/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained * for attribution purposes only. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "OMXCodec" #include #include "include/AACEncoder.h" #include "include/ESDS.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE #include #include #include #include #endif #include "include/avc_utils.h" #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT #include #endif namespace android { #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT static const int OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12TPhysicalAddress = 0x7F000001; static const int OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LPhysicalAddress = 0x7F000002; static const int OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LVirtualAddress = 0x7F000003; static const int OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled = 0x7FC00002; static int calc_plane(int width, int height) { int mbX, mbY; mbX = (width + 15)/16; mbY = (height + 15)/16; /* Alignment for interlaced processing */ mbY = (mbY + 1) / 2 * 2; return (mbX * 16) * (mbY * 16); } #endif // USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT // Treat time out as an error if we have not received any output // buffers after 3 seconds. const static int64_t kBufferFilledEventTimeOutNs = 3000000000LL; // OMX Spec defines less than 50 color formats. If the query for // color format is executed for more than kMaxColorFormatSupported, // the query will fail to avoid looping forever. // 1000 is more than enough for us to tell whether the omx // component in question is buggy or not. const static uint32_t kMaxColorFormatSupported = 1000; #define FACTORY_CREATE_ENCODER(name) \ static sp Make##name(const sp &source, const sp &meta) { \ return new name(source, meta); \ } #define FACTORY_REF(name) { #name, Make##name }, FACTORY_CREATE_ENCODER(AACEncoder) static sp InstantiateSoftwareEncoder( const char *name, const sp &source, const sp &meta) { struct FactoryInfo { const char *name; sp (*CreateFunc)(const sp &, const sp &); }; static const FactoryInfo kFactoryInfo[] = { FACTORY_REF(AACEncoder) }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kFactoryInfo) / sizeof(kFactoryInfo[0]); ++i) { if (!strcmp(name, kFactoryInfo[i].name)) { return (*kFactoryInfo[i].CreateFunc)(source, meta); } } return NULL; } #undef FACTORY_CREATE_ENCODER #undef FACTORY_REF #define CODEC_LOGI(x, ...) ALOGI("[%s] "x, mComponentName, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define CODEC_LOGV(x, ...) ALOGV("[%s] "x, mComponentName, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define CODEC_LOGE(x, ...) ALOGE("[%s] "x, mComponentName, ##__VA_ARGS__) struct OMXCodecObserver : public BnOMXObserver { OMXCodecObserver() { } void setCodec(const sp &target) { mTarget = target; } // from IOMXObserver virtual void onMessage(const omx_message &msg) { sp codec = mTarget.promote(); if (codec.get() != NULL) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(codec->mLock); codec->on_message(msg); codec.clear(); } } protected: virtual ~OMXCodecObserver() {} private: wp mTarget; OMXCodecObserver(const OMXCodecObserver &); OMXCodecObserver &operator=(const OMXCodecObserver &); }; template static void InitOMXParams(T *params) { params->nSize = sizeof(T); params->nVersion.s.nVersionMajor = 1; params->nVersion.s.nVersionMinor = 0; params->nVersion.s.nRevision = 0; params->nVersion.s.nStep = 0; } static bool IsSoftwareCodec(const char *componentName) { if (!strncmp("OMX.google.", componentName, 11)) { return true; } if (!strncmp("OMX.", componentName, 4)) { return false; } return true; } // A sort order in which OMX software codecs are first, followed // by other (non-OMX) software codecs, followed by everything else. static int CompareSoftwareCodecsFirst( const OMXCodec::CodecNameAndQuirks *elem1, const OMXCodec::CodecNameAndQuirks *elem2) { bool isOMX1 = !strncmp(elem1->mName.string(), "OMX.", 4); bool isOMX2 = !strncmp(elem2->mName.string(), "OMX.", 4); bool isSoftwareCodec1 = IsSoftwareCodec(elem1->mName.string()); bool isSoftwareCodec2 = IsSoftwareCodec(elem2->mName.string()); if (isSoftwareCodec1) { if (!isSoftwareCodec2) { return -1; } if (isOMX1) { if (isOMX2) { return 0; } return -1; } else { if (isOMX2) { return 0; } return 1; } return -1; } if (isSoftwareCodec2) { return 1; } return 0; } // static void OMXCodec::findMatchingCodecs( const char *mime, bool createEncoder, const char *matchComponentName, uint32_t flags, Vector *matchingCodecs) { matchingCodecs->clear(); const MediaCodecList *list = MediaCodecList::getInstance(); if (list == NULL) { return; } size_t index = 0; for (;;) { ssize_t matchIndex = list->findCodecByType(mime, createEncoder, index); if (matchIndex < 0) { break; } index = matchIndex + 1; const char *componentName = list->getCodecName(matchIndex); // If a specific codec is requested, skip the non-matching ones. if (matchComponentName && strcmp(componentName, matchComponentName)) { continue; } // When requesting software-only codecs, only push software codecs // When requesting hardware-only codecs, only push hardware codecs // When there is request neither for software-only nor for // hardware-only codecs, push all codecs if (((flags & kSoftwareCodecsOnly) && IsSoftwareCodec(componentName)) || ((flags & kHardwareCodecsOnly) && !IsSoftwareCodec(componentName)) || (!(flags & (kSoftwareCodecsOnly | kHardwareCodecsOnly)))) { ssize_t index = matchingCodecs->add(); CodecNameAndQuirks *entry = &matchingCodecs->editItemAt(index); entry->mName = String8(componentName); entry->mQuirks = getComponentQuirks(list, matchIndex); ALOGV("matching '%s' quirks 0x%08x", entry->mName.string(), entry->mQuirks); } } if (flags & kPreferSoftwareCodecs) { matchingCodecs->sort(CompareSoftwareCodecsFirst); } } // static uint32_t OMXCodec::getComponentQuirks( const MediaCodecList *list, size_t index) { uint32_t quirks = 0; if (list->codecHasQuirk( index, "requires-allocate-on-input-ports")) { quirks |= kRequiresAllocateBufferOnInputPorts; } if (list->codecHasQuirk( index, "requires-allocate-on-output-ports")) { quirks |= kRequiresAllocateBufferOnOutputPorts; } if (list->codecHasQuirk( index, "output-buffers-are-unreadable")) { quirks |= kOutputBuffersAreUnreadable; } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE if (list->codecHasQuirk( index, "requies-loaded-to-idle-after-allocation")) { quirks |= kRequiresLoadedToIdleAfterAllocation; } if (list->codecHasQuirk( index, "requires-global-flush")) { quirks |= kRequiresGlobalFlush; } if (list->codecHasQuirk( index, "requires-wma-pro-component")) { quirks |= kRequiresWMAProComponent; } if (list->codecHasQuirk( index, "defers-output-buffer-allocation")) { quirks |= kDefersOutputBufferAllocation; } quirks |= QCOMXCodec::getQCComponentQuirks(list,index); #endif return quirks; } // static bool OMXCodec::findCodecQuirks(const char *componentName, uint32_t *quirks) { const MediaCodecList *list = MediaCodecList::getInstance(); if (list == NULL) { return false; } ssize_t index = list->findCodecByName(componentName); if (index < 0) { return false; } *quirks = getComponentQuirks(list, index); return true; } // static sp OMXCodec::Create( const sp &omx, const sp &meta, bool createEncoder, const sp &source, const char *matchComponentName, uint32_t flags, const sp &nativeWindow) { int32_t requiresSecureBuffers; if (source->getFormat()->findInt32( kKeyRequiresSecureBuffers, &requiresSecureBuffers) && requiresSecureBuffers) { flags |= kIgnoreCodecSpecificData; flags |= kUseSecureInputBuffers; } const char *mime; bool success = meta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime); CHECK(success); Vector matchingCodecs; findMatchingCodecs( mime, createEncoder, matchComponentName, flags, &matchingCodecs); if (matchingCodecs.isEmpty()) { ALOGV("No matching codecs! (mime: %s, createEncoder: %s, " "matchComponentName: %s, flags: 0x%x)", mime, createEncoder ? "true" : "false", matchComponentName, flags); return NULL; } sp observer = new OMXCodecObserver; IOMX::node_id node = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < matchingCodecs.size(); ++i) { const char *componentNameBase = matchingCodecs[i].mName.string(); uint32_t quirks = matchingCodecs[i].mQuirks; const char *componentName = componentNameBase; AString tmp; if (flags & kUseSecureInputBuffers) { tmp = componentNameBase; tmp.append(".secure"); componentName = tmp.c_str(); } if (createEncoder) { sp softwareCodec = InstantiateSoftwareEncoder(componentName, source, meta); if (softwareCodec != NULL) { ALOGV("Successfully allocated software codec '%s'", componentName); return softwareCodec; } } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE //quirks = getComponentQuirks(componentNameBase, createEncoder); if(quirks & kRequiresWMAProComponent) { int32_t version; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMAVersion, &version)); if(version==kTypeWMA) { componentName = "OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.wma"; } else if(version==kTypeWMAPro) { componentName= "OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.wma10Pro"; } else if(version==kTypeWMALossLess) { componentName= "OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.wmaLossLess"; } } QCOMXCodec::setASFQuirks(quirks, meta, componentName); #endif ALOGV("Attempting to allocate OMX node '%s'", componentName); if (!createEncoder && (quirks & kOutputBuffersAreUnreadable) && (flags & kClientNeedsFramebuffer)) { if (strncmp(componentName, "OMX.SEC.", 8)) { // For OMX.SEC.* decoders we can enable a special mode that // gives the client access to the framebuffer contents. ALOGW("Component '%s' does not give the client access to " "the framebuffer contents. Skipping.", componentName); continue; } } status_t err = omx->allocateNode(componentName, observer, &node); if (err == OK) { ALOGV("Successfully allocated OMX node '%s'", componentName); sp codec = new OMXCodec( omx, node, quirks, flags, createEncoder, mime, componentName, source, nativeWindow); observer->setCodec(codec); err = codec->configureCodec(meta); if (err == OK) { if (!strcmp("OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode", componentName)) { codec->mFlags |= kOnlySubmitOneInputBufferAtOneTime; } return codec; } ALOGV("Failed to configure codec '%s'", componentName); } } return NULL; } status_t OMXCodec::parseAVCCodecSpecificData( const void *data, size_t size, unsigned *profile, unsigned *level) { const uint8_t *ptr = (const uint8_t *)data; // verify minimum size and configurationVersion == 1. if (size < 7 || ptr[0] != 1) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } *profile = ptr[1]; *level = ptr[3]; // There is decodable content out there that fails the following // assertion, let's be lenient for now... // CHECK((ptr[4] >> 2) == 0x3f); // reserved size_t lengthSize = 1 + (ptr[4] & 3); // commented out check below as H264_QVGA_500_NO_AUDIO.3gp // violates it... // CHECK((ptr[5] >> 5) == 7); // reserved size_t numSeqParameterSets = ptr[5] & 31; ptr += 6; size -= 6; for (size_t i = 0; i < numSeqParameterSets; ++i) { if (size < 2) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } size_t length = U16_AT(ptr); ptr += 2; size -= 2; if (size < length) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } addCodecSpecificData(ptr, length); ptr += length; size -= length; } if (size < 1) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } size_t numPictureParameterSets = *ptr; ++ptr; --size; for (size_t i = 0; i < numPictureParameterSets; ++i) { if (size < 2) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } size_t length = U16_AT(ptr); ptr += 2; size -= 2; if (size < length) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } addCodecSpecificData(ptr, length); ptr += length; size -= length; } return OK; } status_t OMXCodec::configureCodec(const sp &meta) { ALOGV("configureCodec protected=%d", (mFlags & kEnableGrallocUsageProtected) ? 1 : 0); if (!(mFlags & kIgnoreCodecSpecificData)) { uint32_t type; const void *data; size_t size; if (meta->findData(kKeyESDS, &type, &data, &size)) { ESDS esds((const char *)data, size); CHECK_EQ(esds.InitCheck(), (status_t)OK); const void *codec_specific_data; size_t codec_specific_data_size; esds.getCodecSpecificInfo( &codec_specific_data, &codec_specific_data_size); addCodecSpecificData( codec_specific_data, codec_specific_data_size); } else if (meta->findData(kKeyAVCC, &type, &data, &size)) { // Parse the AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord unsigned profile, level; status_t err; if ((err = parseAVCCodecSpecificData( data, size, &profile, &level)) != OK) { ALOGE("Malformed AVC codec specific data."); return err; } CODEC_LOGI( "AVC profile = %u (%s), level = %u", profile, AVCProfileToString(profile), level); } else if (meta->findData(kKeyVorbisInfo, &type, &data, &size)) { addCodecSpecificData(data, size); CHECK(meta->findData(kKeyVorbisBooks, &type, &data, &size)); addCodecSpecificData(data, size); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } else if (meta->findData(kKeyRawCodecSpecificData, &type, &data, &size)) { ALOGV("OMXCodec::configureCodec found kKeyRawCodecSpecificData of size %d\n", size); addCodecSpecificData(data, size); } else { QCOMXCodec::checkAndAddRawFormat(this,meta); #endif } } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE status_t errRetVal = QCOMXCodec::configureDIVXCodec( meta, mMIME, mOMX, mNode, (OMXCodec::mIsEncoder ? kPortIndexOutput : kPortIndexInput)); if(OK != errRetVal) { return errRetVal; } #endif int32_t bitRate = 0; if (mIsEncoder) { CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate)); } if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB, mMIME)) { setAMRFormat(false /* isWAMR */, bitRate); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB, mMIME)) { setAMRFormat(true /* isWAMR */, bitRate); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, mMIME)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate, aacProfile; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyAACProfile, &aacProfile)) { aacProfile = OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectNull; } int32_t isADTS; if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyIsADTS, &isADTS)) { isADTS = false; } status_t err = setAACFormat(numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate, aacProfile, isADTS); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("setAACFormat() failed (err = %d)", err); return err; } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE uint32_t type; const void *data; size_t size; if (meta->findData(kKeyAacCodecSpecificData, &type, &data, &size)) { ALOGV("OMXCodec:: configureCodec found kKeyAacCodecSpecificData of size %d\n", size); addCodecSpecificData(data, size); } } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AC3, mMIME)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); setAC3Format(numChannels, sampleRate); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_EAC3, mMIME)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); setAC3Format(numChannels, sampleRate); //since AC3 and EAC3 use same format at present } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_EVRC, mMIME)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); setEVRCFormat(numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_QCELP, mMIME)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); setQCELPFormat(numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_WMA, mMIME)) { status_t err = setWMAFormat(meta); if(err!=OK){ return err; } #endif } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_ALAW, mMIME) || !strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_MLAW, mMIME)) { // These are PCM-like formats with a fixed sample rate but // a variable number of channels. int32_t numChannels; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); setG711Format(numChannels); } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW, mMIME)) { CHECK(!mIsEncoder); int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); setRawAudioFormat(kPortIndexInput, sampleRate, numChannels); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } else { status_t err = QCOMXCodec::setQCFormat(meta, mMIME, mOMX, mNode, this, mIsEncoder); if(OK != err) { return err; } #endif } if (!strncasecmp(mMIME, "video/", 6)) { #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE if ((mFlags & kClientNeedsFramebuffer) && !strncmp(mComponentName, "OMX.qcom.", 9)) { ALOGV("Enabling thumbnail mode."); QOMX_ENABLETYPE enableType; OMX_INDEXTYPE indexType; status_t err = mOMX->getExtensionIndex( mNode, OMX_QCOM_INDEX_PARAM_VIDEO_SYNCFRAMEDECODINGMODE, &indexType); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); enableType.bEnable = OMX_TRUE; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, indexType, &enableType, sizeof(enableType)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); ALOGV("Thumbnail mode enabled."); } #endif if (mIsEncoder) { setVideoInputFormat(mMIME, meta); } else { status_t err = setVideoOutputFormat( mMIME, meta); if (err != OK) { return err; } } } int32_t maxInputSize; if (meta->findInt32(kKeyMaxInputSize, &maxInputSize)) { setMinBufferSize(kPortIndexInput, (OMX_U32)maxInputSize); } initOutputFormat(meta); if ((mFlags & kClientNeedsFramebuffer) && !strncmp(mComponentName, "OMX.SEC.", 8)) { // This appears to no longer be needed??? OMX_INDEXTYPE index; status_t err = mOMX->getExtensionIndex( mNode, "OMX.SEC.index.ThumbnailMode", &index); if (err != OK) { return err; } OMX_BOOL enable = OMX_TRUE; err = mOMX->setConfig(mNode, index, &enable, sizeof(enable)); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("setConfig('OMX.SEC.index.ThumbnailMode') " "returned error 0x%08x", err); return err; } mQuirks &= ~kOutputBuffersAreUnreadable; } if (mNativeWindow != NULL && !mIsEncoder && !strncasecmp(mMIME, "video/", 6) && !strncmp(mComponentName, "OMX.", 4)) { status_t err = initNativeWindow(); if (err != OK) { return err; } } return OK; } void OMXCodec::setMinBufferSize(OMX_U32 portIndex, OMX_U32 size) { OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = portIndex; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); if ((portIndex == kPortIndexInput && (mQuirks & kInputBufferSizesAreBogus)) || (def.nBufferSize < size)) { def.nBufferSize = size; } err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); // Make sure the setting actually stuck. if (portIndex == kPortIndexInput && (mQuirks & kInputBufferSizesAreBogus)) { CHECK_EQ(def.nBufferSize, size); } else { CHECK(def.nBufferSize >= size); } } status_t OMXCodec::setVideoPortFormatType( OMX_U32 portIndex, OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE compressionFormat, OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE colorFormat) { OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE format; InitOMXParams(&format); format.nPortIndex = portIndex; format.nIndex = 0; bool found = false; OMX_U32 index = 0; for (;;) { format.nIndex = index; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)); if (err != OK) { return err; } // The following assertion is violated by TI's video decoder. // CHECK_EQ(format.nIndex, index); #if 1 CODEC_LOGV("portIndex: %ld, index: %ld, eCompressionFormat=%d eColorFormat=%d", portIndex, index, format.eCompressionFormat, format.eColorFormat); #endif if (format.eCompressionFormat == compressionFormat && format.eColorFormat == colorFormat) { found = true; break; } ++index; if (index >= kMaxColorFormatSupported) { CODEC_LOGE("color format %d or compression format %d is not supported", colorFormat, compressionFormat); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } if (!found) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } CODEC_LOGV("found a match."); status_t err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)); return err; } #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT #define ALIGN_TO_8KB(x) ((((x) + (1 << 13) - 1) >> 13) << 13) #define ALIGN_TO_32B(x) ((((x) + (1 << 5) - 1) >> 5) << 5) #define ALIGN_TO_128B(x) ((((x) + (1 << 7) - 1) >> 7) << 7) #define ALIGN(x, a) (((x) + (a) - 1) & ~((a) - 1)) #endif static size_t getFrameSize( OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE colorFormat, int32_t width, int32_t height) { switch (colorFormat) { case OMX_COLOR_FormatYCbYCr: case OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY: return width * height * 2; case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar: case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar: case OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar: /* * FIXME: For the Opaque color format, the frame size does not * need to be (w*h*3)/2. It just needs to * be larger than certain minimum buffer size. However, * currently, this opaque foramt has been tested only on * YUV420 formats. If that is changed, then we need to revisit * this part in the future */ case OMX_COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque: #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT case OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12TPhysicalAddress: case OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LPhysicalAddress: #endif return (width * height * 3) / 2; #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT case OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LVirtualAddress: return ALIGN((ALIGN(width, 16) * ALIGN(height, 16)), 2048) + ALIGN((ALIGN(width, 16) * ALIGN(height >> 1, 8)), 2048); case OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled: static unsigned int frameBufferYSise = ALIGN_TO_8KB(ALIGN_TO_128B(width) * ALIGN_TO_32B(height)); static unsigned int frameBufferUVSise = ALIGN_TO_8KB(ALIGN_TO_128B(width) * ALIGN_TO_32B(height/2)); return (frameBufferYSise + frameBufferUVSise); #endif default: CHECK(!"Should not be here. Unsupported color format."); break; } } status_t OMXCodec::findTargetColorFormat( const sp& meta, OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE *colorFormat) { ALOGV("findTargetColorFormat"); CHECK(mIsEncoder); *colorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar; int32_t targetColorFormat; if (meta->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &targetColorFormat)) { *colorFormat = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE) targetColorFormat; } // Check whether the target color format is supported. return isColorFormatSupported(*colorFormat, kPortIndexInput); } status_t OMXCodec::isColorFormatSupported( OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE colorFormat, int portIndex) { ALOGV("isColorFormatSupported: %d", static_cast(colorFormat)); // Enumerate all the color formats supported by // the omx component to see whether the given // color format is supported. OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE portFormat; InitOMXParams(&portFormat); portFormat.nPortIndex = portIndex; OMX_U32 index = 0; portFormat.nIndex = index; while (true) { if (OMX_ErrorNone != mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &portFormat, sizeof(portFormat))) { break; } // Make sure that omx component does not overwrite // the incremented index (bug 2897413). CHECK_EQ(index, portFormat.nIndex); if (portFormat.eColorFormat == colorFormat) { CODEC_LOGE("Found supported color format: %d", portFormat.eColorFormat); return OK; // colorFormat is supported! } ++index; portFormat.nIndex = index; if (index >= kMaxColorFormatSupported) { CODEC_LOGE("More than %ld color formats are supported???", index); break; } } CODEC_LOGE("color format %d is not supported", colorFormat); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } void OMXCodec::setVideoInputFormat( const char *mime, const sp& meta) { int32_t width, height, frameRate, bitRate, stride, sliceHeight; bool success = meta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyFrameRate, &frameRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyStride, &stride); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeySliceHeight, &sliceHeight); CHECK(success); CHECK(stride != 0); OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused; if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263; } else { #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE status_t err = QCOMXCodec::setQCVideoInputFormat(mime, &compressionFormat); if(err != OK) { #endif ALOGE("Not a supported video mime type: %s", mime); CHECK(!"Should not be here. Not a supported video mime type."); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } #endif } OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE colorFormat; CHECK_EQ((status_t)OK, findTargetColorFormat(meta, &colorFormat)); status_t err; OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; OMX_VIDEO_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *video_def = &def.format.video; //////////////////////// Input port ///////////////////////// CHECK_EQ(setVideoPortFormatType( kPortIndexInput, OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused, colorFormat), (status_t)OK); InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); def.nBufferSize = getFrameSize(colorFormat, stride > 0? stride: -stride, sliceHeight); CHECK_EQ((int)def.eDomain, (int)OMX_PortDomainVideo); video_def->nFrameWidth = width; video_def->nFrameHeight = height; video_def->nStride = stride; video_def->nSliceHeight = sliceHeight; video_def->xFramerate = (frameRate << 16); // Q16 format video_def->eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused; video_def->eColorFormat = colorFormat; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); //////////////////////// Output port ///////////////////////// CHECK_EQ(setVideoPortFormatType( kPortIndexOutput, compressionFormat, OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused), (status_t)OK); InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ((int)def.eDomain, (int)OMX_PortDomainVideo); video_def->nFrameWidth = width; video_def->nFrameHeight = height; video_def->xFramerate = 0; // No need for output port video_def->nBitrate = bitRate; // Q16 format video_def->eCompressionFormat = compressionFormat; video_def->eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; if (mQuirks & kRequiresLargerEncoderOutputBuffer) { // Increases the output buffer size def.nBufferSize = ((def.nBufferSize * 3) >> 1); } err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); /////////////////// Codec-specific //////////////////////// switch (compressionFormat) { case OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4: { CHECK_EQ(setupMPEG4EncoderParameters(meta), (status_t)OK); break; } case OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263: CHECK_EQ(setupH263EncoderParameters(meta), (status_t)OK); break; case OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC: { CHECK_EQ(setupAVCEncoderParameters(meta), (status_t)OK); break; } default: CHECK(!"Support for this compressionFormat to be implemented."); break; } } static OMX_U32 setPFramesSpacing(int32_t iFramesInterval, int32_t frameRate) { if (iFramesInterval < 0) { return 0xFFFFFFFF; } else if (iFramesInterval == 0) { return 0; } OMX_U32 ret = frameRate * iFramesInterval - 1; CHECK(ret > 1); return ret; } status_t OMXCodec::setupErrorCorrectionParameters() { OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_ERRORCORRECTIONTYPE errorCorrectionType; InitOMXParams(&errorCorrectionType); errorCorrectionType.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoErrorCorrection, &errorCorrectionType, sizeof(errorCorrectionType)); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("Error correction param query is not supported"); return OK; // Optional feature. Ignore this failure } errorCorrectionType.bEnableHEC = OMX_FALSE; errorCorrectionType.bEnableResync = OMX_TRUE; errorCorrectionType.nResynchMarkerSpacing = 256; errorCorrectionType.bEnableDataPartitioning = OMX_FALSE; errorCorrectionType.bEnableRVLC = OMX_FALSE; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoErrorCorrection, &errorCorrectionType, sizeof(errorCorrectionType)); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("Error correction param configuration is not supported"); } // Optional feature. Ignore the failure. return OK; } status_t OMXCodec::setupBitRate(int32_t bitRate) { OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_BITRATETYPE bitrateType; InitOMXParams(&bitrateType); bitrateType.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate, &bitrateType, sizeof(bitrateType)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); bitrateType.eControlRate = OMX_Video_ControlRateVariable; bitrateType.nTargetBitrate = bitRate; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate, &bitrateType, sizeof(bitrateType)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); return OK; } status_t OMXCodec::getVideoProfileLevel( const sp& meta, const CodecProfileLevel& defaultProfileLevel, CodecProfileLevel &profileLevel) { CODEC_LOGV("Default profile: %ld, level %ld", defaultProfileLevel.mProfile, defaultProfileLevel.mLevel); // Are the default profile and level overwriten? int32_t profile, level; if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyVideoProfile, &profile)) { profile = defaultProfileLevel.mProfile; } if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyVideoLevel, &level)) { level = defaultProfileLevel.mLevel; } CODEC_LOGV("Target profile: %d, level: %d", profile, level); // Are the target profile and level supported by the encoder? OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE param; InitOMXParams(¶m); param.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; for (param.nProfileIndex = 0;; ++param.nProfileIndex) { status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported, ¶m, sizeof(param)); if (err != OK) break; int32_t supportedProfile = static_cast(param.eProfile); int32_t supportedLevel = static_cast(param.eLevel); CODEC_LOGV("Supported profile: %d, level %d", supportedProfile, supportedLevel); if (profile == supportedProfile && level <= supportedLevel) { // We can further check whether the level is a valid // value; but we will leave that to the omx encoder component // via OMX_SetParameter call. profileLevel.mProfile = profile; profileLevel.mLevel = level; return OK; } } CODEC_LOGE("Target profile (%d) and level (%d) is not supported", profile, level); return BAD_VALUE; } status_t OMXCodec::setupH263EncoderParameters(const sp& meta) { int32_t iFramesInterval, frameRate, bitRate; bool success = meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyFrameRate, &frameRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyIFramesInterval, &iFramesInterval); CHECK(success); OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_H263TYPE h263type; InitOMXParams(&h263type); h263type.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoH263, &h263type, sizeof(h263type)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); h263type.nAllowedPictureTypes = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI | OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeP; h263type.nPFrames = setPFramesSpacing(iFramesInterval, frameRate); if (h263type.nPFrames == 0) { h263type.nAllowedPictureTypes = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI; } h263type.nBFrames = 0; // Check profile and level parameters CodecProfileLevel defaultProfileLevel, profileLevel; defaultProfileLevel.mProfile = h263type.eProfile; defaultProfileLevel.mLevel = h263type.eLevel; err = getVideoProfileLevel(meta, defaultProfileLevel, profileLevel); if (err != OK) return err; h263type.eProfile = static_cast(profileLevel.mProfile); h263type.eLevel = static_cast(profileLevel.mLevel); h263type.bPLUSPTYPEAllowed = OMX_FALSE; h263type.bForceRoundingTypeToZero = OMX_FALSE; h263type.nPictureHeaderRepetition = 0; h263type.nGOBHeaderInterval = 0; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoH263, &h263type, sizeof(h263type)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ(setupBitRate(bitRate), (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ(setupErrorCorrectionParameters(), (status_t)OK); return OK; } status_t OMXCodec::setupMPEG4EncoderParameters(const sp& meta) { int32_t iFramesInterval, frameRate, bitRate; bool success = meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyFrameRate, &frameRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyIFramesInterval, &iFramesInterval); CHECK(success); OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_MPEG4TYPE mpeg4type; InitOMXParams(&mpeg4type); mpeg4type.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4, &mpeg4type, sizeof(mpeg4type)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); mpeg4type.nSliceHeaderSpacing = 0; mpeg4type.bSVH = OMX_FALSE; mpeg4type.bGov = OMX_FALSE; mpeg4type.nAllowedPictureTypes = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI | OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeP; mpeg4type.nPFrames = setPFramesSpacing(iFramesInterval, frameRate); if (mpeg4type.nPFrames == 0) { mpeg4type.nAllowedPictureTypes = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI; } mpeg4type.nBFrames = 0; mpeg4type.nIDCVLCThreshold = 0; mpeg4type.bACPred = OMX_TRUE; mpeg4type.nMaxPacketSize = 256; mpeg4type.nTimeIncRes = 1000; mpeg4type.nHeaderExtension = 0; mpeg4type.bReversibleVLC = OMX_FALSE; // Check profile and level parameters CodecProfileLevel defaultProfileLevel, profileLevel; defaultProfileLevel.mProfile = mpeg4type.eProfile; defaultProfileLevel.mLevel = mpeg4type.eLevel; err = getVideoProfileLevel(meta, defaultProfileLevel, profileLevel); if (err != OK) return err; mpeg4type.eProfile = static_cast(profileLevel.mProfile); mpeg4type.eLevel = static_cast(profileLevel.mLevel); err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4, &mpeg4type, sizeof(mpeg4type)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ(setupBitRate(bitRate), (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ(setupErrorCorrectionParameters(), (status_t)OK); return OK; } status_t OMXCodec::setupAVCEncoderParameters(const sp& meta) { int32_t iFramesInterval, frameRate, bitRate; bool success = meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyFrameRate, &frameRate); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyIFramesInterval, &iFramesInterval); CHECK(success); OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_AVCTYPE h264type; InitOMXParams(&h264type); h264type.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc, &h264type, sizeof(h264type)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); h264type.nAllowedPictureTypes = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI | OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeP; // Check profile and level parameters CodecProfileLevel defaultProfileLevel, profileLevel; defaultProfileLevel.mProfile = h264type.eProfile; defaultProfileLevel.mLevel = h264type.eLevel; err = getVideoProfileLevel(meta, defaultProfileLevel, profileLevel); if (err != OK) return err; h264type.eProfile = static_cast(profileLevel.mProfile); h264type.eLevel = static_cast(profileLevel.mLevel); // XXX if (h264type.eProfile != OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline) { ALOGW("Use baseline profile instead of %d for AVC recording", h264type.eProfile); h264type.eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline; } if (h264type.eProfile == OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline) { h264type.nSliceHeaderSpacing = 0; h264type.bUseHadamard = OMX_TRUE; h264type.nRefFrames = 1; h264type.nBFrames = 0; h264type.nPFrames = setPFramesSpacing(iFramesInterval, frameRate); if (h264type.nPFrames == 0) { h264type.nAllowedPictureTypes = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI; } h264type.nRefIdx10ActiveMinus1 = 0; h264type.nRefIdx11ActiveMinus1 = 0; h264type.bEntropyCodingCABAC = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bWeightedPPrediction = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bconstIpred = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bDirect8x8Inference = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bDirectSpatialTemporal = OMX_FALSE; h264type.nCabacInitIdc = 0; } if (h264type.nBFrames != 0) { h264type.nAllowedPictureTypes |= OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeB; } h264type.bEnableUEP = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bEnableFMO = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bEnableASO = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bEnableRS = OMX_FALSE; h264type.bFrameMBsOnly = OMX_TRUE; h264type.bMBAFF = OMX_FALSE; h264type.eLoopFilterMode = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterEnable; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc, &h264type, sizeof(h264type)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ(setupBitRate(bitRate), (status_t)OK); return OK; } status_t OMXCodec::setVideoOutputFormat( const char *mime, const sp& meta) { int32_t width, height; bool success = meta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width); success = success && meta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height); CHECK(success); CODEC_LOGV("setVideoOutputFormat width=%ld, height=%ld", width, height); OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused; if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VPX, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingVPX; } else if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG2, mime)) { compressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2; } else { #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE status_t err = QCOMXCodec::setQCVideoOutputFormat(mime,&compressionFormat); if(err != OK) { #endif ALOGE("Not a supported video mime type: %s", mime); CHECK(!"Should not be here. Not a supported video mime type."); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } #endif } status_t err = setVideoPortFormatType( kPortIndexInput, compressionFormat, OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused); if (err != OK) { return err; } #if 1 { OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE format; InitOMXParams(&format); format.