/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "MPEG4Writer" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include/ESDS.h" namespace android { static const int64_t kMinStreamableFileSizeInBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024; static const int64_t kMax32BitFileSize = 0x007fffffffLL; static const uint8_t kNalUnitTypeSeqParamSet = 0x07; static const uint8_t kNalUnitTypePicParamSet = 0x08; static const int64_t kInitialDelayTimeUs = 700000LL; class MPEG4Writer::Track { public: Track(MPEG4Writer *owner, const sp &source, size_t trackId); ~Track(); status_t start(MetaData *params); status_t stop(); status_t pause(); bool reachedEOS(); int64_t getDurationUs() const; int64_t getEstimatedTrackSizeBytes() const; void writeTrackHeader(bool use32BitOffset = true); void bufferChunk(int64_t timestampUs); bool isAvc() const { return mIsAvc; } bool isAudio() const { return mIsAudio; } bool isMPEG4() const { return mIsMPEG4; } void addChunkOffset(off64_t offset); int32_t getTrackId() const { return mTrackId; } status_t dump(int fd, const Vector& args) const; private: enum { kMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs = 1000000LL, // 1 second kSampleArraySize = 1000, }; // A helper class to handle faster write box with table entries template struct ListTableEntries { ListTableEntries(uint32_t elementCapacity, uint32_t entryCapacity) : mElementCapacity(elementCapacity), mEntryCapacity(entryCapacity), mTotalNumTableEntries(0), mNumValuesInCurrEntry(0), mCurrTableEntriesElement(NULL) { CHECK_GT(mElementCapacity, 0); CHECK_GT(mEntryCapacity, 0); } // Free the allocated memory. ~ListTableEntries() { while (!mTableEntryList.empty()) { typename List::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin(); delete[] (*it); mTableEntryList.erase(it); } } // Replace the value at the given position by the given value. // There must be an existing value at the given position. // @arg value must be in network byte order // @arg pos location the value must be in. void set(const TYPE& value, uint32_t pos) { CHECK_LT(pos, mTotalNumTableEntries); typename List::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin(); uint32_t iterations = (pos / (mElementCapacity * mEntryCapacity)); while (it != mTableEntryList.end() && iterations > 0) { ++it; --iterations; } CHECK(it != mTableEntryList.end()); CHECK_EQ(iterations, 0); (*it)[(pos % (mElementCapacity * mEntryCapacity))] = value; } // Get the value at the given position by the given value. // @arg value the retrieved value at the position in network byte order. // @arg pos location the value must be in. // @return true if a value is found. bool get(TYPE& value, uint32_t pos) const { if (pos >= mTotalNumTableEntries) { return false; } typename List::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin(); uint32_t iterations = (pos / (mElementCapacity * mEntryCapacity)); while (it != mTableEntryList.end() && iterations > 0) { ++it; --iterations; } CHECK(it != mTableEntryList.end()); CHECK_EQ(iterations, 0); value = (*it)[(pos % (mElementCapacity * mEntryCapacity))]; return true; } // Store a single value. // @arg value must be in network byte order. void add(const TYPE& value) { CHECK_LT(mNumValuesInCurrEntry, mElementCapacity); uint32_t nEntries = mTotalNumTableEntries % mElementCapacity; uint32_t nValues = mNumValuesInCurrEntry % mEntryCapacity; if (nEntries == 0 && nValues == 0) { mCurrTableEntriesElement = new TYPE[mEntryCapacity * mElementCapacity]; CHECK(mCurrTableEntriesElement != NULL); mTableEntryList.push_back(mCurrTableEntriesElement); } uint32_t pos = nEntries * mEntryCapacity + nValues; mCurrTableEntriesElement[pos] = value; ++mNumValuesInCurrEntry; if ((mNumValuesInCurrEntry % mEntryCapacity) == 0) { ++mTotalNumTableEntries; mNumValuesInCurrEntry = 0; } } // Write out the table entries: // 1. the number of entries goes first // 2. followed by the values in the table enties in order // @arg writer the writer to actual write to the storage void write(MPEG4Writer *writer) const { CHECK_EQ(mNumValuesInCurrEntry % mEntryCapacity, 0); uint32_t nEntries = mTotalNumTableEntries; writer->writeInt32(nEntries); for (typename List::iterator it = mTableEntryList.begin(); it != mTableEntryList.end(); ++it) { CHECK_GT(nEntries, 0); if (nEntries >= mElementCapacity) { writer->write(*it, sizeof(TYPE) * mEntryCapacity, mElementCapacity); nEntries -= mElementCapacity; } else { writer->write(*it, sizeof(TYPE) * mEntryCapacity, nEntries); break; } } } // Return the number of entries in the table. uint32_t count() const { return mTotalNumTableEntries; } private: uint32_t mElementCapacity; // # entries in an element uint32_t mEntryCapacity; // # of values in each entry uint32_t mTotalNumTableEntries; uint32_t mNumValuesInCurrEntry; // up to mEntryCapacity TYPE *mCurrTableEntriesElement; mutable List mTableEntryList; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(ListTableEntries); }; MPEG4Writer *mOwner; sp mMeta; sp mSource; volatile bool mDone; volatile bool mPaused; volatile bool mResumed; volatile bool mStarted; bool mIsAvc; bool mIsAudio; bool mIsMPEG4; int32_t mTrackId; int64_t mTrackDurationUs; int64_t mMaxChunkDurationUs; bool mIsRealTimeRecording; int64_t mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes; int64_t mMdatSizeBytes; int32_t mTimeScale; pthread_t mThread; List mChunkSamples; bool mSamplesHaveSameSize; ListTableEntries *mStszTableEntries; ListTableEntries *mStcoTableEntries; ListTableEntries *mCo64TableEntries; ListTableEntries *mStscTableEntries; ListTableEntries *mStssTableEntries; ListTableEntries *mSttsTableEntries; ListTableEntries *mCttsTableEntries; int64_t mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs; int64_t mMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs; // Sequence parameter set or picture parameter set struct AVCParamSet { AVCParamSet(uint16_t length, const uint8_t *data) : mLength(length), mData(data) {} uint16_t mLength; const uint8_t *mData; }; List mSeqParamSets; List mPicParamSets; uint8_t mProfileIdc; uint8_t mProfileCompatible; uint8_t mLevelIdc; void *mCodecSpecificData; size_t mCodecSpecificDataSize; bool mGotAllCodecSpecificData; bool mTrackingProgressStatus; bool mReachedEOS; int64_t mStartTimestampUs; int64_t mStartTimeRealUs; int64_t mFirstSampleTimeRealUs; int64_t mPreviousTrackTimeUs; int64_t mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs; // Update the audio track's drift information. void updateDriftTime(const sp& meta); int32_t getStartTimeOffsetScaledTime() const; static void *ThreadWrapper(void *me); status_t threadEntry(); const uint8_t *parseParamSet( const uint8_t *data, size_t length, int type, size_t *paramSetLen); status_t makeAVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size); status_t copyAVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size); status_t parseAVCCodecSpecificData(const uint8_t *data, size_t size); // Track authoring progress status void trackProgressStatus(int64_t timeUs, status_t err = OK); void initTrackingProgressStatus(MetaData *params); void getCodecSpecificDataFromInputFormatIfPossible(); // Determine the track time scale // If it is an audio track, try to use the sampling rate as // the time scale; however, if user chooses the overwrite // value, the user-supplied time scale will be used. void setTimeScale(); // Simple validation on the codec specific data status_t checkCodecSpecificData() const; int32_t mRotation; void updateTrackSizeEstimate(); void addOneStscTableEntry(size_t chunkId, size_t sampleId); void addOneStssTableEntry(size_t sampleId); // Duration is time scale based void addOneSttsTableEntry(size_t sampleCount, int32_t timescaledDur); void addOneCttsTableEntry(size_t sampleCount, int32_t timescaledDur); bool isTrackMalFormed() const; void sendTrackSummary(bool hasMultipleTracks); // Write the boxes void writeStcoBox(bool use32BitOffset); void writeStscBox(); void writeStszBox(); void writeStssBox(); void writeSttsBox(); void writeCttsBox(); void writeD263Box(); void writePaspBox(); void writeAvccBox(); void writeUrlBox(); void writeDrefBox(); void writeDinfBox(); void writeDamrBox(); void writeMdhdBox(time_t now); void writeSmhdBox(); void writeVmhdBox(); void writeHdlrBox(); void writeTkhdBox(time_t now); void writeMp4aEsdsBox(); void writeMp4vEsdsBox(); void writeAudioFourCCBox(); void writeVideoFourCCBox(); void writeStblBox(bool use32BitOffset); Track(const Track &); Track &operator=(const Track &); }; MPEG4Writer::MPEG4Writer(const char *filename) : mFd(-1), mInitCheck(NO_INIT), mUse4ByteNalLength(true), mUse32BitOffset(true), mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested(false), mPaused(false), mStarted(false), mWriterThreadStarted(false), mOffset(0), mMdatOffset(0), mEstimatedMoovBoxSize(0), mInterleaveDurationUs(1000000), mLatitudex10000(0), mLongitudex10000(0), mAreGeoTagsAvailable(false), mStartTimeOffsetMs(-1) { mFd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (mFd >= 0) { mInitCheck = OK; } } MPEG4Writer::MPEG4Writer(int fd) : mFd(dup(fd)), mInitCheck(mFd < 0? NO_INIT: OK), mUse4ByteNalLength(true), mUse32BitOffset(true), mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested(false), mPaused(false), mStarted(false), mWriterThreadStarted(false), mOffset(0), mMdatOffset(0), mEstimatedMoovBoxSize(0), mInterleaveDurationUs(1000000), mLatitudex10000(0), mLongitudex10000(0), mAreGeoTagsAvailable(false), mStartTimeOffsetMs(-1) { } MPEG4Writer::~MPEG4Writer() { reset(); while (!mTracks.empty()) { List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); delete *it; (*it) = NULL; mTracks.erase(it); } mTracks.clear(); } status_t MPEG4Writer::dump( int fd, const Vector& args) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " MPEG4Writer %p\n", this); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " mStarted: %s\n", mStarted? "true": "false"); result.append(buffer); ::write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { (*it)->dump(fd, args); } return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::dump( int fd, const Vector& args) const { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " %s track\n", mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video"); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " reached EOS: %s\n", mReachedEOS? "true": "false"); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " frames encoded : %d\n", mStszTableEntries->count()); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " duration encoded : %lld us\n", mTrackDurationUs); result.append(buffer); ::write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::addSource(const sp &source) { Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); if (mStarted) { ALOGE("Attempt to add source AFTER recording is started"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } Track *track = new Track(this, source, mTracks.size()); mTracks.push_back(track); return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::startTracks(MetaData *params) { for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { status_t err = (*it)->start(params); if (err != OK) { for (List::iterator it2 = mTracks.begin(); it2 != it; ++it2) { (*it2)->stop(); } return err; } } return OK; } int64_t MPEG4Writer::estimateMoovBoxSize(int32_t bitRate) { // This implementation is highly experimental/heurisitic. // // Statistical analysis shows that metadata usually accounts // for a small portion of the total file size, usually < 0.6%. // The default MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE is set to 0.6% x 1MB / 2, // where 1MB is the common file size limit for MMS application. // The default MAX _MOOV_BOX_SIZE value is based on about 3 // minute video recording with a bit rate about 3 Mbps, because // statistics also show that most of the video captured are going // to be less than 3 minutes. // If the estimation is wrong, we will pay the price of wasting // some reserved space. This should not happen so often statistically. static const int32_t factor = mUse32BitOffset? 1: 2; static const int64_t MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE = 3 * 1024; // 3 KB static const int64_t MAX_MOOV_BOX_SIZE = (180 * 3000000 * 6LL / 8000); int64_t size = MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE; // Max file size limit is set if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 && mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested) { size = mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes * 6 / 1000; } // Max file duration limit is set if (mMaxFileDurationLimitUs != 0) { if (bitRate > 0) { int64_t size2 = ((mMaxFileDurationLimitUs * bitRate * 6) / 1000 / 8000000); if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 && mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested) { // When both file size and duration limits are set, // we use the smaller limit of the two. if (size > size2) { size = size2; } } else { // Only max file duration limit is set size = size2; } } } if (size < MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE) { size = MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE; } // Any long duration recording will be probably end up with // non-streamable mp4 file. if (size > MAX_MOOV_BOX_SIZE) { size = MAX_MOOV_BOX_SIZE; } ALOGI("limits: %lld/%lld bytes/us, bit rate: %d bps and the estimated" " moov size %lld bytes", mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes, mMaxFileDurationLimitUs, bitRate, size); return factor * size; } status_t MPEG4Writer::start(MetaData *param) { if (mInitCheck != OK) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } /* * Check mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes at the beginning * since mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes may be implicitly * changed later for 32-bit file offset even if * user does not ask to set it explicitly. */ if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0) { mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested = true; } int32_t use64BitOffset; if (param && param->findInt32(kKey64BitFileOffset, &use64BitOffset) && use64BitOffset) { mUse32BitOffset = false; } if (mUse32BitOffset) { // Implicit 32 bit file size limit if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes == 0) { mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes = kMax32BitFileSize; } // If file size is set to be larger than the 32 bit file // size limit, treat it as an error. if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes > kMax32BitFileSize) { ALOGW("32-bit file size limit (%lld bytes) too big. " "It is changed to %lld bytes", mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes, kMax32BitFileSize); mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes = kMax32BitFileSize; } } int32_t use2ByteNalLength; if (param && param->findInt32(kKey2ByteNalLength, &use2ByteNalLength) && use2ByteNalLength) { mUse4ByteNalLength = false; } mStartTimestampUs = -1; if (mStarted) { if (mPaused) { mPaused = false; return startTracks(param); } return OK; } if (!param || !param->findInt32(kKeyTimeScale, &mTimeScale)) { mTimeScale = 1000; } CHECK_GT(mTimeScale, 0); ALOGV("movie time scale: %d", mTimeScale); /* * When the requested file size limit is small, the priority * is to meet the file size limit requirement, rather than * to make the file streamable. */ mStreamableFile = (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 && mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes >= kMinStreamableFileSizeInBytes); mWriteMoovBoxToMemory = mStreamableFile; mMoovBoxBuffer = NULL; mMoovBoxBufferOffset = 0; writeFtypBox(param); mFreeBoxOffset = mOffset; if (mEstimatedMoovBoxSize == 0) { int32_t bitRate = -1; if (param) { param->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); } mEstimatedMoovBoxSize = estimateMoovBoxSize(bitRate); } CHECK_GE(mEstimatedMoovBoxSize, 8); if (mStreamableFile) { // Reserve a 'free' box only for streamable file lseek64(mFd, mFreeBoxOffset, SEEK_SET); writeInt32(mEstimatedMoovBoxSize); write("free", 4); mMdatOffset = mFreeBoxOffset + mEstimatedMoovBoxSize; } else { mMdatOffset = mOffset; } mOffset = mMdatOffset; lseek64(mFd, mMdatOffset, SEEK_SET); if (mUse32BitOffset) { write("????mdat", 8); } else { write("\x00\x00\x00\x01mdat????????", 16); } status_t err = startWriterThread(); if (err != OK) { return err; } err = startTracks(param); if (err != OK) { return err; } mStarted = true; return OK; } bool MPEG4Writer::use32BitFileOffset() const { return mUse32BitOffset; } status_t MPEG4Writer::pause() { if (mInitCheck != OK) { return OK; } mPaused = true; status_t err = OK; for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { status_t status = (*it)->pause(); if (status != OK) { err = status; } } return err; } void MPEG4Writer::stopWriterThread() { ALOGD("Stopping writer thread"); if (!mWriterThreadStarted) { return; } { Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock); mDone = true; mChunkReadyCondition.signal(); } void *dummy; pthread_join(mThread, &dummy); mWriterThreadStarted = false; ALOGD("Writer thread stopped"); } /* * MP4 file standard defines a composition matrix: * | a b u | * | c d v | * | x y w | * * the element in the matrix is stored in the following * order: {a, b, u, c, d, v, x, y, w}, * where a, b, c, d, x, and y is in 16.16 format, while * u, v and w is in 2.30 format. */ void MPEG4Writer::writeCompositionMatrix(int degrees) { ALOGV("writeCompositionMatrix"); uint32_t a = 0x00010000; uint32_t b = 0; uint32_t c = 0; uint32_t d = 0x00010000; switch (degrees) { case 0: break; case 90: a = 0; b = 0x00010000; c = 0xFFFF0000; d = 0; break; case 180: a = 0xFFFF0000; d = 0xFFFF0000; break; case 270: a = 0; b = 0xFFFF0000; c = 0x00010000; d = 0; break; default: CHECK(!"Should never reach this unknown rotation"); break; } writeInt32(a); // a writeInt32(b); // b writeInt32(0); // u writeInt32(c); // c writeInt32(d); // d writeInt32(0); // v writeInt32(0); // x writeInt32(0); // y writeInt32(0x40000000); // w } void MPEG4Writer::release() { close(mFd); mFd = -1; mInitCheck = NO_INIT; mStarted = false; } status_t MPEG4Writer::reset() { if (mInitCheck != OK) { return OK; } else { if (!mWriterThreadStarted || !mStarted) { if (mWriterThreadStarted) { stopWriterThread(); } release(); return OK; } } status_t err = OK; int64_t maxDurationUs = 0; int64_t minDurationUs = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL; for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { status_t status = (*it)->stop(); if (err == OK && status != OK) { err = status; } int64_t durationUs = (*it)->getDurationUs(); if (durationUs > maxDurationUs) { maxDurationUs = durationUs; } if (durationUs < minDurationUs) { minDurationUs = durationUs; } } if (mTracks.size() > 1) { ALOGD("Duration from tracks range is [%lld, %lld] us", minDurationUs, maxDurationUs); } stopWriterThread(); // Do not write out movie header on error. if (err != OK) { release(); return err; } // Fix up the size of the 'mdat' chunk. if (mUse32BitOffset) { lseek64(mFd, mMdatOffset, SEEK_SET); int32_t size = htonl(static_cast(mOffset - mMdatOffset)); ::write(mFd, &size, 4); } else { lseek64(mFd, mMdatOffset + 8, SEEK_SET); int64_t size = mOffset - mMdatOffset; size = hton64(size); ::write(mFd, &size, 8); } lseek64(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET); const off64_t moovOffset = mOffset; mWriteMoovBoxToMemory = mStreamableFile; mMoovBoxBuffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(mEstimatedMoovBoxSize); mMoovBoxBufferOffset = 0; CHECK(mMoovBoxBuffer != NULL); writeMoovBox(maxDurationUs); mWriteMoovBoxToMemory = false; if (mStreamableFile) { CHECK_LE(mMoovBoxBufferOffset + 8, mEstimatedMoovBoxSize); // Moov