/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "MediaFilter" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ColorConvert.h" #include "GraphicBufferListener.h" #include "IntrinsicBlurFilter.h" #include "RSFilter.h" #include "SaturationFilter.h" #include "ZeroFilter.h" namespace android { // parameter: number of input and output buffers static const size_t kBufferCountActual = 4; MediaFilter::MediaFilter() : mState(UNINITIALIZED), mGeneration(0), mGraphicBufferListener(NULL) { } MediaFilter::~MediaFilter() { } //////////////////// PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////// void MediaFilter::setNotificationMessage(const sp &msg) { mNotify = msg; } void MediaFilter::initiateAllocateComponent(const sp &msg) { msg->setWhat(kWhatAllocateComponent); msg->setTarget(id()); msg->post(); } void MediaFilter::initiateConfigureComponent(const sp &msg) { msg->setWhat(kWhatConfigureComponent); msg->setTarget(id()); msg->post(); } void MediaFilter::initiateCreateInputSurface() { (new AMessage(kWhatCreateInputSurface, id()))->post(); } void MediaFilter::initiateStart() { (new AMessage(kWhatStart, id()))->post(); } void MediaFilter::initiateShutdown(bool keepComponentAllocated) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatShutdown, id()); msg->setInt32("keepComponentAllocated", keepComponentAllocated); msg->post(); } void MediaFilter::signalFlush() { (new AMessage(kWhatFlush, id()))->post(); } void MediaFilter::signalResume() { (new AMessage(kWhatResume, id()))->post(); } // nothing to do void MediaFilter::signalRequestIDRFrame() { return; } void MediaFilter::signalSetParameters(const sp ¶ms) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetParameters, id()); msg->setMessage("params", params); msg->post(); } void MediaFilter::signalEndOfInputStream() { (new AMessage(kWhatSignalEndOfInputStream, id()))->post(); } void MediaFilter::onMessageReceived(const sp &msg) { switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatAllocateComponent: { onAllocateComponent(msg); break; } case kWhatConfigureComponent: { onConfigureComponent(msg); break; } case kWhatStart: { onStart(); break; } case kWhatProcessBuffers: { processBuffers(); break; } case kWhatInputBufferFilled: { onInputBufferFilled(msg); break; } case kWhatOutputBufferDrained: { onOutputBufferDrained(msg); break; } case kWhatShutdown: { onShutdown(msg); break; } case kWhatFlush: { onFlush(); break; } case kWhatResume: { // nothing to do break; } case kWhatSetParameters: { onSetParameters(msg); break; } case kWhatCreateInputSurface: { onCreateInputSurface(); break; } case GraphicBufferListener::kWhatFrameAvailable: { onInputFrameAvailable(); break; } case kWhatSignalEndOfInputStream: { onSignalEndOfInputStream(); break; } default: { ALOGE("Message not handled:\n%s", msg->debugString().c_str()); break; } } } //////////////////// PORT DESCRIPTION ////////////////////////////////////////// MediaFilter::PortDescription::PortDescription() { } void MediaFilter::PortDescription::addBuffer( IOMX::buffer_id id, const sp &buffer) { mBufferIDs.push_back(id); mBuffers.push_back(buffer); } size_t MediaFilter::PortDescription::countBuffers() { return mBufferIDs.size(); } IOMX::buffer_id MediaFilter::PortDescription::bufferIDAt(size_t index) const { return mBufferIDs.itemAt(index); } sp MediaFilter::PortDescription::bufferAt(size_t index) const { return mBuffers.itemAt(index); } //////////////////// HELPER FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////// void MediaFilter::signalProcessBuffers() { (new AMessage(kWhatProcessBuffers, id()))->post(); } void MediaFilter::signalError(status_t error) { sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatError); notify->setInt32("err", error); notify->post(); } status_t MediaFilter::allocateBuffersOnPort(OMX_U32 portIndex) { CHECK(portIndex == kPortIndexInput || portIndex == kPortIndexOutput); const bool isInput = portIndex == kPortIndexInput; const size_t bufferSize = isInput ? mMaxInputSize : mMaxOutputSize; CHECK(mDealer[portIndex] == NULL); CHECK(mBuffers[portIndex].isEmpty()); ALOGV("Allocating %zu buffers of size %zu on %s