/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * MPEG-4 Simple Profile Video Decoder * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * This software module was originally developed by * * Paulo Nunes (IST / ACTS-MoMuSyS) * Robert Danielsen (Telenor / ACTS-MoMuSyS) * * in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard. * This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 * Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) tools as specified by the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC * 14496-2) standard. * * ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard free * license to this software module or modifications thereof for use in hardware * or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC * 14496-2) standard. * * Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products * are advised that its use may infringe existing patents. The original * developer of this software module and his/her company, the subsequent * editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this * software module or modifications thereof in an implementation. Copyright is * not released for non MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) Standard conforming * products. * * ACTS-MoMuSys partners retain full right to use the code for his/her own * purpose, assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third * parties from using the code for non MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) Standard * conforming products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or * derivative works. * * Copyright (c) 1996 * *****************************************************************************/ /***********************************************************HeaderBegin******* * * File: vlc_dec.c * * Author: Paulo Nunes (IST) - Paulo.Nunes@lx.it.pt * Created: 1-Mar-96 * * Description: This file contains the VLC functions needed to decode a * bitstream. * * Notes: * The functions contained in this file were adapted from * tmndecode * Written by Karl Olav Lillevold , * 1995 Telenor R&D. * Donated to the Momusys-project as background code by * Telenor. * * based on mpeg2decode, (C) 1994, MPEG Software Simulation Group * and mpeg2play, (C) 1994 Stefan Eckart * * * * Modified: 9-May-96 Paulo Nunes: Reformatted. New headers. * 17-Jan-97 Jan De Lameillieure (HHI) : corrected in * 01.05.97 Luis Ducla-Soares: added RvlcDecTCOEF() to allow decoding * of Reversible VLCs. * 09.03.98 Paulo Nunes: Cleaning. * ***********************************************************HeaderEnd*********/ #include "mp4dec_lib.h" #include "vlc_dec_tab.h" #include "vlc_decode.h" #include "bitstream.h" #include "max_level.h" /* ====================================================================== / Function : DecodeUserData() Date : 04/10/2000 History : Modified : 04/16/2001 : removed status checking of PV_BitstreamFlushBits This is simply a realization of the user_data() function in the ISO/IEC 14496-2 manual. / ====================================================================== */ PV_STATUS DecodeUserData(BitstreamDecVideo *stream) { PV_STATUS status; uint32 code; BitstreamReadBits32HC(stream); BitstreamShowBits32(stream, 24, &code); while (code != 1) { /* Discard user data for now. 04/05/2000 */ BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 8); BitstreamShowBits32(stream, 24, &code); status = BitstreamCheckEndBuffer(stream); if (status == PV_END_OF_VOP) return status; /* 03/19/2002 */ } return PV_SUCCESS; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * * 3/10/00 : initial modification to the * new PV-Decoder Lib format. * 3/29/00 : added return code check to some functions and * optimize the code. * ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ PV_STATUS PV_GetMBvectors(VideoDecData *video, uint mode) { PV_STATUS status; BitstreamDecVideo *stream = video->bitstream; int f_code_f = video->currVop->fcodeForward; int vlc_code_mag; MOT *mot_x = video->motX; MOT *mot_y = video->motY; int k, offset; int x_pos = video->mbnum_col; int y_pos = video->mbnum_row; int doubleWidth = video->nMBPerRow << 1; int pos = (x_pos + y_pos * doubleWidth) << 1; MOT mvx = 0, mvy = 0; if (f_code_f == 1) { #ifdef PV_ANNEX_IJKT_SUPPORT if (mode == MODE_INTER4V || mode == MODE_INTER4V_Q) #else if (mode == MODE_INTER4V) #endif { for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { offset = (k & 1) + (k >> 1) * doubleWidth; mv_prediction(video, k, &mvx, &mvy); /* decode component x */ status = PV_VlcDecMV(stream, &vlc_code_mag); if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } mvx += (MOT)vlc_code_mag; mvx = (MOT)(((mvx + 32) & 0x3F) - 32); status = PV_VlcDecMV(stream, &vlc_code_mag); if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } mvy += (MOT)vlc_code_mag; mvy = (MOT)(((mvy + 32) & 0x3F) - 32); mot_x[pos+offset] = (MOT) mvx; mot_y[pos+offset] = (MOT) mvy; } } else { mv_prediction(video, 0, &mvx, &mvy); /* For PVOPs, field appears only in MODE_INTER & MODE_INTER_Q */ status = PV_VlcDecMV(stream, &vlc_code_mag); if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } mvx += (MOT)vlc_code_mag; mvx = (MOT)(((mvx + 32) & 0x3F) - 32); status = PV_VlcDecMV(stream, &vlc_code_mag); if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } mvy += (MOT)vlc_code_mag; mvy = (MOT)(((mvy + 32) & 0x3F) - 32); mot_x[pos] = mot_x[pos+1] = (MOT) mvx; mot_y[pos] = mot_y[pos+1] = (MOT) mvy; pos += doubleWidth; mot_x[pos] = mot_x[pos+1] = (MOT) mvx; mot_y[pos] = mot_y[pos+1] = (MOT) mvy; } } else { #ifdef PV_ANNEX_IJKT_SUPPORT if (mode == MODE_INTER4V || mode == MODE_INTER4V_Q) #else if (mode == MODE_INTER4V) #endif { for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { offset = (k & 1) + (k >> 1) * doubleWidth; mv_prediction(video, k, &mvx, &mvy); status = PV_DecodeMBVec(stream, &mvx, &mvy, f_code_f); mot_x[pos+offset] = (MOT) mvx; mot_y[pos+offset] = (MOT) mvy; if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } } } else { mv_prediction(video, 0, &mvx, &mvy); /* For PVOPs, field appears only in MODE_INTER & MODE_INTER_Q */ status = PV_DecodeMBVec(stream, &mvx, &mvy, f_code_f); mot_x[pos] = mot_x[pos+1] = (MOT) mvx; mot_y[pos] = mot_y[pos+1] = (MOT) mvy; pos += doubleWidth; mot_x[pos] = mot_x[pos+1] = (MOT) mvx; mot_y[pos] = mot_y[pos+1] = (MOT) mvy; if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } } } return PV_SUCCESS; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * 3/10/00 : initial modification to the * new PV-Decoder Lib format. * 3/29/00 : added return code check to some functions * 5/10/00 : check whether the decoded vector is legal. * 4/17/01 : use MOT type ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ PV_STATUS PV_DecodeMBVec(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, MOT *mv_x, MOT *mv_y, int f_code_f) { PV_STATUS status; int vlc_code_magx, vlc_code_magy; int residualx = 0, residualy = 0; /* decode component x */ status = PV_VlcDecMV(stream, &vlc_code_magx); if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } if (vlc_code_magx) { residualx = (int) BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, (int)(f_code_f - 1)); } /* decode component y */ status = PV_VlcDecMV(stream, &vlc_code_magy); if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { return status; } if (vlc_code_magy) { residualy = (int) BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, (int)(f_code_f - 1)); } if (PV_DeScaleMVD(f_code_f, residualx, vlc_code_magx, mv_x) != PV_SUCCESS) { return PV_FAIL; } if (PV_DeScaleMVD(f_code_f, residualy, vlc_code_magy, mv_y) != PV_SUCCESS) { return PV_FAIL; } return PV_SUCCESS; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * 3/31/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib format. * 5/10/2000 : check to see if the decoded vector falls within * the legal fcode range. * ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ PV_STATUS PV_DeScaleMVD( int f_code, /* <-- MV range in 1/2 units: 1=32,2=64,...,7=2048 */ int residual, /* <-- part of the MV Diff. FLC coded */ int vlc_code_mag, /* <-- part of the MV Diff. VLC coded */ MOT *vector /* --> Obtained MV component in 1/2 units */ ) { int half_range = (1 << (f_code + 4)); int mask = (half_range << 1) - 1; int diff_vector; if (vlc_code_mag == 0) { diff_vector = vlc_code_mag; } else { diff_vector = ((PV_ABS(vlc_code_mag) - 1) << (f_code - 1)) + residual + 1; if (vlc_code_mag < 0) { diff_vector = -diff_vector; } } *vector += (MOT)(diff_vector); *vector = (MOT)((*vector + half_range) & mask) - half_range; return PV_SUCCESS; } void mv_prediction( VideoDecData *video, int block, MOT *mvx, MOT *mvy ) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define all local variables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MOT *motxdata = video->motX; MOT *motydata = video->motY; int mbnum_col = video->mbnum_col; int mbnum_row = video->mbnum_row; uint8 *slice_nb = video->sliceNo; int nMBPerRow = video->nMBPerRow; int nMVPerRow = nMBPerRow << 1; int mbnum = video->mbnum; int p1x = 0, p2x = 0, p3x = 0; int p1y = 0, p2y = 0, p3y = 0; int rule1 = 0, rule2 = 0, rule3 = 0; int indx; indx = ((mbnum_col << 1) + (block & 1)) + ((mbnum_row << 1) + (block >> 1)) * nMVPerRow - 1; /* left block */ if (block & 1) /* block 1, 3 */ { p1x = motxdata[indx]; p1y = motydata[indx]; rule1 = 1; } else /* block 0, 2 */ { if (mbnum_col > 0 && slice_nb[mbnum] == slice_nb[mbnum-1]) { p1x = motxdata[indx]; p1y = motydata[indx]; rule1 = 1; } } indx = indx + 1 - nMVPerRow; /* upper_block */ if (block >> 1) { indx -= (block & 1); p2x = motxdata[indx]; p2y = motydata[indx]; p3x = motxdata[indx + 1]; p3y = motydata[indx + 1]; rule2 = rule3 = 1; } else { /* block 0,1 */ if (mbnum_row) { if (slice_nb[mbnum] == slice_nb[mbnum-nMBPerRow]) { p2x = motxdata[indx]; p2y = motydata[indx]; rule2 = 1; } if (mbnum_col < nMBPerRow - 1 && slice_nb[mbnum] == slice_nb[mbnum-nMBPerRow+1]) { indx = indx + 2 - (block & 1); p3x = motxdata[indx]; p3y = motydata[indx]; rule3 = 1; } } } if (rule1 + rule2 + rule3 > 1) { *mvx = (MOT)PV_MEDIAN(p1x, p2x, p3x); *mvy = (MOT)PV_MEDIAN(p1y, p2y, p3y); } else if (rule1 + rule2 + rule3 == 1) { /* two of three are zero */ *mvx = (MOT)(p1x + p2x + p3x); *mvy = (MOT)(p1y + p2y + p3y); } else { /* all MBs are outside the VOP */ *mvx = *mvy = 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Return nothing or data or data pointer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * * 3/30/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib format. * 4/16/2001 : removed checking of status for PV_BitstreamFlushBits ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ PV_STATUS PV_VlcDecMV(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, int *mv) { PV_STATUS status = PV_SUCCESS; uint code; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); if (code >> 12) { *mv = 0; /* Vector difference = 0 */ PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 1); return PV_SUCCESS; } if (code >= 512) { code = (code >> 8) - 2; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_TMNMVtab0[code].len + 1); *mv = PV_TMNMVtab0[code].val; return status; } if (code >= 128) { code = (code >> 2) - 32; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_TMNMVtab1[code].len + 1); *mv = PV_TMNMVtab1[code].val; return status; } if (code < 4) { *mv = -1; return PV_FAIL; } code -= 4; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_TMNMVtab2[code].len + 1); *mv = PV_TMNMVtab2[code].val; return status; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * 3/30/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib * format and the change of error-handling method. * 4/16/01 : removed status checking of PV_BitstreamFlushBits ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ int PV_VlcDecMCBPC_com_intra(BitstreamDecVideo *stream) { uint code; BitstreamShowBits16(stream, 9, &code); if (code < 8) { return VLC_CODE_ERROR; } code >>= 3; if (code >= 32) { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 1); return 3; } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_MCBPCtabintra[code].len); return PV_MCBPCtabintra[code].val; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * * 3/30/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib * format and the change of error-handling method. * 4/16/2001 : removed checking of return status of PV_BitstreamFlushBits ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ int PV_VlcDecMCBPC_com_inter(BitstreamDecVideo *stream) { uint code; BitstreamShowBits16(stream, 9, &code); if (code == 0) { return VLC_CODE_ERROR; } else if (code >= 256) { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 1); return 0; } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_MCBPCtab[code].len); return PV_MCBPCtab[code].val; } #ifdef PV_ANNEX_IJKT_SUPPORT int PV_VlcDecMCBPC_com_inter_H263(BitstreamDecVideo *stream) { uint code; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); if (code == 0) { return VLC_CODE_ERROR; } else if (code >= 4096) { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 1); return 0; } if (code >= 16) { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_MCBPCtab[code >> 4].len); return PV_MCBPCtab[code >> 4].val; } else { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_MCBPCtab1[code - 8].len); return PV_MCBPCtab1[code - 8].val; } } #endif /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * 3/30/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib * format and the change of error-handling method. * 4/16/2001 : removed status checking for PV_BitstreamFlushBits ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ int PV_VlcDecCBPY(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, int intra) { int CBPY = 0; uint code; BitstreamShowBits16(stream, 6, &code); if (code < 2) { return -1; } else if (code >= 48) { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 2); CBPY = 15; } else { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, PV_CBPYtab[code].len); CBPY = PV_CBPYtab[code].val; } if (intra == 0) CBPY = 15 - CBPY; CBPY = CBPY & 15; return CBPY; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * 3/31/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib format. * * 8/23/2000 : optimize the function by removing unnecessary BitstreamShowBits() * function calls. * * 9/6/2000 : change the API to check for end-of-buffer for proper * termination of decoding process. ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ PV_STATUS PV_VlcDecIntraDCPredSize(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, int compnum, uint *DC_size) { PV_STATUS status = PV_FAIL; /* 07/09/01 */ uint code; *DC_size = 0; if (compnum < 4) /* luminance block */ { BitstreamShowBits16(stream, 11, &code); if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 12; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 11); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 11; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 10); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 10; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 9); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 9; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 8); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 8; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 7); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 7; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 6); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 6; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 5); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 5; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 4); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 4; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 3); return PV_SUCCESS; } else if (code == 2) { *DC_size = 3; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 3); return PV_SUCCESS; } else if (code == 3) { *DC_size = 0; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 3); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 2) { *DC_size = 2; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 2); return PV_SUCCESS; } else if (code == 3) { *DC_size = 1; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 2); return PV_SUCCESS; } } else /* chrominance block */ { BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 12; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 12); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 11; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 11); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 10; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 10); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 9; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 9); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 8; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 8); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 7; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 7); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 6; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 6); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 5; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 5); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 4; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 4); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; if (code == 1) { *DC_size = 3; PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 3); return PV_SUCCESS; } code >>= 1; { *DC_size = (int)(3 - code); PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 2); return PV_SUCCESS; } } return status; } /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * * * 3/30/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib * format and the change of error-handling method. * ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ PV_STATUS VlcDecTCOEFIntra(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef) { uint code; const VLCtab2 *tab; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /* 10/17/2000, perform a little bit better on ARM by putting the whole function in VlcDecTCOEFFIntra */ /* if(GetTcoeffIntra(code,pTcoef,&tab,stream)!