path: root/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1413 deletions
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_dct_9_arm.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_dct_9_arm.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a6dd4f..0000000
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_dct_9_arm.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; express or implied.
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-; and limitations under the License.
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Filename: pvmp3_dct_9.s
-; Who: Date: MM/DD/YYYY
-; Description:
- AREA |.drectve|, DRECTVE
- DCB "-defaultlib:coredll.lib "
- DCB "-defaultlib:corelibc.lib "
- IMPORT pvmp3_mdct_18 ; pvmp3_mdct_18.cpp
- % 4
- EXPORT |pvmp3_dct_9|
-|pvmp3_dct_9| PROC
- stmfd sp!,{r4-r10,lr}
- ldr r2, [r0, #0x20]
- ldr r3, [r0]
- ldr r12,[r0, #4]
- add r1,r2,r3
- sub lr,r2,r3
- ldr r3,[r0, #0x1c]
- ldr r4,[r0, #0x18]
- add r2,r3,r12
- ldr r5,[r0,#8]
- sub r3,r3,r12
- add r12,r4,r5
- sub r4,r4,r5
- ldr r5,[r0, #0x14]
- ldr r7,[r0, #0xc]
- ldr r9,[r0, #0x10]
- add r6,r5,r7
- sub r5,r5,r7
- add r7,r1,r12
- add r8,r9,r2
- add r7,r7,r6
- add r10,r7,r8
- rsb r7,r8,r7,asr #1
- str r7,[r0, #0x18]
- rsb r2,r9,r2,asr #1
- str r10,[r0]
- ldr r11,|cos_2pi_9|
- rsb r7,r2,#0
- mov r9,r1,lsl #1
- mov r1,r9 ;;;;;; !!!!!!
- mov r8,r7
-; vec[4] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[4], tmp0<<1, cos_2pi_9);
- smlal r1,r8,r11,r9
- ldr r10,|cos_4pi_9|
- ldr r11,|cos_pi_9|
-; vec[8] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[8], tmp0<<1, cos_4pi_9);
- smlal r1,r7,r10,r9
-; vec[2] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[2], tmp0<<1, cos_pi_9);
- smlal r9,r2,r11,r9
- mov r1,r12,lsl #1
- rsb r9,r10,#0
- ldr r11,|cos_5pi_9|
- smlal r12,r2,r9,r1
-; vec[2] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[2], tmp2<<1, cos_5pi_9);
- ldr r9,|cos_2pi_9|
- mov r12,r1 ;;;;;; !!!!!!
- smlal r12,r8,r11,r1
-; vec[8] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[8], tmp2<<1, cos_2pi_9);
- smlal r1,r7,r9,r1
- mov r1,r6,lsl #1
- smlal r12,r7,r11,r1
- and r6,r10,r11,asr #14
- smlal r12,r8,r6,r1
- ldr r10,|cos_11pi_18|
- add r12,r11,r6
- smlal r1,r2,r12,r1
- ldr r9,|cos_8pi_9|
- str r2,[r0,#8]
- mov r1,r5,lsl #1
-; vec[8] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[8], tmp3<<1, cos_8pi_9);
- smull r2,r6,r9,r1
- str r7,[r0,#0x20]
- mov r2,r4,lsl #1
- ldr r7,|cos_13pi_18|
- smlal r12,r6,r10,r2
- mov r3,r3,lsl #1
-; vec[5] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[5], tmp8<<1, cos_13pi_18);
- smlal r12,r6,r7,r3
- add r4,r5,r4
- mov r12,lr,lsl #1
- sub lr,r4,lr
- ldr r7,|cos_17pi_18|
- str r8,[r0, #0x10]
- ldr r4,|cos_pi_6|
- mov lr,lr,lsl #1
-; vec[1] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[1], tmp8<<1, cos_17pi_18);
- smlal r8,r6,r7,r12
-; vec[3] = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp5 + tmp6 - tmp8)<<1, cos_pi_6);
- smull r5,lr,r4,lr
- str r6,[r0, #4]
- str lr,[r0, #0xc]
-; vec[5] = fxp_mul32_Q32(tmp5<<1, cos_17pi_18);
- smull r5,lr,r7,r1
- rsb r6,r9,#0
-; vec[5] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[5], tmp6<<1, cos_7pi_18);
- smlal r5,lr,r6,r2
-; vec[5] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[5], tmp7<<1, cos_pi_6);
- smlal r5,lr,r4,r3
-; vec[5] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[5], tmp8<<1, cos_13pi_18);
- smlal r5,lr,r10,r12
- str lr,[r0, #0x14]
- rsb lr,r10,#0
-; vec[7] = fxp_mul32_Q32(tmp5<<1, cos_5pi_18);
- smull r5,r1,lr,r1
-; vec[7] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[7], tmp6<<1, cos_17pi_18);
- smlal r2,r1,r7,r2
-; vec[7] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[7], tmp7<<1, cos_pi_6);
- smlal r3,r1,r4,r3
-; vec[7] = fxp_mac32_Q32( vec[7], tmp8<<1, cos_11pi_18);
- smlal r12,r1,r9,r12
- str r1,[r0, #0x1c]
- ldmfd sp!,{r4-r10,pc}
- DCD 0x620dbe80
- DCD 0x163a1a80
- DCD 0x7847d900
- DCD 0x87b82700
- DCD 0xd438af00
- DCD 0xadb92280
- DCD 0x91261480
- DCD 0x81f1d200
- DCD 0x6ed9eb80
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_mdct_18_arm.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_mdct_18_arm.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 9401d8c..0000000
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_mdct_18_arm.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; express or implied.