box lseek64(mFd, mFreeBoxOffset, SEEK_SET); mOffset = mFreeBoxOffset; write(mMoovBoxBuffer, 1, mMoovBoxBufferOffset); // Free box lseek64(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET); writeInt32(mEstimatedMoovBoxSize - mMoovBoxBufferOffset); write("free", 4); // Free temp memory free(mMoovBoxBuffer); mMoovBoxBuffer = NULL; mMoovBoxBufferOffset = 0; } else { ALOGI("The mp4 file will not be streamable."); } CHECK(mBoxes.empty()); release(); return err; } void MPEG4Writer::writeMvhdBox(int64_t durationUs) { time_t now = time(NULL); beginBox("mvhd"); writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 writeInt32(now); // creation time writeInt32(now); // modification time writeInt32(mTimeScale); // mvhd timescale int32_t duration = (durationUs * mTimeScale + 5E5) / 1E6; writeInt32(duration); writeInt32(0x10000); // rate: 1.0 writeInt16(0x100); // volume writeInt16(0); // reserved writeInt32(0); // reserved writeInt32(0); // reserved writeCompositionMatrix(0); // matrix writeInt32(0); // predefined writeInt32(0); // predefined writeInt32(0); // predefined writeInt32(0); // predefined writeInt32(0); // predefined writeInt32(0); // predefined writeInt32(mTracks.size() + 1); // nextTrackID endBox(); // mvhd } void MPEG4Writer::writeMoovBox(int64_t durationUs) { beginBox("moov"); writeMvhdBox(durationUs); if (mAreGeoTagsAvailable) { writeUdtaBox(); } int32_t id = 1; for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it, ++id) { (*it)->writeTrackHeader(mUse32BitOffset); } endBox(); // moov } void MPEG4Writer::writeFtypBox(MetaData *param) { beginBox("ftyp"); int32_t fileType; if (param && param->findInt32(kKeyFileType, &fileType) && fileType != OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4) { writeFourcc("3gp4"); } else { writeFourcc("isom"); } writeInt32(0); writeFourcc("isom"); writeFourcc("3gp4"); endBox(); } static bool isTestModeEnabled() { #if (PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX < 5) #error "PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX must be at least 5" #endif // Test mode is enabled only if rw.media.record.test system // property is enabled. char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (property_get("rw.media.record.test", value, NULL) && (!strcasecmp(value, "true") || !strcasecmp(value, "1"))) { return true; } return false; } void MPEG4Writer::sendSessionSummary() { // Send session summary only if test mode is enabled if (!isTestModeEnabled()) { return; } for (List::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin(); it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) { int trackNum = it->mTrack->getTrackId() << 28; notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INTER_CHUNK_TIME_MS, it->mMaxInterChunkDurUs); } } status_t MPEG4Writer::setInterleaveDuration(uint32_t durationUs) { mInterleaveDurationUs = durationUs; return OK; } void MPEG4Writer::lock() { mLock.lock(); } void MPEG4Writer::unlock() { mLock.unlock(); } off64_t MPEG4Writer::addSample_l(MediaBuffer *buffer) { off64_t old_offset = mOffset; ::write(mFd, (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), buffer->range_length()); mOffset += buffer->range_length(); return old_offset; } static void StripStartcode(MediaBuffer *buffer) { if (buffer->range_length() < 4) { return; } const uint8_t *ptr = (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(); if (!memcmp(ptr, "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4)) { buffer->set_range( buffer->range_offset() + 4, buffer->range_length() - 4); } } off64_t MPEG4Writer::addLengthPrefixedSample_l(MediaBuffer *buffer) { off64_t old_offset = mOffset; size_t length = buffer->range_length(); if (mUse4ByteNalLength) { uint8_t x = length >> 24; ::write(mFd, &x, 1); x = (length >> 16) & 0xff; ::write(mFd, &x, 1); x = (length >> 8) & 0xff; ::write(mFd, &x, 1); x = length & 0xff; ::write(mFd, &x, 1); ::write(mFd, (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), length); mOffset += length + 4; } else { CHECK_LT(length, 65536); uint8_t x = length >> 8; ::write(mFd, &x, 1); x = length & 0xff; ::write(mFd, &x, 1); ::write(mFd, (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), length); mOffset += length + 2; } return old_offset; } size_t MPEG4Writer::write( const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) { const size_t bytes = size * nmemb; if (mWriteMoovBoxToMemory) { // This happens only when we write the moov box at the end of // recording, not for each output video/audio frame we receive. off64_t moovBoxSize = 8 + mMoovBoxBufferOffset + bytes; if (moovBoxSize > mEstimatedMoovBoxSize) { for (List::iterator it = mBoxes.begin(); it != mBoxes.end(); ++it) { (*it) += mOffset; } lseek64(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET); ::write(mFd, mMoovBoxBuffer, mMoovBoxBufferOffset); ::write(mFd, ptr, size * nmemb); mOffset += (bytes + mMoovBoxBufferOffset); free(mMoovBoxBuffer); mMoovBoxBuffer = NULL; mMoovBoxBufferOffset = 0; mWriteMoovBoxToMemory = false; mStreamableFile = false; } else { memcpy(mMoovBoxBuffer + mMoovBoxBufferOffset, ptr, bytes); mMoovBoxBufferOffset += bytes; } } else { ::write(mFd, ptr, size * nmemb); mOffset += bytes; } return bytes; } void MPEG4Writer::beginBox(const char *fourcc) { CHECK_EQ(strlen(fourcc), 4); mBoxes.push_back(mWriteMoovBoxToMemory? mMoovBoxBufferOffset: mOffset); writeInt32(0); writeFourcc(fourcc); } void MPEG4Writer::endBox() { CHECK(!mBoxes.empty()); off64_t offset = *--mBoxes.end(); mBoxes.erase(--mBoxes.end()); if (mWriteMoovBoxToMemory) { int32_t x = htonl(mMoovBoxBufferOffset - offset); memcpy(mMoovBoxBuffer + offset, &x, 4); } else { lseek64(mFd, offset, SEEK_SET); writeInt32(mOffset - offset); mOffset -= 4; lseek64(mFd, mOffset, SEEK_SET); } } void MPEG4Writer::writeInt8(int8_t x) { write(&x, 1, 1); } void MPEG4Writer::writeInt16(int16_t x) { x = htons(x); write(&x, 1, 2); } void MPEG4Writer::writeInt32(int32_t x) { x = htonl(x); write(&x, 1, 4); } void MPEG4Writer::writeInt64(int64_t x) { x = hton64(x); write(&x, 1, 8); } void MPEG4Writer::writeCString(const char *s) { size_t n = strlen(s); write(s, 1, n + 1); } void MPEG4Writer::writeFourcc(const char *s) { CHECK_EQ(strlen(s), 4); write(s, 1, 4); } // Written in +/-DD.DDDD format void MPEG4Writer::writeLatitude(int degreex10000) { bool isNegative = (degreex10000 < 0); char sign = isNegative? '-': '+'; // Handle the whole part char str[9]; int wholePart = degreex10000 / 10000; if (wholePart == 0) { snprintf(str, 5, "%c%.2d.", sign, wholePart); } else { snprintf(str, 5, "%+.2d.", wholePart); } // Handle the fractional part int fractionalPart = degreex10000 - (wholePart * 10000); if (fractionalPart < 0) { fractionalPart = -fractionalPart; } snprintf(&str[4], 5, "%.4d", fractionalPart); // Do not write the null terminator write(str, 1, 8); } // Written in +/- DDD.DDDD format void MPEG4Writer::writeLongitude(int degreex10000) { bool isNegative = (degreex10000 < 0); char sign = isNegative? '-': '+'; // Handle the whole part char str[10]; int wholePart = degreex10000 / 10000; if (wholePart == 0) { snprintf(str, 6, "%c%.3d.", sign, wholePart); } else { snprintf(str, 6, "%+.3d.", wholePart); } // Handle the fractional part int fractionalPart = degreex10000 - (wholePart * 10000); if (fractionalPart < 0) { fractionalPart = -fractionalPart; } snprintf(&str[5], 5, "%.4d", fractionalPart); // Do not write the null terminator write(str, 1, 9); } /* * Geodata is stored according to ISO-6709 standard. * latitudex10000 is latitude in degrees times 10000, and * longitudex10000 is longitude in degrees times 10000. * The range for the latitude is in [-90, +90], and * The range for the longitude is in [-180, +180] */ status_t MPEG4Writer::setGeoData(int latitudex10000, int longitudex10000) { // Is latitude or longitude out of range? if (latitudex10000 < -900000 || latitudex10000 > 900000 || longitudex10000 < -1800000 || longitudex10000 > 1800000) { return BAD_VALUE; } mLatitudex10000 = latitudex10000; mLongitudex10000 = longitudex10000; mAreGeoTagsAvailable = true; return OK; } void MPEG4Writer::write(const void *data, size_t size) { write(data, 1, size); } bool MPEG4Writer::isFileStreamable() const { return mStreamableFile; } bool MPEG4Writer::exceedsFileSizeLimit() { // No limit if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes == 0) { return false; } int64_t nTotalBytesEstimate = static_cast(mEstimatedMoovBoxSize); for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { nTotalBytesEstimate += (*it)->getEstimatedTrackSizeBytes(); } if (!mStreamableFile) { // Add 1024 bytes as error tolerance return nTotalBytesEstimate + 1024 >= mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes; } // Be conservative in the estimate: do not exceed 95% of // the target file limit. For small target file size limit, though, // this will not help. return (nTotalBytesEstimate >= (95 * mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes) / 100); } bool MPEG4Writer::exceedsFileDurationLimit() { // No limit if (mMaxFileDurationLimitUs == 0) { return false; } for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getDurationUs() >= mMaxFileDurationLimitUs) { return true; } } return false; } bool MPEG4Writer::reachedEOS() { bool allDone = true; for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->reachedEOS()) { allDone = false; break; } } return allDone; } void MPEG4Writer::setStartTimestampUs(int64_t timeUs) { ALOGI("setStartTimestampUs: %lld", timeUs); CHECK_GE(timeUs, 0ll); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (mStartTimestampUs < 0 || mStartTimestampUs > timeUs) { mStartTimestampUs = timeUs; ALOGI("Earliest track starting time: %lld", mStartTimestampUs); } } int64_t MPEG4Writer::getStartTimestampUs() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); return mStartTimestampUs; } size_t MPEG4Writer::numTracks() { Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock); return mTracks.size(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MPEG4Writer::Track::Track( MPEG4Writer *owner, const sp &source, size_t trackId) : mOwner(owner), mMeta(source->getFormat()), mSource(source), mDone(false), mPaused(false), mResumed(false), mStarted(false), mTrackId(trackId), mTrackDurationUs(0), mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes(0), mSamplesHaveSameSize(true), mStszTableEntries(new ListTableEntries(1000, 1)), mStcoTableEntries(new ListTableEntries(1000, 1)), mCo64TableEntries(new ListTableEntries(1000, 1)), mStscTableEntries(new ListTableEntries(1000, 3)), mStssTableEntries(new ListTableEntries(1000, 1)), mSttsTableEntries(new ListTableEntries(1000, 2)), mCttsTableEntries(new ListTableEntries(1000, 2)), mCodecSpecificData(NULL), mCodecSpecificDataSize(0), mGotAllCodecSpecificData(false), mReachedEOS(false), mRotation(0) { getCodecSpecificDataFromInputFormatIfPossible(); const char *mime; mMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime); mIsAvc = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); mIsAudio = !strncasecmp(mime, "audio/", 6); mIsMPEG4 = !