/* * Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "MediaCodec" #include #include #include "include/SoftwareRenderer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { // static sp MediaCodec::CreateByType( const sp &looper, const char *mime, bool encoder) { sp codec = new MediaCodec(looper); if (codec->init(mime, true /* nameIsType */, encoder) != OK) { return NULL; } return codec; } // static sp MediaCodec::CreateByComponentName( const sp &looper, const char *name) { sp codec = new MediaCodec(looper); if (codec->init(name, false /* nameIsType */, false /* encoder */) != OK) { return NULL; } return codec; } MediaCodec::MediaCodec(const sp &looper) : mState(UNINITIALIZED), mLooper(looper), mCodec(new ACodec), mFlags(0), mSoftRenderer(NULL), mDequeueInputTimeoutGeneration(0), mDequeueInputReplyID(0), mDequeueOutputTimeoutGeneration(0), mDequeueOutputReplyID(0) { } MediaCodec::~MediaCodec() { CHECK_EQ(mState, UNINITIALIZED); } // static status_t MediaCodec::PostAndAwaitResponse( const sp &msg, sp *response) { status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(response); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (!(*response)->findInt32("err", &err)) { err = OK; } return err; } status_t MediaCodec::init(const char *name, bool nameIsType, bool encoder) { // Current video decoders do not return from OMX_FillThisBuffer // quickly, violating the OpenMAX specs, until that is remedied // we need to invest in an extra looper to free the main event // queue. bool needDedicatedLooper = false; if (nameIsType && !strncasecmp(name, "video/", 6)) { needDedicatedLooper = true; } else if (!nameIsType && !strncmp(name, "OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.", 21)) { needDedicatedLooper = true; } if (needDedicatedLooper) { if (mCodecLooper == NULL) { mCodecLooper = new ALooper; mCodecLooper->setName("CodecLooper"); mCodecLooper->start(false, false, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); } mCodecLooper->registerHandler(mCodec); } else { mLooper->registerHandler(mCodec); } mLooper->registerHandler(this); mCodec->setNotificationMessage(new AMessage(kWhatCodecNotify, id())); sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatInit, id()); msg->setString("name", name); msg->setInt32("nameIsType", nameIsType); if (nameIsType) { msg->setInt32("encoder", encoder); } sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::configure( const sp &format, const sp &nativeWindow, uint32_t flags) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatConfigure, id()); msg->setMessage("format", format); msg->setInt32("flags", flags); if (nativeWindow != NULL) { if (!(mFlags & kFlagIsSoftwareCodec)) { msg->setObject( "native-window", new NativeWindowWrapper(nativeWindow)); } else { mNativeWindow = nativeWindow; } } sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::start() { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatStart, id()); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::stop() { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatStop, id()); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::release() { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatRelease, id()); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::queueInputBuffer( size_t index, size_t offset, size_t size, int64_t presentationTimeUs, uint32_t flags) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatQueueInputBuffer, id()); msg->setSize("index", index); msg->setSize("offset", offset); msg->setSize("size", size); msg->setInt64("timeUs", presentationTimeUs); msg->setInt32("flags", flags); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::dequeueInputBuffer(size_t *index, int64_t timeoutUs) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatDequeueInputBuffer, id()); msg->setInt64("timeoutUs", timeoutUs); sp response; status_t err; if ((err = PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response)) != OK) { return err; } CHECK(response->findSize("index", index)); return OK; } status_t MediaCodec::dequeueOutputBuffer( size_t *index, size_t *offset, size_t *size, int64_t *presentationTimeUs, uint32_t *flags, int64_t timeoutUs) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatDequeueOutputBuffer, id()); msg->setInt64("timeoutUs", timeoutUs); sp response; status_t err; if ((err = PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response)) != OK) { return err; } CHECK(response->findSize("index", index)); CHECK(response->findSize("offset", offset)); CHECK(response->findSize("size", size)); CHECK(response->findInt64("timeUs", presentationTimeUs)); CHECK(response->findInt32("flags", (int32_t *)flags)); return OK; } status_t