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-; and limitations under the License.
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Filename: pvmp3_dct_18.s
-; Who: Date: MM/DD/YYYY
-; Description:
- EXPORT pvmp3_mdct_18
- IMPORT ||Lib$$Request$$armlib|| [WEAK]
- IMPORT ||Lib$$Request$$cpplib|| [WEAK]
- IMPORT pvmp3_dct_9
-|pvmp3_mdct_18| PROC
- stmfd sp!,{r4-r10,lr}
- mov r7,r2
- ldr r2,table
- mov r6,r1
- add r3,r2,#0x24
- add r12,r3,#0x44
- add r1,r0,#0x44
- mov r5,r0
-; for ( i=9; i!=0; i--)
-; {
- mov r4,#9
-; tmp = *(pt_vec);
-; tmp1 = *(pt_vec_o);
- ldr lr,[r0] ;; tmp == lr
- ldr r8,[r3],#4 ;; tmp1 == r8
-; tmp = fxp_mul32_Q32( tmp<<1, *(pt_cos++ ));
-; tmp1 = fxp_mul32_Q27( tmp1, *(pt_cos_x--));
- mov lr,lr,lsl #1
- smull r10,lr,r8,lr
- ldr r8,[r12],#-4
- ldr r9,[r1]
- subs r4,r4,#1
- smull r9,r10,r8,r9
- mov r8,r9,lsr #27
- add r8,r8,r10,lsl #5
-; *(pt_vec++) = tmp + tmp1 ;
-; *(pt_vec_o--) = fxp_mul32_Q28( (tmp - tmp1), *(pt_cos_split++));
- add r9,lr,r8
- sub r8,lr,r8
- ldr lr,[r2],#4
- str r9,[r0],#4
- smull r8,r9,lr,r8
- mov lr,r8,lsr #28
- add lr,lr,r9,lsl #4
- str lr,[r1],#-4
- bne Loop_1
-; }
- mov r0,r5 ;; r0 = vec
- bl pvmp3_dct_9
- add r0,r5,#0x24 ;; r0 = &vec[9]
- bl pvmp3_dct_9
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
- ldr r2,[r5,#0x40]
- str r0,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x1c]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x38]
- str r0,[r5,#0x38]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x18]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x30]
- str r1,[r5,#0x30]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x14]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x28]
- str r12,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x10]
- str r12,[r5,#0x20]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0xc]
- str r12,[r5,#0x18]
- ldr r12,[r5,#8]
- str r12,[r5,#0x10]
- ldr r12,[r5,#4]
- str r12,[r5,#8]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x24]
- sub r12,r12,r1
- str r12,[r5,#4]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x2c]
- sub r1,r12,r1
- str r1,[r5,#0xc]
- sub r1,r12,r0
- str r1,[r5,#0x14]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x34]
- sub r0,r1,r0
- str r0,[r5,#0x1c]
- sub r0,r1,r3
- str r0,[r5,#0x24]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x3c]
- sub r3,r1,r3
- sub r1,r1,r2
- str r1,[r5,#0x34]
- str r3,[r5,#0x2c]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x44]
- sub r1,r1,r2
- str r1,[r5,#0x3c]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0]
- add r1,r5,r4,lsl #2
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x28]
- ldr r3,[r6,r4,lsl #2]
- add r0,r0,r2
- str r0,[r1,#0x28]
- ldr lr,[r7,r4,lsl #2]
- ldr r1,[r1,#4]
- smlal r0,r3,lr,r0
- mov r0,r2
- add r2,r12,r1
- rsb r2,r2,#0
- str r3,[r5,r4,lsl #2]
- str r2,[r6,r4,lsl #2]
- add r4,r4,#1
- cmp r4,#6
- mov r12,r1
- blt Loop_2
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr r2,[r6,#0x18]
- add r3,r0,r1
- str r3,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr lr,[r7,r4,lsl #2]
- mov r3,r3,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x1c]
- smlal r3,r2,lr,r3
- add r3,r12,r0
- str r2,[r5,#0x18]
- ldr r2,[r6,#0x1c]
- rsb r3,r3,#0
- str r3,[r6,#0x18]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x20]
- add r0,r3,r0
- rsb r0,r0,#0
- str r0,[r6,#0x1c]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x44]
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x20]
- add r3,r3,r1
- mov r1,r2
- ldr r10,[r7,#0x1c]
- mov r2,r3,lsl #1
- smlal r12,r1,r10,r2
- str r1,[r5,#0x1c]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x20]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x24]
- add r1,r1,r3
- rsb r1,r1,#0
- str r1,[r6,#0x20]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x44]
- ldr r3,[r7,#0x20]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smlal r12,r0,r3,r1
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x24]
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x24]
- str r0,[r5,#0x20]
- smlal r1,r3,lr,r1
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x40]
- ldr r12,[r6,#0x44]
- str r3,[r5,#0x24]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r3,[r7,#0x44]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smlal r1,r12,r3,r1
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x40]
- str r12,[r5,#0x44]
- rsb r8,r1,#0
- str r8,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x2c]
- ldr r3,[r7,#0x40]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smlal r1,r0,r3,r1