port", kBufferCountActual, bufferSize, isInput ? "input" : "output"); size_t totalSize = kBufferCountActual * bufferSize; mDealer[portIndex] = new MemoryDealer(totalSize, "MediaFilter"); for (size_t i = 0; i < kBufferCountActual; ++i) { sp mem = mDealer[portIndex]->allocate(bufferSize); CHECK(mem.get() != NULL); BufferInfo info; info.mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; info.mBufferID = i; info.mGeneration = mGeneration; info.mOutputFlags = 0; info.mData = new ABuffer(mem->pointer(), bufferSize); info.mData->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", 0); mBuffers[portIndex].push_back(info); if (!isInput) { mAvailableOutputBuffers.push( &mBuffers[portIndex].editItemAt(i)); } } sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatBuffersAllocated); notify->setInt32("portIndex", portIndex); sp desc = new PortDescription; for (size_t i = 0; i < mBuffers[portIndex].size(); ++i) { const BufferInfo &info = mBuffers[portIndex][i]; desc->addBuffer(info.mBufferID, info.mData); } notify->setObject("portDesc", desc); notify->post(); return OK; } MediaFilter::BufferInfo* MediaFilter::findBufferByID( uint32_t portIndex, IOMX::buffer_id bufferID, ssize_t *index) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mBuffers[portIndex].size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &mBuffers[portIndex].editItemAt(i); if (info->mBufferID == bufferID) { if (index != NULL) { *index = i; } return info; } } TRESPASS(); return NULL; } void MediaFilter::postFillThisBuffer(BufferInfo *info) { ALOGV("postFillThisBuffer on buffer %d", info->mBufferID); if (mPortEOS[kPortIndexInput]) { return; } CHECK_EQ((int)info->mStatus, (int)BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US); info->mGeneration = mGeneration; sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatFillThisBuffer); notify->setInt32("buffer-id", info->mBufferID); info->mData->meta()->clear(); notify->setBuffer("buffer", info->mData); sp reply = new AMessage(kWhatInputBufferFilled, id()); reply->setInt32("buffer-id", info->mBufferID); notify->setMessage("reply", reply); info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_UPSTREAM; notify->post(); } void MediaFilter::postDrainThisBuffer(BufferInfo *info) { CHECK_EQ((int)info->mStatus, (int)BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US); info->mGeneration = mGeneration; sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatDrainThisBuffer); notify->setInt32("buffer-id", info->mBufferID); notify->setInt32("flags", info->mOutputFlags); notify->setBuffer("buffer", info->mData); sp reply = new AMessage(kWhatOutputBufferDrained, id()); reply->setInt32("buffer-id", info->mBufferID); notify->setMessage("reply", reply); notify->post(); info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_UPSTREAM; } void MediaFilter::postEOS() { sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatEOS); notify->setInt32("err", ERROR_END_OF_STREAM); notify->post(); ALOGV("Sent kWhatEOS."); } void MediaFilter::sendFormatChange() { sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatOutputFormatChanged); AString mime; CHECK(mOutputFormat->findString("mime", &mime)); notify->setString("mime", mime.c_str()); notify->setInt32("stride", mStride); notify->setInt32("slice-height", mSliceHeight); notify->setInt32("color-format", mColorFormatOut); notify->setRect("crop", 0, 0, mStride - 1, mSliceHeight - 1); notify->setInt32("width", mWidth); notify->setInt32("height", mHeight); notify->post(); } void MediaFilter::requestFillEmptyInput() { if (mPortEOS[kPortIndexInput]) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mBuffers[kPortIndexInput].size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &mBuffers[kPortIndexInput].editItemAt(i); if (info->mStatus == BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US) { postFillThisBuffer(info); } } } void MediaFilter::processBuffers() { if (mAvailableInputBuffers.empty() || mAvailableOutputBuffers.empty()) { ALOGV("Skipping process (buffers unavailable)"); return; } if (mPortEOS[kPortIndexOutput]) { // TODO notify caller of queueInput error when it is supported // in MediaCodec ALOGW("Tried to