/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 NXP Software * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file M4AMRR_CoreReader.c * @brief Implementation of AMR parser * @note This file contains the API Implementation for * AMR Parser. ****************************************************************************** */ #include "M4AMRR_CoreReader.h" #include "M4OSA_Debug.h" #include "M4OSA_CoreID.h" /** ****************************************************************************** * Maximum bitrate per amr type ****************************************************************************** */ #define M4AMRR_NB_MAX_BIT_RATE 12200 #define M4AMRR_WB_MAX_BIT_RATE 23850 /** ****************************************************************************** * AMR reader context ID ****************************************************************************** */ #define M4AMRR_CONTEXTID 0x414d5252 /** ****************************************************************************** * An AMR frame is 20ms ****************************************************************************** */ #define M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH 20 /** ****************************************************************************** * For the seek, the file is splitted in 40 segments for faster search ****************************************************************************** */ #define M4AMRR_NUM_SEEK_ENTRIES 40 #define M4AMRR_NB_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY 8000 /**< Narrow band sampling rate */ #define M4AMRR_WB_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY 16000 /**< Wide band sampling rate */ /** ****************************************************************************** * AMR reader version numbers ****************************************************************************** */ /* CHANGE_VERSION_HERE */ #define M4AMRR_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define M4AMRR_VERSION_MINOR 11 #define M4AMRR_VERSION_REVISION 3 /** ****************************************************************************** * structure M4_AMRR_Context * @brief Internal AMR reader context structure ****************************************************************************** */ typedef struct { M4OSA_UInt32 m_contextId ; /* Fixed Id. to check for valid Context*/ M4OSA_FileReadPointer* m_pOsaFilePtrFct; /* File function pointer */ M4SYS_StreamDescription* m_pStreamHandler; /* Stream Description */ M4OSA_UInt32* m_pSeekIndex; /* Seek Index Table */ M4OSA_UInt32 m_seekInterval; /* Stores the seek Interval stored in the Index */ M4OSA_UInt32 m_maxAuSize; /* Stores the max Au Size */ M4OSA_MemAddr32 m_pdataAddress; /* Pointer to store AU data */ M4SYS_StreamType m_streamType; /* Stores the stream type AMR NB or WB */ M4OSA_Context m_pAMRFile; /* Data storage */ M4AMRR_State m_status; /* AMR Reader Status */ M4OSA_Int32 m_structSize; /* size of structure*/ } M4_AMRR_Context; /** ****************************************************************************** * Parser internal functions, not usable from outside the reader context ****************************************************************************** */ M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_getAuSize(M4OSA_UInt32 frameType, M4SYS_StreamType streamType); M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_getBitrate(M4OSA_UInt32 frameType, M4SYS_StreamType streamType); /** ****************************************************************************** * M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_getAuSize(M4OSA_UInt32 frameType, M4SYS_StreamType streamType) * @brief Internal function to the AMR Parser, returns the AU size of the Frame * @note This function takes the stream type and the frametype and returns the * frame lenght * @param frameType(IN) : AMR frame type * @param streamType(IN) : AMR stream type NB or WB * @returns The frame size based on the frame type. ****************************************************************************** */ M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_getAuSize(M4OSA_UInt32 frameType, M4SYS_StreamType streamType) { const M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_NB_AUSIZE[]={13,14,16,18,20,21,27,32,6,6,6}; const M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_WB_AUSIZE[]={18,24,33,37,41,47,51,59,61,6}; if ( streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) { return M4AMRR_NB_AUSIZE[frameType]; } else /* M4SYS_kAMR_WB */ { return M4AMRR_WB_AUSIZE[frameType]; } } /** ****************************************************************************** * M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_getBitrate(M4OSA_UInt32 frameType, M4SYS_StreamType streamType) * @brief Internal function to the AMR Parser, returns the Bit rate of the Frame * @note This function takes the stream type and the frametype and returns the * bit rate for the given frame. * @param frameType(IN) : AMR frame type * @param streamType(IN) : AMR stream