/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "AVCEncoder" #include #include "AVCEncoder.h" #include "avcenc_api.h" #include "avcenc_int.h" #include "OMX_Video.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { inline static void ConvertYUV420SemiPlanarToYUV420Planar( uint8_t *inyuv, uint8_t* outyuv, int32_t width, int32_t height) { int32_t outYsize = width * height; uint32_t *outy = (uint32_t *) outyuv; uint16_t *outcb = (uint16_t *) (outyuv + outYsize); uint16_t *outcr = (uint16_t *) (outyuv + outYsize + (outYsize >> 2)); /* Y copying */ memcpy(outy, inyuv, outYsize); /* U & V copying */ uint32_t *inyuv_4 = (uint32_t *) (inyuv + outYsize); for (int32_t i = height >> 1; i > 0; --i) { for (int32_t j = width >> 2; j > 0; --j) { uint32_t temp = *inyuv_4++; uint32_t tempU = temp & 0xFF; tempU = tempU | ((temp >> 8) & 0xFF00); uint32_t tempV = (temp >> 8) & 0xFF; tempV = tempV | ((temp >> 16) & 0xFF00); // Flip U and V *outcb++ = tempV; *outcr++ = tempU; } } } static int32_t MallocWrapper( void *userData, int32_t size, int32_t attrs) { return reinterpret_cast(malloc(size)); } static void FreeWrapper(void *userData, int32_t ptr) { free(reinterpret_cast(ptr)); } static int32_t DpbAllocWrapper(void *userData, unsigned int sizeInMbs, unsigned int numBuffers) { AVCEncoder *encoder = static_cast(userData); CHECK(encoder != NULL); return encoder->allocOutputBuffers(sizeInMbs, numBuffers); } static int32_t BindFrameWrapper( void *userData, int32_t index, uint8_t **yuv) { AVCEncoder *encoder = static_cast(userData); CHECK(encoder != NULL); return encoder->bindOutputBuffer(index, yuv); } static void UnbindFrameWrapper(void *userData, int32_t index) { AVCEncoder *encoder = static_cast(userData); CHECK(encoder != NULL); return encoder->unbindOutputBuffer(index); } AVCEncoder::AVCEncoder( const sp& source, const sp& meta) : mSource(source), mMeta(meta), mNumInputFrames(-1), mPrevTimestampUs(-1), mStarted(false), mInputBuffer(NULL), mInputFrameData(NULL), mGroup(NULL) { LOGV("Construct software AVCEncoder"); mHandle = new tagAVCHandle; memset(mHandle, 0, sizeof(tagAVCHandle)); mHandle->AVCObject = NULL; mHandle->userData = this; mHandle->CBAVC_DPBAlloc = DpbAllocWrapper; mHandle->CBAVC_FrameBind = BindFrameWrapper; mHandle->CBAVC_FrameUnbind = UnbindFrameWrapper; mHandle->CBAVC_Malloc = MallocWrapper; mHandle->CBAVC_Free = FreeWrapper; mInitCheck = initCheck(meta); } AVCEncoder::~AVCEncoder() { LOGV("Destruct software AVCEncoder"); if (mStarted) { stop(); } delete mEncParams; delete mHandle; } status_t AVCEncoder::initCheck(const sp& meta) { LOGV("initCheck"); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &mVideoWidth)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &mVideoHeight)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &mVideoFrameRate)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &mVideoBitRate)); // XXX: Add more color format support CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &mVideoColorFormat)); if (mVideoColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) { if (mVideoColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar) { LOGE("Color format %d is not supported", mVideoColorFormat); return BAD_VALUE; } // Allocate spare buffer only when color conversion is needed. // Assume the color format is OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar. mInputFrameData = (uint8_t *) malloc((mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight * 3 ) >> 1); CHECK(mInputFrameData); } // XXX: Remove this restriction if (mVideoWidth % 16 != 0 || mVideoHeight % 16 != 0) { LOGE("Video frame size %dx%d must