/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "DrmPassthruPlugIn" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace android; // This extern "C" is mandatory to be managed by TPlugInManager extern "C" IDrmEngine* create() { return new DrmPassthruPlugIn(); } // This extern "C" is mandatory to be managed by TPlugInManager extern "C" void destroy(IDrmEngine* pPlugIn) { delete pPlugIn; pPlugIn = NULL; } DrmPassthruPlugIn::DrmPassthruPlugIn() : DrmEngineBase() { } DrmPassthruPlugIn::~DrmPassthruPlugIn() { } DrmMetadata* DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetMetadata(int uniqueId, const String8* path) { return NULL; } DrmConstraints* DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetConstraints( int uniqueId, const String8* path, int action) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetConstraints From Path: %d", uniqueId); DrmConstraints* drmConstraints = new DrmConstraints(); String8 value("dummy_available_time"); char* charValue = NULL; charValue = new char[value.length() + 1]; strncpy(charValue, value.string(), value.length()); //Just add dummy available time for verification drmConstraints->put(&(DrmConstraints::LICENSE_AVAILABLE_TIME), charValue); return drmConstraints; } DrmInfoStatus* DrmPassthruPlugIn::onProcessDrmInfo(int uniqueId, const DrmInfo* drmInfo) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onProcessDrmInfo - Enter : %d", uniqueId); DrmInfoStatus* drmInfoStatus = NULL; if (NULL != drmInfo) { switch (drmInfo->getInfoType()) { case DrmInfoRequest::TYPE_REGISTRATION_INFO: { const DrmBuffer* emptyBuffer = new DrmBuffer(); drmInfoStatus = new DrmInfoStatus(DrmInfoStatus::STATUS_OK, DrmInfoRequest::TYPE_REGISTRATION_INFO, emptyBuffer, drmInfo->getMimeType()); break; } case DrmInfoRequest::TYPE_UNREGISTRATION_INFO: { const DrmBuffer* emptyBuffer = new DrmBuffer(); drmInfoStatus = new DrmInfoStatus(DrmInfoStatus::STATUS_OK, DrmInfoRequest::TYPE_UNREGISTRATION_INFO, emptyBuffer, drmInfo->getMimeType()); break; } case DrmInfoRequest::TYPE_RIGHTS_ACQUISITION_INFO: { String8 licenseString("dummy_license_string"); const int bufferSize = licenseString.size(); char* data = NULL; data = new char[bufferSize]; memcpy(data, licenseString.string(), bufferSize); const DrmBuffer* buffer = new DrmBuffer(data, bufferSize); drmInfoStatus = new DrmInfoStatus(DrmInfoStatus::STATUS_OK, DrmInfoRequest::TYPE_RIGHTS_ACQUISITION_INFO, buffer, drmInfo->getMimeType()); break; } } } LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onProcessDrmInfo - Exit"); return drmInfoStatus; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onSetOnInfoListener( int uniqueId, const IDrmEngine::OnInfoListener* infoListener) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onSetOnInfoListener : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onInitialize(int uniqueId) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onInitialize : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onTerminate(int uniqueId) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onTerminate : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } DrmSupportInfo* DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetSupportInfo(int uniqueId) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetSupportInfo : %d", uniqueId); DrmSupportInfo* drmSupportInfo = new DrmSupportInfo(); // Add mimetype's drmSupportInfo->addMimeType(String8("application/vnd.passthru.drm")); // Add File Suffixes drmSupportInfo->addFileSuffix(String8(".passthru")); // Add plug-in description drmSupportInfo->setDescription(String8("Passthru plug-in")); return drmSupportInfo; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onSaveRights(int uniqueId, const DrmRights& drmRights, const String8& rightsPath, const String8& contentPath) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onSaveRights : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } DrmInfo* DrmPassthruPlugIn::onAcquireDrmInfo(int uniqueId, const DrmInfoRequest* drmInfoRequest) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onAcquireDrmInfo : %d", uniqueId); DrmInfo* drmInfo = NULL; if (NULL != drmInfoRequest) { String8 dataString("dummy_acquistion_string"); int length = dataString.length(); char* data = NULL; data = new char[length]; memcpy(data, dataString.string(), length); drmInfo = new DrmInfo(drmInfoRequest->getInfoType(), DrmBuffer(data, length), drmInfoRequest->getMimeType()); } return drmInfo; } bool DrmPassthruPlugIn::onCanHandle(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::canHandle: %s ", path.string()); String8 extension = path.getPathExtension(); extension.toLower(); return (String8(".passthru") == extension); } String8 DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetOriginalMimeType(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetOriginalMimeType() : %d", uniqueId); return String8("video/passthru"); } int DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetDrmObjectType( int