/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef GENERIC_SOURCE_H_ #define GENERIC_SOURCE_H_ #include "NuPlayer.h" #include "NuPlayerSource.h" #include "ATSParser.h" #include namespace android { class DecryptHandle; class DrmManagerClient; struct AnotherPacketSource; struct ARTSPController; struct DataSource; struct IMediaHTTPService; struct MediaSource; class MediaBuffer; struct NuCachedSource2; struct WVMExtractor; struct NuPlayer::GenericSource : public NuPlayer::Source { GenericSource(const sp ¬ify, bool uidValid, uid_t uid); status_t setDataSource( const sp &httpService, const char *url, const KeyedVector *headers); status_t setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length); virtual void prepareAsync(); virtual void start(); virtual void stop(); virtual void pause(); virtual void resume(); virtual void disconnect(); virtual status_t feedMoreTSData(); virtual sp getFileFormatMeta() const; virtual status_t dequeueAccessUnit(bool audio, sp *accessUnit); virtual status_t getDuration(int64_t *durationUs); virtual size_t getTrackCount() const; virtual sp getTrackInfo(size_t trackIndex) const; virtual ssize_t getSelectedTrack(media_track_type type) const; virtual status_t selectTrack(size_t trackIndex, bool select); virtual status_t seekTo(int64_t seekTimeUs); virtual status_t setBuffers(bool audio, Vector &buffers); protected: virtual ~GenericSource(); virtual void onMessageReceived(const sp &msg); virtual sp getFormatMeta(bool audio); private: enum { kWhatPrepareAsync, kWhatFetchSubtitleData, kWhatFetchTimedTextData, kWhatSendSubtitleData, kWhatSendTimedTextData, kWhatChangeAVSource, kWhatPollBuffering, kWhatGetFormat, kWhatGetSelectedTrack, kWhatSelectTrack, kWhatSeek, kWhatReadBuffer, kWhatStopWidevine, }; Vector > mSources; struct Track { size_t mIndex; sp mSource; sp mPackets; }; Track mAudioTrack; int64_t mAudioTimeUs; Track mVideoTrack; int64_t mVideoTimeUs; Track mSubtitleTrack; Track mTimedTextTrack; int32_t mFetchSubtitleDataGeneration; int32_t mFetchTimedTextDataGeneration; int64_t mDurationUs; bool mAudioIsVorbis; bool mIsWidevine; bool mUIDValid; uid_t mUID; sp mHTTPService; AString mUri; KeyedVector mUriHeaders; int mFd; int64_t mOffset; int64_t mLength; sp mDataSource; sp mCachedSource; sp mHttpSource; sp mWVMExtractor; sp mFileMeta; DrmManagerClient *mDrmManagerClient; sp mDecryptHandle; bool mStarted; bool mStopRead; String8 mContentType; AString mSniffedMIME; off64_t mMetaDataSize; int64_t mBitrate; int32_t mPollBufferingGeneration; uint32_t mPendingReadBufferTypes; mutable Mutex mReadBufferLock; sp mLooper; void resetDataSource(); status_t initFromDataSource(); void checkDrmStatus(const sp& dataSource); int64_t getLastReadPosition(); void setDrmPlaybackStatusIfNeeded(int playbackStatus, int64_t position); status_t prefillCacheIfNecessary(); void notifyPreparedAndCleanup(status_t err); void onGetFormatMeta(sp msg) const; sp doGetFormatMeta(bool audio) const; void onGetSelectedTrack(sp msg) const; ssize_t doGetSelectedTrack(media_track_type type) const; void onSelectTrack(sp msg); status_t doSelectTrack(size_t trackIndex, bool select); void onSeek(sp msg); status_t doSeek(int64_t seekTimeUs); void onPrepareAsync(); void fetchTextData( uint32_t what, media_track_type type, int32_t curGen, sp packets, sp msg); void sendTextData( uint32_t what, media_track_type type, int32_t curGen, sp packets, sp msg); sp mediaBufferToABuffer( MediaBuffer *mbuf, media_track_type trackType, int64_t *actualTimeUs = NULL); void postReadBuffer(media_track_type trackType); void onReadBuffer(sp msg); void readBuffer( media_track_type trackType, int64_t seekTimeUs = -1ll, int64_t *actualTimeUs = NULL, bool formatChange = false); void schedulePollBuffering(); void cancelPollBuffering(); void onPollBuffering(); void notifyBufferingUpdate(int percentage); DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(GenericSource); }; } // namespace android #endif // GENERIC_SOURCE_H_