be a multiple of 16", mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); return BAD_VALUE; } mEncParams = new tagAVCEncParam; memset(mEncParams, 0, sizeof(mEncParams)); mEncParams->width = mVideoWidth; mEncParams->height = mVideoHeight; mEncParams->frame_rate = 1000 * mVideoFrameRate; // In frames/ms! mEncParams->rate_control = AVC_ON; mEncParams->bitrate = mVideoBitRate; mEncParams->initQP = 0; mEncParams->init_CBP_removal_delay = 1600; mEncParams->CPB_size = (uint32_t) (mVideoBitRate >> 1); mEncParams->intramb_refresh = 0; mEncParams->auto_scd = AVC_ON; mEncParams->out_of_band_param_set = AVC_ON; mEncParams->poc_type = 2; mEncParams->log2_max_poc_lsb_minus_4 = 12; mEncParams->delta_poc_zero_flag = 0; mEncParams->offset_poc_non_ref = 0; mEncParams->offset_top_bottom = 0; mEncParams->num_ref_in_cycle = 0; mEncParams->offset_poc_ref = NULL; mEncParams->num_ref_frame = 1; mEncParams->num_slice_group = 1; mEncParams->fmo_type = 0; mEncParams->db_filter = AVC_ON; mEncParams->disable_db_idc = 0; mEncParams->alpha_offset = 0; mEncParams->beta_offset = 0; mEncParams->constrained_intra_pred = AVC_OFF; mEncParams->data_par = AVC_OFF; mEncParams->fullsearch = AVC_OFF; mEncParams->search_range = 16; mEncParams->sub_pel = AVC_OFF; mEncParams->submb_pred = AVC_OFF; mEncParams->rdopt_mode = AVC_OFF; mEncParams->bidir_pred = AVC_OFF; int32_t nMacroBlocks = ((((mVideoWidth + 15) >> 4) << 4) * (((mVideoHeight + 15) >> 4) << 4)) >> 8; uint32_t *sliceGroup = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * nMacroBlocks); for (int ii = 0, idx = 0; ii < nMacroBlocks; ++ii) { sliceGroup[ii] = idx++; if (idx >= mEncParams->num_slice_group) { idx = 0; } } mEncParams->slice_group = sliceGroup; mEncParams->use_overrun_buffer = AVC_OFF; // Set IDR frame refresh interval int32_t iFramesIntervalSec; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyIFramesInterval, &iFramesIntervalSec)); if (iFramesIntervalSec < 0) { mEncParams->idr_period = -1; } else if (iFramesIntervalSec == 0) { mEncParams->idr_period = 1; // All I frames } else { mEncParams->idr_period = (iFramesIntervalSec * mVideoFrameRate); } LOGV("idr_period: %d, I-frames interval: %d seconds, and frame rate: %d", mEncParams->idr_period, iFramesIntervalSec, mVideoFrameRate); // Set profile and level // If profile and level setting is not correct, failure // is reported when the encoder is initialized. mEncParams->profile = AVC_BASELINE; mEncParams->level = AVC_LEVEL3_2; int32_t profile, level; if (meta->findInt32(kKeyVideoProfile, &profile)) { mEncParams->profile = (AVCProfile) profile; } if (meta->findInt32(kKeyVideoLevel, &level)) { mEncParams->level = (AVCLevel) level; } mFormat = new MetaData; mFormat->setInt32(kKeyWidth, mVideoWidth); mFormat->setInt32(kKeyHeight, mVideoHeight); mFormat->setInt32(kKeyBitRate, mVideoBitRate); mFormat->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, mVideoFrameRate); mFormat->setInt32(kKeyColorFormat, mVideoColorFormat); mFormat->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); mFormat->setCString(kKeyDecoderComponent, "AVCEncoder"); return OK; } status_t AVCEncoder::start(MetaData *params) { LOGV("start"); if (mInitCheck != OK) { return mInitCheck; } if (mStarted) { LOGW("Call start() when encoder already started"); return OK; } AVCEnc_Status err; err = PVAVCEncInitialize(mHandle, mEncParams, NULL, NULL); if (err != AVCENC_SUCCESS) { LOGE("Failed to initialize the encoder: %d", err); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mGroup = new MediaBufferGroup(); int32_t maxSize; if (AVCENC_SUCCESS != PVAVCEncGetMaxOutputBufferSize(mHandle, &maxSize)) { maxSize = 31584; // Magic # } mGroup->add_buffer(new MediaBuffer(maxSize)); mSource->start(params); mNumInputFrames = -2; // 1st two buffers contain SPS and PPS mStarted = true; mSpsPpsHeaderReceived = false; mReadyForNextFrame = true; mIsIDRFrame = 0; return OK; } status_t AVCEncoder::stop() { LOGV("stop"); if (!mStarted) { LOGW("Call stop() when encoder has not started"); return OK; } if (mInputBuffer) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } if (mGroup) { delete mGroup; mGroup = NULL; } if (mInputFrameData) { delete mInputFrameData; mInputFrameData = NULL; } PVAVCCleanUpEncoder(mHandle); mSource->stop(); releaseOutputBuffers(); mStarted = false; return OK; } void AVCEncoder::releaseOutputBuffers() { LOGV("releaseOutputBuffers"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputBuffers.size(); ++i) { MediaBuffer *buffer = mOutputBuffers.editItemAt(i); buffer->setObserver(NULL); buffer->release(); } mOutputBuffers.clear(); } sp AVCEncoder::getFormat() { LOGV("getFormat"); return mFormat; } status_t AVCEncoder::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { CHECK(!options); *out = NULL; MediaBuffer *outputBuffer; CHECK_EQ(OK, mGroup->acquire_buffer(&outputBuffer)); uint8_t *outPtr = (uint8_t *) outputBuffer->data(); uint32_t dataLength = outputBuffer->size(); if (!mSpsPpsHeaderReceived && mNumInputFrames < 0) { // 4 bytes are reserved for holding the start code 0x00000001 // of the sequence parameter set at the beginning. outPtr += 4; dataLength -= 4; } int32_t type; AVCEnc_Status encoderStatus = AVCENC_SUCCESS; // Combine SPS and PPS and place them in the very first output buffer // SPS and PPS are separated by start code 0x00000001 // Assume that we have exactly one SPS and exactly one PPS. while (!mSpsPpsHeaderReceived && mNumInputFrames <= 0) { encoderStatus = PVAVCEncodeNAL(mHandle, outPtr, &dataLength, &type); if (encoderStatus == AVCENC_WRONG_STATE) { mSpsPpsHeaderReceived = true; CHECK_EQ(0, mNumInputFrames); // 1st video frame is 0 } else { switch (type) { case AVC_NALTYPE_SPS: ++mNumInputFrames; memcpy((uint8_t *)outputBuffer->data(), "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); outputBuffer->set_range(0, dataLength + 4); outPtr += (dataLength + 4); // 4 bytes for next start code dataLength = outputBuffer->size() - (outputBuffer->range_length() + 4); break; case AVC_NALTYPE_PPS: ++mNumInputFrames; memcpy(((uint8_t *) outputBuffer->data()) + outputBuffer->range_length(), "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); outputBuffer->set_range(0, dataLength + outputBuffer->range_length() + 4); outputBuffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsCodecConfig, 1); outputBuffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, 0); *out = outputBuffer; return OK; default: LOGE("Nal type (%d) other than SPS/PPS is unexpected", type); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } } // Get next input video frame if (mReadyForNextFrame) { if (mInputBuffer) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } status_t err = mSource->read(&mInputBuffer, options); if (err != OK) { LOGE("Failed to read input video frame: %d", err); outputBuffer->release(); return err; } if (mInputBuffer->size() - ((mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight * 3) >> 1) != 0) { outputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } int64_t timeUs; CHECK(mInputBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)); outputBuffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); // When the timestamp of the current sample is the same as // that of the previous sample, the encoding