/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "muxer" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void usage(const char *me) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-a] [-v] [-s ]" " [-e ] [-o ]" " \n", me); fprintf(stderr, " -h help\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -a use audio\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v use video\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s Time in milli-seconds when the trim should start\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -e Time in milli-seconds when the trim should end\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -o output file name. Default is /sdcard/muxeroutput.mp4\n"); exit(1); } using namespace android; static int muxing( const android::sp &looper, const char *path, bool useAudio, bool useVideo, const char *outputFileName, bool enableTrim, int trimStartTimeMs, int trimEndTimeMs, int rotationDegrees) { sp extractor = new NuMediaExtractor; if (extractor->setDataSource(path) != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to instantiate extractor. %s\n", path); return 1; } if (outputFileName == NULL) { outputFileName = "/sdcard/muxeroutput.mp4"; } ALOGV("input file %s, output file %s", path, outputFileName); ALOGV("useAudio %d, useVideo %d", useAudio, useVideo); sp muxer = new MediaMuxer(outputFileName, MediaMuxer::OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4); size_t trackCount = extractor->countTracks(); // Map the extractor's track index to the muxer's track index. KeyedVector trackIndexMap; size_t bufferSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // default buffer size is 1MB. bool haveAudio = false; bool haveVideo = false; int64_t trimStartTimeUs = trimStartTimeMs * 1000; int64_t trimEndTimeUs = trimEndTimeMs * 1000; bool trimStarted = false; int64_t trimOffsetTimeUs = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < trackCount; ++i) { sp format; status_t err = extractor->getTrackFormat(i, &format); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); ALOGV("extractor getTrackFormat: %s", format->debugString().c_str()); AString mime; CHECK(format->findString("mime", &mime)); bool isAudio = !strncasecmp(mime.c_str(), "audio/", 6); bool isVideo = !strncasecmp(mime.c_str(), "video/", 6); if (useAudio && !haveAudio && isAudio) { haveAudio = true; } else if (useVideo && !haveVideo && isVideo) { haveVideo = true; } else { continue; } if (isVideo) { int width , height; CHECK(format->findInt32("width", &width)); CHECK(format->findInt32("height", &height)); bufferSize = width * height * 4; // Assuming it is maximally 4BPP } int64_t duration; CHECK(format->findInt64("durationUs", &duration)); // Since we got the duration now, correct the start time. if (enableTrim) { if (trimStartTimeUs > duration) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: trimStartTimeUs > duration," " reset to 0\n"); trimStartTimeUs = 0; } } ALOGV("selecting track %d", i); err = extractor->selectTrack(i); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); ssize_t newTrackIndex = muxer->addTrack(format); CHECK_GE(newTrackIndex, 0); trackIndexMap.add(i, newTrackIndex); } int64_t muxerStartTimeUs = ALooper::GetNowUs(); bool sawInputEOS = false; size_t trackIndex = -1; sp newBuffer = new ABuffer(bufferSize); muxer->setOrientationHint(rotationDegrees); muxer->start(); while (!sawInputEOS) { status_t err = extractor->getSampleTrackIndex(&trackIndex); if (err != OK) { ALOGV("saw input eos, err %d", err); sawInputEOS = true; break; } else { err = extractor->readSampleData(newBuffer); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); int64_t timeUs; err = extractor->getSampleTime(&timeUs); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); sp meta; err = extractor->getSampleMeta(&meta); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); uint32_t sampleFlags = 0; int32_t val; if (meta->findInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, &val) && val != 0) { // We only support BUFFER_FLAG_SYNCFRAME in the flag for now. sampleFlags |= MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_SYNCFRAME; // We turn on trimming at the sync frame. if (enableTrim && timeUs > trimStartTimeUs && timeUs <= trimEndTimeUs) { if (trimStarted == false) { trimOffsetTimeUs = timeUs; } trimStarted = true; } } // Trim can end at any non-sync frame. if (enableTrim && timeUs > trimEndTimeUs) { trimStarted = false; } if (!enableTrim || (enableTrim && trimStarted)) { err = muxer->writeSampleData(newBuffer, trackIndexMap.valueFor(trackIndex), timeUs - trimOffsetTimeUs, sampleFlags); } extractor->advance(); } } muxer->stop(); newBuffer.clear(); trackIndexMap.clear(); int64_t elapsedTimeUs = ALooper::GetNowUs() - muxerStartTimeUs; fprintf(stderr, "SUCCESS: muxer generate the video in %lld ms\n", elapsedTimeUs / 1000); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *me = argv[0]; bool useAudio = false; bool useVideo = false; char *outputFileName = NULL; int trimStartTimeMs = -1; int trimEndTimeMs = -1; int rotationDegrees = 0; // When trimStartTimeMs and trimEndTimeMs seems valid, we turn this switch // to true. bool enableTrim = false; int res; while ((res = getopt(argc, argv, "h?avo:s:e:r:")) >= 0) { switch (res) { case 'a': { useAudio = true; break; } case 'v': { useVideo = true; break; } case 'o': { outputFileName = optarg; break; } case 's': { trimStartTimeMs = atoi(optarg); break; } case 'e': { trimEndTimeMs = atoi(optarg); break; } case 'r': { rotationDegrees = atoi(optarg); break; } case '?': case 'h': default: { usage(me); } } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 1) { usage(me); } if (trimStartTimeMs < 0 || trimEndTimeMs < 0) { // If no input on either 's' or 'e', or they are obviously wrong input, // then turn off trimming. ALOGV("Trimming is disabled, copying the whole length video."); enableTrim = false; } else if (trimStartTimeMs > trimEndTimeMs) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: start time is bigger\n"); return 1; } else { enableTrim = true; } if (!useAudio && !useVideo) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Missing both -a and -v, no track to mux then.\n"); return 1; } ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); // Make sure setDataSource() works. DataSource::RegisterDefaultSniffers(); sp looper = new ALooper; looper->start(); int result = muxing(looper, argv[0], useAudio, useVideo, outputFileName, enableTrim, trimStartTimeMs, trimEndTimeMs, rotationDegrees); looper->stop(); return result; }