- str r0,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x3c]
- ldr r1,[r6,#0x38]
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x3c]
- rsb r9,r0,#0
- str r9,[r5,#0x2c]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x30]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x3c]
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- smlal r0,r3,r12,r0
- str r3,[r5,#0x3c]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x38]
- rsb r0,r0,#0
- str r0,[r5,#0x30]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x34]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x38]
- mov r3,r3,lsl #1
- smlal r3,r1,r12,r3
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- str r1,[r5,#0x38]
- ldr r4,[r7,#0x34]
- ldr r1,[r6,#0x34]
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x30]
- smlal r0,r1,r4,r0
- ldr r12,[r6,#0x2c]
- ldr lr,[r6,#0x28]
- str r1,[r5,#0x34]
- ldr r1,[r7,#0x30]
- mov r0,r9,lsl #1
- smlal r0,r3,r1,r0
- mov r0,r8,lsl #1
- ldr r1,[r7,#0x2c]
- str r3,[r5,#0x30]
- smlal r0,r12,r1,r0
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x28]
- str r12,[r5,#0x2c]
- smlal r2,lr,r0,r2
- str lr,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r1,[r6,#4]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x48]
- mov r2,r1,lsl #1
- ldr r1,[r6,#0x20]
- ldr r0,[r6]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smull r4,lr,r12,r1
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x1c]
- str lr,[r6]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x4c]
- mov r3,r3,lsl #1
- smull r4,lr,r12,r3
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x64]
- str lr,[r6,#4]
- smull r4,lr,r12,r2
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x68]
- str lr,[r6,#0x1c]
- smull r4,lr,r12,r0
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x6c]
- str lr,[r6,#0x20]
- smull lr,r0,r12,r0
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x70]
- str r0,[r6,#0x24]
- smull r0,r2,r12,r2
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x88]
- str r2,[r6,#0x28]
- smull r3,r2,r0,r3
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x8c]
- str r2,[r6,#0x40]
- smull r2,r1,r0,r1
- str r1,[r6,#0x44]
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x18]
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x50]
- mov r1,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x14]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r1
- ldr r12,[r6,#0x10]
- mov r3,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r6,#0xc]
- mov r12,r12,lsl #1
- mov r2,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r6,#8]
- str r4,[r6,#8]
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x54]
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- smull r5,r4,lr,r3
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x58]
- str r4,[r6,#0xc]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r12
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x5c]
- str r4,[r6,#0x10]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r2
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x60]
- str r4,[r6,#0x14]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r0
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x74]
- str r4,[r6,#0x18]
- smull r4,r0,lr,r0
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x78]
- str r0,[r6,#0x2c]
- smull r0,r2,lr,r2
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x7c]
- str r2,[r6,#0x30]
- smull r12,r2,r0,r12
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x80]
- str r2,[r6,#0x34]
- smull r3,r2,r0,r3
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x84]
- str r2,[r6,#0x38]
- smull r2,r1,r0,r1
- str r1,[r6,#0x3c]
- ldmfd sp!,{r4-r10,pc}
- DCD ||.constdata$1||
- AREA |.constdata|, DATA, READONLY, ALIGN=2
- DCD 0x0807d2b0
- DCD 0x08483ee0
- DCD 0x08d3b7d0
- DCD 0x09c42570
- DCD 0x0b504f30
- DCD 0x0df29440
- DCD 0x12edfb20
- DCD 0x1ee8dd40
- DCD 0x5bca2a00
- DCD 0x400f9c00
- DCD 0x408d6080
- DCD 0x418dcb80
- DCD 0x431b1a00
- DCD 0x4545ea00
- DCD 0x48270680
- DCD 0x4be25480
- DCD 0x50ab9480
- DCD 0x56ce4d80
- DCD 0x05ebb630
- DCD 0x06921a98
- DCD 0x0771d3a8
- DCD 0x08a9a830
- DCD 0x0a73d750
- DCD 0x0d4d5260
- DCD 0x127b1ca0
- DCD 0x1ea52b40
- DCD 0x5bb3cc80
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_mdct_18_wm.asm b/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_mdct_18_wm.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be75d4..0000000
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_mdct_18_wm.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; express or implied.
