@/* @ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc. @ ** @ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); @ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at @ ** @ ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @ ** @ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software @ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, @ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. @ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and @ ** limitations under the License. @ */ @static void Norm_Corr (Word16 exc[], /* (i) : excitation buffer */ @ Word16 xn[], /* (i) : target vector */ @ Word16 h[], /* (i) Q15 : impulse response of synth/wgt filters */ @ Word16 L_subfr, /* (i) : sub-frame length */ @ Word16 t_min, /* (i) : minimum value of pitch lag. */ @ Word16 t_max, /* (i) : maximum value of pitch lag. */ @ Word16 corr_norm[]) /* (o) Q15 : normalized correlation */ @ @ r0 --- exc[] @ r1 --- xn[] @ r2 --- h[] @ r3 --- L_subfr @ r4 --- t_min @ r5 --- t_max @ r6 --- corr_norm[] .section .text .global Norm_corr_asm .extern Convolve_asm .extern Isqrt_n @****************************** @ constant @****************************** .equ EXC , 0 .equ XN , 4 .equ H , 8 .equ L_SUBFR , 12 .equ voSTACK , 172 .equ T_MIN , 212 .equ T_MAX , 216 .equ CORR_NORM , 220 Norm_corr_asm: STMFD r13!, {r4 - r12, r14} SUB r13, r13, #voSTACK ADD r8, r13, #20 @get the excf[L_SUBFR] LDR r4, [r13, #T_MIN] @get t_min RSB r11, r4, #0 @k = -t_min ADD r5, r0, r11, LSL #1 @get the &exc[k] @transfer Convolve function STMFD sp!, {r0 - r3} MOV r0, r5 MOV r1, r2 MOV r2, r8 @r2 --- excf[] BL Convolve_asm LDMFD sp!, {r0 - r3} @ r8 --- excf[] MOV r14, r1 @copy xn[] address MOV r5, #64 MOV r6, #0 @L_tmp = 0 MOV r7, #1 LOOP1: LDR r9, [r14], #4 LDR r10, [r14], #4 LDR r11, [r14], #4 LDR r12, [r14], #4 SMLABB r6, r9, r9, r6 @L_tmp += (xn[i] * xn[i]) SMLATT r6, r9, r9, r6 @L_tmp += (xn[i+1] * xn[i+1]) SMLABB r6, r10, r10, r6 SMLATT r6, r10, r10, r6 SMLABB r6, r11, r11, r6 SMLATT r6, r11, r11, r6 SMLABB r6, r12, r12, r6 SMLATT r6, r12, r12, r6 SUBS r5, r5, #8 BNE LOOP1 ADD r9, r7, r6, LSL #1 @L_tmp = (L_tmp << 1) + 1 CLZ r7, r9 SUB r6, r7, #1 @exp = norm_l(L_tmp) RSB r7, r6, #32 @exp = 32 - exp MOV r6, r7, ASR #1 RSB r7, r6, #0 @scale = -(exp >> 1) @loop for every possible period @for(t = t_min@ t <= t_max@ t++) @r7 --- scale r4 --- t_min r8 --- excf[] LOOPFOR: MOV r5, #0 @L_tmp = 0 MOV r6, #0 @L_tmp1 = 0 MOV r9, #64 MOV r12, r1 @copy of xn[] ADD r14, r13, #20 @copy of excf[] MOV r8, #0x8000 LOOPi: LDR