type NB or WB * @returns The frame's bit rate based on the frame type. ****************************************************************************** */ M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_getBitrate(M4OSA_UInt32 frameType, M4SYS_StreamType streamType) { const M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_NB_BITRATE[]= {4750,5150,5900,6700,7400,7950,10200,12200,12200,12200,12200}; const M4OSA_UInt32 M4AMRR_WB_BITRATE[]= {6600,8850,12650,14250,15850,18250,19850,23050,23850,12200}; if ( streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) { return M4AMRR_NB_BITRATE[frameType]; } else /* M4SYS_kAMR_WB */ { return M4AMRR_WB_BITRATE[frameType]; } } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_openRead(M4OSA_Context* pContext, M4OSA_Void* pFileDescriptor, M4OSA_FileReadPointer* pFileFunction) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext; M4OSA_FilePosition filePos; M4OSA_ERR err = M4ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ; M4OSA_UInt32 size ; M4OSA_UInt32 data ; M4OSA_Char *M4_Token; M4OSA_UInt32 *tokenPtr; /* Header for AMR NB */ M4OSA_UInt32 M4_AMR_1 = 0x4d412123; M4OSA_UInt32 M4_AMR_NB_2 = 0x00000a52; /* Header for AMR WB */ M4OSA_UInt32 M4_AMR_WB_2 = 0x42572d52; M4OSA_UInt32 M4_AMR_WB_3 = 0x0000000a; *pContext = M4OSA_NULL ; M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == pContext),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == pFileDescriptor),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"File Desc. M4OSA_NULL"); M4_Token = (M4OSA_Char*)M4OSA_malloc(sizeof(M4OSA_MemAddr32)*3, M4AMR_READER, (M4OSA_Char *)("M4_Token")); if(M4OSA_NULL == M4_Token) { M4OSA_DEBUG_IF3((M4OSA_NULL == M4_Token),M4ERR_ALLOC,"Mem Alloc failed - M4_Token"); return M4ERR_ALLOC ; } pStreamContext= (M4_AMRR_Context*)M4OSA_malloc(sizeof(M4_AMRR_Context), M4AMR_READER, (M4OSA_Char *)("pStreamContext")); if(M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext) { M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)M4_Token); *pContext = M4OSA_NULL ; return M4ERR_ALLOC ; } /* Initialize the context */ pStreamContext->m_contextId = M4AMRR_CONTEXTID; pStreamContext->m_structSize=sizeof(M4_AMRR_Context); pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct=pFileFunction ; pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler = M4OSA_NULL ; pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile = M4OSA_NULL ; pStreamContext->m_status = M4AMRR_kOpening ; pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex = M4OSA_NULL ; pStreamContext->m_seekInterval = 0; pStreamContext->m_maxAuSize = 0 ; pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress = M4OSA_NULL; err=pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->openRead(&pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_Char*)pFileDescriptor,M4OSA_kFileRead ); if ( err != M4NO_ERROR ) { /* M4OSA_DEBUG_IF3((err != M4NO_ERROR),err,"File open failed"); */ M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)pStreamContext); M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)M4_Token); *pContext = M4OSA_NULL ; return err ; } pStreamContext->m_status = M4AMRR_kOpening ; size = 6; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->readData(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_MemAddr8)M4_Token, &size); if(size != 6) { goto cleanup; } tokenPtr = (M4OSA_UInt32*)M4_Token ; /* Check for the first 4 bytes of the header common to WB and NB*/ if (*tokenPtr != M4_AMR_1) { goto cleanup; } tokenPtr++; data = *tokenPtr & 0x0000FFFF ; /* Check if the next part is Narrow band header */ if (data!= M4_AMR_NB_2) { /* Stream is AMR Wide Band */ filePos = 4; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekBeginning, &filePos); size = 5; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->readData(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_MemAddr8)M4_Token, &size); if(size != 5) goto cleanup; tokenPtr=(M4OSA_UInt32*)M4_Token; /* Check for the Wide band hader */ if(*tokenPtr!= M4_AMR_WB_2) goto cleanup; tokenPtr++; data = *tokenPtr & 0x000000FF ; if(data!= M4_AMR_WB_3) goto cleanup; pStreamContext->m_streamType = M4SYS_kAMR_WB ; } else { /* Stream is a Narrow band stream */ pStreamContext->m_streamType = M4SYS_kAMR ; } /* No Profile level defined */ pStreamContext->m_status = M4AMRR_kOpened; M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)M4_Token); *pContext = pStreamContext ; return M4NO_ERROR; cleanup: if(M4OSA_NULL != pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile) { pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->closeRead(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile); } M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)M4_Token); M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)pStreamContext); *pContext = M4OSA_NULL ; return (M4OSA_ERR)M4ERR_AMR_NOT_COMPLIANT; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_getNextStream(M4OSA_Context Context, M4SYS_StreamDescription* pStreamDesc ) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; M4OSA_Char frameHeader, frameType ; M4OSA_UInt32 size, auCount=0; M4OSA_FilePosition filePos; M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == Context),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == pStreamDesc),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Stream Desc. M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((pStreamContext->m_contextId != M4AMRR_CONTEXTID),M4ERR_BAD_CONTEXT, "Bad Context"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1(( pStreamContext->m_status != M4AMRR_kOpened), M4ERR_STATE, "Invalid State"); if (M4OSA_NULL != pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler) { return M4WAR_NO_MORE_STREAM ; } size = 1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->readData(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_MemAddr8)&frameHeader, &size); /* XFFF FXXX -> F is the Frame type */ frameType = ( frameHeader & 0x78 ) >> 3 ; if ( frameType == 15 ) { return M4WAR_NO_DATA_YET ; } if (( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) && ( frameType > 11 )) { return (M4OSA_ERR)M4ERR_AMR_INVALID_FRAME_TYPE; } if (( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR_WB ) && ( frameType > 9 )) { return (M4OSA_ERR)M4ERR_AMR_INVALID_FRAME_TYPE; } /* Average bit rate is assigned the bitrate of the first frame */ pStreamDesc->averageBitrate = M4AMRR_getBitrate(frameType,pStreamContext->m_streamType); filePos = -1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekCurrent, &filePos); /* Initialize pStreamDesc */ pStreamDesc->profileLevel = 0xFF ; pStreamDesc->decoderSpecificInfoSize = 0 ; pStreamDesc->decoderSpecificInfo = M4OSA_NULL ; pStreamDesc->maxBitrate = (pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR )?M4AMRR_NB_MAX_BIT_RATE:M4AMRR_WB_MAX_BIT_RATE; pStreamDesc->profileLevel = 0xFF ; pStreamDesc->streamID = 1; pStreamDesc->streamType = pStreamContext->m_streamType; /* Timescale equals Sampling Frequency: NB-8000 Hz, WB-16000 Hz */ pStreamDesc->timeScale = (pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR )?8000:16000; M4OSA_TIME_SET_UNKNOWN(pStreamDesc->duration); pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler = (M4SYS_StreamDescription*)M4OSA_malloc(sizeof(M4SYS_StreamDescription), M4AMR_READER, (M4OSA_Char *)("pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler")); if(M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler) { return M4ERR_ALLOC; } /* Copy the Stream Desc. into the Context */ pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->averageBitrate = pStreamDesc->averageBitrate; pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->decoderSpecificInfo = M4OSA_NULL ; pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->decoderSpecificInfoSize = 0 ; M4OSA_TIME_SET_UNKNOWN(pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->duration); pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->profileLevel = 0xFF ; pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->streamID = 1; pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->streamType = pStreamDesc->streamType ; pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->timeScale = pStreamDesc->timeScale ; /* Count the number of Access Unit in the File to get the */ /* duration of the stream = 20 ms * number of access unit */ while(1) { size = 1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->readData(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_MemAddr8)&frameHeader, &size); if ( size == 0) break ; frameType = (frameHeader & 0x78) >> 3 ; /* Get the frame size and skip so many bytes */ if(frameType != 15){ /* GLA 20050628 when frametype is >10 we read over a table */ if(frameType > 10) continue ; size = M4AMRR_getAuSize(frameType, pStreamContext->m_streamType); if(size > pStreamContext->m_maxAuSize ) { pStreamContext->m_maxAuSize = size ; } filePos = size-1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekCurrent, &filePos); auCount++; } } /* Each Frame is 20 m Sec. */ pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->duration = auCount * M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; pStreamDesc->duration = pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->duration ; /* Put the file pointer back at the first Access unit */ if( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) { filePos = 6; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekBeginning, &filePos); } if ( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR_WB ) { filePos = 9; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekBeginning, &filePos); } return M4NO_ERROR ; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_startReading(M4OSA_Context Context, M4SYS_StreamID* pStreamIDs ) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; M4OSA_Int32 size = 0 ; M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == Context),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == pStreamIDs),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Stream