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-; and limitations under the License.
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Filename: pvmp3_dct_18.s
-; Who: Date: MM/DD/YYYY
-; Description:
- EXPORT |pvmp3_mdct_18|
- IMPORT pvmp3_dct_9
-|pvmp3_mdct_18| PROC
- stmfd sp!,{r4-r10,lr}
- mov r7,r2
- ldr r2,table
- mov r6,r1
- add r3,r2,#0x24
- add r12,r3,#0x44
- add r1,r0,#0x44
- mov r5,r0
-; for ( i=9; i!=0; i--)
-; {
- mov r4,#9
-; tmp = *(pt_vec);
-; tmp1 = *(pt_vec_o);
- ldr lr,[r0] ;; tmp == lr
- ldr r8,[r3],#4 ;; tmp1 == r8
-; tmp = fxp_mul32_Q32( tmp<<1, *(pt_cos++ ));
-; tmp1 = fxp_mul32_Q27( tmp1, *(pt_cos_x--));
- mov lr,lr,lsl #1
- smull r10,lr,r8,lr
- ldr r8,[r12],#-4
- ldr r9,[r1]
- subs r4,r4,#1
- smull r9,r10,r8,r9
- mov r8,r9,lsr #27
- add r8,r8,r10,lsl #5
-; *(pt_vec++) = tmp + tmp1 ;
-; *(pt_vec_o--) = fxp_mul32_Q28( (tmp - tmp1), *(pt_cos_split++));
- add r9,lr,r8
- sub r8,lr,r8
- ldr lr,[r2],#4
- str r9,[r0],#4
- smull r8,r9,lr,r8
- mov lr,r8,lsr #28
- add lr,lr,r9,lsl #4
- str lr,[r1],#-4
- bne Loop_1
-; }
- mov r0,r5 ;; r0 = vec
- bl pvmp3_dct_9
- add r0,r5,#0x24 ;; r0 = &vec[9]
- bl pvmp3_dct_9
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
- ldr r2,[r5,#0x40]
- str r0,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x1c]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x38]
- str r0,[r5,#0x38]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x18]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x30]
- str r1,[r5,#0x30]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x14]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x28]
- str r12,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x10]
- str r12,[r5,#0x20]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0xc]
- str r12,[r5,#0x18]
- ldr r12,[r5,#8]
- str r12,[r5,#0x10]
- ldr r12,[r5,#4]
- str r12,[r5,#8]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x24]
- sub r12,r12,r1
- str r12,[r5,#4]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0x2c]
- sub r1,r12,r1
- str r1,[r5,#0xc]
- sub r1,r12,r0
- str r1,[r5,#0x14]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x34]
- sub r0,r1,r0
- str r0,[r5,#0x1c]
- sub r0,r1,r3
- str r0,[r5,#0x24]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x3c]
- sub r3,r1,r3
- sub r1,r1,r2
- str r1,[r5,#0x34]
- str r3,[r5,#0x2c]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x44]
- sub r1,r1,r2
- str r1,[r5,#0x3c]
- ldr r12,[r5,#0]
- add r1,r5,r4,lsl #2
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x28]
- ldr r3,[r6,r4,lsl #2]
- add r0,r0,r2
- str r0,[r1,#0x28]
- ldr lr,[r7,r4,lsl #2]
- ldr r1,[r1,#4]
- smlal r0,r3,lr,r0
- mov r0,r2
- add r2,r12,r1
- rsb r2,r2,#0
- str r3,[r5,r4,lsl #2]
- str r2,[r6,r4,lsl #2]
- add r4,r4,#1
- cmp r4,#6
- mov r12,r1
- blt Loop_2
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr r2,[r6,#0x18]
- add r3,r0,r1
- str r3,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr lr,[r7,r4,lsl #2]
- mov r3,r3,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x1c]
- smlal r3,r2,lr,r3
- add r3,r12,r0
- str r2,[r5,#0x18]
- ldr r2,[r6,#0x1c]
- rsb r3,r3,#0
- str r3,[r6,#0x18]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x20]
- add r0,r3,r0
- rsb r0,r0,#0
- str r0,[r6,#0x1c]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x44]
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x20]
- add r3,r3,r1
- mov r1,r2
- ldr r10,[r7,#0x1c]
- mov r2,r3,lsl #1
- smlal r12,r1,r10,r2