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4) || !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC); setTimeScale(); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::updateTrackSizeEstimate() { uint32_t stcoBoxCount = (mOwner->use32BitFileOffset() ? mStcoTableEntries->count() : mCo64TableEntries->count()); int64_t stcoBoxSizeBytes = stcoBoxCount * 4; int64_t stszBoxSizeBytes = mSamplesHaveSameSize? 4: (mStszTableEntries->count() * 4); mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes = mMdatSizeBytes; // media data size if (!mOwner->isFileStreamable()) { // Reserved free space is not large enough to hold // all meta data and thus wasted. mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes += mStscTableEntries->count() * 12 + // stsc box size mStssTableEntries->count() * 4 + // stss box size mSttsTableEntries->count() * 8 + // stts box size mCttsTableEntries->count() * 8 + // ctts box size stcoBoxSizeBytes + // stco box size stszBoxSizeBytes; // stsz box size } } void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneStscTableEntry( size_t chunkId, size_t sampleId) { mStscTableEntries->add(htonl(chunkId)); mStscTableEntries->add(htonl(sampleId)); mStscTableEntries->add(htonl(1)); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneStssTableEntry(size_t sampleId) { mStssTableEntries->add(htonl(sampleId)); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneSttsTableEntry( size_t sampleCount, int32_t duration) { if (duration == 0) { ALOGW("0-duration samples found: %d", sampleCount); } mSttsTableEntries->add(htonl(sampleCount)); mSttsTableEntries->add(htonl(duration)); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::addOneCttsTableEntry( size_t sampleCount, int32_t duration) { if (mIsAudio) { return; } mCttsTableEntries->add(htonl(sampleCount)); mCttsTableEntries->add(htonl(duration)); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::addChunkOffset(off64_t offset) { if (mOwner->use32BitFileOffset()) { uint32_t value = offset; mStcoTableEntries->add(htonl(value)); } else { mCo64TableEntries->add(hton64(offset)); } } void MPEG4Writer::Track::setTimeScale() { ALOGV("setTimeScale"); // Default time scale mTimeScale = 90000; if (mIsAudio) { // Use the sampling rate as the default time scale for audio track. int32_t sampleRate; bool success = mMeta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate); CHECK(success); mTimeScale = sampleRate; } // If someone would like to overwrite the timescale, use user-supplied value. int32_t timeScale; if (mMeta->findInt32(kKeyTimeScale, &timeScale)) { mTimeScale = timeScale; } CHECK_GT(mTimeScale, 0); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::getCodecSpecificDataFromInputFormatIfPossible() { const char *mime; CHECK(mMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC)) { uint32_t type; const void *data; size_t size; if (mMeta->findData(kKeyAVCC, &type, &data, &size)) { mCodecSpecificData = malloc(size); mCodecSpecificDataSize = size; memcpy(mCodecSpecificData, data, size); mGotAllCodecSpecificData = true; } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4) || !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC)) { uint32_t type; const void *data; size_t size; if (mMeta->findData(kKeyESDS, &type, &data, &size)) { ESDS esds(data, size); if (esds.getCodecSpecificInfo(&data, &size) == OK) { mCodecSpecificData = malloc(size); mCodecSpecificDataSize = size; memcpy(mCodecSpecificData, data, size); mGotAllCodecSpecificData = true; } } } } MPEG4Writer::Track::~Track() { stop(); delete mStszTableEntries; delete mStcoTableEntries; delete mCo64TableEntries; delete mStscTableEntries; delete mSttsTableEntries; delete mStssTableEntries; delete mCttsTableEntries; mStszTableEntries = NULL; mStcoTableEntries = NULL; mCo64TableEntries = NULL; mStscTableEntries = NULL; mSttsTableEntries = NULL; mStssTableEntries = NULL; mCttsTableEntries = NULL; if (mCodecSpecificData != NULL) { free(mCodecSpecificData); mCodecSpecificData = NULL; } } void MPEG4Writer::Track::initTrackingProgressStatus(MetaData *params) { ALOGV("initTrackingProgressStatus"); mPreviousTrackTimeUs = -1; mTrackingProgressStatus = false; mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs = 0; { int64_t timeUs; if (params && params->findInt64(kKeyTrackTimeStatus, &timeUs)) { ALOGV("Receive request to track progress status for every %lld us", timeUs); mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs = timeUs; mTrackingProgressStatus = true; } } } // static void *MPEG4Writer::ThreadWrapper(void *me) { ALOGV("ThreadWrapper: %p", me); MPEG4Writer *writer = static_cast(me); writer->threadFunc(); return NULL; } void MPEG4Writer::bufferChunk(const Chunk& chunk) { ALOGV("bufferChunk: %p", chunk.mTrack); Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock); CHECK_EQ(mDone, false); for (List::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin(); it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) { if (chunk.mTrack == it->mTrack) { // Found owner it->mChunks.push_back(chunk); mChunkReadyCondition.signal(); return; } } CHECK(!"Received a chunk for a unknown track"); } void MPEG4Writer::writeChunkToFile(Chunk* chunk) { ALOGV("writeChunkToFile: %lld from %s track", chunk->mTimeStampUs, chunk->mTrack->isAudio()? "audio": "video"); int32_t isFirstSample = true; while (!chunk->mSamples.empty()) { List::iterator it = chunk->mSamples.begin(); off64_t offset = chunk->mTrack->isAvc() ? addLengthPrefixedSample_l(*it) : addSample_l(*it); if (isFirstSample) { chunk->mTrack->addChunkOffset(offset); isFirstSample = false; } (*it)->release(); (*it) = NULL; chunk->mSamples.erase(it); } chunk->mSamples.clear(); } void MPEG4Writer::writeAllChunks() { ALOGV("writeAllChunks"); size_t outstandingChunks = 0; Chunk chunk; while (findChunkToWrite(&chunk)) { writeChunkToFile(&chunk); ++outstandingChunks; } sendSessionSummary(); mChunkInfos.clear(); ALOGD("%d chunks are written in the last batch", outstandingChunks); } bool MPEG4Writer::findChunkToWrite(Chunk *chunk) { ALOGV("findChunkToWrite"); int64_t minTimestampUs = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; Track *track = NULL; for (List::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin(); it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) { if (!it->mChunks.empty()) { List::iterator chunkIt = it->mChunks.begin(); if (chunkIt->mTimeStampUs < minTimestampUs) { minTimestampUs = chunkIt->mTimeStampUs; track = it->mTrack; } } } if (track == NULL) { ALOGV("Nothing to be written after all"); return false; } if (mIsFirstChunk) { mIsFirstChunk = false; } for (List::iterator it = mChunkInfos.begin(); it != mChunkInfos.end(); ++it) { if (it->mTrack == track) { *chunk = *(it->mChunks.begin()); it->mChunks.erase(it->mChunks.begin()); CHECK_EQ(chunk->mTrack, track); int64_t interChunkTimeUs = chunk->mTimeStampUs - it->mPrevChunkTimestampUs; if (interChunkTimeUs > it->mPrevChunkTimestampUs) { it->mMaxInterChunkDurUs = interChunkTimeUs; } return true; } } return false; } void MPEG4Writer::threadFunc() { ALOGV("threadFunc"); prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"MPEG4Writer", 0, 0, 0); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); while (!mDone) { Chunk chunk; bool chunkFound = false; while (!mDone && !