/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "Camera2-Metadata" #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> #include <camera/CameraMetadata.h> #include <binder/Parcel.h> namespace android { typedef Parcel::WritableBlob WritableBlob; typedef Parcel::ReadableBlob ReadableBlob; CameraMetadata::CameraMetadata() : mBuffer(NULL), mLocked(false) { } CameraMetadata::CameraMetadata(size_t entryCapacity, size_t dataCapacity) : mLocked(false) { mBuffer = allocate_camera_metadata(entryCapacity, dataCapacity); } CameraMetadata::CameraMetadata(const CameraMetadata &other) : mLocked(false) { mBuffer = clone_camera_metadata(other.mBuffer); } CameraMetadata::CameraMetadata(camera_metadata_t *buffer) : mBuffer(NULL), mLocked(false) { acquire(buffer); } CameraMetadata &CameraMetadata::operator=(const CameraMetadata &other) { return operator=(other.mBuffer); } CameraMetadata &CameraMetadata::operator=(const camera_metadata_t *buffer) { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: Assignment to a locked CameraMetadata!", __FUNCTION__); return *this; } if (CC_LIKELY(buffer != mBuffer)) { camera_metadata_t *newBuffer = clone_camera_metadata(buffer); clear(); mBuffer = newBuffer; } return *this; } CameraMetadata::~CameraMetadata() { mLocked = false; clear(); } const camera_metadata_t* CameraMetadata::getAndLock() { mLocked = true; return mBuffer; } status_t CameraMetadata::unlock(const camera_metadata_t *buffer) { if (!mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: Can't unlock a non-locked CameraMetadata!", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (buffer != mBuffer) { ALOGE("%s: Can't unlock CameraMetadata with wrong pointer!", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } mLocked = false; return OK; } camera_metadata_t* CameraMetadata::release() { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } camera_metadata_t *released = mBuffer; mBuffer = NULL; return released; } void CameraMetadata::clear() { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return; } if (mBuffer) { free_camera_metadata(mBuffer); mBuffer = NULL; } } void CameraMetadata::acquire(camera_metadata_t *buffer) { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return; } clear(); mBuffer = buffer; ALOGE_IF(validate_camera_metadata_structure(mBuffer, /*size*/NULL) != OK, "%s: Failed to validate metadata structure %p", __FUNCTION__, buffer); } void CameraMetadata::acquire(CameraMetadata &other) { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return; } acquire(other.release()); } status_t CameraMetadata::append(const CameraMetadata &other) { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } return append_camera_metadata(mBuffer, other.mBuffer); } size_t CameraMetadata::entryCount() const { return (mBuffer == NULL) ? 0 : get_camera_metadata_entry_count(mBuffer); } bool CameraMetadata::isEmpty() const { return entryCount() == 0; } status_t CameraMetadata::sort() { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } return sort_camera_metadata(mBuffer); } status_t CameraMetadata::checkType(uint32_t tag, uint8_t expectedType) { int tagType = get_camera_metadata_tag_type(tag); if ( CC_UNLIKELY(tagType == -1)) { ALOGE("Update metadata entry: Unknown tag %d", tag); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( CC_UNLIKELY(tagType != expectedType) ) { ALOGE("Mismatched tag type when updating entry %s (%d) of type %s; " "got type %s data instead ", get_camera_metadata_tag_name(tag), tag, camera_metadata_type_names[tagType], camera_metadata_type_names[expectedType]); return INVALID_OPERATION; } return OK; } status_t CameraMetadata::update(uint32_t tag, const int32_t *data, size_t data_count) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( (res = checkType(tag, TYPE_INT32)) != OK) { return res; } return updateImpl(tag, (const void*)data, data_count); } status_t CameraMetadata::update(uint32_t tag, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_count) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( (res = checkType(tag, TYPE_BYTE)) != OK) { return res; } return updateImpl(tag, (const void*)data, data_count); } status_t CameraMetadata::update(uint32_t tag, const float *data, size_t data_count) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( (res = checkType(tag, TYPE_FLOAT)) != OK) { return res; } return updateImpl(tag, (const void*)data, data_count); } status_t CameraMetadata::update(uint32_t tag, const int64_t *data, size_t data_count) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( (res = checkType(tag, TYPE_INT64)) != OK) { return