- str r1,[r5,#0x1c]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x20]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x24]
- add r1,r1,r3
- rsb r1,r1,#0
- str r1,[r6,#0x20]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x44]
- ldr r3,[r7,#0x20]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smlal r12,r0,r3,r1
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x24]
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x24]
- str r0,[r5,#0x20]
- smlal r1,r3,lr,r1
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x40]
- ldr r12,[r6,#0x44]
- str r3,[r5,#0x24]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r3,[r7,#0x44]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smlal r1,r12,r3,r1
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x40]
- str r12,[r5,#0x44]
- rsb r8,r1,#0
- str r8,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r1,[r5,#0x2c]
- ldr r3,[r7,#0x40]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smlal r1,r0,r3,r1
- str r0,[r5,#0x40]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x3c]
- ldr r1,[r6,#0x38]
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x3c]
- rsb r9,r0,#0
- str r9,[r5,#0x2c]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x30]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x3c]
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- smlal r0,r3,r12,r0
- str r3,[r5,#0x3c]
- ldr r0,[r5,#0x38]
- rsb r0,r0,#0
- str r0,[r5,#0x30]
- ldr r3,[r5,#0x34]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x38]
- mov r3,r3,lsl #1
- smlal r3,r1,r12,r3
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- str r1,[r5,#0x38]
- ldr r4,[r7,#0x34]
- ldr r1,[r6,#0x34]
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x30]
- smlal r0,r1,r4,r0
- ldr r12,[r6,#0x2c]
- ldr lr,[r6,#0x28]
- str r1,[r5,#0x34]
- ldr r1,[r7,#0x30]
- mov r0,r9,lsl #1
- smlal r0,r3,r1,r0
- mov r0,r8,lsl #1
- ldr r1,[r7,#0x2c]
- str r3,[r5,#0x30]
- smlal r0,r12,r1,r0
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x28]
- str r12,[r5,#0x2c]
- smlal r2,lr,r0,r2
- str lr,[r5,#0x28]
- ldr r1,[r6,#4]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x48]
- mov r2,r1,lsl #1
- ldr r1,[r6,#0x20]
- ldr r0,[r6]
- mov r1,r1,lsl #1
- smull r4,lr,r12,r1
- ldr r3,[r6,#0x1c]
- str lr,[r6]
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x4c]
- mov r3,r3,lsl #1
- smull r4,lr,r12,r3
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x64]
- str lr,[r6,#4]
- smull r4,lr,r12,r2
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x68]
- str lr,[r6,#0x1c]
- smull r4,lr,r12,r0
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x6c]
- str lr,[r6,#0x20]
- smull lr,r0,r12,r0
- ldr r12,[r7,#0x70]
- str r0,[r6,#0x24]
- smull r0,r2,r12,r2
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x88]
- str r2,[r6,#0x28]
- smull r3,r2,r0,r3
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x8c]
- str r2,[r6,#0x40]
- smull r2,r1,r0,r1
- str r1,[r6,#0x44]
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x18]
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x50]
- mov r1,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r6,#0x14]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r1
- ldr r12,[r6,#0x10]
- mov r3,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r6,#0xc]
- mov r12,r12,lsl #1
- mov r2,r0,lsl #1
- ldr r0,[r6,#8]
- str r4,[r6,#8]
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x54]
- mov r0,r0,lsl #1
- smull r5,r4,lr,r3
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x58]