(chunkFound = findChunkToWrite(&chunk))) { mChunkReadyCondition.wait(mLock); } // Actual write without holding the lock in order to // reduce the blocking time for media track threads. if (chunkFound) { mLock.unlock(); writeChunkToFile(&chunk); mLock.lock(); } } writeAllChunks(); } status_t MPEG4Writer::startWriterThread() { ALOGV("startWriterThread"); mDone = false; mIsFirstChunk = true; mDriftTimeUs = 0; for (List::iterator it = mTracks.begin(); it != mTracks.end(); ++it) { ChunkInfo info; info.mTrack = *it; info.mPrevChunkTimestampUs = 0; info.mMaxInterChunkDurUs = 0; mChunkInfos.push_back(info); } pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); pthread_create(&mThread, &attr, ThreadWrapper, this); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); mWriterThreadStarted = true; return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::start(MetaData *params) { if (!mDone && mPaused) { mPaused = false; mResumed = true; return OK; } int64_t startTimeUs; if (params == NULL || !params->findInt64(kKeyTime, &startTimeUs)) { startTimeUs = 0; } mStartTimeRealUs = startTimeUs; int32_t rotationDegrees; if (!mIsAudio && params && params->findInt32(kKeyRotation, &rotationDegrees)) { mRotation = rotationDegrees; } mIsRealTimeRecording = true; { int32_t isNotRealTime; if (params && params->findInt32(kKeyNotRealTime, &isNotRealTime)) { mIsRealTimeRecording = (isNotRealTime == 0); } } initTrackingProgressStatus(params); sp meta = new MetaData; if (mIsRealTimeRecording && mOwner->numTracks() > 1) { /* * This extra delay of accepting incoming audio/video signals * helps to align a/v start time at the beginning of a recording * session, and it also helps eliminate the "recording" sound for * camcorder applications. * * If client does not set the start time offset, we fall back to * use the default initial delay value. */ int64_t startTimeOffsetUs = mOwner->getStartTimeOffsetMs() * 1000LL; if (startTimeOffsetUs < 0) { // Start time offset was not set startTimeOffsetUs = kInitialDelayTimeUs; } startTimeUs += startTimeOffsetUs; ALOGI("Start time offset: %lld us", startTimeOffsetUs); } meta->setInt64(kKeyTime, startTimeUs); status_t err = mSource->start(meta.get()); if (err != OK) { mDone = mReachedEOS = true; return err; } pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); mDone = false; mStarted = true; mTrackDurationUs = 0; mReachedEOS = false; mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes = 0; mMdatSizeBytes = 0; mMaxChunkDurationUs = 0; pthread_create(&mThread, &attr, ThreadWrapper, this); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::pause() { mPaused = true; return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::stop() { ALOGD("Stopping %s track", mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video"); if (!mStarted) { ALOGE("Stop() called but track is not started"); return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (mDone) { return OK; } mDone = true; void *dummy; pthread_join(mThread, &dummy); status_t err = (status_t) dummy; ALOGD("Stopping %s track source", mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video"); { status_t status = mSource->stop(); if (err == OK && status != OK && status != ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { err = status; } } ALOGD("%s track stopped", mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video"); return err; } bool MPEG4Writer::Track::reachedEOS() { return mReachedEOS; } // static void *MPEG4Writer::Track::ThreadWrapper(void *me) { Track *track = static_cast(me); status_t err = track->threadEntry(); return (void *) err; } static void getNalUnitType(uint8_t byte, uint8_t* type) { ALOGV("getNalUnitType: %d", byte); // nal_unit_type: 5-bit unsigned integer *type = (byte & 0x1F); } static const uint8_t *findNextStartCode( const uint8_t *data, size_t length) { ALOGV("findNextStartCode: %p %d", data, length); size_t bytesLeft = length; while (bytesLeft > 4 && memcmp("\x00\x00\x00\x01", &data[length - bytesLeft], 4)) { --bytesLeft; } if (bytesLeft <= 4) { bytesLeft = 0; // Last parameter set } return &data[length - bytesLeft]; } const uint8_t *MPEG4Writer::Track::parseParamSet( const uint8_t *data, size_t length, int type, size_t *paramSetLen) { ALOGV("parseParamSet"); CHECK(type == kNalUnitTypeSeqParamSet || type == kNalUnitTypePicParamSet); const uint8_t *nextStartCode = findNextStartCode(data, length); *paramSetLen = nextStartCode - data; if (*paramSetLen == 0) { ALOGE("Param set is malformed, since its length is 0"); return NULL; } AVCParamSet paramSet(*paramSetLen, data); if (type == kNalUnitTypeSeqParamSet) { if (*paramSetLen < 4) { ALOGE("Seq parameter set malformed"); return NULL; } if (mSeqParamSets.empty()) { mProfileIdc = data[1]; mProfileCompatible = data[2]; mLevelIdc = data[3]; } else { if (mProfileIdc != data[1] || mProfileCompatible != data[2] || mLevelIdc != data[3]) { ALOGE("Inconsistent profile/level found in seq parameter sets"); return NULL; } } mSeqParamSets.push_back(paramSet); } else { mPicParamSets.push_back(paramSet); } return nextStartCode; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::copyAVCCodecSpecificData( const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { ALOGV("copyAVCCodecSpecificData"); // 2 bytes for each of the parameter set length field // plus the 7 bytes for the header if (size < 4 + 7) { ALOGE("Codec specific data length too short: %d", size); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mCodecSpecificDataSize = size; mCodecSpecificData = malloc(size); memcpy(mCodecSpecificData, data, size); return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::parseAVCCodecSpecificData( const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { ALOGV("parseAVCCodecSpecificData"); // Data starts with a start code. // SPS and PPS are separated with start codes. // Also, SPS must come before PPS uint8_t type = kNalUnitTypeSeqParamSet; bool gotSps = false; bool gotPps = false; const uint8_t *tmp = data; const uint8_t *nextStartCode = data; size_t bytesLeft = size; size_t paramSetLen = 0; mCodecSpecificDataSize = 0; while (bytesLeft > 4 && !memcmp("\x00\x00\x00\x01", tmp, 4)) { getNalUnitType(*(tmp + 4), &type); if (type == kNalUnitTypeSeqParamSet) { if (gotPps) { ALOGE("SPS must come before PPS"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (!gotSps) { gotSps = true; } nextStartCode = parseParamSet(tmp + 4, bytesLeft - 4, type, ¶mSetLen); } else if (type == kNalUnitTypePicParamSet) { if (!gotSps) { ALOGE("SPS must come before PPS"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (!gotPps) { gotPps = true; } nextStartCode = parseParamSet(tmp + 4, bytesLeft - 4, type, ¶mSetLen); } else { ALOGE("Only SPS and PPS Nal units are expected"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (nextStartCode == NULL) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } // Move on to find the next parameter set bytesLeft -= nextStartCode - tmp; tmp = nextStartCode; mCodecSpecificDataSize += (2 + paramSetLen); } { // Check on the number of seq parameter sets size_t nSeqParamSets = mSeqParamSets.size(); if (nSeqParamSets == 0) { ALOGE("Cound not find sequence parameter set"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (nSeqParamSets > 0x1F) { ALOGE("Too many seq parameter sets (%d) found", nSeqParamSets); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } { // Check on the number of pic parameter sets size_t nPicParamSets = mPicParamSets.size(); if (nPicParamSets == 0) { ALOGE("Cound not find picture parameter set"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (nPicParamSets > 0xFF) { ALOGE("Too many pic parameter sets (%d) found", nPicParamSets); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } // FIXME: // Add chromat_format_idc, bit depth values, etc for AVC/h264 high profile and above // and remove #if 0 #if 0 { // Check on the profiles // These profiles requires additional parameter set extensions if (mProfileIdc == 100 || mProfileIdc == 110 || mProfileIdc == 122 || mProfileIdc == 144) { ALOGE("Sorry, no support for profile_idc: %d!", mProfileIdc); return BAD_VALUE; } } #endif return OK; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::makeAVCCodecSpecificData( const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { if (mCodecSpecificData != NULL) { ALOGE("Already have codec specific data"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (size < 4) { ALOGE("Codec specific data length too short: %d", size); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } // Data is in the form of AVCCodecSpecificData if (memcmp("\x00\x00\x00\x01", data, 4)) { return copyAVCCodecSpecificData(data, size); } if (parseAVCCodecSpecificData(data, size) != OK) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } // ISO 14496-15: AVC file format mCodecSpecificDataSize += 7; // 7 more bytes in the header mCodecSpecificData = malloc(mCodecSpecificDataSize); uint8_t *header = (uint8_t *)mCodecSpecificData; header[0] = 1; // version header[1] = mProfileIdc; // profile indication header[2] = mProfileCompatible; // profile compatibility header[3] = mLevelIdc; // 6-bit '111111' followed by 2-bit to lengthSizeMinuusOne if (mOwner->useNalLengthFour()) { header[4] = 0xfc | 3; // length size == 4 bytes } else { header[4] = 0xfc | 1; // length size == 2 bytes } // 3-bit '111' followed by 5-bit numSequenceParameterSets int nSequenceParamSets = mSeqParamSets.size(); header[5] = 0xe0 | nSequenceParamSets; header += 6; for (List::iterator it = mSeqParamSets.begin(); it != mSeqParamSets.end(); ++it) { // 16-bit sequence parameter set length uint16_t seqParamSetLength = it->mLength; header[0] = seqParamSetLength >> 8; header[1] = seqParamSetLength & 0xff; // SPS NAL unit (sequence parameter length bytes) memcpy(&header[2], it->mData, seqParamSetLength); header += (2 + seqParamSetLength); } // 8-bit nPictureParameterSets int nPictureParamSets = mPicParamSets.size(); header[0] = nPictureParamSets; header += 1; for (List::iterator it = mPicParamSets.begin(); it != mPicParamSets.end(); ++it) { // 16-bit picture parameter set length uint16_t picParamSetLength = it->mLength; header[0] = picParamSetLength >> 8; header[1] = picParamSetLength & 0xff; // PPS Nal unit (picture parameter set length bytes) memcpy(&header[2], it->mData, picParamSetLength); header += (2 + picParamSetLength); } return OK; } /* * Updates the drift time from the audio track so that * the video track can get the updated drift time information * from the file writer. The fluctuation of the drift time of the audio * encoding path is smoothed out with a simple filter by giving a larger * weight to more recently drift time. The filter coefficients, 0.5 and 0.5, * are heuristically determined. */ void MPEG4Writer::Track::updateDriftTime(const sp& meta) { int64_t driftTimeUs = 0; if (meta->findInt64(kKeyDriftTime, &driftTimeUs)) { int64_t prevDriftTimeUs = mOwner->getDriftTimeUs(); int64_t timeUs = (driftTimeUs + prevDriftTimeUs) >> 1; mOwner->setDriftTimeUs(timeUs); } } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::threadEntry() { int32_t count = 0; const int64_t interleaveDurationUs = mOwner->interleaveDuration(); const bool hasMultipleTracks = (mOwner->numTracks() > 1); int64_t chunkTimestampUs = 