/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "avcenc_lib.h" AVCEnc_Status AVCEncodeSlice(AVCEncObject *encvid) { AVCEnc_Status status = AVCENC_SUCCESS; AVCCommonObj *video = encvid->common; AVCPicParamSet *pps = video->currPicParams; AVCSliceHeader *sliceHdr = video->sliceHdr; AVCMacroblock *currMB ; AVCEncBitstream *stream = encvid->bitstream; uint slice_group_id; int CurrMbAddr, slice_type; slice_type = video->slice_type; /* set the first mb in slice */ video->mbNum = CurrMbAddr = sliceHdr->first_mb_in_slice;// * (1+video->MbaffFrameFlag); slice_group_id = video->MbToSliceGroupMap[CurrMbAddr]; video->mb_skip_run = 0; /* while loop , see subclause 7.3.4 */ while (1) { video->mbNum = CurrMbAddr; currMB = video->currMB = &(video->mblock[CurrMbAddr]); currMB->slice_id = video->slice_id; // for deblocking video->mb_x = CurrMbAddr % video->PicWidthInMbs; video->mb_y = CurrMbAddr / video->PicWidthInMbs; /* initialize QP for this MB here*/ /* calculate currMB->QPy */ RCInitMBQP(encvid); /* check the availability of neighboring macroblocks */ InitNeighborAvailability(video, CurrMbAddr); /* Assuming that InitNeighborAvailability has been called prior to this function */ video->intraAvailA = video->intraAvailB = video->intraAvailC = video->intraAvailD = 0; /* this is necessary for all subsequent intra search */ if (!video->currPicParams->constrained_intra_pred_flag) { video->intraAvailA = video->mbAvailA; video->intraAvailB = video->mbAvailB; video->intraAvailC = video->mbAvailC; video->intraAvailD = video->mbAvailD; } else { if (video->mbAvailA) { video->intraAvailA = video->mblock[video->mbAddrA].mb_intra; } if (video->mbAvailB) { video->intraAvailB = video->mblock[video->mbAddrB].mb_intra ; } if (video->mbAvailC) { video->intraAvailC = video->mblock[video->mbAddrC].mb_intra; } if (video->mbAvailD) { video->intraAvailD = video->mblock[video->mbAddrD].mb_intra; } } /* encode_one_macroblock() */ status = EncodeMB(encvid); if (status != AVCENC_SUCCESS) { break; } /* go to next MB */ CurrMbAddr++; while ((uint)video->MbToSliceGroupMap[CurrMbAddr] != slice_group_id && (uint)CurrMbAddr < video->PicSizeInMbs) { CurrMbAddr++; } if ((uint)CurrMbAddr >= video->PicSizeInMbs) { /* end of slice, return, but before that check to see if there are other slices to be encoded. */ encvid->currSliceGroup++; if (encvid->currSliceGroup > (int)pps->num_slice_groups_minus1) /* no more slice group */ { status = AVCENC_PICTURE_READY; break; } else { /* find first_mb_num for the next slice */ CurrMbAddr = 0; while (video->MbToSliceGroupMap[CurrMbAddr] != encvid->currSliceGroup && (uint)CurrMbAddr < video->PicSizeInMbs) { CurrMbAddr++; } if ((uint)CurrMbAddr >= video->PicSizeInMbs) { status = AVCENC_SLICE_EMPTY; /* error, one slice group has no MBs in it */ } video->mbNum = CurrMbAddr; status = AVCENC_SUCCESS; break; } } } if (video->mb_skip_run > 0) { /* write skip_run */ if (slice_type != AVC_I_SLICE && slice_type != AVC_SI_SLICE) { ue_v(stream, video->mb_skip_run); video->mb_skip_run = 0; } else /* shouldn't happen */ { status = AVCENC_FAIL; } } return status; } AVCEnc_Status EncodeMB(AVCEncObject *encvid) { AVCEnc_Status status = AVCENC_SUCCESS; AVCCommonObj *video = encvid->common; AVCPictureData *currPic = video->currPic; AVCFrameIO *currInput = encvid->currInput; AVCMacroblock *currMB = video->currMB; AVCMacroblock *MB_A, *MB_B; AVCEncBitstream *stream = encvid->bitstream; AVCRateControl *rateCtrl = encvid->rateCtrl; uint8 *cur, *curL, *curCb, *curCr; uint8 *orgL, *orgCb, *orgCr, *org4; int