- str r4,[r6,#0xc]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r12
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x5c]
- str r4,[r6,#0x10]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r2
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x60]
- str r4,[r6,#0x14]
- smull r5,r4,lr,r0
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x74]
- str r4,[r6,#0x18]
- smull r4,r0,lr,r0
- ldr lr,[r7,#0x78]
- str r0,[r6,#0x2c]
- smull r0,r2,lr,r2
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x7c]
- str r2,[r6,#0x30]
- smull r12,r2,r0,r12
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x80]
- str r2,[r6,#0x34]
- smull r3,r2,r0,r3
- ldr r0,[r7,#0x84]
- str r2,[r6,#0x38]
- smull r2,r1,r0,r1
- str r1,[r6,#0x3c]
- ldmfd sp!,{r4-r10,pc}
- DCD cosTerms_dct18
- AREA |.constdata|, DATA, READONLY, ALIGN=2
- DCD 0x0807d2b0
- DCD 0x08483ee0
- DCD 0x08d3b7d0
- DCD 0x09c42570
- DCD 0x0b504f30
- DCD 0x0df29440
- DCD 0x12edfb20
- DCD 0x1ee8dd40
- DCD 0x5bca2a00
- DCD 0x400f9c00
- DCD 0x408d6080
- DCD 0x418dcb80
- DCD 0x431b1a00
- DCD 0x4545ea00
- DCD 0x48270680
- DCD 0x4be25480
- DCD 0x50ab9480
- DCD 0x56ce4d80
- DCD 0x05ebb630
- DCD 0x06921a98
- DCD 0x0771d3a8
- DCD 0x08a9a830
- DCD 0x0a73d750
- DCD 0x0d4d5260
- DCD 0x127b1ca0
- DCD 0x1ea52b40
- DCD 0x5bb3cc80
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window_arm.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window_arm.s
deleted file mode 100644
index abec599..0000000
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window_arm.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; express or implied.
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-; and limitations under the License.
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Filename: pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window.s
-; Who: Date: MM/DD/YYYY
-; Description:
- EXPORT pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window
- IMPORT ||Lib$$Request$$armlib|| [WEAK]
- IMPORT ||Lib$$Request$$cpplib|| [WEAK]
- IMPORT pqmfSynthWin
-|pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window| PROC
- stmfd sp!,{r0-r2,r4-r11,lr}
- sub sp,sp,#4
- ldr r2,[sp,#0xc]
- ldr r1,PolyPh_filter_coeff
- sub r2,r2,#1
- mov r10,#1
- str r2,[sp]
-; Accumulators r9, r11::> Initialization
- mov r9, #0x20
- mov r11, #0x20
- mov r4, #0x10
- add r2,r4,r10
- add r3,r0,r2,lsl #2
- sub r2,r4,r10
- ldr r5,[r3]
- ldr lr,[r1]
- add r12,r0,r2,lsl #2
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x780]
- smlal r2,r9,lr,r5
- smlal r2,r11,lr,r6
- ldr r2,[r1,#4]
- ldr r7,[r12,#0x80]
- smlal r5,r11,r2,r5
- smull r6,r5,r2,r6
- sub r9,r9,r5
- ldr r5,[r1,#8]
- ldr r8,[r3,#0x700]
- add r4,r4,#0x200
- smlal r6,r9,r5,r7
- smull r6,r2,r5,r8
- ldr r5,[r1,#0xc]
- sub r11,r11,r2
- smlal r8,r9,r5,r8
- smlal r7,r11,r5,r7
- ldr r5,[r3,#0x100]
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x10]
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x680]
- smlal lr,r9,r2,r5
- smlal lr,r11,r2,r6
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x14]
- ldr r7,[r12,#0x180]
- smlal r5,r11,r2,r5
- smull r6,r5,r2,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x18]
- ldr r8,[r3,#0x600]
- sub r9,r9,r5
- smlal r5,r9,r6,r7
- smull r2,r5,r6,r8
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x1c]
- sub r11,r11,r5
- smlal r8,r9,r6,r8
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x20]
- ldr r5,[r3,#0x200]
- smlal r7,r11,r6,r7
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x580]
- smlal lr,r9,r2,r5
