/* /android/src/frameworks/base/libs/audioflinger/AudioShelvingFilter.cpp ** ** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #include "AudioShelvingFilter.h" #include "AudioCommon.h" #include "EffectsMath.h" #include #include #define LIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, true )) #define UNLIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, false )) namespace android { // Format of the coefficient tables: // kCoefTable[freq][gain][coef] // freq - cutoff frequency, in octaves below Nyquist,from -10 to -6 in low // shelf, -2 to 0 in high shelf. // gain - gain, in millibel, starting at -9600, jumps of 1024, to 4736 millibel. // coef - 0: b0 // 1: b1 // 2: b2 // 3: -a1 // 4: -a2 static const size_t kHiInDims[2] = {3, 15}; static const audio_coef_t kHiCoefTable[3*15*5] = { #include "AudioHighShelfFilterCoef.inl" }; static const size_t kLoInDims[2] = {5, 15}; static const audio_coef_t kLoCoefTable[5*15*5] = { #include "AudioLowShelfFilterCoef.inl" }; AudioCoefInterpolator AudioShelvingFilter::mHiCoefInterp(2, kHiInDims, 5, (const audio_coef_t*) kHiCoefTable); AudioCoefInterpolator AudioShelvingFilter::mLoCoefInterp(2, kLoInDims, 5, (const audio_coef_t*) kLoCoefTable); AudioShelvingFilter::AudioShelvingFilter(ShelfType type, int nChannels, int sampleRate) : mType(type), mBiquad(nChannels, sampleRate) { configure(nChannels, sampleRate); } void AudioShelvingFilter::configure(int nChannels, int sampleRate) { mNiquistFreq = sampleRate * 500; mFrequencyFactor = ((1ull) << 42) / mNiquistFreq; mBiquad.configure(nChannels, sampleRate); setFrequency(mNominalFrequency); commit(true); } void AudioShelvingFilter::reset() { setGain(0); setFrequency(mType == kLowShelf ? 0 : mNiquistFreq); commit(true); } void AudioShelvingFilter::setFrequency(uint32_t millihertz) { mNominalFrequency = millihertz; if (UNLIKELY(millihertz > mNiquistFreq / 2)) { millihertz = mNiquistFreq / 2; } uint32_t normFreq = static_cast( (static_cast(millihertz) * mFrequencyFactor) >> 10); uint32_t log2minFreq = (mType == kLowShelf ? (32-10) : (32-2)); if (LIKELY(normFreq > (1U << log2minFreq))) { mFrequency = (Effects_log2(normFreq) - (log2minFreq << 15)) << (FREQ_PRECISION_BITS - 15); } else { mFrequency = 0; } } void AudioShelvingFilter::setGain(int32_t millibel) { mGain = millibel + 9600; } void AudioShelvingFilter::commit(bool immediate) { audio_coef_t coefs[5]; int intCoord[2] = { mFrequency >> FREQ_PRECISION_BITS, mGain >> GAIN_PRECISION_BITS }; uint32_t fracCoord[2] = { mFrequency << (32 - FREQ_PRECISION_BITS), static_cast(mGain) << (32 - GAIN_PRECISION_BITS) }; if (mType == kHighShelf) { mHiCoefInterp.getCoef(intCoord, fracCoord, coefs); } else { mLoCoefInterp.getCoef(intCoord, fracCoord, coefs); } mBiquad.setCoefs(coefs, immediate); } }