Ids. M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((pStreamContext->m_contextId != M4AMRR_CONTEXTID),M4ERR_BAD_CONTEXT, "Bad Context"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1(( pStreamContext->m_status != M4AMRR_kOpened), M4ERR_STATE, "Invalid State"); while( pStreamIDs[size] != 0 ) { if( pStreamIDs[size++] != 1 ) { return M4ERR_BAD_STREAM_ID ; } } /* Allocate memory for data Address for use in NextAU() */ if(M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress) { size = pStreamContext->m_maxAuSize ; /* dataAddress is owned by Parser, application should not delete or free it */ pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress =(M4OSA_MemAddr32)M4OSA_malloc(size + (4 - size % 4), M4AMR_READER, (M4OSA_Char *)("pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress")); if(M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress) { M4OSA_DEBUG_IF3((M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress),M4ERR_ALLOC, "Mem Alloc failed - dataAddress"); return M4ERR_ALLOC; } } /* Set the state of context to Reading */ pStreamContext->m_status = M4AMRR_kReading ; return M4NO_ERROR ; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_nextAU(M4OSA_Context Context, M4SYS_StreamID StreamID, M4SYS_AccessUnit* pAu) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; M4OSA_Char frameHeader ; M4OSA_Char frameType ; M4OSA_Int32 auSize; M4OSA_UInt32 size ; M4OSA_FilePosition filePos; M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == Context),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == pAu),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Access Unit . M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((pStreamContext->m_contextId != M4AMRR_CONTEXTID),M4ERR_BAD_CONTEXT, "Bad Context"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1(( pStreamContext->m_status != M4AMRR_kReading), M4ERR_STATE, "Invalid State"); if ( StreamID != 1 ) { return M4ERR_BAD_STREAM_ID; } /* Read the frame header byte */ size = pStreamContext->m_maxAuSize; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->readData(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_MemAddr8)pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress, &size); if(size != pStreamContext->m_maxAuSize) { return M4WAR_NO_MORE_AU; } frameHeader = ((M4OSA_MemAddr8)pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress)[0]; frameType = ( frameHeader & 0x78 ) >> 3 ; if (( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) && ( frameType > 11 ) && ( frameType != 15 )) { return (M4OSA_ERR)M4ERR_AMR_INVALID_FRAME_TYPE; } if (( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR_WB ) && ( frameType > 9 ) && ( frameType != 15 )) { return (M4OSA_ERR)M4ERR_AMR_INVALID_FRAME_TYPE; } /* Get the frame size */ if(frameType == 15) { auSize = 1; } else { auSize = M4AMRR_getAuSize(frameType, pStreamContext->m_streamType); } size -= auSize ; if(size != 0) { filePos = -((M4OSA_FilePosition)size); pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekCurrent, &filePos); } pAu->size = auSize ; /* even when frameType == 15 (no data frame), ARM core decoder outputs full PCM buffer */ /*if(frameType == 15 ) { pAu->CTS += 0; }*/ /*else*/ { pAu->CTS += M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; } pAu->DTS = pAu->CTS ; pAu->attribute = M4SYS_kFragAttrOk; pAu->stream = pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler; pAu->dataAddress = pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress ; if(frameHeader & 0x80) { return M4WAR_NO_MORE_AU; } /* Change the state to implement NextAu->freeAu->NextAu FSM */ pStreamContext->m_status = M4AMRR_kReading_nextAU ; return M4NO_ERROR ; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_freeAU(M4OSA_Context Context, M4SYS_StreamID StreamID, M4SYS_AccessUnit* pAu) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == Context),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == pAu),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Access Unit . M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((pStreamContext->m_contextId != M4AMRR_CONTEXTID),M4ERR_BAD_CONTEXT, "Bad Context"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1(( pStreamContext->m_status != M4AMRR_kReading_nextAU), M4ERR_STATE, "Invalid State"); if (( StreamID != 1 ) && ( StreamID != 0)) { return M4ERR_BAD_STREAM_ID; } /* Change the state to Reading so as to allow access to next AU */ pStreamContext->m_status = M4AMRR_kReading ; return M4NO_ERROR ; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_seek(M4OSA_Context Context, M4SYS_StreamID* pStreamID, M4OSA_Time time, M4SYS_SeekAccessMode seekMode, M4OSA_Time* pObtainCTS) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; M4OSA_UInt32 count, prevAU, nextAU ; M4OSA_UInt32 size ; M4OSA_UInt32 auSize ; M4OSA_UInt32 position, partSeekTime; M4OSA_UInt32 auCount = 0, skipAuCount = 0 ; M4OSA_Char frameHeader ; M4OSA_Char frameType ; M4OSA_FilePosition filePos; M4OSA_Double time_double; /*Make explicit time cast, but take care that timescale is not used !!!