- smlal lr,r11,r2,r6
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x24]
- ldr r7,[r12,#0x280]
- smlal r5,r11,r2,r5
- smull r6,r5,r2,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x28]
- ldr r8,[r3,#0x500]
- sub r9,r9,r5
- smlal r5,r9,r6,r7
- smull r2,r5,r6,r8
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x2c]
- sub r11,r11,r5
- smlal r8,r9,r6,r8
- smlal r7,r11,r6,r7
- ldr r5,[r3,#0x300]
- ldr r8,[r1,#0x30]
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x480]
- smlal r7,r9,r8,r5
- smlal r7,r11,r8,r6
- ldr r8,[r1,#0x34]
- ldr r12,[r12,#0x380]
- smlal r5,r11,r8,r5
- smull r6,r5,r8,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x38]
- ldr r3,[r3,#0x400]
- sub r9,r9,r5
- smlal r7,r9,r6,r12
- smull r8,r7,r6,r3
- cmp r4,#0x210
- sub r11,r11,r7
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x3c]
- add r1,r1,#0x40
- smlal r3,r9,r2,r3
- smlal r12,r11,r2,r12
- blt Loop_i
- mov r3,r9, asr #6
- mov r4,r3, asr #15
- teq r4,r3, asr #31
- ldr r12,LOW_16BITS
- ldr r2,[sp]
- eorne r3,r12,r3,asr #31
- ldr r4,[sp,#8]
- mov r2,r10,lsl r2
- add r4,r4,r2,lsl #1
- strh r3,[r4]
- mov r3,r11,asr #6
- mov r4,r3,asr #15
- teq r4,r3,asr #31
- eorne r3,r12,r3,asr #31
- ldr r12,[sp,#0xc]
- ldr r11,[sp,#8]
- rsb r2,r2,r12,lsl #5
- add r2,r11,r2,lsl #1
- strh r3,[r2]
- add r10,r10,#1
- cmp r10,#0x10
- blt Loop_j
-; Accumulators r4, r5 Initialization
- mov r4,#0x20
- mov r5,#0x20
- mov r3,#0x10
- add r2,r0,r3,lsl #2
- ldr r12,[r2]
- ldr r8,[r1]
- ldr r6,[r2,#0x80]
- smlal r12,r4,r8,r12
- ldr r12,[r1,#4]
- ldr r7,[r2,#0x40]
- smlal r6,r4,r12,r6
- ldr r12,[r1,#8]
- ldr r6,[r2,#0x180]
- smlal r7,r5,r12,r7
- ldr r12,[r2,#0x100]
- ldr r7,[r1,#0xc]
- ldr r2,[r2,#0x140]
- smlal r12,r4,r7,r12
- ldr r12,[r1,#0x10]
- add r3,r3,#0x80
- smlal r6,r4,r12,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x14]
- cmp r3,#0x210
- smlal r2,r5,r6,r2
- add r1,r1,#0x18
- blt PolyPh_filter_loop2
- mov r0,r4,asr #6
- mov r2,r0,asr #15
- teq r2,r0,asr #31
- ldrne r12,LOW_16BITS
- ldr r1,[sp,#8]
- eorne r0,r12,r0,asr #31
- strh r0,[r1,#0]
- mov r0,r5,asr #6
- mov r2,r0,asr #15
- teq r2,r0,asr #31
- ldrne r12,LOW_16BITS
- ldr r2,[sp]
- mov r1,#0x10
- eorne r0,r12,r0,asr #31
- ldr r12,[sp,#8]
- mov r1,r1,lsl r2
- add r1,r12,r1,lsl #1
- strh r0,[r1]
- add sp,sp,#0x10
- ldmfd sp!,{r4-r11,pc}
- DCD pqmfSynthWin
- DCD 0x00007fff
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window_wm.asm b/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window_wm.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index f957267..0000000
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/asm/pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window_wm.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; express or implied.
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-; and limitations under the License.
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Filename: pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window.s
-; Who: Date: MM/DD/YYYY
-; Description:
- CODE32
- AREA |.drectve|, DRECTVE
- EXPORT |pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window|
- IMPORT |pqmfSynthWin|
- AREA |.pdata|, PDATA
- AREA |.text|, CODE, ARM
-|pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window| PROC
- stmfd sp!,{r0-r2,r4-r11,lr}
- sub sp,sp,#4
- ldr r2,[sp,#0xc]
- ldr r1,PolyPh_filter_coeff
- sub r2,r2,#1
- mov r10,#1
- str r2,[sp]
-; Accumulators r9, r11::> Initialization
- mov r9, #0x20
- mov r11, #0x20
- mov r4, #0x10