CurrMbAddr = video->mbNum; int picPitch = currPic->pitch; int orgPitch = currInput->pitch; int x_position = (video->mb_x << 4); int y_position = (video->mb_y << 4); int offset; int b8, b4, blkidx; AVCResidualType resType; int slice_type; int numcoeff; /* output from residual_block_cavlc */ int cost16, cost8; int num_bits, start_mb_bits, start_text_bits; slice_type = video->slice_type; /* now, point to the reconstructed frame */ offset = y_position * picPitch + x_position; curL = currPic->Sl + offset; orgL = currInput->YCbCr[0] + offset; offset = (offset + x_position) >> 2; curCb = currPic->Scb + offset; curCr = currPic->Scr + offset; orgCb = currInput->YCbCr[1] + offset; orgCr = currInput->YCbCr[2] + offset; if (orgPitch != picPitch) { offset = y_position * (orgPitch - picPitch); orgL += offset; offset >>= 2; orgCb += offset; orgCr += offset; } /******* determine MB prediction mode *******/ if (encvid->intraSearch[CurrMbAddr]) { MBIntraSearch(encvid, CurrMbAddr, curL, picPitch); } /******* This part should be determined somehow ***************/ if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_I_PCM) { /* write down mb_type and PCM data */ /* and copy from currInput to currPic */ status = EncodeIntraPCM(encvid); return status; } /****** for intra prediction, pred is already done *******/ /****** for I4, the recon is ready and Xfrm coefs are ready to be encoded *****/ //RCCalculateMAD(encvid,currMB,orgL,orgPitch); // no need to re-calculate MAD for Intra // not used since totalSAD is used instead /* compute the prediction */ /* output is video->pred_block */ if (!currMB->mb_intra) { AVCMBMotionComp(encvid, video); /* perform prediction and residue calculation */ /* we can do the loop here and call dct_luma */ video->pred_pitch = picPitch; currMB->CBP = 0; cost16 = 0; cur = curL; org4 = orgL; for (b8 = 0; b8 < 4; b8++) { cost8 = 0; for (b4 = 0; b4 < 4; b4++) { blkidx = blkIdx2blkXY[b8][b4]; video->pred_block = cur; numcoeff = dct_luma(encvid, blkidx, cur, org4, &cost8); currMB->nz_coeff[blkidx] = numcoeff; if (numcoeff) { video->cbp4x4 |= (1 << blkidx); currMB->CBP |= (1 << b8); } if (b4&1) { cur += ((picPitch << 2) - 4); org4 += ((orgPitch << 2) - 4); } else { cur += 4; org4 += 4; } } /* move the IDCT part out of dct_luma to accommodate the check for coeff_cost. */ if ((currMB->CBP&(1 << b8)) && (cost8 <= _LUMA_COEFF_COST_)) { cost8 = 0; // reset it currMB->CBP ^= (1 << b8); blkidx = blkIdx2blkXY[b8][0]; currMB->nz_coeff[blkidx] = 0; currMB->nz_coeff[blkidx+1] = 0; currMB->nz_coeff[blkidx+4] = 0; currMB->nz_coeff[blkidx+5] = 0; } cost16 += cost8; if (b8&1) { cur -= 8; org4 -= 8; } else { cur += (8 - (picPitch << 3)); org4 += (8 - (orgPitch << 3)); } } /* after the whole MB, we do another check for coeff_cost */ if ((currMB->CBP&0xF) && (cost16 <= _LUMA_MB_COEFF_COST_)) { currMB->CBP = 0; // reset it to zero memset(currMB->nz_coeff, 0, sizeof(uint8)*16); } // now we do IDCT MBInterIdct(video, curL, currMB, picPitch); // video->pred_block = video->pred + 256; } else /* Intra prediction */ { encvid->numIntraMB++; if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_I16) /* do prediction for the whole macroblock */ { currMB->CBP = 0; /* get the prediction from encvid->pred_i16 */ dct_luma_16x16(encvid, curL, orgL); } video->pred_block = encvid->pred_ic[currMB->intra_chroma_pred_mode]; } /* chrominance */ /* not need to do anything, the result is in encvid->pred_ic chroma dct must be aware that prediction block can come from either intra or inter. */ dct_chroma(encvid, curCb, orgCb, 0); dct_chroma(encvid, curCr, orgCr, 1); /* 4.1 if there's nothing in there, video->mb_skip_run++ */ /* 4.2 if coded, check if there is a run of skipped MB, encodes it, set video->QPyprev = currMB->QPy; */ /* 5. vlc encode */ /* check for skipped macroblock, INTER only */ if (!currMB->mb_intra) { /* decide whether this MB (for inter MB) should be skipped if there's nothing left. */ if (!currMB->CBP && currMB->NumMbPart == 1 && currMB->QPy == video->QPy) { if (currMB->MBPartPredMode[0][0] == AVC_Pred_L0 && currMB->ref_idx_L0[0] == 0) { MB_A = &video->mblock[video->mbAddrA]; MB_B = &video->mblock[video->mbAddrB]; if (!video->mbAvailA || !video->mbAvailB) { if (currMB->mvL0[0] == 0) /* both mv components are zeros.*/ { currMB->mbMode = AVC_SKIP; video->mvd_l0[0][0][0] = 0; video->mvd_l0[0][0][1] = 0; } } else { if ((MB_A->ref_idx_L0[1] == 0 && MB_A->mvL0[3] == 0) || (MB_B->ref_idx_L0[2] == 0 && MB_B->mvL0[12] == 0)) { if (currMB->mvL0[0] == 0) /* both mv components are zeros.*/ { currMB->mbMode = AVC_SKIP; video->mvd_l0[0][0][0] = 0; video->mvd_l0[0][0][1] = 0; } } else if (video->mvd_l0[0][0][0] == 0 && video->mvd_l0[0][0][1] == 0) { currMB->mbMode = AVC_SKIP; } } } if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_SKIP) { video->mb_skip_run++; /* set parameters */ /* not sure whether we need the followings */ if (slice_type == AVC_P_SLICE) { currMB->mbMode = AVC_SKIP; currMB->MbPartWidth = currMB->MbPartHeight = 16; currMB->MBPartPredMode[0][0] = AVC_Pred_L0; currMB->NumMbPart = 1; currMB->NumSubMbPart[0] = currMB->NumSubMbPart[1] = currMB->NumSubMbPart[2] = currMB->NumSubMbPart[3] = 1; currMB->SubMbPartWidth[0] = currMB->SubMbPartWidth[1] = currMB->SubMbPartWidth[2] = currMB->SubMbPartWidth[3] = currMB->MbPartWidth; currMB->SubMbPartHeight[0] = currMB->SubMbPartHeight[1] = currMB->SubMbPartHeight[2] = currMB->SubMbPartHeight[3] = currMB->MbPartHeight; } else if (slice_type == AVC_B_SLICE) { currMB->mbMode = AVC_SKIP; currMB->MbPartWidth = currMB->MbPartHeight = 8; currMB->MBPartPredMode[0][0] = AVC_Direct; currMB->NumMbPart = -1; } /* for skipped MB, always look at the first entry in RefPicList */ currMB->RefIdx[0] = currMB->RefIdx[1] = currMB->RefIdx[2] = currMB->RefIdx[3] = video->RefPicList0[0]->RefIdx; /* do not return yet, need to do some copies */ } } } /* non-skipped MB */ /************* START ENTROPY CODING *************************/ start_mb_bits = 32 + (encvid->bitstream->write_pos << 3) - encvid->bitstream->bit_left; /* encode mb_type, mb_pred, sub_mb_pred, CBP */ if (slice_type != AVC_I_SLICE && slice_type != AVC_SI_SLICE && currMB->mbMode != AVC_SKIP) { //if(!pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag) ALWAYS true { ue_v(stream, video->mb_skip_run); video->mb_skip_run = 0; } } if (currMB->mbMode != AVC_SKIP) { status = EncodeMBHeader(currMB, encvid); if (status != AVCENC_SUCCESS) { return status; } } start_text_bits = 32 + (encvid->bitstream->write_pos << 3) - encvid->bitstream->bit_left; /**** now decoding part *******/ resType = AVC_Luma; /* DC transform for luma I16 mode */ if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_I16) { /* vlc encode level/run */ status = enc_residual_block(encvid, AVC_Intra16DC, encvid->numcoefdc, currMB); if (status != AVCENC_SUCCESS) { return status; } resType = AVC_Intra16AC; } /* VLC encoding for luma */ for (b8 = 0; b8 < 4; b8++) { if (currMB->CBP&(1 << b8)) { for (b4 = 0; b4 < 4; b4++) { /* vlc encode level/run */ status = enc_residual_block(encvid, resType, (b8 << 