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; format.nIndex = 0; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ((int)format.eCompressionFormat, (int)OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused); CHECK(format.eColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar || format.eColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar || format.eColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY || format.eColorFormat == OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar || format.eColorFormat == OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar || format.eColorFormat == OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT || format.eColorFormat == OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12TPhysicalAddress || format.eColorFormat == OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled #endif ); #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT if (!strncmp("OMX.SEC.", mComponentName, 8)) { if (mNativeWindow == NULL) format.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar; else format.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar; } #endif int32_t colorFormat; if (meta->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &colorFormat) && colorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused && colorFormat != format.eColorFormat) { while (OMX_ErrorNoMore != err) { format.nIndex++; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)); if (format.eColorFormat == colorFormat) { break; } } if (format.eColorFormat != colorFormat) { CODEC_LOGE("Color format %d is not supported", colorFormat); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)); if (err != OK) { return err; } } #endif OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; OMX_VIDEO_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *video_def = &def.format.video; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); #if 1 // XXX Need a (much) better heuristic to compute input buffer sizes. #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT const size_t X = 64 * 8 * 1024; #else const size_t X = 64 * 1024; #endif if (def.nBufferSize < X) { def.nBufferSize = X; } #endif CHECK_EQ((int)def.eDomain, (int)OMX_PortDomainVideo); video_def->nFrameWidth = width; video_def->nFrameHeight = height; video_def->eCompressionFormat = compressionFormat; video_def->eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); if (err != OK) { return err; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ((int)def.eDomain, (int)OMX_PortDomainVideo); #if 0 def.nBufferSize = (((width + 15) & -16) * ((height + 15) & -16) * 3) / 2; // YUV420 #endif video_def->nFrameWidth = width; video_def->nFrameHeight = height; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); return err; } OMXCodec::OMXCodec( const sp &omx, IOMX::node_id node, uint32_t quirks, uint32_t flags, bool isEncoder, const char *mime, const char *componentName, const sp &source, const sp &nativeWindow) : mOMX(omx), mOMXLivesLocally(omx->livesLocally(node, getpid())), mNode(node), mQuirks(quirks), mFlags(flags), mIsEncoder(isEncoder), mIsVideo(!strncasecmp("video/", mime, 6)), mMIME(strdup(mime)), mComponentName(strdup(componentName)), mSource(source), mCodecSpecificDataIndex(0), mState(LOADED), mInitialBufferSubmit(true), mSignalledEOS(false), #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE mFinalStatus(OK), #endif mNoMoreOutputData(false), mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged(false), mSeekTimeUs(-1), mSeekMode(ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC), mTargetTimeUs(-1), mOutputPortSettingsChangedPending(false), mSkipCutBuffer(NULL), mLeftOverBuffer(NULL), mPaused(false), mNativeWindow( (!strncmp(componentName, "OMX.google.", 11) || !strcmp(componentName, "OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode")) ? NULL : nativeWindow) { mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] = ENABLED; mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] = ENABLED; setComponentRole(); } // static void OMXCodec::setComponentRole( const sp &omx, IOMX::node_id node, bool isEncoder, const char *mime) { struct MimeToRole { const char *mime; const char *decoderRole; const char *encoderRole; }; static const MimeToRole kMimeToRole[] = { { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG, "audio_decoder.mp3", "audio_encoder.mp3" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG_LAYER_I, "audio_decoder.mp1", "audio_encoder.mp1" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG_LAYER_II, "audio_decoder.mp2", "audio_encoder.mp2" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB, "audio_decoder.amrnb", "audio_encoder.amrnb" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB, "audio_decoder.amrwb", "audio_encoder.amrwb" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, "audio_decoder.aac", "audio_encoder.aac" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS, "audio_decoder.vorbis", "audio_encoder.vorbis" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_MLAW, "audio_decoder.g711mlaw", "audio_encoder.g711mlaw" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_ALAW, "audio_decoder.g711alaw", "audio_encoder.g711alaw" }, #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_EVRC, "audio_decoder.evrchw", "audio_encoder.evrc" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_QCELP, "audio_decoder,qcelp13Hw", "audio_encoder.qcelp13" }, #endif { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, "video_decoder.avc", "video_encoder.avc" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, "video_decoder.mpeg4", "video_encoder.mpeg4" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263, "video_decoder.h263", "video_encoder.h263" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VPX, "video_decoder.vpx", "video_encoder.vpx" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW, "audio_decoder.raw", "audio_encoder.raw" }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC, "audio_decoder.flac", "audio_encoder.flac" }, #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_DIVX, "video_decoder.divx", NULL }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AC3, "audio_decoder.ac3", NULL }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_EAC3, "audio_decoder.eac3", NULL }, { MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_DIVX311, "video_decoder.divx", NULL }, #endif }; static const size_t kNumMimeToRole = sizeof(kMimeToRole) / sizeof(kMimeToRole[0]); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < kNumMimeToRole; ++i) { if (!strcasecmp(mime, kMimeToRole[i].mime)) { break; } } if (i == kNumMimeToRole) { #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE QCOMXCodec::checkQCRole(omx, node, isEncoder, mime); #endif return; } const char *role = isEncoder ? kMimeToRole[i].encoderRole : kMimeToRole[i].decoderRole; if (role != NULL) { OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE roleParams; InitOMXParams(&roleParams); strncpy((char *)roleParams.cRole, role, OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE - 1); roleParams.cRole[OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; status_t err = omx->setParameter( node, OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole, &roleParams, sizeof(roleParams)); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("Failed to set standard component role '%s'.", role); } } } void OMXCodec::setComponentRole() { setComponentRole(mOMX, mNode, mIsEncoder, mMIME); } OMXCodec::~OMXCodec() { mSource.clear(); CHECK(mState == LOADED || mState == ERROR || mState == LOADED_TO_IDLE); status_t err = mOMX->freeNode(mNode); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); mNode = NULL; setState(DEAD); clearCodecSpecificData(); free(mComponentName); mComponentName = NULL; free(mMIME); mMIME = NULL; } status_t OMXCodec::init() { // mLock is held. CHECK_EQ((int)mState, (int)LOADED); status_t err; if (!(mQuirks & kRequiresLoadedToIdleAfterAllocation)) { err = mOMX->sendCommand(mNode, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); setState(LOADED_TO_IDLE); } err = allocateBuffers(); if (err != (status_t)OK) { return err; } if (mQuirks & kRequiresLoadedToIdleAfterAllocation) { err = mOMX->sendCommand(mNode, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); setState(LOADED_TO_IDLE); } while (mState != EXECUTING && mState != ERROR) { mAsyncCompletion.wait(mLock); } return mState == ERROR ? UNKNOWN_ERROR : OK; } // static bool OMXCodec::isIntermediateState(State state) { return state == LOADED_TO_IDLE || state == IDLE_TO_EXECUTING || state == EXECUTING_TO_IDLE || state == IDLE_TO_LOADED || state == RECONFIGURING; } status_t OMXCodec::allocateBuffers() { status_t err = allocateBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexInput); if (err != OK) { return err; } return allocateBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexOutput); } status_t OMXCodec::allocateBuffersOnPort(OMX_U32 portIndex) { if (mNativeWindow != NULL && portIndex == kPortIndexOutput) { return allocateOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow(); } if ((mFlags & kEnableGrallocUsageProtected) && portIndex == kPortIndexOutput) { ALOGE("protected output buffers must be stent to an ANativeWindow"); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } status_t err = OK; if ((mFlags & kStoreMetaDataInVideoBuffers) && portIndex == kPortIndexInput) { err = mOMX->storeMetaDataInBuffers(mNode, kPortIndexInput, OMX_TRUE); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("Storing meta data in video buffers is not supported"); return err; } } OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = portIndex; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); if (err != OK) { return err; } CODEC_LOGV("allocating %lu buffers of size %lu on %s port", def.nBufferCountActual, def.nBufferSize, portIndex == kPortIndexInput ? "input" : "output"); size_t totalSize = def.nBufferCountActual * def.nBufferSize; mDealer[portIndex] = new MemoryDealer(totalSize, "OMXCodec"); for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < def.nBufferCountActual; ++i) { sp mem = mDealer[portIndex]->allocate(def.nBufferSize); CHECK(mem.get() != NULL); BufferInfo info; info.mData = NULL; info.mSize = def.nBufferSize; IOMX::buffer_id buffer; if (portIndex == kPortIndexInput && ((mQuirks & kRequiresAllocateBufferOnInputPorts) || (mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers))) { if (mOMXLivesLocally) { mem.clear(); err = mOMX->allocateBuffer( mNode, portIndex, def.nBufferSize, &buffer, &info.mData); } else { err = mOMX->allocateBufferWithBackup( mNode, portIndex, mem, &buffer); } } else if (portIndex == kPortIndexOutput && (mQuirks & kRequiresAllocateBufferOnOutputPorts)) { if (mOMXLivesLocally) { mem.clear(); err = mOMX->allocateBuffer( mNode, portIndex, def.nBufferSize, &buffer, &info.mData); } else { err = mOMX->allocateBufferWithBackup( mNode, portIndex, mem, &buffer); } } else { err = mOMX->useBuffer(mNode, portIndex, mem, &buffer); } if (err != OK) { ALOGE("allocate_buffer_with_backup failed"); return err; } if (mem != NULL) { info.mData = mem->pointer(); } info.mBuffer = buffer; info.mStatus = OWNED_BY_US; info.mMem = mem; info.mMediaBuffer = NULL; if (portIndex == kPortIndexOutput) { if (!(mOMXLivesLocally && (mQuirks & kRequiresAllocateBufferOnOutputPorts) && (mQuirks & kDefersOutputBufferAllocation))) { // If the node does not fill in the buffer ptr at this time, // we will defer creating the MediaBuffer until receiving // the first FILL_BUFFER_DONE notification instead. info.mMediaBuffer = new MediaBuffer(info.mData, info.mSize); info.mMediaBuffer->setObserver(this); } } mPortBuffers[portIndex].push(info); CODEC_LOGV("allocated buffer %p on %s port", buffer, portIndex == kPortIndexInput ? "input" : "output"); } if (portIndex == kPortIndexOutput) { sp meta = mSource->getFormat(); int32_t delay = 0; if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyEncoderDelay, &delay)) { delay = 0; } int32_t padding = 0; if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyEncoderPadding, &padding)) { padding = 0; } int32_t numchannels = 0; if (delay + padding) { if (mOutputFormat->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numchannels)) { size_t frameSize = numchannels * sizeof(int16_t); if (mSkipCutBuffer != NULL) { size_t prevbuffersize = mSkipCutBuffer->size(); if (prevbuffersize != 0) { ALOGW("Replacing SkipCutBuffer holding %d bytes", prevbuffersize); } } mSkipCutBuffer = new SkipCutBuffer(delay * frameSize, padding * frameSize); } } } // dumpPortStatus(portIndex); if (portIndex == kPortIndexInput && (mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers)) { Vector buffers; for (size_t i = 0; i < def.nBufferCountActual; ++i) { const BufferInfo &info = mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput].itemAt(i); MediaBuffer *mbuf = new MediaBuffer(info.mData, info.mSize); buffers.push(mbuf); } status_t err = mSource->setBuffers(buffers); if (err != OK) { for (size_t i = 0; i < def.nBufferCountActual; ++i) { buffers.editItemAt(i)->release(); } buffers.clear(); CODEC_LOGE( "Codec requested to use secure input buffers but " "upstream source didn't support that."); return err; } } return OK; } status_t OMXCodec::applyRotation() { sp meta = mSource->getFormat(); int32_t rotationDegrees; if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyRotation, &rotationDegrees)) { rotationDegrees = 0; } uint32_t transform; switch (rotationDegrees) { case 0: transform = 0; break; case 90: transform = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90; break; case 180: transform = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180; break; case 270: transform = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_270; break; default: transform = 0; break; } status_t err = OK; if (transform) { err = native_window_set_buffers_transform( mNativeWindow.get(), transform); ALOGE("native_window_set_buffers_transform failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); } return err; } status_t OMXCodec::allocateOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow() { // Get the number of buffers needed. OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("getParameter failed: %d", err); return err; } #ifndef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT err = native_window_set_buffers_geometry( mNativeWindow.get(), def.format.video.nFrameWidth, def.format.video.nFrameHeight, def.format.video.eColorFormat); #else OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE eColorFormat; switch (def.format.video.eColorFormat) { case OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12TPhysicalAddress: eColorFormat = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_CUSTOM_YCbCr_420_SP_TILED; break; case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar: eColorFormat = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP; break; case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar: default: eColorFormat = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P; break; } err = native_window_set_buffers_geometry( mNativeWindow.get(), def.format.video.nFrameWidth, def.format.video.nFrameHeight, eColorFormat); #endif if (err != 0) { ALOGE("native_window_set_buffers_geometry failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } err = applyRotation(); if (err != OK) { return err; } // Set up the native window. OMX_U32 usage = 0; err = mOMX->getGraphicBufferUsage(mNode, kPortIndexOutput, &usage); if (err != 0) { ALOGW("querying usage flags from OMX IL component failed: %d", err); // XXX: Currently this error is logged, but not fatal. usage = 0; } if (mFlags & kEnableGrallocUsageProtected) { usage |= GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED; } // Make sure to check whether either Stagefright or the video decoder // requested protected buffers. if (usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED) { // Verify that the ANativeWindow sends images directly to // SurfaceFlinger. int queuesToNativeWindow = 0; err = mNativeWindow->query( mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_QUEUES_TO_WINDOW_COMPOSER, &queuesToNativeWindow); if (err != 0) { ALOGE("error authenticating native window: %d", err); return err; } if (queuesToNativeWindow != 1) { ALOGE("native window could not be authenticated"); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } } ALOGV("native_window_set_usage usage=0x%lx", usage); err = native_window_set_usage( mNativeWindow.get(), usage | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_EXTERNAL_DISP); if (err != 0) { ALOGE("native_window_set_usage failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } int minUndequeuedBufs = 0; err = mNativeWindow->query(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS, &minUndequeuedBufs); if (err != 0) { ALOGE("NATIVE_WINDOW_MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS query failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } // XXX: Is this the right logic to use? It's not clear to me what the OMX // buffer counts refer to - how do they account for the renderer holding on // to buffers? if (def.nBufferCountActual < def.nBufferCountMin + minUndequeuedBufs) { OMX_U32 newBufferCount = def.nBufferCountMin + minUndequeuedBufs; def.nBufferCountActual = newBufferCount; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("setting nBufferCountActual to %lu failed: %d", newBufferCount, err); return err; } } err = native_window_set_buffer_count( mNativeWindow.get(), def.nBufferCountActual); if (err != 0) { ALOGE("native_window_set_buffer_count failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } CODEC_LOGV("allocating %lu buffers from a native window of size %lu on " "output port", def.nBufferCountActual, def.nBufferSize); // Dequeue buffers and send them to OMX for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < def.nBufferCountActual; i++) { ANativeWindowBuffer* buf; err = native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(mNativeWindow.get(), &buf); if (err != 0) { ALOGE("dequeueBuffer failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); break; } sp graphicBuffer(new GraphicBuffer(buf, false)); BufferInfo info; info.mData = NULL; info.mSize = def.nBufferSize; info.mStatus = OWNED_BY_US; info.mMem = NULL; info.mMediaBuffer = new MediaBuffer(graphicBuffer); info.mMediaBuffer->setObserver(this); mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].push(info); IOMX::buffer_id bufferId; err = mOMX->useGraphicBuffer(mNode, kPortIndexOutput, graphicBuffer, &bufferId); if (err != 0) { CODEC_LOGE("registering GraphicBuffer with OMX IL component " "failed: %d", err); break; } mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].editItemAt(i).mBuffer = bufferId; CODEC_LOGV("registered graphic buffer with ID %p (pointer = %p)", bufferId, graphicBuffer.get()); } OMX_U32 cancelStart; OMX_U32 cancelEnd; if (err != 0) { // If an error occurred while dequeuing we need to cancel any buffers // that were dequeued. cancelStart = 0; cancelEnd = mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].size(); } else { // Return the last two buffers to the native window. cancelStart = def.nBufferCountActual - minUndequeuedBufs; cancelEnd = def.nBufferCountActual; } for (OMX_U32 i = cancelStart; i < cancelEnd; i++) { BufferInfo *info = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].editItemAt(i); cancelBufferToNativeWindow(info); } return err; } status_t OMXCodec::cancelBufferToNativeWindow(BufferInfo *info) { CHECK_EQ((int)info->mStatus, (int)OWNED_BY_US); CODEC_LOGV("Calling cancelBuffer on buffer %p", info->mBuffer); int err = mNativeWindow->cancelBuffer( mNativeWindow.get(), info->mMediaBuffer->graphicBuffer().get(), -1); if (err != 0) { CODEC_LOGE("cancelBuffer failed w/ error 0x%08x", err); setState(ERROR); return err; } info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_NATIVE_WINDOW; return OK; } OMXCodec::BufferInfo* OMXCodec::dequeueBufferFromNativeWindow() { // Dequeue the next buffer from the native window. ANativeWindowBuffer* buf; int fenceFd = -1; int err = native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(mNativeWindow.get(), &buf); if (err != 0) { CODEC_LOGE("dequeueBuffer failed w/ error 0x%08x", err); setState(ERROR); return 0; } // Determine which buffer we just dequeued. Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]; BufferInfo *bufInfo = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); i++) { sp graphicBuffer = buffers->itemAt(i). mMediaBuffer->graphicBuffer(); if (graphicBuffer->handle == buf->handle) { bufInfo = &buffers->editItemAt(i); break; } } if (bufInfo == 0) { CODEC_LOGE("dequeued unrecognized buffer: %p", buf); setState(ERROR); return 0; } // The native window no longer owns the buffer. CHECK_EQ((int)bufInfo->mStatus, (int)OWNED_BY_NATIVE_WINDOW); bufInfo->mStatus = OWNED_BY_US; return bufInfo; } status_t OMXCodec::pushBlankBuffersToNativeWindow() { status_t err = NO_ERROR; ANativeWindowBuffer* anb = NULL; int numBufs = 0; int minUndequeuedBufs = 0; // We need to reconnect to the ANativeWindow as a CPU client to ensure that // no frames get dropped by SurfaceFlinger assuming that these are video // frames. err = native_window_api_disconnect(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: api_disconnect failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } err = native_window_api_connect(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CPU); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: api_connect failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } err = native_window_set_buffers_geometry(mNativeWindow.get(), 1, 1, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: set_buffers_geometry failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } err = native_window_set_usage(mNativeWindow.get(), GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: set_usage failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } err = native_window_set_scaling_mode(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_WINDOW); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: set_scaling_mode failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } err = mNativeWindow->query(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS, &minUndequeuedBufs); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS query " "failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } numBufs = minUndequeuedBufs + 1; err = native_window_set_buffer_count(mNativeWindow.get(), numBufs); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: set_buffer_count failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } // We push numBufs + 1 buffers to ensure that we've drawn into the same // buffer twice. This should guarantee that the buffer has been displayed // on the screen and then been replaced, so an previous video frames are // guaranteed NOT to be currently displayed. for (int i = 0; i < numBufs + 1; i++) { int fenceFd = -1; err = native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(mNativeWindow.get(), &anb); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: dequeueBuffer failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } sp buf(new GraphicBuffer(anb, false)); // Fill the buffer with the a 1x1 checkerboard pattern ;) uint32_t* img = NULL; err = buf->lock(GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN, (void**)(&img)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: lock failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } *img = 0; err = buf->unlock(); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: unlock failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } err = mNativeWindow->queueBuffer(mNativeWindow.get(), buf->getNativeBuffer(), -1); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: queueBuffer failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); goto error; } anb = NULL; } error: if (err != NO_ERROR) { // Clean up after an error. if (anb != NULL) { mNativeWindow->cancelBuffer(mNativeWindow.get(), anb, -1); } native_window_api_disconnect(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CPU); native_window_api_connect(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA); return err; } else { // Clean up after success. err = native_window_api_disconnect(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CPU); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: api_disconnect failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } err = native_window_api_connect(mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("error pushing blank frames: api_connect failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); return err; } return NO_ERROR; } } int64_t OMXCodec::getDecodingTimeUs() { CHECK(mIsEncoder && mIsVideo); if (mDecodingTimeList.empty()) { CHECK(mSignalledEOS || mNoMoreOutputData); // No corresponding input frame available. // This could happen when EOS is reached. return 0; } List::iterator it = mDecodingTimeList.begin(); int64_t timeUs = *it; mDecodingTimeList.erase(it); return timeUs; } void OMXCodec::on_message(const omx_message &msg) { if (mState == ERROR) { /* * only drop EVENT messages, EBD and FBD are still * processed for bookkeeping purposes */ if (msg.type == omx_message::EVENT) { ALOGW("Dropping OMX EVENT message - we're in ERROR state."); return; } } switch (msg.type) { case omx_message::EVENT: { onEvent( msg.u.event_data.event, msg.u.event_data.data1, msg.u.event_data.data2); break; } case omx_message::EMPTY_BUFFER_DONE: { IOMX::buffer_id buffer = msg.u.extended_buffer_data.buffer; CODEC_LOGV("EMPTY_BUFFER_DONE(buffer: %p)", buffer); Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]; size_t i = 0; while (i < buffers->size() && (*buffers)[i].mBuffer != buffer) { ++i; } CHECK(i < buffers->size()); if ((*buffers)[i].mStatus != OWNED_BY_COMPONENT) { ALOGW("We already own input buffer %p, yet received " "an EMPTY_BUFFER_DONE.", buffer); } BufferInfo* info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_US; // Buffer could not be released until empty buffer done is called. if (info->mMediaBuffer != NULL) { info->mMediaBuffer->release(); info->mMediaBuffer = NULL; } if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] == DISABLING) { CODEC_LOGV("Port is disabled, freeing buffer %p", buffer); status_t err = freeBuffer(kPortIndexInput, i); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); } else if (mState != ERROR && mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] != SHUTTING_DOWN) { CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput], (int)ENABLED); if (mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers) { drainAnyInputBuffer(); } else { drainInputBuffer(&buffers->editItemAt(i)); } } break; } case omx_message::FILL_BUFFER_DONE: { IOMX::buffer_id buffer = msg.u.extended_buffer_data.buffer; OMX_U32 flags = msg.u.extended_buffer_data.flags; CODEC_LOGV("FILL_BUFFER_DONE(buffer: %p, size: %ld, flags: 0x%08lx, timestamp: %lld us (%.2f secs))", buffer, msg.u.extended_buffer_data.range_length, flags, msg.u.extended_buffer_data.timestamp, msg.u.extended_buffer_data.timestamp / 1E6); Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]; size_t i = 0; while (i < buffers->size() && (*buffers)[i].mBuffer != buffer) { ++i; } CHECK(i < buffers->size()); BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); if (info->mStatus != OWNED_BY_COMPONENT) { ALOGW("We already own output buffer %p, yet received " "a FILL_BUFFER_DONE.", buffer); } info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_US; if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] == DISABLING) { CODEC_LOGV("Port is disabled, freeing buffer %p", buffer); status_t err = freeBuffer(kPortIndexOutput, i); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); #if 0 } else if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] == ENABLED && (flags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)) { CODEC_LOGV("No more output data."); mNoMoreOutputData = true; mBufferFilled.signal(); #endif } else if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] != SHUTTING_DOWN) { CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput], (int)ENABLED); if (info->mMediaBuffer == NULL) { CHECK(mOMXLivesLocally); CHECK(mQuirks & kRequiresAllocateBufferOnOutputPorts); CHECK(mQuirks & kDefersOutputBufferAllocation); // The qcom video decoders on Nexus don't actually allocate // output buffer memory on a call to OMX_AllocateBuffer // the "pBuffer" member of the OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE // structure is only filled in later. info->mMediaBuffer = new MediaBuffer( msg.u.extended_buffer_data.data_ptr, info->mSize); info->mMediaBuffer->setObserver(this); } MediaBuffer *buffer = info->mMediaBuffer; bool isGraphicBuffer = buffer->graphicBuffer() != NULL; if (!isGraphicBuffer && msg.u.extended_buffer_data.range_offset + msg.u.extended_buffer_data.range_length > buffer->size()) { CODEC_LOGE( "Codec lied about its buffer size requirements, " "sending a buffer larger than the originally " "advertised size in FILL_BUFFER_DONE!"); } buffer->set_range( msg.u.extended_buffer_data.range_offset, msg.u.extended_buffer_data.range_length); buffer->meta_data()->clear(); buffer->meta_data()->setInt64( kKeyTime, msg.u.extended_buffer_data.timestamp); if (msg.u.extended_buffer_data.flags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, true); } bool isCodecSpecific = false; if (msg.u.extended_buffer_data.flags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsCodecConfig, true); isCodecSpecific = true; } if (isGraphicBuffer || mQuirks & kOutputBuffersAreUnreadable) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsUnreadable, true); } buffer->meta_data()->setPointer( kKeyPlatformPrivate, msg.u.extended_buffer_data.platform_private); buffer->meta_data()->setPointer( kKeyBufferID, msg.u.extended_buffer_data.buffer); if (msg.u.extended_buffer_data.flags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) { CODEC_LOGV("No more output data."); mNoMoreOutputData = true; } if (mIsEncoder && mIsVideo) { int64_t decodingTimeUs = isCodecSpecific? 0: getDecodingTimeUs(); buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyDecodingTime, decodingTimeUs); } if (mTargetTimeUs >= 0) { CHECK(msg.u.extended_buffer_data.timestamp <= mTargetTimeUs); if (msg.u.extended_buffer_data.timestamp < mTargetTimeUs) { CODEC_LOGV( "skipping output buffer at timestamp %lld us", msg.u.extended_buffer_data.timestamp); fillOutputBuffer(info); break; } CODEC_LOGV( "returning output buffer at target timestamp " "%lld us", msg.u.extended_buffer_data.timestamp); mTargetTimeUs = -1; } mFilledBuffers.push_back(i); mBufferFilled.signal(); if (mIsEncoder) { sched_yield(); } } break; } default: { CHECK(!"should not be here."); break; } } } // Has the format changed in any way that the client would have to be aware of? static bool formatHasNotablyChanged( const sp &from, const sp &to) { if (from.get() == NULL && to.get() == NULL) { return false; } if ((from.get() == NULL && to.get() != NULL) || (from.get() != NULL && to.get() == NULL)) { return true; } const char *mime_from, *mime_to; CHECK(from->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime_from)); CHECK(to->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime_to)); if (strcasecmp(mime_from, mime_to)) { return true; } if (!strcasecmp(mime_from, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_RAW)) { int32_t colorFormat_from, colorFormat_to; CHECK(from->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &colorFormat_from)); CHECK(to->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &colorFormat_to)); if (colorFormat_from != colorFormat_to) { return true; } int32_t width_from, width_to; CHECK(from->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width_from)); CHECK(to->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width_to)); if (width_from != width_to) { return true; } int32_t height_from, height_to; CHECK(from->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height_from)); CHECK(to->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height_to)); if (height_from != height_to) { return true; } int32_t left_from, top_from, right_from, bottom_from; CHECK(from->findRect( kKeyCropRect, &left_from, &top_from, &right_from, &bottom_from)); int32_t left_to, top_to, right_to, bottom_to; CHECK(to->findRect( kKeyCropRect, &left_to, &top_to, &right_to, &bottom_to)); if (left_to != left_from || top_to != top_from || right_to != right_from || bottom_to != bottom_from) { return true; } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime_from, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW)) { int32_t numChannels_from, numChannels_to; CHECK(from->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels_from)); CHECK(to->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels_to)); if (numChannels_from != numChannels_to) { return true; } int32_t sampleRate_from, sampleRate_to; CHECK(from->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate_from)); CHECK(to->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate_to)); if (sampleRate_from != sampleRate_to) { return true; } } return false; } void OMXCodec::onEvent(OMX_EVENTTYPE event, OMX_U32 data1, OMX_U32 data2) { switch (event) { case OMX_EventCmdComplete: { onCmdComplete((OMX_COMMANDTYPE)data1, data2); break; } case OMX_EventError: { CODEC_LOGE("ERROR(0x%08lx, %ld)", data1, data2); setState(ERROR); break; } case OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged: { CODEC_LOGV("OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged(port=%ld, data2=0x%08lx)", data1, data2); if (data2 == 0 || data2 == OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition) { // There is no need to check whether mFilledBuffers is empty or not // when the OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged is not meant for reallocating // the output buffers. if (data1 == kPortIndexOutput) { CHECK(mFilledBuffers.empty()); } onPortSettingsChanged(data1); } else if (data1 == kPortIndexOutput && (data2 == OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop || data2 == OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale)) { sp oldOutputFormat = mOutputFormat; initOutputFormat(mSource->getFormat()); if (data2 == OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop && formatHasNotablyChanged(oldOutputFormat, mOutputFormat)) { mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged = true; } else if (data2 == OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale) { OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE scale; InitOMXParams(&scale); scale.