MediaCodec::renderOutputBufferAndRelease(size_t index) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatReleaseOutputBuffer, id()); msg->setSize("index", index); msg->setInt32("render", true); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::releaseOutputBuffer(size_t index) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatReleaseOutputBuffer, id()); msg->setSize("index", index); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::getOutputFormat(sp *format) const { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetOutputFormat, id()); sp response; status_t err; if ((err = PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response)) != OK) { return err; } CHECK(response->findMessage("format", format)); return OK; } status_t MediaCodec::getInputBuffers(Vector > *buffers) const { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetBuffers, id()); msg->setInt32("portIndex", kPortIndexInput); msg->setPointer("buffers", buffers); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::getOutputBuffers(Vector > *buffers) const { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetBuffers, id()); msg->setInt32("portIndex", kPortIndexOutput); msg->setPointer("buffers", buffers); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } status_t MediaCodec::flush() { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatFlush, id()); sp response; return PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MediaCodec::cancelPendingDequeueOperations() { if (mFlags & kFlagDequeueInputPending) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(mDequeueInputReplyID); ++mDequeueInputTimeoutGeneration; mDequeueInputReplyID = 0; mFlags &= ~kFlagDequeueInputPending; } if (mFlags & kFlagDequeueOutputPending) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(mDequeueOutputReplyID); ++mDequeueOutputTimeoutGeneration; mDequeueOutputReplyID = 0; mFlags &= ~kFlagDequeueOutputPending; } } bool MediaCodec::handleDequeueInputBuffer(uint32_t replyID, bool newRequest) { if (mState != STARTED || (mFlags & kFlagStickyError) || (newRequest && (mFlags & kFlagDequeueInputPending))) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); return true; } ssize_t index = dequeuePortBuffer(kPortIndexInput); if (index < 0) { CHECK_EQ(index, -EAGAIN); return false; } sp response = new AMessage; response->setSize("index", index); response->postReply(replyID); return true; } bool MediaCodec::handleDequeueOutputBuffer(uint32_t replyID, bool newRequest) { sp response = new AMessage; if (mState != STARTED || (mFlags & kFlagStickyError) || (newRequest && (mFlags & kFlagDequeueOutputPending))) { response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); } else if (mFlags & kFlagOutputBuffersChanged) { response->setInt32("err", INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED); mFlags &= ~kFlagOutputBuffersChanged; } else if (mFlags & kFlagOutputFormatChanged) { response->setInt32("err", INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED); mFlags &= ~kFlagOutputFormatChanged; } else { ssize_t index = dequeuePortBuffer(kPortIndexOutput); if (index < 0) { CHECK_EQ(index, -EAGAIN); return false; } const sp &buffer = mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].itemAt(index).mData; response->setSize("index", index); response->setSize("offset", buffer->offset()); response->setSize("size", buffer->size()); int64_t timeUs; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); response->setInt64("timeUs", timeUs); int32_t omxFlags; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt32("omxFlags", &omxFlags)); uint32_t flags = 0; if (omxFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME) { flags |= BUFFER_FLAG_SYNCFRAME; } if (omxFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG) { flags |= BUFFER_FLAG_CODECCONFIG; } if (omxFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) { flags |= BUFFER_FLAG_EOS; } response->setInt32("flags", flags); } response->postReply(replyID); return true; } void MediaCodec::onMessageReceived(const sp &msg) { switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatCodecNotify: { int32_t what; CHECK(msg->findInt32("what", &what)); switch (what) { case ACodec::kWhatError: { int32_t omxError, internalError; CHECK(msg->findInt32("omx-error", &omxError)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("err", &internalError)); ALOGE("Codec reported an error. " "(omx error 0x%08x, internalError %d)", omxError, internalError); bool sendErrorReponse = true; switch (mState) { case INITIALIZING: { setState(UNINITIALIZED); break; } case CONFIGURING: { setState(INITIALIZED); break; } case STARTING: { setState(CONFIGURED); break; } case STOPPING: case RELEASING: { // Ignore the error, assuming we'll still get // the shutdown complete notification. sendErrorReponse = false; break; } case FLUSHING: { setState(STARTED); break; } case STARTED: { sendErrorReponse = false; mFlags |= kFlagStickyError; cancelPendingDequeueOperations(); break; } default: { sendErrorReponse = false; mFlags |= kFlagStickyError; break; } } if (sendErrorReponse) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", UNKNOWN_ERROR); response->postReply(mReplyID); } break; } case ACodec::kWhatComponentAllocated: { CHECK_EQ(mState, INITIALIZING); setState(INITIALIZED); AString componentName; CHECK(msg->findString("componentName", &componentName)); if (componentName.startsWith("OMX.google.")) { mFlags |= kFlagIsSoftwareCodec; } else { mFlags &= ~kFlagIsSoftwareCodec; } (new AMessage)->postReply(mReplyID); break; } case ACodec::kWhatComponentConfigured: { CHECK_EQ(mState, CONFIGURING); setState(CONFIGURED); (new AMessage)->postReply(mReplyID); break; } case ACodec::kWhatBuffersAllocated: { int32_t portIndex; CHECK(msg->findInt32("portIndex", &portIndex)); ALOGV("%s buffers allocated", portIndex == kPortIndexInput ? "input" : "output"); CHECK(portIndex == kPortIndexInput || portIndex == kPortIndexOutput); mPortBuffers[portIndex].clear(); Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[portIndex]; for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) { AString name = StringPrintf("buffer-id_%d", i); void *bufferID; if (!msg->findPointer(name.c_str(), &bufferID)) { break; } name = StringPrintf("data_%d", i); BufferInfo info; info.mBufferID = bufferID; info.mOwnedByClient = false; CHECK(msg->findBuffer(name.c_str(), &info.mData)); buffers->push_back(info); } if (portIndex == kPortIndexOutput) { if (mState == STARTING) { // We're always allocating output buffers after // allocating input buffers, so this is a good // indication that now all buffers are allocated. setState(STARTED); (new AMessage)->postReply(mReplyID); } else { mFlags |= kFlagOutputBuffersChanged; } } break; } case ACodec::kWhatOutputFormatChanged: { ALOGV("codec output format changed"); if ((mFlags & kFlagIsSoftwareCodec) && mNativeWindow != NULL) { AString mime; CHECK(msg->findString("mime", &mime)); if (!strncasecmp("video/", mime.c_str(), 6)) { delete mSoftRenderer; mSoftRenderer = NULL; int32_t width, height; CHECK(msg->findInt32("width", &width)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("height", &height)); int32_t colorFormat; CHECK(msg->findInt32( "color-format", &colorFormat)); sp meta = new MetaData; meta->setInt32(kKeyWidth, width); meta->setInt32(kKeyHeight, height); meta->setInt32(kKeyColorFormat, colorFormat); mSoftRenderer = new SoftwareRenderer(mNativeWindow, meta); } } mOutputFormat = msg; mFlags |= kFlagOutputFormatChanged; break; } case ACodec::kWhatFillThisBuffer: { /* size_t index = */updateBuffers(kPortIndexInput, msg); if (mState == FLUSHING || mState == STOPPING || mState == RELEASING) { returnBuffersToCodecOnPort(kPortIndexInput); break; } if (mFlags & kFlagDequeueInputPending) { CHECK(handleDequeueInputBuffer(mDequeueInputReplyID)); ++mDequeueInputTimeoutGeneration; mFlags &= ~kFlagDequeueInputPending; mDequeueInputReplyID = 0; } break; } case ACodec::kWhatDrainThisBuffer: { /* size_t index = */updateBuffers(kPortIndexOutput, msg); if (mState == FLUSHING || mState == STOPPING || mState == RELEASING) { returnBuffersToCodecOnPort(kPortIndexOutput); break; } sp buffer; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("buffer", &buffer)); int32_t omxFlags; CHECK(msg->findInt32("flags", &omxFlags)); buffer->meta()->setInt32("omxFlags", omxFlags); if (mFlags & kFlagDequeueOutputPending) { CHECK(handleDequeueOutputBuffer(mDequeueOutputReplyID)); ++mDequeueOutputTimeoutGeneration; mFlags &= ~kFlagDequeueOutputPending; mDequeueOutputReplyID = 0; } break; } case ACodec::kWhatEOS: { // We already notify the client of this by using the // corresponding flag in "onOutputBufferReady". break; } case ACodec::kWhatShutdownCompleted: { if (mState == STOPPING) { setState(INITIALIZED); } else { CHECK_EQ(mState, RELEASING); setState(UNINITIALIZED); } (new AMessage)->postReply(mReplyID); break; } case ACodec::kWhatFlushCompleted: { CHECK_EQ(mState, FLUSHING); setState(STARTED); mCodec->signalResume(); (new AMessage)->postReply(mReplyID); break; } default: TRESPASS(); } break; } case kWhatInit: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != UNINITIALIZED) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mReplyID = replyID; setState(INITIALIZING); AString name; CHECK(msg->findString("name", &name)); int32_t nameIsType; int32_t encoder = false; CHECK(msg->findInt32("nameIsType", &nameIsType)); if (nameIsType) { CHECK(msg->findInt32("encoder", &encoder)); } sp format = new AMessage; if (nameIsType) { format->setString("mime", name.c_str()); format->setInt32("encoder", encoder); } else { format->setString("componentName", name.c_str()); } mCodec->initiateAllocateComponent(format); break; } case kWhatConfigure: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != INITIALIZED) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mReplyID = replyID; setState(CONFIGURING); sp obj; if (!msg->findObject("native-window", &obj)) { obj.clear(); } sp format; CHECK(msg->findMessage("format", &format)); if (obj != NULL) { format->setObject("native-window", obj); } uint32_t flags; CHECK(msg->findInt32("flags", (int32_t *)&flags)); if (flags & CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE) { format->setInt32("encoder", true); } mCodec->initiateConfigureComponent(format); break; } case kWhatStart: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != CONFIGURED) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mReplyID = replyID; setState(STARTING); mCodec->initiateStart(); break; } case kWhatStop: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != INITIALIZED && mState != CONFIGURED && mState != STARTED) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mReplyID = replyID; setState(STOPPING); mCodec->initiateShutdown(true /* keepComponentAllocated */); returnBuffersToCodec(); break; } case kWhatRelease: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != INITIALIZED && mState != CONFIGURED && mState != STARTED) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mReplyID = replyID; setState(RELEASING); mCodec->initiateShutdown(); returnBuffersToCodec(); break; } case kWhatDequeueInputBuffer: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (handleDequeueInputBuffer(replyID, true /* new request */)) { break; } int64_t timeoutUs; CHECK(msg->findInt64("timeoutUs", &timeoutUs)); if (timeoutUs == 0ll) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", -EAGAIN); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mFlags |= kFlagDequeueInputPending; mDequeueInputReplyID = replyID; if (timeoutUs > 0ll) { sp timeoutMsg = new AMessage(kWhatDequeueInputTimedOut, id()); timeoutMsg->setInt32( "generation", ++mDequeueInputTimeoutGeneration); timeoutMsg->post(timeoutUs); } break; } case kWhatDequeueInputTimedOut: { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); if (generation != mDequeueInputTimeoutGeneration) { // Obsolete break; } CHECK(mFlags & kFlagDequeueInputPending); sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", -EAGAIN); response->postReply(mDequeueInputReplyID); mFlags &= ~kFlagDequeueInputPending; mDequeueInputReplyID = 0; break; } case kWhatQueueInputBuffer: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != STARTED || (mFlags & kFlagStickyError)) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } status_t err = onQueueInputBuffer(msg); sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatDequeueOutputBuffer: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (handleDequeueOutputBuffer(replyID, true /* new request */)) { break; } int64_t timeoutUs; CHECK(msg->findInt64("timeoutUs", &timeoutUs)); if (timeoutUs == 0ll) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", -EAGAIN); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mFlags |= kFlagDequeueOutputPending; mDequeueOutputReplyID = replyID; if (timeoutUs > 0ll) { sp timeoutMsg = new AMessage(kWhatDequeueOutputTimedOut, id()); timeoutMsg->setInt32( "generation", ++mDequeueOutputTimeoutGeneration); timeoutMsg->post(timeoutUs); } break; } case kWhatDequeueOutputTimedOut: { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); if (generation != mDequeueOutputTimeoutGeneration) { // Obsolete break; } CHECK(mFlags & kFlagDequeueOutputPending); sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", -EAGAIN); response->postReply(mDequeueOutputReplyID); mFlags &= ~kFlagDequeueOutputPending; mDequeueOutputReplyID = 0; break; } case kWhatReleaseOutputBuffer: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != STARTED || (mFlags & kFlagStickyError)) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } status_t err = onReleaseOutputBuffer(msg); sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatGetBuffers: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != STARTED || (mFlags & kFlagStickyError)) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } int32_t portIndex; CHECK(msg->findInt32("portIndex", &portIndex)); Vector > *dstBuffers; CHECK(msg->findPointer("buffers", (void **)&dstBuffers)); dstBuffers->clear(); const Vector &srcBuffers = mPortBuffers[portIndex]; for (size_t i = 0; i < srcBuffers.size(); ++i) { const BufferInfo &info = srcBuffers.itemAt(i); dstBuffers->push_back(info.mData); } (new AMessage)->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatFlush: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if (mState != STARTED || (mFlags & kFlagStickyError)) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } mReplyID = replyID; setState(FLUSHING); mCodec->signalFlush(); returnBuffersToCodec(); break; } case kWhatGetOutputFormat: { uint32_t replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); if ((mState != STARTED && mState != FLUSHING) || (mFlags & kFlagStickyError)) { sp response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", INVALID_OPERATION); response->postReply(replyID); break; } sp response = new AMessage; response->setMessage("format", mOutputFormat); response->postReply(replyID); break; } default: TRESPASS(); } } void MediaCodec::setState(State newState) { if (newState == UNINITIALIZED) { delete mSoftRenderer; mSoftRenderer = NULL; mNativeWindow.clear(); mOutputFormat.clear(); mFlags &= ~kFlagOutputFormatChanged; mFlags &= ~kFlagOutputBuffersChanged; mFlags &= ~kFlagStickyError; } mState = newState; cancelPendingDequeueOperations(); } void MediaCodec::returnBuffersToCodec() { returnBuffersToCodecOnPort(kPortIndexInput); returnBuffersToCodecOnPort(kPortIndexOutput); } void MediaCodec::returnBuffersToCodecOnPort(int32_t portIndex) { CHECK(portIndex == kPortIndexInput || portIndex == kPortIndexOutput); Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[portIndex]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); if (info->mNotify != NULL) { sp msg = info->mNotify; info->mNotify = NULL; info->mOwnedByClient = false; if (portIndex == kPortIndexInput) { msg->setInt32("err", ERROR_END_OF_STREAM); } msg->post(); } } mAvailPortBuffers[portIndex].clear(); } size_t MediaCodec::updateBuffers( int32_t portIndex, const sp &msg) { CHECK(portIndex == kPortIndexInput || portIndex == kPortIndexOutput); void *bufferID; CHECK(msg->findPointer("buffer-id", &bufferID)); Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[portIndex]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); if (info->mBufferID == bufferID) { CHECK(info->mNotify == NULL); CHECK(msg->findMessage("reply", &info->mNotify)); mAvailPortBuffers[portIndex].push_back(i); return i; } } TRESPASS(); return 0; } status_t MediaCodec::onQueueInputBuffer(const sp &msg) { size_t index; size_t offset; size_t size; int64_t timeUs; uint32_t flags; CHECK(msg->findSize("index", &index)); CHECK(msg->findSize("offset", &offset)); CHECK(msg->findSize("size", &size)); CHECK(msg->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("flags", (int32_t *)&flags)); if (index >= mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput].size()) { return -ERANGE; } BufferInfo *info = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput].editItemAt(index); if (info->mNotify == NULL || !info->mOwnedByClient) { return -EACCES; } if (offset + size > info->mData->capacity()) { return -EINVAL; } sp reply = info->mNotify; info->mNotify = NULL; info->mOwnedByClient = false; info->mData->setRange(offset, size); info->mData->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", timeUs); if (flags & BUFFER_FLAG_EOS) { info->mData->meta()->setInt32("eos", true); } if (flags & BUFFER_FLAG_CODECCONFIG) { info->mData->meta()->setInt32("csd", true); } reply->setBuffer("buffer", info->mData); reply->post(); return OK; } status_t MediaCodec::onReleaseOutputBuffer(const sp &msg) { size_t index; CHECK(msg->findSize("index", &index)); int32_t render; if (!msg->findInt32("render", &render)) { render = 0; } if (mState != STARTED) { return -EINVAL; } if (index >= mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].size()) { return -ERANGE; } BufferInfo *info = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].editItemAt(index); if (info->mNotify == NULL || !info->mOwnedByClient) { return -EACCES; } if (render) { info->mNotify->setInt32("render", true); if (mSoftRenderer != NULL) { mSoftRenderer->render( info->mData->data(), info->mData->size(), NULL); } } info->mNotify->post(); info->mNotify = NULL; info->mOwnedByClient = false; return OK; } ssize_t MediaCodec::dequeuePortBuffer(int32_t portIndex) { CHECK(portIndex == kPortIndexInput || portIndex == kPortIndexOutput); List *availBuffers = &mAvailPortBuffers[portIndex]; if (availBuffers->empty()) { return -EAGAIN; } size_t index = *availBuffers->begin(); availBuffers->erase(availBuffers->begin()); BufferInfo *info = &mPortBuffers[portIndex].editItemAt(index); CHECK(!info->mOwnedByClient); info->mOwnedByClient = true; return index; } } // namespace android