r11, [r14], #4 @load excf[i], excf[i+1] LDR r10, [r12], #4 @load xn[i], xn[i+1] SMLABB r6, r11, r11, r6 @L_tmp1 += excf[i] * excf[i] SMLATT r6, r11, r11, r6 @L_tmp1 += excf[i+1] * excf[i+1] SMLABB r5, r10, r11, r5 @L_tmp += xn[i] * excf[i] SMLATT r5, r10, r11, r5 @L_tmp += xn[i+1] * excf[i+1] LDR r11, [r14], #4 @load excf[i+2], excf[i+3] LDR r10, [r12], #4 @load xn[i+2], xn[i+3] SMLABB r6, r11, r11, r6 SMLATT r6, r11, r11, r6 SMLABB r5, r10, r11, r5 SMLATT r5, r10, r11, r5 SUBS r9, r9, #4 BNE LOOPi @r5 --- L_tmp, r6 --- L_tmp1 MOV r10, #1 ADD r5, r10, r5, LSL #1 @L_tmp = (L_tmp << 1) + 1 ADD r6, r10, r6, LSL #1 @L_tmp1 = (L_tmp1 << 1) + 1 CLZ r10, r5 CMP r5, #0 RSBLT r11, r5, #0 CLZLT r10, r11 SUB r10, r10, #1 @exp = norm_l(L_tmp) MOV r5, r5, LSL r10 @L_tmp = (L_tmp << exp) RSB r10, r10, #30 @exp_corr = 30 - exp MOV r11, r5, ASR #16 @corr = extract_h(L_tmp) CLZ r5, r6 SUB r5, r5, #1 MOV r6, r6, LSL r5 @L_tmp = (L_tmp1 << exp) RSB r5, r5, #30 @exp_norm = 30 - exp @r10 --- exp_corr, r11 --- corr @r6 --- L_tmp, r5 --- exp_norm @Isqrt_n(&L_tmp, &exp_norm) MOV r14, r0 MOV r12, r1 STMFD sp!, {r0 - r4, r7 - r12, r14} ADD r1, sp, #4 ADD r0, sp, #0 STR r6, [sp] STRH r5, [sp, #4] BL Isqrt_n LDR r6, [sp] LDRSH r5, [sp, #4] LDMFD sp!, {r0 - r4, r7 - r12, r14} MOV r0, r14 MOV r1, r12 MOV r6, r6, ASR #16 @norm = extract_h(L_tmp) MUL r12, r6, r11 ADD r12, r12, r12 @L_tmp = vo_L_mult(corr, norm) ADD r6, r10, r5 ADD r6, r6, r7 @exp_corr + exp_norm + scale CMP r6, #0 RSBLT r6, r6, #0 MOVLT r12, r12, ASR r6 MOVGT r12, r12, LSL r6 @L_tmp = L_shl(L_tmp, exp_corr + exp_norm + scale) ADD r12, r12, r8 MOV r12, r12, ASR #16 @vo_round(L_tmp) LDR r5, [r13, #CORR_NORM] @ get corr_norm address LDR r6, [r13, #T_MAX] @ get t_max ADD r10, r5, r4, LSL #1 @ get corr_norm[t] address STRH r12, [r10] @ corr_norm[t] = vo_round(L_tmp) CMP r4, r6 BEQ Norm_corr_asm_end ADD r4, r4, #1 @ t_min ++ RSB r5, r4, #0 @ k MOV r6, #63 @ i = 63 MOV r8, r0 @ exc[] MOV r9, r2 @ h[] ADD r10, r13, #20 @ excf[] ADD r8, r8, r5, LSL #1 @ exc[k] address ADD r9, r9, r6, LSL #1 @ h[i] address ADD r10, r10, r6, LSL #1 @ excf[i] address LDRSH r11, [r8] @ tmp = exc[k] LOOPK: LDRSH r8, [r9], #-2 @ load h[i] LDRSH r12, [r10, #-2] @ load excf[i - 1] MUL r14, r11, r8 MOV r8, r14, ASR #15 ADD r14, r8, r12 STRH r14, [r10], #-2 SUBS r6, r6, #1 BGT LOOPK LDRSH r8, [r9] @ load h[0] MUL r14, r11, r8 LDR r6, [r13, #T_MAX] @ get t_max MOV r8, r14, ASR #15 STRH r8, [r10] CMP r4, r6 BLE LOOPFOR Norm_corr_asm_end: ADD r13, r13, #voSTACK LDMFD r13!, {r4 - r12, r15} .end