/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "SessionMap.h" #include "FwdLockEngine.h" #include #include #include #include #include "drm_framework_common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FwdLockConv.h" #include "FwdLockFile.h" #include "FwdLockGlue.h" #include "FwdLockEngineConst.h" #include "MimeTypeUtil.h" #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "FwdLockEngine" using namespace android; // This extern "C" is mandatory to be managed by TPlugInManager extern "C" IDrmEngine* create() { return new FwdLockEngine(); } // This extern "C" is mandatory to be managed by TPlugInManager extern "C" void destroy(IDrmEngine* plugIn) { delete plugIn; } FwdLockEngine::FwdLockEngine() { LOGV("FwdLockEngine Construction"); } FwdLockEngine::~FwdLockEngine() { LOGV("FwdLockEngine Destruction"); convertSessionMap.destroyMap(); decodeSessionMap.destroyMap(); } int FwdLockEngine::getConvertedStatus(FwdLockConv_Status_t status) { int retStatus = DrmConvertedStatus::STATUS_ERROR; switch(status) { case FwdLockConv_Status_OK: retStatus = DrmConvertedStatus::STATUS_OK; break; case FwdLockConv_Status_SyntaxError: case FwdLockConv_Status_InvalidArgument: case FwdLockConv_Status_UnsupportedFileFormat: case FwdLockConv_Status_UnsupportedContentTransferEncoding: LOGD("FwdLockEngine getConvertedStatus: file conversion Error %d. " \ "Returning STATUS_INPUTDATA_ERROR", status); retStatus = DrmConvertedStatus::STATUS_INPUTDATA_ERROR; break; default: LOGD("FwdLockEngine getConvertedStatus: file conversion Error %d. " \ "Returning STATUS_ERROR", status); retStatus = DrmConvertedStatus::STATUS_ERROR; break; } return retStatus; } DrmConstraints* FwdLockEngine::onGetConstraints(int uniqueId, const String8* path, int action) { DrmConstraints* drmConstraints = NULL; LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onGetConstraints"); if (NULL != path && (RightsStatus::RIGHTS_VALID == onCheckRightsStatus(uniqueId, *path, action))) { // Return the empty constraints to show no error condition. drmConstraints = new DrmConstraints(); } return drmConstraints; } DrmMetadata* FwdLockEngine::onGetMetadata(int uniqueId, const String8* path) { DrmMetadata* drmMetadata = NULL; LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onGetMetadata"); if (NULL != path) { // Returns empty metadata to show no error condition. drmMetadata = new DrmMetadata(); } return drmMetadata; } android::status_t FwdLockEngine::onInitialize(int uniqueId) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onInitialize"); if (FwdLockGlue_InitializeKeyEncryption()) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onInitialize -- FwdLockGlue_InitializeKeyEncryption succeeded"); } else { LOGD("FwdLockEngine::onInitialize -- FwdLockGlue_InitializeKeyEncryption failed:" "errno = %d", errno); } return DRM_NO_ERROR; } android::status_t FwdLockEngine::onSetOnInfoListener(int uniqueId, const IDrmEngine::OnInfoListener* infoListener) { // Not used LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onSetOnInfoListener"); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } android::status_t FwdLockEngine::onTerminate(int uniqueId) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onTerminate"); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } DrmSupportInfo* FwdLockEngine::onGetSupportInfo(int uniqueId) { DrmSupportInfo* pSupportInfo = new DrmSupportInfo(); LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onGetSupportInfo"); // fill all Forward Lock mimetypes and extensions if (NULL != pSupportInfo) { pSupportInfo->addMimeType(String8(FWDLOCK_MIMETYPE_FL)); pSupportInfo->addFileSuffix(String8(FWDLOCK_DOTEXTENSION_FL)); pSupportInfo->addMimeType(String8(FWDLOCK_MIMETYPE_DM)); pSupportInfo->addFileSuffix(String8(FWDLOCK_DOTEXTENSION_DM)); pSupportInfo->setDescription(String8(FWDLOCK_DESCRIPTION)); } return pSupportInfo; } bool FwdLockEngine::onCanHandle(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { bool result = false; String8 extString = path.getPathExtension(); extString.toLower(); if ((extString == String8(FWDLOCK_DOTEXTENSION_FL)) || (extString == String8(FWDLOCK_DOTEXTENSION_DM))) { result = true; } return result; } DrmInfoStatus* FwdLockEngine::onProcessDrmInfo(int uniqueId, const DrmInfo* drmInfo) { DrmInfoStatus *drmInfoStatus = NULL; // Nothing to process drmInfoStatus = new DrmInfoStatus((int)DrmInfoStatus::STATUS_OK, 0, NULL, String8("")); LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onProcessDrmInfo"); return