of the sample // is bypassed, and the output length is set to 0. if (mNumInputFrames >= 1 && mPrevTimestampUs == timeUs) { // Frame arrives too late mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; outputBuffer->set_range(0, 0); *out = outputBuffer; return OK; } // Don't accept out-of-order samples CHECK(mPrevTimestampUs < timeUs); mPrevTimestampUs = timeUs; AVCFrameIO videoInput; memset(&videoInput, 0, sizeof(videoInput)); videoInput.height = ((mVideoHeight + 15) >> 4) << 4; videoInput.pitch = ((mVideoWidth + 15) >> 4) << 4; videoInput.coding_timestamp = (timeUs + 500) / 1000; // in ms uint8_t *inputData = (uint8_t *) mInputBuffer->data(); if (mVideoColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) { CHECK(mInputFrameData); CHECK(mVideoColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar); ConvertYUV420SemiPlanarToYUV420Planar( inputData, mInputFrameData, mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); inputData = mInputFrameData; } CHECK(inputData != NULL); videoInput.YCbCr[0] = inputData; videoInput.YCbCr[1] = videoInput.YCbCr[0] + videoInput.height * videoInput.pitch; videoInput.YCbCr[2] = videoInput.YCbCr[1] + ((videoInput.height * videoInput.pitch) >> 2); videoInput.disp_order = mNumInputFrames; encoderStatus = PVAVCEncSetInput(mHandle, &videoInput); if (encoderStatus == AVCENC_SUCCESS || encoderStatus == AVCENC_NEW_IDR) { mReadyForNextFrame = false; ++mNumInputFrames; if (encoderStatus == AVCENC_NEW_IDR) { mIsIDRFrame = 1; } } else { if (encoderStatus < AVCENC_SUCCESS) { outputBuffer->release(); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } else { outputBuffer->set_range(0, 0); *out = outputBuffer; return OK; } } } // Encode an input video frame CHECK(encoderStatus == AVCENC_SUCCESS || encoderStatus == AVCENC_NEW_IDR); dataLength = outputBuffer->size(); // Reset the output buffer length encoderStatus = PVAVCEncodeNAL(mHandle, outPtr, &dataLength, &type); if (encoderStatus == AVCENC_SUCCESS) { outputBuffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, mIsIDRFrame); CHECK_EQ(NULL, PVAVCEncGetOverrunBuffer(mHandle)); } else if (encoderStatus == AVCENC_PICTURE_READY) { CHECK_EQ(NULL, PVAVCEncGetOverrunBuffer(mHandle)); if (mIsIDRFrame) { outputBuffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, mIsIDRFrame); mIsIDRFrame = 0; LOGV("Output an IDR frame"); } mReadyForNextFrame = true; AVCFrameIO recon; if (PVAVCEncGetRecon(mHandle, &recon) == AVCENC_SUCCESS) { PVAVCEncReleaseRecon(mHandle, &recon); } } else { dataLength = 0; mReadyForNextFrame = true; } if (encoderStatus < AVCENC_SUCCESS) { outputBuffer->release(); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } outputBuffer->set_range(0, dataLength); *out = outputBuffer; return OK; } int32_t AVCEncoder::allocOutputBuffers( unsigned int sizeInMbs, unsigned int numBuffers) { CHECK(mOutputBuffers.isEmpty()); size_t frameSize = (sizeInMbs << 7) * 3; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numBuffers; ++i) { MediaBuffer *buffer = new MediaBuffer(frameSize); buffer->setObserver(this); mOutputBuffers.push(buffer); } return 1; } void AVCEncoder::unbindOutputBuffer(int32_t index) { CHECK(index >= 0); } int32_t AVCEncoder::bindOutputBuffer(int32_t index, uint8_t **yuv) { CHECK(index >= 0); CHECK(index < (int32_t) mOutputBuffers.size()); int64_t timeUs; CHECK(mInputBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)); mOutputBuffers[index]->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); *yuv = (uint8_t *) mOutputBuffers[index]->data(); return 1; } void AVCEncoder::signalBufferReturned(MediaBuffer *buffer) { } } // namespace android