=PV_SUCCESS) return status;*/ if (code >= 1024) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab3[(code >> 6) - 16]; } else { if (code >= 256) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab4[(code >> 3) - 32]; } else { if (code >= 16) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab5[(code>>1) - 8]; } else { return PV_FAIL; } } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint) tab->run; //(tab->val >> 8) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int) tab->level; //tab->val & 255; pTcoef->last = (uint) tab->last; //(tab->val >> 16) & 1; /* the following is modified for 3-mode escape -- boon */ if (tab->level != 0xFF) { return PV_SUCCESS; } //if (((tab->run<<8)|(tab->level)|(tab->last<<16)) == VLC_ESCAPE_CODE) if (!pTcoef->sign) { /* first escape mode. level is offset */ BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /* 10/17/2000, perform a little bit better on ARM by putting the whole function in VlcDecTCOEFFIntra */ /* if(GetTcoeffIntra(code,pTcoef,&tab,stream)!=PV_SUCCESS) return status;*/ if (code >= 1024) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab3[(code >> 6) - 16]; } else { if (code >= 256) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab4[(code >> 3) - 32]; } else { if (code >= 16) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab5[(code>>1) - 8]; } else { return PV_FAIL; } } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); /* sign bit */ pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run; //(tab->val >> 8) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level; //tab->val & 255; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last; //(tab->val >> 16) & 1; /* need to add back the max level */ if ((pTcoef->last == 0 && pTcoef->run > 14) || (pTcoef->last == 1 && pTcoef->run > 20)) { return PV_FAIL; } pTcoef->level = pTcoef->level + intra_max_level[pTcoef->last][pTcoef->run]; } else { uint run_offset; run_offset = BitstreamRead1Bits_INLINE(stream); if (!run_offset) { /* second escape mode. run is offset */ BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /* 10/17/2000, perform a little bit better on ARM by putting the whole function in VlcDecTCOEFFIntra */ /* if(GetTcoeffIntra(code,pTcoef,&tab,stream)!=PV_SUCCESS) return status;*/ if (code >= 1024) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab3[(code >> 6) - 16]; } else { if (code >= 256) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab4[(code >> 3) - 32]; } else { if (code >= 16) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab5[(code>>1) - 8]; } else { return PV_FAIL; } } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); /* sign bit */ pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run; //(tab->val >> 8) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level; //tab->val & 255; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last; //(tab->val >> 16) & 1; /* need to add back the max run */ if (pTcoef->last) { if (pTcoef->level > 8) { return PV_FAIL; } pTcoef->run = pTcoef->run + intra_max_run1[pTcoef->level] + 1; } else { if (pTcoef->level > 27) { return PV_FAIL; } pTcoef->run = pTcoef->run + intra_max_run0[pTcoef->level] + 1; } } else { code = BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 8); pTcoef->last = code >> 7; pTcoef->run = (code >> 1) & 0x3F; pTcoef->level = (int)(BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 13) >> 1); if (pTcoef->level >= 2048) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = 4096 - pTcoef->level; } else { pTcoef->sign = 0; } } /* flc */ } return PV_SUCCESS; } /* VlcDecTCOEFIntra */ PV_STATUS VlcDecTCOEFInter(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef) { uint code; const VLCtab2 *tab; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /* 10/17/2000, perform a little bit better on ARM by putting the whole function in VlcDecTCOEFFInter */ /* if(GetTcoeffInter(code,pTcoef,&tab,stream)!=PV_SUCCESS) return status;*/ if (code >= 1024) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab0[(code >> 6) - 16]; } else { if (code >= 256) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab1[(code >> 3) - 32]; } else { if (code >= 16) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab2[(code>>1) - 8]; } else { return PV_FAIL; } } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run; //(tab->val >> 4) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level; //tab->val & 15; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last; //(tab->val >> 12) & 1; /* the following is modified for 3-mode escape -- boon */ if (tab->run != 0xBF) { return PV_SUCCESS; } //if (((tab->run<<4)|(tab->level)|(tab->last<<12)) == VLC_ESCAPE_CODE) if (!pTcoef->sign) { /* first escape mode. level is offset */ BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /* 10/17/2000, perform a little bit better on ARM by putting the whole function in VlcDecTCOEFFInter */ /* if(GetTcoeffInter(code,pTcoef,&tab,stream)!