2) + b4, currMB); if (status != AVCENC_SUCCESS) { return status; } } } } /* chroma */ if (currMB->CBP & (3 << 4)) /* chroma DC residual present */ { for (b8 = 0; b8 < 2; b8++) /* for iCbCr */ { /* vlc encode level/run */ status = enc_residual_block(encvid, AVC_ChromaDC, encvid->numcoefcdc[b8] + (b8 << 3), currMB); if (status != AVCENC_SUCCESS) { return status; } } } if (currMB->CBP & (2 << 4)) { /* AC part */ for (b8 = 0; b8 < 2; b8++) /* for iCbCr */ { for (b4 = 0; b4 < 4; b4++) /* for each block inside Cb or Cr */ { /* vlc encode level/run */ status = enc_residual_block(encvid, AVC_ChromaAC, 16 + (b8 << 2) + b4, currMB); if (status != AVCENC_SUCCESS) { return status; } } } } num_bits = 32 + (encvid->bitstream->write_pos << 3) - encvid->bitstream->bit_left; RCPostMB(video, rateCtrl, start_text_bits - start_mb_bits, num_bits - start_text_bits); // num_bits -= start_mb_bits; // fprintf(fdebug,"MB #%d: %d bits\n",CurrMbAddr,num_bits); // fclose(fdebug); return status; } /* copy the content from predBlock back to the reconstructed YUV frame */ void Copy_MB(uint8 *curL, uint8 *curCb, uint8 *curCr, uint8 *predBlock, int picPitch) { int j, offset; uint32 *dst, *dst2, *src; dst = (uint32*)curL; src = (uint32*)predBlock; offset = (picPitch - 16) >> 2; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = *src++; dst += offset; } dst = (uint32*)curCb; dst2 = (uint32*)curCr; offset >>= 1; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = *src++; *dst2++ = *src++; *dst2++ = *src++; dst += offset; dst2 += offset; } return ; } /* encode mb_type, mb_pred, sub_mb_pred, CBP */ /* decide whether this MB (for inter MB) should be skipped */ AVCEnc_Status EncodeMBHeader(AVCMacroblock *currMB, AVCEncObject *encvid) { AVCEnc_Status status = AVCENC_SUCCESS; uint mb_type; AVCCommonObj *video = encvid->common; AVCEncBitstream *stream = encvid->bitstream; if (currMB->CBP > 47) /* chroma CBP is 11 */ { currMB->CBP -= 16; /* remove the 5th bit from the right */ } mb_type = InterpretMBType(currMB, video->slice_type); status = ue_v(stream, mb_type); if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_P8 || currMB->mbMode == AVC_P8ref0) { status = sub_mb_pred(video, currMB, stream); } else { status = mb_pred(video, currMB, stream) ; } if (currMB->mbMode != AVC_I16) { /* decode coded_block_pattern */ status = EncodeCBP(currMB, stream); } /* calculate currMB->mb_qp_delta = currMB->QPy - video->QPyprev */ if (currMB->CBP > 0 || currMB->mbMode == AVC_I16) { status = se_v(stream, currMB->QPy - video->QPy); video->QPy = currMB->QPy; /* = (video->QPyprev + currMB->mb_qp_delta + 52)%52; */ // no need video->QPc = currMB->QPc; } else { if (currMB->QPy != video->QPy) // current QP is not the same as previous QP { /* restore these values */ RCRestoreQP(currMB, video, encvid); } } return status; } /* inputs are mbMode, mb_intra, i16Mode, CBP, NumMbPart, MbPartWidth, MbPartHeight */ uint InterpretMBType(AVCMacroblock *currMB, int slice_type) { int CBP_chrom; int mb_type;// part1, part2, part3; // const static int MapParts2Type[2][3][3]={{{4,8,12},{10,6,14},{16,18,20}}, // {{5,9,13},{11,7,15},{17,19,21}}}; if (currMB->mb_intra) { if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_I4) { mb_type = 0; } else if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_I16) { CBP_chrom = (currMB->CBP & 0x30); if (currMB->CBP&0xF) { currMB->CBP |= 0xF; /* either 0x0 or 0xF */ mb_type = 13; } else { mb_type = 1; } mb_type += (CBP_chrom >> 2) + currMB->i16Mode; } else /* if(currMB->mbMode == AVC_I_PCM) */ { mb_type = 