERROR) rebaselining_tests |= set(rebaseliner.get_rebaselining_tests()) logging.info('') log_dashed_string('Rebaselining result comparison started', None) html_generator = HtmlGenerator(options, rebaseline_platforms, rebaselining_tests) html_generator.generate_html() html_generator.show_html() log_dashed_string('Rebaselining result comparison done', None) sys.exit(0) if '__main__' == __name__: main()