uniqueId, const String8& path, const String8& mimeType) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onGetDrmObjectType() : %d", uniqueId); return DrmObjectType::UNKNOWN; } int DrmPassthruPlugIn::onCheckRightsStatus(int uniqueId, const String8& path, int action) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onCheckRightsStatus() : %d", uniqueId); int rightsStatus = RightsStatus::RIGHTS_VALID; return rightsStatus; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onConsumeRights(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int action, bool reserve) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onConsumeRights() : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onSetPlaybackStatus(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int playbackStatus, int64_t position) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onSetPlaybackStatus() : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } bool DrmPassthruPlugIn::onValidateAction(int uniqueId, const String8& path, int action, const ActionDescription& description) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onValidateAction() : %d", uniqueId); return true; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onRemoveRights(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onRemoveRights() : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onRemoveAllRights(int uniqueId) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onRemoveAllRights() : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onOpenConvertSession(int uniqueId, int convertId) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onOpenConvertSession() : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } DrmConvertedStatus* DrmPassthruPlugIn::onConvertData( int uniqueId, int convertId, const DrmBuffer* inputData) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onConvertData() : %d", uniqueId); DrmBuffer* convertedData = NULL; if (NULL != inputData && 0 < inputData->length) { int length = inputData->length; char* data = NULL; data = new char[length]; convertedData = new DrmBuffer(data, length); memcpy(convertedData->data, inputData->data, length); } return new DrmConvertedStatus(DrmConvertedStatus::STATUS_OK, convertedData, 0 /*offset*/); } DrmConvertedStatus* DrmPassthruPlugIn::onCloseConvertSession(int uniqueId, int convertId) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onCloseConvertSession() : %d", uniqueId); return new DrmConvertedStatus(DrmConvertedStatus::STATUS_OK, NULL, 0 /*offset*/); } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onOpenDecryptSession( int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int fd, off64_t offset, off64_t length) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onOpenDecryptSession() : %d", uniqueId); #ifdef ENABLE_PASSTHRU_DECRYPTION decryptHandle->mimeType = String8("video/passthru"); decryptHandle->decryptApiType = DecryptApiType::ELEMENTARY_STREAM_BASED; decryptHandle->status = DRM_NO_ERROR; decryptHandle->decryptInfo = NULL; return DRM_NO_ERROR; #endif return DRM_ERROR_CANNOT_HANDLE; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onOpenDecryptSession( int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, const char* uri) { return DRM_ERROR_CANNOT_HANDLE; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onCloseDecryptSession(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onCloseDecryptSession() : %d", uniqueId); if (NULL != decryptHandle) { if (NULL != decryptHandle->decryptInfo) { delete decryptHandle->decryptInfo; decryptHandle->decryptInfo = NULL; } delete decryptHandle; decryptHandle = NULL; } return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onInitializeDecryptUnit(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId, const DrmBuffer* headerInfo) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onInitializeDecryptUnit() : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onDecrypt(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId, const DrmBuffer* encBuffer, DrmBuffer** decBuffer, DrmBuffer* IV) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onDecrypt() : %d", uniqueId); /** * As a workaround implementation passthru would copy the given * encrypted buffer as it is to decrypted buffer. Note, decBuffer * memory has to be allocated by the caller. */ if (NULL != (*decBuffer) && 0 < (*decBuffer)->length) { memcpy((*decBuffer)->data, encBuffer->data, encBuffer->length); (*decBuffer)->length = encBuffer->length; } return DRM_NO_ERROR; } status_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onFinalizeDecryptUnit( int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onFinalizeDecryptUnit() : %d", uniqueId); return DRM_NO_ERROR; } ssize_t DrmPassthruPlugIn::onPread(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, void* buffer, ssize_t numBytes, off64_t offset) { LOGD("DrmPassthruPlugIn::onPread() : %d", uniqueId); return 0; }