*/ M4OSA_TIME_TO_MS(time_double, time, 1000); M4OSA_INT64_FROM_INT32(*pObtainCTS, 0); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == Context),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((pStreamContext->m_contextId != M4AMRR_CONTEXTID),M4ERR_BAD_CONTEXT, "Bad Context"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1(( pStreamContext->m_status != M4AMRR_kReading) && \ ( pStreamContext->m_status != M4AMRR_kOpened), M4ERR_STATE, "Invalid State"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1((time_double < 0),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"negative time"); /* Coming to seek for the first time, need to build the seekIndex Table */ if(M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex) { M4OSA_Double duration_double; count = 0 ; pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex = (M4OSA_UInt32*)M4OSA_malloc(M4AMRR_NUM_SEEK_ENTRIES * sizeof(M4OSA_UInt32), M4AMR_READER, (M4OSA_Char *)("pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex")); if(M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex) { M4OSA_DEBUG_IF3((M4OSA_NULL == pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex),M4ERR_ALLOC, "Mem Alloc Failed - SeekIndex"); return M4ERR_ALLOC ; } /* point to the first AU */ if( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) { filePos = 6; } else /*if ( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR_WB )*/ { filePos = 9; } pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekBeginning, &filePos); /* Set the postion to begining of first AU */ position = (pStreamContext->m_streamType != M4SYS_kAMR)?9:6; /*Make explicit time cast, but take care that timescale is not used !!!*/ M4OSA_TIME_TO_MS(duration_double, pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler->duration, 1000); /* Calculate the seek Interval duration based on total dutation */ /* Interval = (duration / ENTRIES) in multiples of AU frame length */ pStreamContext->m_seekInterval = (M4OSA_UInt32)(duration_double / M4AMRR_NUM_SEEK_ENTRIES) ; pStreamContext->m_seekInterval /= M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; pStreamContext->m_seekInterval *= M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; skipAuCount = pStreamContext->m_seekInterval / M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex[count++]=position; while(count < M4AMRR_NUM_SEEK_ENTRIES ) { size = 1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->readData(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_MemAddr8)&frameHeader, &size); if ( size == 0) { break ; } frameType = (frameHeader & 0x78) >> 3 ; if(frameType != 15) { /**< bugfix Ronan Cousyn 05/04/2006: In the core reader AMR, the * function M4AMRR_seek doesn't check the frameType */ if (( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) && ( frameType > 10 )) { return M4ERR_AMR_INVALID_FRAME_TYPE; } if (( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR_WB ) && ( frameType > 9 )) { return M4ERR_AMR_INVALID_FRAME_TYPE; } auSize = M4AMRR_getAuSize(frameType, pStreamContext->m_streamType); position += auSize ; filePos = auSize-1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekCurrent, &filePos); auCount++; } else { position ++; } /* Skip the number of AU's as per interval and store in the Index table */ if ( (skipAuCount != 0) && !(auCount % skipAuCount)) { pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex[count++] = position; } } }/* End of Building the seek table */ /* Use the seek table to seek the required time in the stream */ /* If we are seeking the begining of the file point to first AU */ if ( seekMode == M4SYS_kBeginning ) { if( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR ) { filePos = 6; } else /*if ( pStreamContext->m_streamType == M4SYS_kAMR_WB )*/ { filePos = 9; } pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekBeginning, &filePos ); return M4NO_ERROR ; } /* Get the Nearest Second */ if (0 != pStreamContext->m_seekInterval) { position = (M4OSA_UInt32)(time_double / pStreamContext->m_seekInterval); } else { /*avoid division by 0*/ position = 0; } /* We have only 40 seek Index. */ position=(position >= M4AMRR_NUM_SEEK_ENTRIES)?M4AMRR_NUM_SEEK_ENTRIES-1:position; /* SeekIndex will point to nearest Au, we need to search for the required time form that position */ partSeekTime = (M4OSA_UInt32)time_double - position * pStreamContext->m_seekInterval; position = pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex[position]; if(!position) { return M4WAR_INVALID_TIME ; } /* point the file pointer to nearest AU */ filePos = position; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekBeginning, &filePos ); if ( partSeekTime == 0) { M4OSA_TIME_SET(*pObtainCTS, time); return M4NO_ERROR; } M4OSA_INT64_FROM_DOUBLE(*pObtainCTS, (time_double - (M4OSA_Double)partSeekTime)) ; switch(seekMode) { /* Get the AU before the target time */ case M4SYS_kPreviousRAP: case M4SYS_kNoRAPprevious: position = partSeekTime / M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; if ( !