@ ------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo @ @ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); @ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @ You may obtain a copy of the License at @ @ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @ @ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software @ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, @ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either @ express or implied. @ See the License for the specific language governing permissions @ and limitations under the License. @ ------------------------------------------------------------------- @ @ @ Filename: pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window.s @ @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ REVISION HISTORY @ @ @ Who: Date: MM/DD/YYYY @ Description: @ @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .arm .align 4 .text .extern pqmfSynthWin @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .global pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window pvmp3_polyphase_filter_window: stmfd sp!,{r0-r2,r4-r11,lr} sub sp,sp,#4 adr r2,PolyPh_filter_coeff ldr r1,[r2] add r1,r2 ldr r2,[sp,#0xc] sub r2,r2,#1 mov r10,#1 str r2,[sp] @ Accumulators r9, r11::> Initialization Loop_j: mov r9, #0x20 mov r11, #0x20 mov r4, #0x10 Loop_i: add r2,r4,r10 add r3,r0,r2,lsl #2 sub r2,r4,r10 ldr r5,[r3] ldr lr,[r1] add r12,r0,r2,lsl #2 ldr r6,[r12,#0x780] smlal r2,r9,lr,r5 smlal r2,r11,lr,r6 ldr r2,[r1,#4] ldr r7,[r12,#0x80] smlal r5,r11,r2,r5 smull r6,r5,r2,r6 sub r9,r9,r5 ldr r5,[r1,#8] ldr r8,[r3,#0x700] add r4,r4,#0x200 smlal r6,r9,r5,r7 smull r6,r2,r5,r8 ldr r5,[r1,#0xc] sub r11,r11,r2 smlal r8,r9,r5,r8 smlal r7,r11,r5,r7 ldr r5,[r3,#0x100] ldr r2,[r1,#0x10] ldr r6,[r12,#0x680] smlal lr,r9,r2,r5 smlal lr,r11,r2,r6 ldr r2,[r1,#0x14] ldr r7,[r12,#0x180] smlal r5,r11,r2,r5 smull r6,r5,r2,r6 ldr r6,[r1,#0x18] ldr r8,[r3,#0x600] sub r9,r9,r5 smlal r5,r9,r6,r7 smull r2,r5,r6,r8 ldr r6,[r1,#0x1c] sub r11,r11,r5 smlal r8,r9,r6,r8 ldr r2,[r1,#0x20] ldr r5,[r3,#0x200] smlal r7,r11,r6,r7 ldr r6,[r12,#0x580] smlal lr,r9,r2,r5 smlal lr,r11,r2,r6 ldr r2,[r1,#0x24] ldr r7,[r12,#0x280] smlal r5,r11,r2,r5 smull r6,r5,r2,r6 ldr r6,[r1,#0x28] ldr r8,[r3,#0x500] sub r9,r9,r5 smlal r5,r9,r6,r7 smull r2,r5,r6,r8 ldr r6,[r1,#0x2c] sub r11,r11,r5 smlal r8,r9,r6,r8 smlal r7,r11,r6,r7 ldr r5,[r3,#0x300] ldr r8,[r1,#0x30] ldr r6,[r12,#0x480] smlal r7,r9,r8,r5 smlal r7,r11,r8,r6 ldr r8,[r1,#0x34] ldr r12,[r12,#0x380] smlal r5,r11,r8,r5 smull r6,r5,r8,r6 ldr r6,[r1,#0x38] ldr r3,[r3,#0x400] sub r9,r9,r5 smlal r7,r9,r6,r12 smull r8,r7,r6,r3 cmp r4,#0x210 sub r11,r11,r7 ldr r2,[r1,#0x3c] add r1,r1,#0x40 smlal r3,r9,r2,r3 smlal r12,r11,r2,r12 blt Loop_i mov r3,r9, asr #6 mov r4,r3, asr #15 teq r4,r3, asr #31 ldr r12,LOW_16BITS ldr r2,[sp] eorne r3,r12,r3,asr #31 ldr r4,[sp,#8] mov r2,r10,lsl r2 add r4,r4,r2,lsl #1 strh r3,[r4] mov r3,r11,asr #6 mov r4,r3,asr #15 teq r4,r3,asr #31 eorne r3,r12,r3,asr #31 ldr r12,[sp,#0xc] ldr r11,[sp,#8] rsb r2,r2,r12,lsl #5 add r2,r11,r2,lsl #1 strh r3,[r2] add r10,r10,#1 cmp r10,#0x10 blt Loop_j @ Accumulators r4, r5 Initialization mov r4,#0x20 mov r5,#0x20 mov r3,#0x10 PolyPh_filter_loop2: add r2,r0,r3,lsl #2 ldr r12,[r2] ldr r8,[r1] ldr r6,[r2,#0x80] smlal r12,r4,r8,r12 ldr r12,[r1,#4] ldr r7,[r2,#0x40] smlal r6,r4,r12,r6 ldr r12,[r1,#8] ldr r6,[r2,#0x180] smlal r7,r5,r12,r7 ldr r12,[r2,#0x100] ldr r7,[r1,#0xc] ldr r2,[r2,#0x140] smlal r12,r4,r7,r12 ldr r12,[r1,#0x10] add r3,r3,#0x80 smlal r6,r4,r12,r6 ldr r6,[r1,#0x14] cmp r3,#0x210 smlal r2,r5,r6,r2 add r1,r1,#0x18 blt PolyPh_filter_loop2 mov r0,r4,asr #6 mov r2,r0,asr #15 teq r2,r0,asr #31 ldrne r12,LOW_16BITS ldr r1,[sp,#8] eorne r0,r12,r0,asr #31 strh r0,[r1,#0] mov r0,r5,asr #6 mov r2,r0,asr #15 teq r2,r0,asr #31 ldrne r12,LOW_16BITS ldr r2,[sp] mov r1,#0x10 eorne r0,r12,r0,asr #31 ldr r12,[sp,#8] mov r1,r1,lsl r2 add r1,r12,r1,lsl #1 strh r0,[r1] add sp,sp,#0x10 ldmfd sp!,{r4-r11,pc} PolyPh_filter_coeff: .word pqmfSynthWin-PolyPh_filter_coeff LOW_16BITS: .word 0x00007fff