res; } return updateImpl(tag, (const void*)data, data_count); } status_t CameraMetadata::update(uint32_t tag, const double *data, size_t data_count) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( (res = checkType(tag, TYPE_DOUBLE)) != OK) { return res; } return updateImpl(tag, (const void*)data, data_count); } status_t CameraMetadata::update(uint32_t tag, const camera_metadata_rational_t *data, size_t data_count) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( (res = checkType(tag, TYPE_RATIONAL)) != OK) { return res; } return updateImpl(tag, (const void*)data, data_count); } status_t CameraMetadata::update(uint32_t tag, const String8 &string) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if ( (res = checkType(tag, TYPE_BYTE)) != OK) { return res; } return updateImpl(tag, (const void*)string.string(), string.size()); } status_t CameraMetadata::updateImpl(uint32_t tag, const void *data, size_t data_count) { status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } int type = get_camera_metadata_tag_type(tag); if (type == -1) { ALOGE("%s: Tag %d not found", __FUNCTION__, tag); return BAD_VALUE; } size_t data_size = calculate_camera_metadata_entry_data_size(type, data_count); res = resizeIfNeeded(1, data_size); if (res == OK) { camera_metadata_entry_t entry; res = find_camera_metadata_entry(mBuffer, tag, &entry); if (res == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { res = add_camera_metadata_entry(mBuffer, tag, data, data_count); } else if (res == OK) { res = update_camera_metadata_entry(mBuffer, entry.index, data, data_count, NULL); } } if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to update metadata entry %s.%s (%x): %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, get_camera_metadata_section_name(tag), get_camera_metadata_tag_name(tag), tag, strerror(-res), res); } IF_ALOGV() { ALOGE_IF(validate_camera_metadata_structure(mBuffer, /*size*/NULL) != OK, "%s: Failed to validate metadata structure after update %p", __FUNCTION__, mBuffer); } return res; } bool CameraMetadata::exists(uint32_t tag) const { camera_metadata_ro_entry entry; return find_camera_metadata_ro_entry(mBuffer, tag, &entry) == 0; } camera_metadata_entry_t CameraMetadata::find(uint32_t tag) { status_t res; camera_metadata_entry entry; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); entry.count = 0; return entry; } res = find_camera_metadata_entry(mBuffer, tag, &entry); if (CC_UNLIKELY( res != OK )) { entry.count = 0; entry.data.u8 = NULL; } return entry; } camera_metadata_ro_entry_t CameraMetadata::find(uint32_t tag) const { status_t res; camera_metadata_ro_entry entry; res = find_camera_metadata_ro_entry(mBuffer, tag, &entry); if (CC_UNLIKELY( res != OK )) { entry.count = 0; entry.data.u8 = NULL; } return entry; } status_t CameraMetadata::erase(uint32_t tag) { camera_metadata_entry_t entry; status_t res; if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } res = find_camera_metadata_entry(mBuffer, tag, &entry); if (res == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { return OK; } else if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Error looking for entry %s.%s (%x): %s %d", __FUNCTION__, get_camera_metadata_section_name(tag), get_camera_metadata_tag_name(tag), tag, strerror(-res), res); return res; } res = delete_camera_metadata_entry(mBuffer, entry.index); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Error deleting entry %s.%s (%x): %s %d", __FUNCTION__, get_camera_metadata_section_name(tag), get_camera_metadata_tag_name(tag), tag, strerror(-res), res); } return res; } void CameraMetadata::dump(int fd, int verbosity, int indentation) const { dump_indented_camera_metadata(mBuffer, fd, verbosity, indentation); } status_t CameraMetadata::resizeIfNeeded(size_t extraEntries, size_t extraData) { if (mBuffer == NULL) { mBuffer = allocate_camera_metadata(extraEntries * 2, extraData * 2); if (mBuffer == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Can't allocate larger metadata buffer", __FUNCTION__); return NO_MEMORY; } } else { size_t currentEntryCount = get_camera_metadata_entry_count(mBuffer); size_t currentEntryCap = get_camera_metadata_entry_capacity(mBuffer); size_t newEntryCount = currentEntryCount + extraEntries; newEntryCount = (newEntryCount > currentEntryCap) ? newEntryCount * 2 : currentEntryCap; size_t currentDataCount = get_camera_metadata_data_count(mBuffer); size_t currentDataCap = get_camera_metadata_data_capacity(mBuffer); size_t newDataCount = currentDataCount + extraData; newDataCount = (newDataCount > currentDataCap) ? newDataCount * 2 : currentDataCap; if (newEntryCount > currentEntryCap || newDataCount > currentDataCap) { camera_metadata_t *oldBuffer = mBuffer; mBuffer = allocate_camera_metadata(newEntryCount, newDataCount); if (mBuffer == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Can't allocate larger metadata buffer", __FUNCTION__); return NO_MEMORY; } append_camera_metadata(mBuffer, oldBuffer); free_camera_metadata(oldBuffer); } } return OK; } status_t CameraMetadata::readFromParcel(const Parcel& data, camera_metadata_t** out) { status_t err = OK; camera_metadata_t* metadata = NULL; if (out) { *out = NULL; } // arg0 = metadataSize (int32) int32_t metadataSizeTmp = -1; if ((err = data.readInt32(&metadataSizeTmp)) != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to read metadata size (error %d %s)", __FUNCTION__, err, strerror(-err)); return err; } const size_t metadataSize = static_cast<size_t>(metadataSizeTmp); if (metadataSize == 0) { ALOGV("%s: Read 0-sized metadata", __FUNCTION__); return OK; } // NOTE: this doesn't make sense to me. shouldnt the blob // know how big it is? why do we have to specify the size // to Parcel::readBlob ? ReadableBlob blob; // arg1 = metadata (blob) do { if ((err = data.readBlob(metadataSize, &blob)) != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to read metadata blob (sized %d). Possible " " serialization bug. Error %d %s", __FUNCTION__, metadataSize, err, strerror(-err)); break; } const camera_metadata_t* tmp = reinterpret_cast<const camera_metadata_t*>(blob.data()); metadata = allocate_copy_camera_metadata_checked(tmp, metadataSize); if (metadata == NULL) { // We consider that allocation only fails if the validation // also failed, therefore the readFromParcel was a failure. err = BAD_VALUE; } } while(0); blob.release(); if (out) { ALOGV("%s: Set out metadata to %p", __FUNCTION__, metadata); *out = metadata; } else if (metadata != NULL) { ALOGV("%s: Freed camera metadata at %p", __FUNCTION__, metadata); free_camera_metadata(metadata); } return err; } status_t CameraMetadata::writeToParcel(Parcel& data, const camera_metadata_t* metadata) { status_t res = OK; // arg0 = metadataSize (int32) if (metadata == NULL) { return data.writeInt32(0); } const size_t metadataSize = get_camera_metadata_compact_size(metadata); res = data.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(metadataSize)); if (res != OK) { return res; } // arg1 = metadata (blob) WritableBlob blob; do { res = data.writeBlob(metadataSize, &blob); if (res != OK) { break; } copy_camera_metadata(blob.data(), metadataSize, metadata); IF_ALOGV() { if (validate_camera_metadata_structure( (const camera_metadata_t*)blob.data(), &metadataSize) != OK) { ALOGV("%s: Failed to validate metadata %p after writing blob", __FUNCTION__, blob.data()); } else { ALOGV("%s: Metadata written to blob. Validation success", __FUNCTION__); } } // Not too big of a problem since receiving side does hard validation // Don't check the size since the compact size could be larger if (validate_camera_metadata_structure(metadata, /*size*/NULL) != OK) { ALOGW("%s: Failed to validate metadata %p before writing blob", __FUNCTION__, metadata); } } while(false); blob.release(); return res; } status_t CameraMetadata::readFromParcel(Parcel *parcel) { ALOGV("%s: parcel = %p", __FUNCTION__, parcel); status_t res = OK; if (parcel == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: parcel is null", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } camera_metadata *buffer = NULL; // TODO: reading should return a status code, in case validation fails res = CameraMetadata::readFromParcel(*parcel, &buffer); if (res != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to read from parcel. Metadata is unchanged.", __FUNCTION__); return res; } clear(); mBuffer = buffer; return OK; } status_t CameraMetadata::writeToParcel(Parcel *parcel) const { ALOGV("%s: parcel = %p", __FUNCTION__, parcel); if (parcel == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: parcel is null", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } return CameraMetadata::writeToParcel(*parcel, mBuffer); } void CameraMetadata::swap(CameraMetadata& other) { if (mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return; } else if (other.mLocked) { ALOGE("%s: Other CameraMetadata is locked", __FUNCTION__); return; } camera_metadata* thisBuf = mBuffer; camera_metadata* otherBuf = other.mBuffer; other.mBuffer = thisBuf; mBuffer = otherBuf; } }; // namespace android