(partSeekTime % M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH) ) { position -- ; } break; /* Get the Closest AU following the target time */ case M4SYS_kNextRAP: case M4SYS_kNoRAPnext: position = (partSeekTime + M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH )/ M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; break; /* Get the closest AU to target time */ case M4SYS_kClosestRAP: case M4SYS_kNoRAPclosest: prevAU = partSeekTime-(partSeekTime/M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH)*M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH; nextAU = ((partSeekTime+M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH)/M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH)*M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH -\ partSeekTime ; if(prevAU < nextAU) { position = partSeekTime / M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; } else { position = (partSeekTime + M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH )/ M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH ; } break; case M4SYS_kBeginning: break; } count = 0 ; /* Skip the Access unit in the stream to skip the part seek time, to reach the required target time */ while(count < position ) { size = 1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->readData(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, (M4OSA_MemAddr8)&frameHeader, &size); if ( size == 0) { /* If the target time is invalid, point to begining and return */ M4OSA_INT64_FROM_INT32(*pObtainCTS, 0); filePos = pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex[0]; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekBeginning, &filePos); return M4WAR_INVALID_TIME ; } *pObtainCTS += M4AMRR_FRAME_LENGTH; /*Should use M4OSA_INT64_ADD !!*/ count++; frameType = (frameHeader & 0x78) >> 3 ; if(frameType == 15) { auSize = 1 ; } else { auSize = M4AMRR_getAuSize(frameType, pStreamContext->m_streamType); } filePos = auSize-1; pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->seek(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile, M4OSA_kFileSeekCurrent, &filePos); } return M4NO_ERROR; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_closeRead(M4OSA_Context Context) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == Context),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); /* Close the AMR stream */ pStreamContext->m_pOsaFilePtrFct->closeRead(pStreamContext->m_pAMRFile); pStreamContext->m_status=M4AMRR_kClosed ; /* Check if AU data Address is allocated memory and free it */ if(M4OSA_NULL != pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress) { M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)pStreamContext->m_pdataAddress); } /* Check if the stream handler is allocated memory */ if(M4OSA_NULL != pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler) { M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)pStreamContext->m_pStreamHandler); } /* Seek table is created only when seek is used, so check if memory is allocated */ if(M4OSA_NULL != pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex) { M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)pStreamContext->m_pSeekIndex); } /* Free the context */ M4OSA_free((M4OSA_MemAddr32)pStreamContext); return M4NO_ERROR ; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_getState(M4OSA_Context Context, M4AMRR_State* pState, M4SYS_StreamID streamId) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((M4OSA_NULL == Context),M4ERR_PARAMETER,"Context M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF2((pStreamContext->m_contextId != M4AMRR_CONTEXTID),M4ERR_BAD_CONTEXT, "Bad Context"); if (( streamId != 1 ) && ( streamId != 0)) { return M4ERR_BAD_STREAM_ID; } *pState = pStreamContext->m_status ; return M4NO_ERROR ; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_getVersion (M4_VersionInfo *pVersion) /*********************************************************/ { M4OSA_TRACE1_1("M4AMRR_getVersion called with pVersion: 0x%x\n", pVersion); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1(((M4OSA_UInt32) pVersion == 0),M4ERR_PARAMETER, "pVersion is NULL in M4AMRR_getVersion"); pVersion->m_major = M4AMRR_VERSION_MAJOR; pVersion->m_minor = M4AMRR_VERSION_MINOR; pVersion->m_revision = M4AMRR_VERSION_REVISION; return M4NO_ERROR; } /*********************************************************/ M4OSA_ERR M4AMRR_getmaxAUsize(M4OSA_Context Context, M4OSA_UInt32 *pMaxAuSize) /*********************************************************/ { M4_AMRR_Context* pStreamContext=(M4_AMRR_Context*)Context; /** * Check input parameters */ M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1((M4OSA_NULL == Context), M4ERR_PARAMETER, "M4AMRR_getmaxAUsize: Context is M4OSA_NULL"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1((M4OSA_NULL == pMaxAuSize),M4ERR_PARAMETER, "M4AMRR_getmaxAUsize: pMaxAuSize is M4OSA_NULL"); *pMaxAuSize = pStreamContext->m_maxAuSize; return M4NO_ERROR; }