drmInfoStatus; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onSaveRights( int uniqueId, const DrmRights& drmRights, const String8& rightsPath, const String8& contentPath) { // No rights to save. Return LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onSaveRights"); return DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } DrmInfo* FwdLockEngine::onAcquireDrmInfo(int uniqueId, const DrmInfoRequest* drmInfoRequest) { DrmInfo* drmInfo = NULL; // Nothing to be done for Forward Lock file LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onAcquireDrmInfo"); return drmInfo; } int FwdLockEngine::onCheckRightsStatus(int uniqueId, const String8& path, int action) { int result = RightsStatus::RIGHTS_INVALID; LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onCheckRightsStatus"); // Only Transfer action is not allowed for forward Lock files. if (onCanHandle(uniqueId, path)) { switch(action) { case Action::DEFAULT: case Action::PLAY: case Action::RINGTONE: case Action::OUTPUT: case Action::PREVIEW: case Action::EXECUTE: case Action::DISPLAY: result = RightsStatus::RIGHTS_VALID; break; case Action::TRANSFER: default: result = RightsStatus::RIGHTS_INVALID; break; } } return result; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onConsumeRights(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int action, bool reserve) { // No rights consumption LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onConsumeRights"); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } bool FwdLockEngine::onValidateAction(int uniqueId, const String8& path, int action, const ActionDescription& description) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onValidateAction"); // For the forwardlock engine checkRights and ValidateAction are the same. return (onCheckRightsStatus(uniqueId, path, action) == RightsStatus::RIGHTS_VALID); } String8 FwdLockEngine::onGetOriginalMimeType(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onGetOriginalMimeType"); String8 mimeString = String8(""); int fileDesc = FwdLockFile_open(path.string()); if (-1 < fileDesc) { const char* pMimeType = FwdLockFile_GetContentType(fileDesc); if (NULL != pMimeType) { String8 contentType = String8(pMimeType); contentType.toLower(); mimeString = MimeTypeUtil::convertMimeType(contentType); } FwdLockFile_close(fileDesc); } return mimeString; } int FwdLockEngine::onGetDrmObjectType(int uniqueId, const String8& path, const String8& mimeType) { String8 mimeStr = String8(mimeType); LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onGetDrmObjectType"); mimeStr.toLower(); /* Checks whether * 1. path and mime type both are not empty strings (meaning unavailable) else content is unknown * 2. if one of them is empty string and if other is known then its a DRM Content Object. * 3. if both of them are available, then both may be of known type * (regardless of the relation between them to make it compatible with other DRM Engines) */ if (((0 == path.length()) || onCanHandle(uniqueId, path)) && ((0 == mimeType.length()) || ((mimeStr == String8(FWDLOCK_MIMETYPE_FL)) || (mimeStr == String8(FWDLOCK_MIMETYPE_DM)))) && (mimeType != path) ) { return DrmObjectType::CONTENT; } return DrmObjectType::UNKNOWN; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onRemoveRights(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { // No Rights to remove LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onRemoveRights"); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onRemoveAllRights(int uniqueId) { // No rights to remove LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onRemoveAllRights"); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } #ifdef USE_64BIT_DRM_API status_t FwdLockEngine::onSetPlaybackStatus(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int playbackStatus, int64_t position) { #else status_t FwdLockEngine::onSetPlaybackStatus(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int playbackStatus, int position) { #endif // Not used LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onSetPlaybackStatus"); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onOpenConvertSession(int uniqueId, int convertId) { status_t result = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onOpenConvertSession"); if (!convertSessionMap.isCreated(convertId)) { ConvertSession *newSession = new ConvertSession(); if (FwdLockConv_Status_OK == FwdLockConv_OpenSession(&(newSession->uniqueId), &(newSession->output))) { convertSessionMap.addValue(convertId, newSession); result = DRM_NO_ERROR; } else { LOGD("FwdLockEngine::onOpenConvertSession -- FwdLockConv_OpenSession failed."); delete newSession; } } return result; } DrmConvertedStatus* FwdLockEngine::onConvertData(int uniqueId, int convertId, const DrmBuffer* inputData) { FwdLockConv_Status_t retStatus = FwdLockConv_Status_InvalidArgument; DrmBuffer *convResult = new DrmBuffer(NULL, 0); int offset = -1; if (NULL != inputData && convertSessionMap.isCreated(convertId)) { ConvertSession *convSession = convertSessionMap.getValue(convertId); if (NULL != convSession) { retStatus = FwdLockConv_ConvertData(convSession->uniqueId, inputData->data, inputData->length, &(convSession->output)); if (FwdLockConv_Status_OK == retStatus) { // return bytes from conversion if available if (convSession->output.fromConvertData.numBytes > 0) { convResult->data = new char[convSession->output.fromConvertData.numBytes]; if (NULL != convResult->data) { convResult->length = convSession->output.fromConvertData.numBytes; memcpy(convResult->data, (char *)convSession->output.fromConvertData.pBuffer, convResult->length); } } } else { offset = convSession->output.fromConvertData.errorPos; } } } return new DrmConvertedStatus(getConvertedStatus(retStatus), convResult, offset); } DrmConvertedStatus* FwdLockEngine::onCloseConvertSession(int uniqueId, int convertId) { FwdLockConv_Status_t retStatus = FwdLockConv_Status_InvalidArgument; DrmBuffer *convResult = new DrmBuffer(NULL, 0); int offset = -1; LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onCloseConvertSession"); if (convertSessionMap.isCreated(convertId)) { ConvertSession *convSession = convertSessionMap.getValue(convertId); if (NULL != convSession) { retStatus = FwdLockConv_CloseSession(convSession->uniqueId, &(convSession->output)); if (FwdLockConv_Status_OK == retStatus) { offset = convSession->output.fromCloseSession.fileOffset; convResult->data = new char[FWD_LOCK_SIGNATURES_SIZE]; if (NULL != convResult->data) { convResult->length = FWD_LOCK_SIGNATURES_SIZE; memcpy(convResult->data, (char *)convSession->output.fromCloseSession.signatures, convResult->length); } } } convertSessionMap.removeValue(convertId); } return new DrmConvertedStatus(getConvertedStatus(retStatus), convResult, offset); } #ifdef USE_64BIT_DRM_API status_t FwdLockEngine::onOpenDecryptSession(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int fd, off64_t offset, off64_t length) { #else status_t FwdLockEngine::onOpenDecryptSession(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int fd, int offset, int length) { #endif status_t result = DRM_ERROR_CANNOT_HANDLE; int fileDesc = -1; LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onOpenDecryptSession"); if ((-1 < fd) && (NULL != decryptHandle) && (!decodeSessionMap.isCreated(decryptHandle->decryptId))) { fileDesc = dup(fd); } else { LOGD("FwdLockEngine::onOpenDecryptSession parameter error"); return result; } if (-1 < fileDesc && -1 < ::lseek(fileDesc, offset, SEEK_SET) && -1 < FwdLockFile_attach(fileDesc)) { // check for file integrity. This must be done to protect the content mangling. int retVal = FwdLockFile_CheckHeaderIntegrity(fileDesc); DecodeSession* decodeSession = new DecodeSession(fileDesc); if (retVal && NULL != decodeSession) { decodeSessionMap.addValue(decryptHandle->decryptId, decodeSession); const char *pmime= FwdLockFile_GetContentType(fileDesc); String8 contentType = String8(pmime == NULL ? "" : pmime); contentType.toLower(); decryptHandle->mimeType = MimeTypeUtil::convertMimeType(contentType); decryptHandle->decryptApiType = DecryptApiType::CONTAINER_BASED; decryptHandle->status = RightsStatus::RIGHTS_VALID; decryptHandle->decryptInfo = NULL; result = DRM_NO_ERROR; } else { LOGD("FwdLockEngine::onOpenDecryptSession Integrity Check failed for the fd"); FwdLockFile_detach(fileDesc); delete decodeSession; } } if (DRM_NO_ERROR != result && -1 < fileDesc) { ::close(fileDesc); } LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onOpenDecryptSession Exit. result = %d", result); return result; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onOpenDecryptSession(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, const char* uri) { status_t result = DRM_ERROR_CANNOT_HANDLE; const char fileTag [] = "file://"; if (NULL != decryptHandle && NULL != uri && strlen(uri) > sizeof(fileTag)) { String8 uriTag = String8(uri); uriTag.toLower(); if (0 == strncmp(uriTag.string(), fileTag, sizeof(fileTag) - 