- add r2,r4,r10
- add r3,r0,r2,lsl #2
- sub r2,r4,r10
- ldr r5,[r3]
- ldr lr,[r1]
- add r12,r0,r2,lsl #2
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x780]
- smlal r2,r9,lr,r5
- smlal r2,r11,lr,r6
- ldr r2,[r1,#4]
- ldr r7,[r12,#0x80]
- smlal r5,r11,r2,r5
- smull r6,r5,r2,r6
- sub r9,r9,r5
- ldr r5,[r1,#8]
- ldr r8,[r3,#0x700]
- add r4,r4,#0x200
- smlal r6,r9,r5,r7
- smull r6,r2,r5,r8
- ldr r5,[r1,#0xc]
- sub r11,r11,r2
- smlal r8,r9,r5,r8
- smlal r7,r11,r5,r7
- ldr r5,[r3,#0x100]
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x10]
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x680]
- smlal lr,r9,r2,r5
- smlal lr,r11,r2,r6
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x14]
- ldr r7,[r12,#0x180]
- smlal r5,r11,r2,r5
- smull r6,r5,r2,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x18]
- ldr r8,[r3,#0x600]
- sub r9,r9,r5
- smlal r5,r9,r6,r7
- smull r2,r5,r6,r8
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x1c]
- sub r11,r11,r5
- smlal r8,r9,r6,r8
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x20]
- ldr r5,[r3,#0x200]
- smlal r7,r11,r6,r7
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x580]
- smlal lr,r9,r2,r5
- smlal lr,r11,r2,r6
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x24]
- ldr r7,[r12,#0x280]
- smlal r5,r11,r2,r5
- smull r6,r5,r2,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x28]
- ldr r8,[r3,#0x500]
- sub r9,r9,r5
- smlal r5,r9,r6,r7
- smull r2,r5,r6,r8
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x2c]
- sub r11,r11,r5
- smlal r8,r9,r6,r8
- smlal r7,r11,r6,r7
- ldr r5,[r3,#0x300]
- ldr r8,[r1,#0x30]
- ldr r6,[r12,#0x480]
- smlal r7,r9,r8,r5
- smlal r7,r11,r8,r6
- ldr r8,[r1,#0x34]
- ldr r12,[r12,#0x380]
- smlal r5,r11,r8,r5
- smull r6,r5,r8,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x38]
- ldr r3,[r3,#0x400]
- sub r9,r9,r5
- smlal r7,r9,r6,r12
- smull r8,r7,r6,r3
- cmp r4,#0x210
- sub r11,r11,r7
- ldr r2,[r1,#0x3c]
- add r1,r1,#0x40
- smlal r3,r9,r2,r3
- smlal r12,r11,r2,r12
- blt Loop_i
- mov r3,r9, asr #6
- mov r4,r3, asr #15
- teq r4,r3, asr #31
- ldr r12,LOW_16BITS
- ldr r2,[sp]
- eorne r3,r12,r3,asr #31
- ldr r4,[sp,#8]
- mov r2,r10,lsl r2
- add r4,r4,r2,lsl #1
- strh r3,[r4]
- mov r3,r11,asr #6
- mov r4,r3,asr #15
- teq r4,r3,asr #31
- eorne r3,r12,r3,asr #31
- ldr r12,[sp,#0xc]
- ldr r11,[sp,#8]
- rsb r2,r2,r12,lsl #5
- add r2,r11,r2,lsl #1
- strh r3,[r2]
- add r10,r10,#1
- cmp r10,#0x10
- blt Loop_j
-; Accumulators r4, r5 Initialization
- mov r4,#0x20
- mov r5,#0x20
- mov r3,#0x10
- add r2,r0,r3,lsl #2
- ldr r12,[r2]
- ldr r8,[r1]
- ldr r6,[r2,#0x80]
- smlal r12,r4,r8,r12
- ldr r12,[r1,#4]
- ldr r7,[r2,#0x40]
- smlal r6,r4,r12,r6
- ldr r12,[r1,#8]
- ldr r6,[r2,#0x180]
- smlal r7,r5,r12,r7
- ldr r12,[r2,#0x100]
- ldr r7,[r1,#0xc]
- ldr r2,[r2,#0x140]
- smlal r12,r4,r7,r12
- ldr r12,[r1,#0x10]
- add r3,r3,#0x80
- smlal r6,r4,r12,r6
- ldr r6,[r1,#0x14]
- cmp r3,#0x210
- smlal r2,r5,r6,r2
- add r1,r1,#0x18
- blt PolyPh_filter_loop2
- mov r0,r4,asr #6
- mov r2,r0,asr #15
- teq r2,r0,asr #31
- ldrne r12,LOW_16BITS
- ldr r1,[sp,#8]
- eorne r0,r12,r0,asr #31
- strh r0,[r1,#0]
- mov r0,r5,asr #6
- mov r2,r0,asr #15
- teq r2,r0,asr #31
- ldrne r12,LOW_16BITS
- ldr r2,[sp]
- mov r1,#0x10
- eorne r0,r12,r0,asr #31
- ldr r12,[sp,#8]
- mov r1,r1,lsl r2
- add r1,r12,r1,lsl #1
- strh r0,[r1]
- add sp,sp,#0x10
- ldmfd sp!,{r4-r11,pc}
- DCD pqmfSynthWin
- DCD 0x00007fff
- ENDP ; |pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window|