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; // Change display dimension only when necessary. if (OK == mOMX->getConfig( mNode, OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale, &scale, sizeof(scale))) { int32_t left, top, right, bottom; CHECK(mOutputFormat->findRect(kKeyCropRect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom)); // The scale is in 16.16 format. // scale 1.0 = 0x010000. When there is no // need to change the display, skip it. ALOGV("Get OMX_IndexConfigScale: 0x%lx/0x%lx", scale.xWidth, scale.xHeight); if (scale.xWidth != 0x010000) { mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyDisplayWidth, ((right - left + 1) * scale.xWidth) >> 16); mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged = true; } if (scale.xHeight != 0x010000) { mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyDisplayHeight, ((bottom - top + 1) * scale.xHeight) >> 16); mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged = true; } } } } break; } #if 0 case OMX_EventBufferFlag: { CODEC_LOGV("EVENT_BUFFER_FLAG(%ld)", data1); if (data1 == kPortIndexOutput) { mNoMoreOutputData = true; } break; } #endif default: { CODEC_LOGV("EVENT(%d, %ld, %ld)", event, data1, data2); break; } } } void OMXCodec::onCmdComplete(OMX_COMMANDTYPE cmd, OMX_U32 data) { switch (cmd) { case OMX_CommandStateSet: { onStateChange((OMX_STATETYPE)data); break; } case OMX_CommandPortDisable: { OMX_U32 portIndex = data; CODEC_LOGV("PORT_DISABLED(%ld)", portIndex); CHECK(mState == EXECUTING || mState == RECONFIGURING); CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[portIndex], (int)DISABLING); CHECK_EQ(mPortBuffers[portIndex].size(), 0u); mPortStatus[portIndex] = DISABLED; if (mState == RECONFIGURING) { CHECK_EQ(portIndex, (OMX_U32)kPortIndexOutput); sp oldOutputFormat = mOutputFormat; initOutputFormat(mSource->getFormat()); // Don't notify clients if the output port settings change // wasn't of importance to them, i.e. it may be that just the // number of buffers has changed and nothing else. bool formatChanged = formatHasNotablyChanged(oldOutputFormat, mOutputFormat); if (!mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged) { mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged = formatChanged; } status_t err = enablePortAsync(portIndex); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("enablePortAsync(%ld) failed (err = %d)", portIndex, err); setState(ERROR); } else { err = allocateBuffersOnPort(portIndex); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("allocateBuffersOnPort (%s) failed " "(err = %d)", portIndex == kPortIndexInput ? "input" : "output", err); setState(ERROR); } } } break; } case OMX_CommandPortEnable: { OMX_U32 portIndex = data; CODEC_LOGV("PORT_ENABLED(%ld)", portIndex); CHECK(mState == EXECUTING || mState == RECONFIGURING); CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[portIndex], (int)ENABLING); mPortStatus[portIndex] = ENABLED; if (mState == RECONFIGURING) { CHECK_EQ(portIndex, (OMX_U32)kPortIndexOutput); setState(EXECUTING); fillOutputBuffers(); } break; } case OMX_CommandFlush: { OMX_U32 portIndex = data; CODEC_LOGV("FLUSH_DONE(%ld)", portIndex); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE if (portIndex == (OMX_U32) -1) { CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput], (int)SHUTTING_DOWN); mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] = ENABLED; CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput], (int)SHUTTING_DOWN); mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] = ENABLED; } else { #endif CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[portIndex], (int)SHUTTING_DOWN); mPortStatus[portIndex] = ENABLED; CHECK_EQ(countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[portIndex]), mPortBuffers[portIndex].size()); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } #endif if (mSkipCutBuffer != NULL && mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] == ENABLED) { mSkipCutBuffer->clear(); } if (mState == RECONFIGURING) { CHECK_EQ(portIndex, (OMX_U32)kPortIndexOutput); disablePortAsync(portIndex); } else if (mState == EXECUTING_TO_IDLE) { if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] == ENABLED && mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] == ENABLED) { CODEC_LOGV("Finished flushing both ports, now completing " "transition from EXECUTING to IDLE."); mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] = SHUTTING_DOWN; mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] = SHUTTING_DOWN; status_t err = mOMX->sendCommand(mNode, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); } } else { // We're flushing both ports in preparation for seeking. if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] == ENABLED && mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] == ENABLED) { CODEC_LOGV("Finished flushing both ports, now continuing from" " seek-time."); // We implicitly resume pulling on our upstream source. mPaused = false; drainInputBuffers(); fillOutputBuffers(); } if (mOutputPortSettingsChangedPending) { CODEC_LOGV( "Honoring deferred output port settings change."); mOutputPortSettingsChangedPending = false; onPortSettingsChanged(kPortIndexOutput); } } break; } default: { CODEC_LOGV("CMD_COMPLETE(%d, %ld)", cmd, data); break; } } } void OMXCodec::onStateChange(OMX_STATETYPE newState) { CODEC_LOGV("onStateChange %d", newState); switch (newState) { case OMX_StateIdle: { CODEC_LOGV("Now Idle."); if (mState == LOADED_TO_IDLE) { status_t err = mOMX->sendCommand( mNode, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); setState(IDLE_TO_EXECUTING); } else { CHECK_EQ((int)mState, (int)EXECUTING_TO_IDLE); if (countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]) != mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput].size()) { ALOGE("Codec did not return all input buffers " "(received %d / %d)", countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]), mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput].size()); TRESPASS(); } if (countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]) != mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].size()) { ALOGE("Codec did not return all output buffers " "(received %d / %d)", countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]), mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].size()); TRESPASS(); } status_t err = mOMX->sendCommand( mNode, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); err = freeBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexInput); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); err = freeBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexOutput); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] = ENABLED; mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] = ENABLED; if ((mFlags & kEnableGrallocUsageProtected) && mNativeWindow != NULL) { // We push enough 1x1 blank buffers to ensure that one of // them has made it to the display. This allows the OMX // component teardown to zero out any protected buffers // without the risk of scanning out one of those buffers. pushBlankBuffersToNativeWindow(); } setState(IDLE_TO_LOADED); } break; } case OMX_StateExecuting: { CHECK_EQ((int)mState, (int)IDLE_TO_EXECUTING); CODEC_LOGV("Now Executing."); mOutputPortSettingsChangedPending = false; setState(EXECUTING); // Buffers will be submitted to the component in the first // call to OMXCodec::read as mInitialBufferSubmit is true at // this point. This ensures that this on_message call returns, // releases the lock and ::init can notice the state change and // itself return. break; } case OMX_StateLoaded: { CHECK_EQ((int)mState, (int)IDLE_TO_LOADED); CODEC_LOGV("Now Loaded."); setState(LOADED); break; } case OMX_StateInvalid: { setState(ERROR); break; } default: { CHECK(!"should not be here."); break; } } } // static size_t OMXCodec::countBuffersWeOwn(const Vector &buffers) { size_t n = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers.size(); ++i) { if (buffers[i].mStatus != OWNED_BY_COMPONENT) { ++n; } } return n; } status_t OMXCodec::freeBuffersOnPort( OMX_U32 portIndex, bool onlyThoseWeOwn) { Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[portIndex]; status_t stickyErr = OK; for (size_t i = buffers->size(); i-- > 0;) { BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); if (onlyThoseWeOwn && info->mStatus == OWNED_BY_COMPONENT) { continue; } CHECK(info->mStatus == OWNED_BY_US || info->mStatus == OWNED_BY_NATIVE_WINDOW); CODEC_LOGV("freeing buffer %p on port %ld", info->mBuffer, portIndex); status_t err = freeBuffer(portIndex, i); if (err != OK) { stickyErr = err; } } CHECK(onlyThoseWeOwn || buffers->isEmpty()); return stickyErr; } status_t OMXCodec::freeBuffer(OMX_U32 portIndex, size_t bufIndex) { Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[portIndex]; BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(bufIndex); status_t err = mOMX->freeBuffer(mNode, portIndex, info->mBuffer); if (err == OK && info->mMediaBuffer != NULL) { CHECK_EQ(portIndex, (OMX_U32)kPortIndexOutput); info->mMediaBuffer->setObserver(NULL); // Make sure nobody but us owns this buffer at this point. CHECK_EQ(info->mMediaBuffer->refcount(), 0); // Cancel the buffer if it belongs to an ANativeWindow. sp graphicBuffer = info->mMediaBuffer->graphicBuffer(); if (info->mStatus == OWNED_BY_US && graphicBuffer != 0) { err = cancelBufferToNativeWindow(info); } info->mMediaBuffer->release(); info->mMediaBuffer = NULL; } if (err == OK) { buffers->removeAt(bufIndex); } return err; } void OMXCodec::onPortSettingsChanged(OMX_U32 portIndex) { CODEC_LOGV("PORT_SETTINGS_CHANGED(%ld)", portIndex); CHECK_EQ((int)mState, (int)EXECUTING); CHECK_EQ(portIndex, (OMX_U32)kPortIndexOutput); CHECK(!mOutputPortSettingsChangedPending); if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] != ENABLED) { CODEC_LOGV("Deferring output port settings change."); mOutputPortSettingsChangedPending = true; return; } setState(RECONFIGURING); if (mQuirks & kNeedsFlushBeforeDisable) { if (!flushPortAsync(portIndex)) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, portIndex); } } else { disablePortAsync(portIndex); } } bool OMXCodec::flushPortAsync(OMX_U32 portIndex) { CHECK(mState == EXECUTING || mState == RECONFIGURING || mState == EXECUTING_TO_IDLE); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE if (portIndex == (OMX_U32) -1 ) { mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] = SHUTTING_DOWN; mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] = SHUTTING_DOWN; } else { #endif CODEC_LOGV("flushPortAsync(%ld): we own %d out of %d buffers already.", portIndex, countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[portIndex]), mPortBuffers[portIndex].size()); CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[portIndex], (int)ENABLED); mPortStatus[portIndex] = SHUTTING_DOWN; if ((mQuirks & kRequiresFlushCompleteEmulation) && countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[portIndex]) == mPortBuffers[portIndex].size()) { // No flush is necessary and this component fails to send a // flush-complete event in this case. return false; } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } #endif status_t err = mOMX->sendCommand(mNode, OMX_CommandFlush, portIndex); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); return true; } void OMXCodec::disablePortAsync(OMX_U32 portIndex) { CHECK(mState == EXECUTING || mState == RECONFIGURING); CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[portIndex], (int)ENABLED); mPortStatus[portIndex] = DISABLING; CODEC_LOGV("sending OMX_CommandPortDisable(%ld)", portIndex); status_t err = mOMX->sendCommand(mNode, OMX_CommandPortDisable, portIndex); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); freeBuffersOnPort(portIndex, true); } status_t OMXCodec::enablePortAsync(OMX_U32 portIndex) { CHECK(mState == EXECUTING || mState == RECONFIGURING); CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[portIndex], (int)DISABLED); mPortStatus[portIndex] = ENABLING; CODEC_LOGV("sending OMX_CommandPortEnable(%ld)", portIndex); return mOMX->sendCommand(mNode, OMX_CommandPortEnable, portIndex); } void OMXCodec::fillOutputBuffers() { CHECK_EQ((int)mState, (int)EXECUTING); // This is a workaround for some decoders not properly reporting // end-of-output-stream. If we own all input buffers and also own // all output buffers and we already signalled end-of-input-stream, // the end-of-output-stream is implied. #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE // NOTE: Thumbnail mode needs a call to fillOutputBuffer in order // to get the decoded frame from the component. Currently, // thumbnail mode calls emptyBuffer with an EOS flag on its first // frame and sets mSignalledEOS to true, so without the check for // !mThumbnailMode, fillOutputBuffer will never be called. if (!((mFlags & kClientNeedsFramebuffer) && !strncmp(mComponentName, "OMX.qcom.", 9))){ #endif if (mSignalledEOS && countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]) == mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput].size() && countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]) == mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].size()) { mNoMoreOutputData = true; mBufferFilled.signal(); return; } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } #endif Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); if (info->mStatus == OWNED_BY_US) { fillOutputBuffer(&buffers->editItemAt(i)); } } } void OMXCodec::drainInputBuffers() { CHECK(mState == EXECUTING || mState == RECONFIGURING); if (mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers) { Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { if (!drainAnyInputBuffer() || (mFlags & kOnlySubmitOneInputBufferAtOneTime)) { break; } } } else { Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); if (info->mStatus != OWNED_BY_US) { continue; } if (!drainInputBuffer(info)) { break; } if (mFlags & kOnlySubmitOneInputBufferAtOneTime) { break; } } } } bool OMXCodec::drainAnyInputBuffer() { return drainInputBuffer((BufferInfo *)NULL); } OMXCodec::BufferInfo *OMXCodec::findInputBufferByDataPointer(void *ptr) { Vector *infos = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < infos->size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &infos->editItemAt(i); if (info->mData == ptr) { CODEC_LOGV( "input buffer data ptr = %p, buffer_id = %p", ptr, info->mBuffer); return info; } } TRESPASS(); } OMXCodec::BufferInfo *OMXCodec::findEmptyInputBuffer() { Vector *infos = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < infos->size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &infos->editItemAt(i); if (info->mStatus == OWNED_BY_US) { return info; } } TRESPASS(); } bool OMXCodec::drainInputBuffer(BufferInfo *info) { if (info != NULL) { CHECK_EQ((int)info->mStatus, (int)OWNED_BY_US); } if (mSignalledEOS) { return false; } if (mCodecSpecificDataIndex < mCodecSpecificData.size()) { CHECK(!(mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers)); const CodecSpecificData *specific = mCodecSpecificData[mCodecSpecificDataIndex]; size_t size = specific->mSize; if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mMIME) && !(mQuirks & kWantsNALFragments)) { static const uint8_t kNALStartCode[4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }; CHECK(info->mSize >= specific->mSize + 4); size += 4; memcpy(info->mData, kNALStartCode, 4); memcpy((uint8_t *)info->mData + 4, specific->mData, specific->mSize); } else { CHECK(info->mSize >= specific->mSize); memcpy(info->mData, specific->mData, specific->mSize); } mNoMoreOutputData = false; CODEC_LOGV("calling emptyBuffer with codec specific data"); status_t err = mOMX->emptyBuffer( mNode, info->mBuffer, 0, size, OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME | OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG, 0); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_COMPONENT; ++mCodecSpecificDataIndex; return true; } if (mPaused) { return false; } status_t err; bool signalEOS = false; int64_t timestampUs = 0; size_t offset = 0; int32_t n = 0; for (;;) { MediaBuffer *srcBuffer; if (mSeekTimeUs >= 0) { if (mLeftOverBuffer) { mLeftOverBuffer->release(); mLeftOverBuffer = NULL; } MediaSource::ReadOptions options; options.setSeekTo(mSeekTimeUs, mSeekMode); mSeekTimeUs = -1; mSeekMode = ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC; mBufferFilled.signal(); err = mSource->read(&srcBuffer, &options); if (err == OK) { int64_t targetTimeUs; if (srcBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64( kKeyTargetTime, &targetTimeUs) && targetTimeUs >= 0) { CODEC_LOGV("targetTimeUs = %lld us", targetTimeUs); mTargetTimeUs = targetTimeUs; } else { mTargetTimeUs = -1; } } } else if (mLeftOverBuffer) { srcBuffer = mLeftOverBuffer; mLeftOverBuffer = NULL; err = OK; } else { err = mSource->read(&srcBuffer); } if (err != OK) { signalEOS = true; mFinalStatus = err; mSignalledEOS = true; mBufferFilled.signal(); break; } if (mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers) { info = findInputBufferByDataPointer(srcBuffer->data()); CHECK(info != NULL); } size_t remainingBytes = info->mSize - offset; if (srcBuffer->range_length() > remainingBytes) { if (offset == 0) { CODEC_LOGE( "Codec's input buffers are too small to accomodate " "buffer read from source (info->mSize = %d, srcLength = %d)", info->mSize, srcBuffer->range_length()); srcBuffer->release(); srcBuffer = NULL; setState(ERROR); return false; } mLeftOverBuffer = srcBuffer; break; } bool releaseBuffer = true; if (mFlags & kStoreMetaDataInVideoBuffers) { releaseBuffer = false; info->mMediaBuffer = srcBuffer; } if (mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers) { // Data in "info" is already provided at this time. releaseBuffer = false; CHECK(info->mMediaBuffer == NULL); info->mMediaBuffer = srcBuffer; } else { #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); if (def.eDomain == OMX_PortDomainVideo) { OMX_VIDEO_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *videoDef = &def.format.video; switch (videoDef->eColorFormat) { case OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LVirtualAddress: { CHECK(srcBuffer->data() != NULL); void *pSharedMem = (void *)(srcBuffer->data()); memcpy((uint8_t *)info->mData + offset, (const void *)&pSharedMem, sizeof(void *)); break; } default: CHECK(srcBuffer->data() != NULL); memcpy((uint8_t *)info->mData + offset, (const uint8_t *)srcBuffer->data() + srcBuffer->range_offset(), srcBuffer->range_length()); break; } } else { CHECK(srcBuffer->data() != NULL); memcpy((uint8_t *)info->mData + offset, (const uint8_t *)srcBuffer->data() + srcBuffer->range_offset(), srcBuffer->range_length()); } #else CHECK(srcBuffer->data() != NULL) ; memcpy((uint8_t *)info->mData + offset, (const uint8_t *)srcBuffer->data() + srcBuffer->range_offset(), srcBuffer->range_length()); #endif // USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT } int64_t lastBufferTimeUs; CHECK(srcBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &lastBufferTimeUs)); CHECK(lastBufferTimeUs >= 0); if (mIsEncoder && mIsVideo) { mDecodingTimeList.push_back(lastBufferTimeUs); } if (offset == 0) { timestampUs = lastBufferTimeUs; } offset += srcBuffer->range_length(); if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS, mMIME)) { CHECK(!(mQuirks & kSupportsMultipleFramesPerInputBuffer)); CHECK_GE(info->mSize, offset + sizeof(int32_t)); int32_t numPageSamples; if (!srcBuffer->meta_data()->findInt32( kKeyValidSamples, &numPageSamples)) { numPageSamples = -1; } memcpy((uint8_t *)info->mData + offset, &numPageSamples, sizeof(numPageSamples)); offset += sizeof(numPageSamples); } if (releaseBuffer) { srcBuffer->release(); srcBuffer = NULL; } ++n; if (!