1)) { const char *filePath = strchr(uri + sizeof(fileTag) - 1, '/'); if (NULL != filePath && onCanHandle(uniqueId, String8(filePath))) { int fd = open(filePath, O_RDONLY); if (-1 < fd) { // offset is always 0 and length is not used. so any positive size. result = onOpenDecryptSession(uniqueId, decryptHandle, fd, 0, 1); // fd is duplicated already if success. closing the file close(fd); } } } } return result; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onCloseDecryptSession(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle) { status_t result = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onCloseDecryptSession"); if (NULL != decryptHandle && decodeSessionMap.isCreated(decryptHandle->decryptId)) { DecodeSession* session = decodeSessionMap.getValue(decryptHandle->decryptId); if (NULL != session && session->fileDesc > -1) { FwdLockFile_detach(session->fileDesc); ::close(session->fileDesc); decodeSessionMap.removeValue(decryptHandle->decryptId); result = DRM_NO_ERROR; } } if (NULL != decryptHandle) { if (NULL != decryptHandle->decryptInfo) { delete decryptHandle->decryptInfo; decryptHandle->decryptInfo = NULL; } decryptHandle->copyControlVector.clear(); decryptHandle->extendedData.clear(); delete decryptHandle; decryptHandle = NULL; } LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onCloseDecryptSession Exit"); return result; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onInitializeDecryptUnit(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId, const DrmBuffer* headerInfo) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onInitializeDecryptUnit"); return DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onDecrypt(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId, const DrmBuffer* encBuffer, DrmBuffer** decBuffer, DrmBuffer* IV) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onDecrypt"); return DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onDecrypt(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId, const DrmBuffer* encBuffer, DrmBuffer** decBuffer) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onDecrypt"); return DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } status_t FwdLockEngine::onFinalizeDecryptUnit(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId) { LOGV("FwdLockEngine::onFinalizeDecryptUnit"); return DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } ssize_t FwdLockEngine::onRead(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, void* buffer, int numBytes) { ssize_t size = -1; if (NULL != decryptHandle && decodeSessionMap.isCreated(decryptHandle->decryptId) && NULL != buffer && numBytes > -1) { DecodeSession* session = decodeSessionMap.getValue(decryptHandle->decryptId); if (NULL != session && session->fileDesc > -1) { size = FwdLockFile_read(session->fileDesc, buffer, numBytes); if (0 > size) { session->offset = ((off_t)-1); } else { session->offset += size; } } } return size; } #ifdef USE_64BIT_DRM_API off64_t FwdLockEngine::onLseek(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, off64_t offset, int whence) { #else off_t FwdLockEngine::onLseek(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, off_t offset, int whence) { #endif off_t offval = -1; if (NULL != decryptHandle && decodeSessionMap.isCreated(decryptHandle->decryptId)) { DecodeSession* session = decodeSessionMap.getValue(decryptHandle->decryptId); if (NULL != session && session->fileDesc > -1) { offval = FwdLockFile_lseek(session->fileDesc, offset, whence); session->offset = offval; } } return offval; } #ifdef USE_64BIT_DRM_API ssize_t FwdLockEngine::onPread(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, void* buffer, ssize_t numBytes, off64_t offset) { #else ssize_t FwdLockEngine::onPread(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, void* buffer, ssize_t numBytes, off_t offset) { #endif ssize_t bytesRead = -1; DecodeSession* decoderSession = NULL; if ((NULL != decryptHandle) && (NULL != (decoderSession = decodeSessionMap.getValue(decryptHandle->decryptId))) && (NULL != buffer) && (numBytes > -1) && (offset > -1)) { if (offset != decoderSession->offset) { decoderSession->offset = onLseek(uniqueId, decryptHandle, offset, SEEK_SET); } if (((off_t)-1) != decoderSession->offset) { bytesRead = onRead(uniqueId, decryptHandle, buffer, numBytes); if (bytesRead < 0) { LOGD("FwdLockEngine::onPread error reading"); } } } else { LOGD("FwdLockEngine::onPread decryptId not found"); } return bytesRead; }