0; int32_t nChunks = 0; int32_t nZeroLengthFrames = 0; int64_t lastTimestampUs = 0; // Previous sample time stamp int64_t lastDurationUs = 0; // Between the previous two samples int64_t currDurationTicks = 0; // Timescale based ticks int64_t lastDurationTicks = 0; // Timescale based ticks int32_t sampleCount = 1; // Sample count in the current stts table entry uint32_t previousSampleSize = 0; // Size of the previous sample int64_t previousPausedDurationUs = 0; int64_t timestampUs = 0; int64_t cttsOffsetTimeUs = 0; int64_t currCttsOffsetTimeTicks = 0; // Timescale based ticks int64_t lastCttsOffsetTimeTicks = -1; // Timescale based ticks int32_t cttsSampleCount = 0; // Sample count in the current ctts table entry uint32_t lastSamplesPerChunk = 0; if (mIsAudio) { prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"AudioTrackEncoding", 0, 0, 0); } else { prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"VideoTrackEncoding", 0, 0, 0); } androidSetThreadPriority(0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); sp meta_data; status_t err = OK; MediaBuffer *buffer; while (!mDone && (err = mSource->read(&buffer)) == OK) { if (buffer->range_length() == 0) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; ++nZeroLengthFrames; continue; } // If the codec specific data has not been received yet, delay pause. // After the codec specific data is received, discard what we received // when the track is to be paused. if (mPaused && !mResumed) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } ++count; int32_t isCodecConfig; if (buffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeyIsCodecConfig, &isCodecConfig) && isCodecConfig) { CHECK(!mGotAllCodecSpecificData); if (mIsAvc) { status_t err = makeAVCCodecSpecificData( (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), buffer->range_length()); CHECK_EQ((status_t)OK, err); } else if (mIsMPEG4) { mCodecSpecificDataSize = buffer->range_length(); mCodecSpecificData = malloc(mCodecSpecificDataSize); memcpy(mCodecSpecificData, (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), buffer->range_length()); } buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; mGotAllCodecSpecificData = true; continue; } // Make a deep copy of the MediaBuffer and Metadata and release // the original as soon as we can MediaBuffer *copy = new MediaBuffer(buffer->range_length()); memcpy(copy->data(), (uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), buffer->range_length()); copy->set_range(0, buffer->range_length()); meta_data = new MetaData(*buffer->meta_data().get()); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; if (mIsAvc) StripStartcode(copy); size_t sampleSize = copy->range_length(); if (mIsAvc) { if (mOwner->useNalLengthFour()) { sampleSize += 4; } else { sampleSize += 2; } } // Max file size or duration handling mMdatSizeBytes += sampleSize; updateTrackSizeEstimate(); if (mOwner->exceedsFileSizeLimit()) { mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED, 0); break; } if (mOwner->exceedsFileDurationLimit()) { mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED, 0); break; } int32_t isSync = false; meta_data->findInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, &isSync); CHECK(meta_data->findInt64(kKeyTime, ×tampUs)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (mStszTableEntries->count() == 0) { mFirstSampleTimeRealUs = systemTime() / 1000; mStartTimestampUs = timestampUs; mOwner->setStartTimestampUs(mStartTimestampUs); previousPausedDurationUs = mStartTimestampUs; } if (mResumed) { int64_t durExcludingEarlierPausesUs = timestampUs - previousPausedDurationUs; CHECK_GE(durExcludingEarlierPausesUs, 0ll); int64_t pausedDurationUs = durExcludingEarlierPausesUs - mTrackDurationUs; CHECK_GE(pausedDurationUs, lastDurationUs); previousPausedDurationUs += pausedDurationUs - lastDurationUs; mResumed = false; } timestampUs -= previousPausedDurationUs; CHECK_GE(timestampUs, 0ll); if (!mIsAudio) { /* * Composition time: timestampUs * Decoding time: decodingTimeUs * Composition time offset = composition time - decoding time */ int64_t decodingTimeUs; CHECK(meta_data->findInt64(kKeyDecodingTime, &decodingTimeUs)); decodingTimeUs -= previousPausedDurationUs; cttsOffsetTimeUs = timestampUs + kMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs - decodingTimeUs; CHECK_GE(cttsOffsetTimeUs, 0ll); timestampUs = decodingTimeUs; ALOGV("decoding time: %lld and ctts offset time: %lld", timestampUs, cttsOffsetTimeUs); // Update ctts box table if necessary currCttsOffsetTimeTicks = (cttsOffsetTimeUs * mTimeScale + 500000LL) / 1000000LL; CHECK_LE(currCttsOffsetTimeTicks, 0x0FFFFFFFFLL); if (mStszTableEntries->count() == 0) { // Force the first ctts table entry to have one single entry // so that we can do adjustment for the initial track start // time offset easily in writeCttsBox(). lastCttsOffsetTimeTicks = currCttsOffsetTimeTicks; addOneCttsTableEntry(1, currCttsOffsetTimeTicks); cttsSampleCount = 0; // No sample in ctts box is pending } else { if (currCttsOffsetTimeTicks != lastCttsOffsetTimeTicks) { addOneCttsTableEntry(cttsSampleCount, lastCttsOffsetTimeTicks); lastCttsOffsetTimeTicks = currCttsOffsetTimeTicks; cttsSampleCount = 1; // One sample in ctts box is pending } else { ++cttsSampleCount; } } // Update ctts time offset range if (mStszTableEntries->count() == 0) { mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs = currCttsOffsetTimeTicks; mMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs = currCttsOffsetTimeTicks; } else { if (currCttsOffsetTimeTicks > mMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs) { mMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs = currCttsOffsetTimeTicks; } else if (currCttsOffsetTimeTicks < mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs) { mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs = currCttsOffsetTimeTicks; } } } if (mIsRealTimeRecording) { if (mIsAudio) { updateDriftTime(meta_data); } } CHECK_GE(timestampUs, 0ll); ALOGV("%s media time stamp: %lld and previous paused duration %lld", mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video", timestampUs, previousPausedDurationUs); if (timestampUs > mTrackDurationUs) { mTrackDurationUs = timestampUs; } // We need to use the time scale based ticks, rather than the // timestamp itself to determine whether we have to use a new // stts entry, since we may have rounding errors. // The calculation is intended to reduce the accumulated // rounding errors. currDurationTicks = ((timestampUs * mTimeScale + 500000LL) / 1000000LL - (lastTimestampUs * mTimeScale + 500000LL) / 1000000LL); if (currDurationTicks < 0ll) { ALOGE("timestampUs %lld < lastTimestampUs %lld for %s track", timestampUs, lastTimestampUs, mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mStszTableEntries->add(htonl(sampleSize)); if (mStszTableEntries->count() > 2) { // Force the first sample to have its own stts entry so that // we can adjust its value later to maintain the A/V sync. if (mStszTableEntries->count() == 3 || currDurationTicks != lastDurationTicks) { addOneSttsTableEntry(sampleCount, lastDurationTicks); sampleCount = 1; } else { ++sampleCount; } } if (mSamplesHaveSameSize) { if (mStszTableEntries->count() >= 2 && previousSampleSize != sampleSize) { mSamplesHaveSameSize = false; } previousSampleSize = sampleSize; } ALOGV("%s timestampUs/lastTimestampUs: %lld/%lld", mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video", timestampUs, lastTimestampUs); lastDurationUs = timestampUs - lastTimestampUs; lastDurationTicks = currDurationTicks; lastTimestampUs = timestampUs; if (isSync != 0) { addOneStssTableEntry(mStszTableEntries->count()); } if (mTrackingProgressStatus) { if (mPreviousTrackTimeUs <= 0) { mPreviousTrackTimeUs = mStartTimestampUs; } trackProgressStatus(timestampUs); } if (!hasMultipleTracks) { off64_t offset = mIsAvc? mOwner->addLengthPrefixedSample_l(copy) : mOwner->addSample_l(copy); uint32_t count = (mOwner->use32BitFileOffset() ? mStcoTableEntries->count() : mCo64TableEntries->count()); if (count == 0) { addChunkOffset(offset); } copy->release(); copy = NULL; continue; } mChunkSamples.push_back(copy); if (interleaveDurationUs == 0) { addOneStscTableEntry(++nChunks, 1); bufferChunk(timestampUs); } else { if (chunkTimestampUs == 0) { chunkTimestampUs = timestampUs; } else { int64_t chunkDurationUs = timestampUs - chunkTimestampUs; if (chunkDurationUs > interleaveDurationUs) { if (chunkDurationUs > mMaxChunkDurationUs) { mMaxChunkDurationUs = chunkDurationUs; } ++nChunks; if (nChunks == 1 || // First chunk lastSamplesPerChunk != mChunkSamples.size()) { lastSamplesPerChunk = mChunkSamples.size(); addOneStscTableEntry(nChunks, lastSamplesPerChunk); } bufferChunk(timestampUs); chunkTimestampUs = timestampUs; } } } } if (isTrackMalFormed()) { err = ERROR_MALFORMED; } mOwner->trackProgressStatus(mTrackId, -1, err); // Last chunk if (!hasMultipleTracks) { addOneStscTableEntry(1, mStszTableEntries->count()); } else if (!mChunkSamples.empty()) { addOneStscTableEntry(++nChunks, mChunkSamples.size()); bufferChunk(timestampUs); } // We don't really know how long the last frame lasts, since // there is no frame time after it, just repeat the previous // frame's duration. if (mStszTableEntries->count() == 1) { lastDurationUs = 0; // A single sample's duration lastDurationTicks = 0; } else { ++sampleCount; // Count for the last sample } if (mStszTableEntries->count() <= 2) { addOneSttsTableEntry(1, lastDurationTicks); if (sampleCount - 1 > 0) { addOneSttsTableEntry(sampleCount - 1, lastDurationTicks); } } else { addOneSttsTableEntry(sampleCount, lastDurationTicks); } // The last ctts box may not have been written yet, and this // is to make sure that we write out the last ctts box. if (currCttsOffsetTimeTicks == lastCttsOffsetTimeTicks) { if (cttsSampleCount > 0) { addOneCttsTableEntry(cttsSampleCount, lastCttsOffsetTimeTicks); } } mTrackDurationUs += lastDurationUs; mReachedEOS = true; sendTrackSummary(hasMultipleTracks); ALOGI("Received total/0-length (%d/%d) buffers and encoded %d frames. - %s", count, nZeroLengthFrames, mStszTableEntries->count(), mIsAudio? "audio": "video"); if (mIsAudio) { ALOGI("Audio track drift time: %lld us", mOwner->getDriftTimeUs()); } if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { return OK; } return err; } bool MPEG4Writer::Track::isTrackMalFormed() const { if (mStszTableEntries->count() == 0) { // no samples written ALOGE("The number of recorded samples is 0"); return true; } if (!mIsAudio && mStssTableEntries->count() == 0) { // no sync frames for video ALOGE("There are no sync frames for video track"); return true; } if (OK != checkCodecSpecificData()) { // no codec specific data return true; } return false; } void MPEG4Writer::Track::sendTrackSummary(bool hasMultipleTracks) { // Send track summary only if test mode is enabled. if (!isTestModeEnabled()) { return; } int trackNum = (mTrackId << 28); mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_TYPE, mIsAudio? 