=PV_SUCCESS) return status;*/ if (code >= 1024) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab0[(code >> 6) - 16]; } else { if (code >= 256) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab1[(code >> 3) - 32]; } else { if (code >= 16) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab2[(code>>1) - 8]; } else { return PV_FAIL; } } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run; //(tab->val >> 4) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level; //tab->val & 15; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last; //(tab->val >> 12) & 1; /* need to add back the max level */ if ((pTcoef->last == 0 && pTcoef->run > 26) || (pTcoef->last == 1 && pTcoef->run > 40)) { return PV_FAIL; } pTcoef->level = pTcoef->level + inter_max_level[pTcoef->last][pTcoef->run]; } else { uint run_offset; run_offset = BitstreamRead1Bits_INLINE(stream); if (!run_offset) { /* second escape mode. run is offset */ BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /* 10/17/2000, perform a little bit better on ARM by putting the whole function in VlcDecTCOEFFInter */ /*if(GetTcoeffInter(code,pTcoef,&tab,stream)!=PV_SUCCESS) return status;*/ if (code >= 1024) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab0[(code >> 6) - 16]; } else { if (code >= 256) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab1[(code >> 3) - 32]; } else { if (code >= 16) { tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab2[(code>>1) - 8]; } else { return PV_FAIL; } } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run; //(tab->val >> 4) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level; //tab->val & 15; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last; //(tab->val >> 12) & 1; /* need to add back the max run */ if (pTcoef->last) { if (pTcoef->level > 3) { return PV_FAIL; } pTcoef->run = pTcoef->run + inter_max_run1[pTcoef->level] + 1; } else { if (pTcoef->level > 12) { return PV_FAIL; } pTcoef->run = pTcoef->run + inter_max_run0[pTcoef->level] + 1; } } else { code = BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 8); pTcoef->last = code >> 7; pTcoef->run = (code >> 1) & 0x3F; pTcoef->level = (int)(BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 13) >> 1); if (pTcoef->level >= 2048) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = 4096 - pTcoef->level; } else { pTcoef->sign = 0; } } /* flc */ } return PV_SUCCESS; } /* VlcDecTCOEFInter */ /*======================================================= Function: VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader() Date : 04/27/99 Purpose : New function used in decoding of video planes with short header Modified: 05/23/2000 for new decoder structure. =========================================================*/ PV_STATUS VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef/*, int intra*/) { uint code; const VLCtab2 *tab; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /*intra = 0;*/ if (code >= 1024) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab0[(code >> 6) - 16]; else { if (code >= 256) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab1[(code >> 3) - 32]; else { if (code >= 16) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab2[(code>>1) - 8]; else return PV_FAIL; } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run;//(tab->val >> 4) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level;//tab->val & 15; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last;//(tab->val >> 12) & 1; /* the following is modified for 3-mode escape -- boon */ if (((tab->run << 4) | (tab->level) | (tab->last << 12)) != VLC_ESCAPE_CODE) /* ESCAPE */ { return PV_SUCCESS; } /* escape mode 4 - H.263 type */ pTcoef->last = pTcoef->sign; /* Last */ pTcoef->run = BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 6); /* Run */ pTcoef->level = (int) BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 8); /* Level */ if (pTcoef->level == 0 || pTcoef->level == 128) { return PV_FAIL; } if (pTcoef->level > 128) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = 256 - pTcoef->level; } else { pTcoef->sign = 0; } return PV_SUCCESS; } /* VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader */ #ifdef PV_ANNEX_IJKT_SUPPORT PV_STATUS VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader_AnnexI(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef/*, int intra*/) { uint code; const VLCtab2 *tab; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /*intra = 0;*/ if (code >= 1024) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab6[(code >> 6) - 16]; else { if (code >= 256) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab7[(code >> 3) - 32]; else { if (code >= 16) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab8[(code>>1) - 8]; else return PV_FAIL; } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run;//(tab->val >> 4) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level;//tab->val & 15; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last;//(tab->val >> 12) & 1; /* the following is modified for 3-mode escape -- boon */ if (((tab->run << 6) | (tab->level) | (tab->last << 12)) != VLC_ESCAPE_CODE) /* ESCAPE */ { return PV_SUCCESS; } /* escape mode 4 - H.263 type */ pTcoef->last = pTcoef->sign; /* Last */ pTcoef->run = BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 6); /* Run */ pTcoef->level = (int) BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 8); /* Level */ if (pTcoef->level == 0 || pTcoef->level == 128) { return PV_FAIL; } if (pTcoef->level > 128) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = 256 - pTcoef->level; } else pTcoef->sign = 0; return PV_SUCCESS; } /* VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader_AnnexI */ PV_STATUS VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader_AnnexT(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef/*, int intra*/) { uint code; const VLCtab2 *tab; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /*intra = 0;*/ if (code >= 1024) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab0[(code >> 6) - 16]; else { if (code >= 256) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab1[(code >> 3) - 32]; else { if (code >= 16) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab2[(code>>1) - 8]; else return PV_FAIL; } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run;//(tab->val >> 4) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level;//tab->val & 15; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last;//(tab->val >> 12) & 1; /* the following is modified for 3-mode escape -- */ if (((tab->run << 4) | (tab->level) | (tab->last << 12)) != VLC_ESCAPE_CODE) /* ESCAPE */ { return PV_SUCCESS; } /* escape mode 4 - H.263 type */ pTcoef->last = pTcoef->sign; /* Last */ pTcoef->run = BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 6); /* Run */ pTcoef->level = (int) BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 8); /* Level */ if (pTcoef->level == 0) { return PV_FAIL; } if (pTcoef->level >= 128) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = 256 - pTcoef->level; } else { pTcoef->sign = 0; } if (pTcoef->level == 128) { code = BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 11); /* ANNEX_T */ code = (code >> 6 & 0x1F) | (code << 5 & 0x7ff); if (code > 1024) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = (2048 - code); } else { pTcoef->sign = 0; pTcoef->level = code; } } return PV_SUCCESS; } /* VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader */ PV_STATUS VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader_AnnexIT(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef/*, int intra*/) { uint code; const VLCtab2 *tab; BitstreamShow13Bits(stream, &code); /*intra = 0;*/ if (code >= 1024) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab6[(code >> 6) - 16]; else { if (code >= 256) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab7[(code >> 3) - 32]; else { if (code >= 16) tab = &PV_DCT3Dtab8[(code>>1) - 8]; else return PV_FAIL; } } PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, tab->len + 1); pTcoef->sign = (code >> (12 - tab->len)) & 1; pTcoef->run = (uint)tab->run;//(tab->val >> 4) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab->level;//tab->val & 15; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab->last;//(tab->val >> 12) & 1; /* the following is modified for 3-mode escape -- */ if (((tab->run << 6) | (tab->level) | (tab->last << 12)) != VLC_ESCAPE_CODE) /* ESCAPE */ { return PV_SUCCESS; } /* escape mode 4 - H.263 type */ pTcoef->last = pTcoef->sign; /* Last */ pTcoef->run = BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 6); /* Run */ pTcoef->level = (int) BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 8); /* Level */ if (pTcoef->level == 0) { return PV_FAIL; } if (pTcoef->level >= 128) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = 256 - pTcoef->level; } else { pTcoef->sign = 0; } if (pTcoef->level == 128) { code = BitstreamReadBits16(stream, 11); /* ANNEX_T */ code = (code >> 6 & 0x1F) | (code << 5 & 0x7ff); if (code > 1024) { pTcoef->sign = 1; pTcoef->level = (2048 - code); } else { pTcoef->sign = 0; pTcoef->level = code; } } return PV_SUCCESS; } /* VlcDecTCOEFShortHeader_AnnexI */ #endif /***********************************************************CommentBegin****** * 3/30/2000 : initial modification to the new PV-Decoder Lib * format and the change of error-handling method. * The coefficient is now returned thru a pre- * initialized parameters for speedup. * ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/ PV_STATUS RvlcDecTCOEFInter(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef) { uint code, mask; const VLCtab2 *tab2; int count, len, num[2] = {0, 0} /* 01/30/01 */; mask = 0x4000; /* mask 100000000000000 */ BitstreamShow15Bits(stream, &code); /* 03/07/01 */ len = 1; // 09/20/99 Escape mode /// Bitstream Exchange if (code < 2048) { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 5); pTcoef->last = BitstreamRead1Bits_INLINE(stream); pTcoef->run = BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 6); // 09/20/99 New marker bit PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 1); // 09/20/99 The length for LEVEL used to be 7 in the old version pTcoef->level = (int)(BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 12) >> 1); // 09/20/99 Another new marker bit // PV_BitstreamFlushBitsCheck(stream, 1); pTcoef->sign = BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 5) & 0x1; /* fix 3/13/01 */ return PV_SUCCESS; } if (code & mask) { count = 1; while (mask && count > 0) /* fix 3/28/01 */ { mask = mask >> 1; if (code & mask) count--; else num[0]++; /* number of zeros in the middle */ len++; } } else { count = 2; while (mask && count > 0) /* fix 3/28/01 */ { mask = mask >> 1; if (!(code & mask)) count--; else num[count-1]++; /* number of ones in the middle */ len++; } } code = code & 0x7fff; code = code >> (15 - (len + 1)); /* 1/30/01, add fast decoding algorithm here */ /* code is in two forms : 0xxxx0xxx00 or 0xxx0xxx01 num[1] and num[0] x or : 1xxxxx10 or 1xxxxx11 num[0] x */ /* len+1 is the length of the above */ if (num[1] > 10 || num[0] > 11) /* invalid RVLC code */ return PV_FAIL; if (code&(1 << len)) tab2 = RvlcDCTtabInter + 146 + (num[0] << 1) + (code & 1); else tab2 = RvlcDCTtabInter + ptrRvlcTab[num[1]] + (num[0] << 1) + (code & 1); PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, (int) tab2->len); pTcoef->run = (uint)tab2->run;//(tab->val >> 8) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab2->level;//tab->val & 255; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab2->last;//(tab->val >> 16) & 1; pTcoef->sign = BitstreamRead1Bits_INLINE(stream); return PV_SUCCESS; } /* RvlcDecTCOEFInter */ PV_STATUS RvlcDecTCOEFIntra(BitstreamDecVideo *stream, Tcoef *pTcoef) { uint code, mask; const VLCtab2 *tab2; int count, len, num[2] = {0, 0} /* 01/30/01 */; mask = 0x4000; /* mask 100000000000000 */ BitstreamShow15Bits(stream, &code); len = 1; // 09/20/99 Escape mode /// Bitstream Exchange if (code < 2048) { PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 5); pTcoef->last = BitstreamRead1Bits_INLINE(stream); pTcoef->run = BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 6); // 09/20/99 New marker bit PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, 1); // 09/20/99 The length for LEVEL used to be 7 in the old version pTcoef->level = (int)(BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 12) >> 1); // 09/20/99 Another new marker bit // PV_BitstreamFlushBitsCheck(stream, 1); pTcoef->sign = BitstreamReadBits16_INLINE(stream, 5) & 0x1; /* fix 03/13/01 */ return PV_SUCCESS; } if (code & mask) { count = 1; while (mask && count > 0) /* fix 03/28/01 */ { mask = mask >> 1; if (code & mask) count--; else num[0]++; /* number of zeros in the middle */ len++; } } else { count = 2; while (mask && count > 0) /* fix 03/28/01 */ { mask = mask >> 1; if (!(code & mask)) count--; else num[count-1]++; /* number of ones in the middle */ len++; } } code = code & 0x7fff; code = code >> (15 - (len + 1)); /* 1/30/01, add fast decoding algorithm here */ /* code is in two forms : 0xxxx0xxx00 or 0xxx0xxx01 num[1] and num[0] x or : 1xxxxx10 or 1xxxxx11 num[0] x */ /* len+1 is the length of the above */ if (num[1] > 10 || num[0] > 11) /* invalid RVLC code */ return PV_FAIL; if (code & (1 << len)) tab2 = RvlcDCTtabIntra + 146 + (num[0] << 1) + (code & 1); else tab2 = RvlcDCTtabIntra + ptrRvlcTab[num[1]] + (num[0] << 1) + (code & 1); PV_BitstreamFlushBits(stream, (int) tab2->len); pTcoef->run = (uint)tab2->run;//(tab->val >> 8) & 255; pTcoef->level = (int)tab2->level;//tab->val & 255; pTcoef->last = (uint)tab2->last;//(tab->val >> 16) & 1; pTcoef->sign = BitstreamRead1Bits_INLINE(stream); return PV_SUCCESS; } /* RvlcDecTCOEFIntra */