/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "SoftMPEG4" #include #include "SoftMPEG4.h" #include #include #include #include #include "mp4dec_api.h" namespace android { static const CodecProfileLevel kM4VProfileLevels[] = { { OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level0 }, { OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level0b }, { OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level1 }, { OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level2 }, { OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level3 }, }; static const CodecProfileLevel kH263ProfileLevels[] = { { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level10 }, { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level20 }, { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level30 }, { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level45 }, { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV2, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level10 }, { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV2, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level20 }, { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV2, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level30 }, { OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV2, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level45 }, }; SoftMPEG4::SoftMPEG4( const char *name, const char *componentRole, OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE codingType, const CodecProfileLevel *profileLevels, size_t numProfileLevels, const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE *callbacks, OMX_PTR appData, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE **component) : SoftVideoDecoderOMXComponent( name, componentRole, codingType, profileLevels, numProfileLevels, 352 /* width */, 288 /* height */, callbacks, appData, component), mMode(codingType == OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263 ? MODE_H263 : MODE_MPEG4), mHandle(new tagvideoDecControls), mInputBufferCount(0), mSignalledError(false), mInitialized(false), mFramesConfigured(false), mNumSamplesOutput(0), mPvTime(0) { initPorts( kNumInputBuffers, 8192 /* inputBufferSize */, kNumOutputBuffers, (mMode == MODE_MPEG4) ? MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4 : MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263); CHECK_EQ(initDecoder(), (status_t)OK); } SoftMPEG4::~SoftMPEG4() { if (mInitialized) { PVCleanUpVideoDecoder(mHandle); } delete mHandle; mHandle = NULL; } status_t SoftMPEG4::initDecoder() { memset(mHandle, 0, sizeof(tagvideoDecControls)); return OK; } void SoftMPEG4::onQueueFilled(OMX_U32 /* portIndex */) { if (mSignalledError || mOutputPortSettingsChange != NONE) { return; } List &inQueue = getPortQueue(0); List &outQueue = getPortQueue(1); while (!inQueue.empty() && outQueue.size() == kNumOutputBuffers) { BufferInfo *inInfo = *inQueue.begin(); OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *inHeader = inInfo->mHeader; PortInfo *port = editPortInfo(1); OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *outHeader = port->mBuffers.editItemAt(mNumSamplesOutput & 1).mHeader; if ((inHeader->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) && inHeader->nFilledLen == 0) { inQueue.erase(inQueue.begin()); inInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; notifyEmptyBufferDone(inHeader); ++mInputBufferCount; outHeader->nFilledLen = 0; outHeader->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; List::iterator it = outQueue.begin(); while ((*it)->mHeader != outHeader) { ++it; } BufferInfo *outInfo = *it; outInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; outQueue.erase(it); outInfo = NULL; notifyFillBufferDone(outHeader); outHeader = NULL; return; } uint8_t *bitstream = inHeader->pBuffer + inHeader->nOffset; uint32_t *start_code = (uint32_t *)bitstream; bool volHeader = *start_code == 0xB0010000; if (volHeader) { PVCleanUpVideoDecoder(mHandle); mInitialized = false; } if (!mInitialized) { uint8_t *vol_data[1]; int32_t vol_size = 0; vol_data[0] = NULL; if ((inHeader->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG) || volHeader) { vol_data[0] = bitstream; vol_size = inHeader->nFilledLen; } MP4DecodingMode mode = (mMode == MODE_MPEG4) ? MPEG4_MODE : H263_MODE; Bool success = PVInitVideoDecoder( mHandle, vol_data, &vol_size, 1, mWidth, mHeight, mode); if (!success) { ALOGW("PVInitVideoDecoder failed. Unsupported content?"); notify(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorUndefined, 0, NULL); mSignalledError = true; return; } MP4DecodingMode actualMode = PVGetDecBitstreamMode(mHandle); if (mode != actualMode) { notify(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorUndefined, 0, NULL); mSignalledError = true; return; } PVSetPostProcType((VideoDecControls *) mHandle, 0); bool hasFrameData = false; if (inHeader->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG) { inInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; inQueue.erase(inQueue.begin()); inInfo = NULL; notifyEmptyBufferDone(inHeader); inHeader = NULL; } else if (volHeader) { hasFrameData = true; } mInitialized = true; if (mode == MPEG4_MODE && handlePortSettingsChange()) { return; } if (!hasFrameData) { continue; } } if (!mFramesConfigured) { PortInfo *port = editPortInfo(1); OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *outHeader = port->mBuffers.editItemAt(1).mHeader; PVSetReferenceYUV(mHandle, outHeader->pBuffer); mFramesConfigured = true; } uint32_t useExtTimestamp = (inHeader->nOffset == 0); // decoder deals in ms (int32_t), OMX in us (int64_t) // so use fake timestamp instead uint32_t timestamp = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (useExtTimestamp) { mPvToOmxTimeMap.add(mPvTime, inHeader->nTimeStamp); timestamp = mPvTime; mPvTime++; } int32_t bufferSize = inHeader->nFilledLen; int32_t tmp = bufferSize; // The PV decoder is lying to us, sometimes it'll claim to only have // consumed a subset of the buffer when it clearly consumed all of it. // ignore whatever it says... if (PVDecodeVideoFrame( mHandle, &bitstream, ×tamp, &tmp, &useExtTimestamp, outHeader->pBuffer) != PV_TRUE) { ALOGE("failed to decode video frame."); notify(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorUndefined, 0, NULL); mSignalledError = true; return; } // H263 doesn't have VOL header, the frame size information is in short header, i.e. the // decoder may detect size change after PVDecodeVideoFrame. if (handlePortSettingsChange()) { return; } // decoder deals in ms, OMX in us. outHeader->nTimeStamp = mPvToOmxTimeMap.valueFor(timestamp); mPvToOmxTimeMap.removeItem(timestamp); inHeader->nOffset += bufferSize; inHeader->nFilledLen = 0; if (inHeader->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) { outHeader->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; } else { outHeader->nFlags = 0; } if (inHeader->nFilledLen == 0) { inInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; inQueue.erase(inQueue.begin()); inInfo = NULL; notifyEmptyBufferDone(inHeader); inHeader = NULL; } ++mInputBufferCount; outHeader->nOffset = 0; outHeader->nFilledLen = (mWidth * mHeight * 3) / 2; List::iterator it = outQueue.begin(); while ((*it)->mHeader != outHeader) { ++it; } BufferInfo *outInfo = *it; outInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; outQueue.erase(it); outInfo = NULL; notifyFillBufferDone(outHeader); outHeader = NULL; ++mNumSamplesOutput; } } bool SoftMPEG4::handlePortSettingsChange() { uint32_t disp_width, disp_height; PVGetVideoDimensions(mHandle, (int32 *)&disp_width, (int32 *)&disp_height); uint32_t buf_width, buf_height; PVGetBufferDimensions(mHandle, (int32 *)&buf_width, (int32 *)&buf_height); CHECK_LE(disp_width, buf_width); CHECK_LE(disp_height, buf_height); ALOGV("disp_width = %d, disp_height = %d, buf_width = %d, buf_height = %d", disp_width, disp_height, buf_width, buf_height); bool cropChanged = false; if (mCropWidth != disp_width || mCropHeight != disp_height) { mCropLeft = 0; mCropTop = 0; mCropWidth = disp_width; mCropHeight = disp_height; cropChanged = true; } bool portWillReset = false; const bool fakeStride = true; SoftVideoDecoderOMXComponent::handlePortSettingsChange( &portWillReset, buf_width, buf_height, cropChanged, fakeStride); if (portWillReset) { if (mMode == MODE_H263) { PVCleanUpVideoDecoder(mHandle); uint8_t *vol_data[1]; int32_t vol_size = 0; vol_data[0] = NULL; if (!PVInitVideoDecoder( mHandle, vol_data, &vol_size, 1, mWidth, mHeight, H263_MODE)) { notify(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorUndefined, 0, NULL); mSignalledError = true; return true; } } mFramesConfigured = false; } return portWillReset; } void SoftMPEG4::onPortFlushCompleted(OMX_U32 portIndex) { if (portIndex == 0 && mInitialized) { CHECK_EQ((int)PVResetVideoDecoder(mHandle), (int)PV_TRUE); } } void SoftMPEG4::onReset() { SoftVideoDecoderOMXComponent::onReset(); mPvToOmxTimeMap.clear(); mSignalledError = false; mFramesConfigured = false; if (mInitialized) { PVCleanUpVideoDecoder(mHandle); mInitialized = false; } } void SoftMPEG4::updatePortDefinitions() { SoftVideoDecoderOMXComponent::updatePortDefinitions(); /* We have to align our width and height - this should affect stride! */ OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *def = &editPortInfo(kOutputPortIndex)->mDef; def->nBufferSize = (((def->format.video.nFrameWidth + 15) & -16) * ((def->format.video.nFrameHeight + 15) & -16) * 3) / 2; } } // namespace android android::SoftOMXComponent *createSoftOMXComponent( const char *name, const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE *callbacks, OMX_PTR appData, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE **component) { using namespace android; if (!strcmp(name, "OMX.google.h263.decoder")) { return new android::SoftMPEG4( name, "video_decoder.h263", OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263, kH263ProfileLevels, ARRAY_SIZE(kH263ProfileLevels), callbacks, appData, component); } else if (!strcmp(name, "OMX.google.mpeg4.decoder")) { return new android::SoftMPEG4( name, "video_decoder.mpeg4", OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4, kM4VProfileLevels, ARRAY_SIZE(kM4VProfileLevels), callbacks, appData, component); } else { CHECK(!"Unknown component"); } }