0: 1); mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_DURATION_MS, mTrackDurationUs / 1000); mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_ENCODED_FRAMES, mStszTableEntries->count()); { // The system delay time excluding the requested initial delay that // is used to eliminate the recording sound. int64_t startTimeOffsetUs = mOwner->getStartTimeOffsetMs() * 1000LL; if (startTimeOffsetUs < 0) { // Start time offset was not set startTimeOffsetUs = kInitialDelayTimeUs; } int64_t initialDelayUs = mFirstSampleTimeRealUs - mStartTimeRealUs - startTimeOffsetUs; mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_INITIAL_DELAY_MS, (initialDelayUs) / 1000); } mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_DATA_KBYTES, mMdatSizeBytes / 1024); if (hasMultipleTracks) { mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_MAX_CHUNK_DUR_MS, mMaxChunkDurationUs / 1000); int64_t moovStartTimeUs = mOwner->getStartTimestampUs(); if (mStartTimestampUs != moovStartTimeUs) { int64_t startTimeOffsetUs = mStartTimestampUs - moovStartTimeUs; mOwner->notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_START_OFFSET_MS, startTimeOffsetUs / 1000); } } } void MPEG4Writer::Track::trackProgressStatus(int64_t timeUs, status_t err) { ALOGV("trackProgressStatus: %lld us", timeUs); if (mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs > 0 && timeUs - mPreviousTrackTimeUs >= mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs) { ALOGV("Fire time tracking progress status at %lld us", timeUs); mOwner->trackProgressStatus(mTrackId, timeUs - mPreviousTrackTimeUs, err); mPreviousTrackTimeUs = timeUs; } } void MPEG4Writer::trackProgressStatus( size_t trackId, int64_t timeUs, status_t err) { Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock); int32_t trackNum = (trackId << 28); // Error notification // Do not consider ERROR_END_OF_STREAM an error if (err != OK && err != ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_ERROR, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_ERROR_GENERAL, err); return; } if (timeUs == -1) { // Send completion notification notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_COMPLETION_STATUS, err); } else { // Send progress status notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_EVENT_INFO, trackNum | MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_PROGRESS_IN_TIME, timeUs / 1000); } } void MPEG4Writer::setDriftTimeUs(int64_t driftTimeUs) { ALOGV("setDriftTimeUs: %lld us", driftTimeUs); Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock); mDriftTimeUs = driftTimeUs; } int64_t MPEG4Writer::getDriftTimeUs() { ALOGV("getDriftTimeUs: %lld us", mDriftTimeUs); Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock); return mDriftTimeUs; } bool MPEG4Writer::useNalLengthFour() { return mUse4ByteNalLength; } void MPEG4Writer::Track::bufferChunk(int64_t timestampUs) { ALOGV("bufferChunk"); Chunk chunk(this, timestampUs, mChunkSamples); mOwner->bufferChunk(chunk); mChunkSamples.clear(); } int64_t MPEG4Writer::Track::getDurationUs() const { return mTrackDurationUs; } int64_t MPEG4Writer::Track::getEstimatedTrackSizeBytes() const { return mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes; } status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::checkCodecSpecificData() const { const char *mime; CHECK(mMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, mime) || !strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, mime) || !strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mime)) { if (!mCodecSpecificData || mCodecSpecificDataSize <= 0) { ALOGE("Missing codec specific data"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } else { if (mCodecSpecificData || mCodecSpecificDataSize > 0) { ALOGE("Unexepected codec specific data found"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } return OK; } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeTrackHeader(bool use32BitOffset) { ALOGV("%s track time scale: %d", mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video", mTimeScale); time_t now = time(NULL); mOwner->beginBox("trak"); writeTkhdBox(now); mOwner->beginBox("mdia"); writeMdhdBox(now); writeHdlrBox(); mOwner->beginBox("minf"); if (mIsAudio) { writeSmhdBox(); } else { writeVmhdBox(); } writeDinfBox(); writeStblBox(use32BitOffset); mOwner->endBox(); // minf mOwner->endBox(); // mdia mOwner->endBox(); // trak } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeStblBox(bool use32BitOffset) { mOwner->beginBox("stbl"); mOwner->beginBox("stsd"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt32(1); // entry count if (mIsAudio) { writeAudioFourCCBox(); } else { writeVideoFourCCBox(); } mOwner->endBox(); // stsd writeSttsBox(); writeCttsBox(); if (!mIsAudio) { writeStssBox(); } writeStszBox(); writeStscBox(); writeStcoBox(use32BitOffset); mOwner->endBox(); // stbl } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeVideoFourCCBox() { const char *mime; bool success = mMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime); CHECK(success); if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, mime)) { mOwner->beginBox("mp4v"); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263, mime)) { mOwner->beginBox("s263"); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mime)) { mOwner->beginBox("avc1"); } else { ALOGE("Unknown mime type '%s'.", mime); CHECK(!"should not be here, unknown mime type."); } mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt16(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt16(1); // data ref index mOwner->writeInt16(0); // predefined mOwner->writeInt16(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt32(0); // predefined mOwner->writeInt32(0); // predefined mOwner->writeInt32(0); // predefined int32_t width, height; success = mMeta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width); success = success && mMeta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height); CHECK(success); mOwner->writeInt16(width); mOwner->writeInt16(height); mOwner->writeInt32(0x480000); // horiz resolution mOwner->writeInt32(0x480000); // vert resolution mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt16(1); // frame count mOwner->write(" ", 32); mOwner->writeInt16(0x18); // depth mOwner->writeInt16(-1); // predefined CHECK_LT(23 + mCodecSpecificDataSize, 128); if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, mime)) { writeMp4vEsdsBox(); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263, mime)) { writeD263Box(); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mime)) { writeAvccBox(); } writePaspBox(); mOwner->endBox(); // mp4v, s263 or avc1 } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeAudioFourCCBox() { const char *mime; bool success = mMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime); CHECK(success); const char *fourcc = NULL; if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB, mime)) { fourcc = "samr"; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB, mime)) { fourcc = "sawb"; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, mime)) { fourcc = "mp4a"; } else { ALOGE("Unknown mime type '%s'.", mime); CHECK(!"should not be here, unknown mime type."); } mOwner->beginBox(fourcc); // audio format mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt16(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt16(0x1); // data ref index mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved int32_t nChannels; CHECK_EQ(true, mMeta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &nChannels)); mOwner->writeInt16(nChannels); // channel count mOwner->writeInt16(16); // sample size mOwner->writeInt16(0); // predefined mOwner->writeInt16(0); // reserved int32_t samplerate; success = mMeta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &samplerate); CHECK(success); mOwner->writeInt32(samplerate << 16); if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, mime)) { writeMp4aEsdsBox(); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB, mime) || !strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB, mime)) { writeDamrBox(); } mOwner->endBox(); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeMp4aEsdsBox() { mOwner->beginBox("esds"); CHECK(mCodecSpecificData); CHECK_GT(mCodecSpecificDataSize, 0); // Make sure all sizes encode to a single byte. CHECK_LT(mCodecSpecificDataSize + 23, 128); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt8(0x03); // ES_DescrTag mOwner->writeInt8(23 + mCodecSpecificDataSize); mOwner->writeInt16(0x0000);// ES_ID mOwner->writeInt8(0x00); mOwner->writeInt8(0x04); // DecoderConfigDescrTag mOwner->writeInt8(15 + mCodecSpecificDataSize); mOwner->writeInt8(0x40); // objectTypeIndication