/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PacketVideo Corp. MP3 Decoder Library Filename: pvmp3_dct_16.cpp Functions: dct_16 pv_merge_in_place_N32 pv_split Date: 09/21/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVISION HISTORY Description: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUT AND OUTPUT DEFINITIONS dct_16 Input int32 vec[], input vector length 16 Int flag processing direction: forward (1), backward ( 0) Returns int32 vec[], dct length 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUT AND OUTPUT DEFINITIONS pv_merge_in_place_N32 Input int32 vec[], input vector length 16 Returns int32 vec[], merged output of two dct 16 to create a dct 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUT AND OUTPUT DEFINITIONS pv_split Input int32 vec[], input vector length 16 Returns int32 vec[], splitted even/odd and pre processing rotation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION DESCRIPTION dct 16 and tools to assemble a dct32 output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSEUDO-CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if ( !defined(PV_ARM_GCC_V5) && !defined(PV_ARM_GCC_V4) ) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pvmp3_dct_16.h" #include "pv_mp3dec_fxd_op.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MACROS ; Define module specific macros here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DEFINES ; Include all pre-processor statements here. Include conditional ; compile variables also. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Qfmt(a) (int32)(a*((int32)1<<27)) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOCAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ; Function Prototype declaration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOCAL STORE/BUFFER/POINTER DEFINITIONS ; Variable declaration - defined here and used outside this module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const int32 CosTable_dct32[16] = { Qfmt_31(0.50060299823520F) , Qfmt_31(0.50547095989754F) , Qfmt_31(0.51544730992262F) , Qfmt_31(0.53104259108978F) , Qfmt_31(0.55310389603444F) , Qfmt_31(0.58293496820613F) , Qfmt_31(0.62250412303566F) , Qfmt_31(0.67480834145501F) , Qfmt_31(0.74453627100230F) , Qfmt_31(0.83934964541553F) , Qfmt(0.97256823786196F) , Qfmt(1.16943993343288F) , Qfmt(1.48416461631417F) , Qfmt(2.05778100995341F) , Qfmt(3.40760841846872F) , Qfmt(10.19000812354803F) }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL FUNCTION REFERENCES ; Declare functions defined elsewhere and referenced in this module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL GLOBAL STORE/BUFFER/POINTER REFERENCES ; Declare variables used in this module but defined elsewhere ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pvmp3_dct_16(int32 vec[], int32 flag) { int32 tmp0; int32 tmp1; int32 tmp2; int32 tmp3; int32 tmp4; int32 tmp5; int32 tmp6; int32 tmp7; int32 tmp_o0; int32 tmp_o1; int32 tmp_o2; int32 tmp_o3; int32 tmp_o4; int32 tmp_o5; int32 tmp_o6; int32 tmp_o7; int32 itmp_e0; int32 itmp_e1; int32 itmp_e2; /* split input vector */ tmp_o0 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 0] - vec[15]), Qfmt_31(0.50241928618816F)); tmp0 = vec[ 0] + vec[15]; tmp_o7 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 7] - vec[ 8]) << 3, Qfmt_31(0.63764357733614F)); tmp7 = vec[ 7] + vec[ 8]; itmp_e0 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp0 - tmp7), Qfmt_31(0.50979557910416F)); tmp7 = (tmp0 + tmp7); tmp_o1 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 1] - vec[14]), Qfmt_31(0.52249861493969F)); tmp1 = vec[ 1] + vec[14]; tmp_o6 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 6] - vec[ 9]) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.86122354911916F)); tmp6 = vec[ 6] + vec[ 9]; itmp_e1 = (tmp1 + tmp6); tmp6 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp1 - tmp6), Qfmt_31(0.60134488693505F)); tmp_o2 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 2] - vec[13]), Qfmt_31(0.56694403481636F)); tmp2 = vec[ 2] + vec[13]; tmp_o5 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 5] - vec[10]) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.53033884299517F)); tmp5 = vec[ 5] + vec[10]; itmp_e2 = (tmp2 + tmp5); tmp5 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp2 - tmp5), Qfmt_31(0.89997622313642F)); tmp_o3 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 3] - vec[12]), Qfmt_31(0.64682178335999F)); tmp3 = vec[ 3] + vec[12]; tmp_o4 = fxp_mul32_Q32((vec[ 4] - vec[11]), Qfmt_31(0.78815462345125F)); tmp4 = vec[ 4] + vec[11]; tmp1 = (tmp3 + tmp4); tmp4 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp3 - tmp4) << 2, Qfmt_31(0.64072886193538F)); /* split even part of tmp_e */ tmp0 = (tmp7 + tmp1); tmp1 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp7 - tmp1), Qfmt_31(0.54119610014620F)); tmp3 = fxp_mul32_Q32((itmp_e1 - itmp_e2) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.65328148243819F)); tmp7 = (itmp_e1 + itmp_e2); vec[ 0] = (tmp0 + tmp7) >> 1; vec[ 8] = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp0 - tmp7), Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); tmp0 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp1 - tmp3) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); vec[ 4] = tmp1 + tmp3 + tmp0; vec[12] = tmp0; /* split odd part of tmp_e */ tmp1 = fxp_mul32_Q32((itmp_e0 - tmp4) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.54119610014620F)); tmp7 = itmp_e0 + tmp4; tmp3 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp6 - tmp5) << 2, Qfmt_31(0.65328148243819F)); tmp6 += tmp5; tmp4 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp7 - tmp6) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); tmp6 += tmp7; tmp7 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp1 - tmp3) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); tmp1 += tmp3 + tmp7; vec[ 2] = tmp1 + tmp6; vec[ 6] = tmp1 + tmp4; vec[10] = tmp7 + tmp4; vec[14] = tmp7; // dct8; tmp1 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp_o0 - tmp_o7) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.50979557910416F)); tmp7 = tmp_o0 + tmp_o7; tmp6 = tmp_o1 + tmp_o6; tmp_o1 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp_o1 - tmp_o6) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.60134488693505F)); tmp5 = tmp_o2 + tmp_o5; tmp_o5 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp_o2 - tmp_o5) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.89997622313642F)); tmp0 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp_o3 - tmp_o4) << 3, Qfmt_31(0.6407288619354F)); tmp4 = tmp_o3 + tmp_o4; if (!flag) { tmp7 = -tmp7; tmp1 = -tmp1; tmp6 = -tmp6; tmp_o1 = -tmp_o1; tmp5 = -tmp5; tmp_o5 = -tmp_o5; tmp4 = -tmp4; tmp0 = -tmp0; } tmp2 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp1 - tmp0) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.54119610014620F)); tmp0 += tmp1; tmp1 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp7 - tmp4) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.54119610014620F)); tmp7 += tmp4; tmp4 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp6 - tmp5) << 2, Qfmt_31(0.65328148243819F)); tmp6 += tmp5; tmp5 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp_o1 - tmp_o5) << 2, Qfmt_31(0.65328148243819F)); tmp_o1 += tmp_o5; vec[13] = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp1 - tmp4) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); vec[ 5] = tmp1 + tmp4 + vec[13]; vec[ 9] = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp7 - tmp6) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); vec[ 1] = tmp7 + tmp6; tmp4 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp0 - tmp_o1) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); tmp0 += tmp_o1; tmp6 = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp2 - tmp5) << 1, Qfmt_31(0.70710678118655F)); tmp2 += tmp5 + tmp6; tmp0 += tmp2; vec[ 1] += tmp0; vec[ 3] = tmp0 + vec[ 5]; tmp2 += tmp4; vec[ 5] = tmp2 + vec[ 5]; vec[ 7] = tmp2 + vec[ 9]; tmp4 += tmp6; vec[ 9] = tmp4 + vec[ 9]; vec[11] = tmp4 + vec[13]; vec[13] = tmp6 + vec[13]; vec[15] = tmp6; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pvmp3_merge_in_place_N32(int32 vec[]) { int32 temp0; int32 temp1; int32 temp2; int32 temp3; temp0 = vec[14]; vec[14] = vec[ 7]; temp1 = vec[12]; vec[12] = vec[ 6]; temp2 = vec[10]; vec[10] = vec[ 5]; temp3 = vec[ 8]; vec[ 8] = vec[ 4]; vec[ 6] = vec[ 3]; vec[ 4] = vec[ 2]; vec[ 2] = vec[ 1]; vec[ 1] = (vec[16] + vec[17]); vec[16] = temp3; vec[ 3] = (vec[18] + vec[17]); vec[ 5] = (vec[19] + vec[18]); vec[18] = vec[9]; vec[ 7] = (vec[20] + vec[19]); vec[ 9] = (vec[21] + vec[20]); vec[20] = temp2; temp2 = vec[13]; temp3 = vec[11]; vec[11] = (vec[22] + vec[21]); vec[13] = (vec[23] + vec[22]); vec[22] = temp3; temp3 = vec[15]; vec[15] = (vec[24] + vec[23]); vec[17] = (vec[25] + vec[24]); vec[19] = (vec[26] + vec[25]); vec[21] = (vec[27] + vec[26]); vec[23] = (vec[28] + vec[27]); vec[24] = temp1; vec[25] = (vec[29] + vec[28]); vec[26] = temp2; vec[27] = (vec[30] + vec[29]); vec[28] = temp0; vec[29] = (vec[30] + vec[31]); vec[30] = temp3; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pvmp3_split(int32 *vect) { int32 i; const int32 *pt_cosTerms = &CosTable_dct32[15]; int32 *pt_vect = vect; int32 *pt_vect_2 = pt_vect - 1; for (i = 3; i != 0; i--) { int32 tmp2 = *(pt_vect); int32 tmp1 = *(pt_vect_2); int32 cosx = *(pt_cosTerms--); *(pt_vect_2--) = (tmp1 + tmp2); *(pt_vect++) = fxp_mul32_Q27((tmp1 - tmp2), cosx); tmp2 = *(pt_vect); tmp1 = *(pt_vect_2); cosx = *(pt_cosTerms--); *(pt_vect_2--) = (tmp1 + tmp2); *(pt_vect++) = fxp_mul32_Q27((tmp1 - tmp2), cosx); } for (i = 5; i != 0; i--) { int32 tmp2 = *(pt_vect); int32 tmp1 = *(pt_vect_2); int32 cosx = *(pt_cosTerms--); *(pt_vect_2--) = (tmp1 + tmp2); *(pt_vect++) = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp1 - tmp2) << 1, cosx); tmp2 = *(pt_vect); tmp1 = *(pt_vect_2); cosx = *(pt_cosTerms--); *(pt_vect_2--) = (tmp1 + tmp2); *(pt_vect++) = fxp_mul32_Q32((tmp1 - tmp2) << 1, cosx); } } #endif