(mQuirks & kSupportsMultipleFramesPerInputBuffer)) { break; } int64_t coalescedDurationUs = lastBufferTimeUs - timestampUs; if (coalescedDurationUs > 250000ll) { // Don't coalesce more than 250ms worth of encoded data at once. break; } } if (n > 1) { ALOGV("coalesced %d frames into one input buffer", n); } OMX_U32 flags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME; if (signalEOS) { flags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } else if ((mFlags & kClientNeedsFramebuffer) && !strncmp(mComponentName, "OMX.qcom.", 9)) { // Because we don't get an EOS after getting the first frame, we // need to notify the component with OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS, set // mNoMoreOutputData to false so fillOutputBuffer gets called on // the first output buffer (see comment in fillOutputBuffer), and // mSignalledEOS must be true so drainInputBuffer is not executed // on extra frames. Setting mFinalStatus to ERROR_END_OF_STREAM as // we dont want to return OK and NULL buffer in read. flags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; mNoMoreOutputData = false; mSignalledEOS = true; mFinalStatus = ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; #endif } else { mNoMoreOutputData = false; } if (info == NULL) { CHECK(mFlags & kUseSecureInputBuffers); CHECK(signalEOS); // This is fishy, there's still a MediaBuffer corresponding to this // info available to the source at this point even though we're going // to use it to signal EOS to the codec. info = findEmptyInputBuffer(); } CODEC_LOGV("Calling emptyBuffer on buffer %p (length %d), " "timestamp %lld us (%.2f secs)", info->mBuffer, offset, timestampUs, timestampUs / 1E6); err = mOMX->emptyBuffer( mNode, info->mBuffer, 0, offset, flags, timestampUs); if (err != OK) { setState(ERROR); return false; } info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_COMPONENT; return true; } void OMXCodec::fillOutputBuffer(BufferInfo *info) { CHECK_EQ((int)info->mStatus, (int)OWNED_BY_US); if (mNoMoreOutputData) { CODEC_LOGV("There is no more output data available, not " "calling fillOutputBuffer"); return; } CODEC_LOGV("Calling fillBuffer on buffer %p", info->mBuffer); status_t err = mOMX->fillBuffer(mNode, info->mBuffer); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("fillBuffer failed w/ error 0x%08x", err); setState(ERROR); return; } info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_COMPONENT; } bool OMXCodec::drainInputBuffer(IOMX::buffer_id buffer) { Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { if ((*buffers)[i].mBuffer == buffer) { return drainInputBuffer(&buffers->editItemAt(i)); } } CHECK(!"should not be here."); return false; } void OMXCodec::fillOutputBuffer(IOMX::buffer_id buffer) { Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { if ((*buffers)[i].mBuffer == buffer) { fillOutputBuffer(&buffers->editItemAt(i)); return; } } CHECK(!"should not be here."); } void OMXCodec::setState(State newState) { mState = newState; mAsyncCompletion.signal(); // This may cause some spurious wakeups but is necessary to // unblock the reader if we enter ERROR state. mBufferFilled.signal(); } status_t OMXCodec::waitForBufferFilled_l() { if (mIsEncoder) { // For timelapse video recording, the timelapse video recording may // not send an input frame for a _long_ time. Do not use timeout // for video encoding. return mBufferFilled.wait(mLock); } status_t err = mBufferFilled.waitRelative(mLock, kBufferFilledEventTimeOutNs); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE if ((err == -ETIMEDOUT) && (mPaused == true)){ // When the audio playback is paused, the fill buffer maybe timed out // if input data is not available to decode. Hence, considering the // timed out as a valid case. err = OK; } #endif if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("Timed out waiting for output buffers: %d/%d", countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput]), countBuffersWeOwn(mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput])); } return err; } void OMXCodec::setRawAudioFormat( OMX_U32 portIndex, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t numChannels) { // port definition OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = portIndex; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); def.format.audio.eEncoding = OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)), (status_t)OK); // pcm param OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE pcmParams; InitOMXParams(&pcmParams); pcmParams.nPortIndex = portIndex; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm, &pcmParams, sizeof(pcmParams)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); pcmParams.nChannels = numChannels; pcmParams.eNumData = OMX_NumericalDataSigned; pcmParams.bInterleaved = OMX_TRUE; pcmParams.nBitPerSample = 16; pcmParams.nSamplingRate = sampleRate; pcmParams.ePCMMode = OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeLinear; CHECK_EQ(getOMXChannelMapping( numChannels, pcmParams.eChannelMapping), (status_t)OK); err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm, &pcmParams, sizeof(pcmParams)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); } static OMX_AUDIO_AMRBANDMODETYPE pickModeFromBitRate(bool isAMRWB, int32_t bps) { if (isAMRWB) { if (bps <= 6600) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB0; } else if (bps <= 8850) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB1; } else if (bps <= 12650) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB2; } else if (bps <= 14250) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB3; } else if (bps <= 15850) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB4; } else if (bps <= 18250) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB5; } else if (bps <= 19850) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB6; } else if (bps <= 23050) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB7; } // 23850 bps return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB8; } else { // AMRNB if (bps <= 4750) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB0; } else if (bps <= 5150) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB1; } else if (bps <= 5900) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB2; } else if (bps <= 6700) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB3; } else if (bps <= 7400) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB4; } else if (bps <= 7950) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB5; } else if (bps <= 10200) { return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB6; } // 12200 bps return OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB7; } } void OMXCodec::setAMRFormat(bool isWAMR, int32_t bitRate) { OMX_U32 portIndex = mIsEncoder ? kPortIndexOutput : kPortIndexInput; OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AMRTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = portIndex; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAmr, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); def.eAMRFrameFormat = OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatFSF; def.eAMRBandMode = pickModeFromBitRate(isWAMR, bitRate); err = mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAmr, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); //////////////////////// if (mIsEncoder) { sp format = mSource->getFormat(); int32_t sampleRate; int32_t numChannels; CHECK(format->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); CHECK(format->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); setRawAudioFormat(kPortIndexInput, sampleRate, numChannels); } } status_t OMXCodec::setAACFormat( int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t bitRate, int32_t aacProfile, bool isADTS) { if (numChannels > 2) { ALOGW("Number of channels: (%d) \n", numChannels); } if (mIsEncoder) { if (isADTS) { return -EINVAL; } //////////////// input port //////////////////// setRawAudioFormat(kPortIndexInput, sampleRate, numChannels); //////////////// output port //////////////////// // format OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE format; InitOMXParams(&format); format.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; format.nIndex = 0; status_t err = OMX_ErrorNone; while (OMX_ErrorNone == err) { CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)), (status_t)OK); if (format.eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC) { break; } format.nIndex++; } CHECK_EQ((status_t)OK, err); CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)), (status_t)OK); // port definition OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)), (status_t)OK); def.format.audio.bFlagErrorConcealment = OMX_TRUE; def.format.audio.eEncoding = OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)), (status_t)OK); // profile OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AACPROFILETYPE profile; InitOMXParams(&profile); profile.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAac, &profile, sizeof(profile)), (status_t)OK); profile.nChannels = numChannels; profile.eChannelMode = (numChannels == 1? OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeMono: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeStereo); profile.nSampleRate = sampleRate; profile.nBitRate = bitRate; profile.nAudioBandWidth = 0; profile.nFrameLength = 0; profile.nAACtools = OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAll; profile.nAACERtools = OMX_AUDIO_AACERNone; profile.eAACProfile = (OMX_AUDIO_AACPROFILETYPE) aacProfile; profile.eAACStreamFormat = OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4FF; err = mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAac, &profile, sizeof(profile)); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("setParameter('OMX_IndexParamAudioAac') failed " "(err = %d)", err); return err; } } else { OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AACPROFILETYPE profile; InitOMXParams(&profile); profile.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAac, &profile, sizeof(profile)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); profile.nChannels = numChannels; profile.nSampleRate = sampleRate; profile.eAACStreamFormat = isADTS ? OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4ADTS : OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4FF; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAac, &profile, sizeof(profile)); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("setParameter('OMX_IndexParamAudioAac') failed " "(err = %d)", err); return err; } } return OK; } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE void OMXCodec::setAC3Format(int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate) { QOMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AC3TYPE profileAC3; QOMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AC3PP profileAC3PP; OMX_INDEXTYPE indexTypeAC3; OMX_INDEXTYPE indexTypeAC3PP; OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE portParam; //configure input port CODEC_LOGV("setAC3Format samplerate %d, numChannels %d", sampleRate, numChannels); InitOMXParams(&portParam); portParam.nPortIndex = 0; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &portParam, sizeof(portParam)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &portParam, sizeof(portParam)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); //configure output port portParam.nPortIndex = 1; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &portParam, sizeof(portParam)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &portParam, sizeof(portParam)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); err = mOMX->getExtensionIndex(mNode, OMX_QCOM_INDEX_PARAM_AC3TYPE, &indexTypeAC3); InitOMXParams(&profileAC3); profileAC3.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; err = mOMX->getParameter(mNode, indexTypeAC3, &profileAC3, sizeof(profileAC3)); CHECK_EQ(err,(status_t)OK); profileAC3.nSamplingRate = sampleRate; profileAC3.nChannels = 2; profileAC3.eChannelConfig = OMX_AUDIO_AC3_CHANNEL_CONFIG_2_0; CODEC_LOGE("numChannels = %d, profileAC3.nChannels = %d", numChannels, profileAC3.nChannels); err = mOMX->setParameter(mNode, indexTypeAC3, &profileAC3, sizeof(profileAC3)); CHECK_EQ(err,(status_t)OK); //for output port OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE profilePcm; InitOMXParams(&profilePcm); profilePcm.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; err = mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm, &profilePcm, sizeof(profilePcm)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); profilePcm.nSamplingRate = sampleRate; err = mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm, &profilePcm, sizeof(profilePcm)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); mOMX->getExtensionIndex(mNode, OMX_QCOM_INDEX_PARAM_AC3PP, &indexTypeAC3PP); InitOMXParams(&profileAC3PP); profileAC3PP.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; err = mOMX->getParameter(mNode, indexTypeAC3PP, &profileAC3PP, sizeof(profileAC3PP)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); int i; int channel_routing[6]; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { channel_routing[i] = -1; } for (i=0; i<6; i++) { profileAC3PP.eChannelRouting[i] = (OMX_AUDIO_AC3_CHANNEL_ROUTING)channel_routing[i]; } profileAC3PP.eChannelRouting[0] = OMX_AUDIO_AC3_CHANNEL_LEFT; profileAC3PP.eChannelRouting[1] = OMX_AUDIO_AC3_CHANNEL_RIGHT; err = mOMX->setParameter(mNode, indexTypeAC3PP, &profileAC3PP, sizeof(profileAC3PP)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); } status_t OMXCodec::setWMAFormat(const sp &meta) { if (mIsEncoder) { CODEC_LOGE("WMA encoding not supported"); return OK; } else { int32_t version; OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_WMATYPE paramWMA; QOMX_AUDIO_PARAM_WMA10PROTYPE paramWMA10; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMAVersion, &version)); int32_t numChannels; int32_t bitRate; int32_t sampleRate; int32_t encodeOptions; int32_t blockAlign; int32_t bitspersample; int32_t formattag; int32_t advencopt1; int32_t advencopt2; int32_t VirtualPktSize; if(version==kTypeWMAPro || version==kTypeWMALossLess) { CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMABitspersample, &bitspersample)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMAFormatTag, &formattag)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMAAdvEncOpt1,&advencopt1)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMAAdvEncOpt2,&advencopt2)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMAVirPktSize,&VirtualPktSize)); } if(version==kTypeWMA) { InitOMXParams(¶mWMA); paramWMA.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; } else if(version==kTypeWMAPro || version==kTypeWMALossLess) { InitOMXParams(¶mWMA10); paramWMA10.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; } CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMAEncodeOpt, &encodeOptions)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWMABlockAlign, &blockAlign)); CODEC_LOGV("Channels: %d, SampleRate: %d, BitRate; %d" "EncodeOptions: %d, blockAlign: %d", numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate, encodeOptions, blockAlign); if(sampleRate>48000 || numChannels>2) { ALOGE("Unsupported samplerate/channels"); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if(version==kTypeWMAPro || version==kTypeWMALossLess) { CODEC_LOGV("Bitspersample: %d, wmaformattag: %d," "advencopt1: %d, advencopt2: %d VirtualPktSize %d", bitspersample, formattag, advencopt1, advencopt2, VirtualPktSize); } status_t err = OK; OMX_INDEXTYPE index; if(version==kTypeWMA) { err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioWma, ¶mWMA, sizeof(paramWMA)); } else if(version==kTypeWMAPro || version==kTypeWMALossLess) { mOMX->getExtensionIndex(mNode,"OMX.Qualcomm.index.audio.wma10Pro",&index); err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, index, ¶mWMA10, sizeof(paramWMA10)); } CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); if(version==kTypeWMA) { paramWMA.nChannels = numChannels; paramWMA.nSamplingRate = sampleRate; paramWMA.nEncodeOptions = encodeOptions; paramWMA.nBitRate = bitRate; paramWMA.nBlockAlign = blockAlign; } else if(version==kTypeWMAPro || version==kTypeWMALossLess) { paramWMA10.nChannels = numChannels; paramWMA10.nSamplingRate = sampleRate; paramWMA10.nEncodeOptions = encodeOptions; paramWMA10.nBitRate = bitRate; paramWMA10.nBlockAlign = blockAlign; } if(version==kTypeWMAPro || version==kTypeWMALossLess) { paramWMA10.advancedEncodeOpt = advencopt1; paramWMA10.advancedEncodeOpt2 = advencopt2; paramWMA10.formatTag = formattag; paramWMA10.validBitsPerSample = bitspersample; paramWMA10.nVirtualPktSize = VirtualPktSize; } if(version==kTypeWMA) { err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioWma, ¶mWMA, sizeof(paramWMA)); } else if(version==kTypeWMAPro || version==kTypeWMALossLess) { err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, index, ¶mWMA10, sizeof(paramWMA10)); } return err; } } #endif void OMXCodec::setG711Format(int32_t numChannels) { CHECK(!mIsEncoder); setRawAudioFormat(kPortIndexInput, 8000, numChannels); } void OMXCodec::setImageOutputFormat( OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE format, OMX_U32 width, OMX_U32 height) { CODEC_LOGV("setImageOutputFormat(%ld, %ld)", width, height); #if 0 OMX_INDEXTYPE index; status_t err = mOMX->get_extension_index( mNode, "OMX.TI.JPEG.decode.Config.OutputColorFormat", &index); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); err = mOMX->set_config(mNode, index, &format, sizeof(format)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); #endif OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ((int)def.eDomain, (int)OMX_PortDomainImage); OMX_IMAGE_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *imageDef = &def.format.image; CHECK_EQ((int)imageDef->eCompressionFormat, (int)OMX_IMAGE_CodingUnused); imageDef->eColorFormat = format; imageDef->nFrameWidth = width; imageDef->nFrameHeight = height; switch (format) { case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar: case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV411Planar: { def.nBufferSize = (width * height * 3) / 2; break; } case OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY: { def.nBufferSize = width * height * 2; break; } case OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888: { def.nBufferSize = width * height * 4; break; } case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB4444: case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB1555: case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565: case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitBGR565: { def.nBufferSize = width * height * 2; break; } default: CHECK(!"Should not be here. Unknown color format."); break; } def.nBufferCountActual = def.nBufferCountMin; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); } void OMXCodec::setJPEGInputFormat( OMX_U32 width, OMX_U32 height, OMX_U32 compressedSize) { OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexInput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ((int)def.eDomain, (int)OMX_PortDomainImage); OMX_IMAGE_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *imageDef = &def.format.image; CHECK_EQ((int)imageDef->eCompressionFormat, (int)OMX_IMAGE_CodingJPEG); imageDef->nFrameWidth = width; imageDef->nFrameHeight = height; def.nBufferSize = compressedSize; def.nBufferCountActual = def.nBufferCountMin; err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); } void OMXCodec::addCodecSpecificData(const void *data, size_t size) { CodecSpecificData *specific = (CodecSpecificData *)malloc(sizeof(CodecSpecificData) + size - 1); specific->mSize = size; memcpy(specific->mData, data, size); mCodecSpecificData.push(specific); } void OMXCodec::clearCodecSpecificData() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mCodecSpecificData.size(); ++i) { free(mCodecSpecificData.editItemAt(i)); } mCodecSpecificData.clear(); mCodecSpecificDataIndex = 0; } status_t OMXCodec::start(MetaData *meta) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (mState != LOADED) { CODEC_LOGE("called start in the unexpected state: %d", mState); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } sp params = new MetaData; if (mQuirks & kWantsNALFragments) { params->setInt32(kKeyWantsNALFragments, true); } if (meta) { int64_t startTimeUs = 0; int64_t timeUs; if (meta->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)) { startTimeUs = timeUs; } params->setInt64(kKeyTime, startTimeUs); } mCodecSpecificDataIndex = 0; mInitialBufferSubmit = true; mSignalledEOS = false; mNoMoreOutputData = false; mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged = false; mSeekTimeUs = -1; mSeekMode = ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC; mTargetTimeUs = -1; mFilledBuffers.clear(); mPaused = false; status_t err; if (mIsEncoder) { // Calling init() before starting its source so that we can configure, // if supported, the source to use exactly the same number of input // buffers as requested by the encoder. if ((err = init()) != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("init failed: %d", err); return err; } params->setInt32(kKeyNumBuffers, mPortBuffers[kPortIndexInput].size()); err = mSource->start(params.get()); if (err != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("source failed to start: %d", err); stopOmxComponent_l(); } return err; } // Decoder case if ((err = mSource->start(params.get())) != OK) { CODEC_LOGE("source failed to start: %d", err); return err; } return init(); } status_t OMXCodec::stop() { CODEC_LOGV("stop mState=%d", mState); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); status_t err = stopOmxComponent_l(); mSource->stop(); CODEC_LOGV("stopped in state %d", mState); return err; } status_t OMXCodec::stopOmxComponent_l() { CODEC_LOGV("stopOmxComponent_l mState=%d", mState); while (isIntermediateState(mState)) { mAsyncCompletion.wait(mLock); } bool isError = false; switch (mState) { case LOADED: break; case ERROR: { if (mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] == ENABLING) { // Codec is in a wedged state (technical term) // We've seen an output port settings change from the codec, // We've disabled the output port, then freed the output // buffers, initiated re-enabling the output port but // failed to reallocate the output buffers. // There doesn't seem to be a way to orderly transition // from executing->idle and idle->loaded now that the // output port hasn't been reenabled yet... // Simply free as many resources as we can and pretend // that we're in LOADED state so that the destructor // will free the component instance without asserting. freeBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexInput, true /* onlyThoseWeOwn */); freeBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexOutput, true /* onlyThoseWeOwn */); setState(LOADED); break; } else { OMX_STATETYPE state = OMX_StateInvalid; status_t err = mOMX->getState(mNode, &state); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); if (state != OMX_StateExecuting) { break; } // else fall through to the idling code } isError = true; } case EXECUTING: { setState(EXECUTING_TO_IDLE); if (mQuirks & kRequiresFlushBeforeShutdown) { CODEC_LOGV("This component requires a flush before transitioning " "from EXECUTING to IDLE..."); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE //DSP supports flushing of ports simultaneously. //Flushing individual port is not supported. if(mQuirks & kRequiresGlobalFlush) { bool emulateFlushCompletion = !flushPortAsync(kPortIndexBoth); if (emulateFlushCompletion) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, kPortIndexBoth); } } else { #endif bool emulateInputFlushCompletion = !flushPortAsync(kPortIndexInput); bool emulateOutputFlushCompletion = !flushPortAsync(kPortIndexOutput); if (emulateInputFlushCompletion) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, kPortIndexInput); } if (emulateOutputFlushCompletion) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, kPortIndexOutput); } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } #endif } else { mPortStatus[kPortIndexInput] = SHUTTING_DOWN; mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] = SHUTTING_DOWN; status_t err = mOMX->sendCommand(mNode, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); } while (mState != LOADED && mState != ERROR) { mAsyncCompletion.wait(mLock); } if (isError) { // We were in the ERROR state coming in, so restore that now // that we've idled the OMX component. setState(ERROR); } break; } default: { CHECK(!"should not be here."); break; } } if (mLeftOverBuffer) { mLeftOverBuffer->release(); mLeftOverBuffer = NULL; } return OK; } sp OMXCodec::getFormat() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); return mOutputFormat; } status_t OMXCodec::read( MediaBuffer **buffer, const ReadOptions *options) { status_t err = OK; *buffer = NULL; Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (mState != EXECUTING && mState != RECONFIGURING) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } bool seeking = false; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode seekMode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &seekMode)) { seeking = true; } if (mInitialBufferSubmit) { mInitialBufferSubmit = false; if (seeking) { CHECK(seekTimeUs >= 0); mSeekTimeUs = seekTimeUs; mSeekMode = seekMode; // There's no reason to trigger the code below, there's // nothing to flush yet. seeking = false; mPaused = false; } drainInputBuffers(); if (mState == EXECUTING) { // Otherwise mState == RECONFIGURING and this code will trigger // after the output port is reenabled. fillOutputBuffers(); } } if (seeking) { while (mState == RECONFIGURING) { if ((err = waitForBufferFilled_l()) != OK) { return err; } } if (mState != EXECUTING) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } CODEC_LOGV("seeking to %lld us (%.2f secs)", seekTimeUs, seekTimeUs / 1E6); mSignalledEOS = false; CHECK(seekTimeUs >= 0); mSeekTimeUs = seekTimeUs; mSeekMode = seekMode; mFilledBuffers.clear(); CHECK_EQ((int)mState, (int)EXECUTING); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE //DSP supports flushing of ports simultaneously. Flushing individual port is not supported. if(mQuirks & kRequiresGlobalFlush) { bool emulateFlushCompletion = !flushPortAsync(kPortIndexBoth); if (emulateFlushCompletion) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, kPortIndexBoth); } } else { //DSP supports flushing of ports simultaneously. //Flushing individual port is not supported. if(mQuirks & kRequiresGlobalFlush) { bool emulateFlushCompletion = !flushPortAsync(kPortIndexBoth); if (emulateFlushCompletion) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, kPortIndexBoth); } } else { #endif bool emulateInputFlushCompletion = !flushPortAsync(kPortIndexInput); bool emulateOutputFlushCompletion = !flushPortAsync(kPortIndexOutput); if (emulateInputFlushCompletion) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, kPortIndexInput); } if (emulateOutputFlushCompletion) { onCmdComplete(OMX_CommandFlush, kPortIndexOutput); } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } } #endif while (mSeekTimeUs >= 0) { if ((err = waitForBufferFilled_l()) != OK) { return err; } } } while (mState != ERROR && !mNoMoreOutputData && mFilledBuffers.empty()) { if ((err = waitForBufferFilled_l()) != OK) { return err; } } if (mState == ERROR) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (mFilledBuffers.empty()) { return mSignalledEOS ? mFinalStatus : ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged) { mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged = false; return INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED; } size_t index = *mFilledBuffers.begin(); mFilledBuffers.erase(mFilledBuffers.begin()); BufferInfo *info = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].editItemAt(index); CHECK_EQ((int)info->mStatus, (int)OWNED_BY_US); info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_CLIENT; info->mMediaBuffer->add_ref(); if (mSkipCutBuffer != NULL) { mSkipCutBuffer->submit(info->mMediaBuffer); } *buffer = info->mMediaBuffer; return OK; } void OMXCodec::signalBufferReturned(MediaBuffer *buffer) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); Vector *buffers = &mPortBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers->size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &buffers->editItemAt(i); if (info->mMediaBuffer == buffer) { CHECK_EQ((int)mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput], (int)ENABLED); CHECK_EQ((int)info->mStatus, (int)OWNED_BY_CLIENT); info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_US; if (buffer->graphicBuffer() == 0) { fillOutputBuffer(info); } else { sp metaData = info->mMediaBuffer->meta_data(); int32_t rendered = 0; if (!metaData->findInt32(kKeyRendered, &rendered)) { rendered = 0; } if (!rendered) { status_t err = cancelBufferToNativeWindow(info); if (err < 0) { return; } } info->mStatus = OWNED_BY_NATIVE_WINDOW; // Dequeue the next buffer from the native window. BufferInfo *nextBufInfo = dequeueBufferFromNativeWindow(); if (nextBufInfo == 0) { return; } // Give the buffer to the OMX node to fill. fillOutputBuffer(nextBufInfo); } return; } } CHECK(!"should not be here."); } static const char *imageCompressionFormatString(OMX_IMAGE_CODINGTYPE type) { static const char *kNames[] = { "OMX_IMAGE_CodingUnused", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingAutoDetect", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingJPEG", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingJPEG2K", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingEXIF", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingTIFF", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingGIF", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingPNG", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingLZW", "OMX_IMAGE_CodingBMP", }; size_t numNames = sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]); if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= numNames) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return kNames[type]; } } static const char *colorFormatString(OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE type) { static const char *kNames[] = { "OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused", "OMX_COLOR_FormatMonochrome", "OMX_COLOR_Format8bitRGB332", "OMX_COLOR_Format12bitRGB444", "OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB4444", "OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB1555", "OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565", "OMX_COLOR_Format16bitBGR565", "OMX_COLOR_Format18bitRGB666", "OMX_COLOR_Format18bitARGB1665", "OMX_COLOR_Format19bitARGB1666", "OMX_COLOR_Format24bitRGB888", "OMX_COLOR_Format24bitBGR888", "OMX_COLOR_Format24bitARGB1887", "OMX_COLOR_Format25bitARGB1888", "OMX_COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888", "OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV411Planar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV411PackedPlanar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422Planar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedPlanar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYCbYCr", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYCrYCb", "OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY", "OMX_COLOR_FormatCrYCbY", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV444Interleaved", "OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bit", "OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer10bit", "OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bitcompressed", "OMX_COLOR_FormatL2", "OMX_COLOR_FormatL4", "OMX_COLOR_FormatL8", "OMX_COLOR_FormatL16", "OMX_COLOR_FormatL24", "OMX_COLOR_FormatL32", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar", "OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedSemiPlanar", "OMX_COLOR_Format18BitBGR666", "OMX_COLOR_Format24BitARGB6666", "OMX_COLOR_Format24BitABGR6666", }; size_t numNames = sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]); if (type == OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar) { return "OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar"; } #ifdef USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT if (type == OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12TPhysicalAddress) { return "OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12TPhysicalAddress"; } if (type == OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LPhysicalAddress) { return "OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LPhysicalAddress"; } if (type == OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LVirtualAddress) { return "OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12LVirtualAddress"; } if (type == OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled) { return "OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled"; } #endif // USE_SAMSUNG_COLORFORMAT else if (type == OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar) { return "OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar"; } else if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= numNames) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return kNames[type]; } } static const char *videoCompressionFormatString(OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE type) { static const char *kNames[] = { "OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingAutoDetect", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingRV", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC", "OMX_VIDEO_CodingMJPEG", }; size_t numNames = sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]); if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= numNames) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return kNames[type]; } } static const char *audioCodingTypeString(OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE type) { static const char *kNames[] = { "OMX_AUDIO_CodingUnused", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingAutoDetect", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingADPCM", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingAMR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMFR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMEFR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMHR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCFR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCEFR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCHR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingTDMAFR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingTDMAEFR", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP8", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP13", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingEVRC", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingSMV", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingG711", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingG723", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingG726", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingG729", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingMP3", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingSBC", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingVORBIS", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingWMA", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingRA", "OMX_AUDIO_CodingMIDI", }; size_t numNames = sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]); if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= numNames) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return kNames[type]; } } static const char *audioPCMModeString(OMX_AUDIO_PCMMODETYPE type) { static const char *kNames[] = { "OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeLinear", "OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeALaw", "OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeMULaw", }; size_t numNames = sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]); if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= numNames) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return kNames[type]; } } static const char *amrBandModeString(OMX_AUDIO_AMRBANDMODETYPE type) { static const char *kNames[] = { "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeUnused", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB0", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB1", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB2", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB3", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB4", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB5", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB6", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB7", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB0", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB1", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB2", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB3", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB4", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB5", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB6", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB7", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB8", }; size_t numNames = sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]); if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= numNames) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return kNames[type]; } } static const char *amrFrameFormatString(OMX_AUDIO_AMRFRAMEFORMATTYPE type) { static const char *kNames[] = { "OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatConformance", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatIF1", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatIF2", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatFSF", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatRTPPayload", "OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatITU", }; size_t numNames = sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]); if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= numNames) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return kNames[type]; } } void OMXCodec::dumpPortStatus(OMX_U32 portIndex) { OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = portIndex; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); printf("%s Port = {\n", portIndex == kPortIndexInput ? "Input" : "Output"); CHECK((portIndex == kPortIndexInput && def.eDir == OMX_DirInput) || (portIndex == kPortIndexOutput && def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput)); printf(" nBufferCountActual = %ld\n", def.nBufferCountActual); printf(" nBufferCountMin = %ld\n", def.nBufferCountMin); printf(" nBufferSize = %ld\n", def.nBufferSize); switch (def.eDomain) { case OMX_PortDomainImage: { const OMX_IMAGE_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *imageDef = &def.format.image; printf("\n"); printf(" // Image\n"); printf(" nFrameWidth = %ld\n", imageDef->nFrameWidth); printf(" nFrameHeight = %ld\n", imageDef->nFrameHeight); printf(" nStride = %ld\n", imageDef->nStride); printf(" eCompressionFormat = %s\n", imageCompressionFormatString(imageDef->eCompressionFormat)); printf(" eColorFormat = %s\n", colorFormatString(imageDef->eColorFormat)); break; } case OMX_PortDomainVideo: { OMX_VIDEO_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *videoDef = &def.format.video; printf("\n"); printf(" // Video\n"); printf(" nFrameWidth = %ld\n", videoDef->nFrameWidth); printf(" nFrameHeight = %ld\n", videoDef->nFrameHeight); printf(" nStride = %ld\n", videoDef->nStride); printf(" eCompressionFormat = %s\n", videoCompressionFormatString(videoDef->eCompressionFormat)); printf(" eColorFormat = %s\n", colorFormatString(videoDef->eColorFormat)); break; } case OMX_PortDomainAudio: { OMX_AUDIO_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *audioDef = &def.format.audio; printf("\n"); printf(" // Audio\n"); printf(" eEncoding = %s\n", audioCodingTypeString(audioDef->eEncoding)); if (audioDef->eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM) { OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE params; InitOMXParams(¶ms); params.nPortIndex = portIndex; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm, ¶ms, sizeof(params)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); printf(" nSamplingRate = %ld\n", params.nSamplingRate); printf(" nChannels = %ld\n", params.nChannels); printf(" bInterleaved = %d\n", params.bInterleaved); printf(" nBitPerSample = %ld\n", params.nBitPerSample); printf(" eNumData = %s\n", params.eNumData == OMX_NumericalDataSigned ? "signed" : "unsigned"); printf(" ePCMMode = %s\n", audioPCMModeString(params.ePCMMode)); } else if (audioDef->eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingAMR) { OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AMRTYPE amr; InitOMXParams(&amr); amr.nPortIndex = portIndex; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAmr, &amr, sizeof(amr)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); printf(" nChannels = %ld\n", amr.nChannels); printf(" eAMRBandMode = %s\n", amrBandModeString(amr.eAMRBandMode)); printf(" eAMRFrameFormat = %s\n", amrFrameFormatString(amr.eAMRFrameFormat)); } break; } default: { printf(" // Unknown\n"); break; } } printf("}\n"); } status_t OMXCodec::initNativeWindow() { // Enable use of a GraphicBuffer as the output for this node. This must // happen before getting the IndexParamPortDefinition parameter because it // will affect the pixel format that the node reports. status_t err = mOMX->enableGraphicBuffers(mNode, kPortIndexOutput, OMX_TRUE); if (err != 0) { return err; } return OK; } void OMXCodec::initNativeWindowCrop() { int32_t left, top, right, bottom; CHECK(mOutputFormat->findRect( kKeyCropRect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom)); android_native_rect_t crop; crop.left = left; crop.top = top; crop.right = right + 1; crop.bottom = bottom + 1; // We'll ignore any errors here, if the surface is // already invalid, we'll know soon enough. native_window_set_crop(mNativeWindow.get(), &crop); } void OMXCodec::initOutputFormat(const sp &inputFormat) { mOutputFormat = new MetaData; mOutputFormat->setCString(kKeyDecoderComponent, mComponentName); if (mIsEncoder) { int32_t timeScale; if (inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyTimeScale, &timeScale)) { mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyTimeScale, timeScale); } } OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); switch (def.eDomain) { case OMX_PortDomainImage: { OMX_IMAGE_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *imageDef = &def.format.image; CHECK_EQ((int)imageDef->eCompressionFormat, (int)OMX_IMAGE_CodingUnused); mOutputFormat->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_RAW); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyColorFormat, imageDef->eColorFormat); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyWidth, imageDef->nFrameWidth); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyHeight, imageDef->nFrameHeight); break; } case OMX_PortDomainAudio: { OMX_AUDIO_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *audio_def = &def.format.audio; if (audio_def->eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM) { OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE params; InitOMXParams(¶ms); params.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm, ¶ms, sizeof(params)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ((int)params.eNumData, (int)OMX_NumericalDataSigned); CHECK_EQ(params.nBitPerSample, 16u); CHECK_EQ((int)params.ePCMMode, (int)OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeLinear); int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate); if ((OMX_U32)numChannels != params.nChannels) { ALOGV("Codec outputs a different number of channels than " "the input stream contains (contains %d channels, " "codec outputs %ld channels).", numChannels, params.nChannels); } if (sampleRate != (int32_t)params.nSamplingRate) { ALOGV("Codec outputs at different sampling rate than " "what the input stream contains (contains data at " "%d Hz, codec outputs %lu Hz)", sampleRate, params.nSamplingRate); } mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW); // Use the codec-advertised number of channels, as some // codecs appear to output stereo even if the input data is // mono. If we know the codec lies about this information, // use the actual number of channels instead. mOutputFormat->setInt32( kKeyChannelCount, (mQuirks & kDecoderLiesAboutNumberOfChannels) ? numChannels : params.nChannels); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, params.nSamplingRate); } else if (audio_def->eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingAMR) { OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AMRTYPE amr; InitOMXParams(&amr); amr.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; err = mOMX->getParameter( mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioAmr, &amr, sizeof(amr)); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)OK); CHECK_EQ(amr.nChannels, 1u); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, 1); if (amr.eAMRBandMode >= OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB0 && amr.eAMRBandMode <= OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB7) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, 8000); } else if (amr.eAMRBandMode >= OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB0 && amr.eAMRBandMode <= OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB8) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, 16000); } else { CHECK(!"Unknown AMR band mode."); } } else if (audio_def->eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC); int32_t numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate; inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, numChannels); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, sampleRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyBitRate, bitRate); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } else if (audio_def->eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP13 ) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_QCELP); int32_t numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate; inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, numChannels); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, sampleRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyBitRate, bitRate); } else if (audio_def->eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingEVRC ) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_EVRC); int32_t numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate; inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, numChannels); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, sampleRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyBitRate, bitRate); } else { AString mimeType; if(OK == QCOMXCodec::checkQCFormats(audio_def->eEncoding, &mimeType)) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, mimeType.c_str()); int32_t numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate; inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate); inputFormat->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, numChannels); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, sampleRate); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyBitRate, bitRate); #endif } else { CHECK(!"Should not be here. Unknown audio encoding."); } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE } #endif break; } case OMX_PortDomainVideo: { OMX_VIDEO_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *video_def = &def.format.video; if (video_def->eCompressionFormat == OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_RAW); } else if (video_def->eCompressionFormat == OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4); } else if (video_def->eCompressionFormat == OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263); } else if (video_def->eCompressionFormat == OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC) { mOutputFormat->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); } else { CHECK(!"Unknown compression format."); } mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyWidth, video_def->nFrameWidth); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyHeight, video_def->nFrameHeight); mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyColorFormat, video_def->eColorFormat); if (!mIsEncoder) { OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE rect; InitOMXParams(&rect); rect.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; status_t err = mOMX->getConfig( mNode, OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop, &rect, sizeof(rect)); CODEC_LOGI( "video dimensions are %ld x %ld", video_def->nFrameWidth, video_def->nFrameHeight); if (err == OK) { CHECK_GE(rect.nLeft, 0); CHECK_GE(rect.nTop, 0); CHECK_GE(rect.nWidth, 0u); CHECK_GE(rect.nHeight, 0u); CHECK_LE(rect.nLeft + rect.nWidth - 1, video_def->nFrameWidth); CHECK_LE(rect.nTop + rect.nHeight - 1, video_def->nFrameHeight); mOutputFormat->setRect( kKeyCropRect, rect.nLeft, rect.nTop, rect.nLeft + rect.nWidth - 1, rect.nTop + rect.nHeight - 1); CODEC_LOGI( "Crop rect is %ld x %ld @ (%ld, %ld)", rect.nWidth, rect.nHeight, rect.nLeft, rect.nTop); } else { mOutputFormat->setRect( kKeyCropRect, 0, 0, video_def->nFrameWidth - 1, video_def->nFrameHeight - 1); } if (mNativeWindow != NULL) { initNativeWindowCrop(); } } break; } default: { CHECK(!"should not be here, neither audio nor video."); break; } } // If the input format contains rotation information, flag the output // format accordingly. int32_t rotationDegrees; if (mSource->getFormat()->findInt32(kKeyRotation, &rotationDegrees)) { mOutputFormat->setInt32(kKeyRotation, rotationDegrees); } } status_t OMXCodec::pause() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); mPaused = true; return OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// status_t QueryCodecs( const sp &omx, const char *mime, bool queryDecoders, bool hwCodecOnly, Vector *results) { Vector matchingCodecs; results->clear(); OMXCodec::findMatchingCodecs(mime, !queryDecoders /*createEncoder*/, NULL /*matchComponentName*/, hwCodecOnly ? OMXCodec::kHardwareCodecsOnly : 0 /*flags*/, &matchingCodecs); for (size_t c = 0; c < matchingCodecs.size(); c++) { const char *componentName = matchingCodecs.itemAt(c).mName.string(); results->push(); CodecCapabilities *caps = &results->editItemAt(results->size() - 1); status_t err = QueryCodec(omx, componentName, mime, !queryDecoders, caps); if (err != OK) { results->removeAt(results->size() - 1); } } return OK; } status_t QueryCodec( const sp &omx, const char *componentName, const char *mime, bool isEncoder, CodecCapabilities *caps) { if (strncmp(componentName, "OMX.", 4)) { // Not an OpenMax component but a software codec. caps->mComponentName = componentName; return OK; } sp observer = new OMXCodecObserver; IOMX::node_id node; status_t err = omx->allocateNode(componentName, observer, &node); if (err != OK) { return err; } OMXCodec::setComponentRole(omx, node, isEncoder, mime); caps->mComponentName = componentName; OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE param; InitOMXParams(¶m); param.nPortIndex = !isEncoder ? 0 : 1; for (param.nProfileIndex = 0;; ++param.nProfileIndex) { err = omx->getParameter( node, OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported, ¶m, sizeof(param)); if (err != OK) { break; } CodecProfileLevel profileLevel; profileLevel.mProfile = param.eProfile; profileLevel.mLevel = param.eLevel; caps->mProfileLevels.push(profileLevel); } // Color format query OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE portFormat; InitOMXParams(&portFormat); portFormat.nPortIndex = !isEncoder ? 1 : 0; for (portFormat.nIndex = 0;; ++portFormat.nIndex) { err = omx->getParameter( node, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &portFormat, sizeof(portFormat)); if (err != OK) { break; } caps->mColorFormats.push(portFormat.eColorFormat); } CHECK_EQ(omx->freeNode(node), (status_t)OK); return OK; } status_t QueryCodecs( const sp &omx, const char *mimeType, bool queryDecoders, Vector *results) { return QueryCodecs(omx, mimeType, queryDecoders, false /*hwCodecOnly*/, results); } #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE void OMXCodec::setEVRCFormat(int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t bitRate) { if (mIsEncoder) { CHECK(numChannels == 1); //////////////// input port //////////////////// setRawAudioFormat(kPortIndexInput, sampleRate, numChannels); //////////////// output port //////////////////// // format OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE format; format.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; format.nIndex = 0; status_t err = OMX_ErrorNone; while (OMX_ErrorNone == err) { CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)), (status_t)OK); if (format.eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingEVRC) { break; } format.nIndex++; } CHECK_EQ((status_t)OK, err); CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)), (status_t)OK); // port definition OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; def.format.audio.cMIMEType = NULL; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)), (status_t)OK); def.format.audio.bFlagErrorConcealment = OMX_TRUE; def.format.audio.eEncoding = OMX_AUDIO_CodingEVRC; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)), (status_t)OK); // profile OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_EVRCTYPE profile; InitOMXParams(&profile); profile.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioEvrc, &profile, sizeof(profile)), (status_t)OK); profile.nChannels = numChannels; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioEvrc, &profile, sizeof(profile)), (status_t)OK); } else{ ALOGI("EVRC decoder \n"); } } void OMXCodec::setQCELPFormat(int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t bitRate) { if (mIsEncoder) { CHECK(numChannels == 1); //////////////// input port //////////////////// setRawAudioFormat(kPortIndexInput, sampleRate, numChannels); //////////////// output port //////////////////// // format OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE format; format.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; format.nIndex = 0; status_t err = OMX_ErrorNone; while (OMX_ErrorNone == err) { CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)), (status_t)OK); if (format.eEncoding == OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP13) { break; } format.nIndex++; } CHECK_EQ((status_t)OK, err); CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat, &format, sizeof(format)), (status_t)OK); // port definition OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE def; InitOMXParams(&def); def.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; def.format.audio.cMIMEType = NULL; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)), (status_t)OK); def.format.audio.bFlagErrorConcealment = OMX_TRUE; def.format.audio.eEncoding = OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP13; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &def, sizeof(def)), (status_t)OK); // profile OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_QCELP13TYPE profile; InitOMXParams(&profile); profile.nPortIndex = kPortIndexOutput; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->getParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioQcelp13, &profile, sizeof(profile)), (status_t)OK); profile.nChannels = numChannels; CHECK_EQ(mOMX->setParameter(mNode, OMX_IndexParamAudioQcelp13, &profile, sizeof(profile)), (status_t)OK); } else{ ALOGI("QCELP decoder \n"); } } #endif // These are supposed be equivalent to the logic in // "audio_channel_out_mask_from_count". status_t getOMXChannelMapping(size_t numChannels, OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELTYPE map[]) { switch (numChannels) { case 1: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF; break; case 2: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF; map[1] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF; break; case 3: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF; map[1] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF; map[2] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF; break; case 4: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF; map[1] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF; map[2] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLR; map[3] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRR; break; case 5: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF; map[1] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF; map[2] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF; map[3] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLR; map[4] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRR; break; case 6: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF; map[1] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF; map[2] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF; map[3] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLFE; map[4] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLR; map[5] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRR; break; case 7: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF; map[1] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF; map[2] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF; map[3] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLFE; map[4] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLR; map[5] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRR; map[6] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCS; break; case 8: map[0] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF; map[1] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF; map[2] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF; map[3] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLFE; map[4] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLR; map[5] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRR; map[6] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLS; map[7] = OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRS; break; default: return -EINVAL; } return OK; } } // namespace android