process a buffer after EOS."); return; } BufferInfo *inputInfo = mAvailableInputBuffers[0]; mAvailableInputBuffers.removeAt(0); BufferInfo *outputInfo = mAvailableOutputBuffers[0]; mAvailableOutputBuffers.removeAt(0); status_t err; err = mFilter->processBuffers(inputInfo->mData, outputInfo->mData); if (err != (status_t)OK) { outputInfo->mData->meta()->setInt32("err", err); } int64_t timeUs; CHECK(inputInfo->mData->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); outputInfo->mData->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", timeUs); outputInfo->mOutputFlags = 0; int32_t eos = 0; if (inputInfo->mData->meta()->findInt32("eos", &eos) && eos != 0) { outputInfo->mOutputFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; mPortEOS[kPortIndexOutput] = true; outputInfo->mData->meta()->setInt32("eos", eos); postEOS(); ALOGV("Output stream saw EOS."); } ALOGV("Processed input buffer %u [%zu], output buffer %u [%zu]", inputInfo->mBufferID, inputInfo->mData->size(), outputInfo->mBufferID, outputInfo->mData->size()); if (mGraphicBufferListener != NULL) { delete inputInfo; } else { postFillThisBuffer(inputInfo); } postDrainThisBuffer(outputInfo); // prevent any corner case where buffers could get stuck in queue signalProcessBuffers(); } void MediaFilter::onAllocateComponent(const sp &msg) { CHECK_EQ(mState, UNINITIALIZED); CHECK(msg->findString("componentName", &mComponentName)); const char* name = mComponentName.c_str(); if (!strcasecmp(name, "android.filter.zerofilter")) { mFilter = new ZeroFilter; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "android.filter.saturation")) { mFilter = new SaturationFilter; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "android.filter.intrinsicblur")) { mFilter = new IntrinsicBlurFilter; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "android.filter.RenderScript")) { mFilter = new RSFilter; } else { ALOGE("Unrecognized filter name: %s", name); signalError(NAME_NOT_FOUND); return; } sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatComponentAllocated); // HACK - need "OMX.google" to use MediaCodec's software renderer notify->setString("componentName", "OMX.google.MediaFilter"); notify->post(); mState = INITIALIZED; ALOGV("Handled kWhatAllocateComponent."); } void MediaFilter::onConfigureComponent(const sp &msg) { // TODO: generalize to allow audio filters as well as video CHECK_EQ(mState, INITIALIZED); // get params - at least mime, width & height AString mime; CHECK(msg->findString("mime", &mime)); if (strcasecmp(mime.c_str(), MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_RAW)) { ALOGE("Bad mime: %s", mime.c_str()); signalError(BAD_VALUE); return; } CHECK(msg->findInt32("width", &mWidth)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("height", &mHeight)); if (!msg->findInt32("stride", &mStride)) { mStride = mWidth; } if (!msg->findInt32("slice-height", &mSliceHeight)) { mSliceHeight = mHeight; } mMaxInputSize = mWidth * mHeight * 4; // room for ARGB8888 int32_t maxInputSize; if (msg->findInt32("max-input-size", &maxInputSize) && (size_t)maxInputSize > mMaxInputSize) { mMaxInputSize = maxInputSize; } if (!msg->findInt32("color-format", &mColorFormatIn)) { // default to OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888 mColorFormatIn = OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888; msg->setInt32("color-format", mColorFormatIn); } mColorFormatOut = mColorFormatIn; mMaxOutputSize = mWidth * mHeight * 4; // room for ARGB8888 AString cacheDir; if (!msg->findString("cacheDir", &cacheDir)) { ALOGE("Failed to find cache directory in config message."); signalError(NAME_NOT_FOUND); return; } status_t err; err = mFilter->configure(msg); if (err != (status_t)OK) { ALOGE("Failed to configure filter component, err %d", err); signalError(err); return; } mInputFormat = new AMessage(); mInputFormat->setString("mime", mime.c_str()); mInputFormat->setInt32("stride", mStride); mInputFormat->setInt32("slice-height", mSliceHeight); mInputFormat->setInt32("color-format", mColorFormatIn); mInputFormat->setRect("crop", 0, 0, mStride, mSliceHeight); mInputFormat->setInt32("width", mWidth); mInputFormat->setInt32("height", mHeight); mOutputFormat = new AMessage(); mOutputFormat->setString("mime", mime.c_str()); mOutputFormat->setInt32("stride", mStride); mOutputFormat->setInt32("slice-height", mSliceHeight); mOutputFormat->setInt32("color-format", mColorFormatOut); mOutputFormat->setRect("crop", 0, 0, mStride, mSliceHeight); mOutputFormat->setInt32("width", mWidth); mOutputFormat->setInt32("height", mHeight); sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatComponentConfigured); notify->setString("componentName", "MediaFilter"); notify->setMessage("input-format", mInputFormat); notify->setMessage("output-format", mOutputFormat); notify->post(); mState = CONFIGURED; ALOGV("Handled kWhatConfigureComponent."); sendFormatChange(); } void MediaFilter::onStart() { CHECK_EQ(mState, CONFIGURED); allocateBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexInput); allocateBuffersOnPort(kPortIndexOutput); status_t err = mFilter->start(); if (err != (status_t)OK) { ALOGE("Failed to start filter component, err %d", err); signalError(err); return; } mPortEOS[kPortIndexInput] = false; mPortEOS[kPortIndexOutput] = false; mInputEOSResult = OK; mState = STARTED; requestFillEmptyInput(); ALOGV("Handled kWhatStart."); } void MediaFilter::onInputBufferFilled(const sp &msg) { IOMX::buffer_id bufferID; CHECK(msg->findInt32("buffer-id", (int32_t*)&bufferID)); BufferInfo *info = findBufferByID(kPortIndexInput, bufferID); if (mState != STARTED) { // we're not running, so we'll just keep that buffer... info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; return; } if (info->mGeneration != mGeneration) { ALOGV("Caught a stale input buffer [ID %d]", bufferID); // buffer is stale (taken before a flush/shutdown) - repost it CHECK_EQ(info->mStatus, BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US); postFillThisBuffer(info); return; } CHECK_EQ(info->mStatus, BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_UPSTREAM); info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; sp buffer; int32_t err = OK; bool eos = false; if (!msg->findBuffer("buffer", &buffer)) { // these are unfilled buffers returned by client CHECK(msg->findInt32("err", &err)); if (err == OK) { // buffers with no errors are returned on MediaCodec.flush ALOGV("saw unfilled buffer (MediaCodec.flush)"); postFillThisBuffer(info); return; } else { ALOGV("saw error %d instead of an input buffer", err); eos = true; } buffer.clear(); } int32_t isCSD; if (buffer != NULL && buffer->meta()->findInt32("csd", &isCSD) && isCSD != 0) { // ignore codec-specific data buffers ALOGW("MediaFilter received a codec-specific data buffer"); postFillThisBuffer(info); return; } int32_t tmp; if (buffer != NULL && buffer->meta()->findInt32("eos", &tmp) && tmp) { eos = true; err = ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } mAvailableInputBuffers.push_back(info); processBuffers(); if (eos) { mPortEOS[kPortIndexInput] = true; mInputEOSResult = err; } ALOGV("Handled kWhatInputBufferFilled. [ID %u]", bufferID); } void MediaFilter::onOutputBufferDrained(const sp &msg) { IOMX::buffer_id bufferID; CHECK(msg->findInt32("buffer-id", (int32_t*)&bufferID)); BufferInfo *info = findBufferByID(kPortIndexOutput, bufferID); if (mState != STARTED) { // we're not running, so we'll just keep that buffer... info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; return; } if (info->mGeneration != mGeneration) { ALOGV("Caught a stale output buffer [ID %d]", bufferID); // buffer is stale (taken before a flush/shutdown) - keep it CHECK_EQ(info->mStatus, BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US); return; } CHECK_EQ(info->mStatus, BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_UPSTREAM); info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; mAvailableOutputBuffers.push_back(info); processBuffers(); ALOGV("Handled kWhatOutputBufferDrained. [ID %u]", bufferID); } void MediaFilter::onShutdown(const sp &msg) { mGeneration++; if (mState != UNINITIALIZED) { mFilter->reset(); } int32_t keepComponentAllocated; CHECK(msg->findInt32("keepComponentAllocated", &keepComponentAllocated)); if (!keepComponentAllocated || mState == UNINITIALIZED) { mState = UNINITIALIZED; } else { mState = INITIALIZED; } sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatShutdownCompleted); notify->post(); } void MediaFilter::onFlush() { mGeneration++; mAvailableInputBuffers.