25; } } else { /* P-MB *//* note that the order of the enum AVCMBMode cannot be changed since we use it here. */ mb_type = currMB->mbMode - AVC_P16; } if (slice_type == AVC_P_SLICE) { if (currMB->mb_intra) { mb_type += 5; } } // following codes have not been tested yet, not needed. /* else if(slice_type == AVC_B_SLICE) { if(currMB->mbMode == AVC_BDirect16) { mb_type = 0; } else if(currMB->mbMode == AVC_P16) { mb_type = currMB->MBPartPredMode[0][0] + 1; // 1 or 2 } else if(currMB->mbMode == AVC_P8) { mb_type = 26; } else if(currMB->mbMode == AVC_P8ref0) { mb_type = 27; } else { part1 = currMB->mbMode - AVC_P16x8; part2 = currMB->MBPartPredMode[0][0]; part3 = currMB->MBPartPredMode[1][0]; mb_type = MapParts2Type[part1][part2][part3]; } } if(slice_type == AVC_SI_SLICE) { mb_type++; } */ return (uint)mb_type; } //const static int mbPart2raster[3][4] = {{0,0,0,0},{1,1,0,0},{1,0,1,0}}; /* see subclause */ AVCEnc_Status mb_pred(AVCCommonObj *video, AVCMacroblock *currMB, AVCEncBitstream *stream) { AVCEnc_Status status = AVCENC_SUCCESS; int mbPartIdx; AVCSliceHeader *sliceHdr = video->sliceHdr; int max_ref_idx; uint code; if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_I4 || currMB->mbMode == AVC_I16) { if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_I4) { /* perform prediction to get the actual intra 4x4 pred mode */ EncodeIntra4x4Mode(video, currMB, stream); /* output will be in currMB->i4Mode[4][4] */ } /* assume already set from MBPrediction() */ status = ue_v(stream, currMB->intra_chroma_pred_mode); } else if (currMB->MBPartPredMode[0][0] != AVC_Direct) { memset(currMB->ref_idx_L0, 0, sizeof(int16)*4); /* see subclause for the range of ref_idx_lX */ max_ref_idx = sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; /* if(video->MbaffFrameFlag && currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag) max_ref_idx = 2*sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 + 1; */ /* decode ref index for L0 */ if (sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 > 0) { for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < currMB->NumMbPart; mbPartIdx++) { if (/*(sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1>0 || currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag) &&*/ currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L1) { code = currMB->ref_idx_L0[mbPartIdx]; status = te_v(stream, code, max_ref_idx); } } } /* see subclause for the range of ref_idx_lX */ max_ref_idx = sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; /* if(video->MbaffFrameFlag && currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag) max_ref_idx = 2*sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 + 1; */ /* decode ref index for L1 */ if (sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 > 0) { for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < currMB->NumMbPart; mbPartIdx++) { if (/*(sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1>0 || currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag) &&*/ currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L0) { status = te_v(stream, currMB->ref_idx_L1[mbPartIdx], max_ref_idx); } } } /* encode mvd_l0 */ for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < currMB->NumMbPart; mbPartIdx++) { if (currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L1) { status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l0[mbPartIdx][0][0]); status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l0[mbPartIdx][0][1]); } } /* encode mvd_l1 */ for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < currMB->NumMbPart; mbPartIdx++) { if (currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L0) { status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l1[mbPartIdx][0][0]); status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l1[mbPartIdx][0][1]); } } } return status; } /* see subclause */ AVCEnc_Status sub_mb_pred(AVCCommonObj *video, AVCMacroblock *currMB, AVCEncBitstream *stream) { AVCEnc_Status status = AVCENC_SUCCESS; int mbPartIdx, subMbPartIdx; AVCSliceHeader *sliceHdr = video->sliceHdr; uint max_ref_idx; uint slice_type = video->slice_type; uint sub_mb_type[4]; /* this should move somewhere else where we don't have to make this check */ if (currMB->mbMode == AVC_P8ref0) { memset(currMB->ref_idx_L0, 0, sizeof(int16)*4); } /* we have to check the values to make sure they are valid */ /* assign values to currMB->sub_mb_type[] */ if (slice_type == AVC_P_SLICE) { InterpretSubMBTypeP(currMB, sub_mb_type); } /* no need to check for B-slice else if(slice_type == AVC_B_SLICE) { InterpretSubMBTypeB(currMB,sub_mb_type); }*/ for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < 4; mbPartIdx++) { status = ue_v(stream, sub_mb_type[mbPartIdx]); } /* see subclause for the range of ref_idx_lX */ max_ref_idx = sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; /* if(video->MbaffFrameFlag && currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag) max_ref_idx = 2*sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 + 1; */ for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < 4; mbPartIdx++) { if ((sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 > 0 /*|| currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag*/) && currMB->mbMode != AVC_P8ref0 && /*currMB->subMbMode[mbPartIdx]!=AVC_BDirect8 &&*/ currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L1) { status = te_v(stream, currMB->ref_idx_L0[mbPartIdx], max_ref_idx); } /* used in deblocking */ currMB->RefIdx[mbPartIdx] = video->RefPicList0[currMB->ref_idx_L0[mbPartIdx]]->RefIdx; } /* see subclause for the range of ref_idx_lX */ max_ref_idx = sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; /* if(video->MbaffFrameFlag && currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag) max_ref_idx = 2*sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 + 1;*/ if (sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 > 0) { for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < 4; mbPartIdx++) { if (/*(sliceHdr->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1>0 || currMB->mb_field_decoding_flag) &&*/ /*currMB->subMbMode[mbPartIdx]!=AVC_BDirect8 &&*/ currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L0) { status = te_v(stream, currMB->ref_idx_L1[mbPartIdx], max_ref_idx); } } } for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < 4; mbPartIdx++) { if (/*currMB->subMbMode[mbPartIdx]!=AVC_BDirect8 &&*/ currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L1) { for (subMbPartIdx = 0; subMbPartIdx < currMB->NumSubMbPart[mbPartIdx]; subMbPartIdx++) { status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l0[mbPartIdx][subMbPartIdx][0]); status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l0[mbPartIdx][subMbPartIdx][1]); } } } for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < 4; mbPartIdx++) { if (/*currMB->subMbMode[mbPartIdx]!