# Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Jerdonek (cjerdonek@webkit.org) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. 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"""Unit tests for error_handlers.py.""" import unittest from checker import StyleProcessorConfiguration from error_handlers import DefaultStyleErrorHandler from filter import FilterConfiguration class DefaultStyleErrorHandlerTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the DefaultStyleErrorHandler class.""" def setUp(self): self._error_messages = [] self._error_count = 0 _category = "whitespace/tab" """The category name for the tests in this class.""" _file_path = "foo.h" """The file path for the tests in this class.""" def _mock_increment_error_count(self): self._error_count += 1 def _mock_stderr_write(self, message): self._error_messages.append(message) def _style_checker_configuration(self): """Return a StyleProcessorConfiguration instance for testing.""" base_rules = ["-whitespace", "+whitespace/tab"] filter_configuration = FilterConfiguration(base_rules=base_rules) return StyleProcessorConfiguration( filter_configuration=filter_configuration, max_reports_per_category={"whitespace/tab": 2}, min_confidence=3, output_format="vs7", stderr_write=self._mock_stderr_write) def _error_handler(self, configuration, line_numbers=None): return DefaultStyleErrorHandler(configuration=configuration, file_path=self._file_path, increment_error_count=self._mock_increment_error_count, line_numbers=line_numbers) def _check_initialized(self): """Check that count and error messages are initialized.""" self.assertEquals(0, self._error_count) self.assertEquals(0, len(self._error_messages)) def _call_error_handler(self, handle_error, confidence, line_number=100): """Call the given error handler with a test error.""" handle_error(line_number=line_number, category=self._category, confidence=confidence, message="message") def test_eq__true_return_value(self): """Test the __eq__() method for the return value of True.""" handler1 = self._error_handler(configuration=None) handler2 = self._error_handler(configuration=None) self.assertTrue(handler1.__eq__(handler2)) def test_eq__false_return_value(self): """Test the __eq__() method for the return value of False.""" def make_handler(configuration=self._style_checker_configuration(), file_path='foo.txt', increment_error_count=lambda: True, line_numbers=[100]): return DefaultStyleErrorHandler(configuration=configuration, file_path=file_path, increment_error_count=increment_error_count, line_numbers=line_numbers) handler = make_handler() # Establish a baseline for our comparisons below. self.assertTrue(handler.__eq__(make_handler())) # Verify that a difference in any argument causes equality to fail. self.assertFalse(handler.__eq__(make_handler(configuration=None))) self.assertFalse(handler.__eq__(make_handler(file_path='bar.txt'))) self.assertFalse(handler.__eq__(make_handler(increment_error_count=None))) self.assertFalse(handler.__eq__(make_handler(line_numbers=[50]))) def test_ne(self): """Test the __ne__() method.""" # By default, __ne__ always returns true on different objects. # Thus, check just the distinguishing case to verify that the # code defines __ne__. handler1 = self._error_handler(configuration=None) handler2 = self._error_handler(configuration=None) self.assertFalse(handler1.__ne__(handler2)) def test_non_reportable_error(self): """Test __call__() with a non-reportable error.""" self._check_initialized() configuration = self._style_checker_configuration() confidence = 1 # Confirm the error is not reportable. self.assertFalse(configuration.is_reportable(self._category, confidence, self._file_path)) error_handler = self._error_handler(configuration) self._call_error_handler(error_handler, confidence) self.assertEquals(0, self._error_count) self.assertEquals([], self._error_messages) # Also serves as a reportable error test. def test_max_reports_per_category(self): """Test error report suppression in __call__() method.""" self._check_initialized() configuration = self._style_checker_configuration() error_handler = self._error_handler(configuration) confidence = 5 # First call: usual reporting. self._call_error_handler(error_handler, confidence) self.assertEquals(1, self._error_count) self.assertEquals(1, len(self._error_messages)) self.assertEquals(self._error_messages, ["foo.h(100): message [whitespace/tab] [5]\n"]) # Second call: suppression message reported. self._call_error_handler(error_handler, confidence) # The "Suppressing further..." message counts as an additional # message (but not as an addition to the error count). self.assertEquals(2, self._error_count) self.assertEquals(3, len(self._error_messages)) self.assertEquals(self._error_messages[-2], "foo.h(100): message [whitespace/tab] [5]\n") self.assertEquals(self._error_messages[-1], "Suppressing further [whitespace/tab] reports " "for this file.\n") # Third call: no report. self._call_error_handler(error_handler, confidence) self.assertEquals(3, self._error_count) self.assertEquals(3, len(self._error_messages)) def test_line_numbers(self): """Test the line_numbers parameter.""" self._check_initialized() configuration = self._style_checker_configuration() error_handler = self._error_handler(configuration, line_numbers=[50]) confidence = 5 # Error on non-modified line: no error. self._call_error_handler(error_handler, confidence, line_number=60) self.assertEquals(0, self._error_count) self.assertEquals([], self._error_messages) # Error on modified line: error. self._call_error_handler(error_handler, confidence, line_number=50) self.assertEquals(1, self._error_count) self.assertEquals(self._error_messages, ["foo.h(50): message [whitespace/tab] [5]\n"])