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mBuffers[kPortIndexInput].size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &mBuffers[kPortIndexInput].editItemAt(i); info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; } mAvailableOutputBuffers.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].size(); ++i) { BufferInfo *info = &mBuffers[kPortIndexOutput].editItemAt(i); info->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; mAvailableOutputBuffers.push_back(info); } mPortEOS[kPortIndexInput] = false; mPortEOS[kPortIndexOutput] = false; mInputEOSResult = OK; sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatFlushCompleted); notify->post(); ALOGV("Posted kWhatFlushCompleted"); // MediaCodec returns all input buffers after flush, so in // onInputBufferFilled we call postFillThisBuffer on them } void MediaFilter::onSetParameters(const sp &msg) { CHECK(mState != STARTED); status_t err = mFilter->setParameters(msg); if (err != (status_t)OK) { ALOGE("setParameters returned err %d", err); } } void MediaFilter::onCreateInputSurface() { CHECK(mState == CONFIGURED); mGraphicBufferListener = new GraphicBufferListener; sp notify = new AMessage(); notify->setTarget(id()); status_t err = mGraphicBufferListener->init( notify, mStride, mSliceHeight, kBufferCountActual); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("Failed to init mGraphicBufferListener: %d", err); signalError(err); return; } sp reply = mNotify->dup(); reply->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatInputSurfaceCreated); reply->setObject( "input-surface", new BufferProducerWrapper( mGraphicBufferListener->getIGraphicBufferProducer())); reply->post(); } void MediaFilter::onInputFrameAvailable() { BufferQueue::BufferItem item = mGraphicBufferListener->getBufferItem(); sp buf = mGraphicBufferListener->getBuffer(item); // get pointer to graphic buffer void* bufPtr; buf->lock(GraphicBuffer::USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN, &bufPtr); // HACK - there is no OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE value for RGBA, so the format // conversion is hardcoded until we add this. // TODO: check input format and convert only if necessary // copy RGBA graphic buffer into temporary ARGB input buffer BufferInfo *inputInfo = new BufferInfo; inputInfo->mData = new ABuffer(buf->getWidth() * buf->getHeight() * 4); ALOGV("Copying surface data into temp buffer."); convertRGBAToARGB( (uint8_t*)bufPtr, buf->getWidth(), buf->getHeight(), buf->getStride(), inputInfo->mData->data()); inputInfo->mBufferID = item.mBuf; inputInfo->mGeneration = mGeneration; inputInfo->mOutputFlags = 0; inputInfo->mStatus = BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US; inputInfo->mData->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", item.mTimestamp / 1000); mAvailableInputBuffers.push_back(inputInfo); mGraphicBufferListener->releaseBuffer(item); signalProcessBuffers(); } void MediaFilter::onSignalEndOfInputStream() { // if using input surface, need to send an EOS output buffer if (mGraphicBufferListener != NULL) { Vector *outputBufs = &mBuffers[kPortIndexOutput]; BufferInfo* eosBuf; bool foundBuf = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < kBufferCountActual; i++) { eosBuf = &outputBufs->editItemAt(i); if (eosBuf->mStatus == BufferInfo::OWNED_BY_US) { foundBuf = true; break; } } if (!foundBuf) { ALOGE("onSignalEndOfInputStream failed to find an output buffer"); return; } eosBuf->mOutputFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; eosBuf->mGeneration = mGeneration; eosBuf->mData->setRange(0, 0); postDrainThisBuffer(eosBuf); ALOGV("Posted EOS on output buffer %zu", eosBuf->mBufferID); } mPortEOS[kPortIndexOutput] = true; sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", CodecBase::kWhatSignaledInputEOS); notify->post(); ALOGV("Output stream saw EOS."); } } // namespace android