=AVC_BDirect8 &&*/ currMB->MBPartPredMode[mbPartIdx][0] != AVC_Pred_L0) { for (subMbPartIdx = 0; subMbPartIdx < currMB->NumSubMbPart[mbPartIdx]; subMbPartIdx++) { status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l1[mbPartIdx][subMbPartIdx][0]); status = se_v(stream, video->mvd_l1[mbPartIdx][subMbPartIdx][1]); } } } return status; } /* input is mblock->sub_mb_type[] */ void InterpretSubMBTypeP(AVCMacroblock *mblock, uint *sub_mb_type) { int i; /* see enum AVCMBType declaration */ /*const static AVCSubMBMode map2subMbMode[4] = {AVC_8x8,AVC_8x4,AVC_4x8,AVC_4x4}; const static int map2subPartWidth[4] = {8,8,4,4}; const static int map2subPartHeight[4] = {8,4,8,4}; const static int map2numSubPart[4] = {1,2,2,4};*/ for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) { sub_mb_type[i] = mblock->subMbMode[i] - AVC_8x8; } return ; } void InterpretSubMBTypeB(AVCMacroblock *mblock, uint *sub_mb_type) { int i; /* see enum AVCMBType declaration */ /* const static AVCSubMBMode map2subMbMode[13] = {AVC_BDirect8,AVC_8x8,AVC_8x8, AVC_8x8,AVC_8x4,AVC_4x8,AVC_8x4,AVC_4x8,AVC_8x4,AVC_4x8,AVC_4x4,AVC_4x4,AVC_4x4}; const static int map2subPartWidth[13] = {4,8,8,8,8,4,8,4,8,4,4,4,4}; const static int map2subPartHeight[13] = {4,8,8,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,4,4}; const static int map2numSubPart[13] = {4,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,4,4,4}; const static int map2predMode[13] = {3,0,1,2,0,0,1,1,2,2,0,1,2};*/ for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) { if (mblock->subMbMode[i] == AVC_BDirect8) { sub_mb_type[i] = 0; } else if (mblock->subMbMode[i] == AVC_8x8) { sub_mb_type[i] = 1 + mblock->MBPartPredMode[i][0]; } else if (mblock->subMbMode[i] == AVC_4x4) { sub_mb_type[i] = 10 + mblock->MBPartPredMode[i][0]; } else { sub_mb_type[i] = 4 + (mblock->MBPartPredMode[i][0] << 1) + (mblock->subMbMode[i] - AVC_8x4); } } return ; } /* see subclause 8.3.1 */ AVCEnc_Status EncodeIntra4x4Mode(AVCCommonObj *video, AVCMacroblock *currMB, AVCEncBitstream *stream) { int intra4x4PredModeA = 0; int intra4x4PredModeB, predIntra4x4PredMode; int component, SubBlock_indx, block_x, block_y; int dcOnlyPredictionFlag; uint flag; int rem = 0; int mode; int bindx = 0; for (component = 0; component < 4; component++) /* partition index */ { block_x = ((component & 1) << 1); block_y = ((component >> 1) << 1); for (SubBlock_indx = 0; SubBlock_indx < 4; SubBlock_indx++) /* sub-partition index */ { dcOnlyPredictionFlag = 0; if (block_x > 0) { intra4x4PredModeA = currMB->i4Mode[(block_y << 2) + block_x - 1 ]; } else { if (video->intraAvailA) { if (video->mblock[video->mbAddrA].mbMode == AVC_I4) { intra4x4PredModeA = video->mblock[video->mbAddrA].i4Mode[(block_y << 2) + 3]; } else { intra4x4PredModeA = AVC_I4_DC; } } else { dcOnlyPredictionFlag = 1; } } if (block_y > 0) { intra4x4PredModeB = currMB->i4Mode[((block_y-1) << 2) + block_x]; } else { if (video->intraAvailB) { if (video->mblock[video->mbAddrB].mbMode == AVC_I4) { intra4x4PredModeB = video->mblock[video->mbAddrB].i4Mode[(3 << 2) + block_x]; } else { intra4x4PredModeB = AVC_I4_DC; } } else { dcOnlyPredictionFlag = 1; } } if (dcOnlyPredictionFlag) { intra4x4PredModeA = intra4x4PredModeB = AVC_I4_DC; } predIntra4x4PredMode = AVC_MIN(intra4x4PredModeA, intra4x4PredModeB); flag = 0; mode = currMB->i4Mode[(block_y<<2)+block_x]; if (mode == (AVCIntra4x4PredMode)predIntra4x4PredMode) { flag = 1; } else if (mode < predIntra4x4PredMode) { rem = mode; } else { rem = mode - 1; } BitstreamWrite1Bit(stream, flag); if (!flag) { BitstreamWriteBits(stream, 3, rem); } bindx++; block_y += (SubBlock_indx & 1) ; block_x += (1 - 2 * (SubBlock_indx & 1)) ; } } return AVCENC_SUCCESS; }