ISO/IEC 14492-2 mOwner->writeInt8(0x15); // streamType AudioStream mOwner->writeInt16(0x03); // XXX mOwner->writeInt8(0x00); // buffer size 24-bit mOwner->writeInt32(96000); // max bit rate mOwner->writeInt32(96000); // avg bit rate mOwner->writeInt8(0x05); // DecoderSpecificInfoTag mOwner->writeInt8(mCodecSpecificDataSize); mOwner->write(mCodecSpecificData, mCodecSpecificDataSize); static const uint8_t kData2[] = { 0x06, // SLConfigDescriptorTag 0x01, 0x02 }; mOwner->write(kData2, sizeof(kData2)); mOwner->endBox(); // esds } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeMp4vEsdsBox() { CHECK(mCodecSpecificData); CHECK_GT(mCodecSpecificDataSize, 0); mOwner->beginBox("esds"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt8(0x03); // ES_DescrTag mOwner->writeInt8(23 + mCodecSpecificDataSize); mOwner->writeInt16(0x0000); // ES_ID mOwner->writeInt8(0x1f); mOwner->writeInt8(0x04); // DecoderConfigDescrTag mOwner->writeInt8(15 + mCodecSpecificDataSize); mOwner->writeInt8(0x20); // objectTypeIndication ISO/IEC 14492-2 mOwner->writeInt8(0x11); // streamType VisualStream static const uint8_t kData[] = { 0x01, 0x77, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xe8, 0x00 }; mOwner->write(kData, sizeof(kData)); mOwner->writeInt8(0x05); // DecoderSpecificInfoTag mOwner->writeInt8(mCodecSpecificDataSize); mOwner->write(mCodecSpecificData, mCodecSpecificDataSize); static const uint8_t kData2[] = { 0x06, // SLConfigDescriptorTag 0x01, 0x02 }; mOwner->write(kData2, sizeof(kData2)); mOwner->endBox(); // esds } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeTkhdBox(time_t now) { mOwner->beginBox("tkhd"); // Flags = 7 to indicate that the track is enabled, and // part of the presentation mOwner->writeInt32(0x07); // version=0, flags=7 mOwner->writeInt32(now); // creation time mOwner->writeInt32(now); // modification time mOwner->writeInt32(mTrackId + 1); // track id starts with 1 mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved int64_t trakDurationUs = getDurationUs(); int32_t mvhdTimeScale = mOwner->getTimeScale(); int32_t tkhdDuration = (trakDurationUs * mvhdTimeScale + 5E5) / 1E6; mOwner->writeInt32(tkhdDuration); // in mvhd timescale mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt16(0); // layer mOwner->writeInt16(0); // alternate group mOwner->writeInt16(mIsAudio ? 0x100 : 0); // volume mOwner->writeInt16(0); // reserved mOwner->writeCompositionMatrix(mRotation); // matrix if (mIsAudio) { mOwner->writeInt32(0); mOwner->writeInt32(0); } else { int32_t width, height; bool success = mMeta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width); success = success && mMeta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height); CHECK(success); mOwner->writeInt32(width << 16); // 32-bit fixed-point value mOwner->writeInt32(height << 16); // 32-bit fixed-point value } mOwner->endBox(); // tkhd } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeVmhdBox() { mOwner->beginBox("vmhd"); mOwner->writeInt32(0x01); // version=0, flags=1 mOwner->writeInt16(0); // graphics mode mOwner->writeInt16(0); // opcolor mOwner->writeInt16(0); mOwner->writeInt16(0); mOwner->endBox(); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeSmhdBox() { mOwner->beginBox("smhd"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt16(0); // balance mOwner->writeInt16(0); // reserved mOwner->endBox(); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeHdlrBox() { mOwner->beginBox("hdlr"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt32(0); // component type: should be mhlr mOwner->writeFourcc(mIsAudio ? "soun" : "vide"); // component subtype mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved mOwner->writeInt32(0); // reserved // Removing "r" for the name string just makes the string 4 byte aligned mOwner->writeCString(mIsAudio ? "SoundHandle": "VideoHandle"); // name mOwner->endBox(); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeMdhdBox(time_t now) { int64_t trakDurationUs = getDurationUs(); mOwner->beginBox("mdhd"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt32(now); // creation time mOwner->writeInt32(now); // modification time mOwner->writeInt32(mTimeScale); // media timescale int32_t mdhdDuration = (trakDurationUs * mTimeScale + 5E5) / 1E6; mOwner->writeInt32(mdhdDuration); // use media timescale // Language follows the three letter standard ISO-639-2/T // 'e', 'n', 'g' for "English", for instance. // Each character is packed as the difference between its ASCII value and 0x60. // For "English", these are 00101, 01110, 00111. // XXX: Where is the padding bit located: 0x15C7? mOwner->writeInt16(0); // language code mOwner->writeInt16(0); // predefined mOwner->endBox(); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeDamrBox() { // 3gpp2 Spec AMRSampleEntry fields mOwner->beginBox("damr"); mOwner->writeCString(" "); // vendor: 4 bytes mOwner->writeInt8(0); // decoder version mOwner->writeInt16(0x83FF); // mode set: all enabled mOwner->writeInt8(0); // mode change period mOwner->writeInt8(1); // frames per sample mOwner->endBox(); } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeUrlBox() { // The table index here refers to the sample description index // in the sample table entries. mOwner->beginBox("url "); mOwner->writeInt32(1); // version=0, flags=1 (self-contained) mOwner->endBox(); // url } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeDrefBox() { mOwner->beginBox("dref"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt32(1); // entry count (either url or urn) writeUrlBox(); mOwner->endBox(); // dref } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeDinfBox() { mOwner->beginBox("dinf"); writeDrefBox(); mOwner->endBox(); // dinf } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeAvccBox() { CHECK(mCodecSpecificData); CHECK_GE(mCodecSpecificDataSize, 5); // Patch avcc's lengthSize field to match the number // of bytes we use to indicate the size of a nal unit. uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)mCodecSpecificData; ptr[4] = (ptr[4] & 0xfc) | (mOwner->useNalLengthFour() ? 3 : 1); mOwner->beginBox("avcC"); mOwner->write(mCodecSpecificData, mCodecSpecificDataSize); mOwner->endBox(); // avcC } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeD263Box() { mOwner->beginBox("d263"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // vendor mOwner->writeInt8(0); // decoder version mOwner->writeInt8(10); // level: 10 mOwner->writeInt8(0); // profile: 0 mOwner->endBox(); // d263 } // This is useful if the pixel is not square void MPEG4Writer::Track::writePaspBox() { mOwner->beginBox("pasp"); mOwner->writeInt32(1 << 16); // hspacing mOwner->writeInt32(1 << 16); // vspacing mOwner->endBox(); // pasp } int32_t MPEG4Writer::Track::getStartTimeOffsetScaledTime() const { int64_t trackStartTimeOffsetUs = 0; int64_t moovStartTimeUs = mOwner->getStartTimestampUs(); if (mStartTimestampUs != moovStartTimeUs) { CHECK_GT(mStartTimestampUs, moovStartTimeUs); trackStartTimeOffsetUs = mStartTimestampUs - moovStartTimeUs; } return (trackStartTimeOffsetUs * mTimeScale + 500000LL) / 1000000LL; } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeSttsBox() { mOwner->beginBox("stts"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 uint32_t duration; CHECK(mSttsTableEntries->get(duration, 1)); duration = htonl(duration); // Back to host byte order mSttsTableEntries->set(htonl(duration + getStartTimeOffsetScaledTime()), 1); mSttsTableEntries->write(mOwner); mOwner->endBox(); // stts } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeCttsBox() { if (mIsAudio) { // ctts is not for audio return; } // There is no B frame at all if (mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs == mMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs) { return; } // Do not write ctts box when there is no need to have it. if (mCttsTableEntries->count() == 0) { return; } ALOGV("ctts box has %d entries with range [%lld, %lld]", mCttsTableEntries->count(), mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs, mMaxCttsOffsetTimeUs); mOwner->beginBox("ctts"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 uint32_t duration; CHECK(mCttsTableEntries->get(duration, 1)); duration = htonl(duration); // Back host byte order mCttsTableEntries->set(htonl(duration + getStartTimeOffsetScaledTime() - mMinCttsOffsetTimeUs), 1); mCttsTableEntries->write(mOwner); mOwner->endBox(); // ctts } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeStssBox() { mOwner->beginBox("stss"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mStssTableEntries->write(mOwner); mOwner->endBox(); // stss } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeStszBox() { mOwner->beginBox("stsz"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mOwner->writeInt32(0); mStszTableEntries->write(mOwner); mOwner->endBox(); // stsz } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeStscBox() { mOwner->beginBox("stsc"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 mStscTableEntries->write(mOwner); mOwner->endBox(); // stsc } void MPEG4Writer::Track::writeStcoBox(bool use32BitOffset) { mOwner->beginBox(use32BitOffset? "stco": "co64"); mOwner->writeInt32(0); // version=0, flags=0 if (use32BitOffset) { mStcoTableEntries->write(mOwner); } else { mCo64TableEntries->write(mOwner); } mOwner->endBox(); // stco or co64 } void MPEG4Writer::writeUdtaBox() { beginBox("udta"); writeGeoDataBox(); endBox(); } /* * Geodata is stored according to ISO-6709 standard. */ void MPEG4Writer::writeGeoDataBox() { beginBox("\xA9xyz"); /* * For historical reasons, any user data start * with "\0xA9", must be followed by its assoicated * language code. * 0x0012: text string length * 0x15c7: lang (locale) code: en */ writeInt32(0x001215c7); writeLatitude(mLatitudex10000); writeLongitude(mLongitudex10000); writeInt8(0x2F); endBox(); } } // namespace android